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Cast panel’s
Time for cool heads
light from certain individuals
to proceed with his duties.
And usually when there

net wider
is a serious breach of proce-
dures or tragic incident such
as Teoh’s death, those who
were on duty in interviewing
Teoh on the night he died by Sonia Randhawa

and reflection
“YB, something Abdullah Ahmad shaken over the first death in
would have been sent on
leave. Why this was not done
begs an answer.
In any case, one has to
acknowledge the prime
minister’s swift response in
announcing the setting up of
THE young man fell to his death,
a key witness in a corruption
investigation. The coroner gave
an open verdict, ruling that the
death could have been murder,
but could also have been suicide,
is better than Badawi and the commission’s custody and a royal commission of inquiry an opinion upheld by the High
nothing. You must senior ACA staff, are genuine in wanting to get to investigate the interrogation Court. This isn’t a crystal ball
support the MACC it was interroga- to the bottom of the incident. procedures of the MACC. prediction. This was the fate
of Rumie Azzan Mahlie, 31, an
Bill,” I implored a
senior opposition
tion procedures
of witnesses and
Datuk Seri Abu Kassim
Mohamad, the MACC’s No
Can one dare hope that
the procedures adopted after investigating officer with the
leader. suspects. We 2 did not hide his shock and this will mean an end to Department of Environment. His Where young views rule
“We have been figured that with dismay over the incident and claims that hardcore tactics death occurred in a state build-
shown the draft the five advisory vowed that the truth will are used such as alleged 17- ing in Kuching.
of the Bill and it is and complaints come out. Having dealt with hour interrogations, physical Rumie had raised questions about the enforcement of
good.” panels, there was Abu Kassim before gives me and mental abuse and sleep legislation on storing and dumping of toxic waste. About six
“All right Ter- Down2Earth little room for the confidence that he is sin- deprivation? That witnesses months after his death, evidence related to the case was
ence, if you say so. abuse of powers cere in his pursuit to clean up will not be treated as suspects destroyed in a fire. Police concluded that arsonists were
by Terence Fernandez and should be allowed to behind the blaze.
I want to look into or process. the commission’s image.
it further before I How wrong Last November, when he leave and their belongings not The parallels between the case of Rumie and Teoh Beng
speak to my col- we were – not so had coffee with Citizen Nades seized unless they are vital to Hock are sad. Among other things, the case was raised
leagues, but I guess it cannot much because MACC officers and I at the Concorde Hotel the case? in Parliament not by the environment minister, Rumie’s
be any worse than it is now,” continued with the old way of Shah Alam, Abu Kassim the Until then, and until the (indirect) boss, but by Opposition leader Lim Kit Siang. And
he replied. doing things, but because the main draughtsman of the MACC can guarantee that again, it is the Opposition that is making the most noise
Today, those words of guardians failed to perform MACC Bill was also con- witnesses don’t end up as about the death of a civil servant – even if this time it is
mine continue ringing in my their duties. vinced that it is the best solu- corpses on its premises, I am one of their own.
ear. “You told us to support In the meantime, while tion to improve the ACA and not setting foot into any MACC But the differences are also stark. It’s possibly a sign of
it, now look what has hap- there are those among us reinstate public confidence in office. Investigators are free the times. But it could be a question of geography. Rumie
pened,” said an SMS from a who are crying for blood over the agency. to interview me at my office died in Kuching, far from the seat of federal power. The
party leader the day Teoh Teoh’s death, it is imperative We are certain that the where we have comfortable illegal dumping that he was investigating was in Johor.
Beng Hock was found dead that cool heads prevail. MACC can achieve all it was meeting rooms, recording When the High Court heard an appeal by the family to
in the building housing the The last thing we need intended to achieve under the devices and most importantly have the case re-opened, to clear his name of the taint of
MACC Selangor headquarters are politicians trying to score stewardship of people like CCTVs. suicide and prosecute those they believe to be responsible,
in Shah Alam. brownie points and get their Abu Kassim. Alas! He too ul- the case was observed by the family. News reports don’t
If there was one thing, share of the spotlight by tak- timately reports to higher ups. Terence is on a well-deserved mention supporters or politicians – other than the one
which was overlooked by both ing to the streets and playing He too has to depend on other break and hopes for better days who was advancing the family’s case. And, of course, the
Citizen Nades and I while por- the race card. agencies and individuals such to come for his country when political implications of the two cases are different.
ing over the bill and speaking There are also many with- as the police, the attorney-gen- he returns. He can be reached Another mysterious death, which seems to have
to former Prime Minister Tun in the MACC who are just as eral’s chambers and the green at escaped the notice of many West Malaysians, is that of
Penan elder Kelesau Naan. After supposedly being eaten by
wild animals, his body was found in a place that had been
repeatedly searched by local people. Kelesau was leading a
struggle to keep timber companies out of lands traditionally
owned and occupied by the Penan and his son says that he
had been threatened because of his advocacy.
Kelesau’s death did not involve a fall from a tall building

