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Status Law Marriage And divorce

Authorship Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dib Albga Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al Hassan Albga

Contents Contents

In the name of God Rahman Rahim LO Booting Evolution Conditions Personal In Egypt And Iraq And Syria Requirement First: the meaning of Conditions Personal Requirement II: Overview Historic In Notation Laws Requirement III: Status Personal In Egypt Requirement IV: Status Personal In Iraq Requirement V: Status Personal In Syria session title Door First Of marriage And its effects LO Chapter First Engagement At Muslims LO Chapter II : Provisions Contract Marriage topic Section I: Definition Marriage (marriage) and legitimacy And cash equivalents Section II: Staff The Marriage Section Third: Conditions Health Contract Marriage Section IV: Terms Force Contract Marriage Section IV: pay Ends Contract Marriage Section V: Terms Unnecessary Contract Marriage sub Overlooking b First: Option Puberty And recovery Requirement Third: Married Adult Rational Otherwise Efficient Section VI: transactions Marriage Administrative

Requirement I: Texts Legal In Transactions Marriage Administrative Requirement II: Articles Legal Related Conduct Contract Marriage From Law Sanctions And the Law Service Science And marriage Customary And transactions Contract LO Chapter Third Effects Marriage Section First: Human Couple Requirement I: Rights Joint Between Couple Requirement III: Human The pair Section II: descriptions Emergency Or Comparison To hold Marriage And its implications Requirement I: Contract Right Force Necessary And its effects: Requirement II: contract Is Necessary And its effects Requirement Third: The contract Suspended And its effects Requirement IV: Contract Rotten And its effects Requirement V: Contract Falsehood Section Third: the provisions of the Pony Requirement I: Definition Pony And cash equivalents And adapted The evidence Legitimacy And controls In the amount of Requirement II: Photos Agreement On Pony Requirement Third: Obligation Full Pony And some And

Should Half Dowry: Requirement IV: ensure Pony And grip And processing Father Daughter Requirement V: insolvency In Pony Requirement VI: the difference In Pony And Can That Be Foals Difference Case Do Marital: Section IV: Alimony Married (1) Requirement I: Definition Alimony And legitimacy Requirement Second: the cause Should Alimony And conditions And time Obligatory Requirement III: estimate Alimony And types Requirement IV: transactions Alimony Section V: Conditions In Contract Requirement I: Sections Conditions The ruling And its impact On Contract Marriage Requirement II: Law Conditions Personal Syrian And conditions Door II Provisions Divorce And its effects Introduction In Divorce Chapter First: the break up And the types of Divorce Section I: Definition Disperse And the rule of Divorce From Where Description Forensic Requirement I: Definition Divorce And annulment Requirement Second: the difference Between Annulment And divorce

Requirement III: Reign Divorce Section II: Types Divorce Requirement First: Divorce Sunni And innovated Requirement Second: Divorce Reactionary And divorce Irrevocably Requirement Third: Divorce Three Chapter Second: Divorce The will Individual: Section I: Formulas Divorce Requirement First: Divorce Frank And divorce Alknaa Section Second: Mens In Divorce Section Third: Conditions Absolute And absolute And authorization The prosecution In Divorce Requirement I: Terms Absolute And absolute Requirement II: Delegation The pair To his wife Divorce Euphemism Or Statement Requirement IV: Divorce Prophet The message Requirement VII: Divorce Patient Disease Death Chapter Third: Divorce Agreement Couple () Chapter Third: Divorce Agreement Couple () Section I: Definition Khula The evidence Permissibility And cash equivalents Requirement I: Definition Khula Language And idiomatically Requirement II: Evidence On Passport Khula Section II: Staff Khula Section III: Air Khula And opinions Jurists Where

Requirement I: Air Khula Requirement Second: Opinions Jurists In Counting Khula Divorce Or Vskha Chapter IV: Divorce By virtue of Judge Chapter IV: Divorce By virtue of Judge Section First: Divorce And annulment For defects And diseases Requirement I: Definition Defects Which Terminates By Requirement V: the effects of Proven Option Section II: differentiation The absence of And loss Requirement I: Definition Absent Requirement Second: Opinions Jurists In Differentiating The absence of And loss Requirement III: evidence And discussion Requirement IV: Governance And its impact Requirement V: Law Conditions Personal Syrian And differentiation The absence of Section Third: to differentiate Insolvency Alimony And the lack of Spending Requirement First: Opinions Jurists In Annulment Insolvency Alimony And their evidence Requirement II: differentiation Insolvency Divorce Or Annulment Requirement Third: Limit Alimony Necessary To deny Insolvency Mujib For dissolution Section IV: Divorce Divisive And damage

Requirement I: Definition Bcakkak And damage Requirement Second: Opinions Jurists In Discord And damage And their evidence Chapter V Divorce By virtue of Shara The law Section I: the Requirement I: Definition And his words And cash equivalents Requirement II: Staff And conditions Requirement Third: the effects of Requirement IV: Law Conditions Personal Syrian And Section II: zihaar of Requirement I: Definition Zihaar And cash equivalents Requirement II: Staff Zihaar And conditions Requirement Third: the effects of Zihaar Requirement IV: Law Conditions Personal Syrian And zihaar Section III: curse Requirement I: Definition Curse Requirement II: evidence Legality Curse Requirement III: Staff Curse And caused Requirement Fourth: the rule Curse Requirement V: Law Conditions Personal Syrian The curse Section IV: differentiation To change the Religion Requirement I: differentiation Rose

Requirement II: differentiation Islam A Couple Or Or not Requirement III: Law Conditions Personal Syrian And differentiation To change the Religion Chapter VI Effects Divorce Section I: effects Divorce According to Types Requirement I: Effects Implications More Divorce Reactionary Requirement II: Effects Divorce Irrevocably Bainuna Junior Requirement Third: the effects of Divorce Irrevocably Bainuna Major Requirement IV: demolition For divorce Marriage From Last Section II: irreversibility And provisions Requirement I: Definition Irreversibility And legitimacy Requirement II: Staff Irreversibility And caused Requirement III: Law Conditions Personal Syrian And taking back Section Third: the kit And provisions Requirement I: Definition Kit And the evidence And wisdom Legitimacy And caused And start Requirement II: Types Kit Requirement Third: the expense of Kit Requirement V: expense Almatdat In Law Conditions Personal Syrian Door Third Birth And its implications

Chapter First: Percentages Section First: Proof Ratios Requirement I: proven Ratios Contract Right Requirement Second: Proof Ratios The existence of Period Pregnancy Section II: Mass Proof Ratios Requirement First: Proof Ratios Balbana Requirement Second: Proof Ratios Recognition Section III: proven Ratios In Kit Requirement First: Indicative Download Iddah Divorce And death Before Approval End Promised Requirement Second: Download Iddah Divorce And death Approved End Promised Requirement Third: Indicative Download Alaash And small Requirement Fourth: Indicative Download Woman Absolute No HTA Kit Requirement V: Indicative Download Wife Absent After Married From Last Section Fourth: Cases Denied Ratios Section V: provisions Foundling And adoption Requirement I: Provisions Foundling In Jurisprudence Islamic Requirement II: Provisions Foundling In Legislation Syrian Chapter II Breastfeeding

Section I: Definition Breastfeeding In the amount of And duration Requirement I: Definition Breastfeeding And cash equivalents Requirement Second: The amount of Breastfeeding Muharram Requirement Third: The duration Breastfeeding Muharram Section II: expense Breastfeeding Requirement I: fare Breastfeeding And forcing Mother On Breastfeeding Requirement II: donation Breastfeeding Or Fare Less From Fare Breastfeeding Mother Section Third: Proof Breastfeeding Requirement I: proven Breastfeeding Testimony Requirement Second: recognition Breastfeeding Chapter Third Incubation Section I: Definition Incubation The ruling And the fare On Incubation And expense Custody And coercion Them. Requirement I: Definition Incubation The ruling And the evidence Requirement II: taxi On Incubation And expense Custody And coercion It Section II: custodial From Women And men And their terms

Requirement I: custodial From Women And men Requirement II: Terms Custodial From Women And men Section III: Time Incubation Requirement I: incubation Women And men Requirement III: Law Conditions Personal Syrian And time Incubation Section Fourth: Place Incubation Section V: Vision Custody And travel By Requirement I: doctrines Jurists In See Custody Requirement II: Right Alarah In Law Conditions Personal Syrian Requirement III: Travel Palmhoudon Section VI: The Fall Incubation And the establishment of Of After Incubation Requirement First: The Fall Incubation Requirement II: The Fall Incubation Mother At Her marriage Evidence Doctrines On Fall Incubation Mother At Her marriage Or : No Requirement III: Law Conditions Personal Syrian And fall Incubation For married Mother Otherwise Father Requirement IV: nursery The work Women Requirement V: nursery And willful defiance Women Requirement Sixth: the establishment of Of After Nursery (Will Unique )? Chapter Fourth Expense Relatives

Section I: doctrines Jurists In Expense Relatives And their evidence Requirement I: doctrines Jurists In Expense Relatives Requirement II: Evidence On Proven Expense Relatives Section II: Terms Proven Expense Relatives And caused United Left The obligatory And how Obligatory Requirement II: end Left Necessary To prove Should Alimony Section Third: The amount of Expense Relatives And maturity And Fall Index Sources And references

In the name of God the Merciful

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and completed the delivery of the messengers, his family and his companions pure honorees, and after: The marriage years of God's creation that Aftarham Askew both men and women for the last, embarking married, was the Year of the apostles and prophets prayers of Allah and peace, was the nations and groups as a whole is to marry a serious matter and whatever has been organized every nation according to what suits them according to their legislation and customs, The Arabs before Islam organize their married life according to the pictures several, including: the marriage contract of the project, including: women with banners, who were sitting in a tent with a banner infect men If you put chose the father of them, including: Alastdaa is that makes his wife approach her man as desired by her husband and son then approach her husband, including: to inherit men women their father or their relative if closed by the door, after the death of their relative, etc. .. It was not for women any rights remember, when Islam came to prevent all those pictures, but the marriage of the project and the granting of women's rights and treated her man a Full descriptions, while many of the nations in that era

was considering humanitarian women are reluctant to do so, even if some nations allow the husband to sell his wife, or do not allow women to acquires or behave, and some of them, and to this time have in their possession on his wife is not allowed to the disposition of the wealth, while counting Islam women a single society and are both in commissioning a whole, but what suits their circumstances so as not to overburden them, Vkrm women and treated her with all the kindness and appreciation and love is real, enjoy it and still in Muslim communities respectfully and with all holiness and reverence. And Detectives family provisions jurisprudence jus them or the commissioner and others maintain that and illustrated, and the people in its know it in the outlined without specificity to leave this to the students of science, this with different people to apply what they know in their own lives according to Asthompsakem, and perhaps some of them forgotten or forgot the words of God : ) [Abdallah] [Abdallah] e e e ( [Grade: 2 3]. The first thing that should be taken by a family that is leafy shadows that can be enjoyed by the affluent individual lives, but it was misery and unhappiness and dengue. I have tried my best to come to extracts is dull in the general provisions of the marriage passable approach extrapolated objectively comparing as much as possible

for fear of prolongation, and that book collectors semester did not elaborate or dwell on it, legal materials in the Personal Status Law Syrian with amendments, and showed some of the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation in its decisions Commenting noting and explaining, coordinated and tidy and likely in more provisions, discussions and stating my opinion because I see the need in it, according to my humble expanded my knowledge, praying to the Almighty and reconcile payments. The scientific article has returned in the idiosyncratic them to sources of mothers, and returned to the books of interpretation and modern language, etc., and fasten it all, including the view of the Personal Status Law Syrian, as amended, indicating the view of the law and drawing on any doctrines, and the keenness of it legislator. As I went back to the draft unified personal status law and tended to in some of the issues, and to the Jordanian Personal Status Law, and to the legal provisions in the Personal Status Kadri Pasha, one of the sources of this law as Sabine, not every effort be attributed to the leader in the law personal status, and to notes and Danh, with Amani consider the can hold the law of the meanings of words through the science of semantic and fundamentalist words.

To trust in God, the you rightly Fbmhoud the grace of God and success and it has a meaning. If I'm wrong God is dedicated to .. Rajya God him to call me luck and conservation, and further progress in science, Gada party for Zlate, giving them to .. and compromise, but God upon trust, and to Him I turn, and to God all things are returned and the determination There is no power but from God Almighty and the blessings of God the Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions, and Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

Booting The evolution of the personal status in Egypt, Iraq and Syria: The first requirement: the meaning of personal status The second requirement: A Brief History in the codification of laws The third requirement: personal status in Egypt The fourth requirement: Personal Status in Iraq The fifth requirement: Syria's personal status

Booting The evolution of the personal status in Egypt, Iraq and Syria
The first requirement: The meaning of the Personal Status
Are the things that relate to the same person the sense of the legal status of persons, namely matters governed by personal law, which relates to the provisions of the family, and the first transfer of use of this term is a scholar Muhammad Qadri Pasha in his book: the legal provisions in personal status, have been identified in Article 13 in the system Egyptian judiciary No. 147 in 1949, said: include personal status disputes and issues relating to the situation of persons and their eligibility or relating to the system family Kalkhtabh and marriage and the rights and responsibilities of spouses and mutual dowry and dowry, and the system of funds between spouses, divorce, divorce and separation, and paternity and acknowledgment of paternity and undeniable, and the relationship between assets and branches and commitment alimony for relatives and in-laws, and the correct proportions and adoption, guardianship and trusteeship and stewardship, stone and permission management, and backbiting missing and considered

dead, as well as disputes and matters relating and wills and other behaviors that are added to after death [(1)] . It was not known Syrian Personal Status Law of Personal Status .. But select the jurisdiction of the courts of Sharia law assets of Syrian trials in Article 536: The Sharia Court final judgment in matters of personal status of Muslims and include: A Marriage. the marriage. C Pony and the device. breastfeeding. B Dissolution of D Nursery and

E alimony between the spouses, children and charitable endowment in terms of equivalents and health conditions [(2)] .

The second requirement: A Brief History in the codification of laws

The first attempt to codify Islamic jurisprudence took place at the hands of the Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz was sent to the Amr ibn al-packs' to write to what you have proved to talk about the Messenger of Allah ^ I have studied the science and feared going [(1)] . He sent Abdullah ibn Muqaffa to Abu Jafar al-Mansur message companions, which included: It looks faithful in which these different contradictory provisions. . If the faithful felt that ordering these districts. . him in the

book and raises them what invoked all the people of the year or measure, then look faithful in it, and spent in each case reflect his inspired of God and resolve GF GA, and finished as the elimination Otherwise, he wrote this book inclusive determination to that God makes this Mixed provisions correct the error rightly one provision ... [(2)] . It therefore requested Abu Ja'far Imam Malik that puts a book, Imam Malik refused to leave the people and their words and , and put Imam Malik in Muwatta book format could be adopted in the various things people [(3)] . The King Mohammed , Zeb (d. 1027 AH) Governor of India in his time collecting Hanafi jurists to collect a book selected Indian fatwas of words in word and tap one in question, is close to the books of fiqh [(1)] . I would like to point out that the term law has been used by early Arab Kalmorda (D. 450) and Ibn al (d. 597 AH) Razi (D. 606) and Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728) and Ibn rejoicing (D. 799) and Ibn Khaldun (D. 808 AH) Was the title of a book in fiqh alMaliki: jurisprudential laws Ibn , (D. 741), and book entitled ministry Rules and policy of the king, and Ghazali (d. 505), a book entitled the Interpretation Act, which indicates that this term has been found when Muslims and knew him but did not use often radiates [(2)] . At the end of the Ottoman Empire arose the need to codify Islamic jurisprudence to emerge about the thought of law and culture of the nation and sovereignty of the

magazine and found the judicial provisions in (1293 AH / 1876 AD) after seven years of work, which is in the law, the judiciary and civil trials assets, and devoid of the provisions of the acts of worship and personal status and sanctions. The magazine had merit in creating a legislative judicial reference pop-Hanafi, has settled the dispute over the Western non-implementation of laws relating to the themes of the magazine, but was confined to the Hanafi school and there were many examples where .. And was the first non-compliance with one jurisprudential doctrine and the absence of examples. . Because it is not clear things should be clarified, but Bashrouhha and demonstration Bmzkradtha her, has been amended several minor modifications. When finished the Ottoman Empire injustice of Union and Progress Jews invisible was the first to leave the magazine Turks, and remained in place in Lebanon in 1947, and in Syria to 1949, and in Iraq to 1952, and in Jordan to 1976, and most recently Kuwait to 1990, but remained magazine source of sources due to [(1)] . The personal status in Putting the Ottoman Family Rights Act of 1917, which was the first codification of the provisions of the Personal Status of Islamic jurisprudence, not only on the Hanafi school, which stated with regard to Christians and Jews.

He was among other things in it, which is out of the Hanafi school: There will be no divorce impeller, a view that majority of scholars are contrary to the faucet, there will be no divorce drunk, taking the views of many in the doctrines General violation of supported in every doctrine of hindsight case of assault with sugar, and passport differentiate divisive and damage a view that Maliki, the right girl missing for divorce after four years and the prevention of marrying young, taking the opinion of some scholars, and prevent the marriage of lunatics a view Shaafa'is. For this is the law of the Ottoman family sources of personal status laws Actions [(2)] .

The third requirement: personal status in Egypt

Egypt issued Law No. 25 of 1920 after authoring a committee for this purpose 1915 of senior scientists from the four schools, and published its project between the judiciary and the legal profession, railed controversy and debate slept this project, then I salute again in 1920 with minor modifications was when counting the expense of marital our a time to refrain, and authorized to differentiate the insolvency of the defect, the promise of the missing dead the lapse of four years, and then issued Law No. 56 of 1926 select persons in the suit married at

16 for girls and 18 for boys and make it not for marriage or the ratification of the marriages held before then. The law raised about many problems Vofatt the Commission in 1926, and a summary of what the Committee reported: Restrict the desire of the man in the plurality permission of the judge legitimate with the ability to spend and good treatment, and there will be no divorce impeller and a drunkard and commentator intended is a divorce, and the occurrence of divorce is associated with a number of rude or sign one, and the occurrence of divorce metaphor intention only, and determine the divorce irrevocable Balmkml for three and a divorce before entering and divorce the money and the text of the law that , as originally divorce being reactionary, and accept the contract with the terms of the wife of benefit her, which does not contradict the purposes of the contract, giving them the right of rescission when in violation of her condition, and to differentiate irrevocably damaged pair by including not possible with Time Top Ten, and differentiation of absence After a year, and not to hear percentages suit when proven lack of convergence between the couple when the contract, and estimate the cost, according to the event pair, and permission Judge Little custody after seven to nine small and after nine to eleven.

The uproar intense discussions and large become out this project on the shelves to the issuance of Decree No. 25 of 1929 confined to the four schools, leaving it to restrict polygamy, leaving oblige the requirement wife what might lead him to expose things marital and tampered with. And abolished the Law No. 462 of 1955 Sharia courts and denominational, and the transfer of powers to the regular courts, and enjoined them in disputes relating to personal status of non-Muslims and pain t h d j sect application own in the range of public order, and in the case of divergence apply Sharia [(1)] .

The fourth requirement: Personal Status in Iraq

In Iraq, issued a personal status law No. / 188/1959 and then amended by Act No. 11 of 1963 which returned inheritance to the provisions of Islamic law. And this law is composed of 94 / / material is applied to the Iraqis, but excluded them by a special law, and they Christians and Amoosolln, and is a law regulating the religious courts of the Christian communities and the Mosaic No. 32 for the year 1947. And stated in Article / 20 / of it: Except that arise denominations have courts and councils in accordance with the provisions of this law, remain civil courts jurisdiction over personal status cases Mountmin to other non-Muslim communities in

accordance with the provisions laid down in the statement of the courts. And there is a special law last Armenian Orthodox range is Law No. 70/1931 which amended of: No. 20 of 1934 and No. 39 of 1960. And no other law is the law of the Israeli community No. / 77 / for the year 1931 is a special physical organization of the Council. In the year 1949, a statement was released jurisprudence for Mousavi j n, and in 1950 issued a statement jurisprudence of the Syriac Orthodox Church. Then issued a statement abolish the Mosaic courts in Mosul, a number / 155/1951, and in the same year, released Published Mosaic suits the regular courts. And The claims Kalusih the inheritance which they did not want a special provision Phil personal court to apply the provisions of the Islamic Sharia.

The fifth requirement: Syria's personal status

The explanatory memorandum to the Legislative Decree No. 59 of 1953 show grounds of law and its sources and its advantages, which shows that the adoption of the doctrine of the tap only a narrow circle of legislation forcing to introduce doctrines remaining, and the different norms impact on the legal provisions, which calls for changing some of the provisions, has undergone this experiments Egypt and came up with several laws, as well as in Syria,

where he composed the Ministry of Justice Committee of the religious judiciary and the Faculty of Law to draft personal status law Syrian marriage, divorce, birth, descent, custody and civil prosecution legitimacy, wills and inheritances. The sources of this law: 1 the right of family law which was in force. 2 Egyptian laws, according to foresee its stakeholders. 3 legal provisions in the Personal Status Kadri Pasha. 4 What the Committee considers the need to take its not tap doctrine which does not contradict the provisions of legitimacy. 5 Draft Personal Status to Damascus Judge Professor Ali Tantawi. The amendments that have been on the right to family law and Qadri Pasha some of which are in at me: First: in marriage: 1 realization of the write-Akhras, when its capacity in advance in writing to the reference is the view of the faucet. 2 Subject to the terms spouse according to the Hanbali doctrine. 3 modify the eligibility age to marry to save interest. 4 the discretion of the judge in the age difference between the spouses.

5 requiring the ability to alimony for the legalization of polygamy. 6 is not selected less a dowry, and the subordination of alimony if the pair of doctrine Shaafa'is. 7 Respect alimony to the judge and the ancestors wife alimony preserved the interest. Second: In the divorce: The note stressed the importance of taking into account the legitimate divorce in being a solution and a cure is not retaliation and Chwia and a threat which is incompatible with the stability of married life and the purposes Shara where, and legitimate politics to find solutions to reckless couples use divorce for their goods and and it opened the door to the mercy of the law itself, taking the origin of the legality of divorce than which bring benefit and ward off harm. And the amendments: 1 does not occur divorce the doctrine of the tap. 2 why divorce is associated with a number of rude or signal one of the doctrine of Ibn Taymiyyah. 3 there will be no divorce is done only intention and thus taking the abolition of the right to divorce and the abolition of the pending divorce, which means the divorce is urged to act or avoided taking the opinion of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Hazm.

4 is a all divorce revocable only on money and divorce complement of three, is the view of Malik and Shafi'i. 5 the absence of a husband for his wife excuse entitles terminate the contract of the doctrine of Imam Malik. 6 differentiate for not spending Shafi'i and Hanbali doctrine. 7 in arbitrary divorce compensation for women affected by it. Third: in percentages: Brown the maximum duration of the pregnancy on an extrapolation of forensic doctors in the statements they calendar year reserves not exceeding them, which opinion of Maalikis. Fourth: In the alimony: The expense of relatives, according to the base (food t m deep Nm) doctrine Ahmed Valenvqh of the inheritance. V. Eligibility: Law emerged from Egyptian law emanating from the Islamic jurisprudence according to the rules of reclamation. Sixth: In the commandment: 1 implementation of dividing the estate among the heirs notables of the doctrine of some Shafi'i and Hanbali. 2 commandment health for non-existent from the doctrine of the owner.

3 say due commandment taking the verse:) the [ ( Al-Baqarah: 180] and taking the words of Ibn Hazm must commandment for Oqrbin not inheritors. Seventh: inheritance: 1 joint work in the matter Malik and Shafi'i doctrine. 2 taking Zaid doctrine and Ibn Masood legacy of Grandpa and the protection money. 3 to respond to a couple taking the doctrine of our Lord Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him. 4 inheritable pregnancy with the birth of most of it, taking Unlike tap. At the conclusion of this project texts excluded provisions for Druze and Christian denominations and Judaism into account, including in each community [(1)] . Several amendments have been issued to the Syrian Personal Status Law: 1 of Law No. 34 issued on 28.12.1395 and 31.12.1975 containing amend the Personal Status Law. 2 Law No. 19 dated 08/23/1421 and 20/11/2000. 3 Law No. 18 dated 08.29.1424 and 10.25.2003. 4 Act No. 31 of 2006.

Part I of marriage and its effects

The first chapter, etc. i b of Muslims

The first topic: the definition of the engagement and governance and legitimacy The second topic: the provisions considered to fiance The third topic: the words of the sermon Section IV: Terms of Engagement Section V: cases and provisions of the sermon Section VI: dowry and gifts in sermon Section VII: Air engagement and terminated and the effect of rescinding them And compensation for termination of the sermon. Section VIII: the provisions of the engagement in the Syrian Personal Status Law

The first topic: the definition of the engagement and governance and legitimacy Definition of engagement Language: sermons preaching speeches and sermons, and Khatib and her fiance, and speeches: who preaches woman, and women's wedding rings [(1)] . Idiomatically : Request a man to marry a woman legally permissible for him [(2)] . The rule of engagement and legitimacy: The engagement of the things prize legitimate appreciated, Ozh b Others said that the verdict Kalnkah; as the means rule purposes has been indicated by the evidence of many, it is the Holy Quran says : ) ( [Cow: 235] . Face inference: engaged to exposure passport of iddah a death in the kit, and a fortiori passport sermon permission to others who do not mind her engagement Kaladh a [(3)] . It is the year: What was narrated by Ibn Umar said: The Prophet ^ to sell one another on the sale of some or preaches x i man his brother even leave suitor before or authorizing him suitor [(4)] . He drew inference : the sanctity sermon girl that got engaged last and chosen only if authorized him to second Bouktabtha or that he left her engagement [(5)] , which shows the legality of the sermon as the first sermon considered is preserved may not abuse it.

The consensus : consensus of the Muslim Ummah from the presence of the Messenger of Allah ^ to this day on the grounds of marriage is a necessary but the cult, as the survival of the human kind, but do not lend Rights [(1)] . The second topic: the provisions considered to fiance To look fiance and amount: If a woman wanted a sermon mustahabb for him to look at her face and hands to talk apostle ^ bin Division raider may Allah be pleased with him, and speeches Woman: Look at it, it more likely to between you [(2)] . He drew inference: that the consideration to women before the contract to see a couple's interest in embarking on this contract or not [(3)] . Reza fiance given: the doctrine of the majority of scholars not to require consent, or provide informed without consideration to except the face and hands, and so, lest lured by ;probably saw no likes Vtnksr and hurt, and lest festooned with youthful is Mavera, but this is mustahabb view it before her engagement The science of it replied to the request, if hatred left without harming, unlike left after the sermon, and only sent a woman before the sermon Trust look at it and tell them [(4)] , and it is true that the Messenger of Allah ^ or sound sent to the woman and said: 'olfactory and Look to Arkobhe [(5)] .

And Maalikis to makrooh Astgvalha a consideration even not dare people of corruption to look at the women plaintiffs sermon [(6)] . And really requires intention to propose to her for saying ^: If you were in the heart of a man who a woman, there is nothing wrong sermon to be seen [(1)] . And recommended the women's attention to the man with the exception of the area between the navel and the knee as well, they from men what men admire them, and can be described as a man .. Everything over to them, because the purpose of the establishment of a year for them not only to him, Vastoya bug judgment [(2)] . There is no doubt that the Touch informed consideration of pleasure and provoke desire, it is not permissible do not need him. If one dislikes the other kept silent and did not say anything, because to say may not harm [(3)] . Considering rule: If consideration is permissible for those aware of her engagement passport and he thinks it most likely answer, what is his, whether it is obligatory or mustahabb or passport?. The majority of scholars went to mustahabb a the apparent meaning of the modern nation was unanimous on Passport and passport lookalike than the need Kalshhadh [(4)] ...

Some scientists went to the permissible which Hanbali doctrine when to talk to 'see' and because it's after the ban for legalization [(5)] . Look lustfully and without either, when from Shaafa'is: in the eyes his desire of view, and bound him Abdin son as if he knows that he answered in his application he married [(6)] . This is something that affirms the sanctity of touch even lust security, because touch the crudest of consideration [(7)] . The amount of consideration: If the Jazz to consider, to what something looks? . Permissible for him to look at her face and hands, and not more than that, as evidenced by facial beauty, Evin on a body and the body, which is the opinion of the masses of scientists [(1)] . Quoted the public: the Almighty, saying:) [ ( Nur: 31] because the face and hands are where ornamental appear, Valuge evidenced by the beauty, and hands on the fertility of the body [(2)] . If the matter selected, Valkhaloh the not permissible unless he was with her Muharram [(3)] . Repeat consideration: Consideration may be repeated and could control how it's needed, or three times, so as to be seen its not body remorse; It probably does not get its first look at the purpose [(4)] .

The question of the suitor and his fiance: consulted to know the fianc, fiance, it may Male disadvantages but honestly and certainty without slander and thinks the charge, as did the Messenger of Allah ^ with Fatima girl Qais, stating her description of each addressed to her, when she said: (The Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan a father Khtabana, said the Messenger of Allah ^: As Muawiya , no money, and The Abu the severe on women, she said: (Fajtabna Osama bin Zaid, may Allah be pleased with him Wiczuginy, God blessed me in Osama). He drew inference: passport Male what the suitor descriptions review and alert, do not mention what he knows if had not been consulted and only was Mstgaba and backbiting is a major sin [(5)] . It does not mention the disadvantages and defects only when the real need, but that was pushed without Male disadvantages, if j s and for him: no suits do not fit, then it is not permissible Male defects and free him mention it. Even consulted in the same right should indicate whether the defects if they prove to the wife of the option, and the Mitigating defects mentioned the desire mustahabb of bad manners and avarice, and likely Sherbini Sheikha whole by saying: do not fix you. The sins should cover himself and repented in the case. Engagement in etc. : enacted to provide a sermon in the hands of the sermon award permission Mptdoh the

to God and prayer be upon the Messenger of Allah ^ concluding commandment and pray, and carried out by a suitor or his deputy and asked hand Karimthm then preaches guardian respondents about it. And other desirable speech before a contract is stronger than the first. And is recommended for Crown x of the people of righteousness: Shoaib as he did with Moses, peace be upon them both, and the caliph Omar viewing Hafsa Ali Osman then to Abu Bakr and Scotthma God bless them for knowing request from the Messenger of Allah ^. It also recommended a good selection of wedding rings: ^ saying: A woman may be married for four wealth and lineage, her beauty and her religion, same religion patting hands [(1)] . Ie: I got to win in this life and the afterlife. Messenger of Allah was asked ^ women any good? He said: that if view, obey if ordered, do not go against his wishes hates herself and money [(2)] . The third topic : the words of the sermon Engagement can be a statement and , and the words of the statement are: words on the will of the marriage function is potential for a meaning other than the marriage contract, which cuts the desire, her words do not have specific [(3)] . The exposure is possible terms the desire for marriage, or not.

The husband comes in absolute owner of the kit, as it may permit, exposure, and the other: it went public jurists unanimously to the sanctity of speech righteous statement, whether irrevocable or revocable of divorce or death and dissolution or Anevsakh is compromised or other, and the evidence for that is the verse:) [ ( AlBaqarah: 235] as the verse indicates exposure, a passport without permission suggesting concept offending the sanctity of the permit. The exposure: Kcolh: find like you, and Lord willing Vic, and'm not Bmrgob you .. And unanimously agreed that it is permissible exposure with indistinguishable between the exposure and the permission to iddah death. The Messenger of Allah entered ^ Umm Salamah It Mtaama of Abu Salamah said: I have learned that I am the Messenger God and and topical national [(1)] . The scholars agreed on the sanctity of the reactionary and exposure to being a wife. And the meaning of marriage, may wish revenge Vtkzb in the expiration of the kit. The irrevocably tap has gone to the sanctity of the marriage at all because the exposure based from the face of the survival kit, hard of face Kalthabt of each face. And went public a more correct when Shaafa'is to permissible exposure each without authorization, as well as permissible for to answer exposure without permission.

In another words, prevent the exposure in junior irrevocably divorced without major [(2)] . And Maalikis to it that iddah speeches and holding them in the kit was in after the kit or got introductions to engage in preparing their teams 3)] ]). A woman sentenced to authorize the exposure and the rule of engagement.

Section IV : Terms of Engagement 1 vacancy for marriage and preparing forbidden to speech Almenkouhh the the 'married' and righteous than others but righteous intercourse with suspicion may propose marriage who thoroughly during which, unless iddah of others before him [(1)] , there is no doubt that the Forbidden sermon not have considered as if blunt speeches in several others. 2 passport marry his fiance: the sense that there is no objection to contraception marriage to be of incest perpetual or temporary, as his sermon absolute thrice it is not permissible for a sermon fifth if under four, and prohibits speech is deprived of combining it with his wife, a sister of his wife. . It also deprives Fools sermon for the second [(2)] . 3 vacancy sermon: deprive the sermon on the sermon suitor without his permission and consent, without leaving modesty and the like to interview the Messenger of Allah ^: no man preaches his sermon until the suitor leaves him or authorized him suitor [(3)] , so why in the second sermon of abuse and estrangement. And Maalikis to be suitor reprobate for upholding his speech, may be bypassed and the sermon on his sermon. And symptoms and the length of time from the answerer is a reluctance to allow the second sermon [(4)] .

And this prohibition is not prohibition of invalidity p [(5)] , in accordance with the following cases: Section V : cases and provisions of the sermon A be the sermon for the first award be valid shall be prohibited from the second, and be awarded if has its own terms in the sermon in addition to the first two conditions: freedom from marriage and preparing to marry his fiance passport. The second decade after the first sermon: If you are the first sermon and then the second speeches and held it correct this contract? The audience went to the validity of the second contract, despite committing the Muharram, because that is forbidden is the sermon, and forbid them not invalidate the marriage nor requires dissolution, because it is not a requirement in his health. And Maalikis to the annulment of the marriage before taking that forbidding the construction of the prohibition and nullification, even if the first did not ask annulment, or did not know the second engaged to the first, the second ever entered the marriage was annulled [(1)] . B to refuse the first people fiance suitor or authorize the second [(2)] . Here are addressed may second he proposes marriage to her with the first to leave or permission or reject her and her guardian.

C to silence people fiance for permission to respond or answer, the was tolerated likely satisfaction that was what it was satisfied but Saket non-Bakr did not deprive sermon second when the tap and more correct when Shaafa'is because silence does not invalidate anything any right of others, and the length of time of respondent possible reluctance promise. The evidence for that: that Fatima girl Qais got engaged, she said to the Prophet ^: that Muawiyah and father Khtabana, said the Messenger of Allah ^: The Abu not put the stick on his shoulder, and the rolling Vassaloc no money has Ankahi Osama bin Zaid [(3)] . As well as women may not be a sermon on women if a man of the people of virtue and science and mustahabb sermon, and not the passport if he knows he does not want to marry only one has been married [(4)] .

Section VI : dowry and gifts in the engagement and the marriage contract [(1)] The dowry in the marriage contract is required not the sermon, and that if the payment of money as dowry contract has not been recovered particular pair or its value if Mtlva, which is in agreement. The gifts: If you gave them and wanted to not contract, a refund gifts list of non-expendable eliminate or Mradah, passport and recovery of the predominance of conjecture that gifts to complete the engagement contract, did not take place, as well as if he died, one Vllakhr back, while consumption prevents the back give it to him, as well as What was Contraindications Refer to give it to him, change eye donated sewed .. And similar is the view of and tap Shaafa'is. Teams Maalikis and Hanbali between Back For its part, he may refer faceted they only knew or requirement, but if the return from his part not to return the gift at all, if one of them died not return to give it to him. Some of the Shafi'i is permissible to refer including spent suitor on his fiance because he meant to marry them did not get, without exposure to the flame of, and whether symptoms of them or one of them, but has come back after the contract before entering or death before entering, unlike what if she died not return [(2)] . If the rule of the donation contract detail follows [(3)] : Tap and Shaafa'is that if gave something to his wife not his fiance divorced her after the contract was an

absolute gift and they should not because what gave him only if recorded the is attributable. He favored son Abdeen that sends them from clothing, jewelry and money .. Is one of the gifts of the dowry, and the wife compensated and them. And Maalikis to stipulated gift of her in the contract or before, the divorced before entering P take rule dowry. Hanbali and went to catch because marriage Vkalmehr in permanence to the whole or a half or fall. And I see that as gifts Precious ( typecast) and ornaments of the dowry that has the band after the contract before entering Vti_tr protest including mentioned by Ibn Abdeen of unnecessary compensation wife and Athabtha pair , the no longer of dowry does not back out, which confirms that the view of the Maliki and Hanbali of gift , this means attached by virtue of the dowry and counted it. Section VII : Air engagement and terminated and the effect of rescinding them and compensation for termination of engagement The views of scholars in the Air sermon: Said Suyooti: What contracts needs to utter the affirmative and acceptance: and he mentioned the sermon, as evidenced by the sanctity of the engagement of the second when the first permit an answer [(1)] .

And scholar Solomon sentences: It seems that the engagement is not a legitimate contract even imagine being a germplasm is no contract, but certainly permissible on both sides [(2)] . That may terminate the engagement because if they were of the contracts award may be terminated and if you were not a contract but a promise, promise a nonbinding spend at the audience, responded sermon after completeness is not forbidden religiously, and the Maliki say: The promise is required legally, and the consequent failure to fulfill its poor links between people and misalignment, so hated refer below purpose of breaking promises [(1)] , which is the right thing. The effect of reverse speech in forensic evidence: If amended suitor for his sermon, it causes harm to the betrothed and her family, so the caliph Omar's what was presented Hafsa to Abu Bakr and Uthman melancholy to look the, and the sadness most of our master Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with them, apologized Abu Bakr that the Messenger of Allah ^ has mentioned in an interview Long: Omar says: come Osman bin Affan upon Hafsah said: I'll look at my situation Vlbutt nights and then met me and said: You may seemed to me not to get married on this. Umar said: I met Abu Bakr. I said: if you like your wife Hafsa bint Omar, fasted Abu Bakr ... Then speeches Messenger God ^ Vonkanha the him Vgayna the

Abu Bakr said: Perhaps you found while I was offered Hafsa did not go back to you something. Omar said: I said yes. Abu Bakr said: it did not stop me to go back to you while I was offered only because I learned that the Messenger of Allah ^ had mentioned I did not to disclose the secret of the Messenger of Allah ^ even left the Messenger of Allah ^ accepted [(2)] . And fully illustrated how Osman before his sermon Hafsa and Astnzer to the deliberately then apologized was years later to apologize for the sermon after taking it, as well as an apology Abu Bakr, Omar confirms this [(3)] . This is in the words engaged to make the expenses not accompanied lengthened times not miss the on fiance speech or they may relate Boukhadobaa the ... We have studied the rule of dowry and gifts in sermon to _n after that compensation for termination. Compensation for termination of engagement: Considering that the sermon is not a binding contract, it has no termination of one or both parties, and may continue engagement with the decline in confidence among the people for a long time consequent abuse of the betrothed, nor are references old to study this, since the engagement is not delayed combined for the marriage contract, and that is considered contemporaries.

Sheikh Mohammed Bakhit went Motaey Mufti of Egypt to the lack of compensation, as the right to choose is not a contradiction out of their legitimacy. He discussed this issue Abu Zahra And that reverse speech right, does not entail the use of the right to compensation only if accompanied by Baltgrir damage from a suitor to the other party, or caused by, so the compensation due to an act lured not only because of the engagement and rescinding the right choice, if required some sort of dress and the device .. Or requesting processing dwelling .. , this damage because of interference in its creation addressed is the engagement and reverse .. Rcn one party to the other and confidence in him and he thinks not assume reverse means not arrange compensation because it the not , and lured positive for ensuring [(1)] . While gold Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltout Sheikh of Al-Azhar mosque to compensate never It mechanism, Dr Mustafa Sibai but according to three conditions: 1 to be reversed without reason fiance. 2 The reverse damage inflicted physical or mental are not sexual Alasthua. 3 to confirm his desire suitor norm and reason in a marriage. The Civil Court of Cassation decided in 1939 include:

1) Engagement is not a binding contract. 2) just the reverse is not a positive reason for compensation. 3) if accompanied by reneging on a sermon other acts harmed one of the betrothed may award compensation based on tort. Court decision shows that he should be compensated in the moral and material damage as they are positively harmful acts to compensate [(1)] . But if you got an annulment unnecessary personally see no compensation for pure reverse the sermon, but if coupled with this sermon Palmsogat the following: 1 for termination without cause fiance. 2 prolong the engagement excuse or not, is alone sufficient to compensate with the first reason. 3 for material and moral damage, which does not violate the-Shara . 4 What can be detrimental to the reputation of the girl or leaving them to function. 5 No compensation case being deceived, and is the past of the corruption. And because God has said:) ( Isra: 34] . The promise is legally required, and considered the Messenger of Allah ^ breaking promises tuft of hypocrisy. Section VIII : the provisions of the engagement in the Syrian Personal Status Law

Article 2: Engagement and the promise of marriage and reading light and catch the dowry and accept the gift not be a marriage. Article 3: each of the fianc and fiance to abandon the sermon. Article 1: 4 if the suitor dowry payment in cash and bought apparatus women then Edit her fiance about the choice between re-such as cash or delivery device. 2 If you alter women, it must be such as dowry or its value. 3 takes place on the provisions of the donation gifts. It is essential for completion of the application of these articles from article 536 / Origins: The Sharia Court final judgment in matters of personal status of Muslims, and include: a marriage. B dissolution of the marriage. C dowry and the device. D incubation and breastfeeding. E alimony between the spouses and children. And charitable endowment in terms of equivalents and health conditions. Explain the material: Article 2 and 3: The second article remember images courtship, where a statement of the promise, which shows that the sermon does not hold promise, but this was followed by the third article reads as confirmed by rescinding the right to both suitors. Article 4: characterized by Article IV, the first paragraph of reverse fianc or fiance in terms of the response was appointed dowry or value of an application of the doctrine

of jurists in dowry in terms refer either to distinguish between and in terms of origin refer pony eye or fair is the opinion of Maliki and Hanbali in gifts in part of it, though mentioned in terms of reference and the lack of it, and the second paragraph option granted to the wife if amended are alert to it, what could harm arises from the reverse may suffer. In this unnecessary reference to compensation for termination of engagement in the least amount without this authorization. So went the Court of Cassation (607 resolution date 05/12/1967) to retrieve the passport gifts if you do not for error , can not achieve the goal of gifts provider in strengthening the bonds of love between the couple in order to fully marriage. The Court of Cassation said in another resolution (286 date 12/06/1968), saying: may refer gifts given during the sermon if fiance refused to complete the marriage. And between the decision to explain that neither error nor abuse of engagement in the dissolution suitor [(1)] .

Chapter II : Provisions of the marriage contract

Section I : Definition marriage, Parweit, e and cash equivalents Legitimate in terms of description Section II : Elements of the marriage The third topic : the conditions of validity of marriage Section IV : access conditions for marriage Section V : Terms of unnecessary marriage Section VI : administrative transactions marriage

The first topic : the definition of marriage (marriage), legitimacy and cash equivalents
The first requirement: the definition of marriage (marriage) and evidence of legitimacy Section I: Definition of Marriage (marriage): Language : annexation and combine, and it fuck rain the ground if it was adopted, and intimacy and the contract ( 1) , which is a synonym for marriage. And idiomatically: Tap knew that contract stating enjoy solution between a man and a woman without a legitimate objection, it is positive and mutually accepted, and useful solution to enjoy legally, for the husband of a woman jurisdiction unrealized femininity, but not of incest for life or temporary. And said Shaafa'is is: contract includes the legalization of intercourse. And can be calculated in language use contract Kcolhm: fuck so and so so and so any contract with her, and fuck his wife any intercourse with her. And its meaning in Islam when the public contract, a metaphor in intercourse, and says:) Im eBay eBay pages ( [AlBaqarah: 230] intended to contract, and is intended to have intercourse by saying ^: even taste Asiltk the and gastronomical Asilth the [(2)] . And went to tap it for intercourse and metaphor in the contract is the closest of

the language, because the meaning of intercourse door remark, we Almmash the contact euphemism him. Raghib al-Isfahani responded that the names intercourse the mentioned without a contract, just use the ugly of what it is advisable [(3)] . Others went to the subscription and significant on both, and it says:) ( cow: 221] Virad the prohibition on contract entangling, and forbidding intercourse in the nation owned entangling [(1)] . That went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article 1: To define marriage as: marriage contract between a man and a woman legally permissible for him than the establishment of the Association for the common life and birth control. Section II: evidence of the legality of the marriage contract: From the Qur'an : God's words:) ( women: 3] and says:) o the [ ( Nur: 32] . It is Sunnah: ^ Saying: I like Aftrta of Vlistn and two years of marriage [(2)] , and saying ^: of the living God righteous woman has bisected subsidy religion, so let him fear Allah in the second half [(3)] . The general consensus of the nation on the legality of marriage and its importance is obvious that in the absence of the interests of celibacy, and the spread of the evils.

And the purposes of marriage many of them: Remember the offspring, and the water that output hurt Ahtbash, Neil pleasure, and also pay in paradise, and the survival of the male, and raise prayer degrees of good boy [(4)] . Some mustahabb wife and marriage: Is recommended to be wife religiously Balastmsak the acts of worship and righteous deeds and chastity and piety taboo to saying ^: A woman may be married for four things: their wealth and lineage, her beauty and her religion same religion patting hands [(5)] , any the Bmutirk with religion and only lacked. The first being a virgin Hala took virgin Tdaabha and Tdaabk [(1)] and not to marry her guardian, but a virgin never married. And be of good proportions Nusseibeh originally ^ saying: 'lineage' and Tjera to Ntvkm [(2)] . And to be a foreign or near nearly far, Shafi'i said: whatever the household of not graduated their wives to other men were in their children idiots. Summarize Habeer: 3/146. This is because of the purposes of marriage connect people to marry for mutual cooperation and the meeting of the word, and get married ^ Zaynab girl aunt to a statement of the passport, as well as the prophet Ali married Fatima, God bless them is about far as it girl cousin and passport. And be friendlier to the saying ^: married fertile friendly I the Welcome [(3)] . And to be beautiful and

broad mind and soul for saying ^: was asked Messenger ^: women any good? He said: that if view, obey if ordered, do not go against his wishes hates herself and money [(4)] , and hated with subtle beauty whether boasts its beauty, as Say that recognizes one might . And to be driven by pony light for saying ^: the greatest women pool Oasrhen 5)] ]). It was said: The first bad omen women frequent her dowry. And marry only one woman to the phenomenon need clear information, if was futile recommended that adds one not to divorce her. And held in the mosque first day God bless my in Pkorha [(6)] . And be entered in October. The second requirement: the rule of marriage in terms of description u t appointed The origin of the marriage scars and Sunni when you need it that eager himself to sexual intercourse with his ability to have intercourse, yet mankind wife and attention, even if a eunuch, and without Vtourah Kanin, and with of dowry and cladding, alimony, even days, and marry with the worship save the debt is keeping interests different types of birth control and ratios. If you do though poor is accepted by the structure of vaccinated and vaccinated Othieb, and will be rewarded as well as the structure of compliance commanded ^ in saying ^ : O t young men, whoever you can afford it is

lowering the gaze and chastity and could not he fasting it to him and came [(1)] . The face of inference : Whoever can afford, alimony , sexual intercourse, and could not, prolonged fasting and a lot weaken intercourse so it has memorized. It confirms that year what Roy p sufficiently Ben and gentleness that came to the Prophet ^ said to him: Alec wife Aaekav said: No, he said: The ongoing said: No, he said: And you correctly Moser, he said: Yes, thank God, he said: you if of demons Brotherhood ... [(2)] . And women as men in the event of need and lack thereof. The marriage is better than the application of science and education and the abandonment of worship and redundancy in more correct when Shafi'i, who reached it to the maintenance of self for outrageous and a reason to get the boy Saleh, who calls him okay, so that unemployment, leisure and young people together performers to immorality, and most likely I'm Abdeen that the intention to eliminate lust Nearly delegate to be able to spend his desire illegally The impact of the project with the knowledge as required by the marriage of the duties and weights, making it accidentally leave sin. Some have gone to that imposed taking and for the damage as much as possible, as to engage

with the statutes and the Sunnah of redundancy with the first to leave the marriage. And argued that the imposition of the adequacy of the province on birth control, as if to introduce the Muslim community with him to cut off birth control. And went to the superimposed virtual eye on each individual verse:) ( which is obligatory, and saying ^: married fertile friendly I the Welcome [(1)] , which is an absolute shall be absolutely hypothesis, and to refrain from adultery imposed, it is not only in marriage, and what are not taken to be, but it is the duty of [(2)] . I answer: bear evidence of the scars, to establish a place of marriage when fasting deficit for the marriage, fasting not delegate delegate acting as duty, and some of the companions was not his wife and did not deny it. It can be presumably also : and if he was afraid for himself adultery, or if his vow with Altoqan him and his dowry and alimony, even borrowing if being able to meet and not to fear from the oppression of the wife, as well as if you can not prevent himself considered taboo or masturbation stop Vivred in his marriage, This is because not only reach him to leave the Sacred is imposing and this is when his inability to fast inhibitor of falling into adultery.

