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Name: _______________ Hr: ____

Cell Unit Packet Egg Demo

Initial observations: Date Circumference Shape Texture

Liquid #1: _____________________ Hypothesis: (What so you think will happen and why?)

Day 2 observations: Date




Liquid #2: _____________________ Hypothesis: (What so you think will happen and why?)

Day 3 observations: Date




Liquid #3: _____________________ Hypothesis: (What so you think will happen and why?)

Final observations: Date




What was this experiment demonstrating?

Cell Organelles
Name of organelle Function (Job) Location (plant, animal or both)

Cell Theory Notes

Cell Dudes from Long Ago Antonie van Leeuwenhoek lived from 1632 to 1723: His contribution to science:

Robert Hooke lived From 1635 to 1703: His contribution to science:

Robert Brown lived from 1773 to 1858: His contribution to science:

Matthais Schleiden lived from 1804 to 1881: His contribution to science:

Schwann lived from 1810 until 1882: His contribution to science:

Rudolf Virchow lived from 1821 until 1902: His contribution to science:

Together, Schleiden, Schwann and Virchow are given most of the credit for coming up with the ______________ ________________which states: 1. 2. 3. 1930s- Electron Microscopes What is it? What are the two different types?

The two different categories of cells: __________________ = no nucleus (bacteria)

__________________ = with nucleus (animal & plant)

Cell Organelle Notes

Cell (nuclear) Membrane: Surrounds the cell, like the ________ of the cell. Regulates what __________ and _______________ the cell and provided _______________ and ________________ for the cell. The cell membrane has __________ layers. Cytoplasm: a thick liquid inside all cells aka __________ _____________ ______________ all cell organelles.

Endoplasmic Reticulum: The endoplasmic reticulum (______) is a series of _______ that _____________ materials. The ER is made up of _________ and _____________ regions. ______________ Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: Rough = with ________________ Transports _______________ Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: Smooth = _______ ribosomes Transports ________________ Ribosome: Assembles small __________ parts Located on the surface of the ______________________________ or free floating. Golgi Bodies: The Golgi is in charge of ________________ of chemicals. Substances arrive there and are changed Then they are _______________ and sent other places in the cell. Sometimes substances are ___________ ___________ of the cell. Lysosomes: cells' ____________ _______________ system contain ________________ that break apart nearly all cell molecules. digest worn out _____________ parts If the lysosome breaks, it can destroy the cell! The Nucleus: The nucleus is the _____________ for DNA and ___________ of the cell.

The nucleus is surrounded by the ___________ _____________ (envelope) DNA makes up ___________________________, which carry the genetic code for a cell. Mitochondria: Mitochondria are the ________________ production centers of the cell. Mitochondria convert ______________ and ___________ into ____________________. _____________________ Many found in muscle cells. Vacuoles: The vacuole is a ______________ filled organelle that stores amino acids, _____________, water and _______________. Much larger in _________________. Centrioles: found only in _______________ cells involved in cell _____________________ Plant cells contain additional organelles that are absent from animal cells! Cell Wall: The cell wall is a ________________ layer that ______________ a cell and gives it shape. Chloroplast: The chloroplast is a special organelle necessary to carry out ________________________. Chloroplasts contain certain pigments that give leaves the color they contain. They belong to a group of organelles called _______________. They all contain pigments and starch.

Cell Membranes & Transport

Membranes are made of 2 layers called _________________. Draw a cell membrane here:

Cell membranes are ________________________. It acts like a _______________ by letting some chemicals _______ & ______________ others. It is the __________ of the cell. The membrane stops things because of how it is built: The ______________ of the membrane is _________________. It ___________ water. The ______________ of the membrane is _______________. It ______________ water. These water loving and water hating parts of the membrane tend to keep some things away from the membrane. The membrane is _______- _________________ It has holes. Some things get through. This is how Diffusion: The random movement of particles from a ____________ to a ____________________ concentration. Uses _____________ energy. A molecule will slide through the membrane only if it will fit.

Osmosis Osmosis is the diffusion of ______________. Only the small _____________________ (the water) can get through.

Facilitated Diffusion: The molecules that are too big to get through the membrane use ________. Requires no energy! There are different types of proteins: ______________ and ____________. To review Simple Diffusion, Osmosis, and Facilitated Diffusion Use _____ energy (Passive Transport) Move particles from ___________ to a ________________ concentration Active Transport: A process that ______________ energy Proteins move molecules across the membrane from ______________ to _______________ concentration. Except for the above two points, it is the same as facilitated diffusion.

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