DFestival 2013: Program

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Deakin Creative Arts Graduate showcase

festival program 2013

General info: About DFestival 3 Ticketing Information 3 Schedule 4 Map 6 About the DFestival Team 7 student works: on campus Mon Oct 21st - Sat Oct 26th Phoenix Gallery 8 p1.28 - Phoenix Theatre 13 p1.16 - Drama Studio 2 18 Mon Oct 28th - Sat nov 2nd Phoenix Gallery 20 P1. 19 - Drama Studio 1 25 b1.48 - Dance Studio 26 off campus thurs oct 10th - sat nov 9th Red Stitch Actors Theatre 30 mon nov 4th - sat nov 9th Eckersleys Open Space Gallery 31 sun nov 17th Astor Theatre 32 38

dance, drama & film timetables (leaflet)


DFestival is the graduate exhibition for all third year Creative Arts majors at Deakin University. All students undertake a major collaborative unit in third year, where working in groups with other students from various disciplines helps to build teamwork and leadership skills, providing experience working collaboratively together and with clients. Students work all trimester (or in some cases, all year) on these projects. The result is a major piece, completed to a professional standard, to add to their creative repertoire. The celebration of unit completion is DFestival - a two-week long exhibition featuring displays and performances both on and off campus. This year we are showcasing 45 different projects from 248 students.

DFestival tickets are sold for the Dance, Drama and Film performances and screenings. Drama performance tickets: tiny.cc/dfestivaldrama or at the Phoenix Gallery box office on the night. Dance performance tickets: tiny.cc/dfestivaldance or at the Phoenix Gallery box office on the night. Tickets for Visionnaire - the Film screening - are available from: - Exhibiting students - Deakin University Cashier - At the door on the night (subject to availability).


Monday 21st - SATURday 26th Oct.
Phoenix Gallery
Blind Dancer BTYC Gymnastics Dominant Hemisphericity HALC Jane Goodall Institute LMCC Design Queenscliffe Maritime Museum Torquay Surf Life Saving Club

P1.28 - Phoenix Theatre

BLACK Boglet Put A Sock In It Stage Whispers The Transfer Station Three Wise Men Toybox Were on the susso now

P1.16 - Drama Studio 2

Besnik's Sideshow Extraordinaire Our Swan Song

Monday 28th Oct. - SATURday 2ND Nov.

Phoenix Gallery
BrainLink Great Ocean Road Coast Committee GrowSail Momentary Eternity Otway Harvest Trail Spook Hoops Sticks And Stones Whitehorse Community Houses YMAP

P1.19 - Drama Studio 1

Existence Of The Living

B1.48 - Dance Studio

#werk Mch Percept Shift


Blind Dancer Sticks and Stones ROAM

Thursday 10th Oct. - Saturday 9th Nov.

Red Stitch Actors Theatre
Red Stitch Actors Theatre Rear 2 Chapel Street St Kilda East

Monday 4th Nov. - Saturday 9th Nov.

Eckersleys Open Space Gallery
Post Script
Eckersleys Open Space Gallery 97 Franklin St Melbourne

Sunday 17th Nov.

Astor Theatre
A Cut Above Astor Theatre A Silent Waltz Cnr Chapel St & Dandenong Rd Daddys Little Girl St Kilda Doors Hopscotch Perspective Pumpkins Siren The Man Who Cared Too Much The Runner





Building P





Every year a team of Visual Communication students have the privilege of creating branding and advertising for DFestival. This includes ensuring students, staff, friends, family and industry people know about DFestival and are intrigued enough to participate. It also includes being in constant contact with a liaison from each project participating in DFestival. This years group is Georgie Bell, Laura Butler, Glenn Karlsen, Jrgen Magnussen and Simen Wahlqvist. They are behind all the posters, social media, the website, motion graphics and the program you are currently reading. The concept behind this years festival is 248 Dreamers - playing on the notion that there are 248 students participating, who are all dreamers. As creatives we are constantly dreaming up ideas and solutions for ourselves and others.


