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Tourist Application Arrangement

Documents Check / Highlight a) Have been issued within the previous 10 years, and the validity must not exceed 10 years Passport/Travel Document b) At least have a validity of 3 months after intended stay c) Have at least 2 blank pages a) 2 signatures of the applicant (page 3-column 37 and page 4) (Application forms for minors has to be signed by both the parents in both the places) Visa application Form b) 2 photographs to be submitted. ( c) Travel dates d) Mention "N/A" wherever columns are blank Check list Tick the documents submitted a) Name of applicant Covering letter (on company letterhead if applicant is a proprietor) b) Travel dates c) Who is going to bear the expenses d) Purpose of the visit Leave sanction letter from employer Travel Itinerary a) Mentioning the dates of leave sanctioned on company letterhead b) Sign of the Authorized signatory Travel dates and places of travel during the entire trip to be mentioned a) Confirmed Hotel reservation covering travel dates + Confirmed Hotel Payment receipt (Normal Tourist) Complete stay details b) Incase of sponsor, then, Invitation letter from the sponsor in Italy ( Lettera Di Invito) accompanied by copy of identification, his Permit to Stay (Permessso Di Soggiorno), his passport copy + visa copy + Bank Guarantee (Visiting Family OR Friend) a) For Minors Travelling b) Application form to be signed by both the parents. A No Objection Certificate signed by both the parents on a stamp paper OR Consent Letter From Both Parents (Detail mentioned in Check

Foreign exchange endorsement on the passport or recent credit card statement Salary slip Personal Bank Statement Personal Income tax returns Additional Documents if any Passport copy of the applicant Copy of Valid US and UK Visas. Copy of all Schengen Visas issued from 2005 onwards Overseas medical insurance Air Ticket

Original receipt of the Forex purchased or recent credit card statement mentioning credit limit is mandatory. Please refer to the Requisite Funds Matrix for the amount. 3 months 6 months updated 3 years Photocopy( two copies of the front page, one copy of the last page and a copy of the page incase any Observations are mentioned in the passport) Photocopy Covering travel Period with coverage of Euros 30000 and including a repatriation clause Minimum 10 days insurance is mandatory from the travel date Return flight details or airlines reservation printout

Please Note: If the applicant having his own business then Covering letter on his companys letter head. If the applicant is travelling to any other Schengen countries also apart from Italy, then hotel booking for the same is required

PLEASE NOTE: - Additional documents may be required in certain cases. Applicant could be requested to appear for interview.
Date: - ________________

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