And if he thinks it most likely king of dowry, alimony and to meet the deficit and uncertainty of adultery imposed on him to marry too. And be permissible when his intention to eliminate lust and by and there is no objection with being and Ojeda to , and the evidence for that is the verse:) ( women: 24] , after mentioning the taboo and wife and patency of , and the delivery of benefit to the same like food and drinking for permissibility. Here becomes worship and seek knowledge better. But if unintentionally son valid and Aafava the was Mthaba and becomes the Hereafter delegates to him. Has become distasteful not by his marriage with no need for it that did not Taatq himself to habitus or a disease or a deficit, ANSA or service With lost (preparedness) as to Aigdr to do as well as he does not need him. As well as the case of a preparedness ( )with the illness of a pyramid or permanent illness or curse or wiped. As well as if it were in the house of war on the child's fear of disbelief. . Or conflict has a fear of getting caught in adultery and the fear of injustice, as the injustice of the wife's right of sunflower nearer from the fear of fornication, because keeping the width of the right of God, as well as when the dowry, alimony and that he was afraid of adultery, if not broken his desire Vzusband first of its occurrence in adultery.

And suppresses the desire prolonged fasting and raised only very few, if not broken unit lust married, it says:) [ ( Nur: 33] . Which the concept of saying ^: can afford alimony but must be prolonged fasting a lot. It may be forbidden if the uncertainty falling into tyranny and injustice to the wife, because the marriage proceeded to collect the reward interest and selfimmunization, if found unfair sinned, and ward off evil first of bringing benefits, disability or uncertainty about the dowry, alimony its inability to meet [(1)] . Did not intervene legislator in the ruling on marrying, but appropriate, Article 305 of the Code of Syrian Personal Status, which read: all unless it text in this law because it to say, probably in the Hanafi school, it must refer to what the tap here which offers provisions five for marriage, though likely is marry scar ages of human society in the survival of offspring and what is in the child of the purposes that the best upbringing no longer no limit in this world and the hereafter.

Section II : Elements of the marriage

The first requirement: the views of scholars in the corners of the session It corners of Marriage [(1)] which must of its existence and is one of the essence of the contract, which scholars have disagreed:

According to public opinion pillars of the marriage contract are: Akdan and shop and the formula: First: Akdan : understanding husband and wife or Kalhma or Ehma, and requires two full performance of civil or missing, and here in the session is sufficient when the public eligibility under-performance, and requires two dissatisfaction and lack Alxra e also come [(2)] . Fuck impeller: and idiomatically coercion: is to get others to act means intimidating [(3)] . Scholarly in fuck impeller: Hanafi and Hanbali went to his health. The Maalikis and Shaafa'is to void. Quoted ancients saying ^: three matters and joking grandfather's grandfather: Divorce and Marriage and irreversibility [(1)] . The modern and clear indication that the words of the marriage procedure. . Adheres to its effects. He quoted others saying the Almighty:) ( An-Nahl: 105 106] Valxrah no effect on make an infidel insured, or if conducted on the tongue compulsion is not satisfied as long as his heart was reassured by faith. The speech Messenger of Allah ^: God has forgiven my ummah for mistakes, forgetfulness and what they are forced [(2)] .

The modern and clear indication that General culpability filed under duress, and that the marriage contract is not consequent impact [(3)] . Second: The subject of the contract : Tap and some said Shafi'i and Hanbali that held it is a solution to enjoy the object of them, and both husband and wife are party to the contract does not replace him. And drew him to the shop is the solution to enjoy them because intended and , in addition to other than the subsequent reproduction and love and compassion. Third: Format : conditions shall be met for the marriage proposal and acceptance, and to be considered origins must agree, and this is done in the affirmative, acceptance, and two formula marriage, and this means the requirement to communicate them, or the presence of offer and acceptance were related. Does not require the public offering words of the guardian of the husband and Shaafa'is Bucking when some Shafi'i and Hanbali Vastrtoa provide positive guardian, promised the public positive of the guardian and acceptance of the pair progress or delayed, but stipulated that the Hanbali progress so, without tap who promised positive that version formula suitable for the benefit the first decade, and acceptance: version ... Second, whether it be the guardian or spouse.

This is stipulated by the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (5): (marriage shall favorably from a and acceptance of the other). Even mediate the third with a link to the proposal and acceptance that the Crown says [(1)] : married daughter Flana said: viscosity for so and so and then the husband said: accepted to marry her. He said: accept to marry her, held that the contract offer and acceptance linked to, but if they said: Yes, or one of them said: Yes, there is the contract as well as the to Oukal guardian: viscosity limited it is not valid must be saying viscosity flan [(2)] . The second requirement: words function on the offer and acceptance in the marriage contract First: the words of offer and acceptance explicit in the marriage contract: The masses of scientists went to the the matrimonial Blfeza decade of marriage or derived them for saying ^: fear of God in women ye Okhztamohen of God and safely the word of God [(3)] and to be the word of God marriages and marriage to limit the Quran mention these , so stop with them and reserves the Shaafa'is Contrary to the public, with the semiworship to be considered delegates, but receive the worship of Islam, has been reported in Shara These ,

and holds a word in saying ^: Mketkha including thee from the Qur'an [(4)] on a novel public Zojtkha [(1)] . And requires the acceptance statement Baltazoaj or marriage is not sufficient, saying: accepted, not stating his intention is approved doctrine when Shafi'i and Hanbali, because the marriage does not meet Enaah, but went acceptance to what has enjoined the positive, and say: This is true acceptance and carries on the positive, and is Kalmaad rude as it is more correct in sales [(2)] . Second: The words on the titling function in the case of objects without Awad Calebh, charity: Abu Haneefah and his companions, Maalik and Ahmad to the contract by the condition mentioned dowry, and the argument masses to marry the Messenger of Allah ^ held by him to marry his nation, he says:) dd mm I ( Ahzab: 50] and was a project in his right ^ is the right project. The Shaafi'is to prevent reconvene this wording and said: This word special prophet, peace be upon him guide says: ) ( , and because the term is held by the other did not take place by the marriage and permissible but it should be reservists Alabdhaa, because the basic reservists Alabdhaa. Third: The words on the titling function objects such as selling if mosquitoes intended meaning of marriage and the presumption was a function of the metaphor.

Tap went to the passport. And of p is are Shafi'i and Hanbali, and the argument Almjizin that word if accompanied by evidence of the will of the marriages which benefit the King of the eye, which requires solving fun was used in the fact that the meaning of marriage is permissible, and the argument Almanaan the fact that sales and lookalike contrary to the fact marriages do not include the word on it. Fourth: The words function on the beneficial ownership of mosquitoes or not Kolvaz the lease and loan, view of the masses is that marriage does not meet these terms inconsistent with what it indicates fact marry the utility Unlike built on Altaqat, as it does not meet except as indicating ownership of the eye and neck. Fifth: The words on the permissibility function and enjoy: The crowd went to the not verbally convening the permissibility and replacements and fun for free about the meaning of the King, as the reach of the food intake on King judgment and prevention Mbih and stone, it must in utter marriage of term ownership neck. Otherwise of words Kalkarz and sanitation, peace and wherein the words between the commandment convene and whether or not when you tap and not held by the facets [(1)] . The third requirement: image of offer and acceptance in the marriage contract

Is it necessary for word the past, we shall suffice Psoah or is it taking place already present tense and do it, if scholars agree to take place already last year, according to the word Guardian: your wife, and telling the pair: accepted, because the last evidence in the investigation, but Shaafa'is stipulate also Admission: statement Baltazoaj or marriage . . If I use the present tense started Bhmzh marry, or Balta not Leno reception and promise it is true, because every word benefit proven convened and Consent to use true, is not correct him to promise if you find the context function on the case, and acceptance is in the past. The present tense and it is firm and is unlikely: as if the suitor said: Spouses daughter, directed to speak to the Crown, the guardian replied: your wife, it was true to the presence of the decade call the pair assertion, there is no need to accept the new. As well as the words of Guardian: married, suitor replied: I married your daughter, there is no need to accept the new guardian of the call guardian assertion. That is because the Prophet ^: Zojtkha including thee from the Qur'an [(1)] after A'raabi said: Zojnyha. And The present tense likely: as if the husband says: daughter Zojtna or Tzojnyha or guardian said: Otaatzoj daughter is not considered fully valid contract because the question the meaning of these words do not say for

sure the will of the contract, as is meant here is the promise of no contract. So did the last command: If via them Vahdahma about the future and the other from the past held the contract, such as saying,: Spouses will answer your wife [(2)] . As stated in the Personal Status Law Syrian Article (6): (a proposal and acceptance in marriage with words to the effect means the language or the norm) This includes the words function on the offer and acceptance, has expanded and according to the doctrine of the tap to accept every word D. language and custom, and doubt that it has to be of significant benefit means firmly. The fourth requirement: Terms of offer and acceptance Stipulated in the offer and acceptance of four terms of the agreement, namely: 1 Federation Council proposal and the cellar : So as to associated positive guardian to accept the pair occurrence of the second answer, saying investigators for the purpose of talking former the contract, if the woman said: give myself, or said Guardian: your wife my daughter, so the other side of the board before admission and worked work benefit of the Council, and then said: accepted, After that it does not the d, because the requirement link union decade, and started the trip in

order to facilitate, if said in the House last: Accept did not take place, because to speak of what not decay Z. But does not require immediate acceptance when Hanafi and Hanbali In the words of the Maalikis The Council's long-decade. And required immediately when Maliki and Shafi'i not separating the offer and acceptance break a lot, and the separation term is what I feel Baaradh for admission, and does not harm Chapter easy to not notice symptoms for admission, and does not harm also was part of the contract or in the interest of Kusith his daughter good or Kkhtabh light, and symptoms is what Del custom and I feel, Kclam foreigner from the contract [(1)] . 2 compatibility and matching between acceptance and positive: Conditions shall be met that does not violate the acceptance so, if someone said to a woman: I married a thousand, the woman said: accepted the marriage does not accept dowry, does not meet the marriage, because it commanded so much labeled dowry, even acceptance, he has Mehr ideals did not satisfy him, even if accepted did not increased so true as stated, because the acceptance of a house on the positive when the tap. The Shafi'i said: not required unless stated pair in the contract commitment, if enjoined guardian thousand, and the husband said: accepted the true contract, and necessary Mehr ideals are not labeled, indicating the

validity of the contract when Shaafa'is here with disagreement between the offer and acceptance, but it is not absolute as if someone said: wife Khadija daughter, the man said: accepted Fatima marriage, no marriage shall. Lulu said: my daughter's spouse thousand dirhams, said the husband: Accept marriage Boukmsmaip not take place unless the contract was contrary to good, said the pair: a thousand and five hundred accepted is valid contract. Consensus does not require the guardian and the pair in pronunciation, if the guardian said: my daughter's spouse. The pair said: accepted to marry her. He did not say (her marriage), so, as a lesson in the contracts for the purposes and meanings of words and not buildings [(1)] . 3 survival positive and his insistence upon to accept executable: Require the offeror will not return for positive before accepting knitter other hand, the champion returned positive, did not find admission agrees thing, the positive as well as the survival of on the eligibility Aftru the madness or fainting. . Invalidates the positive acceptance if not issued yet, and it becomes positive if it does not, as well as if the wife returned from her permission before accepting a spouse or agent or fainted, admission is not valid [(2)] .

4 hear all the other of words and understand what is meant: Does not offer and acceptance only to hear both stainless and positive for the other and understand Clamehma, because the word is a tool that the link between the will of the contractors, which express their satisfaction in this decade must be to hear each word of the other and understand his way to issue them indicating satisfaction. And held of Akhras, but is a necessity, and must be absent from hearing the book with the hearing of witnesses [(3)] . As stated in the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (11): 1 is required in the offer and acceptance to be in agreement from every face in the Council and one, and have all of the contractors hearer of the word, other and Vihama that the intended marriage, and that no one of the parties before admission what invalidate YES. 2 and nullifies the offer before acceptance demise of civil anode and whatever benefit Alaara Z of one of the parties. This means the requirement of the previous four conditions are met to Tamam contract, and if these conditions was hired did not accept claim Besoria the decade (aside 598 643 7/21/81). The fifth requirement: the contract in writing and the letter and the reference

Conclusion of the contract in writing: He said the public: The Charter of the marriage contract boor does not take place first word, and this is something which is likely to face worship in conducting specific terms that are not this writing whether Akdan is the present or absent. If the guardian said: viscosity of such a man, and wrote that, when the pair reached the book said: accepted .. Is not valid . Tap said: just write without a word between the present void, With regard to : Flo sent the pair a book in the affirmative to the marriage contract witnesses heard the words of the Apostle and read the book Jazz kissed the Council of the Federation of meaning, book Kalkhtab, and the words of the Apostle the words of the sender. Had not heard witnesses talk apostle and read the book may not be with them other than Abu Yusuf if they heard saying: married myself, and protested that saying: splitting the contract, nor is the certificate only Bashatri decade, when Abu Yusuf said the pair contract with him, and then appends acceptance are [(1)] . He went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (7): May be offer and acceptance in writing if one of the parties is absent from the Council. It is clear that the weighting of the doctrine of the tap. Of the contract by reference: The signal mute function on the contract valid in the marriage contract, and required Shaafa'is lack of

jurisdiction signal Balvtunain, and only if the private Balvtunain not held by the contract, because it is then a metaphor does not take place Enaah, as should the prevalence of the signal and spread among discerning and other dumb, and held referring Balaftn competent if he has no another Mvhma signal and not , as held the Enaah without marriage is not held, and is considered referring competent euphemism. There is no doubt that the contract of the speaker never held reference [(1)] . Conclusion of the contract of Akhras, writing: The contract valid Akhras wrote no difference if you were not a signal Mvhma and could not Baltazoaj to another, whether for himself or for , the had a signal Mvhma are provided on writing the Shaafa'is as it is written metaphor other than referring the usual no longer a metaphor, if specialized reference was a metaphor, so speech that the reference to the nearest to relate which reference his hand .. Therefore was the closest to the pronunciation of the effects of pens. Hanbali promised to write here because it is like the first explicit signal indication, and the transfer of this for some tap as well, and that swinging have their settlement [(2)] . He went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (10): It's true offer or acceptance of speech incapable of writing that was written and only information.

It demonstrates to provide written Akhras, which quoted Hanbali and some tap, and only reference the function was held on the will of the Akhras norm Bashauaha and spread. The contract is not already: The risk is married and attachment to Balfruj and Alabdhaa very large, but it was strong prohibition on .. For all that the marriage contract was not taken only words in the opinion of scholars .. Do not accept the deal and act .. It is the marriage difference for incest [(1)] . I went to the Court of Cassation that significant in the contract terms the previous session there is nothing going on that deal (aside 63 52 01/03/73). A marriage contract modern means of communication: The contract modern means of communication possible way contract between the absent uncle replace compact, and can be made to communicate via phone and paper messages (fax) and the information network (Internet). If we look at the different scholars in the contract in writing the tap with the presence of witnesses to talk , but confusion serious counterfeiting and forgery of all these means, though the proof, but I see the passport of the decade on his own terms with the authentication of the lack of fraud. The sixth requirement: words and slang Almsahfah It is changing the correct words to others, contrary to what it termed.

Gold masses of scientists latecomers and contemporary to the validity of the marriage contract slang words open V. speaker in married, or replacement of the gym Zaya Zzouztk or vice versa: Jojtk, because the orbit in the customary formula from people Mahorat, and but stipulated Shaafa'is in acceptance statement .. So as to issuance intentionally true agreement Ahl hand what to utter it as if he put a new meaning of marriage facts verbal customary, especially when indoctrinated words correct language and argued that it is not the fact that the lack of the situation and not a metaphor for the lack of relationship is invalid and valid contract it. And likely to take place, but without Aref language must be correct pronunciation as well as fatwa Almjizin, and this necessity in colloquial without Aref [(1)] . The error in the formula language if you do not upset the sense true Kcolh: married to you or to you instead of your spouse a Kalkhto in expressing [(2)] . Has shown Article (6) of the Personal Status Law Syrian passport held slang words to be considered and significance the norm, but the first stick verbally eloquent which the general public it is keen on the safe side. The seventh requirement: non-Arabic words in the offer and acceptance Tap and Shaafa'is in more correct them and Hanbali to their health than Arabic languages, all though knitter knows Arabic, because what counts in the contracts for

the purposes and meanings of words and not buildings, because the miracle is not related this pronunciation the translating. In the face of true only in Arabic because it is words legitimate contained transmitted, and in the face that was incapable of true with other Arab words, otherwise it is not valid is the view of the Hanbali. Even if each one came in his own language improves, and translated them and third Avhmanma meaning Clamehma before or during the contract if so, what did not take long chapter But if after contract is not valid in the correct view that uttered verbally without knowing its meaning [(1)] . This introduces a significant article (6) of pan-phrase words function as it did not restrict the language in Arabic. The eighth requirement: the launch contract and restrict formula First: the contract done: The nature and sanctity of the marriage contract requires that the marriage contract accomplishing, it must be from the fact that the formula Closed absolutely no comment nor requirement nor add them. Second: The contract added to the future:

Not valid comment in addition to time in the marriage contract at all, as it is other and here is the first, an increase in its reserves. Flo said: If the sun rises wife my daughter was healthy, but if he said: wife God willing, it is not valid either fired or unintentionally comment, unlike his intention blessed or the fact everything, God willing, it is true. Third: the contract commentator on the condition: And comment on the condition possible presence is not right as well as in the marriage contract, as if he said: (if successful in the exam your wife my daughter) is not valid at all, and notes entry requirement formula of the contract other than those entered on the effects of the conditions in the contract, because the suspension inhibitor of validity of the contract is contrary to launch contract and Tngizh, otherwise held. The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (13): to Aanakd marriage added to the future and not on the condition commentator unrealized. The marriage contract is suited only ever given to His Holiness and gravity, and is intended requirement here attached to the establishment of the contract, comes this study. Fourth: The coupling requirement decade:

The conditions that go into the marriage contract can either be for comment and cash equivalents the matter of restriction which is related to creating or its effects and this is what attaches its effects will come in the effects of the contract, and respect created and formula which may invalidate contract and , two : Marriage shighaar and attachment created means being fixed at the origin contract contract when the public, as well as fuck fun. 1 fuck shighaar the [(1)] : Definition shighaar: freedom for dowry by making a few one against the other pony is the view of the guardian: (your wife my daughter to marry me daughter without a dowry), ie: to make the women Mehr other paid lapsed without the performance of each of them, it must be mentioned this. Impact fuck shighaar: Went to the invalidity of shighaar audience entertained. Tap went to the validity of the contract with the hatred and the need Mehr ideals. Manuals and discussed: manual annulment of the year: What is narrated from the Prophet Ibn Umar: that the Messenger of Allah ^ forbade shighaar, and shighaar man to marry his daughter, on his daughter to marry him, and not their Friendship [(2)] .

The invalidity but it is for the violation Amomat of the Quran and Sunnah in the necessity dowry , In shighaar vowed to drop dowry. It was understood that the related prohibition Tap exiled named shighaar the dowry with past several make Vtantfa this essence and void, while the marriage remains labeled what it does not fit the foal positive to Mehr ideals, and this guide to get forbidden to dislike corruption. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (53) that: the wife must pony as soon as the contract either correct call when the contract did not name or deny originally. And clarified the article (61) What should of dowry she said: 1 Mehr ideals must correct in the contract when you do not rename or corruption Mehr label. This is pursuant to the opinion of the tap in the health contract case shighaar with to Mehr zoom ideals, which is what was said by the Court of Cassation (364 361 19.10.64) because said: fuck shighaar of the held true Mehr should have been ideal, the content of the article (15) of the legal provisions of the Personal Status Kadri Pasha, when he stated: fuck shighaar is to make a few each of the two women to the other foals held true and must contract Mehr each proverb [(1)] .

2 Provisional marriage and marry fun: Comes discussed later in terms of health.

The third topic : the conditions of validity of the marriage contract

It means health conditions: things and descriptions that must exist to deliver the contract in his presence, if no longer corrupt contract was not significant, and this corruption in the descriptions of the contract is not in conformity with the origin of the tap method to differentiate between the corrupt and wrong [(2)] , and these conditions are in the certificate of the marriage contract, and the perpetuation of the marriage contract, the resolution of the disputed Yeh shop. The first requirement: the certificate on the marriage contract Definition Language certificate : news breaker, and saw such and such testimony led when his testimony is witness [(1)] . And began: tell the truth to prove right, the wording in the certificate judge [(2)] . The doctrines of jurists where : he went public, including Maliki and al-Ghazali of Shaafa'is to count certificate health condition is not a cornerstone, and Shaafi'is to count the certificate of the pillars of the contract, as well as some of the Maalikis, but General Maaliki enemy certificate condition for the validity of the

contract, whether there has or before Access, the income without witnesses an end, and this certificate when the contract, and if no him there is a must before entering, with his declaration scar agreement [(3)] . Manual legality of the marriage contract certification: 1 ^ saying: no marriage without a guardian and two witnesses, and what was otherwise fuck it is invalid, the Crown does not crown him [(4)] . 2 ^ saying: prostitutes who themselves without evidence [(5)] . He quoted Maliki speech Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: Prophet ^ established between the Khyber and the city's three built it Bsfih a shy girl, I called people to and 1)] ])and the reference to the lack of witnesses when the contract. And the significance of modern 'prostitutes' clear requirement to witnesses, the text in question [(2)] . Nor Zan d alleged that Maliki does not stipulate witnesses but separated between the nodes and the access, they must witness a duty at the origin of the marriage, but when the contract desirable, says the infection in his commentary on a brief explanation Khalil: The point is that the origin certification Marriage is the duty and the when the contract Vmsthab, the earned certification when the contract has been found commands mustahabb and obligatory, though the

time of the contract and found upon entry has got to be and rolls mustahabb, although there is no certification when the contract and to enter but found witnesses when one of them health is definitely [(3)] . And the wisdom of the certificate requirement: reservists Ibdhaa and maintenance for ingratitude Marriages, and distinguish it from incest, and maintenance of the right of the child; lest the father is lost lineage [(4)] . The impact of the absence of witnesses: If a woman married without witnesses, or one witness then witness the marriage is not permissible; because the condition is the certification of the contract did not exist. It void when Shaafa'is and Hanbali and corrupt at the tap, and Tru certification the corruptible Iklbh decade true. The Maalikis it was that if the couple entered without certification annulment of the marriage dowry shot; validity of the contract for that algebraic dissolution of the ruling, and limit the extent of adultery If READ or proven intercourse four witnesses Kalzeny. That that does not appear and spread, but if the marriage feast, or hit tune, or if the contract or enter one witness is the guardian not limit them and stave off the suspicion, because the Prophet peace be upon him: Adera border for Muslims what you can [(1)] .

Civil marriage and lack of witnesses: It is inconsistent with the testimony of so-called civil marriage a agree my will a man and a woman to establish a common life according to a law and first appeared this marriage in Europe and void the sanctity of breastfeeding and different religion, and taken adoptive sacred lineage, does not prove ratios born second only the approval of the first, nor the multiplicity of wives, and the kit (300) day, and divorce is located only spend, and obliges the wife alimony. This does not have to marry this project descriptions, but if any cases it is not the approval of all of these conditions, as the contract with the presence of witnesses with the absence of the sanctity of breastfeeding and religion .. Which the contract is with a project, but it was in vain [(2)] . Terms of witnesses in the marriage contract: 1 Islam: Because the mandate of the certificate, which is in agreement only if the wife written non-Muslim witnesses at the Abu Hanifa and Abu Yusuf contrary to the public, Mohammed and exhale from the tap, and this disagreement in the contract without proof. 2 commissioning: any of puberty and the mind; mad because small and are not eligible for a certificate. 3 Issue: the testimony of two men, and when you tap the testimony of two men or one man and two women.

4 masculinity: not d marriage certificate for women or a man and two women at the public, and held the testimony of one man and two women at the tap. 5 Justice: The Bmsturi takes place case when the Shaafa'is and Hanbali; difficult to see them because they are things inward. The the Maalikis witness Mastour is the case Kaladm them. Bucking the tap they received the certificate of folk did not stipulate justice; because Lecher fit and Leah in Marriage Faisalh of the witness it; because the mandate of the type certificate. 6 hearing: not held presence ;because the deaf do not hear the contract to witness it. 7 Pronunciation: not held presence Okhrsen; because Akhras can not perform certificate, his presence Kaadmh. 8 sight: a requirement himself by Shaafa'is, not enough have the testimony of the blind; because it testifies to the rhythm of the formula, which does not know the positive terminal of the executable, and others like it from the darkness of severe and did not require public this condition; because blind people of the certificate, and can be certain that from the sound on the face of Ishq it. 9 San contractors knowledge: it is essential to understand the words of the contractors, and to hear the formula well.

10 not be interdicted for him fiduciary is condition when Shaafa'is, as the condition of the mixing set to inattention or forgotten, it must be a good conservation officer [(1)] .

Declaration of Marriage and conceal it (fuck password): Marriage is recommended to show the duff to known and known, as recommended feeding it, with the agreement of the four scholars, Accordingly the concealment contract or the so when the majority of scholars, does not invalidate the contract because with the certificate not be muffled. And Maalikis to terminate the contract recommended Bactmh, and they called the fuck password, and marry a password: as recommended by the husband or wife or witnesses hide his marriage contract, Vivsch contract before and after the entry unless overlooking the norm, making it the Gladiator [(1)] . Evidence: 1 guides the audience: quoted public mustahabb publicity and advertising interviews, including: ^ Saying: declared this marriage and Adjaloh in mosques and smite upon 2)] ]). ^ Saying: separation between halal and haram voice and tambourine in marriage [(3)] . As Roy: that the Prophet ^ he hated marriage secret until it hits a PDF and said: the Vheona greet [(4)] . Based on the first conversation does not Abt's marriage contract secrecy; because it does not have with muffled

certificate, and carry on other conversations mustahabb and hatred confidential, and was attended by two witnesses is no longer a secret marriage; appearance Bcahidin and Veuah [(5)] . Evidence Maaliki: advanced quoted ahaadeeth quoted by the public [(6)] , also quoted Rui including: that Omar may Allah be pleased with him came to marry someone has not seen him only a man and a woman said: (This marriage password but not if you were made for the stoned) [(1)] . And Maaliki agree with the public in the marriage announcement scar, but stipulate leave collusion on the wraps Mstdelan the words of Omar discrimination Alakdan the Ripper [( 2) , and clear Irrelevance it has to be at least in the testimony of one man and two women. E Ga in the Syrian Personal Status Law in the certificate on the marriage contract: 12 requires the validity of the marriage contract the presence of two witnesses, two men or one man and two women Muslims the adults hearers offer and acceptance without understanding meant to them. This text marks Hanafi in accepting the testimony of one man with two women, but the doctrine of the public agrees to require that a Muslim witness in the marriage of a Muslim clerical and general doctrine of scholars agree to accept a certificate clerical among themselves and

silent about the text in the certificate of assets and branches. It is due to (305) of the Hanafi school, which proves the contract and health well as when Shaafa'is. Demand II: and not Taqat the marriage contract The marriage contract is a contract of life, and purposes of the upright does not play unless it was intended sustainability of the need for the stability of married life to the stability of the family, and is not intended to eliminate lust and Aloutr, this was the validity of the contract clause.

Temporary marriage and fuck fun: And fun: the language [(1)] : Material pleasures, and heirlooms is: utility item and all that it benefited, have fun and annexation of breakage: name for Temtaa, Kalmtaa days. And idiomatically: It is to marry a woman to a learned or not, Kamoosm or the arrival of Hajj, as if to say to her: (yourself Omtaana) says: (Baggage myself), neither the Crown nor the two witnesses. The temporary marriage: it is phrased with the wording of marriage and similar coupled including shows Altaqat with the presence of two witnesses. The majority of scholars to the lack of distinction between marriage temporary marriage of fun, and who split up between them as they tap said: What was the word marriage with Altaqat he fuck temporary, and what was the wording enjoy it fuck fun, in addition to that certification in the fun, and there in the temporary certificate, but this temporary spoiled and invalidated the fun. The four imams agreed prohibition mut'ah marriage and temporary marriage, to the frequent news quoted to us by the Messenger of Allah ^ prohibition on the fun. Bucking g fled from the tap in the temporary marriage, he said: marriage and may invalidate the condition, and that he had mentioned the marriage with the condition of

a corrupt, but Aabtal Marriage the corrupt conditions of the condition and the marriage remains valid. Tap audience responded to exhale and said: that if counting is temporarily mut'ah marriage is haram, but Asbel being for life because they did not Trdah [(2)] . And went Shiites Jaafarite to passport marriage interrupted absolute and him mut'ah marriage [(3)] . Evidence of those who say that it is haraam: Scholars have been shown the public that it is forbidden to marry fun substantiated many of them: From the Holy Quran: 1 The words Almighty : ) ( hath God Almighty all Alabdhaa only what has permitted Almighty contract legal marriage or a king right says Ibn Abbas: (All Faraj haram) [(1)] and tamattu not one of these, neither wife nor are thinowned, but they are not monogamous, because they do not have the rights of the wife, and not Briqikh. Valmenkouhh fuck fun forbidden text of the verse mentioned and supported by the verse in the last verse:) [ ( Believers: 7] God Almighty has named and beyond what the ordinary indicates on the sanctity intercourse without these two things.
[Believers: 5, 6]

2 and says:) [ ( Nur: 33] because they hated slaves on adultery Pay Vnhua about it and he called the Almighty any prostitution adultery, fun Venkah haram [(2)] .

Sunnah: 1 what is narrated from the prophet Ali, may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah ^: forbade marriage fun day of Khaybar and red meat Humanism [(3)] . 2 and spring bin Sabrah, from his father, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah ^ said: 'O people, I've been authorized you to enjoy women, although God has forbidden it until the Day of Resurrection, it had them something Vlakhal him not Take your which Atatamohen the thing [(4)] . 3 andropause ibn Salamah narrated from his father, he said: licenses Messenger of God ^ Otas in fun thrice and then forbade it [(1)] . Sayings of the companions: 1 Ibn Umar said: When the Crown Omar ibn al-Khattab, speeches people and said: The Messenger of Allah ^ authorized us in the fun three times, and then denying God, I do not know one enjoys a bunker but Rjmth stones but that comes to me with four witness that the Messenger of Allah ^ has permitted after It campus [(2)] . 2 and was the son of Masood may Allah be pleased with him say fun replicated copy divorce, dowry, and preparing and inheritance [(3)] . 3 And when asked Ms. Aisha for a fun women, she said: me and you the Book of Allah, and I read this verse:)

[ ( Believers : 5 7]

whoever seeks beyond what God Wife or his lost except [(4)] . 4 The Saeed bin Jubair said to Ibn Abbas: has gone Pftiak the stirrups, which she said poets said: Hallelujah and God what this what is but not be solved only compelled [(5)] . 5-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said: The Ibn Abbas furry him it , narrated that he returned for it [(6)] . This shows absolutely forbidden to marry fun and licensing copies. Reasonable : The purposes of the marriage contract of affection and housing, compassion and kindness, compassion, kindness and gentleness and mankind, and, above all, the child and the family, all denies mut'ah marriage, since neither the expense nor the proportions nor the legacy of no divorce, no witnesses. . Unless stipulated otherwise, has been fantastic ignorance of The Arts in adultery, the legislation taking people gradually, and that Ms. Aisha: Onzel the: No Tznoa, said: never let adultery. . [(1)] then when he settled legislation deprived fun Tibida. Provisions mut'ah marriage when Shiites Jaafarite: 1 drop and finish the end of the agreed period or before or after, according to the agreement, but settled or increased remuneration, and if term ended nor

Amdeddah neither fun turned into a valid marriage without a testimony. 2 does not require frequent term or the lack of even a little or a lot. 3 requires dowry nor an end to the least or most of it. 4 spent in the fun, because the requirement of alimony should be permanent contract. 5 does not require the presence of the witnesses, although it is mustahabb to say. 6 insulation may unconditionally; because the purpose enjoy offspring and not the child. 7 may deny it without the boy suffered, and can be named after him. 8 requirement Atianha may at some time without the other night or day or hour. . Because the purpose enjoy. 9 Do not divorce, as well as It is not her claim , there is no need for a divorce to end the fun end for her. 10 is not their only legacy by police. 11 kit the nation Baqrin, and death two months and five days. 12 No limit to the number of women who enjoy them [(2)] . Evidence cited by the Shiite Jaafari and discussed [(1)] : Imami quoted on the legality of temporary marriage, including the following:

1, saying the Almighty:) ( women: 24] and enjoy without marriage and is mentioned and wages without dowries, which indicates that it is permissible to have fun. Is this: that you want to enjoy the marriage; because it is mentioned in the context of the verses. In the context of taboo of the verse:) ( [women: 22] and immediately after the verse:) ( [women: 25] The saying pay: the pony in the contract Permanent called Agra, says:) [ Abdallah] [Abdallah] ( [women: 25] . Any said says:) of the [Abdallah] [Abdallah] ( Ahzab: 50] and definitely meant dowry for the marriage. 2 is proven in the Sunnah passport fun at some of the invasions of it in Otas in the conquest of Mecca, In Amra judiciary, in Khyber, and in Tabuk. Ibn Mas'ud said: we invade with the Messenger of Allah ^ we do not have women, we said, do not Nst_khasa? Venhana about it, then us to Nnkh the licenses women to order, then read Abdullah bin Masood:) ( table: 87] [(2)] . In Saheeh Muslim from Jabir: We're enjoying fist of the exact dates and the time of the Prophet ^ .. Abu Bakr, even forbade him Omar [(3)] .

The nuclear answered this talk: it portable who enjoyed during the reign of Abu Bakr and Umar did not inform him of copying [(1)] . 3 Ali may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah ^ forbade mut'ah marriage and the meat of domestic donkeys time Khyber [(2)] . Did not move us the news that solving fun time of the Prophet Abu Bakr or Omar may Allah be pleased with him, so come age Faihrmha. The Ibn Abbas was fun authorizes only compelled, however, has been denied by the companions making his view odd uniqueness. The Modern then transferred from Ibn Abbas [(3)] that came back saying, all this indicates to copy the legalization of fun. The third requirement: not an inhibitor of marriage ornament So that is to marry women desired permissible religiously does not prevent him blocker life sentence agreed upon, Kalmahramat perpetual and temporary, and which, if no longer champion the contract did not consequent impact, or contraindications various in. But their presence spoil the contract, and that I studied all inhibitions here, but some of them follow the terms reconvene , and other health conditions, which it

disagreed, but standardized for this section of marriage, contraception, agreed and studied different in it together. Section I: taboo for life of women: Allaah has forbidden to marry women things mentioned in this research , it is not permissible contract they do not Khtabthen, as saying the Almighty:)
[ Abdallah] [Abdallah] e e e e ( women: 23] .

They are three sections: Section I: taboo because of kinship (percentages): They are four types: Type I: Origins person The of the mothers and grandmothers: The mother was the first taboo because they are heavier sanctity saying the Almighty:) (. And Mother officer: All of them need to Ladd, ie have begotten You are your mother or your child was born by or not, whether male or female, mother father and that it raised, and mother as well as the mother, it is your mother metaphorically. Type II: branches of the person and the branches of its branches but Nzeln Kalpnat and Girls Boys, Girls collection girl and Dhabtha: it is both generated Fbntek fact or born of her child, whether male or female, as a girl I'm even landed, and the girl girl even got Fbntek

metaphorically, or are all the female ends Here are attributed to birth by or otherwise [(1)] . And deprived for saying the Almighty: ( ) as well as daughters and sons Girls though Sflan, because both him n called Penta or the sense of the name in the presence of birth and Albedeih [(2)] . The third type: branches of parents and their branches branches females The Nzeln of the Kalojuat and their daughters. Sisters gather sister and sister officer: each of and son or each Vochtk ie whether the sister or father or mother to the verse: ( 1)] ( ])or are every woman Harkik in the womb or steel or both [(2)] , as well as girls from every brother and daughters of each sister whatever Nzeln, includes the prohibition of brother and sister branches of the verse:) (. The officer blocks every woman's brother is your brother by birth, they are your brother's girl whether brother or brother or mother . And Girls officer Sister is every woman's sister by birth, they are girl sister, whether Sister sister or father or mother [(3)] . Type IV : Branches grandfathers and grandmothers to only one layer They aunts and aunts without descendants.

Valamat collection aunt Dhabtha : every woman I met with the father in the womb or steel or both, this aunt no real mode, or by: APEC Kaama the Fmtk metaphorically any your origin aunt is your aunt. And aunts gather aunt and Dhabtha: It is every woman met with the mother in the womb or steel or both, they are your aunt or by fact, Kkhalh your mother aunt metaphor, and all of your origin aunt of the female is your aunt [(4)] . Depriving him aunt and all of the evidence in the Balamoma of sisters, parents and grandparents from the father says:) ( and meant by saying one layer sanctity branch every grandfather only, without branch branch every grandfather They Girls aunts and daughters, aunts do not enter in the prohibition [(1)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (33) that: deprive the person of its assets and its subsidiaries and branches of his parents and the first layer of the branches of his ancestors. This article has included four types. Section II: taboo because of intermarriage: Type I: wife out of the person : depriving Menkouhh father and grandparents on the father or the mother's side, Vmenkouhh father denied the text, which says:) [ ( women: 22] .

The marriage is noteworthy and is intended to contract, and whether the father entered the first, the prohibition does not include the assets of the parent wife nor its subsidiaries because they are taboos on the branch. Type II: Origins wife: They are every woman on her spouse are born or your wife [(2)] is forbidden by both the cast to his wife maternal grandmothers of the father or mother of ratios or breastfeeding says: ) ( women: 23] . And deprive soon as the contract entered or did not enter unanimously [(3)] . This, and they must be of the correct contract as it does not prove the privacy of contract only if combined with rotten login or including similar of desire [(4)] . The third type: branches wife person any Rabab: Rabab: stepdaughter collection, a girl wife [(1)] , and deprives it all belongs to his wife filiation of the daughters of her children and her children's children though Nzeln. Fbnt deprive women to enter with her mother, the income it deprived her daughter on to the verse:) [ Abdallah] [Abdallah] ( women: 23 ] [(2)] . Wa promised death is like entering into the right dowry, as well as the right of prohibition [(3)] . Type IV: The wife of a branch of the person:

Son's wife forbidden father Tibida to a son, whether their son or income not on him:) ( women: 23 and the wife is the analyte and if deprived Hleleh son so too analyte old son though hostel deprive the father although Ola [(4)] . The majority of scholars to that of adultery with a woman who does not forbid him to marry her and did not deprive him her daughter nor her mother nor deny is his father or his son [(5)] . They quoted so as Root Sayeda Aisha from the Prophet ^ he was asked about a man who committed adultery with a woman and wanted to marry her or her daughter, he said: does not deprive the Sacred wife but denied McCann marry someone [(6)] . Bucking the tap and said: adultery with a woman or touched or before or looked at her vagina desire deprived it of its assets and subsidiaries and deprive are ascendants and descendants [(1)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (34) that is forbidden for a man: 1 wife of origin or its branch and Mutuh one. 2 out of Mututh and branch out of his wife. It is also clear to the doctrine of the tap weights without public considered an influential intercourse is forbidden. Section III: taboo because of breastfeeding:

Taboo because of breastfeeding are taboo because of the ratios and taboo because of intermarriage and evidence for this: the words p g and exalted:) ( women: 23] . As well as saying ^: deprived of breastfeeding denied descent [(2)] . As n Valmahramat because breastfeeding eight four types of prohibited ratios and four of prohibited intermarriage they are: Type I : Origins of the person from infancy regardless of handedness. Any mothers who to their mothers or breastfeeding proportions [(3)] . And Dhabtha : All of , or breastfed from , or breastfed than have begotten by, or otherwise, or was born Mredatk by or other, or was born owner of the milk, a stallion by or other, as if a woman breastfeeds a child milk from a pair infant son to her and husband , because the milk incident him to pair, be the infant son of two, Kalmolod them, and if so was nursing his mother, The mothers Jaddath was of a mother and fathers ancestors of a mother [(1)] . The second type: branches person from infancy Whatever pitched of breastfeeding. Dhabtha: is all woman Artdat of milk or milk person by person born or otherwise, any daughters of the ratios or breastfeeding The Nzeln of the [(2)] .

The third type: branches parents of breastfeeding any sisters through breastfeeding. Officer sister radaa'ah: is: both Erdatha the mother, or father Artdat of milk, or and generated by Mredatk, or her son stallion, and deprives him nieces and sisters Redaa the whatever Nzeln. Type IV : direct branches of the grandfather and grandmother of breastfeeding: They aunts and aunts of breastfeeding no matter how high the grandfather or grandmother. Officer aunt infancy : is: each sister to stallion ratios or breastfeeding Vtkon sister father of breastfeeding aunt, whether it is a sister of ratios or breastfeeding, as well as the ancestor of breastfeeding sister and the sister of his fathers prohibited Kalama whether a sister of ratios or breastfeeding. Officer aunt infancy : the mother's sister's aunt through breastfeeding taboo whether a sister or breastfeeding rates as well as the sister of novelty and her mother Kalkhalh in the prohibition. The branches of aunts and aunts of breastfeeding is not denied because it solves their marriage is not the sanctity of their proportions Redaa [(3)] . Type V : Origins wife person of breastfeeding: Any mother wife and Jaddatha the breastfeeding though .

Type sixth: branches wife person of breastfeeding: Any girl wife of a mother breastfeeding, but deny the same contract and girls not only deny access as well as depriving girls of her daughters and sons The Nzeln of breastfeeding. Type VII : The wife of one of the origins of breastfeeding: Depriving Menkouhh breastfeeding father and his father's father and Ola on breastfeeding son, and the son of his son, although both entered the hostel father or grandfather or did not enter [(1)] . Type VIII: wife of one of its branches breastfeeding: depriving Hleleh, the Son of breastfeeding and Son'm breastfeeding and Nzeln on the breastfeeding father and his father's father although Ola [(2)] . Milk stallion: The inviolability of breastfeeding prove by parents as evidenced by the mothers of a pair, which descended yogurt Botih, the Messenger of Allah ^ likeness proportions in prohibition, and privacy prove proportions of the two sides so too breastfeeding [(3)] . This is what was agreed upon jurists and a say Shaafa'is, and his milk stallion, because the reason milk is the stallion when the public, any woman breastfeeds a child of intercourse with a man deprived of the Child on the man's relatives females as depriving his son of

descent; because the milk of the man as the woman, Faiser the child was born a man, and the man his father, and the children of men his brothers, whether the woman or the other, and the man's brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts of the Child, and his fathers and his mothers ancestors Jaddath [(4)] . Baby and child Tdia Redath girl denied it, whether Redallma in one time, Okan between the two years, as well as the babies milk of two women wives for one man [(5)] . Exceptions that denied proportions nor denied breastfeeding: Tap two cases excluded from the prohibition in the proportions do not deprive them of breastfeeding and hand are: 1 or his sister and his brother through breastfeeding, it is permissible for him to marry his brother or sister or through breastfeeding There is no Ajoslh that marries sister or sister or father or brother or brother of the father of percentages because they are his mother or Mutuh the father other than breastfeeding. 2 sister son through breastfeeding, it is permissible to marry is not permissible for him to marry the sister of his son's descent because they are built or Rbepth other than breastfeeding [(1)] .

He went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (35) that: 1 deprived of breastfeeding are deprived of percentages, but what decided the tap to exclude scholars. And I see in Almsttnaat it is not an exception, but enters the baby alone in a family of Erdah, The family Bakahavrad which breastfed nothing to do her the whole Redaa this baby. Section IV: Forbidden because of the curse: His research comes in the interim taboo, counting her audience of taboos for life. Section II: the taboo of women sanctity temporary. They Mahrma T. who are denied for a period may be long It ends Kalmtzojh the last if not divorce her. ., May end Kmatdh others. . And Baanhen: First: wife others or Matdth of: Scientists agreed on the sanctity marry a third wife says:) the ( women: 24] Pursuant to the verse:) ( women: 23] . And chaste Muslim or Ktapiat are animate couples, the husband was Muslim or writing for writing. It also was agreed scientists on the sanctity of the marriage of righteous whether the kit of divorce retroactive or or death or dissolution, and guide prevention from marrying Palmatdh says:) ( [Al-Baqarah: 235] any until the end of time promised ; and

because some of the effects of the marriage contract still lingering from the face, and the face of constant hard every face in the taboo [(1)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (38): that it is not permissible to marry monogamous another nor Bmatdth. Marry a harlot: the audience went to the is makrooh to marry a zaaniyah lurking a of intercourse Muharram, righteous. Hanbali went to not marry her passport until she repents and her 'iddah, and says:) [ ( Nur: 3] . Second: divorced three times: Is not permissible for the husband to hold on his ex-wife irrevocably that she has married another husband others, and it says:) e e e e ( [Al-Baqarah: 229] , and says:) eBay
dd dd Ij Ih Im apolipoprotein E. Bjbh squirt including BP Tg Th TeX been T T then Tythe Geh g Ag Ham Khj [ ( Al-Baqarah: 230] If

the husband wants to hold them again, he has the following: 1 entering the second pair real incomes to go out for Aisha: Refaah Qurazi divorced his wife in divorce bit, Abdel-Rahman ibn al-Zubayr, the Prophet came ^ said: O Messenger of God that Refaah divorced my divorce, and I who gets married after Abdul Rahman Ibn Zubair acces t Zi, but him like , said the Messenger of Allah ^ A: You want to be the marriage contract again to Refaah? No,

even taste Asiltk the and gastronomical Asilth the [(1)] . Any until it gets access completely. 2 get permissible intercourse, if happened in menses or nifaas or Zen Z or Ihram not been resolved, and in true marriage does not corrupt the verse:) Im eBay ( [Cow: 23 0] . Fuck Analysis: Scholars differed in the second pair accomplice in order to replace it for her first husband: Hanafis and Shaafa'is to the validity of the contract and makrooh, and resolved to the first, because the mere intention of the offense does not affect, and makrooh to the lack of the purposes of marriage and of the fending him off foul of Amadadjatha other promises to him. Maalikis and Hanbali to the invalidity of the contract, with this Aattaba t intention husband without a wife, even to continue to contract with only my Gap fled s between them, and that what was narrated from the Messenger of Allah ^: not tell you Baltes Nickname said: Yes, O mooring for God. He said: It is for the shop, cursed God's shop and shop for him [(2)] . And Ibn 'Umar: that a man said to him: a woman marry her solve it for her husband was telling me he did not know he said: not only a desire to fuck Like grabbed her but hated her . He said: If we we consider at the time of the Messenger of Allah ^ Q and said: Do not

continue to be adulterers, even if twenty years if he knows that he wants to solve [(3)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (36): P-1 may not be a man marries a woman divorced her three times only after the expiry promised another pair that are already entered. Third: the combination of the two sisters or equivalent: And it says:) e e ( [women: 23] Pursuant to the verse:) [ ( women: 23] is not permissible to combine the two sisters of one pair, the longer the taboo on Altaqat, it does not have to hold on the second if the first was in the infallibility of marriage contract unless fired irrevocably, and not his second contract in the first several, a view Faucet Hanbalis other than Maalikis and the Shafi'i went to the passport in Bainuna with mustahabb Shaafa'is the end promised. In two sisters ruling deprives combine women and aunt any between women and girl her brother and daughters of his brother's children, and deprives the combination between the woman and her aunt, ie between women and girl, her sister and her sister's Girls Boys, whether it's from the point of birth or breastfeeding. So the saying ^: Do not combine a woman and her aunt, but between the woman and her aunt [(1)] . This is because it leads to a rupture nearby wombs to between co-wives of rivalry and jealousy.

