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Attitudinal Organizational Commitment and Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis Author(s): Michael Riketta Source: Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.

23, No. 3 (May, 2002), pp. 257-266 Published by: John Wiley & Sons Stable URL: . Accessed: 24/01/2011 17:26
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Journal of Organizational Behavior J. Organiz. Behav. 23, 257-266 (2002) Published online 1 March 2002 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/job.141

Attitudinal organizational commitment and job performance: a meta-analysis

Germany University of Mannheim,


A meta-analysiswas conductedto estimate the true correlationbetween attitudinalorganizational commitmentandjob performanceand to identify moderatorsof this correlation.Onehundredand eleven samples from 93 published studies were included. The correctedmean correlationwas 0.20. The correlationwas at least marginally significantly strongerfor: (a) extra-role performance as opposed to in-role performance; (b) white-collar workers as opposed to blue-collar workers;and (c) performanceassessed by self ratings as opposed to supervisorratingsor objective indicators.Fourother assumedmoderators(commitmentmeasure: Affective Commitment Scale versus OrganizationalCommitment Questionnaire,job level, age, and tenure) did not have at least marginally significant effects. Copyright ? 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

According to its most often cited definition, attitudinal (or affective) organizational commitment (AOC) is 'the relative strength of an individual's identification with and involvement in a particular organization' (Mowday, Steers, & Porter, 1979, p. 226). This variable is one of the most often studied variables in organizational behavior research (for recent reviews see Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Meyer & Allen, 1997). Probably the main reason for the extensive and long-lasting research interest in AOC is that it is assumed to influence almost any behavior that is beneficial to the organization such as performance, attendance, and staying with the organization (see Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Meyer & Allen, 1997; Mowday, Porter, & Steers, 1982; Randall, 1990). The present study focuses on the relationship between AOC and performance in particular. The assumption that employees who feel attached to and identify with their organization work harder, is a popular one and may provide the rationale for many organizational attempts to foster employees' organizational commitment or identification. Given its popularity, an empirical test of this assumption is urgent. A prerequisite for a causal influence of AOC on performance is that both variables are correlated. However, previous quantitative reviews suggest that the AOC-performance correlation is moderate at best (Allen & Meyer, 1996; Cohen, 1991; Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Mowday et al., 1982; Organ & Ryan, 1995; Randall, 1990). For example, Mathieu and Zajac (1990) reported an * Correspondence 68131Mannheim, of Mannheim, of SocialPsychology, to:Michael Riketta, Germany. University Department E-mail: Received 6 March 2001 Revised 12 September2001 Accepted 22 January 2002