th - Saturday Oct 26 st 21 t c O y a d n o M

y r e l l a G x i n e o Ph

Using Deakins Motion Capture facilities, Blind Dancer attempts to capture the fluid motion of dance, while presenting it to the audience in a space outside of reality. This 3D-animation holds music and composition that flows with time and will inspire the common eye. Animation & Motion Capture official screening: Phoenix Theatre (P1.28) from Mon Oct 28 - Sat Nov 2. Opening Night: Thurs Oct 31, 6.30pm
Abhilash Balan Kino W Chang Nick Geronimo Arne Thomas Glmseter Atle Kristiansen Andr Lund Heln Olsen William Stark Brett Tomsett Enhui Yu

BTYC Gymnastics
Our client BTYC Gymnastics is a community based and family oriented club located in Donvale. The club was experiencing problems in terms of club spirit and overall communication. We decided to help resolve these issues by proposing a day where every member of the club would come together and help clean their massive gymnastics pit, as well as taking part in other fun activities. The big event that will happen on this day will be the painting of the BTYC mural, which will bring the whole community together. On completion the mural will be used as the base of the clubs visual media and the mural itself will be displayed on the clubs wall.
Laura Devereux Eshara Fonsaka Penny Lau Ishani Navaratna

Dominant Hemisphericity
Our work looks at the night sky and the surrounding environment through the hemisphericity of the human brain; or both sides of the brain and the way which abstract and logical art can come from opposite sides. The work contains two different mediums - abstract painting and long exposure, digital photography. We demonstrate the way that a number of people could be looking at the one location, yet every one of those people will perceive and portray that location differently. The Right side of the brain is portrayed as abstract and the Left side as logical which leaves you Cristina Antonucci thinking, whats your dominant hemisphericity?
Paige Camfield Holly Fraser

HALC (AIDS/HIV Legal Centre) provides free legal advice to people with HIV/AIDS. Currently HALC receives no government funding and is run completely by volunteers. HALC offers legal representation from qualified lawyers and has a strong will to expand their services. Our design team has developed a design strategy influenced by the theme Sometimes an extra hand is needed, in order to engage the target audience and fulfill the purpose and aims of the legal centre.
Orhan Kuresevic Amelia McRorie Lynn Schiltz Lijun Shi


Jane Goodall Institute

An aspiring and innovative social/education program aimed at strengthening global and national humane crisis awareness. Through education it aims to empower students from years 8-10 to collaborate, raise awareness and encourage change in their school and local community. As the title suggests, it is youth focused and evokes a strong sense of adventure that is reflected and promoted throughout the visual campaign, to capture the audience and to empower and motivate them to get involved. The program is solely hosted by International Non Profit Organization The Jane Goodall Institute Australia who are focused on humane animal and environment conservation/protection. Youth Revolution will be introduced next year in Australia...

Stephanie Corpe Grace Collins Wanja Sande Rabben Asyraf Shima

LMCC Design
The LMCC Design Group has launched a creative campaign to re-brand the Louise Multicultural Community Centre (LMCC) with a young, dynamic and fresh aesthetic. The aim is to generate a younger and more eclectic client base while promoting the centre to immigrants and the local community. As well as branding, a prominent focus of our campaign has been the promotion of LMCCs annual Moon Festival, which will help to raise awareness for the centre and delve into the amazing social opportunities the festival creates, making their presence known.
Steve Chen Allyshia Jordaan Anna Lotterud Abbie Stoyel


Queenscliffe Maritime Museum

QMM came to us with a hull of a problem. They currently need more piers from universities and tafes to join the volunteer crew at the museum. Get On Board is a campaign that we have created, that involves a re-brand of the company, numerous installations and posters. The main installation is made out of shiploads of paper boats, anchored to a wall in a pacific formation. We hope you get the drift, and come check it out while the campaign is on display.