The officer that: Every two women if one assumed male, did not Adzlh marry interrelated them. They wanted to guard from the combination may be between a woman and her mother or her husband's daughter, this is with the sanctity of married one as if it was a male from the other, and this affinity of kinship or not breastfeeding, but not the womb warns of cut if their collection. The audience went to the passport because privacy is not fixed sides Vjaz the combination of both; because the prohibition is not present case the contrary, women are supposed male strange when may never [(1)] . And went g fled to not permissible, because the girl if the boy is not permissible to marry from the other because they are the first to be the husband's mother father spouse does not have to marry Bmenkouhh son Unlike the contrary, in the second, if the assumed girl pair male women were Menkouhh his father may not be otherwise contrary . He went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (39) that it is not permissible to combine the two women if imposed each other male denied it, the proven insisted for the one Jazz combine them. A weighting to the doctrine of the public without exhale to prove the sanctity of combining the existence of the privacy of the parties, except that Aqturna contract was

corrupt and must differentiate between them (aside 246 243 06/07/59). Fourth: the fifth who was married to four: We have unanimously agreed on the sanctity of combining more than four wives says:) ( women: 3] . It is intended the choice would between Iintin or three or four if I want to combine for nine said. It is the year: Gillan Althagafi Aslam has ten wives in ignorance, him, ordered him to the Prophet ^ elect four of them [(2)] . The husband has to take place on the fifth instead of fourth pant him in the doctrine of Maliki and Shafi'i, unlike tap and Hanbali who went to that it is not for the pair add one instead that divorced from four until promised, because preparing the impact of the marriage, and the righteous still in the rule of wedlock, other than the death of one whom he may add one Bdelha in the case [(1)] . He went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (37) to that: It is not permissible to marry a fifth man even called one of his four wives and her 'iddah. It is according to the view of the tap, although it is not the husband the wife relationship in several dowry. This: The General jurists marry without the other, and for this they said: deprive sermon women on women even though he may plurality if he does not want

the man in more ways than one, but pluralism is legitimate for those who wills on the face of permissibility God has said:) [ ( women: 3] and flow requirement does not mean that the original plurality, but originally P justice in any manner whatsoever, in pluralism should achieve justice more than usual, the thought lack of justice in the first his lack of pluralism. Has identified Islamic pluralism four women had been before that non-specific, and still have a lot of Nations is not selected, and nations that have selected, abound in their communities Alkhaddan, has forbidden the Almighty for making Alkhaddan God said:) [Abdallah] [Abdallah] ( women: 25] because of the denial of the wife's rights at all, which is limited to spend Aloutr and by, and for this aversion majority of scholars marry password but prevented Maalikis It is obvious that this marriage of injustice severe for women and denial of their rights. . The are many circumstances justify polygamy, if a woman is infertile or not loved by her husband, or abound of women in society and pairs them for many reasons Kktherh wars and the death of men, and they do not doubt that they are human beings who need spend Aloutr, or a man in need of another woman in addition to his wife, would not like does not want to abandon his wife first, or

the man was of a severe rut lust, or want to heavily birth control and family boy. The first problem in people's perceptions of women's abnormal that her husband married a second wife. . , Which makes this woman is fighting with all their forces to get like that, then the second attempt to replace the first and cancel .. , Or vice versa. In the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (17): the judge does not authorize the Married to marry his wife unless he has a legitimate justification, and the pair was able to Nafqathma. The content of this article two conditions: 1 - requiring the ability to alimony: It is required to marry first, and a fortiori asked to marry the second, and interpreted the Court of Cassation, saying: Marrying a second itself presumption on the ability of the husband material to support his wife, which gives the judge discretion to do so, which is which contrary to contract out of the permissible and non-restricted, so that people in alimony, and their consequences. 2 and a legitimate justification but to look for something may lead to the sanctity of houses and revealed the secrets of families, which is not commensurate with the privacy of the family and its secrets. Add to that the requirement for justification is incompatible with the principle of freedom of contract, and every governor

restriction is permissible in a manner that preserves legitimate interest, but it was the first in my mind to pay attention to what addresses and inhibits the plurality problems. He went Hanbali fuqaha that that was the custom when people can not get married to their wives served as the condition that do not marry them, so I think it is advisable approval does not require this for to remain permissible permissible, but the interest and feared for himself falling into the no man's land is better that enumerates even without its consent, and here stands the legislation stand lofty ban Muharram with access to eliminate this desire road project, unlike other systems, it opens all avenues of co-existence is the project or project descriptions inventor with the lack of recognition of the effects of these actions, which means that the large number of boys illegal, but the presence of foundlings, and then me close this door, lest accepted the legitimacy of the second blessed with her children, preferably said: Khaddanth, and the son or daughter of Khaddanth [(1)] . Fifth: the woman who does not condemn religion Cyan: It is women who worship fetish or fire or trees or animals. . The agreement of the masses of the nation's scientists, and it says:) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 221] . Some have gone mustahabb to marry Etapih Please conversion to the religion of her husband, because

usually the wife's tendency to pair and religion and preference over people, and make sure hate to marry them in the house of war to go and his son, and fear bred him, including exclusion, but this is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim in any way oppression of women's fear of a non-Muslim [(2)] . Sixth: women irony Balan: The pair accused his wife the Z or deny the proportion generated it requires curse if you do not recognize the wife's adultery, which is confirmed by faith certificates and curses instead of myself tossing and adultery [(3)] , with this lack of witnesses to what ejected him, and ejector minimal evidence Zen Z of say or do must be a limit, which is eighty lashes, saying the Almighty:) [ ( Nur: 4] but happened in the time of the Messenger of Allah ^ that a man from the Ansar came to the Messenger of Allah ^ said: O Messenger of Allah, what do you think a man with his wife, a man found Oiktlh Or how does it do? Allah revealed in what would in the Qur'an from Almtlanin command said the Prophet ^: God has spent in you and in your wife Vtlaana in the mosque and I saw, when Vrga, said: lied to them, O Messenger of Allah The the uterus .. And that was a between each Mtlanin the differentiation [(1)] .

apolipoprotein E. E. dd dd Ij ( [Nur: 6 9] .

dd I I Io Io I I I i I I I I I

This revelation of the verse : ) e

Not been subjected to the Syrian Personal Status Law for that matter, and therefore be Meskuta issue for intervention in Article (305), which requires the application of the correct view of the doctrine of the tap when silence, a temporary band them. Seventh [(2)] : The Article (48) of the Syrian Personal Status Law on the following: Non-Muslim Muslim marriage void he says:) ( [Al-Baqarah: 221] which, according to scholarly consensus.

Section IV : access conditions for the marriage contract

We mean by the conditions under which their presence is required to entail the fruits of the contract and its effects, but the contract was suspended for wanting to leave the person concerned, do leave, only not to vacation, unless forbidden, namely: 1 directly to the marriage contract. 2 agency in the marriage contract. 3 state in the marriage contract. 4 give the parties to the marriage contract. The first requirement: direct marriage contract [1] The scholars agreed that the pair of sensible initiate his own marriage contract, non-stop on the will of one, and

without policeman efficiency and Mehr ideals, as no one has the right to force him to marry a requirement for satisfaction and acceptance of the validity of the marriage. As an adult woman wise virgin has gone to the public that they do not proceed with her marriage contract to the predominance of modesty, and lack of expertise men entrances and Antoon him, as it does not fit with the severity of her modesty to proceed with her marriage contract. Tap went to the marriage of-rational Bembacherth the woman, but did not hold her crown, or Pashrh wali for saying ^: pristine permission in itself,, her permission Samadtha [(2)] and because it is ashamed to show desire not to respond, the efficiency wanted established by the of the and Mehr ideals, and only had to the right to demand the annulment unless appears . He went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (16): complement a civil marriage in the boy as of the eighteenth and the girl as of seventeen years of age. Which determine the age at which can be with him directly marriage contract, was not limited to material on direct but included the state, since its conception shows that did not reach this age is not eligible for Mbacherth or to marry, except as stipulated in Article (18) of the passport, then the judge for an adult in the fifth ten, and

extremely thirteen, but this related to the initiation of the contract does not perform the contract mandate, which shortens the mandate of coercion even cancel, because if you are not marriages without the permission of the judge the boy was fifteen, and the girl in the thirteenth provided the possibility their bodies with sincerity Dawahma puberty ( AD 18 1), and in this Mbacherthma with a requirement for the approval of the father or grandfather (M 18 2), even though he does not need to consent if found Efficiency (AD 26), as well as if the true straight civil marriages mandate deficient or transitive ten for boys and Balsabah ten Girl (16), where the remaining state coercion?!! This is contrary to the four schools in the health of coercion, and that was the first day that it is not this only after Astimanhma to interview the Messenger of Allah ^ pristine permission .. [(1)] . The contract mad, and the youngest is distinctive : he went the majority of scholars that the marriage contract insane and is featured each void does not meet the agreement, because it Aataty them create a decade since Lisa Welcome to act; because the civil-performance focus of the actions, the mind focus of proven civil performance, two (small Crazy) non-existent civil their disposal.

As a small distinctive : the scholars differed as to accept the marriage contract with distinguished himself on a small words: Went public to marry the boy's health wise it for himself, because of the people of the phrase, but his contract Reserve on vacation and Leh. Because the force includes the face of interest, and the boy to the lack of hopes he quit Ballho IQF, not implemented his disposal, but depends on leave and Leh. Valplog have no access strips of tape session. The Shaafi'is: to the invalidity of the marriage contract of the boy at all, netting to hold it, it is true only of a legal act, not the people to act. Teams and discussed evidence : quoted the audience that indicates discrimination on the eligibility for a boy, but not complete his eligibility into force of the contract depends on leave and why, if he had been authorized and Les act, held his disposal suspended. The Shafi'i was held marriage netting have held the boy does not understand, it is not the people of the term may not be acting [(1)] , and this what I see which is closer to reality and the interests of the prestigious religiously, which Atj the e to Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (15) : 1 is required in a civil marriage of mind and adulthood.

Which was confirmed by the Court of Cassation in several provisions, which him Shaafa'is to adopt his disposal a timely manner. But I went Article (18) of the Syrian Personal Status Law to: 1 If the teen claimed to adulthood after completing fifteen or adolescence After completion thirteen and a request marriages authorized by the judge if he finds sincerity Dawahma and the possibility of their bodies. This means that the law has acknowledged public opinion scholars in the passport of contract amount after authentication of the existence of that, and this is related to the initiation of each decade, which here in the adult taking a tap without public opinion in the health contract Babartha. The second requirement: the wake Coffee in the marriage contract The first section: Definition Olokulhoparweitha and conditions Language: dependency. And idiomatically: permission to act [(2)] . And legitimacy of the Quran :) ( women: 35] Every agent who rule and sent him to the Mission. It year: the ^ Rafi father in accepting to marry Ms. Maimouna [(2)] .

We must call the agency: Elmo K L and Almog agent of the formula. The agency Terms : direct health Almog's what's wake, and what each agent: there Yuk's boy no agreement crazy, punk in the marriage of his daughter positively when Shaafa'is with the permissibility of admission, women not valid power of attorney when the public; because they do not He married the same not true . And the valid when Shaafa'is Agency in the right guardian he may hire others to hold weddings in the right Mawla it. And not for the Crown is Almjb t right agency only with her permission, even though they do not begin to act on their own in the opinion of the public without the tap. Required in Almog for the Queen of the client, while the power of attorney, and acceptance of the prosecutor. The requirement for the agency format or explicit metaphor learning satisfaction client, with no need to accept proxy rude, and must be the agent of his actions in the interest of the client, and may be absolute or restricted, and may be in return for payment or not, if the payment for it is a contract for supplies, otherwise they hold legal [(3)] . Does not require a certificate or an agency in writing, verbally true, but it is recommended certification for fear

of denial when the conflict (AD 58 the legal provisions of the Personal Status Kadri Pasha). Section II: somewhat Agency: 1 Agency absolute : the money stating under what person or dowry or description, it is permissible to marry Retainer guardian and husband when General jurists, and may hire women at the tap and Maliki without Shaafa'is and Hanbali for saying ^: no marriage Elapoli a [(1)] and saying ^: women married women, married women themselves [(2)] . And the agent of care, not married is not efficient, if a pair of incompetent is not valid in the doctrine public (Alsahben and the Shafi'i and Hanbali) other than Abu Hanifa is valid where no charge, has stipulated Maalikis appointed her and tell her. And guide the public to go out to the absolute recognized, accepted and efficient, the plaudits with them, and face the use of dealer married Efou, which favored nuclear program. He quoted Abu Hanifa involvement custom marry one of the efficient and others to ease neither bound nor Algo release, but if you find the charge is not implemented. If authorized him to remarry is efficient and the guardian was forced true when the public and correct when Shaafa'is.

If the guardian is obliged, According to K L or authorize it. Flo and hired and was soon or foreign never Her husband of the same is not permissible to the majority of scholars, but in the face is more correct when Shaafa'is, because the launch authorization requires other, and because of interests between the parties to the contract are different, do not need him because he can marry her to a cousin Last, and also if the agent does not need to be held to the same them, as the charge at the Abu Hanifa and plaudits when Alsahben has gone Personal Status Law Syrian in Article (25) to: not for the judge to marry from his guardian of himself or of its assets nor its branches. It is the realization of public opinion without Shaafa'is [(1)] . 2 restricted Agency: This that assigns wife or spouse or a description .., shall be the guardian and appointed agent or appointed, otherwise it is not valid. Even select his woman Her husband has walking Jazz agreement, or obscene not permissible with them to restrict the convention other than Abu Hanifa; for failing to charge that he can not do without adding to his client. Also, if the guardian is compelled or was not the mandate of the force According delegated or authorized.

If hired that marry her himself, scholars differed in that: He went Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali in the novel is permissible, for her permission for him to marry her, he drove Bukhari from Abdul Rahman bin Auf he said, the mother wise girl Garz: Otgalin order to?. She said: Yes. He said: may I married [(2)] was held one word; and that of his reign proposal and acceptance Vjaz the taking for them, and hold it found the positive from Crown true state, and the acceptance of the people to accept the husband, was the contract as if he found true of the two. The Shaafi'is and Hanbali in the novel unnecessary to step down, as well as exhale from the tap, and hold him another cousin, because he held his authorization may not be taking the parties to the contract. And Abu Yusuf went to that contract with her cousin for himself without her permission true contract suspended on consent and acceptance [(1)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (8) to: 1 may be the power of attorney in the marriage contract. 2 is not the agent to marry his client himself only if so stipulated in the agency. As observed guessed law marriages passport of the same for permission, which is OK to view the Hanafi and Maliki and Hanbali in the novel inadmissibility marry her himself only with her permission.

As I went Article (9) to unnecessary compliance agent content of the agency. Section III: the words of the agent in the marriage contract: The dealer should be attributed to accept the contract who Knapp him and Oklh not for himself. And that requires positive guardian for the pair with his agent, he says, the guardian: spouse daughter Jane, says agent pair: accept to marry her to him, Flo said:. . You, the agent said: accepted by so and so did not take place, though he said: accepted the contract was signed by the agent without authentic. And if the contract was between Killeen and said Wali agent: married Jane Flana, and the agent said the pair: accept to marry her for so and so, right [(2)] . The third requirement: the state in the marriage contract Section I: Definition of State: Definition of the state: Language: Alto for me: Proximity, or , rain after rain, and collected parents. The Guardian: is a loving friend and patron and it says:) o the [ ( Al-Baqarah: 257] . The State: conquest and breakage of victory, and broken Sultan [(1)] .

Idiomatically [(2)] : is the implementation of say on others wishes of others or not. State coercion is intended: to proceed guardian marriage contract the on Mtoulih without consulted and his opinion. There is no doubt that many hope they have their spouse their parents with a good selection, but without domination or coercion. Section II: Terms of parents: 1 reason: there is no mandate for crazy and insane to stone them and Irrelevance Ptserfathma of, nearer not invoke his actions on Mawla them. 2 puberty : there is no mandate for a boy because it is either distinctive or special, is not the mandate of him on the same, it is a fortiori has the mandate to do on the other, because the thing does not give him the losses. 3 kinship and masculinity : there must be a kinship, but that was not close to not mandate him on the difference in the fact that the state confined Balasbat a public opinion, and passed on to people with wombs if female mother when Abu Hanifa, and then transmitted to the Governor is not a mandate for the trustees. 4 adulthood : It is how to tell the efficient and interests of the marriage, and the condition of the Shafi'i and Hanbali no mandate to as well as different look to the pyramid and dementia by his inability to choose efficient, not

required by the tap, but tied him efficient and Mehr goes, and in this reprobate lacerated who disgraced jacket does not care Pavtdah his command, as well as the Maalikis on condition to be of the opinion. 5 religion Union : there is no mandate for a Muslim to non-Muslim in the doctrine of the tap, as well as not a mandate for a non-Muslim on Muslim. 6 of justice and lack of debauchery : an interview: There is no marriage without the permission of the Crown Guide [(1)] and the reprobate did not overcome Taath of the sins, which condition when Shaafa'is and Hanbali and violated the Maalikis, and bound him that he did not tap his mandate, the pair efficiency and Mehr Ideal jazz suspended on approval. 7 Non-Ihram : contract may not be the guardian and the agent and the pair is forbidden when the public so as to interview the Messenger of Allah ^: not marry forbidden nor marry [(2)] , and went to tap the contract with the Ihram passport without entering [(3)] . The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (22): P-1 is required to be sane adult guardian. This article has been limited to two conditions, and according to Article (305) to refer to the Hanafi silent about the text is the rest of the conditions.
Section III: State coercion:

The first issue: people who prove they state coercion:

The mandate of the compulsion to prove to minors jurists agreement. Vtelzm both: 1 insane and crazy: if there is agreement interest of Tzoejehm the Vtelzm mandate forced them [(1)] . It is the view of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (15) P-2: the judge permission to marry crazy or insane if it is proved the report of a panel of psychiatrists that his marriage is useful in recovery. Crazy incredible day only applied because Crazy intermittent is the patient can be cured, reminders and feminine does not signify to him, includes the text of male and female, and the view of the law is consistent with the opinion of Maliki and Shafi'i in the presence of an interest in get married to his recovery. 2 small: and prove it by agreement jurists state coercion [(2)] . This is because it is inexpensive, and does not understand the interest in it, may be on to marry overriding interest, because it was narrated that Ibn Umar son, husband, a small Fajtsamua to Zaid ibn Thabit 3)] ]). Bucking the Ibn Hazm said the invalidity of the contract for a small because it does not need him. 3 The small of the building of the differences in the force bug:

1 Tap said: The tiny bug is forcing small; for failing to act in the face of self-interest, and quoted what they said: A saying the Almighty:) Z ( Divorce: 4] and intended Ballaa not babysit: I mean small. Making her several street is three months [(4)] . The reason religiously kit is marriage, this fuck passport guide small [(2)] . B is the marriage of the total interest for the purposes and objectives are available only between competent, efficient and there may not be all the time, was an urgent need to establish the state of the Crown in her childhood, because if he waited attainable rolls so efficient, this contract is held Age Vtaathakq need to demonstrate the state of the Crown [(3)] . Ibn Hazm agreed on the permissibility of marrying young, the need for him and quoting the prophet, God bless them. 2 And he said Maliki and Hanbali: Bug mandate of forced virginity and micro to small, as evidenced by the pristine, So which is found in the girl's true state [(4)] . Maliki added that the guardian The pristine Krashidh factor stone and fired them and they should not force [(5)] . In the novel, when Ahmad does not compel the rational adult virgin [(6)] . They quoted as evidence quoted by the tap in small consideration, including narrated by Ms. Aisha, may Allah

be pleased that the Prophet ^ married her when she was six years old, or entered upon a girl of nine [(7)] . They quoted the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah ^: Aloam deserving herself from her guardian and pristine permission in itself, and her permission Samadtha [(8)] .

They said: what the women's section two and proved the right one, indicated his exile from the other a virgin [(1)] . 3 Shaafa'is said: proving the mandate forced pristine whether small or large because the bug forced virginity they are, wherever found, forced him found [(2)] . And in the small isn not marry her until she if a virgin, and But if are small and neither the mandate nor compel them, not until she married and permission, because that lack of well-behaved guardian the then divorce her, and their evidence: Prophet ^: deserving herself from her guardian, and pristine Astaznha father in the same [(3)] . It is intended to speak to deserving herself from her guardian complacent, not married even pronounce authorization, and this is contrary to Baker, Valastiman for Bakr commanded him, but in the right delegate to for her sake as is indicated by the concept of saying ^: deserving of themselves to Crown pristine deserving of it. If her husband without Astimanha the true to Kamal compassion them, and this is the meaning of state coercion [(4)] . And I see that the father breeder Mr. keen on his son does not throw it into any consumed, even if the spirit, if the best education and feared God best to

choose a spouse and consulted with his daughter in it and traded with her, was forced not imagine unless worsened moral guardian or Mawla them, and when perhaps was compelling solution in some cases. The sails of the tap as saying that the guardian does not have to dispose of the money pristine amounting to only her permission, how have to give it to those who do not want, which deviate from the rules of Islam, and the intended contract is the regularity of interests between the couple, and this is achieved with Nafrah, if negated intentional Shara in it shall not be permissible, because it does not entail contract usefulness [(1)] . The view of the Syrian Personal Status Law those who prove it state coercion: The Personal Status Law Syrian not been exposed to those found by state coercion, but said the law can directly act, came in Article (18), then the judge for a teenager adult and teen amounting to proceed to act .. and came in Article ( 20) directly to the big marriage contract is which completed the seventeenth, and this means that without it we are not not proceed with the contract, stated in Article (26) the requirement of proficiency in the pair unnecessary marriage contract who begun, indicating a lack of evidence the state forced the young and the young is contrary to the opinion of Hanafi, Maliki, does not prove the adult fortiori even virgins, which is

contrary to the opinion of Shafi'i, and thus the law has canceled the mandate of coercion, not Abgaha only slightly in the two reached the fifteenth in the male and thirteenth in the female (M 18/1) with they they can directly contract themselves. Thus, the decisions of the Court of Cassation, which emphasizes the possibility of termination of the contract before puberty unless issued by his exceptional leave (416 304 09/25/1958). The second issue: coercion and parents Terms of proven state forced them: The scholars differed in determining who has the right to mandate forced the words: Tap said : Prove mandate for all of the [(2)] , and they are: male relatives who do not between them and a female person, and did not limit their jurisdiction to the father, but they said: If you pair the father or grandfather small or small, there is no option for them after they have attained, because they are full of opinion and abundant compassion, they shall be the contract Bembacherthma, as well as does not require a dowry ideals and efficient when Imam Abu Hanifa, and went Alsahban to Astrathma unless j conventionally bad choice. If Zojhma is the father and grandfather of saints, each one of them option if reached, Insha lived willing

dissolution, so the contract suspended on Ajazathma, and must be a policeman efficiency and Mehr ideals, even if Almzoj agent father or grandfather, and proven option to remedy the decrease and bugs failure. They quoted the following [(1)] : Meaning:) ( women: 3 ] verse indicates that it is permissible to marry orphan If more just guardian in her dowry, and parents are Vthbtaat with jurisdiction to do so. And proves the option of puberty for young father and grandfather; incomplete because of kinship here, and decreases feel pity failure, and can be remedied decrease option. He said Maliki and Hanbali [(2)] : not prove the mandate of coercion, but the father and the only commandment, not to one of the Patriarchs other state coercion, as evidenced when Hanbali governor beyond If you find the need. rational as well as Fools worse to him in his money, but with the mind and the religion of the state forced small or pristine, even without Friendship ideal, even for someone less off them, because marriages are huge interests, but only if efficiency when Hanbali [(1)] . They quoted as evidence to prove the mandate of coercion only to the father, saying ^: and pristine she has been consulted and authorization silence [(2)]

indicates that the father married pristine unanimously, and in particular so for the father of a multitude of pity and compassion, and the guardian substitute behalf. And said Shaafa'is: proving the state forced the father and eldest ancestor only, without other saints, marry his eldest daughter efficiency and Mehr ideals then Grandpa's when incompetence or death, and quoted: A saying ^ as narrated by Ibn Abbas: deserving herself from her guardian, and Bakr Astaznha her father in the same and her permission Samadtha [(3)] indicates talk explicitly to the word on the mandate of the father to eldest. B that the father and grandfather with them and immediately pity and compassion and mercy is not when other parents [(4)] . Discussion and editing dispute: After viewing the views of scholars, we find that all the scholars unanimously agree on the proven state coercion to the father, therefore: the said certified the state has a keen and reserves for the benefit of Mawla them, even if it cost him a lot of money to marry his sons, and if not accompanied by injustice and injustice is more for the benefit of those . The view of the Syrian Personal Status Law in the state of coercion:

Law went in Article (18/2) If the guardian is the father or grandfather of conditional approval. In this reference to the need their agreement without , the signal also to Mllekema mandate forced on condition efficiency (AD 26) and Mehr ideals (305). The third issue: the order of saints when the tap: Arranges parents in the state of marriage when the tap Ktertibam in inheritance [(1)] : 1 - whatever wn and son incredibly . 2 - then the father and grandfather no matter how high. 3 - full brother and brother, father, sister and nephew, and nephew father. 4 - Uncle brother, father and uncle and their children, brother, cousin and cousin of the father and this is when Abu Hanifa. Either when Alsahben the grandfather and brother are those two equal in comparison one degree; because of the origins that Brother crowds and prove the state in the strongest Valoqoy order. If not then those they prove with wombs at Abu Hanifa, unlike the Sahben endures to the governor after them directly [(2)] , and for saying ^ narrated Sayeda Aisha: Sultan guardian of the Crown has not [(3)] . The fourth issue: Types of saints at the tap: Patriarchs degrees first of them: the guardian known goodness and piety and on worship and avoided for

transgressions is in the desires and pleasures is the crown accept marry if obscene or otherwise incompetent when Imam without Alsahben must be efficient and Mehr goes, and this difference at the tap in the father and grandfather. And the guardian of the hidden as well as accept to marry. The guardian known bad choice lacerated reprobate fall down its mandate and no marriages, if her husband is true but could revoked [(1)] . Section IV: State selection in the marriage contract: It is either the mandate of the scar and mustahabb either mandate of the company: The mandate of the scar and mustahabb: they state the amount of free rational firstborn was or if she agrees. The mandate of the company is the state Mawla upon with Mawla him satisfaction. Views of jurists in the state of choice: Jurists in that split into two sections: The majority of scholars, Imam Muhammad from the tap to it the mandate of the company, it must of guardian subscription with- woman in order to marry her, and Uagahm Abu Yousef in the words of his last [(2)] , there is a lesson to be held because the guardian corner in the contract.

Abu Haneefah and exhale and Abu Yusuf in saying first that they mandate of the scar and mustahabb, as he went tap that for women free adult wise to marry themselves alone without her guardian, who wanted, and both married the same competent or incompetent dowry ideals or not, but that married same incompetent Vllolia the veto unless shows , fatwa not permissible because it can not be remedied, as well as if married itself without the ideals Vllolia Mehr veto at the Abu Hanifa to complete the dowry, unlike his two companions. It is advisable to consult their respective guardian, for scars and selection, and it makes a marriage contract even indescribable women out of general custom, so named after the mandate of choice. Evidence and discussion: Tap protested from the Koran, saying the Almighty:) eBay dd dd Ij Ih Im eBay eBay pages ( [Al-Baqarah: 230] because the prompt discourse requires a woman to imagine the establishment of the marriage contract which [(1)] . It is the Sunnah of the Prophet: Saying ^: Aloam deserving herself from her guardian, and pristine permission in itself and her permission Samadtha [(2)] . He ordered amounting up to her marriage, and if this right for her guardian is also such as participation of the opinion.

And Aloam: the name of the woman who has no husband firstborn was or . If daughter the husband without her permission marriage is void, and their evidence Aj from Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah ^: not for the Crown with is [(3)] . Because Khansa girl Khmam Ansariyeh recounted her husband that her father is missed the Messenger of Allah ^. Individual to marry her [(4)] , but it is rational and scientist of marriage. He quoted the public, saying the Almighty :) o the ( [Nur: 32] and says: ) ( cow: 221] of the contract to the parents, saying ^ no marriage without poly [(1)] and saying ^: women are married women, and married to the same woman, the harlot is married itself [(2)] This clearly shows that the guardian is Aaked marry her, saying ^: she has been consulted pristine and her permission silence [(3)] bears the scars they have not exercised men , they are very modesty [(4)] . And prove the mandate of choice adult, it is not for her guardian has the right to force her to marry, but to be approval and satisfaction that it creates so called contract they have the mandate of the company, to talk Aloam the deserving themselves. And to authorize them considerable either acquiescence dal on approval the obvious phenomenon of modesty and timidity without reluctance and symptoms

of, or frankly as saying in admissions, but that explicitly responded by saying or Baaradha and Nfrtha. And a considerable silence for Bakr acceptance and response, and the must be explicitly acceptance Blfezha or doing and symptoms. Replace proven state selection [(5)] : Maalikis and Shaafa'is to prove the state adult choice, it is not for her guardian has the right to force her to marry, but to be approval and satisfaction that is creates a contract. Abu Hanifa and went to prove the mandate of choice for adult girl, also owns her own marriage contract provided efficiency and Mehr ideals, the firstborn was or with scar consult her guardian. Parents in the state of the company and check: Said Faucet, Maalikis: The parents are , and arrange by inheritance, and if you do not there moved the state for people with wombs when the Abu Hanifa endures the state has each close to inherit and then moved to the Governor. The public and them Alsahban: It has been said that parents are , then the governor, and said Shaafa'is: do not move to the governor only with her permission. Branch V: of the personal status law in determining the saints:

I went Article (21) thereof to: the guardian in marriage is a league by himself on the order of inheritance, provided that the taboo. This mediate the saints designated by the sex of filiation and paternity and a protection money and uncles without sons, uncles, because these are the incest. General jurists have gone to that parents are which includes cousin, and approved the doctrine of public law at the failure to extend the saints for people with wombs and confined to of. And transfer to state law Judge after of a cult audience. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (22/2) that: If ripen and Lien in the proximity So which took marry Jazz Bashrath. This is the view of the tap, the former means providing them, otherwise if ignorance invalidated all. Section V: Absence Guardian: Hanafi and Hanbali said [(1)] : If you missed the guardian closest to the absence of an unbroken too inefficient and did not appoint Jazz farther to marry her, because this state to prove because of the orphan to need them. Exhale said: Do not marry her one missed closest guardian until it reaches, because his list really prove to him for nearly maintenance, does not invalidate.

And said Shaafa'is: If you missed the guardian orthopedist distance acces grate, marry her if the ruling was extremely sane or insane, but if it is very small, not until she married [(1)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (23): If you missed the closest guardian, the judge felt that waiting for his opinion too interest in marriage, moved the state to those who followed. And application of the law and the Court of Cassation to Hanafi and Hanbali. And notes that Article (24) Reliable judge made the state when there is no guardian, he stated: Judge Crown does not crown him. Section VI: Muscle Women [(2)] : Muscle definition language and idiomatically [(3)] : Language: Oadil command: intensified Astglq the, Oadil the women Aadilha and Adilha and Muscle: Tight and prevent unjustly marry. Idiomatically: is to prevent women of marriages Bkiviha if so requested and wished each and every one of them in its owner . And it says:) the ( [Al-Baqarah: 232] . To say heartland ibn Yasar: married a sister to me from a man who divorced her, even if expired promised came proposes marriage to her, and I said to him: your spouse and and Okrmtk, divorced her and then I came ,

not God, not back to you all, and was a man of quite a bit, and the women want to go back to him , Allah revealed this verse:) ( I said: Now I do, O Messenger of Allah said: Her husband him [(1)] . That went public jurists, including narrated from Imam Ahmad to the state's transition to a judge, in the novel again Imam Ahmad Rgehha the state transmitted to the outermost guardian. Section VII: Women words decade [(2)] : Tap went to the contract-wise woman words Free, quoted by saying says:) of the [ ( parties: 50] verse noble text on the married women words. It is Sunnah saying ^: Aloam deserving herself from her guardian, and pristine permission in itself, and her permission Samadtha [(3)] , and Aloam: is the woman who has no husband virgin or .. This modern stating that marriage is the amount of up to her, and if her guardian this right is also such as the participation of the opinion. It is reasonable: that while married women herself after reaching for he Kamal mind becomes guardian of itself, Kabba wise if reached, and the Lord of the verses in saints speech is on the Arabs and people usually give parents the marriage contract. 2 and went public jurists Amalikihwalhafieh and Hanbali that for the marriage but Polly, and does not have a woman to marry herself or others.

They quoted from the Koran, saying the Almighty) ( [Al-Baqarah: 232] is hereby declare evidence as guardian, otherwise there is no meaning for muscle if the complexity Babartha, as the context of the verse:) [ ( Baqarah: 232] Allah forbade parents prevent women married when they reach the term, Without the mandate for the man in the contract what true muscle and prevention of marriage. The Year: Fastdloa from year including Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet ^: women do not marry women do not marry the same woman [(1)] , not befitting Bmhacn the independence of contract habits. Word Tap: that the discourse Balankah but is, according to habit and custom carries the scars and mustahabb and not Alanm and positive, and the evidence for that is Male Almighty:) [ ( Nur: 32] was not righteous requirement of the passport. Which checks that the woman does not proceed in our marriage contract itself except in rare. the Syrian Personal Status Law: Gold Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (16) that: complement a civil marriage in the boy as of the eighteenth and the girl as of the age of seventeen. He took the doctrine of the tap in validity of the contract words of women and Bembachertha itself but okay the view of the Personal Status Law Syrian terms of

Article (20): large completed seventeen, if she wants to marry, requested by the judge of the guardian's statement of opinion within a period specified by him, if did not object, or if the objection is meritorious, authorizing judge her marriage on condition of efficiency. This girl is required to take the permission of her guardian and his statement during the period specified by the judge before you submit the marriage contract and then to oppose it.

Section IV : assume the parties to the marriage contract [(1)]

The first requirement: take over one or both parties to the contract or State agency Went to the public health agency and the state of the two sides and overturned Shafei and exhale everyone unless necessary the Shafei it was limited, as unnecessary as well as the agent. The ancients argued that the words of the one in the marriage contract serves as Monday, because the subsequent leave as previous agency. The second requirement: a busybody It is to hold someone for someone on a woman in the presence of witnesses without their permission, or the permission of one of them whatsoever, the parties to the contract: a valid contract Reserve in the opinion of Abu

Yusuf, Abu Hanifa and Mohammed, Maalikis and Shaafa'is void. And went to tap it if took Vdolian contract True mawqoof. The Maalikis to that if the contract just curious about the husband or guardian is the wife of orthopedists only, without her permission, it is true that authorized by, without authorization will be delayed for a day in the country. The Shaafa'is and Hanbalis Phipptalon the Ts t P never busybody. The argument of those who say that the issuance of the contract from his family and in his place, and Damages in the event. The argument of the tap in the permissibility of curious that the contract takes place at the right contractors and attached Bajazatehma to prove leave the previous decade rule [(1)] . And argument that it is not permissible to the marriage contract and one of the words the two sides only need as seriously. He went Syrian Personal Status Law Article (9) that: If the agent exceeds the limits of his agency was held as a busybody suspended contract on leave.

It is clear to go to law doctrine of correctors to hold a busybody, and several detainees to leave, as he went tap and Maalikis.

Section V: Terms of unnecessary marriage contract

The first requirement: the option of puberty and recovery The labia for both spouses or the right to terminate the contract spend if Zojhma is not the father and grandfather at puberty or awaken from the madness. And went public that is the guardian orthopedist has no mandate at all on marriages small and pristine, but the authorization after puberty [(2)] . The second requirement: the corruption in the marriage contract We must ensure a balance between the rights and obligations between the spouses that accompanied the contract is no unfairness or deception or fraud descriptions of the other, but the contract was subject to revocation. Sections lured: of several sections, some of which are required by the contract at the heart of Wegger existence of virginity, youth and beauty, lineage and left, integrity and character, and some are not required by, but thought he was. The views of scholars:

Tap said: Fat Description contrast the legate This increase the increase, k a n yt her husband more than like her as a dowry Bakr Fbant St. did not answer the increase. It also went to that if she married that favor of Magna Fban or addicted father was valid it may option when Abu Hanifa; because Lecher not longer efficient for Justice. And Alsahban separation that if pleased to have no choice, but that was and drink schnapps it may option, and have Mehr goes after entry. The Shaafi'is into two views : health, II: invalidate the contract. And say Sticky health of choice, and to say invalidity of the dowry hometown before entering, and after entering must Mehr ideals or maintenance or accommodation if it is not pregnant, though pregnant Valenvqh to become pregnant in the most correct. Not uppity due to guar as favored-Sherbini, and nuclear likely to return uppity on the Laurel is the world including Gore, but did not return. Went the Personal Status Law Syrian Article (32): To be considered lured from her husband in efficiency without other descriptions The text: if it is stipulated efficiency while the contract or told the pair that inept, and then show that incompetent, he was both guardian and wife asked terminate the contract.

The notice is not considered lured by the wife, and was the first to treat all uppity and descriptions as well as by wife .

The third requirement: the rational adult married without categories

The girl very rational marriage contract at the tap itself and Babartha with the possibility of direct guardian of the contract scar tissue and a choice at the tap, and the company when the public also passed but it may not be the husband efficient for this girl, and here the parents the right to object because it can not enter them do not want entering the family, and this is also noticed if her guardian, but that was not her guardian contract properly for the required; because the face of the lack of necessary lift the damage of the Patriarchs in the absence of parents, have chosen is dropping right [(1)] . The definition of efficiency: Sharia: equality between spouses in specific things, which requires or not disgrace, Vdhabtha: equality of the husband to the wife in the perfect or decrease, except in respect of defects Just come [(2)] . Scholars in the requirement of efficiency and their evidence: First: most scholars went to the requirement of proficiency in the marriage contract, although they differed in determining the elements and characteristics, and they said: to be a pair of to be equivalent to the wife, and quoted the so Mouncol the evidence and reasonable.

^ Saying: 'O' Ali, three taken into t ha: If prayer and funeral came if I attended Aloam the If you find her as Vaa [(3)] . 2 reasonable: The ten time and stability between the couple and the interests of marital depends to a large extent on the equality husband to wife [(4)] . Second: Revolutionary and went, Hasan al-Basri, alKarkhi of the tap: that efficiency is not a requirement originally Muslims and Muslim Okvia to each other [(1)] . They quoted: 1 verse:) ( cabins: 13] lesson in dignity in this world and the Hereafter for piety and by. 2 of the Prophet ^ that the father of India's husband, a cupper Girl of brown Bayaadah said my son laying father India and , it [(2)] . The interview: to the best of Arabic on outlandish .... But piety [(3)] . Identify the elements of efficiency: Scholars differed as to identify the elements of efficiency, went to it: religion and descent, money and craft [(4)] . And Maalikis: religiosity and safety of defects, while other similar conditions Vtndb the only [(5)] . And the Shaafa'is: religion, chastity and ratios and craft and safety of the option of fixing defects, and correct to the left is a considerable [(6)] .

Here, we note all of their agreement on the grounds of religion, and the public except Maaliki on as ratios and craft, and deal Maalikis and Shaafa'is on the grounds of safety defects, and agreed Hanafi and Hanbali money. The views of scholars in the elements of efficiency: 1 piety and chastity: unanimously agreed that the religious requirement in efficiency except Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, because this trait of the highest qualities that reflected their effects on the whole family. It is not the ungodly and reprobate as Vaa for chaste or valid whether declaring or unspoken, because different behavior leads to variation in the methods of education and upbringing of children in contravention of the behavior of the ungodly, and his actions God has said:) ( [prostration: 18] ^ said: If you speeches whose religious commitment and character but do not sedition in the land and a broad corruption [(1)] . Mohammed said: are not considered a religion if only slaps and make fun of him or go out to the markets pissed [(2)] , and likely group of Maalikis, dissolution of marriage womanizer [(3)] . Which swing the most important thing in a marriage of co-existence, and this is done only by creating and chastity and devout piety .. The other pays for maintenance, care and concern for him, and I am

therefore most likely dissolution of marriage reprobate, as he went to some of Maalikis. 2 Islam: What is meant here parents and grandparents Islam is not Islam a couple, and this is NonArabs because their customs require boasting precedence and seniority, and tap himself does not see it exists today. 3 ratios: went public to be considered in efficiency ratios without Maalikis, and the right to be considered as percentages without religiosity farther from the purposes of marriage and the law in equity and trade-offs in piety. 4 Money : It is intended spouse's ability to dowry, alimony, and this is the view of Abu Yusuf from the tap and set some alimony month. The condition left in efficiency and Mohammed Abu Hanifa In when Shaafa'is and Hanbali. He did not stipulate the left in correct when Maalikis and Shafi'i, because the money Gadd and segments, and proud people and Insights [(1)] , which is the correct view, because km from poor become rich, and how much of the rich become poor, ask God Almighty wellness. 5 craft : stipulated that the public is Maaliki craft qualities efficiency, because it is not a description of the required perfection disease and wellness. 6 safety of the option of fixing defects in the marriage.

And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (28): lesson in efficiency to the country's custom. The Court of Cassation said: a lesson in efficiency for custom country and appreciation back to the trial judge (St. 326 325 11/19/1956). His right to efficiency: The efficiency in the part of the husband, they are right to wife and , because women and the Ataeron married is lower than It Aakavaha, The no Ataar man to be beneath from Tavah. The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (29) on the following: efficient private right of women and guardian. Under the Court of Cassation, said: scholars agree that efficiency but require for the benefit of women not in the interest of the man (St. 217 383 05/15/1977). As well as Article (27) states that the guardian has the right to intervene to request termination of the contract if you do not pair efficient, which reads: If married large itself of non-approval of the guardian, the husband was efficient necessary contract, but Vllola request annulment of the marriage. Conditioning efficiency as a health condition or unnecessary?: Went public that the efficiency requirement to zoom in on the marriage contract.

In the novel, from the tap, and when Shaafa'is and narrated from Imam Ahmad: efficiency requirement for the health of the marriage contract. If married women from the marriage is void inept or corrupt; because of inefficient marriages inflict shame women and , nor Mehr have dispersed guardian, even if he divorced her husband before entering it may half named [(1)] . Ancients quoted as evidence for that is as follows: 1 that the Prophet ^ Fatima bint Qays order to marry Osama bin Zeid, Venkanh of [(2)] , and Fatima Qrchih, Osama freed slave of the Prophet ^. 2 that Illaah of girl Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib was under Miqdad ibn al-Aswad The Qrchih and Miqdad not Baqrhi [(3)] . Accordingly, the married women of inefficient consent and satisfaction of other saints true marriage, has really left them, and that was the shortage wife and the like may Sales defect. Similarly, if married are inefficient is the satisfaction of parents have had the right of rescission that annulment must be by virtue of a judge at the request of a spouse or guardian [(4)] . He went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (26) to the view of the public, which reads: unnecessary

required in the marriage to be a man competent for women. With this law to resolve differences as efficiency requirement of unnecessary health, which that I see the lamb for a Muslim to righteousness as possible. Time objection right of efficiency: Shafi'i and Hanbali agreed: that the right to object to the lack of efficiency only at the beginning of the contract, if still efficiency after that there is a right for parents to object. Maliki said: parents have the right to object unless the husband comes in with his wife, the income fell right contract is not annulled the contract. When the tap: in the novel that the efficiency of the health condition in the marriage contract, the contract is invalid originally If married same inefficient. The second novel that requirement unnecessary efficiency remains a veto to the women to give birth, or carry, if silent guardian even born then objected there is a lesson for complaining [(1)] . Was approved by the law, this second novel at the tap, and I see this Average between the opinion of Health and opinion necessary in terms of attention to the existence of efficiency if given the guardian this time it is not quite some to consider the existence of efficient or not, where

Article (30 ) states that: The right annulment of incompetence if pregnant women. It also approved the law public opinion at a time when significant the presence of efficiency which is when the contract, as perhaps married person is incompetent, then still the efficiency of the viewer what, this consideration when hiring only the stability of the family, only to hit families of the disorder severe at every emergency, and Article ( 31) on the following: take into account the efficiency when the contract does not affect its demise after him.

Section VI : administrative transactions marriage

The first requirement: the legal texts in the administrative transactions marriage
A transaction that precedes the contract: Article 40 1 The application for marriage to judge the region with the following documents: Certificate from the mayor and officers of the camp on behalf of all of the fianc and fiance, age and place of residence and the name and why it does not prevent this marriage a legitimate blocker. A certified copy is in the hearts of the two parties and personal . A certificate from a doctor chosen by the parties Bkhaloheme of communicable diseases and health

barriers to marriage, and validation of the judge by the doctor of his choice. B marriage license to the military and to those who are in the age of compulsory military service. C PSD approval if one of the spouses is a foreigner. 2 may not be installed marriages held outside the court only after the completion of these actions as if he was born or carry visible, proves to marry without these actions, it does not prevent the rhythm of legal punishment. Article 41 authorizes the judge to conduct contract immediately after the completion of these documents, and has when suspected delayed announcing a period of ten days and the judge chooses the way the ad. Article 42 If the contract has not been six months longer permission canceled. B coefficients contract: Article 43 The judge or authorize him to court assistants perform the contract. Article 44 must include the instrument Marriage: A full names of the parties and their respective home. B of the contract, and date and place. C names of witnesses and agents complete and the home of all of them. D the amount of the deferred mahr and Is Accelerated arrested or not. His signature and authorized stakeholders and the ratification of the judge.

Article 45 (as amended by Article 3 of Law 34 Ta 12/31/1975): 1) scores Assistant marriage in proprioceptive record and send in with him to the Department of Civil Status within ten days from the date of the marriage. 2) sings this image tell the parties Department of Civil Status Marriage, Assistant shall be liable for negligence send the image. 3) apply the same method in the registration of judgments installed marriage, divorce, birth and the death of the missing and the Secretary of note that civil registry in propria records without the need for any further action. Article 46 marriages transactions are exempt from all fees.

The second requirement: legal materials relating to the conduct of the marriage contract of the Penal Code and the service of science and customary marriages and contract transactions
This research followed some of the material necessary legal and necessary to complete this research, which should know, namely: Section I: a marriage contract and the Revised Penal Code:

Article (469): If you hold a clergy marriage of a minor is not the age of eighteen without logging in satisfaction of the decade has jurisdiction over the minor or be replaced by the permission of the judge shall be liable to a fine of one hundred to two hundred and fifty pounds. Article (470): worth the same penalty cleric who holds a marriage before it is ads and other transactions that are prescribed by law or personal status or marriage takes a woman before the expiration promised. Article (471): a legally married with his knowledge of the invalidity of his marriage because of a previous marriage was punished by imprisonment of one month to one year. B is targeted for death itself cleric, who is a marriage contract with the knowledge mentioned previous marital Association. Article (472): down the status of the clergy for the application of the preceding provisions contractors and their representatives and witnesses who attended the marriage as such. Accordingly, I say: that the marriage contract in Islamic law is not a contract formality although it is stipulated that witnesses understand the conditions of validity is not holding, which swing to attend a forensic science (not the cleric is a label is not accurate) contracts good thing to remind contractors and witness the importance of this Charter, the great ) [ ( Women: 2021] In order to

the provisions of the contracts, should not one that violates the law, including a man of science legitimate, especially to know that no medical risk in this decade one of the contractors [(1)] . Section II: a marriage contract and the law of military service: Article 1 (84): Do not allow the marriage of military service will cost only if the registration of the marriage contract with Civil Affairs departments before six months from the date of entry age commissioning. The holders of their marriage are not allowed except in the following cases: A. If exempted from military service. If you have completed a period of compulsory service. C If you paid cash allowance. D if they are students of higher achievement. E if they deferred their market for legal reasons. If ever to postpone their service for health reasons, for three consecutive years. G if Asthsaloa on the marriage license to the presence of moral exceptional circumstances force them installed for marriage. - Required to give permits marriage of taxpayers mentioned in paragraphs (d, e, f, g) of this Article shall provide to ensure legal two thousand Syrian pounds insurance dependency caused by this marriage, and in

this case does not shift dependency without marketdesignate of the performance of the service. - Marriage licenses are given by the competent departments recruitment does not allow the courts to undertake a legitimate marriage contracts covered by the provisions of this article, nor to the civil status departments to record these contracts only on the basis of the license mentioned in this article. Section III: Making the marriage contract and the Civil Status Law modified: Article (39): send the competent authority, which was held marriage or sentenced divorce to the Secretary of the Civil Registry in the place where the contract or the issuance of the judgment within the time limit provided for in Article (22) three copies of the marriage contract or paragraph wisdom, under penalty of a fine of Twenty-five pounds. If the defaulting employees it one of the sanctions imposed by the competent attributed to light, and the registrar identify the competent civil marriage and divorce in the civil registry Upon receipt of the copies mentioned [(1)] . The Fourth Branch: customary marriage contract transactions: A marriage contract updated for some conditions without documentation << Most of customary marriages

did not agree with the terms legitimacy the guardian, witnesses and dowry, and if you find all of these remains the lack of documentation of the most important advantage of him, putting women's rights for the loss, which is a form of illegal connections If negated guardian witnesses [(2)] .

Chapter III effects of marriage

The first topic : the rights of spouses. The second topic : emergency descriptions or comparison of the marriage contract. The third topic : the provisions of the dowry. Section IV : spousal support. Section V : conditions in the marriage contract.

The first topic : the rights of spouses

The first requirement: common rights between spouses

1 The right to enjoy (enjoy the solution): Each of the spouses to enjoy the other within the limits prescribed by God, and every one of them to meet the desire of the other taking into account the requirements that and etiquette, said the Messenger of Allah ^: O Abdullah pain Tell you fast for the day and the night, I said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He said: She does not do, deaf and fast, and and sleep, the body you really and if you really eye and that your husband you really [(1)] . And the Messenger of Allah ^: If you let the man his wife to his bed and did not Tath, shreds, angry with her, the angels curse her until [(2)] . 2 Hassan cohabitation: Each of the other spouse to be treated well treated good grown friendliness and compassion and love and compassion and kindness, in the same each other with tolerance and cooperation to do good and ward off harm and what they entail about dimension discord, disagreement and conflict .. In compliance with the verse:) ( women: 19] . And advises the husband and wife pair are advised his wife to commit to obey God, was quoted as Ancestors

that the wife was telling her husband: (beware and Sacred win I endure hunger and endure the fire) [(3)] . It is a good cooperation in the construction of ten family and care for children and the sense of shared responsibility, he said the Messenger of Allah ^: and men in his family and his shepherd and is responsible for his flock, and the woman is the shepherd of her husband's house and is responsible for her flock [(1)] . It is a good ten: keeping secrets and not to mention the other bad, and that saves between spouses do not disclose it to a whatever would, he said ^: It is a evil people when God status doomsday man leads to his wife, and lead to it, and publish its secret [(2)] . 3 sanctity intermarriage. 4 inheritance. 5 ratios. 6 interest between spouses to avoid turning the heart of one of the other [(3)] . The second requirement: the wife's rights 1 dowry: Is money to be the husband of the wife in the marriage contract in honor and revered, a gift also said the Koran as a bee, and the bee is a gift, as opposed to those who say that it is not , but versus benefit, as this opinion is contrary to the explicit verse) ( [women : 4] and the benefit of women offset by the benefit of the man was a

pure gift pony, and bearing verses contained in conformity with this verse and it is possible, and the explanation of stewardship as to the cause of spending, spending a comprehensive and other dowry. . 2 Alimony: It is the right of the wife to the husband the right to prove her contract, which is inclusive of what you need from housing and food and clothing and that the service was a need for service [(1)] . saying ^: Take what is sufficient for you and your child Virtue [(2)] . 3 good treatment of the husband to the wife: saying : The best kind to his wife and I'm kind to my family [(3)] . It includes the following: 1) expansion of alimony: ^ saying: If a tunnel to a Muslim on his family's expense, a Ihzbha was his charity [(4)] . 2) consult with the wife in matters of family and home from home to the Educational Management boys and Tencothm the to Tzoejehm .. He said ^: ordered to women in their daughters [(5)] ie: A_i_irhn. 3) the women and Mlateftha. 4) turning a blind eye to some of the mistakes if they are few and many merit, he said ^: Do not rubbed locked

locked hating them created pleased with him last [(6)] and rubbed hates sense. 5) Help wife: so that man is assisted by women in the work of the House, especially when the need for it as a time of the disease and the large number of businesses, as was the Apostle ^ do have Ms. Aisha when she was asked what the prophet was made at home? She said: The peace and blessings be in the profession of his family, if he heard Azan out [(1)] . 4 Justice in the transaction when polygamy 5 spouse protection and protection of disobedience to God [2] . And so that Ihsnha as not hanging Ivrha but intercourse meets and waiting for her judgment, said Ali, may Allah be pleased with him in the interpretation of the verse: Teach them Adbohem the [(3)] . 6 jealous wife: So that saves wife in her religion and viewed from a look or a word or touching. . , Faomrha the veil and robes when out of her, regardless sight and not to express their adornment except to their husbands and female kin [(4)] .

