Harmonic Filtering of High-Power 12-Pulse Rectifier Loads With A Selective Hybrid Filter System

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Harmonic Filtering of High-Power 12-Pulse Rectifier Loads With a Selective Hybrid Filter System
Duro Basic, Victor S. Ramsden, and Peeter K. Muttik, Member, IEEE
AbstractCurrent distortion of 12-pulse rectifier loads is significantly lower compared to six-pulse rectifier loads. However, in passive filtering of the lowest and dominant characteristic 11th and 13th harmonics the use of 5th and 7th filters is often required in order to prevent possible parallel and series resonance between passive filter and source impedance which can be excited by source background distortion or by load current residual noncharacteristic harmonics at the 5th and 7th harmonic frequencies. In hybrid filter systems, an active filter (AF) can be added in series with the passive filter in order to isolate the source and load. In most proposed hybrid filter systems, AF control is based on the detection of total current distortion and high-frequency inverters. With a selective AF control system and voltage-controlled inverter, the AF can be controlled to isolate the load at the critical frequencies only while at all other frequencies the passive filter function is preserved so that lower switching frequency and AF rating is required. In this paper, we present a selective AF filter control system and simple hybrid filter topology suitable for the compensation of high-power 12-pulse rectifier loads. Harmonic current controllers based on the second-order infinite-impulse response digital resonant filters are used, as they can be considered as simple digital algorithms for more complex double cascaded synchronous-reference-frame-based proportional plus integral controllers. They are centered to the targeted harmonic frequencies by using an adaptive fundamental frequency tracking filter. This approach gives good results, even if the reference waveform (in our case, a load voltage) is highly distorted or unbalanced and no separate phaselocked loop is required. Test results for a laboratory model of this system and stability analysis are presented and the importance of delay-time compensation is discussed. Index TermsActive filters, harmonics, hybrid filters.

I. INTRODUCTION HE lowest harmonics in the source current spectrum of a 12pulse rectifier are theoretically the 11th and 13th harmonics, but some residual noncharacteristic 5th and 7th harmonics can be present. Normally, filtering of 11th and 13th characteristic harmonics is required to reduce voltage distortion at the point of common coupling. However, 5th and 7th harmonic filters are often required in order to prevent possible parManuscript received February 17, 1999; revised June 1, 2001. Abstract published on the Internet October 24, 2001. D. Basic is with the Centre for Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, University of Technology, Sydney, N.S.W. 2007, Australia (e-mail: duro.basic@eng.uts.edu.au). V. S. Ramsden, retired, was with the Electrical Engineering Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Technology, Sydney, N.S.W. 2007, Australia. He is now at 13 Bareena Rd., Avalon, N.S.W. 2107, Australia (e-mail: vicr@eng.uts.edu.au). P. K. Muttik is with Transmission and Distribution Systems, ALSTOM Australia Ltd., Milperra, N.S.W. 2214, Australia (e-mail: peeter.muttik@crn.alstom.com). Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(01)10280-7.

allel and series resonance between the passive filter and source impedance which can be excited by the source background distortion or by load noncharacteristic 5th and 7th harmonics. Hybrid filters with a shunt passive filter and a small-rating active filter (AF) in series with the supply [1] or in series with a passive filter [2], [3] have been proposed for harmonic isolation of large rectifier loads with a simple control strategy based on a proportional controller and detection of total source current distortion (obtained after subtraction of the fundamental component). In both cases, the AF behaves as a resistor at harmonic frequencies in series with the supply providing harmonic isolation. A proportional controller, however, cannot provide satisfactory attenuation of source current harmonics if the passive filter is not properly tuned at the dominant load harmonics, and a broad-band high-frequency AF inverter is required. For large 12pulse rectifiers, a selective AF control system has been proposed [4] with full isolation at 5th and 7th harmonic frequencies achieved with square-wave voltage injection into dominant harmonic (11th and 13th) passive filters. For the detection and control of 5th and 7th harmonics, low-pass filters and proportional plus integral (PI) controllers were applied in reference frames rotating synchronously with corresponding harmonic space vectors. This technique was successfully used in vector-controlled ac drives for many years and later applied for AFs [5]. However, a single synchronous reference frame (SRF) is appropriate for balanced three-phase systems only because it can track only positive- or negative-sequence vectors. For tracking both sequence harmonic vectors in unbalanced threephase systems, double cascaded SRFs have been proposed [6], resulting in complex AF control systems, especially if tracking several spectral components is required. In this paper, we propose and examine a selective hybrid filter system with a voltage-controlled inverter suitable for the harmonic isolation of high-power 12-pulse rectifier loads at the critical frequencies. The AF is connected in parallel with the load through a simple tuned passive filter created by a powerfactor-correction capacitor and the AF matching transformer leakage inductance. The selective AF control system is based on source current detection and second-order infinite-impulse response (IIR) digital notch and resonant filters. These filters can be considered as a simple digital algorithm for double cascaded SRF notch filters or PI controllers [7], [12] and they are suitable for tracking multiple harmonics [8]. Estimation of the fundamental and targeted harmonic frequencies is based on an adaptive notch filter so that an additional phase-locked loop (PLL) is not required. Experimental results and stability analysis are presented and the importance of delay-time compensation is discussed.