Alyshia Bensch Helle Kjelland Ekaas Damian Hurst Sari Betsy Schmidt

Torquay Surf Life Saving Club

We are developing a campaign/program for TSLSC, which focuses on the recruitment of more members/ volunteers between the ages of 14 and 30. Creating a Members Incentive Program allows TSLSC to recruit more suitable members, as well as give back to their current and future volunteers. The Members Incentive Program will involve a personal membership card that allows volunteers to accumulate their hours of service to receive individual benefits/rewards, promoted by a range of components such as a webpage, app, posters, brochures, motion graphic advertisement and more.
Martin Bendiksen Jessica Costabile Sara Field Morten Pedersen


p1.28 - P


Oct 21st - Saturd a



y Oct 26 th


A killer is on the loose and bodies are lining up around the block! Can Brown solve the case? Will he win the girls heart? Starring Ryan Jemmeson, Steph Watson, Aine ONeill and Laura Vine, twisting the conventions of film noir to comic effect... Its BLACK.

Ryan Jemmeson Aine ONeill Laura Vine Steph Watson

We are capturing the essence of childs play through the use of toys. Through our storyline we are demonstrating how children interact with each other and how they process the world around them. In doing so we are rediscovering the workings of our imaginations. Like in Justine Cammerino childs play our toys will assume varied characteristics Amanda Goode according to who controls them. All the action will be Jessica Leadbeatter captured through live streaming onto a big screen.


Put A Sock In It
In a world where people have forgotten to express themselves... Youre our slaves; you just cant face it. Join our side; you just might make it, Its the Human Races end. Dont mistake this, just concentrate: Well bleach your brains like a grass stained t-shirt, Hang you up to dry, with your face in the dirt.

Irena De Filippou Bek Ferris Bella Harvey Ash cal

Tim Rees Jack Riley Molly Simons Danny Sydor

Stage Whispers
12 minutes before the opening night of an amateur theatre companys latest production. The director is missing. The production crew are nowhere to be seen. 7 very different actors from varying backgrounds are thrown together, desperate to pull together the pieces and make sure that this show goes off without a hitch. Tensions are at an all time high, anxiety is through the roof. Watch as the characters struggle to juggle the collective aim of bringing together this show, and pursuing their own personal desires. This hilarious piece offers a behind-thescenes look at the madness and chaos that precedes the rise of a red curtain on opening night. So begins Stage Whispers...
Hannah Bird Paul Bowman Nathan Coffey Sheridan Cornell Claire de Niese Rhys Duncan Blair Ippolito


The Transfer Station

Inspired by the Elizabeth Bishop poem One Art, The Transfer Station is a collection of whimsical tales from the trash heap, created by performers and writers turned junkyard explorers. This all female ensemble invites you into a subterranean wonderland of lost property and refuse, whose inhabitants know only too well, The art of losing isnt hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Bonnie Bergin Steph Franke Erin Heggarty Steph Morrell Laura Soding Hayley Elliott-Ryan
featuring the musical stylings of Tom Bensley

Three Wise Men

A man walks into a bar. Youve met him before, but if you havent already met him Im sure youll meet him soon. Three Wise Men explores ones inner desires and how those desires can lead to our downfall. We all experience cycles of hopelessness at certain points in our life, but how we survive depends on how we deal with our inner demons.
Jess Kelly Hamish Lyall Catherine Murphy Kathan Shaw Christopher Stockdale Cristian Woodford


What is in the toy box lies Some broken toys with broken minds A group of quite defective souls With lifeless eyes and hearts with holes Toybox is a dramatic movement piece that incorporates contemporary media. Focusing on sound design, movement and projection, Toybox aims to enhance the sensory experience and take the audience on a dark journey through the decrepit minds of these lost souls.
Stephanie Cross (Stage Manager, Ballerina) Jess Mogford (Costume Design, Stage Make Up,
Rag Doll)

Lizzie Pereira (Lighting Design, Clown) Ummi Aisyah Salim (Set Design, Bride Doll) Anita Tunchay (Movement, Teddy Bear) Ella Mae Tyler (Sound Design, Young Woman) Alexandrea Venet-Sanos (Theatrical Projection
Designer, Set Design)