Copyright ? 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



estimatedtrueAOC-performancecorrelationof r = 0.13 (k = 8) and Randall(1990) and Cohen (1991) reportedestimated true correlationsbetween organizationalcommitment (affective as well as calculative) and performanceof r = 0.21 (k = 7) and 0.13 (k = 14), respectively. Although these correlations may appear disappointingly low, their relevance to the AOCperformancerelationshipis limited due to a numberof shortcomingsof the mentionedreviews. First, all of these reviews used only few samples reportingan AOC-performancecorrelation(ks < 14). This is only a small part of the relevantempirical researchthat is available today. Second, all of the mentionedreviews used eithertoo restrictedor too comprehensivesamples of studies. In particular, Randall(1990) and Cohen (1991) did not distinguishbetween AOC and otherforms of organizational commitment(normativeand calculative)in their analyses pertainingto performance. Given the conceptualand empiricaldifferences between these three commitmenttypes (see Allen & Meyer, 1996; Mathieu & Zajac, 1991; Randall, 1990), it may be that Randall's and Cohen's results would not replicate for AOC in particular. Allen and Meyer (1996), Mathieu and Zajac (1990), and and focus did on AOC but consideredonly studies that, respectively,employed a (1995) Organ Ryan AOC measure Affective Commitment (the specific Questionnaire [ACS]by Allen & Meyer, 1990), used a specific operationalization of performance(objective indicators),and focused on a specific performance type (extra-rolebehavior). It is not clear whether the conclusions of these three studies are generalizableto other AOC measures,performancemeasuresand performancetypes, respectively. The aim of the presentstudyis to overcomethese shortcomings. It reports the resultsof a meta-analysis thatis based on a comprehensive of studies with the AOC-performance relasample dealingspecifically tionship.This meta-analysisis not only to provide an updatedand specific estimate of the true AOCcorrelation but also to identifymoderators of this correlation. In this respect,this studyrepliperformance cates and extends the meta-analytic moderator Cohen and Randall(1990). (1991) analysesby Two classes of moderatorsare consideredherein.The firstclass comprisestwo methodologicalvariables: the operationalizationof performanceand of AOC. Randall (1990) already investigatedthese moderatorsand found strongerorganizational commitment-workbehaviorcorrelationsfor self-reports and objective indicatorsthan for supervisorreportsof performanceand for Mowday et al.'s (1979) pervasive OrganizationalCommitmentQuestionnaire(OCQ) than for other commitment measures. However, Randall's moderatoranalyses have the drawbackthat they do not pertain to AOC and performance per se. Rather,she included studies pertainingto both affective and calculative organizational commitment and used a composite index of work behavior,which encompassed performance, tardiness, absentism, turnover,and effort. The second class of moderators comprises substantiveones. They follow from the pervasivehypothesis that the impact of AOC on performanceis positively correlated with autonomy at work (e.g., Kalleberg & Marsden, 1995; Meyer & Allen, 1997, p. 39; van Knippenberg,2000; see also Judge, Thoresen,Bono, & Patton,2001). Cohen (1991) and Randall (1990) tested this hypothesis with three indicatorsof autonomy.Randallassumedthat white-collarworkershave more autonomyat work than blue-collar workers. In line with this, she found that they displayed a strongercommitment- performance correlation than blue-collar workers. However, the already mentioned shortcomings of her moderatoranalysis apply also to this finding.Cohen assumed that employees cumulaterelevantwork experience in the course of time and thus increase their autonomy.Providingsupportfor this assumption, he found strongercommitment-performancecorrelationsfor samples with older mean age and longer mean tenure.As already mentioned,however, he used only a small sample of studies (k = 14) and, like Randall,did not distinguishbetween affective and other forms of commitment.In the present study, the impact of the same three moderatorsis investigated. In addition,this study deals with the moderatingimpactof two furtherpossible indicatorsof autonomy. The first one is performancetype: in-role versus extra-role. In-role performanceis defined as behavior requiredby formal job descriptions. Extra-roleperformanceis defined as behavior that is Copyright ? 2002 JohnWiley& Sons,Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav.23, 257-266 (2002)



beneficial to the organizationand also goes beyond formaljob requirements(e.g., extra hours, altruistic behavior,and donating).Because extra-rolebehavioroften is voluntary,it should depend on intrinsic motivationalfactors to a greaterextent than does in-role behavior.Thus, AOC should relate more strongly to extra-rolebehaviorthan to in-role behavior.A comparisonof previous meta-analysesprovides preliminary support for this hypothesis: Mathieu and Zajac's (1990) correlation (r = 0.13) between AOC and performance(obviously in-role behavior for the most part) is lower than Organ and Ryan's (1995) correlations(r= 0.23, k =5, and r= 0.30, k = 4) between AOC and two facets of extra-rolebehavior. The second additionalassumedmoderatoris job level (supervisorversus subordinate).It is assumed that supervisorshave more autonomythan subordinates.So the AOC-performancecorrelationshould be strongeramong supervisors.