02780046/01$10.00 2001 IEEE



Fig. 1.

(a) System configuration. (b) Equivalent block diagram of the system.

II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION A simplified drawing of the system configuration is shown in Fig. 1(a). A series combination of a single tuned filter and AF filter is connected in parallel with a 12-pulse rectifier load. If the nonlinear load can be considered as a harmonic current source generator, the system of Fig. 1(a) can be represented at harmonic frequencies by the block diagram shown in Fig. 1(b), where is voltage background distortion, and is AF voltage injection. The load and passive filter can be isolated from the source at targeted harmonic frequencies by using a closed-loop system which will shape the AF voltage harmonic injection to proexactly equal to the targeted load curduce AF current . The source current will be zero even in rent harmonics . Thus the load current harmonics presence of disturbance ) and used as the current reference . should be detected ( ) This reference is compared with detected AF current ( ) and AF inand the error is corrected by the controller ( ) as shown in Fig. 2(a). This scheme can be used verter ( with a simple hysteresis controller resulting in a current controlled voltage inverter or with P controller and voltage-controlled inverter [9]. Instead of separate detection of the load and AF currents, the error signal can be directly retrieved from the ) as shown in Fig. 2(b). The block source current distortion ( diagram of Fig. 2(b) can be rearranged as shown in Fig. 2(c) so that the contributions to the source current distortion of the load current and source voltage are clearly visible. It is obvious than the source current harmonics with the AF will be lower than with the passive filter only, by the factor is the transfer function of the AF control system where [see Fig. 2(c)].
Fig. 2. Block diagrams showing closed-loop control of the AF current. (a) With separate detection of the load and AF currents.(b) With direct error signal (source current) detection. (c) Modified block diagram of Fig. 2(b).

As mentioned earlier, we have selected a system based on the source current detection and voltage-controlled AF inverter [Fig. 2(c)]. This method requires fewer current sensors, and the selective AF harmonic voltage injection targets several critical source current harmonics only, while at all other frequencies the passive filter function is mostly preserved.

III. AF CONTROL SYSTEM Two banks of harmonic controllers in Fig. 3 track corresponding harmonics in the source current and adjust AF voltage until their full cancellation is achieved. Only two controller banks are necessary in a three-wire three-phase power system and they can be designed in the phase domain or, as in our domain (block ). Load voltage signals case, in the and an adaptive notch filter are used to track the fundamental frequency. The retrieved voltage fundamental components are used to estimate the passive filter fundamental current necescontrol by balancing the sary for the AF inverter dc voltage total active power flowing into the AF dc-link capacitor. From the frequencies of the estimated fundamental frequency the targeted harmonics are calculated and transferred to the harmonic current controllers. Load voltage harmonics can be retrieved also and used as a feedforward compensation of the disturbance signals in Fig. 2(c). Delay-time compensation is introduced at the harmonic controller outputs to stabilize the



Fig. 3. Selective active filter control system with tracking and controlling four critical harmonics.