Were on the susso now

The Great Depression hit Australia harder than any other country, and lasted much longer. It was a time of extreme poverty, with many living off government Sustenance Rations, known to the people as Susso. This play explores the hardships of living in such desperate times and celebrates the courage of the people who just got on with it and made do with what they had.
Charlotte Brown Shivaun Haverkamp Nicholas Lever Bianca Miller Ella Walmsley



aturday S t s 1 2 t c Monday O

2 o i d u t s - drama

Oct 26th

Besniks Sideshow Extraordinaire

Besniks Sideshow Extraordinaire exposes and explores the dark and twisted nature of desperation. Seen in the lives of Besnik the Extravagant and Ivy May, they find themselves hopelessly trapped in a disappearing existence. The two pair up in a desperate attempt to revive and relive their former glory of the travelling sideshow. Only finding comfort in each other, they find themselves in a fractured relationship that continues in vicious cycles of depression and loss.
Mark Roath Melanie Smith

Our Swan Song

Our Swan Song is a dance performance installation, exploring the life cycle of the Century Tree Cactus through various artistic mediums. A combination of projection, sound, stop motion animation, photography, sculpture, costuming and film creates the world within which this story is told. The period of existence of the Century Tree Cactus mirrors the human condition throughout our journey from birth until death. Zachariah Blayden (Sound,
Stop Motion Animation)

Catherine Day (Dance) Pernille Horgen B (Sculpture,

Stop Motion Animation)

Samantha Podbury (Film, Projection) Claire Whittle (Film, Projection) Chun Kwan Wong (Costume Design) Samantha Yousif (Photography)


Saturday nov 2nd th 28 t Oc y da on M

Phoenix Gallery


BrainLink is dedicated to improving the quality of life of people affected by acquired disorders of the brain. Our project aims to raise awareness in the community of this much needed and valued organisation. By understanding the devastating impact of this condition on not only the individual, but on the families and carers, we can help others see why these services are so important. We hope to inspire people to help build and become part of the connection between BrainLink and the community, so that they can continue to provide support to those who need and deserve it.

Nicole Carn Sharmane Rabusa Tony Tran Matthew Wu

Great Ocean Road Coast Committee

This campaign is for primary schools to participate and be part of a community with the help of the Great Ocean Road Coast Committee. Schools will be participating in various activities. These activities can be regularly checked to see the progress of each one and how the school is going. Furthermore, when they successfully complete an activity the schools receive a badge. When a school collects a certain number of badges they in turn receive a reward.
Jonas Gudesen Pl Erling Kjk Boao Liu Abdullah Yusuf


GrowSail is a new non-for-profit organisation that aims to encourage troubled youth through sailing, teaching them about valuable qualities of teamwork, communication, skills, responsibility and trust.
Sheree Cook Aladia Di Paolo Jessica Rabahi

Momentary Eternity
An exploration of the nature of time on a personal level and throughout society. Time is an inescapable part of human existence. Everything has its time, and time ends for all things. Through different artistic mediums each artist explores an aspect of time that resonates with them. Perhaps in this fastpaced modern world, where we just dont have the time, we can take the time to contemplate where weve been, and where we are going.


Charles Bourke Qiongyin Hu Heewoen Lee Yi Ling Li Leah Mariani Hu Qiongyin Shu Shu

Otway Harvest Trail

The Otway Harvest Trail is an organisation made up of 33 businesses in the Otway region, ranging from local produce to wineries and accommodation venues. Our team have designed a campaign made up of custom tours to promote the organisation. The promotional material in this exhibition has been designed for the custom business tour.
Lauren Kett Yike Liu Korina Pomeroy Elisa Trevan

Spook Hoops
The Spook Hoops strategy aims to collect a younger demographic into the Nunawading Spectres basketball team. To achieve this we have devised a mobile activities tent that will be showcased at local primary school and kinder fetes. In bringing the fun to our target market rather than dragging them out we hope to be able to reach out and essentially create a fun sense of community within the sport.
Alex Cochran Sonny Lu Anthony Malzone Stefano Sacchetti Deric Wang

