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Competition Category B Pedagogical best practices to raise awareness on efficient energy use Lesson Plan

Name of the lesson: Insects Travel by R-R-R Train

Teacher and school details: Camelia Liana Stanciu, Kindergaten No. 11, V. Goldis, 14B, Alba Iulia, Romania, Summary in English (max 200 words): The activity that I plan to do with my kindergarten children is a practical, workshop-based one and parents can willingly participate. The topic is Insects travel by R-R-R train. The aim of the activity is to raise childrens awarness on selective waste collection and recycling when necessary in order to keep our planet clean and healthy. In the first lesson stage, children will discover the workshops and then they will go to the next level by creating cardboard ladybugs and butterflies which will travel into the insect world by R-R-R train. Here, children will learn how to collect and sort the waste materials according to the colour of the material (ex: blue for paper). The activity will be fun and creative as the children can share opinions with their partners, work in pairs, actively taking part in the activity and sustaining a dynamic lesson. Children love Nature and they will be more than happy to keep it clean by all means understood at their age. I think that using workshops and having them work in pairs, exchanging opinions about what they do can be very instructive, energetic and fun.

Lesson Plan template

Subject in focus and pedagogical objectives: Aims: to acknowledge the importance of selective waste collection and recycling when necessary in order to keep our planet clean and healthy Operational objectives (Lesson Objectives): Ob1 : to name the materials that children use to create their crafts Ob2 : to describe the stages in creating their own product Ob3 : to explain the importance of waste recycling Ob 4: to sort the waste based on the material of which it is made Opm 1: to paint the cardboard plates and the cases so as to obtain a ladybug and a butterfly Opm2: to glue the colour paper on the three train coaches and on the engine Opm3 : to assemble the plastic hubcaps using barbecue sticks Oaf : to show enthusiasm in creating the selected crafts Target group : preschoolers between 4 and 5 years old Time-span: 30 minutes

Class/Grade level: Kindergarten, ages between 4 and 5

Lesson Plan template

Description: Organizational moment: The children enter the classroom and discover the workshops Capturing attention: The elf tells the children about the reason I have invited their parents at the kindergarten and about the things they will do together. The kindergarten teacher notifies the children that they will do a practical activity called Insects travel by R-R-R train. She will explain what the three R stands for: recycle, reuse, reduce. The Elf communicates the topic and the lesson objectives. He will show the children the two workshops and the necessary materials. Observing the materials on the tables. The children are invited to choose the workshop where they want to work and to name the materials they notice on the tables Workshop1: disposable cardboard plates, eggs casings, color paper, paint brushes, watercolours, glue Workshop2: big and small cardboard boxes, plastic bottle lids (big and small), glue, thread. Warming up hands: The children practice together : Rain on the tables and We are kneading the pastry Performing the task: In workshop1 children will make ladybugs using cardboard plates and butterflies using egg casings. The ladybugs and the butterflies will travel into the world of insects by R-R-R train which will help us to collect and to sort the waste according to the material of which it is made: yellow stands for plastic, blue for paper, green for glass. Parents will cooperate and will assist their children whenever needed. The children will work in pairs so as they will be able to exchange opinions with their partners about their crafts. a. Ceasing work b. Selecting the childrens crafts collective exhibition c. Assessing their works according to the objectives stated at the beginning of the activity. We will sort the waste both in the R-R-R train and the color wastebins. The children will memorize the correspondence between the colour and the material of the waste, collecting it accordingly. The teacher rewards the children by offering them incentives. Materials Needed: Big and small cardboard boxes, cardboard plates, egg casings, plastic lids, barbecue sticks, color paper, watercolours, paint brushes, glue.

Lesson Plan template

Activity: Im planning to read to them an adapted story, based on the classic story for small children Little Red Ridinghood. This time our main character will be Little Green Ridinghood, who collects the trash that the big bad wolf throws on his way through the forest. The little girl wants to take the recyclable waste to her grandmothers house to be turned into nice toys for children. This story follows the regular course of the classic version up to the moment where the hunter saves the grandma and the girl, then he punishes the wolf by making him collect all the garbage from the all the forests in the country and take them to the kindergarten where children learn how to recycle. After reading the story to my children, I will hand them worksheets representing a family at picnic. The task that the preschoolers have to perform is to name all the items they will notice in the forest and circle only the recyclable ones. The activity will end up with a song about environment. Time allocation: 3o minutes for each lesson I have planned Verification: They collect the garbage properly every day; they even suggest crafting other waste materials.

Results: The children are expected to use their newly acquired knowledge about collecting and recycling waste, namely to throw garbage in the color wastebins. Since the activities are fun and inspiring, I intend to get the children involved in more ecological actions in the nearest future. Green education starts as early as their age and this kind of activities should lay the basis of their future commitment to the environment.

Answer the following questions:

Lesson Plan template

o Has your school already participated in other energy education projects, and/or been awarded a prize for the submitted or for a similar activity? Our school has not participated before in other energy education projects, nor has it awarded a prize for a similar activity. o Are you planning on further exploiting the results achieved during the competition period? If yes, how? Yes, I am definitely planning to notify my colleagues about this project and ask them to collect and recycle the waste in order to organize an exhibition. We will invite parents as well to see this exhibition and if they want to purchase any recycled object, they will be more than welcome. o To whom and how have you communicated your work and achievements? I have communicated my work and achievements to my headmistress and to my colleagues.

How do you think other teachers in other countries can benefit from your lesson plan? I hope they will find my ideas inspiring and use them in their own activities. Annex: Pictures.

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