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Subject Class No.

of pupils Date/Day Time Unit Theme/Topic Level Focused Skill Integrated Skill Learning Outcomes

: English Language : 3U : 33 pupils : 5th April 2013 (Friday) : 7.30am 8.30am : Unit 6 Pets World : World of Knowledge : Intermediate : Reading : Speaking Specifications 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound sentences.

2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials in using a range of strategies to construct meaning. 3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language,form and style for a range of purposes.

3.2.2 Able to write with guidance: (a) simple sentences

Lesson objectives

: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to 1) read a text entitled The animal shelter aloud with correct stress and intonation 2) read and match the pets with its descriptions correctly. 3) draw their favourite pet and write three simple sentences with guidance about the pet.

Education emphases i) Creative and Critical Thinking Skills (CCTS) : Making associations of pets with its description. ii) Values and Citizenship : Tolerance among pupils while carrying out classroom activities.

Caring for homeless, abandoned and lost animals Language content Teaching aids Previous knowledge Anticipated problem Possible solution : Grammar- singular and plural nouns. For example, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters and birds Vocabulary jump, hop, skip, run, wiggle, stand, walk, climb. : worksheets, pictures, words cards and envelopes. : Pupils have been exposed to different type of pet in the previous lesson. : Pupils might not be able to follow and understand the lesson due to large class size. : Teacher walks around the class to provide support to the pupils where necessary.

STAGE / TIME Set Induction (3 minutes)

CONTENT 1. 2. 3.

TEACHING LEARNING ACTIVITY Teacher asks pupils to recall what they have done the previous lesson. Teacher shows pupils a picture of animal shelter and asks questions related to it. Teacher introduces the topic of the day.


REMARKS / TEACHING AIDS - Picture of animal shelter

Expected pupils answers: We have learnt different type of pets such as fish, dog, cat, horse, parrot and hamster. We have learnt the physical characteristic of the animals like the cat has fur and claws, the horse has fur and four legs, the parrot has feathers and wings. WH-questions Do you know what an animal shelter is? Have you been to an animal shelter? Name the animals that you can see from the picture?

- To introduce the topic of the day. - To arouse pupils interest by asking the questions based on picture

Pre Reading (15 minutes)

Vocabulary 1. jump 2. hop

1. Teacher introduces some vocabulary to the pupils. 2. Teacher explains the meaning of the verbs using gestures and pictures.

- To prepare pupils for reading activity. - To build pupils schemata before the next stage.

- Word cards - Pictures

3. skip 4. run 5. wiggle 6. stand 7. walk 8. climb. While reading ( 20 minutes) Examples of plural forms of noun 1. dogs 2. birds 3. cats 4. hamsters Pet and the descriptions 1.

3. Teacher plays charade game with the pupils. 4. Several pupils are chosen at random to mime the words and others will have to guess what action they are doing. 5. .Teacher checks pupils understanding by asking them to do the action verbs together. 1. Teacher distributes the reading material entitled The animal shelter to pupils 2. Teacher leads pupils to read the text aloud. 3. Pupils are required to circle all the verbs taught can be found in the passage. 4. Teacher explains the plural form of noun that can be found in the text using picture. 5. Teacher divides pupils into pair and distributes one envelope to each pair. 6. Pupils are instructed to match the pet with its description correctly. 7. Teacher checks the answers with the pupils.

- To encourage pupils to read more quickly and not to stop at unknown words.

- To develop pupils reading skill by reading aloud. - To enable pupils to answer questions by matching the correct pair. - To enhance pupils understanding on the relation between the pets and its description. - To develop pupils confident level and reading skill by reading aloud.

- Reading material entitled The animal shelter - Envelopes - Picture

Dogs can

go for walks play games in the park fetch and carry things


walk and run. Cats can jump and climb. play games and scare mice.


Rabbits can

jump and hop. skip and run. stand on two legs and wiggle their ears.

Post reading (20 minutes)

Example of sentences I would like to adopt a (cat) as my pet. I will call it (Comel). It can (walk and run). It can jump and climb. It also can (play games and scare mice.)

1. Teacher asks pupils to draw and colour one animal that they want to adopt from the Usaha Animal Shelter 2. Pupils are required to write about the pets based on the sentences learned in 10 minutes 3. Teacher shows pupils one model answer and guides them to replace the answer with other pet. 4. Teacher facilitates pupils who have difficulty in writing the sentences 5. Teacher asks some pupils to show their drawing to the class.

- To reinforce pupils knowledge. - To activate pupils prior knowledge and create their own song.

- Example of animal picture and the description (Sample) -

Closure (2 minutes)

The learning points: - action verbs Moral Value: - Caring (We can save the abandoned animals by adopting them. We also must be responsible in giving the pet water, food, love and care.)

1. Teacher summarises the lesson and discusses the moral values that can be found from this lesson with pupils.

- To reinforce pupils knowledge. - To consolidate what pupils have learnt.

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