AF control system. All blocks in Fig. 3 will be described in more detail. A. Fundamental Frequency Notch Filter In nonselective AF control systems based on the detection of total current distortion [1][3], the removal of the fundamental component is practically the only and most important signal processing task. However, a selective control system may not be sensitive to the fundamental component and the fundamental component notching can be omitted., but, to provide the possibility of using a proportional gain ( ), useful if a broader range of harmonics should be attenuated, a fundamental component notch filter has been implemented. A notch filter can be constructed by using SRF notch filters [5] or by using the theory [1][3]. However, neither of these methods can provide

full notching of the fundamental component in an unbalanced situation. SRF-based notch filters will completely pass the negative-sequence components and -based notch filters will introduce on top of that an additional harmonic distortion (mainly, 3rd harmonic). To solve these problems, two cascaded SRFs can be used for separate notching of the positive- and negative-sequence components (Fig. 4). The transfer function of double SRF notch filters given in (1) can be transformed by using the bilinear transformation into a discrete form that will result in an IIR second-order digital notch filter [7], [12] (2) (1) (2)



Fig. 4. Double-cascaded-SRF-based notch filters.

where ( frequency), and


are sampling time and

(3) of the The notch width is dependent on the cutoff frequency SRF-based low-pass filter. If the location of the poles in (2) is , a very narrow notch filter can be very close to unity created. The center frequency of the notch is determined by the . center frequency parameter B. Harmonic Controllers A PI controller (4) is commonly used for the tracking of dc signals because it produces zero steady-state error in a closed-loop system (4) can Three-phase current components at arbitrary frequency be converted into dc signals by filtering the currents transformed , block in Figs. 4 and 5). Thus, into SRF coordinates ( SRF-based PI controllers can be used for tracking sinusoidal currents [Fig. 5(a)] and this technique is in common use in ac motor drives. Our simulation results showed that, because of an additional phase shift introduced by the low-pass filters in Fig. 5(a), small PI gains are required for a stable closed-loop system, causing a poor transient response. However, these filters can be omitted because of the low-pass nature of a PI controller (in this case, the fundamental frequency notch filter is required). A single SRF PI controller of Fig. 5(a) can be used for controlling either a positive- or a negative-sequence component at synchronous frequency. In unbalanced three-phase three-wire systems, both sequences are present and a PI controller based on a single SRF cannot provide full compensation of critical harmonics, which can be a problem because even a very small uncompensated harmonic current can be amplified or can create a high-voltage distortion in a resonant power system. To overcome this problem, we can use double cascaded SRF controllers [Fig. 5(b)]. In this case, the resultant transfer function is (5)
Fig. 5. (a) Single and (b) double cascaded SRF PI controllers.

This transfer function can be transformed into a digital form by using the bilinear transformation [7], [12], giving a simple second-order IIR digital resonant filter (6) (6) The filter parameters are related to PI controller parameters as follows: (7) and The controller bandwidth depends on the P and I gains ( ) of the analog prototype. If the location of the zeros in (6) is , a narrow bandwidth controller can very close to unity be created. At the center frequency, this resonant filter produces infinite gain and no phase shift. C. Frequency Tracking An adaptive IIR notch tracking filter is used for fundamental frequency component estimation. By this technique, an additional PLL is not necessary. All other harmonically related components can be retrieved if the fundamental frequency is known. The direct notch filter form (2) can be transformed into lattice form as a numerically reliable alternative [10]

(8) with the complementary (band-pass) transfer function




from two last samples increment


and the angular

(15) Combining (14) and (15), a recursive equation can be derived for the center frequency parameters of all harmonics

Fig. 6. Adaptive lattice second-order IIR notch filter for fundamental frequency tracking.

D. Delay-Time Compensation The center frequency is defined by the parameter (10) The parameter as follows: defines the filter bandwidth. It is related to Because of synchronous sampling of the inputs and updating is introduced. Beof the outputs, a pure delay of a sample delay) and AF incause of zeroth-order samplehold ( ), an additional delay of approximately verter deadtime ( is introduced so the total time delay in. troduced in the closed loop of the system in Fig. 5 is nearly Phase shift caused by the system delay can be considerable at the harmonic frequencies and, as will be shown in Section V, it can lead to instability if the compensation of higher order harmonics is required. For example, for a sampling frequency of kHz, the phase lag at the 11th and 13th harmonics will be approximately 45 and 117 . In a selective AF control system, it is possible to predict an individual cosine signal one sample in advance by using (15), assuming that the amplitude of the signal will stay approximately the same

