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We are preparing to launch a products that is Stain Remover in a mature market.

We have assigned a name for the product as QUICK HELPER this is a stain remover that can remove any kind of stain in just few seconds or as u blink your eyes , stain will be no longer there on your cloths without using water or tissue paper to remove stain. We can compete specialty cleaners because our product offers a unique combination of advanced features and functionality at a value-added price. We have set a reasonable price for the product so that all kinds of people can afford to buy this stain remover. We are targeting specific segments in the consumer and business markets, taking advantage of the growing interest and need for a cleaning aid that is not only effective but affordable also. Quick helper Stain Removers target market is A,B and C classes in SEC. Women and men from the age of 14 and beyond, who are very social, participate in every walk of life, and who want to seek high quality product for moderate prices. 2. Market Research and Analysis Our company wants to develop and introduce a new Product. So, we have gathered information through in-depth interviews. We made a survey of the market to have a clear idea about our market, our customer demand, needs and wants. This information helps us to know about the current market and prospects of our new product. CURRENT MARKETING SITUATIONA. Macro-Environment Analysis POLITICAL There are many political groups who are advocates of preserving our natural environment and magic foam is beneficial for this matter. Political groups support more environmental friendly products .political groups might contest the disposal of the product. A disposal instruction cans be attached in the product so that the product-users will know how to properly dispose the product; and that is to recycle it. Certain malls in the metro collect recyclable materials. In this manner, even the disposal is environment friendly. ECONOMIC The growth in cleaning products has maintained a steadily upward trend throughout the recession, and most marketers have faced the fact that this is no passing fad. Growing consumer awareness for natural products, coupled with growing supplyof natural raw ingredients, helped this market segment expand by nearly 12% through even the most difficult economic crunch. Even beyond the actual products, consumers have also grown increasingl y aware of and concerned about the environmental and sustainability practices of their favorite brands. Reducing waste, packaging, and energy consumption is on everyones minds, forcing companies to evolve their operations to meet consumer demand. While todays consumers are concerned about value, they also seek products and brands from companies whose values they can identify with. This movement has shaped

the trend toward value packaging, concentrated and combination products, as well as reformulations such as the eradication of phosphates from dishwasher detergent. TECHNOLOGICAL The innovation of stain removers from one chemical to those complicated chemical detergents has been gaining attention for the past centuries. However, these innovations are detrimental to humans. The revolutionary stain remover which no needs water is the most environmental friendl y innovation one has ever seen. This innovative product is safe for the skin, eyes, nose and hands for it does not contain anynoxious component. NATURAL Water is scare. Nowadays, water is very limited resource. Throne-of-a-kind feature of magic spray is it no needs of water to remove stains, thus, removing stain is quick and easy. The trend for this product is in demand because it protects the environment in ways that it protects water. BENEFITS Removes otherwise uncleanable,permanent, or hard-to-clean external markings from surfaces Makes cleaning and r e m o v i n g h a r d t o remove surface stains simple and easy Increased productivity. Saves time and effort since stains can be removed without the need for prolonged scrubbing Safe for indirect food contacts ADVANTAGES Only needs water to effectively clean most stains no chemical c l e a n e r s o r s o a p s required Portable and easy-to-use S a f e c o m p a r e d t o c h e m i c a l c l e a n e r s whose overall toxicity can reach very high levels Does not pose health risks particularl y to children Does not cause irritation to the eyes, skin, nose, and skin. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

STEANGTH Easy to use Lightweight. Can be helpful especially on the delivery Non-abrasive. Can be used by

WEAKNESSES Some people are afraid to try new things and since most of the people has no knowledge of the magic spray, penetrating the market will be

individuals sensitive to chemicals, i.e. asthmatics Environment-friendly. Many people who take care of the environment will find it useful Customers has no knowledge of other competitors which makes magic spray looks like a new product giving it abig share in the customers mind. No need of water give a quick relief from stain in seconds.

hard. It is easy to copy the idea by others. Lack of brand awareness and image. More limited resources than major competitors.