Sponsored by

Nunawading Spectres



Sticks and Stones

An inner city elementary school, patrolled by a bully and his loyal goons, is turned on its head by the arrival of a colourful stranger who quickly sets out to make sure justice is served. Sticks and Stones creates meaning through aesthetics and a witty storyline, highlighting that it only requires one person to make a difference - no matter how small. Created through a combination of 3D animation, 2D line art animation and cinematic soundtrack, it is an exploration of animating techniques and story telling.
Animation & Motion Capture official screening: Phoenix Theatre (P1.28) from Mon Oct 28 - Sat Nov 2. Opening Night: Thurs Oct 31, 6.30pm

Kishiro Asuka Josh Blundell Megan Castles Alex Dunstan James Rowse Kyle Tompsett Thomas Webber

Whitehorse Community Houses

Whitehorse Community Houses are a not-for-profit group of ten community houses that provide a range of activities for everyone. Their main problem was that people in the local areas were unaware that they existed and they were not seen as connected. They needed to get people to their door in a fun and friendly way. This campaign seeks to harness their strongest aspect of being a community and to help them celebrate communities by holding activities each season, similar to an open day, creating awareness and bringing the neighbourhood together.
Laura Dillema Katie Fung Joanne Ke Emily McMaster


Our project was to develop a strategy to give our client, YMAP (Youth Mentoring and Assisted Pathways), opportunities for sponsorship and funding. YMAP run an in-school mentoring program with secondary schools that are deemed at risk within the Maribyrnong and Moonee Valley area. We, as a group, uncovered an idea to design a campaign awareness video that targets peoples emotions. The video represents statistics associated with the students within YMAPs programs. Also designed is a corporate sponsorship proposal that YMAP can present to businesses for sponsorship opportunities.
Sponsored by

Jessica Beattie Feng Ran Leroy Sorrell Steffen Westbye

Maki Maki

Existence Of The Living

Submerge yourself within a haunting sensory experience, which addresses the theme of the living presence on earth. The installation portrays raw and confronting portraits in both digital and analogue photographic form, which are brought to life by various audio and visual techniques.
*Existence Of The Living will be exhibited in P1.19 - Drama Studio 1

Madeline Hall Yasmin Redmond Mia Tamos


b1.48 26


y Oct 2 8th - S aturd



ay nov 2nd

A refreshing and modern look on the qualities and many facets of anything that can be considered labourious. The contemporary dance piece encompasses the many dynamics of work and portrays the general perception of the word work through the use of movement. A physically and mentally demanding piece that invites the audience to challenge their understanding of work and what it means to them. Choreographed and performed by four hard working third year dance students.
Louisa DOrtenzio Nesime Memedoski Jessica Ride Joshua Pagram

Mch is the result of our curiosity about paper as a medium. Discovering its conventional and unconventional uses, Mch manifests the effects of paper on ourselves and our everyday lives, in a society where it is becoming obsolete. By using a physical exploration, Mch draws on an empty space as an artist would a blank page.
Casey Chellew Lillian Direen Mikkayla Hornsby Priscilla Neow


Percept (noun) The object of perception. An exploration of movement transmission through visual, spatial and tactile perception.
Karina Gaal Rechelle Gayler Paul Jackson Esperanza Quindara Kimberley Read

Our team aims to collaborate with technology in order to create a dance piece that is both visually and aesthetically pleasing. We aspire to create a relationship between our bodies and the slides that are projected onto the screen. This relationship will change as various colours are introduced into the piece and as the music changes pace and mood. We have experimented with choreographic techniques and improvised structures in order to come up with our dance material. We wanted to expand our interests whilst pushing ourselves to new heights.
Stephanie Freeman Caitlin Gamble Emma Hurley


off campu


ROAM - Red Stitch Actors Theatre

ROAMPress By Adam Cass World Premiere Directed by Gary Abrahams With Ella Caldwell, Ngaire Dawn Fair & Tim Potter