(11) The filter algorithm is shown in Fig. 6 in lattice form where is the filter input, and are the filter state variables, and the notch filter output and the complemenand tary band-pass filter output, respectively. This notch filter can be used to track the fundamental frequency. The simplest way is to use an adaptive algorithm which seeks a minimum point of the cost function (expected value of the squared filter outputs ) by changing the parameter in the negative gradient direction (gradient-descent algorithm). To minimize the noise-induced term of the cost function, a narrow bandwidth is required. In this situation, the gradient-descent adaptive algorithm can exhibit very slow convergence and a simplified adaptation algorithm for the lattice form can improve the convergence speed [10]. This version of the lattice algorithm is (12) , where instead of using and calculating the gradient is used. The minimum is normally the filter internal state achieved when the fundamental component is notched and, thus, (13)

(17) From (17), the prediction two samples in advance will be (18) Thus, with the correction given in (19) applied at outputs of all harmonic controllers (delay time compensation blocks), it is possible to compensate for the phase lag at the targeted frequencies introduced in the closed loop due to system delay time (19)

E. AF Inverter DC Voltage Control Center frequency parameters for all harmonics can be directly calculated from (14) (14) To reduce the computation burden, we adopted a recursive technique. This technique is based on the fact that a disat sampling instants crete value of a cosine function can be found recursively is maintained at the reference AF dc capacitor voltage by a separate PI controller which corrects the AF refvalue erence so that AF filter introduces an additional voltage at fundamental frequency in phase with the passive filter fundamental current




Fig. 7. Impedance seen from source side ( ), load side ( ), and current magnification factor ( ) for system of Fig. 1(a) with the passive filter only.

The total active power flow into the AF is controlled in both directions at the fundamental frequency with the regulator output so that the dc capacitor voltage remains constant without an additional active source at the dc side. The filter fundamental current is estimated from the retrieved voltage signals and the [(20)]. passive filter impedance IV. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF AN EXAMPLE SYSTEM Firstly, we will analyze the performance of a laboratory model of the system of Fig. 1 without the AF and with a single tuned passive filter. In our experimental setup, the system mH, V, A). impedance was 4.5% ( The passive filter tuned frequency was adjusted approximately to the 11th harmonic. The passive filter capacitance was 90 F and the tuning inductor was the AF matching transformer ) leakage inductance with the AF side short circuited. ( For these system parameters, the impedance seen from the load ) and source current magnification ( ) side ( (21) are shown in Fig. 7. They have a parallel resonance peak between 5th7th harmonics that can cause an excessive voltage distortion due to load current harmonics. The impedance seen , Fig. 7) has a series resfrom the load side ( onance minimum between 5th7th harmonics that can cause an excessive source current flowing into the passive filter due to background source voltage distortion. Several experiments were carried out to illustrate problems related to the applications of passive compensation of 12-pulse loads. The voltage and current waveforms and source current spectrum with the load only are shown in Fig. 8(a). The most emphasized harmonics of the load current are characteristic 11th and 13th harmonics, but small residual 5th and 7th harmonics are present [Fig. 8(a)]. The load voltage waveform is highly distorted with typical notches caused by the thyristor commutation. In the following test, only the passive filter was connected without the load. The passive filter current [Fig. 8(b)] is highly distorted because of the series resonance and back-