The third requirement: husband's rights

1 right obedience: If the marriage contract has been true the wife must obey her husband in absolute obedience is no sin.

Although this is the nature of man and physical formative granted this right, although the wife of copyright sound more happy her achieved Bergolth the husband and gone as well. . As long as not abusing this right. God has said, explaining that:) o the ( women: 34] . ^ Said: If a woman a fifth, months and silent, and kept her vagina, and obeyed her husband, said to her: Enter Paradise from any of the gates of Paradise you wish [(1)] . ^ Said: 'Any woman died and her husband reported satisfied entered Paradise [(2)] . ^ Said: which is the same Mohammed in his hand does not lead women the right of her Lord to lead her husband's right [(3)] . Although this is the right of obedience to the husband to the wife is not about money are only Her wife disposed of without the other and without interference as long as the pair Rashida very discreet, and limited the right of obedience to everything related to married life [(4)] . The wife's obedience to her husband brings the spirit of love and affection between husband and wife, and T. depth of the links a roll and affection in the family avoid controversy spirit and stubbornness that leads to discord which is not pleasing to God [(5)] . 2 decision in the marital home:

If the marriage contract valid and invited them to the marital home she has his answer and stability in the marital home, which the board pair housing for them, but if there is justification for the exits, and was legitimately there is nothing wrong get out, if you visit her parents, it may so every Friday once her visit male relative. . If I need a her parents who Atabbh the disease if not his one Amrdah was obligatory for her care and go out for it. Does he have prevented it?. Shaafi'is to the pair he hates prevent it from her father's clinic if it heavier disease, as well as the presence of his death; Because prevent it leads to and tempted Balakouk the aversion [(1)] and went to tap that if prevented it out without his permission [(2)] . 3 spouse, children care and home affairs: The service is obligatory for her house, but you do volunteer, and if those who serve or who her family was required serving the husband to approach her designated served by the server and on the performance of their duty [(3)] , and each as the Apostle said ^: the woman of the shepherd of her husband's house and is responsible for her flock [(4)] . 4 washing of menstruation and mortality. 5 Right Hand, advice and guidance. It is right and forbidding, guidance and discipline [(5)] , and Dalila from the Koran: )

( women: 34] [(6)] . Faaz pair of his wife Lin manner in which love and affection. If repeated preaching did not respond to go to quarrel and abandonment in the marital home, that attaches to the back if they were on one bed, or on a bed or in a closet again, this is the second treatment of recalcitrant women that deficit with preaching and guidance [(1)] . If the pair had a deficit then be transmitted to other means. This method is a beating, which is the last means of discipline at the inability of the two means before, do not resort to it only after the use of the first two means. The beating is not absolute, but specific: that image beatings and similar , and that means no discipline and not the strikes on the place and one, regurgitated the face of the complex beauties and harmful places without a whip or a stick, so that it is simple does not break lightly n d Ba or unusual impact, and that he thinks it most likely get discipline do not increase discord. Although this multiplication is best left as people cram qualms about the use of this method accusing themselves of dereliction of the rights of the wife and that following the example of the Messenger of Allah ^, narrated the e: hit the Messenger of Allah ^ his servant, nor a woman, nor his hand hit something [(2)] .

The ^ beatings said: do not find those your choice [(3)] . This is to prevent the Penal Code never beaten (m 185 m 540 penalties), which is a restrict permissible necessity. If the pair exceeds the legitimate right border and abused use, Vllzojh raise her the judge Faezrh the including Azgerh on it, and her divorce to damage when other [(4)] , it is an exceptional therapeutic haram originally when some licenses need not pray, does not reach the general public, but for the common folk should not reach the admonition ... How otherwise?! It is no doubt the most successful of the divorce, but the pair detriments reward is Hell and evil decision. 6 travel the wife. 7 maintain the honor and wealth. 8 concern for the dignity of the husband and his feelings. 9 righteousness of the husband's family.

The second topic : emergency descriptions or comparison to the marriage contract and its implications [(1)]
The contract Arcana and conditions should exist for marriage in session is held true force required, the whole produces its effects and is not void, but this start by

showing the correct contract in force and is too big, then suspended, then rotten decade and finally falsehood.

The first requirement: the right contract and effects of force necessary [(2)] :
A decade, which entail its effects by non-stop on a vacation, and its effects are: 1 - Intercourse between spouses solution only if menstruating or bleeding and zihaar by penance, and has claim and her. 2 - Look and touch solution in life without death contrary to Shafii. 3 - King of greenhouse for his. Benefit 4 - Must be a pony. 5 - Proven pedigree. 6 - Proven maintenance and accommodation. 7 - Sanctity of intermarriage. 8 - Inheritance from both sides. 9 - Justice in the women's section that has more than one, as well as in the maintenance and accommodation. 10 - obeying the pair. 10 - The mandate of the disciplinary order of preaching and abandonment, beatings , and the last block of the Penal Code. 11 - Virtue intercourse.

The Article (47) of the Syrian Personal Status Law as follows: if available in the marriage contract corners and other strips held was true. As well as Article (49) thereof: the right to marry in force entails all its rights marital Kalmhr and alimony and the necessity of follow-up and the transmission of spouses and of family children rights and the sanctity of intermarriage. That provided the Court of Cassation on the entry into force of the implications of the marriage contract on every Syrian citizen (St. 211 209 05.08.1973) and in accordance with Article (14) of the Civil Code, which stipulates the validity of the law of the State in which the husband belongs at the implications for the marriage contract.

The second requirement: the contract is necessary and its effects

It held true in force decade but negated the requirement of conditions for of which relates to marry the father. . Or father is known misconduct and immorality, and the option of puberty and recovery and dowry ideals and efficiency and the lack of requirement him or having the authority or defect or led astray, owns a spouse or guardian dissolution, this contract is in session true effect, but not required, P falls right annulment in which the appearance of pregnancy respected the right of the child, and therefore if one of

them died before the annulment proved correct the effects of the contract, and its dissolution after entering not makes Kalmoukov, but entail effects necessary for entry and the existing pregnancy, but the detainee should not have implications before entering it is Calfasd but Kalpatal the zero-.

The third requirement: suspended the contract and its effects

A contract held correct, but fails the condition of the force which relates As of eligibility and the health of the prosecution and efficiency on the words shall be deemed Calfasd, as well as in suspended in corrupt, and prove descent and must be at least named Mehr goes, should be preparing, as well as all fuck differed in permissible where access was positive for several with the necessity to differentiate between them. He went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (52) that: marriage suspended reign before leave Calfasd.

The fourth requirement: the contract and its corrupt

It is each contract was a condition of his health which witnesses and marry without efficient and marry the sister of absolute and Bavh in several other, or is it all fuck scholars differed in that it is permissible, a Kalpatal before entering, if he found access observed a certain

effects, even if found alone correct in marriage rotten Do not consider it, hold it null comparative suspicion. He went Syrian Personal Status Law Article (48/1) that every marriage been affirmative corner and acceptance and misfire some Cherath is corrupt. According to Article (51 / 1) to rotten marry before entering into the rule of falsehood. The implications for access are: 1 dowry of Job and ideals [(1)] . 2 ratios reservists in duration. 3 kit from time Almtarkh. 4 the kit expense to that spent in several corrupt. 5 no inheritance , but to prove the necessary effects of trampling winning the safe side. 6 sanctity of intermarriage : proving to enter it. 7 spousal: Gold Syrian Personal Status Law Article (51/3) that: worthy wife spousal support as long as the marriage ignorant corruption. It is the opinion of the Hanbalis, comes clarified. The Article (51/2) on these effects, which reads: 2 and the consequent intercourse in which the following results: A - at least in reducing pony of Mehr ideals and labeled. B - boys ratios of its findings set out in Article 133 of this law. T - the sanctity of intermarriage.

W - several of separation in the cases of irony or death of a spouse and the expense of preparing without inheritance between spouses.

The fifth requirement: the wrong decade

It is a contract that negated when one of the conditions to take place, and agreed to void and not to take place, Kinkah incest, and proves the limit case is proven testimony of four, shall not result in this incident no effect, and called the contract otherwise it is not called a contract, and is this link between men and women absolutely forbidden installed to reduce of [(1)] .

The third topic : the provisions of the dowry

The first requirement: the definition of dowry and cash equivalents and adapted legitimacy guides and controls in the amount of
The definition of dowry and cash equivalents and adapted: Language: m e t women and Omehrha: called her and married her foal, and Almherh: precious dowry, a women's Friendship [(2)] . Idiomatically : Money leads the wife to marry or have intercourse or miss a couple oppress,, a n suit (gift) is

required as you enjoy Women the man the Gift of charge [(1)] . Shara pony right and the right of the wife and the right of the guardian, if waived women for dowry right Shara remained in the presence of the right of the guardian to Mehr Mehr presence goes, then that waiver guardian stayed right Shara on the difference in appreciation. And went Syrian Personal Status Law to the doctrine of the public, where Article (53): Should the wife the right pony as soon as the contract, either call when the contract, did not name or denied in the first place. Evidence of the legality of dowry: From the book: the verse:) ( women: 4] . It is the year : saying ^ disciple the c: go ask if a ring of iron [(2)] and Anas bin Malik narrated that Abdul Rahman bin Auf asked the Messenger of Allah married ^: how much she gave to drink. He said: weighing the nucleus of gold. He said: 'Had they not sheep [(3)] . The consensus: The Muslims are unanimously agreed on the legality of the marriage dowry in [(4)] . The legality of the dowry controls: be money the pony a legally significant information, manageable extradition. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (54) to the following: P-2 all religiously true commitment to reconciliation be foals.

The amount of dowry: can have a maximum dowry or less (the lowest), and his statement: Maximum [(1)] : scientists agreed that no more dowry extent people stand with him, because he did not want in Shara indication specified maximum, as evidenced by: Meaning:) ( women: 20] What is meant by a lot of money, and when he may be a pony quintals, indicated that it may be any amount regardless of end of Abundance [(2)] . Minimum: 1 said Shafi'i and Hanbali: No limit to less dowry, Passover fact that the dowry money, a little or a lot, and the officer all true as selling any to him the value of true being , and has no value is not valid to be What has not ended to the extent not Atamol, otherwise spoiled label, and must be Mehr ideals [(3)] . Al-Nawawi said: is recommended that at least for ten dirhams pony out of the dispute Abu Hanifa because it is not permitted without it [(4)] . He went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (54/1) to Shafi'i and Hanbali doctrine stipulates: No limit to less dowry and for most of it. 2 and went Tap: that less dowry ten dirhams or its value, P if held for less than ten dirhams, correct label and must pony complete dowry tithes, and exhale said: Its like dowry [(5)] .

Quoted Shaafa'is and Hanbali pony that does not have a minimum number of guides, including: Of the Qur'an: and says:) the ( women: 24] . He stated dowry without specified which fit for little and a lot [(1)] . It is the year: The Messenger of Allah ^: If Khat see what an iron [(2)] . This shows that it is not less dowry as specified, and only for him. The saying ^ exaggeration in reducing the dowry, because the ring of iron less the value of things [(3)] . He quoted tap the following evidence: From the Quran: Allah said: ) the ( women: 24] and the name money to Aataleg a less than ten dirhams, not true to be less than ten in order to money [(4)] . It is the year: Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah that the Prophet ^ said: I do not marry women with only qualified, married are only the parents, without dowry ten dirhams [(6)] and modern text in the invalidity of the marriage less than ten dirhams of dowry. In fact, the verse) ( General is the strongest indication.

The second requirement: Photos agreement on dowry

May agree on a dowry between the parties to the contract shall be the dowry is labeled, The People agree on the amount of dowry to a girl description of what shall be the mahr is a dowry goes, may agree to accelerate the dowry or postponed, and may be agreed upon Mehr secret and another in public, has increased dowry or degrades him, and this statement: Pony named and Mehr ideals: First: pony named: should be designated in the contract shall be deemed to pony is a pony named only hate and need to be delivered and may not be altered only with the consent of women, because it may appoint to hold right. But that was unknown was needed Mehr ideals provided that they are foolishness named more than foolishness ideals Mehr [(1)] . Second: Mehr ideals and the obligatory reasons: Mehr proverb : He who wants money in the fold, and their counterparts in the descriptions as religion, chastity and beauty .. Sisters and relatives of Kaamadtha and only sister Fbnt and girl Uncle. . [(2)] . That went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (64) that: 'If a man marries a in his dowry death disease a g the

hands of the dowry goes, the increase being sentenced commandment. And dispose of the money in disease death takes commandment rule [(3)] . Reasons should Mehr goes: Mehr ideals must properly in every fuck did not name the dowry contract time, or scrapped label, and must be promptly and without delay when the contract of the country's cash The chosen delay it and settle it is obligatory to enter and upon the agreement, as well as the estimated Mehr ideals when entering into the contract rotten [(1)] . Article (61) of the Syrian Personal Status Law on the following: P 1 Mehr ideals must correct in the contract when you do not rename or corruption Mehr label. Article (63) If you're signed in corrupt after a decade did not name the Mehr, Mehr the ideals, and if the name of it may at least labeled Mehr ideals. Mahr and deferred dowry: The holding of a valid marriage requires dowry, if demanded wife extradition necessary pair handed over, so as to be right where the arrest, and it has to prevent her husband from entering to receive the dowry, said ^: to believe a woman a compound that does not Eoffaha him of killing God Almighty, a Beech [(2)] .

The deferred dowry : If he agreed to postpone half of and expedite the half: Some went to the non-permissible and Ogoppe off. The audience went to the passport and solve for him irrevocable divorce or death. And Abu Yusuf went to the passport prevent itself to the time of the performance of the dowry because it is right it may refrain for him, unlike what if for the whole condition not prevent access itself. If chosen for entry without catch accelerated and is charged then she wanted to prevent itself of the dowry and prevent him from removing from her, they have it in the words of Abu Hanifa, said Abu Yusuf and Muhammad: not to do so because they have chosen to hand over the same consent and revoked their right to prevention, incident does not come back. The Court of Cassation went to the view of Abu Hanifa without Alsahben of which stipulates: wife has the right to imprison themselves and to refrain from pursuing her husband and worth spending even meet her dowry accelerator [(1)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (55) that: may accelerate the dowry or postponed, in whole or in part, and when you do not follow the custom text. Article (56): delay in going out to pony while Bainuna or death unless stated in the contract for another. It is

also noticed for public opinion weighting in the postponement passport with custom flow but to Bainuna or death. Obsolescence and dowry: Gold Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (60/2) that: do not apply to mahr statutes of limitation even free support as long as the marriage list. The law mediate select the period of limitation end of wedlock, and the doctrine of the tap to leave the claim for a long time after the obligatory fifteen years for its lawsuit hometown, and this in deferred, first Valmjl fall, they said, to fall by prescription. But Maliki went to the lack of claim limitations [(2)] . Mehr password and Mehr public: Some people may be humbled agree on the label of the dowry of reputation and hypocrisy Vivq the dowry in secret is a real pony, In another public Mehr, they show. Scholars differed in it, and his statement: Went public that the dowry is Mehr password if they were single-sex if Ohhada to increase reputation. This is stipulated by the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (54/4) which stipulates: those who claim moot collusion or in a pony named duly prove that, if proven, one Mehr select the judge unless it is proved ideal pony named real.

If you do not testify was the dowry dowry password when Alsahben because the second decade moonshine, when Abu Hanifa Mehr public, even of non-sex; that although the second does not increase Tlgo, which is more correct when Shafi'i. If you do not agree to Moadah the race was disagreed pony is named in the contract, if agreed to Moadah and sex was different and did not testify necessary Mehr ideals when the tap, and this is what went Syrian Personal Status Law unless it is proved labeled. Hanbali went to unnecessary dowry User adult Mabulg for increase after decade, although mustahabb what it promised of Mehr password. In the words of the Shaafa'is if Mehr password requirement before the decade is true and spoiled the Mehr necessary condition proverb [(1)] . Increase in dowry and debasing him and Ibra Guardian: The Crown may not amnesty for dowry or degrade it to as well as other debt, and only spoiled the dowry. As well as the Crown has no right to abandon his son toward small .. Tribal his marriage over the dowry goes, only spoiled the dowry and if you believe his son more than the parable of the dowry money himself Jazz. Had wanted to discredit her dowry The Jazz were great though her father landed it did not permissible if they are small, large Had Hetta was suspended approval.

And also does not accept the projection in the Senate because it does not accept, it may Tstrdh the projection of it as long as it exists, if his pony fell perished [(1)] . And Article 57 of the Personal Status Law Syrian: shall not be any increase or decrease of the dowry or discharge him if occurred during the marriage, or in several divorce, and are considered invalid unless conducted before a judge and join any of these actions going before a judge the origin of the contract if accepted by the other spouse. The article (54/4) impact here in terms of collusion and moot given that the preceding paragraph of the same article (54/3), we have an excellent pony made which stipulates: 3 Mehr considered women have come in excellent order after Dean alimony payment referred to in Article (1120) of the Act. 4 those who claim moot collusion or in a pony named duly prove that, if proven, one Mehr select the judge unless it is proved ideal pony named real. 5 is all contained in religion and marriage or divorce documents of fixed debt in writing and included in the first paragraph of Article 468 of the Criminal Procedure [(2)] issued by Legislative Decree No. / 84 / for the year / 1952 /, deferred dowry is not considered worthy performance,

but upon the expiry of the kit as decided by the judge in the document. It may be the increase sham to evade debt normal considering that religion excellent enjoy a right of priority and privilege to the rest of the debt, and his pair up pony figurehead, and an agreement with his wife, the irrevocably must have definitely this pony privilege and he will flee from debt creditors, and that is stipulated Article (57) Proof of this increase before the judge, and stipulated that article (54/4) moot to prove or collusion, and when prove Mehr example only, without the increase. I think that the distinction between religion excellent and normal is not accurate, but accurate as he says:) dd I I ( The Cow: 280] I see to jail if at all, if solvent just do not to pay the money by but for his crime, and and Ahtealh not repay the money.

The third requirement: the necessity of full dowry and some

Should be half the dowry: In divorce before entering with a dowry label contract, or in a divorce before entering with the label of the dowry after a decade in the doctrine of the public without tap the the marital fun [(1)] . He went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (58): If called dowry in the correct contract signed before

entering divorce and being alone correct, they must be half the dowry. And confirmed by the Court of Cassation. Should be the entire dowry: Snaps and should be the entire dowry, whether such as dowry or named in the contract right in many cases are: Access the wife entertained, and both agreed in the contract pony or even after with the sanctity intercourse, because had meets utility invasive, or perhaps has been the contract and has conditions. As well as settle the entire dowry death of one of them even before intercourse in the contract properly, it does not invalidate its marriage to the presence of inheritance, and the end of the decade is like meet held Vlzim full dowry, without the High dowry has died, one before the imposition her nothing has Maalikis only, after the imposition Kalmsmy, and fully proves when the public before and after the imposition. And settle , correct when Hanafi, Hanbali, and to be set up years when the pair without intercourse, as well as a guided retreat close the doors and relaxation Alstor when Maaliki, so all e without Shaafa'is in the new, and added Hanbalis to the correct privacy in marriage rotten [(1)] . Provisions of the privacy right [(2)] : Idiomatically: What can enjoy it with you P constructive inhibitor, so that the couple meet in somewhere Aomannan

of the informed other them Caldar and home, if they wanted to have intercourse. Contraindications health retreat h e: either inhibitor: real, legitimate or normal. The real inhibitor : it is a couple's disease illness prevents intercourse, or the fact that a small, one can not have intercourse. And inhibitor Forensic : That Be A Couple Fasting Ramadan, or Taboo Arguing Hajj Or NFL Or Umrah, or That Be Wife Menstruating Or Nifaas, because Each That Deprives With Intercourse. Inhibitor Natural : it is That Be With them Third, because Rights Hates That Intercourse His wife In the presence of Third. Provisions Retreat Correct: Pony 1 : To be confirmed Pony Job Correct Between Spouses, and this is the doctrine of the Hanafi, Hanbali and Maalikis establishment year after entering without intercourse. Imam Malik, Shafi'i that no you retreat shrine in not settle the entire dowry. Quoted ancients, including the following: 1 saying Says :) of the ( women: 21] : is Retreat Between Couple As Said Fur, both Income By Or not Enters.

2 Roy More Messenger God ^ that He said: Detection Muffler Woman And consideration To Must Dowry dowry income By Or Not Enter [(1)] and this Clear text phrase in dowry should be given and revealed the cover to enter the connector. And protested Alnavon To prove dowry correct Evidence The following: 1 saying Says:) of the dd mm ( cow H: 237] enjoined God At Not Touch intercourse half Pony Imposed At Divorce Before Access In Fuck Where Naming Mehr, did not Separates Between Case Presence Retreat And the lack thereof. 2 Make sure Pony Stop On Interpolation Due Contract, which Benefits Invasive, and meet Benefits Be any Log in Gets This Interpolation Once Retreat Correct Between Couple Without Log in, there is no Sure Dowry. The shootout that I see is the opinion of a compromise between these views: that goes on between the contract and the access as a year must complete the dowry, a relative of the opinion Maaliki that enter without intercourse years positive for a dowry, and this side, and another side that something happens before entering . . This is not , thou shalt view Shaafa'is in nonredundant first pony, albeit piety and devotion paid and commitment.

2 proven Ratios: at Abu Hanifa although contract proves ratios have also. 3 kit . 4 alimony And housing and comes proportions and detail kit and alimony. 5 sanctity Fuck Her sister And fourth Other In Promised. Fall Pony Event: Down Pony Full Reasons The following: 1 band Otherwise Divorce Before Access And being alone, because Annulment Contract Lift His From Originally, both The From Before The pair Or Wife. 2 sanitization From Full Pony Before Access And after If Was Sanitization True From His family; Because Sanitization Drop. 3 dislocation: Before Access And after, if Was After Arrested Apostasy To Pair. 4 gift Pony: A Maliki: The endowment View Time Ten Divorced her Return it To Fully, a what I see . 5 Divorce Or Death Before Access & Terminals Fun Without Pony As a Not Branding. He guessed Nuclear In Death That More correct Unnecessary Mehr Goes, Stronghold bin Sinan said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ^ spent in Broa girl and harder [(1)] .

6 annulment Before Access The defect Object Where Muscat Mehr As well as Curse The disadvantage And insolvency Before Access. 7 annulment Requirement At Not Meet By At From Said Balelzam By [(1)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article 59 that: if Bainuna occurred due by the wife, before entering the correct and being alone, fell pony whole.

The fourth requirement: ensuring dowry and processing grip father's daughter
Ensure guardian Pony: ensure true guardian of the dowry whether the Crown husband or wife, and whether they were small or large [(2)] . Catch dowry: He said the public: the father and grandfather, the judge and guardian of the state catch small and large dowry, and when Maalikis the father and the commandment. But If large amount of away from catch dowry is not a mandate of the grip, the pair paid to her father without her permission within which the husband and the guardian of the state arrested her without other pony [(3)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (60) indicates that: the dowry right of the wife nor the pair discharged him only by pushing them especially if they

were full eligibility, unless assigned in the contract document and a special agent fist. The law specified that catch the dowry is the right of the wife is not the pair discharged him, but his performance to, or trust in the contract and a private agency caught her pony. I went the Court of Cassation to rule catch dowry by the guardian, is different if the woman was a virgin A and , as E. NH, in pursuant to Article (95) of the Book of the conditions for Kadri Pasha established in terms of Article (305) of the Personal Status Law may not be Crown catch Mehr amounting to only power of attorney which (St. 344 330 ta 26.08.1969) , as well as the Court of Cassation stated that: catch guardian accelerator his eldest daughter, carried out by the husband unless Tinh Payment of him. Processing the father of his daughter: If equipped with the father of his daughter and handed to the device which is not true patient recovery did not have them and not to his heirs, as the custom device is being Pettmena not as bare of, if not died to the heirs in that gift for an heir would need their leave be, you do not need. Also, if processed and bought her a small though he was sick as buying father owned before delivery, even if the father did not pay the price, is attributable seller on the legacy of the buyer does not it, but if I testify father he only

bought them because, as well as case certification Alsabakhfa. If the father or heirs claimed that the device of Nude Saying husband and wife if ongoing custom processing of his daughter from his father a gift not naked. If a common custom between the gift and bare. . Shall be to say to the father with his right hand. Being such that if the processed of dowry sanctioned by them, it has increased, so the rule of excess and over [(1)] .

The fifth requirement : insolvency in dowry

Maalikis and Hanbali to that dowry insolvency called a judge on the husband, or the husband called and proves half of dowry, unless access is available, otherwise it is not a divorce, and that divorce because it prevented her right, as well as said Alsahban. But Hanbali said dropping the whole dowry, because they came from the band before. Tap went to the non-termination of insolvency dowry but her ban themselves from him. And said Shaafa'is: request the annulment of intercourse before the judge or authorize it with their lift to the judge and but resigned without a judge or arbitrator was effective.

If chosen as dowry fell right of rescission to consent , dowry-harm does not fall right in the renewed annulment [(1)] .

The sixth requirement : the difference in the pony and foal can be
This photo many statement : Difference if the marriage: A difference in the amount of dowry if the marriage on any recipe in cash or Mikla, or in kind or in our Vtqubl evidence, if any, in the doctrine of the tap. And Maalikis to terminate the contract before entering the conflict occurred in the pony race at all, and after entering the pair is attached to the Friendship ideals did not exceed its lawsuit or decrease its case, while in the pot and annulment depends on the character of the judiciary. Hanbali said: Accepts say the pair with his right hand or say and why. B vary at the origin of the dowry that claims one label dowry and other non-label, did not Balbana on saying, NATO denier label, if NATO needed Mehr goes, only that the tire proved to the label, and if Mehr ideals their alliance, spends Balinkol on Nakl, Otherwise spent dowry goes, in the doctrine of the tap. When Shaafa'is in rather Athalvan Mehr must ideals.

Hanbali said: say to the husband with his right hand in the novel, and others say the wife with her right hand.

The difference between the dowry and gifts: If the pair money and claimed he and wife claims being a gift Saying the husband with his right hand, even if paid by the non-sex dowry, because the husband know how to remove his property, other than food if sent to it as apparent that claimed the foal is not a matter usually of the dowry. And Maalikis to count the gift of the dowry they Ta d the judgment and the norm [(1)] . Which swing back formulated at the lack of entry of the dowry and well as unworn hull, taking the doctrine Maalikis, minimize as much as possible from the high cost of wedding expenses. Conflicts in the pleasures of home: The conflict of the couple spent Balbana those who saw him only differentiate in the dispute if the marriage or after its demise. In the case of the marriage are seen: McCann fit men's dress and lookalike pair Saying it visible to the testimony of his case when the tap. Maliki agreed with the requirement of the right. What was fit for women of dress and lookalike wife Saying it visible to the testimony of her case when the tap, and well as the Maalikis with her right hand.

But what works for both of money and presentations. . . So he went and Mohammed Abu Hanifa and Maalikis to say to the husband. As for their differences after the demise of marital divorce. . Saying the words husband and alone, because it is a foreign divorce became not her hand was still [(2)] .

Section IV : spousal [(1)]

The first requirement: the definition of alimony and legitimacy

Definition of spousal support: Language: Tunnel sales: Raj, and spent: money and went alimony [(2)] . And idiomatically: the adequacy of the wife to the stability of living in wedlock, namely: food, Adma and bread and clothing, dwellings and a servant. Legality of spousal support: The extensive evidence on the necessity of alimony on the pair, from the Koran: the verse : ) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 33] and the baby has a pair [(3)] . And says:) o the ( women: 34]. A D on the follow-up marital and stewardship for alimony [4.] It is the year saying : Start your own incredible, the preferred something Vlohlk .. [(5)] . And the provision expense of himself and his family, because they are confined in it other than the expense of

others, and the Getting Started more important in legal matters. The ummah is unanimously agreed on the necessity of the pair of alimony [(6)] , the Court of Cassation said: of course evolves, and diligent to alimony from her husband, Wei necessary if he refuses it or proven negligence unless the defiantly disobedient (St. 864 880 12/26/1984).

The second requirement: the cause must be alimony and conditions and the time it is obligatory [(1)]
Why should alimony: Went public that the cause of proper maintenance contract. And went tap that the cause of alimony retention wife for the benefit of the pair, which is positive for the expense because it is not true greenhouse without the fact that the contract is true, no longer tap the reason is a contract to meet him dowry, while the promise of public reason for alimony, and the doctrine of the audience is what he sees evidence that if they asked him Banaklh film and obligatory expense borne with that neither retention nor moves. Went the Personal Status Law Syrian to the view of the public should alimony contract, stating Article (72) P-1 must be alimony for the wife to the husband, even with a

different religion, while the contract right, even if it is a resident of her family's house, unless asked her husband Banaklh declined to unjustly . Terms of alimony: The first condition: the public went to the first requirement is to enable the wife to the husband of the same, while he went to tap that the condition is to deliver the woman herself to her husband to the marital home, I do not see a difference between them because they are in one sense. The second condition : that the wife should be a great fit for cohabitation with marriage, but it may be small is subject to opinions concerning the Shaafa'is one: should be spending her; because can not have intercourse with her is not doing did not fall for that expense is the view of Abu Yusuf that hold it to benefit the Kkhaddmth is a kind enjoy. The other: Do not answer her alimony, and has said Abu Hanifa and Malik and Hanbali, a correct when Shaafa'is; unable to enjoy not have to pay alimony. The wife is sick unfit for cohabitation. The Court of Cassation confirmed evidence of alimony to the wife diseased condition of the possibility of moving to the marital home and not to prevent them even carried a lamb (St. 318 315 11/10/1956).

The third condition: not be wife the the [(1)] : which disobey her husband in matters that commanded obedience street, as if it refrained from moving to his home right after the contract is not the expense of her because they . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article 75 that: defiantly disobedient are left matrimonial house without legitimate justification or prevent her from entering her home by request transfer to another house. Under Article 74 of the Personal Status Law Syrian: If Nczt of women actually no expense her for nushuz. Time should be alimony: It must be requested from time transferred to his home, if requested alimony judge did not impose borne him from his present, and the judge imposed, and took a guarantor if absent for the possibility of his death a divorce. As if present do not take a guarantor [(2)] . Article (71 2) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: the husband is obliged to pay maintenance to his wife if she refrained from spending or proved his shortcomings. As stipulated in Article (78): 1 governs the wife alimony from the date of failure of the pair to be spending it. 2 does not rule more than the expense of the previous four months for a claim.

Alimony should be with disempowerment or imprisonment for receipt of mahr: Have the right to refrain from empowerment to receive dowry accelerated or appointed her alimony while refraining to this agreement right. If enabled it may also refrain to receive the dowry when Abu Hanifa that prevent the right. He went Alsahban and Shafi'i and Hanbali that it is not the expense of her for being strictly unjustly for waiving dowry delay it or deliver the same to him [1] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law to the view of Abu Hanifa stipulates Article (72 2 ): The unwillingness of the right as long as the pair did not have to pay dowry or no accelerator Yeh Aye legitimate housing.

The third requirement: estimating and types of alimony

Estimate of alimony: Tap went in Mufti, Maliki and Hanbali E. Lee that the expense of the wives are considered exceptional couple inadequate. They quoted the following: A. God's words:) ( Divorce: 7] . Vlenevq as the case of spent and unspent need to be expanded if it expands, though poor Z as much as it did [(2)] .

Prophet ^ Hind wife of Abu Sufyan: 'Take what is sufficient and was born as a Virtue [(3)] take enough of it is estimated [(1)] . Gold Faucet in novel, Shaafa'is: that the alimony estimated husband's condition, known as custom. They quoted the words of God:) ( Divorce: 7] P rich spend according to his situation and the poor according to his situation [(2)] . It is the year: ^ saying: Fear God in women ye Okhztamohen of God and safely the word of God ... And they you a living and Virtue [(3)] . It also quoted the news of India, the wife of Abu Sufyan, from the face of another, they said: The saying ^: Take Majkovak of your child Virtue [(4)] when people known as the pair left insolvent, did not say Take what is sufficient for launching. Estimate alimony in the Syrian Personal Status Law: Article (76) : estimated alimony for the wife pair, according to the event easier and hardship, whatever the condition of the wife, that not less than pretty enough for women. Under article 77 of the Syrian Personal Status Law that: 1 may be increased maintenance and shortages turnover if the husband and prices of the country.

2 suit does not accept the increase or decrease in spending imposed before the lapse of six months imposed only in emergency. Under Article 81 of the Law of Personal Status Syrian it: Estimated judge alimony, and must be estimated based on the reasons for constant has seeking the opinion of experts, the judge when estimating the alimony for the children of martyrs and the like that opinion Affairs Office of the martyrs in the General Command of the Army and the armed forces or his representative and be determining the martyrs and the like in accordance with the laws and the Ministry of Defence and regulations. Types due Alimony: 1 feeding : It is intended by titling bread, and has taken a corresponding money, and eat with him to request alimony hometown. The left and the other every day. 2 Aladam : It is intended comfortable having what usual Balaqtiat do oil and meat, with cheese. 3 cladding : The estimated cladding Bkivaatha and according to the different country. 4 cleaning machine : it must have what cleans itself of machines and used in things according knew her Tmlika her. 5 pleasures of home: It is intended by the necessary for eating, drinking and washing according to the custom, according to the pair if the titling her hand.

6 server: the wives who serve in the homes of their parents for being unworthy of the service itself in the usual and known [(1)] . 7 residential [(2)] : the pair should create housing, according unchanged when the public. The Shaafi'is to what suits it usually does not depending on if the husband says: ) [ ( Divorce: 6] which is in absolute nearer the wife, but says:) [ ( Divorce: 6] . Types of alimony in the Syrian Personal Status Code: 71 1 spousal support, including food, clothing and housing, telemedicine and to the extent known, and wife who have service for server-fold. , Including the expense of birth and appreciation back to the judge. (St. 736 738 12/29/1975). Article 65 on the husband his wife in the housing dwelling ilk. This is compared to the spousal support (food) when public without Shaafa'is and but this is contrary to everyone's opinion, even if that housing, according to the first case. Article 66 after catch Mjlha the wife to live with her husband. It is identical to the view of Abu Hanifa. Article 67 of the husband has no right to live with his wife cloud has a silver in one house without her consent.

Article 68 When polygamy pair must compromise among them in the housing. This is compared to the expense of the food. Article 69 is not for housing a pair of his relatives only with his wife and small son is featured if proved harmed her. It is appropriate doctrine public without Maalikis who stipulated a brooder him. Article 70 forcing the wife to travel with her husband only if the contract stipulates otherwise or the judge finds an obstacle to travel. It is an indication that the binding clause also come because it does not prejudice the rights of the pair does not affect the rights of others, and in the interest of considering her, only the follow-up.

The fourth requirement: alimony transactions

Expense of the absent wife or who is out and took him to sponsor, including: The wife claims the pair accelerating the expense of the future until he came in Maalikis and Shaafa'is without Faucet; because the expense of the future is not obligatory for if not eliminates absentee them, or demanding the pair establishing a sponsor alimony for his absence when the public without the tap, and the only

difference between them when the public and exhale without tap. I went to the Court of Cassation that: does not govern alimony precedent for the prosecution without asking (St. 113 133 30/04/1962). And went Abu Yousef to the desirability of taking the expense of months her agreement if given a guarantor Jazz, or impose judge her alimony from her husband's wealth absent, unless invited projected for the expense, if proven fell, and requires tap that money spent from the genus alimony in her hand, if a drug not sold for at their own expense, and differs in performances between the passport and the lack thereof between Imam and Alsahben. Ancestors of alimony: The pair credit alimony to the wife, nor oblige him by the judge if he wanted backbiting, but Aaghebrh to sponsor in tap doctrine; alimony because you do not answer it in the future. Abu Yusuf said: praised the take alimony sponsor months [(1)] . Went the Personal Status Law Syrian to the view of Abu Yusuf, but was limited to months month is like, stipulating Article (82): 1 judge during the consideration of the grounds maintenance and after its discretion, ordering the pair when necessary Baslav his wife amount

at the expense of alimony no more than the expense of one month and can be Renewal ancestors beyond. Clearing can be made obese alimony if requested by the pair at the tap, and never when the public. The fifth requirement: alimony, Msagtadtha, religion and the judiciary Alimony becomes our tap them when the judge to impose or reconciliation pair, because alimony link does not rather than our Vtkon on the pair due by the creditor and only fell lapse of time if you do not join them or arrest leveraged it with the permission of the judge. If the judge imposed have not consumed and spent another expense did not fall expense for that period. And Maalikis to fall alimony insolvency, and remain in discharged by Balaasar in. , When Shaafa'is and Hanbali if left-handed pair fact alimony the receiving and patient wife or spent on themselves or become alimony have borrowed him if he did not stop itself from the banned itself from the expense were not and alimony longer we have it [(1)] . This is because the evidence installed to the absolute expense of time there is nothing restricting it, and the person shall not fall only performance or of, and evidence not fall forced performance or imprisonment. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (80) To:

1 If the ruling of the wife alimony for the pair and could not collect it, necessary cost Bnafqatha the if the nonimposed husband to spend on her to the extent imposed and have a right of recourse against the pair. 2 If you have authorized borrowing who not Bnafqatha expensive option he may refer the pair or refer it back to her husband.

Section V : conditions in the contract

The first requirement: Conditions departments and its rule and its impact on the marriage contract
The conditions relating to the effects of the marriage contract provisions vary according to the conditions required by one of the contractors, namely: 1 that the condition is contrary to the intended contract and its effects: if required to approach her, but not at the time of the day or night, or dowry was legally corrupt, or if required to have no divides in B. As well as marriage Alnharriet a anciently or Allillat, which is similar to marriage Misyaar, as well as fuck friends (Frend marriage). He went Tap and Shafi'i and Hanbali to the validity of the contract and the invalidity of the condition for it plus the contract if not affect it, if chosen by the the same which it is permissible, otherwise it may claim

the right, and if the condition is true, otherwise mangle also had to have a dowry or expense. And Maalikis to terminate the contract before entering Juba, but after entering the contract correctly, but a ideals and mahr condition. And went nuclear and Rafii from Shaafa'is to the invalidity of the contract in general terms, and I went the Court of Cassation (St. 148 143 10.5.1962) to the issues of maintenance of public order and every agreement violates the conditions of no value. That's OK for public opinion on the invalidity of the condition and the validity of the contract. The misyar Vary makrooh gravity in denial and its effects, and otherwise it is not hatred, even if confidentiality is concealment not shortchanged him to possibility for registration and the presence of the witnesses, and unless changes witnesses was invalid [(1)] . Marriage, as well as friends see Sphere Te, because lack of commitment to family expenses may carry some dereliction of duties, if taken precautions anti shorten the pair not makrooh [(2)] . 2 that the condition is disliked is contrary to the effects of the contract: It is every requirement is not appropriate contract, but its not Enaweh also considered distasteful because otherwise the parent to freedom

to act beyond the contract, and that he does not marry them, or do not pay it from her or from somewhere. Tap said: that was beneficial to them or one of them and the permissible condition for a stopover on the pair did nothing to do with the condition of contract, and in it there is nothing, but it may Mehr ideals. Maliki said: desirable to meet these conditions and the like, even if you do not have to fulfill the obligatory, but this does not terminate the contract is not before nor after. The Shaafi'is: to the validity of the contract and the invalidity of the condition unless the original prejudice Bmqsodh of the intercourse, and The condition because it is not a project, but saying ^: Emma condition is not in the book of God is false [(1)] , due to Mehr goes to the invalidity labeled with the condition. Hanbali and went to meet him and zoom only have had the option of annulment, Mstdelan mentioned the words of the Prophet ^: The deserving what are its conditions broiler what do [(2)] and the words of the Prophet ^: Muslims on their own terms [(3)] is the view of many of the companions and we do not know them contrary, was narrated that a man marries a woman and her backyard condition, then he wanted transferred, Fajasamuh to the age, he said: her backyard. The man said: If Atalegnna. Umar said: Sections rights when conditions [(4)] .

But if harmed divorce is not valid condition not be fulfilled because the Messenger of Allah ^: Women do not ask her sister to divorce Tcetkvye Ainaha [(5)] . And some went Hanbalis to the on the usefulness and likely stipulated Ibn Qudamah corruption. 3 to be permissible condition : a condition required by the contract or be his impact, as good cohabitation, not to abuse and beatings, and perform maintenance and lack of parsimony, or require that her own hands [(1)] . This requirement is the duty of performance though not required and this was permissible. And several Shaafa'is to Goa that collector of contract, except in the following issue of the mandate, and the like do not agrees appropriate contract is not related to the purpose, if only eat well. 4 that the condition is void of the contract from the outset: it Ktaqat marriage contract and fuck fun, or condition divorce at a certain time, or suspend the contract on the condition, such as saying: your spouse if chosen for your mother, or subject to the option, or shighaar, these terms and invalidate the contract agreement However, what the range of Shiites in the fun and temporary passport, what he said in tap shighaar [(2)] .

The second requirement : Syrian Personal Status Law and Conditions

Article (14) of the Syrian Personal Status Law as follows: 1 if the marriage contract under the condition contrary to its legitimate or contrary to the purposes and commits to what is religiously prohibited the condition is false and true decade. 2 and, if under the condition of women committed to the interest is religiously prohibited without prejudice to other rights and T. freedom of the pair s hand in his own legitimate, the condition is true binding. 3 If a woman stipulated in the marriage contract restricts the freedom of the pair in his own works or prejudice the rights of others, the requirement was true but it is not Bmlzim for the pair, if not in the pair, the required Vllzojh request annulment of the marriage. Making the law conditions three sections, [(1)] : 1 Terms false is revoked the contract: They are conditions that are contrary to the purpose of the contract and which rules or be in the legitimate commitment to legitimate prohibited. Vmma contrary to the intent of the contract: if required the boy or lack enjoy. And conditions that are contrary to the public system: such as not spending no word t or condition of spending

it, or raising her boys without him, or provided Walsh Laurel when the public without tap. Examples of prohibited conditions Forbidden: a province womb, or traveling alone, or to require an act contrary to morality and decency and dancer and prostitute .. These conditions are void and keep the contract with them is true, and this also passed us OK to the opinion of the majority of scholars a breakdown over without Shaafa'is who reject the contract and condition. And notes that these conditions do not affect the establishment of the contract, his birth, but all hero's agreement. Also noticed here that the draft unified personal status law added to the false conditions shall affect the rights of others. 2 right conditions due to meet: It is, according to the second paragraph Terms of considerable interest religiously committed to the wife does not affect the freedom of legitimate husband in his work does not affect the rights of others. Examples of these conditions: if that does not require travel or that you Aikrjha of backyard or in a house inhabited described in somewhere, or does not stop her from completing her studies, or does not stop her from working in a job starting or continuing.

These conditions are valid binding force the pair to implement the judiciary, which is free between the award and objectionable conditions mentioned above. 3 non-binding right conditions: It is the conditions that affect the freedom of the pair in its legitimate and affecting the rights of others. Bucking here draft personal status law consolidated Vastrt-for correctness without prejudice to the rights of others, otherwise invalidated. And the critical conditions the pair freely in restricted legitimate work for him he does not marry them is contrary to the rule of permissibility in diversity, as the contrary to the rule of the street at the origin of the passport or not divorce her. The conditions are critical to the rights of others as if it requires that called her co-wife. As can be observed from these conditions it is contrary to the provisions of the family system and public order in the freedom of contractors and non restrict Aradtehma. Here are the uniqueness Hanbalis the fulfillment of this condition and only had the option of annulment as over approached them Maalikis, mustahabb met for an interview Previous: Muslims on their own terms and others. . And went Syrian Personal Status Law to the health condition without obligation by giving the wife the option of annulment just as Hanbalis only in Divorce

harmed condition most correct when Hanbali non-binding, although some went to his health.

Part II provisions of divorce and its effects

Chapter One: divorce, annulment and divorce types Chapter II: the individual will divorce. Chapter III: The divorce agreement spouses (). Chapter IV: divorce by virtue of the judge. Chapter V: divorce by virtue Shara and the law. Chapter VI: the effects of the dissolution of the marriage contract. Chapter VII: preparing and provisions.

Introduction to Divorce
Hateful divorce is unavoidable, a complete after three stages of co-existence to the families where there is no sin God Almighty, I like that their living with good treatment, money and human performance both. If this is the disappearance or troubled , marital life, would resort to divorce or to preach and to abandonment, if things , Is given divorce to the wife or the husband or the judge? What's the fastest wife to divorce Valendm, and more scandals lute to eliminate it has to be mentioned reasons, and more crap couples to divorce, so it was the most odious wife to God divorce, there is no way to prevent it, as it was probably survive it, no way to restrict? It's probably the reason for the many grievances and Jhalac .. The legislation divorce rulings different and situations gave this right to the husband and the wife, the judge depending on the circumstances, and systems of rights and duties, which reduces the settled material corruption Mamcn, makes the family more stable and happier, although the optimal solution by following the law of God Come to configure the wedlock at the top of Illiyun in the land of the sons of Adam.

And I will discuss in this section of divorce and its committed approach scientifically comparative extrapolated, and God luck.

Chapter One: divorce, annulment and divorce types

The first topic : the definition of divorce, annulment and divorce judgment in terms of forensic Description

The first requirement: the definition of divorce and annulment

Divorce language : a lack of enrollment and bond [(1)] . And idiomatically : lifting under the marriage in case an ad hoc or money wording [(2)] . And intended once did: irrevocable divorce, money: reactionary divorce, and proprioceptive word: the explicit words of divorce and Alknaah let Alvesuch come out, and all that comes elaborated. Annulment Language: said: the momentum, sales and Marriage: breaks [(3)] . Annulment idiomatically: You said in its definition: raising the marriage contract and cancel its effects [(4)] . And annulment examples: the wife's parents Islam, rose a couple, disparate realms fact and judgment, and the option of puberty, and incompetence, spin Mehr goes, or the knowledge of the existence of breastfeeding between spouses after decade.

The second requirement: the difference between annulment and divorce [(1)]
1 in the language: both to Fezan demonstrate concerned , Divorce in language is to raise the contract, the annulment close to him, because aside and disperse, but the difference that the annulment complete elimination of that aside, divorce lifting of the contract, which keeps some of the effects. 2 Divorce stop to stretch effects and termination of contract. The annulment is set aside for the solution Association of Streptococcus and considering the contract as if it was not. 3 annulment be the result of the reason farewell to him, but divorce the issuance of the Site pronunciation. 4 annulment may happen as soon as the cause, but divorce is not located only specific verbally express or we I Yeh. 5 Divorce impact right from the effects of the contract, and the annulment is set aside for the demolition contract to its effects.

6 Divorce is on the right marriage contract, The annulment is contained on the right marriage contract suspended and is not necessary, as the contract is rotten. 7 have a spouse in a divorce three Ttaliqat, if he divorced her three did not replace him until she has married another husband. The annulment not decrease the number of shots owned by a husband on his wife. 8 Divorce is not only pair of fact or an estimate, and the annulment shall be husband and wife, and others, and the judge. The third requirement: divorce judgment The scholars differed originally in divorce is permitted, disliked or privacy: P went public to the parent that the lack of preventive or otherwise first. Gallant son went from the tap to the parent that the inviolable except in cases of necessity of suspicion and old age. The most correct it relates Conditions five : Shall be permitted when it is needed for bad breastfed and harmfulness without them to pay for damage itself, as well as If you Ahuaha not neither loved nor allow himself Bmantha from enjoying them. And be hated when the public when it is not needed, because Allah said:) ( women: 34] which does not Tfarkohen, a straight case.