Organizational Context

Features of the Samples Included in the Meta-Analysis The results for most (75 per cent) of the 111 samples analysed herein were published in the years 1990-2001, 20 per cent in the years 1980-1989, and 5 per cent in the years 1975-1980. The average sample consisted of 59 per cent men and 41 per cent women (genderproportionswere reportedfor 38 per cent of the samples). Mean age and tenureacross samples were 35.93 and 6.90 years, respecwas availablefor 56 per cent and43 per cent of the samplesrespectively (age andtenureinformation The bulk of the samples (86 per cent) was drawn from Anglo-American countries tively). huge (above all, the USA, 81 per cent), 4 per cent from from the European continent (in particular, Japan, Germany,Belgium, and Netherlands),4 per cent from easternAsian countries(in particular, Korea,and Singapore),and 3 per cent from Israel;the nationalitiesof the other samples (4 per cent) were mixed or not evident from the respective studies. Most samples were drawnfrom the service 18 per cent from financialservice organizations sector,in particular: (banks,insurances,and accounting firms), 16 per cent from health or social service organizations (above all, hospitals), and 14 per cent from other non-public services (e.g., food, retailing, and research and development). In addition, 14 per cent of the samples were from the public sector, except health and social services (e.g., education,police, and armed forces), and 8 per cent from manufacturingfirms; the other samples (27 per cent) were from unspecified or diverse industries. The most prominent occupational groups among the analysed samples were salespeople (18 per cent of the samples) and nurses (5 per cent); the remainderof the samples (77 per cent) comprised other, unspecified, or diverse occupationalgroups.

Searchfor relevant studies
Only published studies were included in the meta-analysis.It was decided not to conduct a search for unpublishedfindingsbecause therewas reason to assume thatsuch a searchwould result only in a very ( 2002 JohnWiley& Sons,Ltd. Copyright Behav.23, 257-266 (2002) J. Organiz.



selective sample of unpublished studies. For example, in their meta-analysis of the commitmentloyalty literature,Tett and Meyer (1993, p. 266) mention that from 33 dissertationauthorssolicited for information, only four answered and eventually two provided usable information.Considering such a small part of the unpublishedresearch, therefore, would not substantiallyreduce file-drawer bias (i.e., the bias resulting from considering only published research; Rosenthal, 1991); rather,it may introduceother biases, depending on the reasons for the solicited authors' cooperation or noncooperation. The problem of file-drawerbias is addressedagain in the Discussion section. To identify relevantpublished studies, a search was conductedin the electronic databasesPsycLIT (covering the years 1887-2001, April), ABI/INFORM (covering 1971-2001, June), and Social Sciences CitationIndex (covering 1998-2001, June) for one of the keywords 'organizational commitment' and 'organizationalidentification' alongside one of the keywords 'performance', 'in-role', 'extra-role', and 'organizationalcitizenship'. Moreover, the reference lists of previous reviews of AOC researchwere inspected. Only those studies shouldbe consideredfurtherthat dealt with AOC ratherthancalculative or other forms of organizationalcommitment.To accomplishthis, all studies using a scale explicitly devised to measure either AOC (e.g., ACS or OCQ) or the related constructsof organizationalidentificationand internalizationof organizationalvalues (e.g., the scales by O'Reilly & Chatman,1986) were retained, whereas all studies using a scale explicitly devised to measure non-affective forms of commitment (e.g., Hrebiniak& Alutto's, 1972, calculativecommitmentscale; Allen & Meyer's, 1990, Continuance CommitmentScale and NormativeCommitmentScale) were discarded.When a study used a commitment scale the type of which was not specified, the study was includedonly if the scale had some face validity as an AOC measure (i.e., if at least one item seemed to tap affective attachmentto the organization). Face validity was judged by the author;five of the samples included in the final meta-analysis were judged thatway. Moreover,studies using measuresof effort as indicatorsof performanceor measuringAOC otherwisethanby self-reportswere discarded.Fromthe remainingstudies, only those studies were retainedthatreportedzero-ordercorrelationcoefficients or data allowing computationof such correlationcoefficients (e.g., t and F values; cf. Hunter& Schmidt, 1990). The final sample for the meta-analysiscomprised 111 individualsamples (n = 26 344) from 93 published studies. Sixty-nine studies (74 per cent) have not been included in any of the previous quantitative reviews of the AOC-performancerelationship(Allen & Meyer, 1996; Cohen, 1991; Mathieu& Zajac, 1990; Mowday et al., 1982; Organ& Ryan, 1995; Randall, 1990). A list of the individualstudies and their characteristicsis available from the authorupon request.