ground voltage distortion. In our laboratory the dominant background distortion (Table I) was at 3rd and 7th harmonics. Unexpectedly, the 5th harmonic was relatively small and, thus, the harmonic spectrum of the passive filter current in Fig. 8(b) indicates strong 7th harmonic component only. The source current and voltage waveforms and source current spectrum with the load and passive filter connected are shown in Fig. 8(c). In comparison to the previous results, the source current is now more distorted because of the additional distortion created by the magnification of the residual 5th and 7th load current harmonics. All higher frequency components, including the dominant characteristic 11th and 13th harmonics of the load current, are attenuated well and, consequently, the commutation notches on the voltage waveform have disappeared. From these results, we can conclude that although the most emphasized characteristic harmonics are attenuated well, we cannot apply passive filters for characteristic harmonics only without additional 5th and 7th harmonic filters in order to prevent parallel resonance. In this case, a selective AF filter can be used very effectively to prevent the problems at 5th and 7th harmonics and to improve the passive filter performance at the 11th and 13th harmonics. Finally, we will show the results when the AF is applied. For the AF control system a digital signal processor (DSP) board with TMS320C32-60Mz processor was used. Two source currents, two load, and dc capacitor voltages were detected by on-board 16-bit A/D converters. The AF inverter was controlled directly through on-board digital outputs because space-vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) was implemented as a part of the AF control program. The sampling frequency was set at kHz and the AF control system was programmed to target 5th, 7th, 11th, and 13th harmonics. All necessary signal processing tasks were executed by second-order IIR digital filter blocks (22) (22) The parameters of the fundamental frequency notch and tracking filters and harmonic controllers are given in Table II. The source current and voltage waveforms shown in Fig. 8(d) are considerably improved because all targeted harmonics are reduced to negligible levels and the resonance phenomena at 5th and 7th harmonics are prevented. The AF current and voltage waveforms are also shown in Fig. 8(d). It can be noticed that the AF voltage is much lower than the load voltage. High-frequency harmonics are filtered out by the passive filter so that the required AF frequency band is restricted to the 13th harmonic. Thus, the AF voltage rating and switching frequency in this hybrid filter topology can be much lower than with a shunt AF of similar performance. V. STABILITY ANALYSIS For the stability analysis, the block diagram of Fig. 9 will be used. The source current is sampled and processed by the AF ]. Because of syndigital controller [transfer function chronous sampling of the inputs and outputs the control signal






(d) Fig. 8. Current and voltage waveforms and harmonic spectra. (a) With load only. (b) With the passive filter only. (c) With load and passive filter. (d) With load, passive, and active filters.




used to obtain the circles with smaller radii). For the system of Fig. 9, the sampled source current is given by (25) (25) is the loop pulse transfer function. The stability where analysis can be done by examining the characteristic equation . For this, we will apply the Nyquist criterion and, thus, firstly we must find the frequency response of (26) and construct the Nyquist plot in the frequency range [11]


is passed after delay time ( ) to the space-vector PWM modulator which directly controls the AF inverter through the DSP digital outputs. The inverter is modeled as a constant gain , taking into account the matching transformer transformation ratio and current transducer gains). Also is introduced to model the inverter a deadtime of and A/D and D/A conversion delays. In order to prevent possible aliasing effects, an antialiasing filter with cutoff frequency of 3 kHz at the input of the A/D converters is also introduced (time constant ). , according The AF control system transfer function to the block diagram of Fig. 3, can be obtained as a parallel and P connection of the harmonic controller blocks . gain block ( ) in series with notch filter

(26) can Because of the low-pass behavior of the system be approximated by only a few terms in (26). Thus, the frequency response was calculated for the principal frequency and , 1]. Magnitude and phase two side bands only [(26), without the delay-time compensacharacteristics of tion are shown in Fig. 11(a). Because of different amplifications (equivalent introduced by the factor admittance seen from the AF terminals) the magnitude characteristic is frequency dependent. The phase characteristic in Fig. 11(a) shows an abrupt change in phase shift approximately from 90 to 90 between 5th7th harmonics due to series resonance. Besides this, a linear increase in phase lag caused by the system delay can be noticed. is shown in Fig. 11(b). Due to The Nyquist plot of in the closed-loop transfer the frequency-dependent gain function the circular parts of the trajectory related to the different targeted harmonics have different radii. Their positions are also different because of the different phase angle of admitand different phase lag due to the delay time. For tance example, the point at the Nyquist trajectory corresponding to the 5th harmonic is placed in the first quadrant because of the (shift 90 ) and 45 phase lag capacitive nature of due to the delay time (in total 45 ). The point at the Nyquist trajectory corresponding to the 7th harmonic is placed in the ( 90 third quadrant because of the inductive nature of lag) and 63 phase lag due to the delay time (in total, 153 ). This system is not stable because the Nyquist curve encircles the point ( 1, ). With the delay time compensation (Section III-D), the Nyquist plot of the system is shown in Fig. 12(a). It is possible to see that circular parts of the Nyquist curve are rotated clockwise for the corresponding phase lag introduced by the system delay. At the targeted frequencies, the phase shift of has approximately or 90 caused by the .