And deprives tap divorce that he did not need, and it achieved an interview Messenger of Allah ^: hateful to God divorce [(1)] . It would be forbidden in agreement that the request Kaha in menstruation, postpartum or at Cleanse intercourse when, with hindsight The Tal Qaha and the sin, and unnecessary Tazirh for violating the command of Allah Almighty, saying : ) ( divorce: 1] any starting in Cleanse no closer in, so as not to prolong it promised, is a at Iqbal pair is the request Kaha P Yeh sure his determination to divorce. And the divorce duty no closer, as in . And the divorce desirable to Tafratha the rights of God in religion and created [(2)] . Section II : Types of Divorce

The first requirement: Sunni divorce and innovated

Sunni and divorce: It is that overlooks s husband his wife intake by reactionary and one shot in Cleanse no intercourse with her in it nor in menstruation before with counting menstrual intercourse in sin to Tstakb starting in the kit is the view of the public, and this is better when you tap. Sunni and the Shaafa'is collect passport as long as three shots were cleared did not have intercourse with

her in it, but is recommended limited to two shots in Cleanse did not have intercourse with her in it. The evidence for that is the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ^, with the command of the Prophet ^ Ibn Umar that what divorced his wife when she is menstruating, he recalled that the age of the Prophet ^ said: times Fleuradjaha then fired pure [(1)] . And innovated Divorce: which involves remorse and sin, tampering, and count as a divorce, which is: 1 Divorce done in menstruation or puerperal: a haram. 2 purity after divorce for intercourse when pregnancy did not appear to get remorse with the advent of pregnancy, this abomination. 3 Divorce sporadic and three combined or Iintan in cleared and one for sufficiency, this also hated, and not be forced to take her back in the abomination that when the public except Shaafa'is [(2)] . And the wisdom of that in the Sunni divorce passport without innovated to be quiet so the decision shows fully the desire to end the relationship.

The silent Syrian Personal Status Law to mention this, is attributable to the Article (305 conditions) have been counting this divorce is a reality as he went him jurists audience. The second requirement: reactionary divorce and divorce irrevocably [(1)] He says:) e e e e ( [Al-Baqarah: 229] owns a husband on his wife three shots, divorced her for the first time and then the second without describe Bainuna was revocable divorce, but it was irrevocable, and his statement: Revocable divorce: Is the first shot and the second with the absolute king of the pair re-married without a new contract as long as in the kit, chosen for a and no. And Divorce irrevocably: either divorced minor or major, either irrevocably divorced junior: P is forbidden to divorce the marriage contract in the case or the end of the kit in the first and second shot, the husband the right to take her back to his wife and Mehr new contract. A divorce before entering or money or Enaah when the tap or signed by the judge for not spending or because as we will show. But as irrevocably: P is the third divorce three or pain n e j marriage contract prevented its effects. And no man can later restore the absolute to marital only after the pair married last, a true marriage, and

enters the real incomes, then leave her or die for, and promised it expires . Has proved the legitimacy of revocable divorce and irrevocable Qur'aan and Sunnah and consensus. The book quoted above says:) e e e e ( [Al-Baqarah: 229] . Then he says:) eBay dd dd Ij Ih Im eBay eBay pages ( [AlBaqarah: 230] P between God that divorce may be its irreversibility twice, the third divorced not permissible for him to marry after another pair. It is the year: that Abdullah ibn Umar told him: he divorced his wife when she is menstruating, he recalled Omar Messenger of Allah ^, Vngaz the Messenger of Allah ^ then said: for review, and then maintained by until she becomes pure, then menstruate , the seemed to him that fired Vlatalgaha pure untouched before, then that is the kit as God commanded him [(1)] . The scientists have agreed consensus on the legitimacy, and no one violates them [(2)] . Revocable divorce cases: 1 divorce after entering the explicit wording once. 2 without divorce for money. 3 first and second divorce is thrice associated Balbinona or rude or number intentional. 4 Divorce insolvency the Maalikis and pay when the public without tap [(3)] .

Divorce cases irrevocably divorced junior [(4)] : 1 divorce before entering the truth, and not several, says:) ( Ahzab: 49] . It is apparent because it still did not live with her and divorces her, Vahry the can not live with him in the future because it would not be better off. 2 Correct divorce after being alone and should be preparing cautionary prove descent, and there is no need for a return to the above. Rowe my age, he said: If you close the door and Stra it may Dowry fully preparing them [(1)] . The TVR Dr. Hanbali after divorce after reactionary alone. 3 reactionary divorce after the expiration of the kit becomes irrevocable. 4 words metonymy function to confirm divorce, Benonth, when the tap. 5 Divorce money is irrevocably divorced junior that was the first time, a . 6 Description divorce including shows Bainuna the like saying: You are irrevocably divorced at all or are severe or if the shot prescription the preference indicative of the intensity in the description or quantity, such as saying: You are the greatest divorce divorced, most divorce or are divorced shot .

7 Band due had Evi pair for divorced his wife the dowry shot Bainuna minor lapse of time. This is the view of the talipes j of [(2)] . 8 band due to curse in doctrine father j Hanifa and narrated from Imam Ahmad. 9 band because of backbiting and confinement Maalikis. 10 differentiate because of the defect when tap and Maalikis. 1 1 differentiate because of discord and conflict when Maalikis. 1 2 pair differentiate because parents enter into Islam when Islam his wife when Abu Hanifa and Muhammad. Divorce cases irrevocably [(3)] : 1 divorce CMOS for three that preceded two bullets then sign the third. Says:) eBay dd dd Ij Ih Im eBay eBay pages ( [Al-Baqarah: 230] . The third divorced not permissible for him to marry after another pair. 2 divorce is associated with the three rude or frequent or signal. 3 Divorce verbally explicit structure associated when three Maalikis and Shafi'i and Ahmad novel. 4 Divorce money ( )in the third time Sawa E previous divorce or twice. 5 Divorce metonymy when Maalikis and Hanbali located three even one kernel.

Syrian Personal Status Law, revocable divorce and irrevocable: Article (94): Every divorce is revocable only for supplementing three before entering divorce, divorce and text allowance on being irrevocably in this law. Article (108): differentiate bug divorce . And Article (112 2) .. if it is proved damaging and the judge's inability to reform their teams Wei counting this divorce dowry shot. In this way the law has provided for the five cases of divorce irrevocable, and beyond longer reactionary divorce, namely: 1 divorce III, and this is irrevocably divorced without everything else (91 conditions). 2 divorce before entering. 3 divorce on the money or any other financial allowance. 4 divorce for illness and disease. 5 of discord and divorce damage.

The third requirement: three divorce [(1)] Section I: divorce judgment associated with the number three for a rude and signal the intention of: General scholars agreed and doctrines on divorce his wife and three Benontha divorced. And went Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn values of nuts that the three divorces in one word which is located only one reactionary, a novel from Ibn Abbas. And Some Jaafarite went to divorce three word haram is not located. Quoted the audience: Hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar: But you divorced her three times, has disobeyed your Lord and you pant your wife [(2)] . He quoted who say that divorce and single retroactive including narrated from Ibn Abbas, he said: the divorce at the time of the Messenger of Allah ^ and Abu Bakr and two years of succession Omar divorce three and one, said Omar ibn al-Khattab: The people have been rushed in order was for them the patience, if Oamadenah them , they Vomdah [(3)] . The face of reasoning: Three that divorce was one at the time of the Messenger of Allah ^, but Omar is the one who make it three times the them to Xtharhm the penalty of it, It type

Tazir and the diligence of imams, Kzayadh of the forty wine at the end of what most people do them. Word of this inference that what he did age but it is a signature piece of legislation after it was people repeat the word divorce, intending to time, but repeat to confirm the time of the Prophet ^ with the safety of their intent and Taiwithm in the will of one, be aware caliph Omar in his time to the will of repetition is not time Vhmlhm it, which is narrated from the four caliphs and the son of Abbas [(1)] . Sayers quoted as evidence that he does not fall, including the following: Divorce fad forbidden and forbidden, and Fad-effective and legitimate, that does not entail the rule, though general conversations indicate that the ruling is the occurrence of three. Section II: refined divorce judgment [(2)] : He called his wife three times to repeat the word divorce, saying: you are divorced, you are divorced, you are divorced. The purpose repeating three of incorporation and have fallen three times in agreement. The The nuclei emphasis: He went to the audience that one acceptance speech for confirmation.

And went Tap: that Tqan three nuclei confirmation or not, because every sentence rhythm fully with the acceptance of the shop to fall, albeit Ed alleged confirmation did not believe the judiciary, because these words in the use of language and Shara to create a divorce does not adjust for this by telling him, and unbelievable, but it and condemns the incredible between him and God because of the possibility. But if divorced and did not intend anything: 1 went to the public that it is located three times, because carrying the usefulness of the new iteration of a campaign first to emphasize, it is not a new meaning. 2 Hanbali went to the one that lies heterogeneous not among them. And already the views of others as well as in associated refined, as well as the evidence and discussion, and weighting.
Section III: Syrian Personal Status Law and divorce three:

Under the Article (91): have a husband to his wife three shots. Under the Article (92): Divorce is associated with a number of rude or signal is located only one. Article (94): Every divorce is revocable only for supplementing three, before entering divorce, and divorce allowance, and the text being irrevocably in this law.

The Court of Cassation promised (St. 129 120 14/03/1967) divorce of public order, it is not permissible to agree on succession, however these articles have the law had taken the opinion of Ibn Taymiyyah and his student Ibn al-Qayyim, leaving the view of the majority, and was the first to reduce the introduction of divorce doctrine of the public, in my opinion as long as it came to justice, the people that decreases the color of the divorce, and Ataa R. von among themselves matters of divorce, and mitigation is left to the fatwa, because of what Mufti is not the judge of fatwa various conditions estimate its which did not provide by law. However Article (94) identified irrevocable divorce, and did not mention the associated number three or refined the law has taken full opinion of Ibn Taymiyyah in the promise of this divorce, one and a reactionary, which is what was said by the Court of Cassation (St. 103 76 03/07/1963 ) which stipulates: divorce is associated with the number located reactionary. But the text did not refer to legal divorce refined should his way comprehensiveness divorce is associated with a number ..? Or is his way refer to Article (305), where minted law?. I went the Court of Cassation (St. 110 132 11.4.1957) that is remote coverage of utter number of divorce

refined as between the laws of similarity in meaning and intent and purpose, it should refer to the intention of the law makers to explain its articles, and the strongest reference the reasons Law of Personal Status Syrian, including in paragraph (7): that divorce is not prescribed rhythm at once, but proceeded to sign the payments interspersed experience the couple lives of divorce, because God said:) ( Baqarah: 229] . therefore provided the Court of Cassation In its decision on the following: Divorce repeated in the Council before passing the role for the life experience of divorce is a divorce is one multiplex.

Chapter II: divorce, the individual will:

The first topic : formats of divorce : The first requirement: the divorce frank and divorce Alknaa of the The second requirement: Divorce writing, reference and other The third requirement: divorce g and added to the time and susp s divorce on the condition The second topic : the intent to divorce : The first requirement: divorce the The second requirement: Divorce drunk The third requirement: divorce and Anger The fourth requirement: Divorce impeller The fifth requirement: fault divorce The sixth requirement: personal status law and the intent to divorce Section III : Conditions overlooking BC overlooking Ge, authorization and prosecutors in divorce : The first requirement: Terms overlooking BC and overlooking Ge. The second requirement: Delegation of spousal divorce metaphor permission. The third requirement: the power of attorney in divorce. The fourth requirement: divorce the messenger and the message.

The fifth requirement: Personal Status Law, Jordanian and Syrian Terms overlooking BC, overlooking Ge and prosecutors in divorce. The sixth requirement: arbitrary divorce. Requirement seventh: Divorce patient disease death.

The first topic : divorce formats

The origin and divorce all that it signifies or customary cautionary language base of jurisprudence: Original in Alabdhaa the prohibition, and if banning met and may banning.

The first requirement: the divorce frank and divorce Alknaa of the [(1)]
The use of word in a divorce, either to be blunt, and can be either a metaphor. Vabih is not likely to face divorce is the meaning of the language or custom. Went public shortens it outright utter the divorce and its derivatives. The Shaafi'is explicit that the three words, namely: divorce, separation, and large, and derived from them. And to the receipt of these words in Islam, which is well known to use Shara and language to signify, it has received in the Koran, he says:) the e e e e ( AlBaqarah: 229] . He says:) the ( women: 130] , and said, Come Z:) ( Ahzab: 28] . And does not require pronunciation explicit intent to, and divorce by a reactionary and one that not Mdjula out, for the use and development of the street her divorce with her back, Flo nuclei designation Re T in the Hanafi

and Hanbali without Shafi'i, Maliki is located irrevocably structure and more than one structure also [(2)] . The pronunciation Alknaa: , Potentially meaning of divorce and other language and custom. The words are many, including: You , your order with your hand, acetabular your family, go, Get out, nationalist, cell, wild, petal, assaulted, Aestbri your uterus, you are one. Such words tolerate divorce and others, it is likely you they divorced or she is beautiful , as well as the order in your hand is likely that he divorced her, a and they behave in her whatever she wants. General and went to the occurrence of jurists divorce Enaah the condition combined with the intention, and added Hanafi and Hanbali denote the case of hostility and anger, the T indicates the will of the divorce took place without the intention of the judiciary, and religion between him and God was located only if the nucleus is located. Tap said: be irrevocable divorce in The nuclei divorce only in three words: assaulted and Aestbri of the uterus and you are one. Shaafi'is entertained and Hanbali hidden in metonymy that divorce metaphor not only be a reactionary, even he

described Balbinona, as well as Maaliki with except the phenomenon. Syrian Personal Status Law and the Court of Cassation and divorce frank and Alknaa the the: Article (93): divorce explicit words which conventionally without the need for faith, and locates words Alknaah which bear the meaning of divorce and other intention. This is the article in its entirety pursuant to the Shaafa'is of counting divorce metaphor reactionary, because Frank is a reactionary if paired with Balbinona not it is a fortiori be metonymy It was succeeded by a reactionary, and that the law did not take Hanafi and Hanbali doctrine to consider significant case. The second requirement: Divorce writing, reference and other It can divorce in writing and indicate the sender, and his statement: First: Divorce writing [(1)] : Divorce writing if to write M_na and drawn. Second: divorce reference [(2)] : The divorce reference usual and understandable dumb reality for combined vote him impetus to the need for, and serve as a spokesman. In apparent when you tap the novel: If Akhras fluent writing, not in Atd by reference, because writing is

informed of the signal, and this is contrary to the public, but Hanbalis Fduha the first and only. Third: Syrian Personal Status Law, writing, and noted: Article (87): 1 divorce verbally and in writing and is impotent them referring information. Fourth: the sender's divorce [(3)] : Divorce messenger for women absent once rhythm, saying: told her , though not up to it, because the words of the Apostle words of the sender, but If her divorce commented on the arrival of the Prophet to them. This is a procedural relation to prove the occurrence of divorce and rhythm, and the Syrian Personal Status Law (85 P-2): It is permissible for the judge to authorize the divorce, or actually authorizing divorce of married eighteen years ago if you find interest in it. This is ruled by the Court of Cassation (St. 80 793 20/09/1980): install the reality of divorce is of public order. The third requirement: divorce g and added to the time and susp s divorce on the condition Divides the divorce as phrased to: done and added to the future and commentator on the condition, all of them located at the audience. First: Divorce done ( 1) : It is a marriage contract in the solution case, Kcolh: You are divorced, or go to your family's house intending to divorce.

Secondly: Divorce added to time [(2)] : It is a marriage contract solution at a time, such as saying: You are divorced last or next month, you are divorced yesterday. Third: the pending divorce [(3)] : Is the order of divorce on anything is possible presence [(4)] , using e n and sisters of the requirement tools, whether progress requirement or delayed, provided it is connected and intention. Jaafari and went and the virtual absence of a divorce to comment because it is not divorce the project, and if a person comes is not a divorce, it is also not affidavit [(1)] . And the separation of Ibn Taymiyyah and his student Ibn agreed, between two values: that meant oath to do induction or prevention of NATO rhythm divorce, he may rule the right, and when you Perjury expiation right nor divorce, and he called the formula section. Or that the intended divorce are seen: if the pending order it the most hatred upon divorce divorce takes place, except that the divorce was the most it did not count as a divorce, such as saying: The Zenit you are divorced divorced, and he called: Formula comment [(2)] . Fourth: Syrian Personal Status Law, divorce done and added suspense:

Article (90): No divorce is not done if you only intended to urge to do something, prevention from or used to use to confirm the news section is not. The Professor Abdul Rahman Saabooni this comprehensive article for divorce and commentator added, and it is no longer added accomplishing, because the additive enters the absolute intent because of divorce is done. It is noted here that the law went doctrine of Ibn Taymiyyah and Jaafari and the virtual absence of a divorce only if the commentator was the fact that his will P intention of divorce, as he went the doctrine of one of the two opinions from Imam Ahmad and virtual Jaafari in the absence of a divorce added.

The second topic : the intent to divorce

The considered intent to conduct out considerable religiously, this destination and intentions do not realize only through the act apparent, who shows them and installs it as the act apparent in charge is the one who shows the intention and purpose, and if different intention with his disposal feet as his disposal, because his behavior is evidencing his intention, and there is no way to realizing otherwise. The first requirement: divorce the [(1)] And absolute : is the pair given inadvertently perform the words of divorce divorce on the tongue with the intent inadvertently impact.

The majority of scholars to occurrence of divorce , because the word does not need to express faith, and quoted saying ^: three matters grandfather and joking is serious: marriage, divorce and taking back [(2)] . The second requirement: Divorce drunk [(3)] Sugar: is impaired consciousness and perception for what because eating schnapps haram or halal, which scientists have disagreed: The majority of scholars to divorce four drunken reality if mahram sugar, but if the sugar without a mahram, as if the medication he drank it and was mascara not divorce is located. Found in various doctrines opposed this view and said non-occurrence of divorce drunk because he lost the will. The third requirement: divorce and Anger Idiomatically: is who does the act of intentionally insane with the appearance of corruption or thought goodness [(4)] . Anger dementia predominance of delirium and mixing seriously 1 )] ). And appends Baldhish dementia of old age or sickness or calamity Fjoth the [(2)] . The views of scholars in divorce and Anger [(] 3 ) : Went public to occurrence of divorce , and went to tap non-occurrence of divorcing and if we look at the words of the public, we find them auditors do not sign

divorce fleeting mind, but disagreement Is a fleeting mind? The audience said: No longer, said tap: go mind the predominance of delirium and mixing seriously serious boob final few rotten mixed speech understanding measure that does not know what to say, which does not want, and so angered and . The Anger: General jurists went to the occurrence of divorce, and narrated from Imam Ahmad that he does not fall, and the general jurists fleeting mind is not fluent, if Anger may still mind that the unconscious or fainted not divorce is located. Evidence: Inferred from the non-occurrence of said divorcing and angered that the Messenger of Allah ^ said: Every divorce is permissible, but divorce boob knock on his mind [(4)] , and saying ^: There is no divorce not in Close [(1)] . Ahmad said: End: anger, because you do not have in that boob up to the point where not know what he says does not want him. As well as and Anger's anger does not need two non-science including , but suffice the predominance of delirium as Ibn Abdeen said because the kinds of madness, and this of them because dementia [(2)] . As well as the words of the Messenger of Allah ^: Pen is lifted from three: from the sleeper until he wakes up, the boy until he grows up, and from the insane even

conceivable [(3)] Every fleeting mind is not fluent It's so and sometimes also angered. He quoted the public on the incidence of divorce Anger speech Khawla silent girl in it: the wrath of her husband, it is evident ones, missed the Prophet ^, and I told him so, and said: It did not want a divorce, said the Prophet ^: What I see, but denied him [(4)] , and it was zihaar such as divorce, suggesting that the divorce with anger and reality. It also quoted that in interpreting the closure angry vulnerable; Because divorce people do not only be in a state of anger, Flo may not occur Divorce Anger, because each had a saying: you angry, it is located on the divorce, which is invalid, has narrated from Ibn Abbas and Aisha: It is located divorce Ghadbaan, decreed by the collection of companions [(5)] . Which have swings that anger that reached rave should not count as a divorce, because he's crazy, is not crazy divorce agreement, As for what else is fluent, because the wise words about idle as possible. The fourth requirement: Divorce impeller The definition of coercion: Coercion religiously: defined Faucet saying: carry others to do the including Lynch satisfaction without choice but may may No 1)] ]). The views of scholars in divorce impeller : The majority of scholars to divorce impeller does not fall for

lost Alarad of the lack of intent and design, selection, and terms of the absolute be selected, if I hate a person wrongfully to divorce his wife Vtlfez divorce is not meant not located his divorce, but if the coercion against: Kxrah of the ruling molar divorce after stalking if he did not return a reality. Tap went to the occurrence of divorce impeller and health. Evidence: quoted the public, saying the Almighty:) ( An-Nahl: 106] denote verse clear that God raised from the people sin of blasphemy if uttered by their tongues were their hearts reassuring faith, and what is the lowest of disbelief first to fall, including divorce [(2)] . To it coercion say carry him unjustly not prove his ruling on the word of disbelief if I hate it, but he said there was no choice and I hate it void Falgo the [(3)] . He quoted tap that Amomat Quran in divorce did not differentiate between divorce impeller and chosen, shall be deemed to reality divorce impeller Kalmkhtar meaning:) eBay dd dd Ij Ih Im apolipoprotein E. Big ( The Cow: 230] and says:) ( divorce : 1] There is no reference to that impeller divorce differs from other divorce. The impeller Mukhtar while speaking full choice but it is not satisfied with the judgment has been known two and chose Ohonhma it indicates that his will correct [(1)] . Evidence of the public discussion and tap:

What was understood by the tap of the general meaning:) eBay dd dd Ij Ih ( [Baqarah: 230 ] shows the verse:) ( [Baqarah: 225] and impeller did not launch a cat, and pronunciation absolute restricts Year Valhanafih They tied this Alamomat did not sign the divorce minors and the insane with the verses and said absolute to Aiga divorce to interview the Messenger of Allah ^: Pen is lifted from three: from the sleeper until he wakes up, the boy until he grows up, and from the insane even conceivable [(2)] and talk all legal divorce only boob divorce [(3)] and talk to say: There is no divorce not in Close [(4)] and God has forgiven my ummah for mistakes and forgetting what they are forced him [(5)] , and the verses and hadiths not function and the occurrence of the impact of coercion can not oppose it. The fifth requirement: fault divorce [(6)] Pair could speak his words his tongue to utter divorce from inadvertently, or be unaware of or Sahia, or that he intended to divorce, saying another meaning is the meaning of the solution of the contract, as if to say to his wife documented It : You are divorced intended limitation. He went four imams that condemns between him and God is not divorce religion and opinion. But in the court ruling, the divorce and the reality, because the apparent talk of divorce, do not believe in

the disbursement of talk about the phenomenon because of wise speak as he meant only to prove the evidence what distract his talk about the will of the divorce, though prove that he said have a jaw of the constraint, then does not fall not eliminate religion. The sixth requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and intent to divorce: Article (89): 1 divorce is located not drunk nor nor impeller. 2 is it indistinguishable from anger or other I do not know what to say.

The third topic : the utter and absolute terms, authorization and prosecutors in divorce

The first requirement: the absolute and absolute terms

Terms of absolute [(1)] : 1 mind: to ^ saying: The pen is lifted from three sleeper until he wakes up, the boy until he grows up and mad even conceivable [(2)] . 2 adulthood: the focus of the assignment to as Kamal mind directory, there is a divorce boy is featured in agreement. 3 choice: there is a divorce without the absolute desire. Syrian Personal Status Law and absolute terms: Article (85):

1 be the man enjoying the full capacity of divorce at exactly the age of eighteen. 2 judge may authorize divorce or permits divorce reality of the adult married eighteen years ago if you find interest in it. Terms of absolute [(1)] : First: a woman to be wife the truth: to be the wife of the absolute absolute hold true after entering or before the divorce takes place if he divorced her, and it is not the divorce done on foreign agreement. Second: a woman to be wife of judgment: It is righteous retroactive divorce, the divorce takes place in the promised view of the majority, and irrevocably divorced righteous of junior is not subject to a divorce when the public other than the tap and divorce for the survival of certain provisions of marriage should be alimony and housing ... Says:) dd ( The Cow: 229] , a divorce and then he says:) eBay dd dd Ij Ih ( The Cow: 230] and ta to connect and comment so this text on the incidence of third divorce after divorce. Syrian Personal Status Law and absolute terms: Article (86): Shop divorce the woman to marry true or righteous retroactive divorce is not valid on the other though divorce is pending. As stated in the Court of Cassation: divorce or allowance for versus rights marital , shall not be the subject of

absolute divorce (St. 64 45 2/28/1965 ) is the view of the public without the tap, and in search of divorce comes in the kit. As this article went to Shafi'i and Hanbali doctrine in the absence of a pending divorce on married woman, it is not located them because it does not have a time when the suspension of this right.

The second requirement: Delegation of spousal divorce metaphor or permit

The Islamic jurisprudence gave the woman and her king the right to divorce according to the will and the will of the marriage, that in the beginning of the marriage contract or during According owned by one or more, thus relieving women and save her in the special circumstances of the consequences of this marriage, and often the husband's permission assignment in decades does not seem great stability and t where, which calls for her husband's permission, otherwise Vgred the street survival hates divorce wife. Divorce definition language and idiomatically authorization and coverage: The mandate: it is the language : it delegated to him: his response to it, and act with another, and to negotiate: equality and Majarah in command [(1)] . Idiomatically: is titling divorce wife explicit or metaphor, with their being charged with adults in public opinion. And frank, saying: Mketk , or making it to its will, saying: You are divorced, if you will, or saying: yourself . The metonymy: Making it in her hand, saying to her: your order with your hand, or Ibana yourself, or to a selected her, saying: choose, though originally Implicit in

the mandate at the tap Contrary to the public and, if mandate Babih the tap when too. Authorization rule where forensic Description: It is permissible unanimously [(2)] , and the origin of the Qur'an:) e e e ( Ahzab: 28] Making chosen them Vobrhen ^ so [(3)] . The evidence of that year ^ said Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: I want to show you something like that do not hasten the even the parents said: What is O Messenger of Allah? Read out the verse, said: AFIC O Messenger of God, I consult my parents? But I choose God and His Messenger and the Hereafter , Vndbha to counsel was not prepared for a divorce, if they had chosen [(1)] . Indeed, with these words: Hanafi and Maliki went to it , and Shaafi'is and Hanbali retroactive to it only if accompanied by including shows Albenon of its Awad and utter. He Hanafi, Shafi'i and Hanbali absolute mandate that did not intend one-three, which is apparent, because it does not exist for its number. King of the mandate: If authorized husband the right to divorce a people so he has to and could not isolate it for the answer when the tap, because it has its king the right to divorce, and the content of the King can not interfere with it, not likely to

divorce back and annulment, and the presence of the meaning of suspension in which there is potentially irreversible [(2)] . The third requirement: the power of attorney to divorce Language: Agency: Oklh the power of attorney [(3)] . And idiomatically: make the establishment of a divorce, but others still exists to prevent the pair from rhythm [(4)] . The agency rule: valid pair agency divorce to someone who is not his wife, and is considered by the public agency is not a mandate.

The fourth requirement: the messenger, and the message divorce ( 1)

Definition of the message: that sends the absent husband to divorce his wife with a man for informing, located a divorce, because his words Kclamh. And the occurrence of divorce message that says: teach her that I'm divorced her, though no divorce takes place telling her, because telling the occurrence of divorce, Divorce and Tell reality or not, and can write her divorce and send it, with it requires the occurrence of divorce pronouncement. The views of scholars in the divorce message: Went public Hanafi, Maliki and Shafi'i in more correct and Hanbali in the novel Rgehha In fairness to the requirement of intent with books to locates his divorce, and their argument that writing means Mvhma of Murad associated with the intention, one of the letters in addition to pronunciation located them, but as it is a metaphor and non-explicit intent to them, If you spoke with writing was frank. The fifth requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and absolute terms, the absolute and prosecutors in divorce Article (88 Syrian AFP) [(2)] : for the husband to appoint other divorce and authorizing women to divorce itself.

The Court of Cassation confirmed the (Room legitimacy based on 39 43 decision date 06/02/1955 ) to divorce the woman herself after the mandate is revocable only what was irrevocably than stipulated by the law (Article 94) [(3)] . What is the view of the law from the fact that divorce reactionary commensurate with the purpose of systematized in reducing the divorce as much as possible, but the purpose of the mandate can not be achieved here by making it retroactive, as its purpose to get rid of women, which may expose them to risks in marriage contracts are unstable, and therefore propose to make it irrevocable. The sixth requirement: arbitrary divorce (divorce for no reason) Doctrines of jurists to divorce for no reason: Went public ( 1) In the novel, when Hanbali he hated it, because it removes the marriage to delegate that contains the interest. Tap went [(] 2) that the parent in a divorce is permitted, for the launch of the Quranic verses contained therein meaning:) e e e e ( [Al-Baqarah: 236] and divorce Prophet ^ to Hafsa, has done companions, If the divorce is banned because they make it. Has discussed public evidence Tap this and said: verse to a statement legalization of divorce before entering, before naming dowry, divorce ^ to Hafsa and divorce

companions after him did not prove that he had no need or reason to it, and it seems that he was needed, because divorce is no need to deny the grace of marriage and harm the feelings of the wife of the reason. Each if divorce occurs not need it or reason to it, it is in agreement ( 3) , and the consequences in its effects as well, which will come at the expense of preparing and marital fun. Syrian Personal Status Law and arbitrary divorce: Article 117 (amended Article 16 of Law 34 of 1975): If a man divorces his wife and show the judge that the pair arbitrarily in divorce without what is reasonable, and that the wife this misery and poverty , it is permissible for the judge to rule on her Mtalgaha depending on the status and degree of Tasvh compensation does not exceed the expense of the threeyear-fold over the expense of preparing, for the judge to make the payment of this phrase or monthly compensation as appropriate. Given in this article it appears stipulated conditions for considered divorce arbitrary, as stipulated in the Court of Cassation: A be without reasonable cause. B affects the wife because of the misery and poverty (St. 53 36 1/31/1955).

Well I did the Court of Cassation, when merely not explain why divorce is positive for the rule of fun, a Shaafa'is to make asset and should be fun stipulates: not a statement pair cause of divorce, it is enough to be considered arbitrary, does not cost an absolute prove not to abuse because it denied absolutely can not prove the evidence it (St. 194 195 28 / 5/1960).

Requirement seventh: Divorce patient disease death

The disease may become familiar with someone does not want to inherit his wife who shall divorce irrevocable, and the highest jurists: divorce to flee, because the absolute deliberately intended to be contrary to the intention of the legislature, which should not be. The absolute definition of the patient and cash equivalents: Is unable to establish his interests outside the home for continuously increasing disease dominated by the destruction and related death within one year or less. And a healthy divorce to his wife, but the wife remains a successor to him irrevocably when Maliki and Hanbali, and launched Maaliki inheritance her as long as he divorced her escape from her right and her legacy remains a successor to him even married than others, and bound him Hanbali survival legacy unless married, treated him his purpose.

Tap went and Shaafa'is in the old to the unfinished legacy promised, because it was originally The reactionary divorced and inherited in the kit, the irrevocably divorced is not the legacy of her, but here inherit his escape, because of the legacy reasons wedlock, Fterth. The Shaafi'is to the lack of legacy in absolutely irrevocable divorce, inheritance interruption reason does not matter to his purpose and his account to God [(1)] . Syrian Personal Status Law and Divorce patient: Article (116): From proceeded cause of Bainuna in disease death or in the case of predominantly like doom obedient without satisfaction of his wife and died in the disease or in this case, women in the kit, they inherit from him, provided that continue their eligibility for the legacy from the time of designation to death . Evident the adoption of this article to the Hanafi and quoted him adopting preparing for the length of time that the inheritance in divorce irrevocably from mouse [(2)] .

Chapter III: The divorce agreement spouses ()

Section I : Definition of dislocation and evidence is permissible, and his reign. Section II : Elements of dislocation. Section III : Air dislocation and the views of the jurists.

Chapter III: The divorce agreement spouses (1)] (])

Section I : Definition of dislocation and permissible evidence and judgment

The first requirement: dislocation definition language and idiomatically

Language: dislocation: agony with a deadline, divorce: divorce women, including allowance or other , Altkhala and Alkhlah [(2)] . And idiomatically: Band acceptance wife on an ad hoc rather than the wording. There must be a marriage between them, and accept the wife to take off, but not limited pair him only true a divorce without acceptance The nuclei of divorce and divorce irrevocable not be 3)] ]).

The second requirement: the evidence that it is permissible to divorce

From the Koran verse: ) dd mm Ia [ ( AlBaqarah: 229], there is nothing wrong khul when discord and fear of women's lack of fairness of the man to create his or image with . It is the year : that the wife of Thabit ibn Qays came to the Prophet ^ said: O Messenger of Allah Thabet bin Qais what carp in creating nor religion, but I hate disbelief in

Islam. said ^: Otrdan him his garden? She said: Yes. He said: 'Accept the garden and divorced her Ttliqh the [(4)] . The consensus: Muslims are unanimously agreed that it is permissible to divorce when Khovhma the injustice of the other two. It is reasonable: that the husband has the use of mosquito Balbda he can eliminate the mosquitoes, too, because the dislocation pay damage women Vjaz often to do so. The third requirement: the rule of dislocation (forensic Description) Originally a hatred for saying ^: Any woman who asks her husband for divorce in is wrong, forbidden by the fragrance of Paradise ( 1) It is no messes reason with him sapiens shall be hated. With the exception of: The Case of the fear of not establishing and commitment to the law of God says as requested by the pair, if often a fear, so if satisfaction first, in the verse:) ( [Al-Baqarah: 229 ] may dislocation and hates to take the money that was is the reason nushuz or him. Hanbali and went to the invalidity of dislocation The for him, and the survival of marital earlier, the verse : ) ( women: 19] and hates him to take in excess of dowry in a public divorce.

Section II : Elements of dislocation

1 pair in charge : being an adult of sound mind conditions shall be met selected. And interdicted by the fiduciary wear it if the true ideals Mehr pony or less because it is free, if the divorce was first mosquitoes. The receiving dowry guardian or values, but has not repudiated it, or take the initiative to pick him handed over to the pair, and if it is damaged in the hands of fools are received by the wife not guaranteed immediately and not after his senses. The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (95/1): It is stipulated to health that the husband is eligible for a divorce and women shop him. 2 wife is in charge of the absolute disposition of the money : being very discreet selected, not right dislocation deals, It is not a lesson in small words and crazy for the absence of eligibility for admission. The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (95/2): Women who have not attained the age of majority If Julat not committed dislocation allowance except with the consent of the Crown money. For this the Court of Cassation states: If a husband divorces his wife distinctive small dowry and accepted launches not fall dowry (St. 235 232 09/06/1966).

3 Awad dislocation : it should be money Mtamola the manageable information to hand him over. The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (97): All that religiously true commitment to reconciliation rather be in divorce. on marital rights and Syrian Personal Status Law: Permissible to on marital rights and dealing with the dowry and alimony imposed and the past, cladding and fun, and the expense of child custody and breastfeeding .. If the boy she has died instead his .. If Obeeft expense forced at his expense. This is stipulated in Article 102 of the Syrian Personal Status Law: 1 if stipulated in the exemption pair of taxi breastfeed the boy or his mother's condition constipation him for information and spending it Vtzojt or left the boy, because the spouse, equivalent to breastfeed a child fare or expense for the remaining period. 2 If the mother is insolvent time the or Obeeft later, forcing the father at the expense of the child and have him be the mother. Male instead and alone and Syrian Personal Status Law: If a male instead to fell all rights when Imam Abu Hanifa and necessary Awad on the wife to accept them. This is stipulated by the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (98): If the to pony money is necessary

performance and Almtkhalaan edema was acquitted of all right for the dowry and spousal support. Mohammed said: fall what only is the view of the public. Not to mention instead and Syrian Personal Status Law: If the of him : is subject to two novels when Faucet, : innocent from each other, there is no given him something that caught her dowry thing, nor demanding what is left, if the pony had arrested all Vosah novels also demanding nothing, as stipulated in article (99) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: If branding Almtkhalaan not something time the innocent from each other dowry rights and spousal support. Denied allowance: If the wildcard in exile do not drop anything from the rights and was irrevocably dislocation. This is stipulated in Article (100) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: If Almtkhalaan said the exiled Suits in the divorce judgment and signed by the purely reactionary shot. Does not fall off the expense of preparing and habitable without naming, if agreed to Suits Asagta, if the text on alimony landed without habitation not fall even if the text when the Hanafi and Maliki and pant it.

This is stipulated in Article 101 of the Syrian Personal Status Law: The expense of preparing and do not fall healed pair Almkhala to the them unless expressly stipulated in the contract . And also not fall the right boy Khoudana others from his father instead of his mother if his promise rather than true champion dislocation condition [(1)] . This is stipulated in Article 103 of the Syrian Personal Status Law: If required men in of constipation boy has a nursery, true, and condition and was champion for legitimate Hadhanth taking it, and need to father Bnafqath and incubation fare that was a poor boy. 4 formula in divorce: Can be a formula explicit and that the wording dislocation and Mufadah when you tap and correct the Shaafa'is When Hanbali They annulment if the male with money, so that the word divorce has repeatedly used on the lips of the people of Islam to the will of separation does not need to faith, as well as the word Mufadah and match in the Koran in meaning:) dd mm [ ( AlBaqarah: 229] . It is explicit: Coupling utter the words, dislocation of divorce on money, or the word divorce was alone on the money when Shafi'i and Maalikis are without tap.

Under Syrian Court of Cassation: Divorce vs. money is not hear the where irreversibility suit (St. 202 236 09/21/1960). And The metonymy Kcolh: canceled his marriage such and such if we consider utter dislocation frank, shall be canceled and similar every word is intended to divorce metaphor for the band mosquitoes with the fact that this word and other words Alknaah in divorce in need of faith. No longer permeated speak little between the offer and acceptance watershed the positive other than whether many it hurts [(1)] . The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (96): each of the parties refer for in the before accepting the other. Suspension and added in the formula: Dislocation can be done when or for how long format or any time you gave me you are divorced. As well as if he said: If you or if you gave me as well as you are divorced Like the above, but requires immediate administration, as well as if the divorce would be associated with allowance to the time of the future, it is true. Even began the wife filed for divorce a comment that, when ... Ktlgueni the well The netting was immediately replied of his royalty in part to the efforts of money riding interview the husband, and her back before his answer

with the requirement to immediately answer, but said inaction is not essential [(1)] . Back before the passport acceptance: the Hanafi and Maliki went to the inadmissibility refer to the wife's answer, while the re-entry may netting is as it is of its own. The Shaafi'is and Hanbali that may return the pair before accepting his wife as Air dislocation that netting, netting may refer the proposal before the issuance of acceptance. Which it Manst article (96) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: each of the parties refer for in the before accepting the other. This is taking Shafi'i doctrine of Hanbali in Back passport before accepting wife. Requirement for admission to gross wife: Must not accept the wife verbally if there is already speaking, it must be connected to the affirmative without separating him or foreign words long. The ranks as Referring the sufficient [(2)] . Acceptance agrees with the positive: May not be different acceptance for positive increase or decrease, such as saying thousand kissed Bolvin and reversed, promised to Goa, the offense in the sense it was not an answer, other than saying: Give me a thousand she gave him two thousand, so that acceptance

answer YES if goes against it in the sense not significant, The administration really can not answer, Valolv inside Balolvin, has brought a thousand increase is not considered [(1)] .

Section III : Air dislocation and opinions which jurists

The first requirement : Air dislocation

Stops determine dislocation conditioning on several divorce or Vskha. The counting divorce was netting the shop comment because the formula netting, as in the saying: divorced K or Khalatk thousand replied accepted, because it took Awad versus King directed the competence it, and the rest netting tinged comment because divorce is not located only accept payment money. The counting Vskha dislocation is purely netting suspension does not affect the Kaptda sales [(2)] .

The second requirement: the views of scholars in count dislocation divorce or Vskha [(3)]
If dislocation word divorce: he went public to divorce divorce reduces the number of shots, because God Almighty between Talaqan, after the verse:) ( The Cow: 229] suggesting appended to divorce, and when the tap

because it is a metaphor associated with money than the richest of intent, and received her itself Balbinona. As that if Vskha was Sah only, because the annulment should make allowance, which is true in all the allowance, irrevocable promise they made the money to have the same nor owned with her back, but if denied the allowance was revocable divorce. The Court of Cassation stated on several divorce irrevocably stated: is divorce not affect the irreversibility of the only party (St. 364 341 18/09/1966). And went Hanbali and Shafi'i in saying that the dissolution does not diminish the number of divorce, and renew the marriage contract Petkrrh without limitation, as they band Vtkon Vskha, and the condition of the Hanbali hindsight word divorce and annulment and Mufadah to be Vskha with no intention of divorce, and quoted verse:) ... ( [Al-Baqarah: 229] .

Chapter IV: divorce by virtue of the judge

The first topic : divorce and annulment of defects and diseases. The second topic : the differentiation of absence. The third topic : the differentiation of the insolvency of alimony. Section IV : differentiate divisive and damage.

Chapter IV: divorce by virtue of the judge

The first topic : divorce and annulment of defects and diseases
The origin of the marriage contract is free from everything that disturb described as a feeling and a sense of, not straightened as may arise from defects prevent the stability of this contract, and I'll mention these defects, then the views of scholars to prove the option and the right of rescission and then mention the flaws of modern and can be ruled then show the opinion of the law.

The first requirement: Definition of Defects annulled by

And we begin the definition of sexual and physical defects, and I will idiomatic Acronym tariffs. Defects Nationality: Darn: blockage of course male bone or meat so that it is glued to not enter the male. Century : meat or bone grows in the vagina prevents the entry above . : mixing a urine Bmslk course intercourse and Searerthma of the one attitude [(1)] . Impotence: and Enein Keskin: from a deficit of women does not come, Faan right and to the north, and is not intended Almaty them.

Attached to the Shaafa'is Banin analogy: a large machine so that it does not nine woman Hhevch, and leads every woman and called Abalh, husband [(2)] . Pit: a lump is male and testicles, and appends a eunuch: It Majabub testicles. 2 physical defects: Madness: Mind latency intermittent or permanent illness, dementia and epilepsy, and obsessive degrees of insanity. Leprosy: Bug them blush skin or organ, then prevail and crack stinks and pulsing and scattered. Leprosy: whiteness very speckled if needle Output him no blood water, a white, or black, which is the worst of a white introduction of leprosy. Hemorrhoid: in crippling disease, and it is a cantilever and it is gummy, which is either a liquid or non-liquid. Fistula : is recessed sores occur in sitz dripped including pus may be a window or not [( 1) . The second requirement: the views of scholars to prove option Proven option for the pair, when the public Shafi'i, Maalikis and Hanbali, Muhammad tap wife, provided that the defect does not know Bmredha not accept it. The Tap: there is no proof the pair have the option to defect wife at all, because the interruption marital whole death did requires an annulment with the intended

marriage did not happen, Fajtlal intended defects a fortiori does not prove that option, because owed is empowerment, which holds, and the Kims of the fruits , which is not obligatory. And proven option for the wife defect pair unanimous four imams, except when Ibn Hazm, there is no proof option has never, and detail view of imams are two cases before entering and after, and this is when the sheikhs of Abu Hanifa, Abu Yusuf defects nationality without physical and Mohammed with the public. The third requirement: evidence and discussion 1 evidence proven option for the wife and the husband: 1 of the Year: Al-Bukhaari for Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: that a woman Refaah Qurazi came to the Messenger of Allah ^ said: O Messenger of Allah, Refaah divorced my divorce, and I who gets married after Abdel-Rahman ibn al-Zubayr Qurazi, but with such . said: Perhaps you want to be doing ghusl to Refaah? No, even taste Asiltk the and gastronomical Asilth the [( 1) . The significance: they claimed it impotence, Apostle individual ^ her words presumed to return to the analysis of her husband, did not prove her option, because marriage is necessary, because due to the contract is not too late [(2)] , but not the presumption to prove her analysis option.

In any case, no direct inference of this talk, and the first effects of inference companions or speech Jawnah, and when that commit public opinion, for the same evidence Sivkronha at reasonable. 2 Remove the Imam Ahmad Jamil bin Zaid said: associated elders of supporters, stated that he had the company of said to him: Ka'b bin Zaid, or Zaid ibn Ka'b Vhaddtna: The Messenger of Allah ^ married a woman from Bani Ghaffar, when he entered her, put robe and sits on the bed he saw Pkhhaa whiter, the bed, and then said: 'Take your clothes did not take anything which Otaha the [(3)] . The significance : It is proven defect response by talking Gecko, abides in the rest of defects compared to the lepers, Mosque bug preventing enjoy and do not check intended marriage [(4)] . 2 companions consensus: Roy Omar, may Allah be pleased with him that he spent in Enein to postpone years, as it only took him a full dowry. And Ibn Masood like him, and Ali may Allah be pleased with them, like him, was spending the presence of the companions, one of them did not deny was unanimous, and this is what was narrated by Ibn al-Mundhir, the consensus of the Ancestors to say so [(1)] . 3 reasonable: prove option for women Ptnin pair, because intercourse once owed contract on the pair of women, and commitment to the contract when the check

deficit from sexual intercourse injustice and harm must be lifted, because the disability prevents the outstanding contract, God has said:) ( cave : 49] , ^ said: do no harm [(2)] . The fourth requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and defects Article (105): The wife seek a separation between her and her husband in the following cases: 1 If the one of anti ills of entry provided that safety is of them. 2 if Jen pair after the contract. The law is the right option for the wife without the husband is the view of the tap without the public and was the first realization of public opinion, both given the option to settle them in the presence of damage and abuse. The law also has proven option in defects prohibitive from entering a drawback sexual, which is what the tap without the public, the law requires the safety of women of the defect inhibitor of access request to differentiate is the view of the public in the requirement of safety for proven option in the defect common that there is no relevant defect , and the first option is a proven illness because the same rights recovery not Ievh of himself, a face when Shaafa'is. Has taken the doctrine of public law and Mohammed from the tap in tap without madness who did not Ateke positive for dissolution.

I noticed here that the public have proven option for both physical defects, and madness which, if the legislator took the doctrine of a full audience, because other diseases is more dangerous madness of it and claimed to request termination of this contract. Article (106) on the right terms to differentiate the bug, stating: 1 drops of women's right to seek a separation owing to the illness described in article Alsbakh if learned before the contract or agreeing beyond. 2 that the right to differentiate impotence does not fall under any circumstances. This article is in its first paragraph is taken from public opinion and Mohammed from the tap in part is madness, Hanafi they do not miss their intended marriage is intimacy, even though he missed this other important purposes of the ills of the housing and affection .. It is fully public opinion proved option lack of knowledge and dissatisfaction, and then show her Shaafa'is option after the contract on condition of science, and Maliki and Mohammed say when Hanbali proven option after the contract at all, and this indicates that the article had been taken doctrine Shaafa'is here, because the incident is not due , as long as I learned and chosen by the disease can not then be claimed by, even though I most likely view of the majority say never are, because the

same rights may not be patient agrees to bear starting, no one forced to endure what they do not want. The distinction impotence has said is generally jurists, and the uniqueness of Shaafa'is that science wife existence does not fall choice, has taken the law in this opinion, but Article absolutely did not distinguish between for intercourse, even for once is the view of General jurists, and between not having, something that did not come out by the for the doctrines of law scholars, but we can say that the law had been taken by the release, so that intercourse right after her contract as before the contract taking of and the opinion of the tap when to abstain from intercourse for four months longer for a divorce. The article identified (107) time of the dissolution of which can be postponed or not, stipulating: If the ills mentioned in article (105) is not the demise of the judge differentiates between the couple in the case, though demise possible to postpone the case for an appropriate period not exceeding one year, if not still cause a difference between them. This article is a distinction between viable demise of diseases and healing between chronic incurable diseases that can not be demise. So I went back possible termination of the event in diseases that do not go away and the Palace in Article

(105) anti diseases from entering intervened sexually transmitted diseases and modern physical and dangerous and prevented from entering such as heart disease fatal. The diseases that can demise the where for a year in order to Enein agreement, this law was circulated in diseases that prevent access a nationality and the like, but on the women's side, and added to the madness. The fully-term and sacrificed the Court of Cassation this stipulates: the wife must inmate her husband during the period granted under Article (107 Reliable) (St. 457 450 10/27/1970).

The fifth requirement: the effects of proven option

1 annulment : If it is proven Advanced option on the dispute, was the first impact from the effects of proven option the annulment of the right to a spouse or to both. 2 postponement : If it is proven the only option may not prove right of rescission to some defects, only after a delay, Enein year when the imams of the four schools, and after testing defect, delay bug but it is to know the truth about impotence. 3 Pony: The band was before entering there is a dowry when the public except on the tap, the lack of safety originally held it, but not to check the meaning of the contract. When Faucet : Before the retreat, her half pony [(1)] .