OPPORTUNITY Growing demand New product users Emerging market Changing customer tastes

THREATS High competition in future by copying the idea. Entrance of new product. Alternatives are avoidable in some segment. Uncertainty of launching a new product.

II. OBJECTIVES We have set aggressive but achievable objectives for the first and second year of market entry. Markieting objectives To increase brand and product awareness to 67% by the end of 2013. Financial Objectives MARKETING STRATEGY This marketing strategy is done in order to fully utilize our limited resources and concentrate on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. We make sure that these strategies are centered on our goal to provide satisfaction to customers.

Target Market

Our primary target market consist of A,B and C classes in SEC. Women and men from the age of 14 and beyond, who are very social, participate in every walk of life, and who want to seek high quality product for moderate prices and also want a quick relief from the stains Product Positioning Quick helper is positioned as a new generation cleaning material that uses no harmful chemicals to provide its user the safety while cleaning. its ease of use are what distinguishes quick helper from any other cleaning materials. we chose the name quick helper because of its uniqueness. the name creates long-lasting image of a breakthrough in cleaning on the customers mind. the use of the word quick depicts the idea of a fast and a cleaning agent that gives a fast means ultimate cleaning. our suggested tagline is blows stains away. this positioning statement can help us communicate with our customers in promoting our product. the use of the word blow in the tagline is what relates it to our product name. having the word helper on o u r c l e a n i n g p r o d u c t s name means that it can provide instant help from the unwanted stains , and t h a t something is what the cleaning products are made for, stains. it also makes the brand name interesting because it figures an ease in the hardship of cleaning the stains. Competitive Strategies Product As part of our product strategy, we will introduce quick helper in spray form. It will be sold individuall y which caters to the need of the individuals. This pack will cater businesses that need a huge amount of the product. it will be in liquid form in a bottle. there will be different Price Part of our pricing strategy is the analysis of price of our competitors, whether direct or indirect. the sponge bomb will be priced at srp of p 65 per piece and a special pack with four pieces at p235. quick helper was priced based on the average price of the i n d u s t r y which is not too expensive neither cheap suitable to a, b and broad c onsumers. the consumer will have purchase discount for buying more pieces of quick helper spray than buying a piece. Promotions Advertising should be targeted towards the prospective audience in such a way that it forms a positive impact on the customer and in the process creates brand recognition.

Website/Web ads in the current scenario Internet is growing. According to ITU, there are 27,900,000Internet users as of June/09, representing 29.7% of the population. A website or Face book page for the product will serve as a portal for the product information and at the same time to serve customer inquiries for the product. Television Commercials TV is definitel y a good medium in reaching consumers and developing product awareness. We will air a TV commercial that will be focusing on introducing the product. The commercial will feature common people and no celebrities to lower cost since our first target is to familiarize the people with the product. Print Ads The visual image has become an increasingl y popular communication tool for standardizing advertising campaigns. One of the media that we encounter every days print media, where words and pictures work together to produce a creative advertising concept. In the country there is a big population who reads newspapers and magazines to source out information. We are planning to feature the product in magazines like Good Housekeeping and other household magazines to increase consumer awareness. Personal Selling / Door to Door Promotions Sometimes you would like to target a specific group in a specific area. Door-to-door promotion could be the best way to go about this. It will be an easy way to reach households using by door-to-door selling. We will communicate straight to the consumer with advertising techniques such as fliers, catalogue distribution, promotional letters, street advertising and also product demos. This will be a chance to reach customers who would not have gone to the shops and to lower cost that takes part to promotion.

Place As for our product, quick helper, that is relatively new to the market, we are dedicated to place it in SM Supermarkets and ACE Hardware Branches nationwide. These stores will give us an advantage to be known nationwide as it is place in the super malls and supermarkets of the country where people are mostly go shopping and or just simply standing by. We will implement selective coverage to reduce our costs

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