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D evelopment of Aggression in Children of D ierent Cultures: Psychological Process and E xposure to Violence
First of all its knowing what an aggression is. Aggressive act is one that is intended to injure or irritate another person. However, the inten.onality is dicult, or even impossible, to measure, especially in children. Concern with A ggression

In U S was a increase in violent crime during 1960s. Males between 16-25 years are who commiJed most crimes of violence. Another study exposes that society is concern about violence may also stem in part from the communica.on and transporta.on revolu.on. The causes of A ggression

Gene.c and physiological factors aect but there are more. I n humans, culture age, gender and family also aects. A C ross-NaBonal A pproach to A ggression Research

The took place between 1977 and 1983 in ve countries: Australia, Finland, I srael, P oland and U S. They interviewed children and their parents over three years. Observed V iolence and V iolent behavior

The focus of the study was the child exposure to violence. More aggressive children watch more violent television? Does TV violence Engender A ggressive Behavior?

They no.ced that happened the observa.onal learning. And, whats that? C hildren imitate the behaviors of the models they observed. The study also exposed that children can learn to be less aggressive by watching pro-social models. Excessive violence viewing increases the likelihood that a boy behaves aggressively. H owever, another study concluded that exposure to TV violence doesnt aect aggressive behavior, so there were a weak eect of TV violence on aggression. The experts agree that aggression, as a characteris.c way of solving problems, usually emerges in early lives. In addi.on, more aggressive child very likely became the more aggressive adult. Early aggression was of later delinquency in males. Despite all that things, childhood aggression as measured in most studies of media violence is not an important concern. The process of L earning A ggression from V iolence V iewing

Actually, there are three processes. 1) Observa.onal L earning 2) Aatude C hange 3) Arousal P rocess. 1. Observa.onal Learning. According to advocates of observa.onal learning, children learn to behave aggressively by violent actors on TV, as well as parents, siblings H owever, theres a problem in that process because observa.onal learning means dierent things to dierent people (experts dont agree with a unique deni.on). In addi.on, this process show that if the actor is being rewarded for aggressive behavior, the child is more likely to imitate that behavior. The age at which children are most suscep.ble to observed behaviors are between 6 and 10 years old, although they started at 2. Its clear that the to the actor as a model is so important. For that reason, males used to be more aggressive because the most aggressive actors are men. 1. 2. Aatude C hange. TV violences able to mold of childrens aatude. Arousal P rocess. Boys who regularly watched a heavy diet of TV violence displayed less physicological arousal in response to new scenes of violence. Children who watched the least violence previously would be the most aroused by violence and the most likely to act aggressively aeerward. In addi.on, therere dierent hypothesis: A) B) C) TVs making children H YPERACTIVE by overloading them with simula.on. TVs ANESTHETIZING children by overloading them with simula.on. Aggressive behavior might be used to generate desired levels of self-arousal. An InformaBon-Processing M odel

Fantasying about aggression is viewed as a rehearsal of aggression that increases the likelihood that an aggressive script for social behavior will be recalled and used. Children who engage in more play and fantasy in general are less aggressive. Crime in the Selected C ountries

Any comparison across countries must be treated with cau.on. The results, but, are clear. US have 3 to .mes more homicides, while Poland has the lowest number. In addi.on, homicide rates werent increasing much during the period of this study in any country. Television in the Selected C ountries

US, by far, are the largest consumer of TV. Furthermore, the absolute exposure to TV violence is also the highest in U S, through the percentage of programming hours devoted to violence is remarkably similar in all the countries. Sampling from P opulaBon

Females were less aected by violence viewing than males. H ypothesis: A. B. C. There are not so much female aggression Females have been socialized so strongly to be non-aggressive. Due to dierences in the process of boys and girls.

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