But after entering: Must be full dowry named when Abu Hanifa and Maaliki whether apostasy is Taiba after login or its substitute, because dowry is true, has the right shall contract settled enter, there is of further falls after him, and only lost the right to a dowry. 4 differentiate conditioning: This means that it is calculated to differentiate of three Vinqsa shots, or not. Said Faucet, Maalikis: the band is located between the spouses divorce irrevocably calculated from the three shots. The Shafi'i and Hanbali said: Located band Vskha do not divorce, not reckoned of three shots. The Article (108) of the Syrian Personal Status Code: differentiate bug divorce . Which swing back this differentiation Vskha not divorce, because it is not available where the meaning of divorce and its provisions and cash equivalents [(1)] . The sixth requirement: modern diseases and their choice in the marriage contract The modern diseases are almost above the limitation, it is as well, including what is at risk lead to death, including what led me to infection, including what led me to the damage and pain, and through our topic opinion of modern diseases are located on the body, leads to not the married life, obtaining damage and infection, and

what is happening as a result of sexual reasons, and his statement: The diseases that me as her little damage, do not rule it either because they can be treated or because it develops not for her. And some are very dangerous and lead to death: and this could see where proven option if before the contract when the contract was discovered and before him, abides in before entering option, as well as if they were not fatal but lead to death if not treated or detected. After the contract is not the face of a proven option, because the marital life based on good cohabitation and be continuing, then more of Zuma before, and this in terms of money, but in terms of the rule of the contract was necessary annulment them but offers a money judgment decade because of damage resulting from the annulment of the marriage, as increase the exacerbation of the disease and destroy various humanitarian standards would then be dire Mancon to the existence of the marital relationship, but that certain conditions are met : 1 and must stop intercourse and touch the direct or indirect if the disease is contagious. 2 can not be long disease, long time for both spouses had the option of not having married life and I determine the year that time desired one . In addition to this, I believe that the following measures shall be taken to prevent the spread of the disease:

1 to enact legislation imposes on the couple to ensure the safety of each decade ago as a medical testimony. 2 full quarantine on the patient's disease can not be cured, and this is better than ending the marital relationship. 3 may enact or prescribed penalty supporter of the nonimplementation of the first action to highlight the medical certificate and initiate the death or penalty supporter who married an infected on the basis of tort liability for causing injury other party proper, and so if the disease before the contract.

The second topic : the differentiation of absence and loss

The first requirement: the definition of the absent

Scholars differed in determining the absentee: Shaafi'is that he was at a distance of a full day walk from sunrise to night, and like it when you Hanbali but on the distance of the palace. And went to tap it is absent from the Council or the country does not know the place. And Maalikis to count absentee spent it is on the march of ten days and more. The missing included in this however, particularly since you do not know his life from death and does not know his place [(1)] .

The second requirement: the views of scholars in the differentiation of absence and loss
Tap and Shaafa'is to not differentiate passport to the absence of long-term or failed to come back or the judge with his death after eighty. Maalikis and Hanbali is permissible to differentiate the absence of a breakdown: Maliki said: seen four years and then invoke several of death missing Valgab in Dar al-Islam postponed. The missing households and polytheism Valley Land eighty and then invoke several deaths. In the war between the Muslims after the secession of several grades and then invoke death. The war with the infidels Vttrbes several years and then invoke death. The absentee known place writes to him to come or to convey his wife to leave her or called. Sent to alimony wait two or three years and then divorced, but did not send excused him and divorced shot reactionary, if Acer has reviewed, and only pant. But Hanbali said: lying in wait for a woman lost in the backbiting that seemingly lack of safety four years and then invoke several deaths. But lost in the backbiting which appear as requested trade safety science and Prison Valley ninety then invoke several deaths.

The absentee known as the place to the detriment of Nuncio it may annulment after four months, and is to the detriment of Nuncio six months after her annulment if you are not his absence in the pilgrimage or livelihood or jihad and asked his arrival did not come [(1)] . And if he returned before the end promised it his wife, as well as before he married her after promised, but if returned after he married and before entering the second is his wife, an agreement between Maliki and Hanbali, if entered by missed him when Maalikis, and when Hanbali was the first choice between returning to the previous decade or take dowry paid by the second. If found his death while preparing or after the dissolution of the second marriage unless delights he did not know the first condition.

The third requirement: evidence and discussion

Tap quoted and Shaafa'is including Narrated by marauding bin Division that the Prophet ^ said: woman lost his wife even approach her story [(2)] and Ali mawqoof: woman lost a woman plagued Feltsber the not marry even approach her certain death [(3)] . He quoted Maliki and Hanbali including Roy at the age of a woman who missed her husband asked Hafsa said: Abnah how patient woman from her husband, she said: Hallelujah, like you asked twice about this, he said: not

for that I want to consider the Muslims what I asked you! Said: five months, six months. people in Mghazm of six marching months, staying four and marching months Returning. This return to first after a questionnaire remain held as Imam Malik said: not the broiler after excuses Sultan as the marriage contract after the coming and he did not divorce her did not die [(1)] .

The fourth requirement: governance and its impact

Maalikis a need to divorce the judge, image, judge-term and end-term invoke several death without his permission, if what began Badtha did not have a reference, as a divorce Bashruaha iddah and checks into the second. And Hanbalis that there was no need for the judge to get an annulment or to determine the start of backbiting or differentiating the kit, if ago period and preparing her to marry [(2)] . And make Maaliki this distinction a revocable realized Benonth divorce to enter the second, and for her entry in the kit, while the promise Hanbalis Vskha the [(3)] .

The fifth requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and differentiation of absence
Article (109):

1 If the husband is absent without an acceptable excuse, or a judgment of a prison sentence of more than three years of jazz to his wife after years of absence, or imprisonment to request the judge to differentiate, even if it is money you can spend it. 2 This distinction retroactive divorce if he returned absentee or fired prisoner and women in the kit has a right to review. And notes the text of the article: Jazz for his wife .. This means that the passport is not obligatory nor falling once backbiting, but this right between the realization of the option or not, the chosen place and patience it may spend as long as it is alive, if that his heirs returned by the death, including spent after his death [(1)] . It is noted that the law taking differentiating prison for as worthy of this prison is considered the type of damage to him, and because of missed inadvertently damaging is the Hajj Jihad work and has the right to an annulment, it is a fortiori is proven in prison for more than a year .. But no doubt that from a prison oppressed should be different rule.

The third topic : the differentiation for insolvency of alimony and not spending [(2)]

The first requirement: the views of scholars in the annulment of the insolvency of alimony and their evidence
If the left-handed pair maintenance (food and sustain, clothing, housing) Vllzojh annulment of the marriage on the doctrine of Maliki and Hanbali and more correct when Shaafa'is and must assess the evidence on the insolvency or to acknowledge alimony, and proves that when a judge or arbitrator, because the annulment replace diligence must be the judge. If you can not raise her to the judge they take your to necessity. Tap said: I do not differentiate between them likely for the survival of the marital contract, and may delay the right, and owe him something judge our Vtkon him to come back the creditor to pair them.

The second requirement: to differentiate insolvency divorce or annulment

Nor is the annulment of the insolvency of a divorce when Shaafa'is The Hanbali without Maalikis be deemed revocable divorce if any left in the kit, and they must be the judge of three days or terminate the contract, and

have to go out of her house a time limit to collect alimony and has nothing to prevent it. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (111): disperse the judge for not spending is revocable For the husband to see his wife in the kit provided to prove his left and get ready to spend. This article is pursuant to the Maalikis of, but one thing in which she said she agrees and learned when the contract falls right, which is the first in my opinion likely favor the survival of the contract. The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (110): 1 wife may seek to differentiate if the pair declined to present spending on his wife and did not have the money apparently did not prove its inability to alimony. He also sees: diligence Maalikis in compulsory alimony, if not proven inability and answered nothing divorced him. The proven inability or was absent, the judge gave him an appropriate period not exceeding three months, the judge has not spent a difference between them. The ruling came in blaming the attention of the judge for the pair when Maalikis followed diligence, and diligence signifies your convention in determining the period, and therefore make the law of this period of three

months in keeping with the custom in the possibility of change ten and found the same.

The third requirement: alimony extent necessary to negate positive for the dissolution of insolvency
The majority of scholars that, if possible, the husband to give the wife's expense insolvent because he is poor not terminate, because of maintenance necessary it is the expense of the poor insolvent, nor become alimony in excess of this limit we have it, unlike solvent and medium if less than the limit Nafqathma not terminate and prove yourself in her Zmthma. If this deficit reduction has proven her audience requested annulment, the wanted Rdjatha the Maalikis it is not him, but his ability to expense and not without it, if as is without expense does not have irreversibility [( 1) , which is taken by the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (111).

Section IV : Divorce divisive and damage [(2)]

The first requirement: definition Bcakkak and damage

Damage: either to be him, and likeness of God: that does not speak with them, or face manages about, or Asabha and her father or have intercourse with her in her rectum or beat beaten painful, and disciplined on this.

And can be either including: Kaaradha and Abosha and words challenge them after Lin, and out of the house does not need them, and have them either.

The second requirement: the views of scholars in discord and damage their evidence
Gold faucet and Shafi'i and Hanbali that if the discord of the pair and literature, was hit for no reason, limited initially forbidding, perhaps heal the case between them is not Istohacha Ptazirh of the judge, and only and bring him near the confidence prevents him from infringing on them, but if their even think it was amended, the intensified discord sent Judge sentences Bokalthma and their permission to divorce or khul, although not Arzia Bagmin search did not agree about the unjust judge them and literature. The Maalikis that the wife the choice between accommodation with injustice or divorce itself shot dowry to lift her to judge if proven damage once, as if hit severely They also have retribution, and in the words of the Shaafa'is and narrated from Imam Ahmad, and arbitrators Mulyan, meaning the two divorce that Orteurah. Quoted Sayers differentiating saying the Almighty:)
[ ( women: 35]

arbitrators including of interest either reform or

differentiating understanding Mulyan judgments and not Bokillen . He quoted Sayers not differentiate that the task of reform provisions or differentiate between spouses agency. The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article 11 2: 1 If one spouse claimed harm others by including not canned him ten time, he may ask the judge to differentiate. 2 If it is proved damaging and the judge's inability to reform a difference between them is this divorce dowry shot the. 3 If you do not prove damage postpone the judge the trial for at least a month in the hope of arms, the insisted the plaintiff on the complaint has not been Magistrate Judge judgments of the people of the couple and only those who see the judge the ability to fix them and Hfahma right of the should do fairly and the Secretariat. Article (113): 1 on the provisions that Atarafa the reasons for the discord between the couple and Ijmaihama in Council under the supervision of the judge not attended a couple and not the arbitrators decide to call.

2 failure of a couple to attend the Council after the notification does not affect the arbitration. Article (114): 1 arbitrators do their utmost to reform between the couple, If a deficit him and the abuse or most of the pair, they decided to differentiate irrevocable shot. 2 The was T. abuse or most of the wife, or shared between the couple decided to differentiate between the optimal pony or a section of it commensurate with the extent of abuse. 3 of the judgments to decide differentiate between spouses with no abuse of one pair a clearance from the Department of the rights of the wife if she agrees to do so and had proved the provisions persistent discord between them on the face can not be removed. 4 If the arbitrators disagreed, the judge ruled otherwise, or annexation to the Third probable sentence and made him swear right. Article (115): Provisions that taken the their report to the judge must not be reasoned, and for the judge to rule thereunder or reject the report and appointed in this case and for the last time judgments of others.

Chapter V divorce ex-Shara and the law

The first topic : Section II : zihaar The third topic : the curse Section IV : differentiate to change religion

The first topic :

The first requirement: Definition and his words and his

Sharia: NATO to leave God intercourse with the wife over four months. And words are: 1 words express Kcolh: No Ojamek, Otak ... With the Alliance. 2 words Alknaah: it lacks the intention not to have intercourse, such as saying: Do not Olamsk. Rule : And haram, because it left the duty, and the people of ignorance swear not to offer unto the wife of the year and more Vidaha is a husband or a husband when he came Islam and his time God four months, and originally sentenced : verse: ) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 226 and 227] .

The second requirement: pillars and conditions

Staff five are: 1 oath: The pairs must be adult of sound mind imagine him having intercourse, and is selected when the public contrary to the faucet, and a Muslim when Maalikis and Alsahben contrary to the public is valid given dhimmi them.

2 Mahlov by the: required in Mahlov the be the name of the names of God or one of His attributes. 3 it Mahlov : He left a wife intercourse. 4 Duration : the left intercourse for more than four months if NATO without four months is not valid and did not Mulia, even four months Pact Mulia was also when the tap without the public. 5 Format: to be the wording D. on explicit was or metaphor.

The third requirement: the effects of

1 perjury before the lapse of four months Vtelzmh the expiation right. 2 perjury mainland and grace to four months Faomrh the Judge Balfaih and penance or divorce. 3 divorce from the judge that my father or divorce, and this is when the public and famous for the owner, and in the words of the Maalikis: Expect wife, Mstdelan terms ta ) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 226] require delayed beyond what is accepted by demanding Balfaih also after four months, and divorce soon move duration. The tap in the novel of the owner: divorce lapse of four months no closer without spending, and carried ta on causation, there is cause for delayed caused but mostly comparison.

I said : The most correct view of the majority because the Fa for comment, and comment on a possible deadline remote cause and effect. 4 The majority of scholars are of the retroactive to actually divorce whether molar divorced or ruling, because the basic principle in divorce: it is retroactive, unless shows Bainuna the evidence, as being complementary to the three or before entering. Tap went in the novel when the Hanbali: to it , because pay for the injustice and raise the damage and rushes only Balban [(1)] .

The fourth requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and

No law stipulates provisions , and in terms of a material (305) is due to the Hanafi school, when tolerated, has gone tap to count divorce irrevocably lapse of a four months, but an explicit law (AD 94): Every divorce is revocable only for supplementing three divorce before entering and divorce and text allowance on being irrevocably in this law.

Section II : zihaar

The first requirement: Definition zihaar and his

Idiomatically : Is that like his wife or a member of those who deny the wording does not expressly likely is zihaar, or a metaphor word carries on zihaar intention [(1)] . His legitimate: The majority of scholars agreed [(2)] that zihaar Muharram, and the promise of some of the major sins, because it is evil to say and false words of Almighty God:) ( argument: 2] .

The second requirement: Staff zihaar and conditions

Must in zihaar of the availability of the following pillars: 1 appearances. 2 manifestations of them. 3 formula. 4 Mhbh, and a statement: 1 appearances: The majority of scholars differed in terms of appearances: He said the Hanafi and Maliki [(3)] : appearances required to be a Muslim, is not valid unhide dhimmi, Shafi'i and Hanbali said the health of the epithelium, also not true unhide boy crazy and the lack of commissioning a condition of the mind. 2 appearances including: Hanafi, Shafi'i stipulated that the manifestations of a wife.

He said Maliki and Hanbalis True zihaar of the foreign also [(1)] . 3 Format: The formula zihaar either explicit or metaphor, either explicit: it is the word that goes out directly to zihaar without regard to intent. Kcolh: You Kzar to my mother, and the origin: Atiank Ali (me, me, me) is like riding the back of my mom delete added: Etienne. The metaphor: it is, according to his intention, if he had wanted to verbally zihaar went to zihaar, and if he did not intend zihaar not be zihaar, because it has to be verbally dignity and respect, and words metaphor: saying: You're like my mother or Kami A and Kugeha or Krouhha. 4 Almhbh: jurists stipulated to be of the genus women denied it on to descent and intermarriage and breastfeeding, as his mother, daughter, sister [(2)] .

The third requirement: the effects of zihaar [(3)]

Four imams agreed it deprives appearances intercourse with his wife before the atonement, as well as depriving him great touches intercourse and look lustfully kiss and so the majority of scholars, unlike . He quoted majority of scholars on the prohibition of intercourse, saying the Almighty:) ( argument: 3] and saying ^ apparent to those of his wife: not seduced even Tf for what God has commanded [4] The absolute

prohibition of prohibition Fidel that the sanctity and below before intercourse Atonement.

The fourth requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and zihaar

Did not provide the personal status law Syrian rule zihaar shall be covered by the rule in terms of Article (305) conditions, which require reference to the doctrine of the tap with silent about the law, and zihaar also passed provisions according to the different points of scholars, which is not divorce but needed the atonement and lute and not to harm wife .

The third topic : the curse [(1)]

The first requirement: the definition of curse

Idiomatically : certificates uncertain faith and curses instead of myself tossing and adultery [(2)] . It pays for itself by faith extent adultery, and pays for itself by faith extent ejaculation when thrown adultery without witnesses, coupled with anger and cursed God for them, as stated in the verse.

The second requirement: the legality of evidence curse

From the Koran: the verse:) e
dd mm I I Io Io I I I i I I I I I

eBay eBay eBay dd dd Ij Ih ( Light: 6 9] and a clear indication

of the verse and that of his wife of adultery and threw him no witnesses complete four on their it the terms of his wife as stated in the verse. It is the year : the reason for the revelation of the verse mentioned: Hilal bin illiteracy shot his wife when the Prophet ^ partner Bin hquploader, said the Prophet ^: of evidence or end in the back, said, 'O God's docking: If one of us on his wife saw a man starts to seek evidence ? Making the Prophet ^ says: evidence and the only limit in the back, he said, Hilal: who sent you with the truth I am Sadik, Vlijnzln the what God clear the dorsal limit, Gabriel sat down and sent down to him:) e .. ( [( 1) . The consensus : in session to introduce Balan as being between couples [( 2) .

The third requirement: Staff curse and caused

Four pillars are: Almtlaannan formula and why and this is when the audience, and when you tap for suffered the corner and a single certificate confirmed perjury. The cause is one of two things: First: the husband of his wife, including extrusion requires far as adultery: that says his wife: Aaszakh or Zenit or saw you Tznin, the judge or prosecutor when he saw her do adultery has no witnesses, a reprehensible for adultery.

The second: percentages denied even from intercourse with suspicion or marry a corrupt, that says: This boy is not from me or adultery, either immediately after birth or in the days of congratulations, and then the denial is not valid and true curse.

The fourth requirement: the rule of curse

1 The rule curse is to differentiate between the spouses otherwise without saying ^: Almtlaannan if dispersed never meet [(3)] . 2 differentiate time: tap located said band dispersed judge after to Aanama. The Hanbali, Maalikis and exhale and said: Located band completion curse. The Shaafi'is to access pair Belaan and alone. 3 band type: this eternal band at the audience and said: is eternal band is not permissible for him then because they terminate no divorce. It divorce the at the Abu Hanifa and Muhammad, the same pair lie Fjeld limit or lied to the woman herself and charity Jazz marriage between them and mix.

The fifth requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and curse

The curse though less in many Muslim societies is a serious matter in the family, should be addressed by avoiding the causes, has suffered the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article 129, which stipulates:

1 each wife was born in the right marriage attributed to her husband following two conditions: A to go to the marriage contract less the duration of pregnancy. That does not prove lack of convergence between the spouses are felt as if one of the spouses was a prisoner or absent in a given country over the duration of pregnancy. 2 If negated one of these conditions does not prove the boy ratios of the pair unless acknowledged or claimed. 3 If the availability of these two conditions are not negate ratios born in the pair, but Balan. This article may be required to prove descent three conditions: 1 Marriage correct. 2 move less for a six-month pregnancy. 3 proven sense of convergence between the spouses. If proven these conditions does not negate the boy, but Balan, and understands from this that the law provided for the curse to deny proportions these conditions, and silent on the curse to throw the husband his wife of adultery, the second reason for suffered, as silent on differentiation and the rule of differentiation, and in accordance with Article (305 / conditions) be tossing the reason for the wife suffered which jurists agreement, which is due to the doctrine of the tap.

Section IV : differentiate to change religion [(1)]

The first requirement: differentiation of apostasy

Definition of apostasy idiomatically : are leaving the religion of Islam to any other belief or words or actually, Kmnker Creator and playboy slogan slogans of Muslims or , then show the ruling by Islam, revealing Hbhth and for him to Hbhth and reveals to him, and locked with the deadline, otherwise kill the governor, without women not kill it when the tap and kill when the public [(2)] . Terms of the apostate: And requires two conditions in apostasy: 1 reason: there is significant impermeable crazy and the boy who does not make sense, because the mind of civil strips beliefs. And drunken apostasy is not valid because it is fleeting mind and is not valid inexpensive apostasy Kalnam the insane, and Asttib three days. 2 choice and voluntariness: no significant impermeable impeller agreement if his heart was reassured by faith [(3)] . The views of scholars in the apostate marriage contract and their evidence:

The audience went to the dissolution of a marriage impermeable one spouse without the need to spend a judge before or after. The Shaafi'is and Hanbali in the healthiest two versions that rose a couple before entering predicted band on the spot, but after entering located band suspended incomplete, the returned apostate them while preparing long as the marriage between them due to make sure the marriage contract to enter, although no longer even finished preparing Valvriqh reality While apostasy. Quoted the public that apostasy is like death Festua the the pre-entry and beyond, and privacy existed before and after the entry. And quoted Shaafa'is and Hanbali that apostasy after entering not oblige accelerate the annulment analogy to Islam a couple, and also because they rose to fuck emergency intake, there lies the band immediately compared on both Artdadahma. Effects of apostasy: 1 differentiate conditioning : the audience went to counting differentiate Vskha the, is the view of for Maalikis. Imam Muhammad went and Maalikis that Rose husband divorce . 2 dowry: the majority of scholars agreed that the wife Rose before entering falls fully dowry, and the pair rose before entering the wife had half a dowry, and if the pair bounced or wife after entering Vllzojh the full dowry.

3 alimony: If no expense wife wore it during the kit, and if the pair bounced it may alimony. 4 kit: unanimously agreed to the kit zoom wife intake, and Maalikis that several women menstrual cycle counterattack and one for uterine , because they are not worthy of worship, but if the husband is the apostate they invoke several complete.

The second requirement: to differentiate one spouse to Islam or not

Islam couples together: If Aslam couple together read on their marriage contract if they had conducted their contract without witnesses, or the contract while preparing a non-Muslim man at the public, and when Alsahben not agree upon, but Ajaddedana. And recognize the agreement on their contract if they became Muslim has promised ended. This is provided that they be not utterly destroying built .... Agreement [(1)] . Islam a couple: Went public that if one of the spouses safest and were is or woman converted to Islam biblical view of Islam on the other two the safest they continued on their contract. If my father the other difference between them If the Mdjula has only pant directly for not preparing.

And went to tap it displays on the other hand both Islam refused difference between them, even the safest pair was written became continued the [(2)] . Air differentiate Islam a couple: Went public and Abu Yusuf that if the wife converted to Islam and the pair refused Islam between the two teams, and was separated Vskha the before or after, because it is not a band where the word divorce nor intention was the Vskha. Tap said: The divorce is irrevocable, even the safest yet to differentiate between them and then hold them left him two bullets, though my father is entering Islam was not in writing between the two teams, and the band was Vskha agreement with the public. And a guide to differentiate the verse:) e e e e
I I I I I I E. apolipoprotein E Yi dd Ijih mm Im Iyi ye I I Io Io I I i

Big Bh squirt beam ( Allah forbids: 10] He consensus of the

Muslims [(1)] .

The third requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and differentiate to change religion
According to Article (48) P-2 conditions: a non-Muslim Muslim marriage void.

This means the requirement that the husband is a Muslim to be only the stability of his marriage and his contract was void, if the husband was a Muslim and then became a non-Muslim bounced the dissolution of his marriage.

Chapter VI effects of divorce

The first topic : the effects of divorce, according to types. The second topic : the irreversibility and provisions. The third topic : the kit and provisions.

The first topic : the effects of divorce, according to the types

The first requirement: implications for revocable divorce

1 of the husband the right to take her back after divorcing his wife in the first and second shot without a contract and a new mahr yen in the right contract, and without the consent of the wife as long as women in the kit, but that did not audited in preparing him pant pant E. kit. 2 prove her alimony and housing as long as in the kit, the verse: ) o the ( Divorce: 6] . 3 proven legacy between the death of one of them during the kit. 4 sanctity combine them with her aunt or her aunt during the kit. 5 reduces the number of shots is owned by the husband to the wife. 6 reactionary divorce does not raise the king, nor the solution but does not enjoy never when Maalikis, Shafi'i and narrated from Ahmad, there is no intercourse unless audited by saying [(1)] . The Article (118) of the Syrian Personal Status Law as follows: 1 reactionary divorce does not remove the marriage, the husband that his ex-wife during the review kit ...

2 shows women and interrupted irreversibility lapse of several revocable divorce.

The second requirement: the effects of divorce irrevocably divorced junior

1 demise of King enjoy women in the case as soon as it happens, he does not have to be alone with her, and by protecting oneself from it. 2 survival resolve the contract by a new contract with a new foal. 3 n Cut the number of shots that is owned by the husband. 4 solves deferred dowry that was deferred in whole or in part. 5 Lack of inheritance between the death of one in several divorce irrevocably to break marital life , L. A. If divorce in the event of disease death For details, Ftert when the tap during the kit, and the Maalikis even married to others, and when Hanbali remain a successor is not married, nor inherit something when Shaafa'is the. 6 alimony should be accorded to dowry that she was pregnant, though not pregnant in her alimony and accommodation at the tap. And went Malkiya and Shaafa'is and Ahmad in his novel to her habitation only. And Ahmad in another novel does not have the expense or accommodation [(1)] . The Article (119) of the Syrian Personal Status Law as follows: Divorce irrevocably without three eliminates

conjugal off, it does not prevent the renewal of the marriage contract.

The third requirement: the effects of divorce irrevocably

The effects of divorce irrevocably divorced junior ensue here in divorce irrevocably but separates him that it is not permissible for the husband only after they marry another inadvertently analysis and then divorce her and move promised goes back to the first contract, the wages of new, with endless shots only after the demolition of the other [(2)] . Under Article 120 of the Syrian Personal Status Law: of divorce CMOS for three eliminates conjugal off, and prevents the renewal of the contract unless there strips set out in Article 36 of this Law. This is a reference to the interim taboo If married to other Jazz (36/1) Article (36): 1 may not be a man marries a woman divorced her three times only after the expiry promised another pair already entered into.

The fourth requirement: the demolition of the divorce to marry another [(1)]
And that if a woman divorced from the second after the first divorce from once or twice, and then returned to the

first Will return to dissolve a new three shots or return to what is left of the shots?. Went public and Imam Muhammad from the tap and novel preponderant from Imam Ahmad back to what is left of his shots because God in saying:) Im eBay eBay pages ( [Al-Baqarah: 230 ] Make marry another until the end of the large privacy Fahedmaa. And went sheikhs Abu Hanifa, Abu Yusuf and narrated from Imam Ahmad: To return to dissolve the new three shots, because the three Ahedmn from another and then divorce her and promises to the first, and without three first demolition of the three. Which it Manst article (36/2) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: Absolute marriage of last destroys former spouse if shots were without three, if returned to have three new.

The second topic : the irreversibility and provisions

The first requirement: the definition of irreversibility and legitimacy

Idiomatically : Re wife to infallibility of marriage before its demise. And in preparing, because infallibility of marriage exposed to the demise of the establishment of revocable divorce is not irrevocably If you see the husband of his wife during the kit in the first round or in the second returned

to the infallibility of his marriage without a contract and a new dowry [(1)] . The legality of irreversibility: Has proved the legality of taking back the evidence: 1) Holy Quran: the verse:) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 228] any in the kit) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 228] If you are taking back [(2)] . And says:) e e e e ( [Al-Baqarah: 229] reply and constipation are taking back. 2) supervising of the year : saying ^ Mrs. Hafsa: Jibreel said to me: See Hafsa, they Soama the the stewardship, and it is your wife in Paradise [(3)] . And remove the sheikhs from Ibn Umar: he divorced his wife when she is menstruating, he asked the age of the Messenger of Allah ^, the Messenger of Allah ^: times Fleuradjaha [(4)] . 3 ) consensus: The ummah is unanimously agreed on the legality of irreversible husband to his wife in the kit in the first and second divorce unless unfinished kit [(5)] . 4) reasonable: God make divorce judgment too late to try a husband and wife band Aarafa a range need to Aachehema the joint sessions can be remedied coexistence in them, not to cultivate was the first separation [(6)] .

The second requirement: Staff of irreversibility and caused

First: caused by: The reason for taking back the reactionary divorce first or second wife, the husband have the right wife during the review kit. Secondly: irreversibility Staff: 1 discards pair: it requires a civil marriage: puberty and mind, and to be selected is an apostate, because the irreversibility such as the establishment of a wedding, it is not valid with the apostasy of aversive is not valid or crazy, and reviewing the guardian rather than mad. 2 Format: may be express or Knaah , and gets explicit: Braszatk and Rdjatk and Astrdjatk and Rddtk and and derived thereof and, in a sense, with the addition to the formula, as apparent: Kradjat so and so, or implied: Krdjatk, or refers to: attributed this. And The Alknaa: like marriage and marriages, as and valid Balahar the e of dumb. Already do not get alone with no intention flashbacks when the Maalikis, and without intent to get her back already at the Hanafi, Hanbali and son gave Maliki, Hanbali and the Palace of the act have intercourse without anything else. Do not get her back already never the Shaafa'is, because intercourse is not an indication of irreversibility, because it does not get him married, and intimacy requires the kit is

not interrupted, but they said: mixing the wife them and eating them without intercourse is Mstafrha her, not calculated this time from the kit. It was understood that the public revocable divorce does not deprive intercourse The solution remains what not denounce the kit. 3 bounced wife: when the public must be absolute revocable divorce is , did not meet after a divorce [(1)] .

The third requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and irreversibility

Article (118) on her back: P 1 reactionary divorce does not remove marital For the husband to see his ex-wife during the kit by word or deed, do not fall this right projection. It turns out that the law had taken the opinion of the public in the health of taking back already. Under the second paragraph after the end of taking back the end of the kit stated: 2 shows women and interrupted irreversibility lapse of several revocable divorce.

The third topic : the kit and provisions

The first requirement: the definition of the kit and the evidence and the wisdom of legitimacy and caused and start
Definition kit idiomatically and judgment and evidence: In the terminology : Sneak illegal from divorce or death or dissolution or trampling on suspicion of [(1)] . This internship is a legally specified period where women wait in mourning and the innocence of the womb 2)] ]). The rule of preparing and legitimacy evidence:

The kit religiously due to intake of women, or when public without Shaafa'is or whose husband has died, and it is obligatory guides are: 1 Qur'an: 1 verse in several divorce:) ( [Baqarah: 228] ., and he says not preparing before entering:) ( Ahzab: 49]. 2 In several death:) o the [ ( AlBaqarah: 234]

3 In several small and Alaash-pregnant: ) Z I I Io Io ( Divorce: 4] . 2 Year supervisor: the names of the girl over bin housing Ansariyya may God bless her: she was divorced at the time of the Messenger of Allah ^ was not an absolute number, Allah Almighty revealed the names while divorced iddah of divorce was first revealed which to prepare for divorced [( 1) . This is a reference to the verse:) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 228] . Al-Bukhaari that Aloslmah asked: how Prophet Avtaha ^?. She said: Avtani If you put that shag [( 2) . Any developed to carry. The ^ said: It is not permissible for a Muslim woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day should limit over three days, but her husband four months and ten days [( 3) .

3 consensus: the ummah is unanimously agreed on the necessity of preparing the wife of the deceased by the absolute, and expiration promised the lapse of time, even without her knowledge ( 4) . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (126): No kit required before entering the right and being alone, but of death. The wisdom of the legality of the kit: The first purpose of the kit is pure devotion to God Almighty in his compliance with it can one uterus Lakedh and although it is no secret what in the three Alkaroe of many lamented rule not to raise suspicion. And see the innocence of the uterus, lest lineages are mixed with each other, and maintenance of their loss, a than it is keen . And localization of myself for a couple on the perpetuation of the contract and not be subjected to disturbance to interests of marriage, where find a kit what Aalmanma, and could Ienaa him, Faauda what signed the good opinion in Oud [(1)] . Reason for the necessity of preparing [(2)] : 1 band between spouses for divorce or dissolution of marriage after the entry of incorrect or corrupt or intercourse suspicion agreement, or right after the retreat when the public unlike . 2 death of a spouse in the marriage contract is true, whether small or large wife or husband was young.

3 adultery requires the kit when Hanbali also Maalikis and but Lakedh one, and several them when tap and Shaafa'is. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (121): Several non-pregnant women to divorce or annulment as follows: 1 three the full participants who menstruate, they do not hear suit women Bannagdaha the three months before the divorce or annulment. 2 years extended full purity that no menstrual Ajiha, or came to her then interrupted and did not reach menopause. 3 three months for Isiah. In Article (122): Rotten preparing to marry after the entry under the provisions of the preceding article. Start preparing: General jurists went to the principle of preparing divorce, annulment or death learned women do, or do not, and that if ever the time of preparing and then learned of his death or fluent has elapsed promised. As for the marriage in the rotten start preparing from time to differentiate from the judge or from time Almtarkh, tongue, saying: let you, or fluently, or denying marriage , otherwise contented himself with distinction with chilling [(1)] . The Article (125) of the Syrian Personal Status Law:

Start preparing from the date of divorce, death or annulment or judicial separation or irony in marriage rotten.

The second requirement: Types of preparing

Kit developed pregnancy [(2)] : The majority of scholars agreed that a pregnant righteous promised develop pregnancy ends statement in full, whether iddah of divorce or death, even if the situation after divorce or death moment, and some went to they invoke Bibad the term of death or divorce, pursuant to both guides. The evidence must be of this kit: Says:) the I I Io Io ( Divorce: 4] any expiration placing their pregnancy, to obtain a patent uterus situation. This verse dedicated to the verse:) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 234] , and dedicated to the verse:) ( [Al-Baqarah: 228] , as it drove pregnant, they made promised put her pregnancy without Trbesha for several of the deceased about the specific or absolute. And its catalog of the past year in an interview the Aloslmah, and what her Prophet ^. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (124): Several pregnant continue to carry mode or dropping M_na the some members [( 1) .

Preparing Baloqra ( 2) : And Alqra: menstruation or knapsacks, and read the book to read, and read the Koran thing collected, and read you peace [( 3) . And preparing Baloqra the: but is to Matdat the with Alqra are divorced divorce revocable or irrevocable, or Vskha the, Calverqh because of the option of puberty or incompetence .... It is three menstrual periods ( 4) , saying the Almighty:) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 228] . The scholars differed as to the interpretation Alqra, Vvsrh Hanafi and Hanbali as menstruation, and interpreted by Maalikis and the Shaafa'is that purity. Sayers quoted as evidence that what is meant is menstruation: Almighty, saying:) Z ( [Divorce: 4] showed verse that Alaash and small Tatdan months for non-menstrual text, suggesting that the kit Balehidhat not Balothar, and prayer but left in Menstruation in purity [(1)] . They quoted saying ^: if Qrak comes not pray [(2)] . The innocence of the uterus in the kit know menstruation not . And interpreted to be saying the Almighty:) ( Divorce: 1] receptor , in purity to receive promised menstruation [(3)] .

Sayers quoted as evidence that be Balqra the purity: the Holy Quran with his interpretation of the year, saying the Almighty:) ( Divorce: 1] Vtalegohn in time which eliminates divorce him, and he knapsacks [(4)] , and because the Prophet ^ interpreted Alqra in an interview Ibn Umar that he divorced his wife when she is menstruating, he recalled Omar Messenger of Allah ^, Vngaz the Messenger of Allah ^ then said: for review and then maintained by the so purified and then menstruate , the switchboard to divorce Vlatalgaha pure untouched before, then that is the kit as God commanded him [(5)] , and talk is no doubt true, which confirms that the be explicitly purity, which that I see the line with manuals. They quoted from the language of the feminization of the word in the number of 'three menstrual periods' The three feminine than number indicates that the masculine numbered menstrual periods, and purity is a masculine The menstrual word is feminine. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (121): several pregnant Almrohgar for divorce or annulment as follows: 1 three the full participants who menstruate ... It Hanafi and Hanbali.

She said Article 121 P 1 .. do not hear suit women Bannagdaha the three months before the divorce or annulment 0 It is mostly that of women in the menstrual cycle every month, does not matter for Nader. Kit in months : And Almatdat the months of two types of women: the answer section kit in months instead of menstruation, the department should be preparing the starting months. Section I : Small and Alaash: They are several not y and menstrual data that was small without puberty, or not yet urging reached, or if any o e do not menstruate for her old age, Vtatdan three months from the date of the band. 's Verse:) Z ( Divorce: 4] . verse desperate large and small Almtikh the intercourse. The Article (121) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: Several non-pregnant women to divorce or annulment as follows: 3 three months for Isiah. This includes small that do not menstruate, though the law did not allow her marriage unless her body is not valid (m, 15, 16 and 18). Section II: several whose husband has died is pregnant ( 1) :

E. n several whose husband has died is the holder, four months nest Rh days, whether the wife was small or large, Mdjula or not, any Q of menstruation or women with menstruation, and there is no minimum suspiciously cajoling, no lesson to menstruation in promised, says:) o the [ ( Al-Baqarah: 234] . This is stipulated in Article 123 of the Syrian Personal Status Law: several whose husband has died four months and ten days. He graduated pregnant woman whose husband has died Article (124). The kit are required before entering the death, stipulating Article (126): does not oblige the kit before entering the correct and being alone, but of death. Extended several knapsacks ( 2) : Extended purity which is delayed by her period often does not know how long stretches her purity, or that do not distinguish between blood menstruation and istihaadah, a disease or for some other reason. Scholars differed on the detail as follows: First team : Maalikis and Hanbali to it that did not know the reason for the high menstruation invoke nine months first, which is the demise of suspicion that there might be pregnant, because it is often the duration of pregnancy, and secondly three months desperate menstruation, if her period begins before the end of the

year, the day resumed the foregoing or wait menses second. At the old saying when Shafei lying in wait for nine months. Runner-up : tap and Shaafa'is that extended purity invoke Balkaroe the adult what amounted to, or reach menopause, a five and fifty or sixty years, three months and then invoke several Alaash, as well as when Hanbali known cause of high menstruation. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (121): Several non-pregnant women to divorce or annulment as follows: 2 years extended full purity that menstrual Ajaiha or came to her and then cut off, and did not reach menopause. Several flee divorce: If a man divorces his wife revocable divorce and then before the end of the promised husband dies, unanimously agreed: That promised transmitted to several resumed her death. If a divorced her in irrevocably illness without her consent and then died in the promised counting a fugitive from its legacy in the doctrine of majority without Shaafa'is and was promised according to the following views: Abu Hanifa and Mohammed and Ahmed in the novel and the owners of the My owner they invoke Bibad the

term of several divorces and several deaths reserves, Vttrbes four months and ten days after death, and follow several Aloqra if you have not finished in that time period

Maalikis and Shafi'i and Ahmad, according to him: they are not transmitted to several deaths, but complement several Aloqra, because he died for it is not his wife Bbenontha of marriage, but it came out about the meaning of the rule of the wife Balbinona, even if she died before him did not inherit [(1)] .

The third requirement: the expense of preparing

Iddah expense revocable divorce ( 1) : The righteous of divorce retroactive wife, the marriage contract while preparing, remains expense as it is before the divorce agreement scholars, they have housing, alimony, and everything necessary for living, whether pregnant or not, to the verse: ) ( Divorce: 6] . Iddah divorce irrevocably expense ( 2) : E. N. righteous of divorce may be pregnant or not pregnant: If they are pregnant there is no dispute among scholars in the necessity of alimony and housing them, says:) [ ( Divorce: 6] and saying ^ Fatima bint Qays: no expense to you, but to be a pregnant ( 3) Because the pregnancy was born to him,

then he has to spend on him, and he can not spend it only spending by . If the righteous of divorce the barrier is not pregnant, as well as from the righteous dissolution Almokhtlah, the scholars differed as to the necessity of alimony and residential have to : First : the owner, Shafi'i and Ahmad in a novel: residential, have no alimony However Almokhtlah if on housing, it is not her thing. II: Abu Hanifa the: her alimony and housing, and are not to dwell with them because they are rightShara. Quoted the Sayers public housing only: 1 from the Koran: Almighty, saying:) [ ( Divorce: 6] has enjoined God dwell Per absolute, under alimony pregnancy, which indicates that there is no expense for the Hail irrevocably , and remains her only residential. 2 of Sunnah: Aj Fatima bint Qays: that Abu Amr bin Hafs divorced at all, which is absent, it sent agent Bsair the, Vschtth. He said to her: God owner we have of something, the Messenger of Allah came ^ mentioned that to him, he said: You do not have it expense [(1)] . 3 It is reasonable : The marital may still that fall alimony such as death and alimony in an interview empowerment has remains shall fall alimony.

Tap quoted as evidence for the following: 1 from the Koran: the verse:) o the ( Divorce: 6] and to refrain from alimony harm them has forbidden him suggesting obligatory [(2)] . 2 of Sunnah : Aj that Omar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him when heard that Fatima girl Qais said: what made me the Messenger of Allah ^ habitable or maintenance, Omar said: Do not leave the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of our Prophet ^ to tell the woman, we do not know perhaps preserved or forgotten, its residential and alimony [(3)] . Iddah expense of death [(4)] : The scholars agreed that the death of the righteous have no expense, because of maintenance but must be either enabled or of the contract, has still to death, either because of pregnancy, and death may still these rights, because the dead do not assume anything. They differed in the habitable for the death of righteous according to the following: Tap and Shaafa'is in the words rather than Roy Hanbali: that it is not habitable nor expense. The Maalikis and Shaafa'is in more correct that her habitation, and stipulated for this two conditions: entering the pair, and the presence of the tabernacle, and irrevocably the deceased by her husband dwell never unconditionally.

Quoted Sayers that neither the expense nor habitable, including the following: 1 quoted speech Fatima bint Qays that the Prophet ^ said: but alimony and housing for women on her husband what he had irreversible [( 1) . 2 According to Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with in the verse:) [ ( Baqarah: 240] copies Mtalln to squint verse inheritances, including the imposition of God to them than a quarter the price and copy the internship to squint to make Ogelhma four months and ten days. He quoted Maliki and Shafi'i for unnecessary habitation: Almighty, saying:) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 234] and stalking for several rather be in the marital home, otherwise there is no meaning him in another shop, and sought the heirs to wait for the end of the kit. And saying ^ for muslim owner: in your home until the book for him [( 2) . Iddah expense rotten marriage and intercourse on suspicion: Went public that the righteous for the dissolution of the marriage of corrupt after entering without carry no expense nor habitable, because they do not deserve alimony if the meeting, nearer that does not deserve after separation.

And Maalikis to prove the only habitation. If she was pregnant when annulment, the when Shaafa'is: Rather not at her expense, which Alozarmen two versions when Hanbali, and saying Balzovernma be maintenance of pregnancy do not have an agreement [(] 1 ) . The fourth requirement: marital fun (Divorce fun) It is money paid to the wife irony in life. Doctrines of jurists in the fun: the audience went to mustahabb Per absolute absolute, but before entering did not impose her dowry her pleasure. Shaafi'is and should be fun for all their income, as well as the High absolute before entering that did not impose her dowry, if the imposition of her is not fun for her. And in agreement: If the band because of it is not fun for her. Quoted Shaafa'is saying the Almighty:) [ ( AlBaqarah: 241] and says:) ( [AlBaqarah: 236] and the significance of verses clear and should be fun because it is obligatory , did not respond to the Commissioner that the imposition of absolute her because God said:) e e e e ( cow: 236] Vastrt the lack of enforcement for the necessity of fun. And carry the evidence listed on the public mustahabb presumption: really benefactors, pious, they want Fear

and Mtawa otherwise it is not explicit in verse should be an absolute pleasure to High, which did not name her dowry. This came in the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (61): 1 Mehr ideals must correct in the contract when you do not rename or corruption Mehr label. 2 If there is a divorce before entering and being alone correct then it must be fun. This text is OK to view public without Shaafa'is in the need for absolute pleasure that did not name her dowry or the corruption label dowry, before entering and being alone. As much fun: It is permissible to report in alone highest absolute Maizhae, and argued: that it should not exceed ideals Mehr And is recommended to not less than half Mehr ideals when the tap, Shaafa'is and of Shaafa'is that not less than thirty dirhams, or Maisawi it, and the price of sheep , estimated at the equivalent of this in our time, which is less desirable, or dress and lookalike of cladding and close to that Hanbali, and as much as Tap least five dirhams any equivalent if the husband was poor. If there is a conflict of: Hanafi, Shafi'i went to the judge appreciated by considering the case of the couple in the

left and insolvency and qualities because God said:) ( with the verse :) ( .

Maalikis and Hanbali mind the condition of the pair of the verse [(1)] . and estimated the article (62) of the Personal Status Law Syria stipulating pleasure: pleasure is the covering of women such as when you go out of the house, where if the pair is considered to be no more than half the dowry ideals. It is the realization of the Hanafi and Shafi'i not to shortages half Mehr ideals, and the realization of the doctrine of Maliki and Hanbali into account the husband's condition.

The fifth requirement: expense Almatdat in Syrian Personal Status Law

Article 83 should be the man maintenance Matdth from the divorce or annulment. This is the includes all Almatdat the text: retro, irrevocable and death, has two resolutions violated by the Court of Cassation, so I went: No expense of the deceased by her husband, pursuant to Article (331) of the book Kadri Pasha conditions, applicable in terms of the (305) of the Personal Status Law. (St. 173 163 04/29/1965). The following is the text of Article (331) of the book Kadri Pasha conditions: is not obligatory maintenance of

all kinds of free whose husband has died, whether a barrier or pregnant. This decision is also contrary to see the launch of Article (83). While another decision went to: alimony and due to iddah absolutely (St. 465 447 12/28/1954). Which swing proved the expense of housing for the general Almatdat as long as the in marital habitable without canoeing alone but iddah of death is not forbidden from this the death of the husband, because it does not make sense removed from the domicile just her husband's death, the heirs can waiting for the promised. It remains problematic in determining the duration of alimony depending for the kit, has been mentioned Article (84) Duration maximum expense in the kit is nine months, which reads: the expense of preparing expense marital and ruled out of date and should be preparing, and serving them for a period of more than nine months. But could be preparing longer than nine months, has been taking the law doctrine of Maliki and Hanbali select preparing for an extended purity year (AD 121/2) remains the righteous without the expense of three months with Ahtbasha in residential marital status, it must amend this article (84) to spend it to a year. The righteous are forced to spend promised in the marital home (Court St. 399 388 10/31/1954), a Hanbali

doctrine in irrevocably from the face of the barrier must be residential willing immunization bed in her womb and not carry it must then her alimony.

Part III of birth and their effects [(1)]

Chapter I: Percentages Chapter II: breastfeeding Chapter III: The nursery Chapter IV: the expense of relatives

Chapter I: Percentages
The first topic : prove descent The first requirement: proven correct proportions of contract. The second requirement: prove the existence of the duration of pregnancy ratios. The third requirement: proven corrupt ratios in the contract and intercourse with suspicion. The second topic : the means to prove lineage : The first requirement: prove descent Balbana. The second requirement: prove descent recognition. The third topic : the proven ratios in the kit : The first requirement: Download iddah rates of divorce. And approved before the end of death promised. The second requirement: Download iddah rates of divorce and death approved end promised. The third requirement: ratios carry Alaash and small. The fourth requirement: load ratios divorced woman not oblige preparing. The fifth requirement: load ratios absent wife whom he married after another. Section IV : banished cases ratios. Section V : bastard provisions.

The first topic : prove descent

Definition of ratios and Dalila: Idiomatically ratios: approximately constant legally to the father starting. And that God is the one who estimated this relationship legitimate marriage Vaattabrha nearly) ( women: 8] . And corroborated by God the father) ( The Cow: 233] has: the conscience of the father has acknowledged this kinship If her legitimate) I the face I Io Io I I I I I ( Furqan: 54] . God has blessed human proportions without other creatures in honor of this man, linking many of the provisions in this legal recognition [(1)] .

The first requirement: proven correct proportions of contract [(2)]

General jurists went to proven lineage contract, but the majority of scholars stipulated the possibility of access, because the reason for the existence of contract descent, and police entry, and found that only he could, if the disappearance of possible cut that the contract is no longer runs the risk of entry. Tap went to the marriage contract without sufficient regard for the possibility of access to the contract in his place with a requirement to do in perception, and perception possible in he married Mashreqi Bamorah and their more than six months WITNESS march for dignity,

aid or Inq. And tap quoted saying ^: child to bed and salacious stone [(3)] , and in the cause and Rhode modern conflict of Saad bin Abi Waqas and Abdullah bin Zama said Saad: My nephew, had been entrusted to it, so he Abd bin Zama said: my brother and the son born of my father, was born on the bed, said the Messenger of Allah ^: is for you, O Abdul bin Zam'ah [(1)] . In this modern denial of Descent adulterer with check and , and proof of the contract at all ratios. And went Ibn Taymiyyah to require access investigator, a novel war for Ahmed, and the text Ahmad who divorces before construction, missed his wife, Bold, , Ventfa him without a suffered, so that it does not prove descent as soon as possible Alaellouk if they cut Pantvah usually, it must be Access investigator to be women bedding [(2)] . This is provided that they come to the child for more than the duration of pregnancy is less in the decade, as well as the condition to come by for less than more than the duration of pregnancy from the date of divorce if they have been divorced. This significant contract rotten if coupled to enter, but a lesson on entering into account less the duration of pregnancy, on the irony in the calculation of the maximum duration of the pregnancy, as well as in intercourse suspicion, like someone treading woman and thought she his wife.

It also requires that the husband imagines it usually cords, there is no proof descent pair of small, does not prove descent from the anointed and Almajabub. Maliki said [(3)] that the six days of teams with significant pal, and its meaning: a small and below is not considered as a day or two or three.