The magnitude and argument of the digital controller transfer function [Fig. 10(a)] can be obtained by numerical calculation in the frequency range of interest (24) (24) High gains centered at the targeted frequencies provide good attenuation of the targeted source current harmonics. Although the harmonic controller introduces zero phase shift at the center frequency, a phase distortion can be noticed in the transition region. This transition region must be narrow to prevent possible mutual interference between controllers. A polar plot of the digital controller transfer function is shown in Fig. 10(b). The transfer function has a relatively small real value (small proportional gain) in all frequency ranges except in a narrow frequency range around the center frequencies where the transfer functions describe circular trajectories with a very high gain and zero phase at the center frequencies (the polar plot was obtained with conwas troller parameters as in Table II, except



Fig. 9. Block diagram of the AF closed-oop system with digital controller used in the stability analysis.

Fig. 10. (a) Modulus and argument and (b) polar plot of the AF controller transfer function G (j!). Fig. 11. (a) Modulus and argument of the AF control loop pulse transfer function G (j! ) without the delay time compensation and (b) Nyquist plot in this case.

Without the compensation, the system is not stable at higher , while in the region where is frequencies for inductive capacitive, the compensation may not be required. An expanded view of the rectangle in Fig. 12(a) is shown in Fig. 12(b), confirming that the closed-loop system with the delay-time compensation is stable as the Nyquist diagram does not encircle the point ( 1, ). However, the stability margin may be low is used and can be considerably if low sampling frequency improved if higher sampling frequency is used.

VI. CONCLUSION A hybrid filter system with selective AF control allows the use of a low-rating AF with reduced switching frequency that is particularly advantageous in high-power applications. The effectiveness of a small-rating AF connected in series with a low-cost



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Duro Basic received the Dipl.Eng. degree from the University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, the M.E. degree from the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, in 1981, 1993, and 2001, respectively, all in electrical engineering. He is currently a Research Officer working on control of electrical drives at the Centre for Electrical Machines and Power Electronics (CEMPE), University of Technology. His research interests are power electronics, active filters, power quality, and control of electrical drives. Fig. 12. (a) Nyquist plot for the AF system with the delay time compensation and (b) an expanded view around the critical point ( 1, j0).

power-factor-correction capacitor is experimentally verified in the filtering of the dominant harmonics of a 12pulse rectifier load and preventing series and parallel resonance conditions by targeting several critical harmonics. Harmonic current controllers based on IIR second-order digital resonant filters are centered to the targeted harmonic frequencies by using an adaptive fundamental frequency tracking filter. This approach gives good synchronization, even if the reference waveform (in our case, a load voltage) is highly distorted and no separate PLL is required. Stability analysis was carried out and it showed the importance of the system delay-time compensation. REFERENCES
[1] F. Z. Peng, H. Akagi, and A. Nabae, A new approach to harmonic compensation in power systemsA combined system of shunt passive and series active filter, IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 26, pp. 983990, Nov./Dec. 1990. [2] H. Fujita and H. Akagi, A practical approach to harmonic compensation in power systemsSeries connection of passive and active filters, IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 27, pp. 10201025, Nov./Dec. 1991. [3] , Design strategy for the combined system of shunt passive and series active filters, in Conf. Rec. IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeting, vol. 1, Sept./Oct. 1991, pp. 898903. [4] P. T. Cheng, S. Bhattachaarya, and D. M. Divan, Application of dominant harmonic active filter system with 12 pulse nonlinear loads, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 14, pp. 642647, Apr. 1999.

Victor S. Ramsden graduated in electrical engineering in 1964 and received the Masters degree in 1965 from Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia, and received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Aston, Birmingham, U.K. He spent one year with ASEA in Sweden and one year with GEC Stafford. In 1972, he joined the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia (UTS), obtaining a Professorship in Electrical Engineering in 1993. Beginning in 1988, he lead a collaboration on permanent-magnet machine design between UTS and CSIRO Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, where he worked part time. His research interests include ac motor control, electrical machine design, iron losses, renewable energy, and medical applications. He retired in 2000 and remains an Emeritus Professor with UTS.

Peeter K. Muttik (S78M79) received the B.Sc., B.E. (Hons.), and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, in 1973, 1974, and 1980, respectively. He currently holds the position of Chief Engineer, Transmission and Distribution Systems, in the project sector of ALSTOM Australia Ltd., Milperra, Australia, which he joined in 1980. He has wide experience in power system analysis, static var compensators and other high-power electronics turnkey projects, and in harmonic filter design, commissioning, and testing. Dr. Muttik is a member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.

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