Johnny is withdrawing into a world of gaming, social media and pornography as his relationship with Julia at home founders. Meeting a young girl from Eastern Europe in a chat room, he is quickly drawn into an online game and begins spending large sums on maintaining his avatar, as well as making some dangerous choices in his friendship with the girl. Incorporating stunning visual effects and computer animation, the virtual world in ROAM becomes a battlefield for minds, hearts and credit cards. Can immersion in internet relationships render real world communication obsolete? How much of ourselves do we keep secreted away from our closest intimates?
*roam will be exhibited at the red stitch actors theatre

Daivd Ambrus (Motion

capture, visual effects & compositing) Ji Yu Chen (3D model, textures, character rigging & avatar animation) Warden Li (3D model, textures, character rigging & avatar animation) Ben Meager (3D model, textures, character rigging & avatar animation) Sanjin Smitran (3D model, textures, character rigging & avatar animation)

Animation & Motion Capture official screening: Phoenix Theatre (P1.28) from Mon Oct 28 - Sat Nov 2. Opening Night: Thurs Oct 31, 6.30pm


Post Script
The Collective Eight is a group of artists working collaboratively to produce a body of work that represents their subjective response to a range of influential creative pieces. By utilising each others skills and creative insight into a variety of artistic mediums, The Collective hopes to achieve their personal responses to the highest standard. Utilising personally chosen source material, ranging from literature to poetry to musicians will allow The Collective to produce an array of creative responses that will form an interesting and engaging exhibition.
Sponsored by

Helen Edgar Benjamin Emes Jeanni Lockhart Bronte McVeity Wade Muschialli Kerry Nicholls John Syme Kirsty Ventura

Highgrove Bathrooms Eckersleys Open Space Gallery Mountain Goat Beer

*post script will be exhibited at eckersleys open space gallery


astor th

sunday n ov 17th


A Cut Above
A Cut Above tells the story of Brad, a young hairdresser who works in an upmarket hair salon. One day, by chance, he finds himself confronted by a face from his past who has a secret that will change his life.
Caz Blythe (Director) Isaac Gatsios (Editor) Heather Giebler (Producer) Cyrus Lai (Cinematographer) Todd Rattenbury (Production Designer) Eden Violet (Sound Designer)

Sponsored by

Booka Shade Hair & Beauty

A Silent Waltz
This beautiful short film follows Madeline: a funny, feisty, cheeky character smitten with young love, yet burdened by her own insecurities due to her deafness. She must overcome her insecurities as well as the isolation of regional Victoria in order to get a dance with her neighbour, Wyatt, at the upcoming annual regional dance. As the dance draws ever closer, Madeline is forced to take drastic action which leads to near devastating consequences.
Chris Axiaq
(Editor/Visual Effects)

Isaac Elliott

Kelsey Lefoe

Ashini Nanayakkara
(Production Designer)

Danielle Teychenne
(Sound Designer)

Michael Tillett


Daddys Little Girl

Behind the gilded gates of upper middle class suburbia, Charlie lives happily with her parents in comfort. Shes a clever girl with a razor sharp wit, a love of law riddles and an addiction to lollipops. But her cheeky smile masks the secret of her fathers affections and his abuses. Daddys Little Girl is a harrowing and confronting short film that exposes the sad reality of an issue that is all too often overlooked by society. Who will save Charlie?
Joanna Atalla (Director/Writer) Zoe Dahlenburg (Producer) Dale Leszczynski (Editor) Adam McConnell (Production Designer) Timothy Perri (Director of Photography) Sophie Turnbull (Sound Designer)

Doors is a present day drama that follows the life of Abel, a 27 year old man, who witnessed the aftermath of his mothers death as a child. As a young adult, he tries to end his own life to ultimately escape the trauma and pit of hopelessness he has descended into. When he attempts to take his own life, he finds himself in a world between life and death. It is in this place that he meets a guide who helps him reopen doors to the past and go on a journey of healing and rebuilding hope so he can fulfill his lifes purpose.
Sam Brown

Alana Tompson
(Production Designer)

Richard Earl
(Sound Designer)

Ben Ward


Sam Sadeghi

James Watterson

New, young couple Tyler and Ivys frisky role playing game of hopscotch turns sour after a disturbing discovery in the kitchen cabinets. Panic ensues, and after a crazy dinner and a thwarted 000 call, Ivy is tied up. This feisty game theyre playing turns into a scene of violence and passionate murder, then ends up being more climatic than they both expected.