The second requirement: demonstrate ratios existence for pregnancy [(1)]

Fix the rates if the pregnancy came in the period of the incident among the least the duration of pregnancy and up. Less duration of pregnancy: jurists agreed that the minimum duration of pregnancy is six months, then they differed at the beginning of the duration of pregnancy went public to it from the time of entry and the possibility of intercourse. And went to tap it from the time of the contract, Pan ^ saying: child to bed and salacious stone and bedding is the marriage contract. The public evidence that women are not only able to have intercourse bedding, which is with the entry. Tap considered valid contract shrine in, because the contract runs the risk of entry, which you can know a sense for all or for some.

And guide the masses that the less the duration of pregnancy is six months is the consensus of the companions, As Roy: that Omar may Allah be pleased with him brought a woman who had been born six months to understand , reaching the top may Allah be pleased with him, he said: It is not by stoning, reaching that age may Allah be pleased with him, he sent him, asked him, he said: He says:) e e e e [ ( Al-Baqarah: 233] said:) [ ( Ahqaf: 15] Vsth months to carry Holin Tamam not limit them, or he said: I do not stoned them. said: Fajly by then I was born [(2)] . Osman took the saying and Darragh them reduce was unanimous. The maximum duration of the pregnancy : scientists have relied on an extrapolation of the conditions of the people, albeit in a little rare, there is no provision in it. Vqderha audience in four years, and quoted a speechWaleed ibn Muslim: This woman neighbor Mohammed bin Ajlan woman sincerity, and her husband, a man of truth, carried three in twelve years, carry each litter four years [(1)] . And two years of tap, and quoted Aisha speech: What increase of women in pregnancy and as much as two years under the promises of the spindle turns [(2)] .

Of Maalikis, in the words of last five years and in the last six or seven, and the famous: four. And of Ibn Hazm nine months does not increase it, and quoted a speech about Umar said: Whatever a man divorces his wife Vhadt menstrual cycle or Hadtin, then stayed, Feltcil nine months to carry, if that is not Istbn carry in nine months Feltatd after nine months, three months, several I stayed for menstruation [(3)] . The Article (128) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: Less duration of the pregnancy of one hundred and eighty days and most calendar years. Article 129 1 each wife was born in the right marriage attributed to her husband following two conditions: A to go to the marriage contract less the duration of pregnancy. That does not prove lack of convergence between the spouses are felt as if one of the spouses was a prisoner or absent in a country far more than the duration of pregnancy. The third requirement: prove descent in the contract and intimacy on suspicion of corrupt Marriage rates in corrupt: That was married at the promised of the second with his knowledge Badtha came Bold, abides from the first that brought him for less than two years, or from the second that brought him to six months or more, with the

fact that marriage is the second corrupt, from the date of intercourse when the public is correct when Shaafa'is In another aspect of the contract time. And said Shaafa'is: ignorance suit prohibition does not accept the righteous and the weight is only close to the era of Islam, and the ignorance of being iddah never Tribal [(1)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in the marriage rates in the corrupt and enter suspicion: Article 132 1 born of the marriage after the corrupt in if born to one hundred and eighty days or more from the date of entry, proved a percentage of the pair. 2 If the birth after Mtarkh or disperse does not prove lineage unless brought him through the years from the date Almtarkh or differentiation. Article 133 1 Almutuh the suspicion if they come from less Bold duration of pregnancy and most proven proportion of Allowatye. 2 When proven lineage even corrupt to marry someone or suspicion, resulted in all the results of the marriage relationship and prevents the prohibited degrees and worth the expense of kinship and inheritance. Prove descent in intercourse on suspicion: The statement proved ratios in suspicion has to be a statement suspicion and proven ratios by type : And suspicion of three types:

1 suspect in the contract: They are found where the contract does not really picture, and prove descent, than that: a contract with trampling on the fifth should not limit other than Abu Hanifa ratios do not limit and prove descent with ta'zeer. 2 suspected in the act: It intercourse suspect dissolved by claiming, like someone treading woman pitched to him as his wife, and said to him: is your wife, and show that it is not his wife, or intercourse with righteous sovereignty, or Almokhtlah, and proves the percentages provided that come by for less than the maximum the duration of pregnancy, if the duration of the pregnancy ended it proves only that the allegations, and not all suspicion in the act prove descent. 3 In the shop there are suspicion directory installed to resolve opposed'd inherited suspicion in Ornament shop, Kalmatdh in divorce metonymy structure three times, not end in promised, though aware Bahramtha to check the difference in the privacy and do manual violator. Should not reduce in suspicion shop even aware inviolable, to prove the king of the face, did not stay the full meaning of adultery, there must be met with suspicion, as evidenced by his claim ratios. The coming of women from pregnancy to below six months of intercourse with her on suspicion of undamaged ratios but the pair if they were married,

but signed a conflict between and pair with the possibility of being a two boy was the pair's likely to bed when you tap and Shaafa'is to say, in the words of another when Shaafa'is: Displays the boy on Velhgah who thinks it most likely, or wait attainable and affiliation with himself [(1)] .

The second topic : the means to prove descent

The first requirement: prove descent Balbana the [(2)]

Evidence Language: is appearing and clarity [(3)] . And idiomatically: witnesses who testify to prove something [(1)] . Although originally in permanence ratios where availability is caused by a contract right, and the possibility of police in what enunciated If someone claimed lineage from another, or a woman claimed her son proportions of men did not prove descent only Balbana. The evidence here is two men only when the public tap is a man and two women or two men, and this so-called Alastelhak. And picture it: to witness to the Son, two .. On the adoption of the father that his son and Astelhakh him and then returned, or vision entering a woman alone without Born beta and then exit after the time of it with a boy and not at home woman other and know that it generated,

not baptized seen it signed an agreement, because their need may not, in whole Muslim to carry the case on righteousness as possible. If you witnessed or witnessed proved ratios. But as proven ratios Balbana on birth and initialization, the scholars differed in that: Hanafi and Hanbali went to accept the testimony of a woman per Bmaad emergence of rope or cord with the denial of recognition of birth bed and the presence of any existing contract or its effects, and the boy should testify. And Maalikis to the requirement of a certificate two women . The Shaafi'is to the requirement of a certificate of four women. Evidence and discussion and weighting: Quoted Hanafi and Hanbali including Bayhaqi narrated: that the Messenger of Allah ^ authorized testimony midwife. And quoted Maliki requiring a second woman in the Koran so is required here on the safe side. And quoted Shaafa'is including Roy tender: It is not permissible only four women in the initialization. Which swing Maalikis to require testimony of two women to give birth and start-up, which is not too hard.

The second requirement: Proof of lineage recognition [(1)]

Section I: recognizing the same proportions Headquarters: that acknowledges someone to the unknown lineage as the son or father, but this recognition health conditions, are: 1 to be his headquarters unknown parentage for saying ^: 'Cursed be he that belonged to his father is [(2)] . 2 to be born like him to like him, to be potentially difference between Snehma of the childbearing like him to like him. 3 ratification Headquarters him as acknowledged by the headquarters of the descent was significant by saying, but that was small or insane is not essential to believe. 4 not claim Headquarters of adultery because it does not fit the proportions installed, but for the death. 5 to prove himself ratios is not, if approved wife or iddah the boy or the other did not prove lineage for adoption by her husband, but agreed with her, because the approval download rates on others. Is not valid any way invalidate or set aside percentages after is proven not Balan. Article (129) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: P 1: 1 move less for a six-month pregnancy. 2 a meeting between couple and .

P-2: If negated one of these conditions does not prove the boy ratios of the pair unless acknowledged or claimed. Came the second paragraph to restrict the conditions contained in the first paragraph the approval pair certified the descent and his claim is proven, is the view of the public without Maliki certified the proportions once acknowledged or prosecution. And Article 134 of the Syrian Personal Status Law: 1 recognition of filiation, even in death, disease of unknown parentage, prove descent from office if the age difference between them is likely this filiation. 2 If the headquarters of a married woman or iddah not prove the boy from her husband ratios only or Balbana.
Section II: recognition on non-mobile rates [(1)] :

So that heirs acknowledges paternity of their father or their relative to this person ... And that if they are heirs, but that they are not the heirs were witnesses to prove descent. Reserve headquarters is not required quorum certificate in a novel small mosque when Hanafi, Shafi'i and Hanbali, because ratification heirs longer recognition certificate. The certificate when the Hanafi and Maliki conditions shall be met the terms of the certificate, abides judgment on everyone.

The acknowledgment must be all the heirs of the authentication two abides ratios headquarters and shared by all in the inheritance, does not require . If ratified some and denying others quorum was attained in the certificate on the the abides percentage difference in right other and shared their share of the inheritance without the other, because the argument limited recognition they do not include others. And said Shaafa'is: not shared inheritance, because inheritance ratios Branch, does not prove descent. The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (134/2): If the headquarters of a married woman or iddah not prove the boy from her husband ratios only or Balbana. Article (135): Adoption of unknown parentage paternity or maternity prove descent if honest Headquarters him and the age difference between them is likely that. Article (136): proportions in the non-recognition of filiation and parenting does not apply to nonHeadquarters only .

The third topic : the proven ratios in the kit

The first requirement: Download iddah rates of divorce and death before approving the end of promised
If a woman divorced from animate Aloqra or a woman whose husband died Bold came to the maximum duration of pregnancy from the date of divorce proved ratios to a more correct absolute when Shaafa'is without absolute distinction between reactionary or irrevocably because Alaellouk of and not likely to have an accident after a divorce. But if he brought him to more than the maximum duration of pregnancy from the time of divorce there is no proof descent denied divorced spouse, to the certainty that it is not him, the possibility of Alaellouk than anyone else, unless claimed abides, and holds that the intercourse suspicion was during several divorce three with the most likely solution intercourse, or revocable divorce was, in promised her auditor, and may have been extended purity abides ratios as long as was in promised. If you do not let him, did not prove lineage to him, and the rule of lapse promised before her birth six months and returns the expense of six months at the Abu Hanifa and Muhammad, because the boy after a period of maximum load to be being a trampling accident, has

elapsed promised and married other Vlzimha Re expense of six months.

And Abu Yusuf went to the expiration of the promised development of pregnancy are not a thing of the alimony, the probability of intercourse with her husband on suspicion of himself or others on suspicion does not fall off alimony probability. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (130): If you do not recognize the absolute or whose husband has died lapse rates promised prove her son if she bore within one year from the date of divorce or death, does not prove more than that unless claimed by a spouse or heirs. He observed that the law has restricted the duration of pregnancy one year from the date of divorce or death in keeping with reality as to what scholars but his sons on the induction, and can be received in that possibility.

The second requirement: Download iddah divorce and death approved the end of the promised
If divorced woman Voqrt lapse promised after ago a reasonable period of time to expiry, the Bold came and what NUR past two or two years of her divorce, consider: The Bold came less than six months from the day approval expiry promised the proven ratios for the pair. If brought him for six months or more than a day approval lapse promised not proved attributed to this pair, because they are certified by adopting the expiry

promised, has been six months, which is enough to Aellouk than any other, unless it appears false or Gltha in the approval of certainty, as if it came her child for less than six months from the day of approval, be approval Glta and the lie. And said Shaafa'is: even acknowledged the end of the promised and did not get married and came to the Bold before the end of the maximum duration pregnancy proved ratios to the pair, but if I got married and came six months after the Bold Pregnancy for the second, and only what without it first. So he went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (131): absolute or died Almqrtan lapse preparing prove their child ratios if born to less than / 180 / days from the time of approval, and less than a year from the time of divorce or death.

The third requirement: ratios carry Alaash and small

If the promised months and was Isiah Then came Bold As recognized after the end of the promised, or acknowledged the end of the promised If came to two years from the time of her divorce proved attributed to the pair, because they Poladtha aware not Aaasha and that it animate Aloqra, or acknowledged the end of the promised came Bold for less than Six months proven lineage as well.

If a small lapse acknowledged promised the lapse of three months, and then came the Bold for less than six months since the approval ratios and proven, but not proven, to the emergence of false expiry promised, because not born to load in less than six months of marriage last. If you do not recognize the end of the promised acknowledged pregnancy during the kit abides ratios to two years from the time of her divorce irrevocable, and proves to twenty-seven months from the time of her divorce reactionary, for the emergence of that Alaellouk was in the kit, and the kit three months before her period, if I was born for more than twenty-seven months show that Alaellouk was three months later than others.

The fourth requirement: load ratios divorced woman does not oblige the kit
If you do not answer the kit on absolute Kalmtalegh before enter boy not prove However, the pair came to less than six months from the time of divorce, and thus knows for sure that this husband who divorced her [(1)] .

The fifth requirement: load ratios absent wife he married after the last
If the wife was the death of a spouse or divorce then assaulted and married the latest, or claimed that she married another, and then came the first pair, was born

from the second boys, abides descent from the second, not first is the view of Abu Yusuf. And his statement: that it would be the first that brought him to less than six months of the Second Decade for sure Aelloukh than the first, albeit Born pregnancy for more than six months is the second, and this is the first by the fatwa, because the boy to bed real, even if corrupt, which is returned to him Imam and favored son Abdeen [(1)] .

Section IV : banished cases ratios [(2)]

First case: deny ratios denying the birth of the child: The pair deny the birth of his wife to deny the boy on condition of ratios knowledge Bhablha, and the cord is not visible, Vllzojh the proof of birth certificate or other removable in doctrine Alsahben, because one woman's testimony in this case will suffice. Abu Hanifa and went to unnecessary testimony of two men or one man and two women. And requires the denial of birth: 1 not to adopt husband expressly birth or indication as if accepted congratulations newborn or removable brought. 2 and not delay attributed denied, etc. count Acknowledging percentage. The second case: denied ratios for non-childbearing potential:

If the husband can not imagine him to conceive of a youngster or for or being wiped thereby preventing reproduction there is no proof ratios, because of the conditions of the birth ratios like him to like him .. The third case: denied ratios for lack of convergence between the couple: Went public without tap that can be denied ratios for lack of convergence between the couple. The fourth case: denied ratios for non-moving period specified minimum period of pregnancy or move up to: Can a husband to deny the boy if his wife came Bold for less than six months from the date of the contract, or for more than the maximum duration of pregnancy from the date of the divorce, however it can be for a husband to approve rates unless the boy let him of adultery. The fifth case: deny descent through the curse: Denying that the boy ratios section of sections curse, so that swear both spouses Faihlv the pair of four faith to deny the boy, and swear wife to lie in Neve pair of Born [(1)] . The Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (129) P-3: If the availability of these two conditions are less duration of pregnancy and the meeting between the two does not negate the boy ratios in the pair, but Balan.

Section V : provisions bastard [(2)] and adoption

The first requirement: bastard provisions in Islamic jurisprudence

Foundling: is the child whose parents did not know [(3)] , then the Muslims captured pursuant to the verse:) I Io Io I ( table: 2] As narrated by Sa'eed ibn Mansoor in his Sunan for years Dad beautiful, he said: I found Mlquta I came by Omar ibn al-Khattab, said Arifi: aamir believers, he's a good man, he said Age: Okzlk is? He said: Yes. Said: Go It is free, and you loyalty, and we expense. Foundling provisions: 1 bastard custody: Muslims must imposing adequacy custody and care, which he finds not picked up is a sin, and if damage within it, if you do not place Matarouka. 2 ratios bastard: If you claimed one lineage before, but rescinded the right captured in survival with his hand to honor proportions, especially if claimed by the evidence and a sign in his body, or was with him, to the testimony apparent to him, the allegations last beyond did not accept, because the proportions if it is proved irrevocably However, if the other established evidence saying, provides rehabilitated. But this does not prove ratios adoption, but ratios rule illegitimate estimated street presence in the boy that came through a valid contract, God Almighty is the one

who made him proportions and , not individual people, he said:) I I Io Io I I I I ( Criterion: 54] but this was ratios for human beings face the project was not for others. 3 Dean bastard: The bastard if any Muslim in the Muslim shops. 4 State bastard: May not dispose same bastard Baltazoaj for it is not the same mandate it, and also may not be disposed with his money. To Tonger partial mandate of the same bastard has to rent, and teaches the craft and the like from his teaching, education and save the state. 5 Foundling money: may not be disposed with his money, and money is found with his bastard king. Captured due to maintenance on that bastard father knew, captured Faihlv spent it spent to is due to .

The second requirement: bastard provisions in the Syrian legislation

Legislative Decree No. 107 dated 05/04/1970 on the following: Article 2: Each of the bastard found to betray him to the nearest police station with the clothes that they were and all the other things that he found him or near him.

Article 5: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor foundling care, sponsorship and educated so that he can rely on himself and earn a living. Article 6: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor jurisdiction over the same bastard until it is completed the age of eighteen. Article 7: bastard treats minor orphan treatment with regard to guardianship of his wealth, and apply to the commandment, the commandment provisions of the Personal Status Law. Article 13: The Muslim bastard unless it is proved otherwise. Article 14: apply to all of the claims related ratios Belkat provisions relating to recognition in the proportions set out in the Personal Status Law [(1)] .

Chapter II

Section I : Definition of breastfeeding and the amount and duration of The first requirement: the definition of breastfeeding and his reign. The second requirement: amount of breastfeeding forbidden. The third requirement: duration of breastfeeding forbidden. The second topic : the expense of breastfeeding The first requirement: breastfeeding fare and force the mother to breastfeeding. The second requirement: donation breastfeeding. Section III : Proof of breastfeeding The first requirement: proven breastfeeding testimony. The second requirement: recognition of breastfeeding.

Section I : Definition of breastfeeding and the amount and duration of

The first requirement: the definition of breastfeeding and cash equivalents

Idiomatically : The arrival of the stomach milk [(1)] . The rule of breastfeeding : If found breastfeeding on his own terms was influential in the prohibition marry relatives of the infant, the longer the baby and his descendants alone without his brothers and assets, and followed by the family that Artda them, it becomes a man nursing a father, a nursing mother, and their children are brothers to him. . So spread the privacy of relatives, as the Messenger of Allah ^: deprived of breastfeeding denied descent [(2)] Vtbah alone and considering that fitnah As may be seen. Neither alimony, inheritance breastfeeding, and also does not prove the mandate nor the parental mind [(3)] .

The second requirement: the amount of breastfeeding is forbidden [(4)]

Scholars differed in the amount of breastfeeding is forbidden: Hanafi and Maliki went to just breastfeeding at the time beneficial to the prohibition, even if one of Events, Mstdelan the Almighty, saying:) ( women: 23] it commented prohibition the lactation.

And saying ^: deprived of breastfeeding denied descent, recalled talk absolute lactation without restricting the number. The Shaafi'is and Hanbali that the prohibition of breastfeeding prove five feedings Mhavat, the Aillthen custom. They quoted as evidence narrated from Aisha said: was later revealed the Koran ten feedings Information denied then Preheat five Info died Messenger of Allah ^ They read from the Koran [( 1) . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (35) to: 2 in feeds required for the prohibition to be in the first two years, and has five times Misc only baby in all of them a little amount or a lot.

The third requirement: for breastfeeding Muharram [(2)]

The majority of scholars, them Alsahban of a Mufti tap when the tap to the duration of breastfeeding in the prohibition are influential Qmrian not deprive after Holin. The condition Maaliki not dispense with the baby for feeding the food, if sacked during the past two milk there is prohibition breast with after letting go, as accepted lactation increased for the past two month or two months.

Abu Hanifa and went to the get breastfeeding prohibition to thirty months. He quoted from the Koran public: the Almighty, saying:) eeee [ ( Al-Baqarah: 233] The verse in clear text for breastfeeding prohibition that has been in the past. Of the year: Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him: What was in the first two years, albeit one of Events is forbidden [(3)] . And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (35/2) to the doctrine in public for breastfeeding taboo during the first two years of the child's age. He quoted Abu Hanifa: Almighty, saying:) [ ( women: 23] verse absolute mention time of prohibition, and then select it, saying the Almighty:) [ ( Ahqaf: 15] each thirty months, and not the duration of pregnancy Thirty of the guide as two years when the tap.

The second topic : the expense of breastfeeding

The first requirement: breastfeeding fare and force the mother to breastfeeding
Went public to that breastfeeding fare but obliges the baby if he has money, he has no money: Valenvqh who must spend a Father's starting.

The mother asked taxi expense breastfeeding her son from his father, and her refrain to take a taxi, but it shall breastfeeding does not eliminate religion. The text of the Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (152): 1 fare suckling child, whether breastfeeding naturally or artificially charge Bnafqath and is in return for its food. The Shaafi'is also to force the mother to breastfeed her baby milk colostrum even tells him conventionally, It is that the first few days of birth. Forced to breastfeed also and there is no other, and interview requests, as well as the Hanbali said. And went Tap to not obligatory expense of breastfeeding her, and must breastfeed religion does not eliminate, if accepted breastfeed Pay pant ability to breastfeed it must breastfeed spend, nor the expense of her infancy, as long as the wife or iddah, to the necessity of the expense of marital or preparing them, and after Bainuna and the end of the kit her breastfeeding fare. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (152): 2 is not worth the fare mother breastfeeding if the marriage or divorce in several reactionary.

The second requirement: donation breastfeeding or less than the taxi fare breastfeeding mother
If the found breastfeeding donor or without pay, which take the mother was the first donor at the tap and in say Maalikis, and say more correct when Shaafa'is. The Shaafi'is in the words and Hanbali to that deserving Bredall mother did not ask for more from the wage like, which favored Almargennane the Ibn Abidin from the tap. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (153): donor deserving of breastfeeding if requested fare mother and father was insolvent to be breastfeeding in the house of the mother. Is the view of the public in the fact that the donor first, but the law is, it is taking doctrine other in the fact that the mother first Vastrt indigestion father and asked the mother taxis, as often not to request parent fare, and every basic principle in suckling donor being in the house of the mother because her nursery. The Court of Cassation stated: if she agrees to breastfeed the boy free foreign mother asked ideals wage Valojunbah deserving of breastfeeding (St. 397 390 10/17/1970). And that it is not the father can cost over alimony that could be paid, but it has become affected) dd the ( .

Quoted Sayers that the first donor that mandated father increase, taxi or harm him, nor shall, God has said:) dd mm [ ( Al-Baqarah: 233] to refrain from breastfeed harms his father or ask for more pay like, It also does not solve the father be prejudiced his mother Fimnaha the breastfed with desire. Has passed a street that Istrda father is his mother, he said:) dd j Ij Ih Im apolipoprotein E ( [Al-Baqarah: 233] Any Tstrdawa N mothers to your children, there is nothing wrong with you .. do not cost the father's expense infancy. He quoted others who say that the mother is more deserving, saying the Almighty:) e e e (and breastfeed the news meant by it, and every mother prevails, so the mother first of what the it Once , unless Eetmhoud is damaging to request more than pay ideals [(1)] .

Section III : Proof of breastfeeding

The first requirement: proven breastfeeding testimony [(2)]

Tap and Shaafa'is to prove breastfeeding testimony of two men or one man and two women, and when Shaafa'is or four wives certificate. And replace the two men unless the certificate baptized to look at a woman's breasts individual some , and

nuclear likely that small accept her certificate unless accompanied by insisting on the matter. Tap quoted that what is accepted in the contract in order for its removal to prove breastfeeding, and it requires a man and two women do not need them. And quoted Shaafa'is that what it accepts only women accept the types of men and two women ..

The second requirement: recognition of breastfeeding

It is the recognition of approximately breastfeeding woman, a daughter or a sister or mother. If approved as his cousin does not accept his return condition for approval when the public, albeit honest deprived outwardly and inwardly, though a liar deprived inwardly, has no effect. , Tap on condition persistence on the approval, and persistence: to confirm a second approval as a right and so after deliberation, their Vivsch though their income, but it is not permissible to contract them. Does not require ratification by the wife to her husband Headquarters as Muharram him, although the impact should be dowry. It must have Mehr ideals when the public that claimed the pair breastfeeding and Oaafqath and had entered, and said Maliki: her labeled, and only needed half a dowry from the tap and Hanbali that did not enter it yet,

and may not married, does not invalidate the right of dowry, he said Shaafa'is: fell dowry whole, the wife denied the difference between them: and shall have a pony named The contract was entered true Otherwise Vmehr the parable. If there is no income may have had a half labeled. But if the wife claims breastfeeding: the pair, sincerity in his right hand that she married satisfied, and continued on their contract. The married not satisfied when Shaafa'is ratification Piminha the not being able to have intercourse with her, the selected enabled him not ratified. Mehr her ideals with her when she entered that claimed breastfeeding, but should not have anything. If doubt being forbidden him Redaa the there is a lesson to him, because the uncertainty does not go away with skepticism, and the origin of the solution is a certainty. It must be check Terms acknowledgment so like him are born to like him ... Kalaaqrar proportions [(1)] .

Chapter III

Section I : Definition of nursery and judgment and the fare on the nursery The expense of the child and forced them. The second topic : the custodian of men and women and their terms. The third topic : the incubation time. Section IV : a nursery place. Section V : Travel and vision of the child and his illness and his education. Section VI : the fall of the nursery and the establishment of the nursery.

Section I : Definition of nursery and judgment and the fare on the nursery and the expense of the child and forced on them.

The first requirement: the definition of custody and judgment and evidence
Definition of nursery idiomatically: Raising a child and do its interests. Sentenced custody and evidence: It is the right of the small and his relatives in order to save and sponsorship, which is due to mothers, because the basic where girls and Ohin be mother For more Hafqathen and and Hananhen, and also answer the saints 1)] ]). The evidence for that: From the Koran verse:) e e e e ( [Al-Baqarah: 233] . It must for that of the survival of the child when the mother because of her dream, patience and compassion and kindness to her son was deserving Bhoudanth [(2)] . It is Sunnah: a woman said: O Messenger of Allah! The son of this womb was a pot, and my breasts has , and stone him Eve, although his father divorced me, so he wanted to being snapped me, the Messenger of Allah said to her ^: You are deserving of out by unless Tnkahi the [(3)] . This talk of them begged to Prophet ^ jurisdiction over

these three things that I mentioned of pregnancy and breastfeeding The Aloknav included .. Which was shared by the father to specializes custody of the boy, endorsing her it's berthing ^ [(4)] . The consensus on this point because it is weak creature lacking both care reasons and sponsors sponsored Ahoudnh will [(1)] .

The second requirement: the fare on the nursery and the expense of the child and forced them
Fare on the nursery: The majority of scholars to have a taxi on custody if was not Menkouhh or iddah spend on her non-breastfeeding fare, which is on the charge Bnafqath, and by law, as stated in Article 142 of the Syrian Personal Status Law: Nursery fare on the taxpayer at little expense, according to estimates if entrusted to him. The Maalikis that do not fare on her nursery at all, although the expense of residential the Child Fbmahash by him or obliged to spend. The Shaafi'is to it that the requested fare for custody and found a donor or from the requested fare is lower than the mother is not the first. Hanbali went to the eligibility of the mother with the fare at all, because his father does not take custody

himself, but pays child to a woman, and his mother right to it [(2)] . As Article (143): the mother does not deserve custody Fare in the event of the marriage or in several divorce. Tap said: If the father was insolvent custody benefactor donated Muharram Kalama was him otherwise it is not, because the mother only if she agrees to first for free, and force them, if not a donor [(3)] . This is what it is Syria's personal status law in Article (144): If the charge of payment for nursery insolvent, unable to them and donate the custody of a small female kin Khairat between the incubator holding it without a cab or handed over to those who donate. Leaving law custody without charge in case of indigestion father went in Article (147/2): In the event included the boy to the mother or of the supply needed maintenance as long as they are able to do so. It must be taken into account Article 142 of the Code of Syrian read that the alimony to be assigned, if the small expense when mandated deficit or ten, which denote the text in Article (144) in the provide donated custody when indigestion father the mother, unless the mother donates them, which is what the scholars [(1)] , which is a text of Article (147/2). Forcing the nursery: If the mother refrained from incubation forcing them?:

Jurists went to the lack of force for a possible deficit, but he really her, do not force it, while the force if there is no other, or any other infant declined to accept the breast of his mother, or his father was insolvent, can not afford to rent a nursing Trdah, Vtelzmha the expense [(2)] .

The second topic : the custodian of the women and men and their terms

The first requirement: custodian of women and men

Went public to provide a more deserving women mother custody, then the mother's mother, then the mother father and their mothers Almudallaat of the Banat, because the basic principle is the mother and all of their cast, to increase . And Maalikis to provide mothers of the mother at all, a view Shaafa'is in the old, then aunts, and grandmother by the father, then the father, then the sisters, and aunts. The public: After Mother ..: sisters, and aunts, and other novel when the tap: Submit aunt on the father's sister, saying ^: aunt or [(1)] . Then blocks the sister and then mother and father and aunts, who are last women's nursery, and then acted to men, and when the tap: then acted to father, mother and mother's aunt and mother, then the father's aunt, then aunts mothers and fathers. Here are the disposal of incubation at the tap to the men, because they appreciate the protection and the

establishment of the interests of young people, and that while reaching the age to which they are incubation for men, according to We will remember him, a fixed for according to their strengths, and then to the judge. The Maalikis: after women guardian father, brother, and then his son, Uncle, and then his son, closest Valabad the [(2)] . And went Status Act Syrian in Article (139 P-1) to the opinion of the tap where he said: the right of custody to the mother, Vlomha though it raised, Flame father though Loud, Vllocht sister, Vllocht mother, Vllocht father, Vbannt sister, Fbnt sister, mother, Fbnt sister, father, Vllkhalat, Vllamat, in that order, then for of males on the order of inheritance. The incubator request custody stipulating Article (139) P-3 of the Code of Personal Status Syria: the pods, but were or grandmother mother to ask the judge delivered the small and the judge has to decide this delivery without spending a feud, after confirming Qrapthma document from the Secretariat of the Civil Registry, and decides also for a small expense temporary he deems costly, and is being implemented judge's decision by the Department of implementation competent and those who opposed in delivery or in alimony and Juba or amount to advance to the competent court claiming grievance of this resolution, and are subject lawsuit procedures and

methods to challenge the legal provisions does not affect This litigation is filed on the implementation of the resolution, but until a final judgment is issued. If brood multiplicity of single-sex: Hanafis to provide fittest Valawra the Valokpr, and Maalikis the most pathetic, but Ding including, Shafi'i and Hanbali: knocks, including [(1)] . And went to the Syrian Status Law that is the judge who picks restricted Balosaleh, where Article (140): If there are several owners the right to custody the right to choose the fittest. If this is not a brooder his lap and they expense Muslims [(2)] .

The second requirement: custodial Terms of women and men

1 Mind and adulthood : because it is the type of state, the pledge of a child, even if Jane is not a lesson for him rarely, and is such as illness. Therefore Syrian Personal Status Law (AD 137), which stipulates: incubation is required for eligibility of puberty and the mind and the ability to maintain the child's health and ethics. 2 justice and lack of debauchery : so as not to fall into sins such as adultery, which occupies the mother her child is lost, and enough justice phenomenon, because the basic principle of justice and honesty, and that the

personal status law, Vastrt ability to maintain a child's health and ethics (AD 137). Some of the scholars to count the large number of exit and similar adultery than the loss of a child. As well as longer, in part custodian of the men from the father and the other , Valvasag and boob no custody of them, and on the text of the Personal Status Law Syrian Article (147/3): If proved to be the guardian if the father is not safe on the micro-or small, to those followed in the state, and without prejudice by virtue of the first paragraph of this article. And that swing weight incubator Muscat whatever the age of the child. 3 to be the womb of Muharram and that the League : no girl Nursery Uncle, uncle and aunt girl and aunt, because the nursery building on the compassion and mercy, incest more pathetic, advance women the closest Valabad. The cousin Nursery if custody of a daughter desirable, is not delivered to an agreement. 4 can not be married to a foreigner for small: ^ saying: You are right to it unless Tnkahi [(1)] and to spend Abu Bakr Ibn Omar Asem to his mother, God bless them. 5 annexation mother is delivered to the people of the child and keep it off .

6 RUSHD Father to save money custody. 7 the ability to do custody matters. 8 and not the disease obstruction and lack the even to the child like her. 9, non-mute and deaf together. 10 and the security of the place, and the last three when Maalikis, except that the boy was able to glance measure there is nothing wrong do when Shaafa'is. 11 to have a father and similar babysit females, his wife, rented or donor, with no patience for men on the conditions of children, but did not have the right [(2)] .

The third topic : the incubation time

The first requirement : incubation women and men

The boy : he went to tap incubation for women to letting go, so eat and drink .. alone, or seven or eight years, and then to his father .. If was good. As well as Shaafa'is and Hanbali but given the choice with them after the discrimination, if reached given the same, the first being when the father of homogenization, although there is the fear him banned from the paradox of his parents. But Maliki said: remain at his mother to adulthood, then to the father, and in this novel about Imam Ahmad also. The Girl: When the tap keep custody of her mother until menstruate or desirable, or a eleven-year-old, to

Taatkhalq the ethic Women and , then to where you need men for protection and care, lest they dare greedy. Maliki said: continue the mother's custody until the next pair. The Shafi'i and Hanbali said: continue to discrimination, then choice when Shaafa'is of between her father and mother, and be a father without given a choice when Hanbali. The above views of when the tap if the incubator is the mother or one of Alcdetan, if Be the others: the custody of women continue them to should do Bashaounama, ie: to discrimination, or Istgnea, then move on to the father, lest use of non-mothers, do not use for other they [(1)] . Evidence and discussed: The quoted majority of scholars from the tap and Shafi'i and Hanbali, who said custody of the mother of small to discrimination, including narrated from Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him: divorced Omar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him his wife Ansariyeh or his son Asim Vgayha afford Bmahsr, but he received may wean and walked, took his hand to being snapped them, and Nazaaha him, even racking boy and cried, and said: I am deserving of my son to you, Fajtsma to Abu Bakr, he judged her by, and said: fragrance and its heat, and furnished better for him you even Jasper and choose for himself [(1)] .

He Tap: that the mind requires constantly kindergarten to adulthood, because they mandate fixed for the mother and ending with puberty, which is in need of care .., but we left the measurement in the boy what passed in an interview with Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him from serving Avasam to his mother unless jasper, and that was the presence of the companions, and no one violates it, it was a consensus [(2)] . And restrict Basba or Balosman .. It is because the first case is Shara where the small prayer, but the severity of it needs to his mother before that. The current remains on the origin of the measurement, as needed to remain with her mother to attain, to learn the etiquette of women and Okhalagahn [(3)] . It is important as Ibn Abidin: assigned to illness and lack of conservation Altadhaaa [(4)] . But Maliki was quoted speech: You are right to it ... has made the nursery to the mother without Taqat, shall be well, but when the need for them reaching the boy, so the father, and the female need is a list even married, according to the father's right Alarah, but upon their undertaking and their visit [(5)] . Weighting: The difference between the jurists have been limited to the boy who has not yet Jasper, audience said end of custody , and the Maalikis by reaching, and narrower

in the audience boys , Bachthaha or her period and Maalikis are married. Which Mulls launch sees evidence Odds Delete (opinion Maliki in the continuation of kindergarten to adulthood, for an interview: You are right to it .. They are deserving of Palmhoudon even if there is not married, if reached acted alone or annexing father to him lest he be lost, as well as the girl, but remain to married to their need, and gets the father right Balarah pledge, according to the views of scholars.) In addition (Hanafi, lest lost parental right to custody, giving the judge discretion to consider in each case, and this with a careful investigation and care right Alarah.) The second requirement: the time h Dhana men and given a choice of the child between his parents May show us in the past that the tap, Maliki did not say Btejear boy at the age of discrimination, but he said it Shaafa'is for both, and Hanbali in the boy only, while gold tap to given a choice boy at the age, that amounted to a reasonable person and met his opinion, but attached to himself Shaafa'is Hanbali, if reached, and never Maalikis is to the father. The girl of the virgin annexation not given a choice because they did not test men and does not believe the deception, although the safe did not comprising

the left where she loved and chose, but if you are not safe on the same graves. But their evidence: given a choice boy PHP as follows: Of the Year: Narrated Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him that a woman came to the Messenger of Allah ^, she said: O Messenger of God that my husband wants to go my son has of well dad grape, has . The Messenger of Allah ^: Asthma him, said her husband: from Ahakna to have? ^ Prophet said: 'This is your father, and this is your mother, take whichever you like, however, however, took his mother, Vantalegt [(1)] . He drew inference: that the Prophet ^ has good boy between his parents, and built the right of custody on his choice, and has worked so companions Vjera all of them amounted to discrimination [(1)] . He quoted Shaafa'is on given a choice girl including Narrated Rafi bin Sinan may Allah be pleased with him that the safest, and abt his wife to hand, missed the Prophet ^ said: My daughter is an Al-Futtaim, said Rafi: My daughter, said the Prophet ^'s Rafi: sit hand, he said to his wife: hand, said: sit between the two boys and then said: Adeuaha, boys Fmalt to her mother, said the Prophet ^: O Ahdha the Fmalt to her father, he took Rafi bin Sinan [(2)] . This is clear evidence to prove the absence of constraints for boys.

Hanbali said the girl not to be given a choice: The purpose of conservation custody of the girl, and this is to be set up when her father after seven, but they are nearing the validity of marriage .., and mandate , because the doctrine but it is a download of the project on the ground. And remains Altejeaz in the boy without pursuant to interviews absence of constraints, and that choice would talk contained mohair it was a child, [(3)] . Each said Mardaawi of Hanbali: does not recognize the child, however not and forfeits [(4)] . The tap was quoted as evidence for the choice would not at all, that the choice would talk did not want to the mohair age, but well Abi shows that grape mohair was serious, he said tap: the choice would rather it is an adult, it can not be small of the well. And also: the absence of constraints is no wisdom, to choose the small evil parents, to the predominance of whims, and its tendency to present pleasure, chooses not . The Maaliki Fastdloa not the choice would what is stated in al-Bara may Allah be pleased with him, said: came out of the Prophet ^, Vtbathm daughter of Hamza: O uncle O uncle, Ali, he took her hand, and said to Fatima, peace be upon her: Dunk cousin Ahmeliha, Fajtsam where Ali and Zaid Jafar, Ali said: I am deserving of, a cousin,

Jaafar said: My cousin and her aunt subway, Zaid said: my niece, judged by the Prophet ^ aunt, said: aunt is like mother [(1)] . He drew inference: that the Prophet ^ make nursery aunt, aunt named either, which in its judgment, did not eliminated Baltkhier, as he said to the mother in the previous talk: You are deserving of ... Making her nursery absolutely and without given a choice [(2)] . The most correct opinion: To say Baltkhier the hampered by many influences which child of laziness and complacency, as well as keep the baby in the mother to adulthood in which the right-wasting paternity making it more likely to child survival to discrimination when his mother and then be back to his father, his or to of them.

The third requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and incubation time
It was the Legislative Decree No. (59) dated 09/17/1953 judge the application of the Personal Status Law stipulates that the Syrian custody expires complete boy seven years of age and girls ninth, Fdlt Article (19) of the Act (34) on 12/31/1975 , and became the text of Article 146: Expires nursery complete nine-year-old boy and the girl eleven.

This also sees is the application of the doctrine of the tap, and the provisions of the Sharia courts came accordingly, because there is discretion in the text resource, as well as the provisions of the Court of Cassation came, taking into account the general conditions of the nursery. Then this article was amended by Law No. (18) 10.25.2003 became the text of Article (146): expire nursery complete boy thirteen-year-old girl the age of fifteen. Then came the Article (147) in the first paragraph says: If the guardian is not father the development of the child is male or female when the fittest of the mother or the guardian or from The to marry a daughter of or the child reaches the age of majority. This paragraph is the application of a partial view of Maliki in the survival of custody to adulthood when his mother that it was a male, is contrary to the opinion of Maliki in survival when his father to adulthood, and OK for them in the survival of the girl when her mother to marry if she got married, and contrary to the opinion in Taqat custody to the mother to attain adulthood by, and contrary to the opinion in the set when the father, as well as contrary to the mentioned Taqat in the age of majority, as the age of majority in at eighteen (AD 162 conditions).

And I see that this article (147) is more material justice to do justice to the maternity and paternity there is no way to waste the right to maternity and the right of paternity, but prolong the nursery to the thirteenth and fifteenth, the wasting of the right of paternity, it can not be for a child that is content after this age custody of the father , Bploghma the follow their father, so I think that the present article in the father and the other, giving the judge discretion considered an objective look at an integrated justice for everyone.

Section IV : a nursery place

Differs from the rule of the place nursery for the mother or the other, the the custody of the mother, the place of custody statute is the place of the spouses if the marriage, even if he wanted to go out and take his son with him does not have it so indispensable, and if she wanted out he may prevent it, if iddah so too Do not go out to the verse:) the ( Divorce: 1 . If elapsed preparing and wanted to go out to another country their distance must be considered as two conditions: Go to her and the occurrence of the marriage which, as may remarry in the country, it seems the residence, and the child of the fruits of marriage was satisfied with custody of the child in it. And went Abu Yusuf and Muhammad to be considered as a contract only place, and likely that the words of Muhammad is the former. If the distance is so close to the father can visit his son and return before the night it may, it is like moving from one locality to another one in the town. And governance, both for the village or city, but if the contract is in the village and wanted to transport them not to do so even close. If the nursery is the mother not have to relocate to another country other than father [(1)] .

The Maalikis [(2)] that the small Crown disarm if he wanted to travel a quantum incubator did not agree to travel with him, a first Bhoudanth but the condition accept custody of breast another, and not fear him from traveling, and security in the country of destination. If she wanted to travel more than six cold [(1)] Vllola removed, if only her trade is not he taketh away, provided the security of the road and Country Traveler him, and when Shaafa'is whether her father took him leap. When Shaafa'is Kamalikih but distinctive and father and grandfather only, so they Aslan in the ratios and Aatnaahma most, but resided elsewhere, otherwise nursery place of the mother, and if he wants to travel a parent small privileged and other place Resident them to come back the other what the travel of risk. In addition to the security of the road cold and free Cdidan if damaged them and only that the of it is not. And father to travel to the child if it is in residence with his mother corruptive or loss of interest or vocation education, rather than father take his place [(2)] . When the first Hanbali is a resident. The law authorized to travel to the mother and grandmother mother inside diameter to the place of residence if not a former country, and the country in

which they operate employee provided there Muharram have it [(3)] .

Section V : custody of vision and Travel

The first requirement: the doctrines of jurists in the custody of vision

Hanafi: 1 need to see a parent for cuddled located at the other of them periodically, but every day. 2 If the custody of the mother is the vision in her dependents, as well as that of the father was done in Islamic rule, in the opinion of the container to the contrary, for permitted, and sends the boy to a place other non-custodial to see it. 3 include Alarah care and follow-up (pledge), and education and discipline, thus to save the boy. View of the Maalikis: 1 are Alarah the periodically to suit extension Alarah to discipline .. Every day or every week or every month .. 2 are Alarah in the father's home for boys, as well as all his affairs, and the girl in a house mother. Shafi'i and Hanbali doctrine: 1 are Alarah the periodically in two days and more .. Otherwise, that decided to place every day, and this is by discrimination, and beyond: Vejer child, and if the best, he chose one of them, it was when the other two if a

male, if chosen then it at night and has in the daytime, and if chosen shall be the father that does not stop him visit his mother, and prevents their visit. 2 are Alarah for female chose one, and the pre-selection in place of the other two chosen, do not go out of her house, lest consisted of the large number of exit and prominence. As for the male, the Alarah holds for the father's chosen or not, the need for rotation of the night and day between them, and the mother that chose his father come out to visitors, and have a visit at home if pleased by the father, but he has to take it out to a. 3 including disciplinary Alarah, education, health care and even teach the craft and workmanship. 4 bypass in Alarah that does not disturb the other party not to prolong staying.

The second requirement: right Alarah to Syrian Personal Status Law

Gone law to prove this right in the fifth paragraph of Article (148), said: each parent to see his children who are at the other periodically in the whereabouts of custody, and when the opposition in it, ordering to secure this right and set the method implemented immediately, without the need to judgment of the courts of the foundation, and on those who oppose in Alarah or in its own way to review the Court, and applied to the contrary, the judge ordered the provisions of Article 482 of the Penal Code. And taken advantage of this text as follows: 1 boy right vision for the father of the other periodically. 2 visibility in the whereabouts of the child. 3 when custodial refused to see custody by the other party, ordering the judge to secure the right vision and determines the manner of implementation, without the need for the rule. 4 When the objection in Alarah and its way lower court. 5 violation of the judge's order requires the death offending According to Article (482 penalties), which reads as follows: the father and mother and everyone else does not comply with the judge's order or delay to bring a minor is not eighteen years of age shall be punished by

imprisonment from three months to two years and a fine of one hundred pounds . He notes the following text: 1 did not specify the amount of the vision of one or two hours of the day or night .. Of one or two days per week or month .. First make them at least one day each week, while also Alpetch, and noted that the Court of Cassation in its resolution No. (207 dated 15/05/1971). 2 did not specify the place of vision accurately, is not enough to say: the whereabouts of the child his .. His village .. And custody small, and his presence as a house sitter should have a mother or a father. 3 despite the discretion of the judge capacity in securing this right and set the manner of implementation immediately and according to his orders, the judge maximum ordering it to see the child in the circle of its implementation of the place of the child (the Court of Cassation decision 873 dated 07/12/1977). With the Court of Cassation in its decision last has pointed to the need to take into account the interests of the boy where he said: If the rule does not specify days to see the boy can the execution officer, determined according to the interests of the child '(decision 205 dated 04/27/1967).

The third requirement: Travel custody

Doctrines of jurists in travel Palmhoudon:

Went public to differentiate between the types of travel: between the need for travel and shift travel and travel near. They went to that shift travel is transmitted by father Palmhoudon to another place to settle a short distance or more [(1)] . The need for travel: such as traveling for business or for Hajj, long or short travel, stayed custody when a resident of the parents, did not travel it when Shaafa'is and Hanbali only major interest. And Maalikis to it if they are traveling soon took him with them, without the guardian, because the right of her nursery. If both wanted to travel to the need, and differed their way, Fbad from the acknowledge?. Male Rafii from Shaafa'is and two ways: first: lasted right of the mother, and the other: be with shorter travel or destination closer, and likely sustainability of the right of the mother. Tap went to because they do not travel until father dispense, for the revocation of the mother's right to custody, but the father prevented from traveling, but if they want to travel to her the marriage, which took place in which it may [(1)] . Syrian Personal Status Law and travel Palmhoudon: Has stated in Article (148) as follows:

1 is not the mother to fly her child during the marriage except with the permission of his father. 2 incubator for the mother to travel Palmhoudon a promised after without the permission of the guardian to her hometown which was held to marry her. 3 and for her to travel within the country to the town where you live, or to the town in which they operate at any point of public entities, provided that one of her relatives incest resident of that town. 4 own mother and grandmother have the same right given to paragraphs 2 and 3 above. 5 for each of the parents to see children who are at the other periodically in the whereabouts of the child .. It is clear from this article that it applied the doctrine of the tap without the public to travel Palmhoudon, has added the article itself (P 3) passport to her hometown where you live, as satisfaction with the implicit while held the contract in her it, or to the country in which they operate, if they work the general point, and provided there Muharram in the town .., but that the incubator is the mother As Article (149): If the incubator is the mother does not have the travel to the child without the permission of his guardian. This article came a restriction on the previous article as a whole, and in particular the fourth paragraph, they must ask permission of the Crown in novelty her traveling

Palmhoudon, a whether not only for him to travel with permission Hadhanth. Article (150): not for the father to travel to the child in the incubation period of only permission Hadhanth. Will prevent travel Palmhoudon if it was under the age of kindergarten, If overcome to travel wherever he wants, and this means that the father can travel Palmhoudon which exceeded the age of custody. And I've stated in Article (147): If the guardian is not father the development of the child is male or female when the fittest of the mother or the guardian or from The to marry a daughter of or the child reaches the age of majority. I have taken this article of opinion Maalikis in the continuation of the mother's custody on the girl to marry her and the boy to adulthood, without the opinion of the public to distinguish .. Or 1)] ]), the detail in this and determine this age for both if the guardian is the father. Custody and outfitted disease: If custody of the mother's disease first Pettmreidah, the paper because it is more experience and patience, if pleased with the father be Tmreidah in his house may be, but that did not satisfy in her house without being alone with her. If Matt custody attended mother outfitted albeit in home [(2)] . Education of the child:

The father teaching his son, writing and craft as befits the situation of the boy and his favor, including the luck him not Ichaelh to his mother [(3)] . Therefore the law went to compel the guardian son compulsory education and only fell mandate and well as opposition incubator or failure in the education of her son fall creche [(1)] . The law went (AD 173) to that of the foster care money if deemed minor his guardian interest where [(2)] .

Section VI : the fall of the nursery and the establishment of nursery

The first requirement: the fall of the nursery

Nursery and fall to drop the street if I got married as soon as the contract, and said some of the tap: even enter. This is not the husband custody Kaamh or uncle, and when the tap: It is not disliking him not fall because it Muharram cuddled when the tap, and when the public even without a mahram if his custody was the son of Uncle do not fall down. If divorced returned custody to not fill her husband as soon as the divorce, because if you still inhibitor returned forbidden, but Maliki said: back at all if landed excuse not estimated with him to carry out the affairs of the custody of the disease or have milk or pilgrimage or travel Crown

leap, then still this excuse, do not go back to it if I got married and then divorced unless they are moved to the nursery had fallen creche goes back. The Article (141) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: return the right to custody if still the cause of his downfall. Tap stipulated that divorce irrevocably and only the Shaafa'is Balrdjaa. And goes Maalikis it though married may not drop her custody, and that, as if he had not accept non Hadhanth, nursing or refused to breastfeed only in the house of his mother, Ulm There Ahoudnh, or the fact that the father is incapacitated or absent or unsafe [(1)] . The Shaafi'is they were of milk and declined to breastfeed her right to custody fell right to correct them. The falling drop of his right to custody as the mother they fall and move to followed, if she wants to return for dropping return, because they are renewable rights, and that the mother does not have to drop the right of the child to the nursery.