High premium on personal responsibility and was unconnected with state agencies. But he was
a key witness and one of four plaintiffs in a land rights
case dating back
WE refer to “Swine flu checks gone to the vigilance throughout, we are all human the virus and prepare ourselves for to 1988. And
dogs” (July 22). and prone to weariness. But they have future scenarios. the reaction of
We are pleased that Citizen Nades is shown only the best attitude at all times From the outset of this outbreak, We believe that the young state agencies
taking ownership of the A (H1N1) issue by and for this, the ministry applauds them. the ministry has sought partnership should have a say in how and the lack of
highlighting it in his widely-read column. So thorough have been the checks that with the rakyat. The people of Ma- transparency in
things are run, because they
Quality investigative journalism is to travellers have even complained of delays laysia bond strongly in a crisis – we the investiga-
be commended, and it is clear that his at our airports. have seen this quality during floods, have everything at stake in tion have been
checks were thorough, and his concerns With regard to the increase in cases, the Boxing Day tsunami and so on. our future. This column cre- disconcerting.
real. However, there are a number of Citizen Nades will notice that this is the Because of this, the Health Ministry ates that space for our panel While Kele-
points which the Health Ministry would general global trend, as A (H1N1) is a new has every confidence that the rakyat of bright young sparks. sau’s case has
like to clarify. We hope the explanations virus and we have yet to develop immu- will continue to practise the highest been taken up
offered are not the excuses that Citizen nity to it. In a statement dated July 2 the standards of personal responsibility, by NGOs and
Nades anticipated. It is indeed regrettable WHO said that with a pandemic, peaks which includes giving accurate infor- local politicians,
that this was how he read the situation. – and therefore an increase in cases – are mation on health declaration forms. We as with Rumie, there has been
Our health workers have worked 24/7 to be expected. have also instructed our officers to scruti- no public outcry into his death, no call for a royal commis-
to manage every aspect of the spread of Closely monitoring WHO recommen- nise these forms after collecting them. sion of inquiry. Both cases are political, both connected to
this virus. Their leave has been frozen to dations and adhering to our own National allegations of corruption.
allow the nation to retain as much nor- Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan Corporate Communications Unit These three cases and the official reaction in all instanc-
mality as possibility. (which can be viewed at our website) has Health Ministry es points to a deep-seated malaise within our government
While it may be their job to exercise allowed us to anticipate the behaviour of institutions. It is on a continuum with the women, family
and community development minister’s announcement

Give students the Let’s be honest with that those interested in the report on the rape of Penan
women could see her personally to discuss the matter. It’s

best learning tools ourselves taking privatisation far too far – making private the public
interest, making it the domain of the few.
We, the rakyat, are expected to sit back and assume
I REFER to “DAP, Gerakan criticise that were given to them. He even that the authorities are working in our best interest, regard-
I WISH to tender my apologies to all concerned Dr M’s blog post” (July 23). I am accused some of misusing these op- less of any evidence to the contrary.
for having assumed that the Education Ministry’s aghast, confused and sad all at the portunities. Only an impartial, independent royal commission of
meeting (On the policy reversal on the medium same time reading the accusations He also said that the NEP was inquiry which does and is seen to do justice will set to
of instruction to teach science and mathemat- levelled at the former premier on his implemented with restraint and rest the MACC’s critics (bar a few conspiracy theorists).
ics) in Putrajaya on Tuesday was open to the latest posting. Instead of accepting amended from time to time when The findings of the commission must be made public. And
public. the truth of the matter they go around faced with opposition. these findings, and any recommendations coming from
We, the concerned parents, have started town to discredit an icon who has And finally, he wrote that he is of these findings, must be acted upon.
collecting signatures of those who disagree contributed all his life for the better- the opinion that for the country to be (The cabinet decided on Wednesday for a magistrate’s
with the policy reversal. We are also urging ment of all Malaysians. peaceful and developed, the distribu- inquest to determine the cause of Teoh’s death and a royal
parent-teacher associations to hold EGMs to Unfortunately, these groups chose tion of wealth and quality of life of all commission of inquiry to examine the methods used by the
register their desire that science and maths be to single out the few statements that races should be fair even though not MACC to question suspects and witnesses.)
continued to be taught in English. are rather contentious but full of re- necessarily equal. Ideally, the scope of the commission could be extended
The teaching of these two subjects in Eng- ality and conveniently avoided those I think those are kind and wise to include the deaths of other witnesses, such as Rumie
lish is to equip the students with the tools to that are meant to give an insight into words from him. We should in fact and Kelesau.
understand the two subjects better, and for the our special social fabric. They have ride on his wisdom instead of de- Otherwise, as with the Royal Commission into the Op-
easier acquisition of knowledge and information failed to understand the posting as monising him. erations of the Police Force, the commission will merely
concerning the same as most if not all available a whole. Let’s be honest with ourselves galvanise forces for change, and further damage the cred-
references on the two subjects are in English. Didn’t Tun Dr Mahathir Moha- and call a spade a spade. That is the ibility of Malaysia’s institutions.
mad specifically mention that prob- only way to move forward.
Shamsudin ably all this misfortune of the Malays Sonia thinks liberty and equality are the only real guaran-
Parents Action Group Petaling Jaya is because of the Malays themselves. Zamri Mahmud tors of security. Comment:
They did not use the opportunities Kuala Lumpur

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