Matt Burns (Director) Brooke Carson (Editor) Sam Darby (Cinematographer Assistant) Kelly Fuller (Production Designer) Matt Kelada (Gaffer) Stephan Parker (Sound Designer) Silje Vikor Egenes (Producer/DA) Chris Wurm (Cinematographer)

Perspective is a short psychological drama about a man who is suffering through his grief and difficulty to overcome his familys murder five years before. The film largely takes place in a therapists office as Toby (the main character) slowly reveals what happened to him and why he is in the state that he is.
Harrison Burr (Editor) Keanan Carew
(Sound Designer)

Alex Gubieski (Director) Matt Hampson (Producer) Nyasha Jakomo


Yen Lam
(Production Designer)


A young man is tested, as a simple family visit spirals into chaos.
Brooke Davies (Producer) Ali Al Haidari
(Sound Designer)

Kevin Jayawardena
(Production Designer)

Sebastian Lee
(Cinematographer) Travis Morris (Editor) Harrison Scharf (Director)

In every teenagers life, it feels like the world is ending, and its all their fault. But what happens when the world actually is ending? Siren looks at themes of good versus bad, coming of age and accepting responsibility through the eyes of Lucy, an eight-year-old girl who just wants her home and her pet frog to be safe from the threat of the Victorian bush fires.


Edward Bellamy (Cinematographer) Emma Boldeman (Sound Recorder) Dale Brander (Producer) Jing Dong (Editor) Katherine Heath (Director) Rebecca Stielow (Production Designer)

The Man Who Cared Too Much

When Richard bumps into a woman collecting money for the homeless, he makes a quick donation and rushes off to work, only to soon realise that he has handed over more than he intended. Unable to let his mistake slide, he returns to rectify the situation, but quickly finds himself in more trouble than he can afford.
Carl DiQuinzio (Director) Sarah Hay (Editor) Blake Hennequin (Cinematographer) Tabitha Lancaster (Production Designer) Robert Milner (Producer) Alicia Pinnock (Sound Designer)

The Runner
Jay Jones is faced with the realities of a broken home; no father, a sick mother, and a ramped younger brother. While Jay delivers drug packages disguised as car parts to pay the bills as well as his mothers medication, he is often lectured by her to make more of himself. When Jay finally sums up the motivation to better his position in life, he must choose between the job interview of his life and delivering a package worth a hefty cash reward. Realizing he cannot do both, he sends his brother unaware that he has some unwanted followers.
Sponsored by Commercial CBS Ms Loreas College of Esthetics and Nail Technology

Nina Fomin
(Production Designer)

Haili Luxa Idak


Antonios Karoutsos

Rhin Kelly

Elizabeth Mitchinson

Robert Williams-Pate
(Sound Designer)




DFestival has been a huge event to pull together this semester, and something we could not possibly have achieved without the help, advice and cooperation of so many people. Thanks must go to the Unit Chair, Jondi Keane, for his direction and organisation. To our Visual Communication lecturer, Maria Bates, for her constant support and guidance. To all the other lecturers - Yoni Prior, Rosemary Woodcock, Shaun McLeod, Kevin Anderson and Kim Corbel - for their understanding, and for putting up with our never-ending emails, requests and surprise visits. To the technical staff - Tom Salisbury and Scott Allan - for their help with setting up of exhibition spaces and all our strange requests. To Lorna Walsh and Margaret Ryan, for their advice and help with all things marketing and web. To Rowan and Shane and the Deakin Printery team, for their patience and top quality products. To all the student liaisons, for their fantastic cooperation and understanding of our endless requests, forms and Facebook posts. To our discipline mascots - Isaac Elliott, Pernille Horgen, Glenn Karlsen, Ashlee McCarthy, James Rowse, Laura Soding and John Syme - for their cooperation and patience during long photoshoots. And last but not least, to the 248 students that make up the collaborative unit - without them, we would have nothing to showcase. Thankyou,



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