The second requirement: the fall of the mother's custody when she marries
General jurists went to the fall of the mother's custody if she got married, and went to tap not fall if she married who has custody of the men incest, and this went Syrian Personal Status Law (138).

Maliki said: If you marry a mahram if not his custody, Kaljdh if she married Balkhal, did not fall custody. The Shafi'i and Hanbali: If who gets married right in the nursery Kaamh the cousin and nephew did not fall creche in rather taboo or not. Also, if I got married and was his father for custody did not fall custody, but not to maturity, but Leasing. Doctrines evidence of the fall of the mother's custody when she marries or not: As for their evidence on the fall of the mother's custody are as follows: They went to fall Baltazoaj the interview: You are right to it unless Tnkahi [(2)] He drew inference: that married leads to concern for her husband for having human [(1)] . Was held on that consensus, as this was the presence of the companions, and no one violates them was a consensus [(2)] .

The third requirement: Syrian Personal Status Law and the fall of the nursery to the mother without a father married
Gold in the Personal Status Law Article (138) to the following: incubator marriage without Muharram close to the custody of dropping her custody.

This article is explicit in the fall right incubator for married her, and this includes whether her husband was a foreigner is January or soon, is forbidden son uncle. The fall of the nursery as soon as the contract or to log in?. Gold Hanafi, Shafi'i and Hanbali that the mere contract falls nursery, while Maalikis to the requirement of access to its downfall [(3)] . And that the appropriate article (305 Reliable) The necessity to fall custody as soon as the contract. And went Syrian Court of Cassation (resolution 175 date 05.14.1963) that Uncle is a small jurisdiction over the owner his mother married a foreigner. That is, they suggested that the absence of choice mother married when you are not the father. It means allocation of Article (147) Article (138), although it was the first in my opinion, to stay the judge discretion to the absence of the father as appropriate Article (147) even if the mother is married, because the destination nursery care custody, may have to move to non-mother antithesis interest if the mother is married, and Well what I went to the second paragraph (AD 147) when he said: In the event included the boy to the mother or of the supply needed maintenance as long as able to do so. And that if she made her nursery Olzimtha alimony if their ability to avoid lost custody.

The fourth requirement: the nursery and women's work

I remember what the law stated in Article (139/2) of the nursery do not fall women's work and read: do not fall incubator right to custody of her children because of her work if they believe in their care and care for them in an acceptable manner. This doctrine Shaafa'is in failing to prevent the pair working spouse before the marriage work as passed in the work of the wife alimony and here do not fall creche work.

The fifth requirement: nursery and willful defiance of women

Article (145) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: If Nczt the women and children were above the fifth, the judge was placed at any couple willing to be noted in the interest of the children on the basis of a positive reason. The over in nushuz that women fall expense Balnchoz to leave Dar marital gratuitous legitimate (m 74 75 conditions). Thus: the position of the law in Article 145 is to give the judge discretion in the development of children according to their interests considered when any of the couple.

The sixth requirement: the establishment of nurseries (and unique )?

If sacked boy's mind was not the father attached only if it is not safe on himself and he does not have his own expense only to donate, a view that majority of scholars and was told when Shafi'i and Hanbali: last incubation for religion not his money, as well as if glabrous or there is the fear it lead at. And is recommended for the Born that Aanfred have them in his residence and cut his righteousness for them. The girl When Hanafi and Hanbali if the firstborn Fndahma together, and only annexed father to himself if corruption did not hide them, though does not have it. And if they or Ascent opinion nor met suspiciously not include descend where she loved. The fearful When her guardian, and only placed the judge when a woman secure the trust were not suspicious Khalaha [(1)] . When Maalikis and Shaafa'is Ttejer between her parents to get married and live where you want, Otherwise when one of her parents or Asptha, or in a decent position to prevent the descent and shame prevents inefficient, though suspicion attached to him. Under article 151 of the Syrian Personal Status Law: the Crown female taboo that comprising the home If under

the age of forty albeit , if rebelled for follow-up unjustly not expense it.

Chapter IV

expense relatives
The first topic : the doctrines of scholars at the expense of the relatives and their evidence. Section II : Terms of proven relatives and expense caused by the united left to obligatory and how it is obligatory The third topic : the amount of expense relatives and maturity and fall

The first topic : the doctrines of scholars at the expense of the relatives and their evidence

The first requirement: the doctrines of scholars at the expense of relatives

Tap went to the necessity of maintenance of assets and branches and footnotes with wombs incest Kalajuh the cousins and Alkhlh without all of their children. And went in the Personal Status Law Article (159): answer the expense of all poor unable to gain the scourge of physical or mental, to inherit from his wealthy relatives according to inheritance rations. It is OK to tap opinion. The Shaafi'is and Hanbali to alimony should be accorded to assets and branches of the solvent on them, and quoted Hanbalis to Zumha on the solvent brother to his little brother. And Maalikis to alimony should be accorded to parents and Khadmanma, and sons only on the mother without a father [(1)] .

The second requirement: the evidence to prove the expense of relatives

Proved the expense of the parents saying the Almighty:) [ Abdallah] ( [Isra: 23], and the verse:) [ ( Luqman: 15] and that spending on them

and do Bkivaathm when poverty is the best charity known. To interview the Messenger of Allah ^: The best man what to eat from his earnings and his son earned [(2)] . And proved the expense of boys, saying the Almighty:) [ ( Al-Baqarah: 233], but saying ^: Take what is sufficient for you and your child Virtue [( 1) . And proved the expense of people with wombs (Notes) when you view them, saying the Almighty:) Io Io I I I ( Al-Isra: 26] and the most important rights of alimony it. The nation unanimously agreed to the unnecessary expense of parents and children, and the right Shafi'i and Hanbali grandparents to parents and grandchildren boys [( 2) .

Section II : Terms of proven relatives and expense caused by the united left to obligatory and how it is obligatory
The first requirement: Terms of proven maintenance on relatives and caused 1 soon to be poor, unable to gain the small or illness without parents should never alimony lest the fatigue gain no benefit Nafqathma with their ability to gain when

tap and Shaafa'is, stipulated Maalikis indigestion parents and inability, of earning that amount. Went the Personal Status Law Syrian in Article (158): The boy solvent, whether male or female, big or small the expense of the parents of the poor even if they were able to gain, what does not appear, the intransigence of the father in the selection of unemployment on the work of his ilk laziness or stubbornness. The law appears to mediate between two former Fiqhien views, to the necessity of alimony anemia parents without requiring the inability to gain If appeared Anthma in assigning no expense to them, a Maalikis. And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (154): the expense of every human being in the money, but wife Venafqatha on her husband. Article (155): 1 if it were not for the Born money Venafqath on his father's poor unless incapable of alimony and gain the scourge of physical or mental. 2 boys expense to continue to marry the female and the boy up to the extent that it acquires his ilk. Article (156): 1 if the father is incapable of alimony is incapable of earning, cost alimony boy obliged to when you are not the father. 2 alimony be a religion of the father spender, because it if Acer.

Article (157): 1 does not cost alimony father his son's wife unless guarantees. 2 be spending the father in this case we have a boy to be Yoser. 2 religion Union with unspent : It is not inherited with the difference of religion, as well as alimony because it is a branch of inheritance, and this for footnotes without parents and grandparents and boys partial and Albedeih the two, as well as his wife. Article (160) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: No expense with the difference of religion, but of assets and branches. 3 near Essar spent : obligatory on the face of necessary link on the rich, In nearly Alolad and the spender is the father left and is not required but requires the ability to gain, and the necessity of it to revive expense to himself. The cause : it is forbidden kinship pieces, or birth installed to partial and Albedeih the human must revive the whole and in part, [(1)] .

The second requirement: Limit the left needed to prove the necessity of alimony
Abu Yusuf went to that extent the left is a quorum of Zakat and otherwise it is not at the expense of his

relatives are forced, because alimony link on rich the united riches nisaab. Mohammed went to be alone for the expense of the preferred month for him and his family otherwise it is not, and The earned day laborers and preferably his thing expense at his own expense, including an increased as defined by Shaafa'is and Hanbali. And that has a constant gain in excess of the needs should be disbursed to his relatives, nor is the quorum to be considered in the Zakat should be the right of God, and alimony right slave, he shall be deemed the possibility of the performance. And only Maalikis , is attributable in which to custom [( 1) . The third requirement: How should spend on relatives Went public to distributed as follows: obliges alimony father of the branches, and the branches distributed According to the following: 1 obliges alimony closest relatives degrees if met assets and branches, like father and son Jr. Father Vtelzm. 2 If you met assets and footnotes as a mother and a brother and brother of the father's brother was alimony according to inheritance, as stipulated in Article 159 of the Syrian Personal Status Law. If you met 3 branches and Notes Valenvqh of the Notes.

And Maalikis to it on the wealthy as much as boys left, and was told: According to capes, said: According to inheritance [( 2) .

The third topic : the amount of expense relatives and maturity and fall
The first requirement: the amount to be at the expense of relatives And include food, drink, clothing, housing and breastfeeding and the needy to the server and doctor fare and the price of drugs to do enough to do so. He said the public: answer As of sufficiently, for saying ^: Take what is sufficient for you and your child Virtue. Tap said: estimated need, this is not to say the public, because they the types of alimony as stated [( 1) . The second requirement: alimony maturity and fall Unanimously agreed on the fall of alimony lapse of time, but they differed in the fall if the judge ruled: Tap said: prove the expense of elimination by relatives, as well as consensual, and if you do not grab it also falls lapse of time, it should be to fill the need, but this is not obligatory only with Alaasar and then Judge deficit near indeed Astdanth.

And went Syrian Personal Status Law in Article (161): eliminates alimony relatives from prosecution and the judge may governing alimony boys to their father for the duration of a precedent for the claim that does not exceed four months. It is considered good and good for the need and poverty and disability. And the father and the grandfather and the boy never take alimony, but I decided to Article (104) of the Syrian Personal Status Law: not being clearing between the expense of a child due to his father and the religion of the father of the incubator. The Maalikis not to fall after a judge or spending provided refer donor, is not obligatory for the future because, according to the time in which it should be. To this Shaafi'is with permission judge borrowing or spending and obligatory in the future as well and actually borrowed, and only has certification, and to return to borrowing spent, the money spent on his grandson and the father is absent, and the father takes the expense of his son by virtue of the state capital [(1)] .

Sources and References Index

Glorious Quran Islamic Library Mohamed Index words of the Fouad Abdel Koran Baki Provisions of the Koran Science easing Downloads Iran edition Razi Big interpretation Inclusive of the Koran Great interpretation of the Koran Spirit of meanings Increased path Ithaf briefly explain Sunan alTirmidhi The revival of the science of religion Charity in the order of true son h b Whole Scientific Library Qurtubi Dar Al-Andalus Arab Heritage Revival House Islamic Library Ibn Kathir Alusi Ibn al-

Written explanation Dar thought Jassaas

Books of the year D . Mustafa House Humanities Albga Arab Heritage Revival House Foundation message I - Ezzat Obaid Da'as Ghazali I'm Tirmidhi

House HumanitiesImam Muslim Whole right

House Humanities Dar al-Hadith Dar thought World of books Arab Heritage Revival House

Imam Bukhari Women Daaraqutni Ibn Majah

Whole right Sunan Sunan Sunan Sunan major Ills Open divine order Musnad Ahmad

Abu Dawood Sunan

Knowledge House Bayhaqi Ibn Abi Hatem I -1372 Foundation message Islamic Library Publications Dar al-Hadith Watchmaker

Abu Dawood Governor Mustadrak

Imam Ahmad Ascribed Abu Ali Ascribed Seed Ibn Abi Shaybah that j Tabaraani

Dar Pen Islamic office Dar al-Hadith Library science and governance

Abdul RazzaqSeed East lexicon Macrothesaurus Picker explain Muwatta Muwatta

Arab Book House Beji Dar al-Hadith Owner

Knowledge House Ibn al-Atheer End in a strange talk Mubaarakfoo Masterpiece Ahwadhi ri the

Azhar colleges Foundation message Dar Pen

Ibn Hajar Ibn Rajab Dari

Summarize Habeer the Collector science and governance Sunan recaps Explanation Muwatta Explain nuclear ( Curriculum explain true Muslim ) Mayor continental Aoun idol explain Sunan Abi Dawood Baari Secret revealed Bottle lamp Monument flag

Portal Mustafa AlZarqaani Halabi House HumanitiesNuclear Arab Heritage Revival House Dar al-Hadith Dar Al-Fayhaa Foundation message Arab Heritage Revival House

Aini Genocidal Ibn Hajar Ajlouni

Knowledge House Busayri Zayla'i

Wrote jurisprudential sources Abdullah bin Mohammed Choice bin Dar thought Arab Heritage Revival House Arab Pen House Arab Heritage Revival House Damietta Ibn alQayyim Sherbini Mardaawi Helping students Media sites Persuasion Fairness in matters of dispute Sea al-Raa'iq the explanation treasure minutes Glamour explain Masterpiece Proximal fruit in bringing the meanings Containing large Portal Mustafa AlDardeer Halabi Faisal portal Isa Al-Halabi Explanation small Khalil summary

Knowledge House Ibn Najim Portal Mustafa AlAltsola Halabi Cultural Library Azhari

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[(1)] Islamic jurisprudence and evidence: 9/6487, the Personal Status: d. Saabooni: 11 13, the provisions of the Personal Status, Tawfiq Faraj: 21 22 Personal Status: Ahmed Salama: 18 21. Waldo e and i called dowry: the amount of money you pay wife's contribution to the burdens of married life or her guardian, and enters into the device when the Syriac Orthodox, personal: Ahmad safety: 634 635. [(2)] ( 1) Procedure Code: 143. [(1)] ( 2) Sunan Daarimi: 1/133, No.: 493. [(2)] ( 3) Messages Arab population: 3/37 38. [(3)] ( 4) Zarqaani Muwatta: 1/7. [(1)] idiosyncratic entrance year: 1/190 1 margin, movement postural rationing: 2 5. [(2)] movement rationing: 6. [(1)] rationing movement: 42 58. [(2)] postural rationing: 62 64. [(1)] (1) Personal Status: Abu Zahra: 12 18, Encyclopedia of Personal Status: 27. [(1)] explanatory note to the Syrian Personal Status Code: 10 16.

[(1)] (1) Ocean dictionary: 76, San Arabs: 5/98. [(2)] (2) Footnote'm Abdeen: 2/262, needy singer: 3/135, little explanation: 1/376, and the singer: 7/520: sermon man a woman to marry. War: spirit of meanings for guardian: 2/150. [(3)] (3) Verse: Whole of the Koran: 3/124, Alusi: spirit of meanings: 2/150, Ibn al: Increased path: 10/276, needy singer: 3/135, Salek language: 1/376. [(4)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, door: not preaching a sermon to marry a brother or leaves, 3/1849, No.: 4848, and his pronunciation. And Muslim: Book of Marriage, Bab: investigate the sermon on his brother's sermon even authorize or leaves, 3/1439, No.: 1412. [(5)] Ibn Hajar al: open-Bari: 9/250, the mayor of the Continental: 20/132. [(1)] T: Ibn al-Mundhir: consensus: pp. 76 et seq. [(2)] Narrated by Tirmidhi and classed: 3/397, No: 1087. War: Ithaf short and explain Sunan al-Tirmidhi brand's parents met with Mr. Dr. Mustafa Albga, may God preserve him: 142. [(3)] (3) Mokhtar Asahah: 15. [(4)] (4) Nuclear explain: 3/1448, footnote'm Abdeen: 2/262 and 237, pulp explain the book: 4/162. [(5)] Narrated by Abu Dawood in , Door: consider when marriages: 186, number: 216. [(6)] Salek language with little explanation: 1/376 377. [(1)] Narrated by Ibn Majah in the Book of Marriage, Door: looking at the woman if she wanted to marry her, 1/599 No.: 1864 and son Hibbaan in Marriage 9/350, No.: 4042, ruling in Mustadrak: 3/493. [(2)] singer needy: 3/128, footnote'm Abdeen: 5/237. [(3)] singer needy: 3/128, 132, footnote'm Abdeen: 5/237. [(4)] nuclear: Explanation of Sahih Muslim (curriculum): 3/1448, footnote'm Abdeen: 5/237, the language of Salek: 1/376. (5)] Qinaa: 5/10. [(6)] singer needy: 3/128. [(7)] footnote'm Abdeen: 2/262, 5/237. [(1)] nuclear: Curriculum explain Whole correct: 3/1448, Ibn Hajar al: open-Bari: 9/182, footnote'm Abdeen: 5/23, Salek language: 1/376. guide: 4/418. [(2)] singer needy: 1/128, footnote'm Abdeen: 5/237. [(3)] to explain the legal provisions: 1/8. [(4)] singer needy: 3/128.

[(5)]- Tirmidhi, no: 1135. See: nuclear explained: 3/1528 1529 [(1)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, Door: competent in religion: 3/1832, No.: 4802, and Muslim in infancy: Door: mustahabb fuck with religion: 3/1499, No.: 1466. [(2)] Narrated by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad 7/224, Number: 7415. [(3)] footnote'm Abdeen: 2/262. [(1)] narrated Daaraqutni in Book of Marriage: 3/224, No: 18. [(2)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/268 269, footnote ElDesoki: 2/219, needy singer: 3/136, Qinaa: 5/18 , to explain the legal provisions: 1/6, the singer: 7/524 525 . [(3)] Explanation great and footnote ElDesoki: 2/217 219, singer needy: 3/136. [(1)] singer needy: 3/136. [(2)] singer needy: 3/135. [(3)] already been discharged after 21 p. [(4)] singer needy: 3/136. (5)] continental Mayor: 20/132, the open-Bari: 9/251. [(1)] Fath Al-Bari: 9/250, a footnote ElDesoki: 2/217, Singer: 7/520 et seq. [(2)] singer needy: 3/135 136. [(3)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of divorce, the door: three absolute no expense to her: 3/1526 Number: 1480. [(4)] singer needy: 3/137, continental Mayor: 20/132 . [(1)] footnote Ibn Abdin and Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/364, the great explanation: 2/219, students benefit: 3/355 356 t of it: 144, equity in matters of dispute: 8/296, Mannar the way: 1/198 , explain the legal provisions: 1/168 170. [(2)] footnote sentences: 4/129. [(3)] Radd Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/363 365, great explanation with footnote ElDesoki: 2/319 320. Singer contents of C: 2/404, kindergarten students: 5/378 and 385, relief Taalibeen: 3/355 356. . [(1)] likes and isotopes: 278 279. [(2)] (2) Footnote to explain the curriculum: 4/129. [(1)] t: a footnote ElDesoki: 2/217, Singer: 7/524, explain the legal provisions: 1/10. [(2)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, Doors: Human daughter or sister to good people: 3/1842 Number: 4830. [(3)] (3) T: continental Mayor: 20/115.

[(1)] (1) And effects of the marriage contract: 73 74. [(1)] to explain the personal status law for the SBA: 1/69. [(1)] (1) Guide: 1/45 59. ( (1) Ocean dictionary: 223, San Arabs: 14/350, Dictionary of Language metrics: 5/475. [(2)] (2) Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of divorce, the door: divorce passed three 3/1888 Number: 4960. [(3)] Vocabulary: 505. [(1)] footnote Ibn Abdin and Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/258, 260, to explain Khalil: 3/165, needy singer: 3/123, Qinaa: 5/5 [(2)] Sunan Bayhaqi: 7/77, No. 13229. [(3)] Narrated Mustadrak ruling: 2/175, No: 3681. [(4)] singer needy: 3/124 [(5)] already been discharged, p 25. [(1)] [Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, the door: marriage of Thebes: 3/1828, No.: 4792 and Muslims in infancy, the door is mustahabb to marry a virgin: 3/1500, No. 1466]. [(2)] [ Narrated Mustadrak ruling: 2/176, ID: 2687]. [(3)] [Sunan Women's Book of Marriage, Door: What married Women .3/376 No.: 3227]. [(4)] [ Narrated by Imam Ahmad: 7/224, ID: 7415]. [(5)] [ Narrated Mustadrak ruling: 2/194, ID: 2732]. [6] [Narrated by Tirmidhi: Book sales, door: Helms in early trade: 3/517, No. 1212. Abu Dawood, too. And in November and enters it too. Singer needy: 3/127 128]. [(1)] Narrated by Bukhari book fasting door: fasting for those who feared himself Baezzobh the number: 1806 1/634 and Muslim book Marriage door: mustahabb marriage who the the same to him .. And functioning of the deficit for supplies fasting: 3 / 1422 Number: 1400. [(2)] Narrated by Ahmad, 15/530, No.: 21342, Abu Ali: 12/260, No.: 6856, and his pronunciation. [(1)] Sunan Women's Book of Marriage, Door: What married women 3/377 Number: 3227. [(2)] Local: 9/34.

[(1)] footnote Ibn Abdeen with Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/260, 261, Badaa'i Trades: 2/228, 229, needy singer: 3/125, 126, little explanation: 1/373, Qinaa: 5/6 8. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/229, footnote'm Abdeen: 2/262 263, great explanation: 2/220, little explanation: 1/375, needy singer: 3/139,, Qinaa: 5/37 . [(2)] t: a little insane, p: 118. [(3)] students students: 326, Radd: 5/80. [(1)] Narrated by Abu Dawood: Book of divorce, Door: divorce humor, No.: 2194. [(2)] Narrated by Ibn Majah: Book divorce, door: divorce impeller, No.: 2043. [(3)] Radd on Durr al-Mukhtar: 5/86, the talents of Galilee: 3/453, little explanation with Salek language: 1/388, persuasion: 411, Singer: 7/431, until the end: 3/17. [(1)] singer needy: 3/139. [(2)] singer needy: 3/140. [(3)] Narrated by Muslim: Book pilgrimage, door: argument Prophet ^ 3/1260, No.: 1218. [(4)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, Bab: insolvent married 3/1830. No.: 4799-Bukhaari and Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: Dowry passport being teach the Koran and iron ring 3/1449, No. 1425. [(1)] This novel narrated by Bukhari: Book Agency, Bab: Agency for Women Imam in marriage 2/757, No.: 2186, and Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: Dowry passport and being ... 3/1451 Number: 1425, and pronunciation his, singer needy: 3/140. [(2)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/229, the great explanation: 2/220, 221, needy singer: 3/141. [(1)] (1) Badaa'i Trades: 2/229 231, open Qadeer: 3/105 108, the explanation great and footnote ElDesoki: 3/220, 221, Khalil summary: 3/172 173, singer needy: 3/140, Qinaa: 5/37 41. [(1)] (1) Previously discharged p.45. [(2)] to open the Almighty: 3/103 105, footnote'm Abdin and Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/263, 264, Badaa'i Trades: 2/231 , the great explanation: 2/221 and on Khalil summary: 3/173, kindergarten students : 7/37 39, singer needy: 3/141, Qinaa: 5/38. [(1)] footnote son Abdeen: 2/266, Badaa'i Trades: 2/232, footnote ElDesoki to explain the large: 2 / 220 221, footnote infection a brief Khalil: 3/174, singer needy: 2/6 and 3 / 138, kindergarten students: 7/39, helping the students: 3/275, Qinaa: 5/41, 3/147, 148.

[(1)] m timid justice provisions, Article 3:, footnote son Abdeen: 2/267, needy singer: 3/139 140, 2 / 6, Qinaa: 5/41 and 3/146. [(2)] footnote Ibn Abdeen chosen Durr: 4/20, a singer in need: 3/140 141, Qinaa: 5/40. [(3)] footnote Ibn Abdeen with Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/271, needy singer: 3/140, 141. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/233, footnote'm Abdeen: 2/265, 267, open Qadeer: 3/102, footnote Adawi the brief explanation Khalil: 3/174, the talents of Galilee: 3/419, singer needy : 3/141, Qinaa: 5/37 and 39. [(1)] footnote Ibn Abdin: 2/271, Adawi the footnote: 3/174, needy singer: 3/141, and needy masterpiece and a footnote Crvani: 7/221., Qinaa: 5/39. [(2)] singer needy: 3/141, the needy and the masterpiece footnote Crvani: 7/221, Qinaa: 5/39, to explain the magazine Atassi: 1/194, 195, contracts in revise opinions 1/16 :. [(1)] footnote Ibn Abdin and Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/265, 271, War: 175 3/174 :, singer needy: 3 / 140, Qinaa: 5/37 39. [(1)] footnote Ibn Abdeen: 2/269, 271, needy singer: 3/139, students benefit: 3/276, 277, Qinaa: 5/39 40. [(2)] to open the Almighty: 3/102, footnote'm Abdin: 2/263, the great explanation: 2/220 221, 3/173 :, needy singer: 3/139 140, Qinaa: 5/37 . [(1)] needy Singer: 3/140 141, Qinaa: 5/39, to open the Almighty: 3/102. [(1)] footnote Ibn Abdin and Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/332 333, Badaa'i 'Trades: 2/278, the great explanation: 2/307 308 , kindergarten students: 7/40 41, singer needy: 3/142 143, Qinaa: 5/92 93. [(2)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: prohibition of marrying shighaar and void: 3/1441 Number: 1415. [(1)] leader in family law: 1/195, before and after, to explain the legal provisions for Opiani: 1/30. [(2)] more detail see: the concept of corruption when the scholars of his doctoral thesis: ward off evil in jurisprudence : 59. [(1)] dictionary Pacific: 264. [(2)] to open the Almighty: 6/2, the idiosyncratic dictionary for Saadi Abu pocket: 203. [(3)] masterpiece jurists: 2/195, rivers Complex: 1/320, Mabsoot: 5/16, Hedaya: 1/206, the language of Salek: 1 / 375 376, great explanation: 2/216, Picker explain Muwatta : 3/313, needy singer: 3/144, Muhtaaj: 6/213 , Qinaa: 5/65, Mannar way to'm Azavian: 2/145.

[(4)] true son Hibbaan: Book of Marriage, Male denied leave the marriage contract without a guardian and two witnesses 9/386 No. 4075 , Bayhaqi: Book of Marriage, the door is no marriage without good character 7/125, Daaraqutni: 3/225 No.: 23, The novel Bayhaqi and Daaraqutni-no where (what was otherwise fuck is false) and has this evidence: 1 ^ saying: no marriage without a guardian and two witnesses. Narrated by al-Bayhaqi: Book of Marriage: 7/125, Daaraqutni: Book of Marriage: 3 / 225 Number: 21, talk strengthens the trial mentioned, 2 saying ^: to be in the marriage of four: the guardian, husband and two witnesses Sunan Daaraqutni: Book of Marriage 3/225, No.: 19, 3 ^ saying: no marriage without witnesses, narrated by Bayhaqi: Book of Marriage, 7/111. [(5)] Narrated by al-Tirmidhi: Book of Marriage, Door: Helms is no marriage only 3/411 ,, Number: 1103. [(1)] Narrated by Bukhari: Book of Marriage, Door: take concubines and freed then married her 3/1830, No.: 4797, and Aloqt : milk powder dry, and Alantaa: Collect Nta what kept him food from the skin, and concubines collect secret a nation , finish: 1/68, dictionary Pacific: 690, Fath Al-Bari: 9/126 128. [(2)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/252, a masterpiece-Ahwadhi: 4/197 198, prostitutes punk collection a free nation or promiscuous, dictionary-Pacific: 1137. [(3)] Adawi the footnote: 3/167. [(4)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/253, needy singer: 3/144. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/253, explain the large: 2/216 217, singer needy: 3/144, Qinaa: 5/65 and 41, the singer: 7/337 342, and talk Narrated by al-Tirmidhi: The Book of the border, Door: What Ja E in the prevention of the border: 4/33, No.: 1424 ruling in Mustadrak: The Book of the border, 4/426 and said: talk true attribution. [2] See: Terminator Marriages Posted: 370 375. [(1)] (1) Jurists masterpiece: 2/195 197, Badaa'i the Trades: 2/253 256, Mabsoot: 5/16 and 31, the explanation great and footnote ElDesoki: 2/216, kindergarten students: 7/45 49, singer needy: 3/144 146 , footnote ELSHARKAWY: 2/231, Qinaa: 5/65 66. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/252, 253, great explanation: 2/216 and 236, the needy singer: 3/144, kindergarten students: 7/36, Singer: 7/434 435, Qinaa: 5/66. [(2)] Narrated by al-Tirmidhi: Book of Marriage, Helms door in the marriage announcement 3/399, No. 1089.

[(3)] Narrated by al-Tirmidhi: Book of Marriage, Door: Helms in the Declaration on Marriage, 3/398, No. 1088, said: a good talk, and Women: Book of Marriage: Door announcement marriage sound, 3/458, Number: 3369. Bukhaari. [(4)] Musnad Ahmad: 13/129, No.: 16658. (5)] masterpiece Ahwadhi: 4/178. [(6)] Explanation small and Salek language: 1/391 392, footnote ElDesoki and explanation Big Dardeer: 2 / 216 and 236. [(1)] Sunan Bayhaqi: Book of Marriage, the door: no marriage without good character, 7/126, Muwatta: Book of Marriage, the mosque door may not be the marriage of 388, No: 26. ( (2) Picker explain Muwatta: 3/313, the code for the front of the owner: 2/128, the first Book of Marriage Marriage without evidence, Blog accessory to Ibn Rushd: 5/264. [(1)] dictionary Pacific: 686, Morocco: 2/256, Alzaher: 214. [(2)] guidance: 1/212, Badaa'i the Trades: 2/272, needy singer: 3/142, Salek language: 1/393, Qinaa: 5/96. (3)] Damascene Shine: 5/245. [(1)] Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: What came the prohibition mut'ah marriage, 3/430, No: 1122. [(2)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/556 557. [(3)] Narrated by Bukhari: Book of Marriage, Door: Messenger of God ^ for fuck fun finally: 3/1841, No.: 4825 , and Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: fuck fun and a statement that it is permissible and then copy the 3/1434, No. : 1407. [(4)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of Marriage the door: mut'ah marriage and a statement that it is permissible then copy: 3/1431, No. 1406. [(1)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: mut'ah marriage and a statement that it is permissible and then copy the 3/1429, No.: 1405, and Otas is the year of the conquest of Mecca. [(2)] Sunan Ibn Majah: Book of Marriage door: it is forbidden to marry fun 1/631, No: 1963. [(3)] Sunan Bayhaqi: Book of Marriage, Bab mut'ah marriage, 7/207. [(4)] Sunan Bayhaqi: Book of Marriage, Door: mut'ah marriage, 7/206. [(5)] monument flag: 3/180, Sunan Bayhaqi: Book of Marriage 7/207. [(6)] Fath Al-Bari: Book of Marriage 9/216.

[(1)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: The Book of Virtues Quran, Bab: authored Koran 3/1803, No.: 4707. [(2)] Damascene Shines: 5/112, 245 308 and 465, Foresight: 3/148, politeness: 2/190, kindergarten Gorgeous: 2/104. [(1)] Ibid. [(2)] Narrated by Bukhari: Book interpretation, Door: verse: ) ( 3/158, No: 4339 and Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: fuck fun 3/1429, No.: 1404 . And pronunciation him. [(3)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: mut'ah marriage No.: 3/1430, No.: 1405. [(1)] Sahih Muslim nuclear explain: 3/1430. [(2)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, Door: The Messenger of God ^ mut'ah marriage 3/1840, No.: 4825 . Muslim, Book of Marriage, Door: mut'ah marriage 3/1430, No.: 1406. [(3)] for an explanation of choice Radd 3/127, great explanation: 7/752. [(1)] (1) Singer needy: 3/175. [(2)] containing large: 9/197. [(1)] singer needy: 3/175. [(2)] footnote infection: 2/51. [(3)] Qinaa: 5/69. (4)] footnote infection: 2/51., singer needy: 3/176. [(1)] polite: 2/42. [(2)] footnote infection: 2/51. [(3)] end Muhtaaj: 6/268. [(4)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/258. [(1)] footnote infection: 2/51. [(2)] for the singer Ibn Qudaamah: 6/569, needy singer: 3/177. [(3)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/258. [(4)] containing large: 9/200. [(5)] polite: 2/43. [(6)] narrated Daaraqutni: Book of Marriage 3/268, No.: 90, and al: Book of Marriage, Door: adultery does not deprive halal .7/168 and added: marry someone old. [(1)] guidance: 1/209, jurists masterpiece: 2/124.

[(2)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book certificates, door: the certificate on the genealogy: 2/875, No: 2502. [(3)] containing large: 9/198. [(1)] containing large: 9/198, needy singer: 3/176, demands preliminary Nuha: 5/89. [(2)] singer needy: 3/176. [(3)] singer needy: 3/176. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/262. [(2)] initial demands Nuha: 5/91. [(3)]- Mabsoot: 3/132. [(4)] Singer: 6/572. [(5)] laws jurisprudence: 178. [(1)] pulp: 4/36. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/268 269, Muhadhdhab: 2/45, me Muhtaaj: 3/135, the language of Salek: 1/388, great explanation: 2/218. [(1)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of divorce, the door: divorce passed three 3/1888, No.: 4960. [(2)] Narrated by Ibn Majah: Book of Marriage, Door: analyst and analyst has a 1/623, No: 1936. [(3)] Badaa'i Trades: 3/187, 188, great explanation with footnote ElDesoki: 2/258, 259, polite: 2 / 46 47, singer needy: 3/183, Singer: 7/574 575, Male talk in the singer said: Narrated Nafi from Ibn Umar. [(1)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: haraam for a woman to combine her aunt or her aunt 3/1435 Number: 1408. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/262 263, Salek language: 1/401, kindergarten students: 7/117, 118, singer with great explanation: 7/478 479, the explanation great singer: 7/489. [(2)] Narrated by al-Tirmidhi: Book of Marriage, Door: what was in the man delivers and has ten wives 3/435, No.: 1128 , and Ibn Majah: Book of Marriage, the door of the man delivers and has more than four 1/628, No: 1953. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/263, Salek language: 1/401, a great explanation: 2/255, kindergarten students: 7/121, needy singer: 3/181 182,, Qinaa: 5/81 82. [(1)] t: Qinaa: 5/38, polygamy: Abdel Nasser Al-Attar, explain the Syrian Personal Status Law: 1/141 et seq.

[(2)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/270, the great explanation: 2/267, needy singer: 3/187,, Qinaa: 5/84, the singer: 7/502 503. [(3)] see p 227. [(1)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of divorce, door: Allaan in the mosque, 3/1907, No. 5003, and his pronunciation. and Muslim: Book curse, 3/1543, No.: 1492. [(2)] leader in the Syrian Personal Status Law: 1/128, 131, explain the Syrian Personal Status Law for Dr. Saabooni: 1/156. [(1] (1) Fath al-Qadeer: 3/157, guidance: 1/213, great explanation: 2/214, 215, needy singer: 3/147 , 157, kindergarten students: 7/50 and 94, Mannar the way: 2/146 147. [(2)] Narrated by Muslim in the Book of Marriage, Door: ask permission in marriage pronunciation, and pristine silence 3/1443, No.: 1421. It has more than one context. [(1)] of the above, p 85. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/233, 237 and 5/135, Mabsoot: 4/226, explain the large: 2/241, footnote ElDesoki: 2/241, polite: 2/33, the singer with the explanation great: 7/393 394, Qinaa: 5/44. [(2)] singer needy: 2/217, Mokhtar Asahah: 462. [(2)] Narrated by al-Tirmidhi: Book of Hajj, Door: Helms in hatred married Muharram, 3/200, No.: 841. [(3)] singer needy: 2/217, 237, polite: 1/348 349. [(1)] Narrated by Abu Dawood: Book of Marriage, Bab: In the Guardian, 2/229, No.: 2085, and al-Tirmidhi: Book of Marriage, Door: Helms is no marriage without a wali, 3/407, Number: 1101., Ibn Majah in marriage , door: no marriage without a wali, 1/605, No: 1880. [(2)] Narrated by Ibn Majah: Book of Marriage, the door is no marriage without poly, 1/606, Number: 1882 and supplemented: the adulterous married itself, Daaraqutni: Book of Marriage: 3/227, No: 25. [(1)] t: Durr al-Mukhtar stated Radd: 2/327. [(2)] Sahih Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, Door: If the guardian is the suitor 3/1846. [(1)] guidance: 1/220, 221, footnote I'm Abdeen: 2/325 328, open Qadeer: 3/196 197, treasure Minutes: 2/132 135, great explanation with a footnote ElDesoki: 2/231 233, a brief Khalil: 3/190, fruit proximal: 436 440, fruits Aldoana: 2/22, polite: 2/38, kindergarten students: 7/72 77, singer needy: 3/147, 157, 159 and 163, the Scouts Mask: 5/56 58, singer: 7/354 and 361.

[(2)] Kindergarten students: 7/74 75. [(1)] dictionary Ocean: 1209, Mokhtar Asahah: 463. [(2)] dictionary idiosyncratic: 39. [(1)] Sunan Bayhaqi: Book of Marriage, the door: Do not fuck only poly Guide, 7/124. [(2)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: the prohibition of marriage is forbidden and hatred speech, 3/1436, No.: 1409. [(3)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/239, Radd on Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/295, 304 306, little explanation: 1/387 , needy singer: 3/154 156, Qinaa: 5/53 54. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/241, 245, little explanation: 1/381 382, kindergarten students: 7/77, 94, 96, Nuha initial demands in explaining the very ending: 5/55. [(2)]- Mabsoot: 4/212, beginning industrious and end Savin: 2/9, Local: 9/560. [(3)] mentioned by Ibn Qudamah in Singer: 7/393. [(4)] combined with the provisions of the Quran: 18/148. [(2)] (2) -Mabsoot: 4/212 213. (3)] Mabsoot: 4/212 213. [(4)] the beginning of the industrious and the end of Savin: 2/9, Picker explain the Muwatta: 3/272. [(5)] little explanation: 2/353. [6] Singer: 7/380. [(7)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, door: Ankah man and his son's small, 3/1847, No.: 4840, and Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: married father pristine small 3/445, No.: 1422. [8] Narrated by Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: ask permission in marriage pronunciation and pristine silence 3/1443, No.: 14217 [(1)] Qinaa: 5/43. [(2)] kindergarten students: 5/401, total polite explanation: 15/321. [(3)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of Marriage, Door: ask permission in marriage pronunciation, and pristine silence: 35/1443, No.: 1421. [4] Sahih Muslim nuclear explain: 3/1444, Sunan women explain Suyooti: 6/86. [(1)] to open the Almighty: 2/396 397. [(2)] to open the Almighty: 2/405 407, Mabsoot: 4/213 215, Radd: 2/304 306, Badaa'i ' Sanai: 2/245. [(1)] to open the Almighty: 2/406 407, Mabsoot: 4/214.

[(2)] little explanation: 1/381 382, Picker explain Muwatta: 3/274, Qinaa: 5/45 46. [(1)] Singer: 7/381. [(2)] already been discharged, p 85. [(3)] of the above, p 85. [4] Total polite explanation: 15/321. [(1)] to open the Almighty: 2/407, Mabsoot: 4/219, sea al-Raa'iq the: 3/127. [(2)] to open the Almighty: 2/413 414. [(3)] is part of the modern Narrated by Abu Dawood: Book of Marriage, door: in the Guardian: 2/229, No.: 2083, and pronunciation him, and Tirmidhi: Book of Marriage, Door: What came no marriage without a wali: 3/407, No. : 1102, said: good. It is: 'Any woman who gets married without the permission of her masters, her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid, the income her her what hit them, the Crown does not crown him. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/239, Radd on Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/295, 304 306, little explanation: 1/387, needy singer: 3/154 156, Qinaa: 5/53 54. [(2)] Badaa'i Sanai in divine order: 2/247 248, Radd Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/297, the great explanation: 2/222, 223, polite: 2/36, Muhtaaj to explain the curriculum: 6/223 , Singer: 6/491. [(1)] See: Badaa'i, Sanai in divine order: 2/248. [(2)] already been discharged, p 85. [(3)] Narrated by Abu Dawood: Book of Marriage, door: In 2/233 ,, No.: 2100, and Women: Book of Marriage, Bab: pristine permission, 3/400, Number: 3263. [(4)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, the door: If his son is unwilling Venkaha payoff, 3/1848, No.: 4845. [(1)] already been discharged, p 57. [(2)] already been discharged, p 89. [(3)] already been discharged, p 85. [4] See: mujtahid start: 2/5, the end of the needy: 6/223, needy singer: 3/149, Muhadhdhab: / 37. [(5)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/247 248, the guide: 1/191, sea al-Raa'iq: 3/117, industrious start: 2/9, singer needy: 3/150 151, Qinaa: 5/54. [(1)] to open the Almighty: 2/415 and 416, Mabsoot: 4/220, 222, Qinaa: 5/54 55.

[(1)] Mabsoot: 4/222, Badaa'i 'Trades: 2/250, the talents of Galilee: 3/421, little explanation: 1/384 385, needy singer: 3/153. [(2)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/247, Grand Entries: 2/144, needy singer: 3/198 199, Singer: 7 / 368, Mannar the way: 2/154. [(3)] dictionary Pacific: 930, Mokhtar Asahah: 284. [(1)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, Door: said: no marriage without a wali, 3/1846, No.: 4837. [(2)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/247 249, jurists masterpiece: 2/224 225, the explanation great with footnote ElDesoki: 3/222 223, Salek language with little explanation: 1/381, kindergarten students: 7 / 54, a singer in need: 3/147, Qinaa: 5/48 49. [(3)] already been discharged, p 85. [(1)] Sunan Daaraqutni: Book of Marriage 3/228, No: 30. [(1)] (1) Hedaya: 1/220, 221, footnote I'm Abdeen: 2/325 328, open Qadeer: 3/196 197, treasure Minutes: 2/132 135, great explanation with a footnote ElDesoki: 2/231 233, Summary Khalil: 3/190 , fruit proximal: 436 440, fruits Aldoana: 2/22, polite: 2/38, kindergarten students: 7/72 77, singer needy: 3/147, 157, 159 and 163, Qinaa: 5 / 56 and 58, the singer: 7/354 and 361. [(1)] treasure of minutes: 2/132 133, Badaa'i 'Trades: 2/233, footnote'm Abdin: 2/325, 327, little explanation: 1/386 387, kindergarten students: 7/75, a singer in need: 3 / 163, Qinaa: 5/56 and 237, and t it: 5/50 51 and 62. [(2)] Radd on Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/304 306, little explanation: 1/382, needy singer: 3/150, 164 165, Qinaa: 5/43 46. [(1)] Radd and Durr chosen: 2/296 297. [(2)] subsidy applicants: 3/330, Book of Marriage. separation efficiency. [(3)] Sunan Bayhaqi: Book of Marriage, Door: efficiency as 7/133. [(4)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/317, Radd: 40/209, 215, the language of Salek: 1/398, singer needy: 3/165 166, singer: 7/375. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/317. [(2)] Narrated by Abu Dawood: Book of Marriage, Door: qualified 2/233, No: 2102. [(3)] Musnad Ahmad: 17/12, number: 23381.

[(4)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/318 319, Radd on Durr al-Mukhtar: 4/209, 215, jurists masterpiece: 2/212, 215, pulp: 3/13, Qinaa: 5/67 68, equity: 8/107 110. [(5)] jurisprudence laws: 202, footnote ElDesoki the: 2/249 and beyond, in a language that walketh to the nearest tract with little explanation: 1/370 371. [(6)] singer needy: 3/165 167, students benefit: 3/330 331, Muhadhdhab: 2/39. [(1)] Narrated by al-Tirmidhi: Book of Marriage, Door: What if there comes came from whose religion commitment, 3/395, No: 1084. [(2)] Radd: 4/213, pulp: 3/13, jurists masterpiece: 2/212, Badaa'i the Trades: 2/318 320. (3)] footnote ElDesoki: 2/251, the language of Salek 1/398 399, laws jurisprudence: 202. [(1)] the previous reviewer. [(1)] Badaa'i Trades: 2/623, Radd on Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/297 and 234, Mabsoot: 5/25, the language of Salek: 1/399, singer needy: 3/164, polite: 2/49, total: 17/275, Singer: 6/480 481. [(2)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of divorce, Door: divorced three times at the expense of her 3/1526, No.: 1480. [(3)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage: Door competent in religion: 3/1831, No.: 4801. (4)] Mabsoot: 5/25 26, Badai: 2/624, a footnote ElDesoki: 3/58, the language of Salek: 2/399, Total: 17/275, Mother: 5/15, Singer: 6/481. [(1)] to open the Almighty: 3/187, crown jewels: 1/288, students benefit: 3/554, Mannar the way: 2/106: [(1)] t: ward corrupting: 311 et seq. [(1)] t: Leader in the Personal Status Law: 1/102, 104 and beyond ... [2] See: Terminator Marriages Posted: 373 380. [(1)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, the door: your husband have the right to 3/1869, No.: 4903, Fath Al-Bari: 9/299, and t: the interpretation of the verse: 3/80 onwards and 424 et seq .. [(2)] Narrated by Bukhari: Book of Marriage, the door: If you are women immigrant mattress her husband 3/1868, No.: 4897 and Muslim Marriage: Door prohibition of abstaining from the bed of her husband 3/1470, No.: 1436, Fath Al-Bari: 9/293 299. [(3)] (3) The revival of the science of religion: the rights of the spouse 2/58. [(1)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book Friday, Door: Friday in villages and towns, 1/296, number: 853.

[(2)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of Marriage, the door: the prohibition of disclosure of the secret Women 3/1470, No.: 1437. [(3)] t: Human Family: 257 258, the provisions of the Family: 347, footnote son Abdeen 3/28, and guidance: 1/208 209, the explanation small: 1/399, explain local: 3/243, polite 2/25 , Mannar the way: 2/163 165, Local: 9/224. [(1)] t: guidance: 2/221 and beyond, polite: 2/55, kindergarten students: 7/249, little explanation: 1/375, fruits Aldoana: 2/22, Rawd box: 411, Mannar way: 2/187. [(2)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of expenditure, the door: If you do not spend man, 3/1926 ,... , No.: 5049. [(3)] Narrated by al-Tirmidhi: The Book of Virtues and Merits, Door: creation ^ And patience 5/709, No: 3895. [(4)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book expenses, door: Alimony preferred to parents 3/1921, No.: 5036. [(5)] Narrated by Abu Dawood: Book of Marriage, door: In Alastimar 2/231, Number: 2095. [(6)] Narrated by Muslim: Book of breastfeeding, Bab: commandment women 3/1504, No.: 1469. [(1)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book expenditure, door: service men in his family 3/1926, No.: 5048. [(2] (2) Hedaya: 1/241, 242, great explanation: 2/339 343, needy singer: 3/251, 256, Qinaa: 5/198. (3)] Tabari explanation: 28/165. [(4)] (4) Mercy of Islam, women: 49 50. [(1)] Musnad Ahmad, 2/307, No: 1661. [(2)] Narrated by al-Tirmidhi: Book of Marriage, door: what came in the right pair of women 3/466, No: 1161. [(3)] Narrated by Ibn Majah: Book of Marriage, the door: the right pair of women to 1/595, No: 1835. [(4)] the provisions of the Family: 347 349, the rights of the family: 207 208, the engagement and wedding etiquette: 126 128. [(5)], the engagement and wedding etiquette: 127. [(1)] polite: 2/66. [(2)] Radd: 2/359 in Radd said: if they wanted obligatory pilgrimage mahram or her father for so, for example, needs to be serviced, even if an infidel or was it

coming down and did not ask her husband about the world and they come out without his permission in all . [(3)] the rights of the 212 family, the mercy of Islam in women: 57. [(4)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book Friday, Door: Friday in villages and towns, 1/296, number: 853. War: Open-Bari: 2/380 381. [(5)] the rights of the family: 212 213, the provisions of the Family: 350 351. [(6)] t: the facility: 1/140. [(1)] the rights of the family: 214 216, the provisions of the Family: 350 352. [(2)] Narrated by Ibn Majah: Book of Marriage, the door hit the women's 1/638, No: 1984. [(3)] Narrated by Ibn Majah: Book of Marriage, the door hit women 1/639, No: 1985. [(4)] the rights of the family: 214 216, the provisions of the Family: 351 352 t: Fath Al-Bari: 9/302 304. [(1)] (1) In the Syrian Personal Status Law called this: types of marriage, preferring to be called the above-mentioned this, because it is not a marriage of sorts, but is one thing, and accidentally species, but it is a positive judgment, the descriptions of the contract. [(2)] (2) Badaa'i Trades: 2/330 334. [(1)] (1) Great explanation: 2/302. [(1)] Radd on Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/350 353 and 607, Badaa'i made: 2/335, explain the large: 2/302, explain the personal status law Syrian: 1/252 and beyond, search: error division of the marriage to the corrupt and void Sheikh Mustafa Zarqa Journal of Research, University of Jordan: 29 and beyond. [(2)] dictionary Pacific 431, Morocco: 2/279, Mokhtar Asahah 404. [(1)] Radd on Durr al-Mukhtar: 2/329, needy singer: 3/220, footnote sentences to explain the curriculum: 4/35 , Qinaa: 5/128. [(2)] Narrated by Al-Bukhari: Book of Marriage, Door: marriages on the Koran Without Friendship, 3/1851, No.: 4854.

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