Coding of sample characteristics

All sample characteristics(including correlation coefficients and reliabilities) were coded by the authorand an independentrater.Interrater agreementwas at least 87 per cent for every variable.Inconsistencies that were not due to errorswere resolved by discussion. Performancetype was coded in-role, extra-roleor mixed. If the study authorsexplicitly statedwhich i.e. in each other type of performancethey soughtto measure,their sample was coded correspondingly, case, the coders inspected the respectiveperformancemeasuresto findout whetherthey tappedin-role or extra-roleperformanceor both. The above definitions served as guidelines for this judgment. Type of worker was coded blue-collar (i.e., all study participantswere blue-collar workers), white-collar (i.e., all study participantswere white-collarworkers)or mixed/notstated. Job level was coded supervisor (i.e., all study participantsheld supervisoryor managerialpositions), subordinate(i.e., none of the study participantsheld supervisoryor managerialpositions), or mixed/notstated. Age and organizational tenurewere coded by their sample means into Cohen's (1991) categories:up to 29, 30-39, and
Copyright ? 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz.Behav. 23, 257-266 (2002)



40 years and over for age and up to 2, 3-8, and 9 and over for tenure. Commitmentmeasure was coded into two categories denoting the two most pervasive measures, ACS and OCQ, and into others/mixed/notstated. The labels AOC and OCQ were used for both the full-length version and shortenedversions of either measure.Within the OCQ category,specific labels were assigned to each of the two most pervasiveversions of the OCQ:the 9-item version and the 15-item version. Source of performancedata was coded self-ratings, supervisor ratings, peer ratings, objective indicators, or others/mixed/not stated. Self-reported supervisor ratings and self-reported objective indicators were coded supervisorratingsand objective indicators,respectively.Because the peer rating category comprisedonly five samples, it was not included in the moderatoranalyses. However, as describedin the next section, peer ratings were corrected for unreliability in a special manner. Finally, the percentage of women in the sample, type of organization, occupations of participants,and country where the investigation was conducted were coded for descriptivepurposes (see Contextual Sidebar for the categories and results). When a study reportedseparatecorrelationspertainingto different levels of the same moderator (e.g., for both in-role and extra-rolebehavior),the correlationswere averagedacross moderatorlevels for all analyses except the analysis of the effect of that moderator.In the lattercase, the separatecorrelations were used. This was done with the moderators 'performancetype' and 'source of performance data'. In averaging across moderator levels, the same formula was used as in averaging across samples (see next section).

The present study employed the meta-analyticmethods of Hunter and Schmidt (1990). Hunter and Schmidt suggested that a meta-analysisnot only aggregatedata across studies but also correctthe data for artefactsas far as possible. The currentmeta-analysiscontrolledfor the artefactsof sampling and measurementerror. In the first step, every individualcorrelationcoefficient was divided by the square-rootof the reliabilities of the involved variables. With some exceptions, which are described in turn, the samplespecific reliability coefficients (usually internal consistency coefficients) reported in the respective study were used. When the authorsdid not reportreliability coefficients, the averagereliability coefficient for each variable across all samples included in the meta-analysis was used. Objective performance indicatorsfor which no reliability coefficient was reportedand factor scores were assigned a reliability coefficient of 1.00. Moreover,following the recommendationsby Viswesvaran,Ones, and Schmidt (1996), interrater reliabilityratherthan internalconsistency was used to disattenuatecorrelations involving supervisorand peer ratings of performance.Because no study included in the present meta-analysis reported interraterreliabilities, Viswesvaran et al.'s meta-analytical estimates of the interrater reliability of supervisorratings (0.52) and peer ratings (0.42) were used to correct correlations computed from such ratings. In the next step, the correlationcoefficients were averagedacross samples according to the recommendations by Hunter and Schmidt (1990, pp. 148-150). Specifically, every corrected correlation coefficient was weighted with the product of sample size and the reliability coefficients for the two correlated variables. Then the weighted coefficients were summed and divided by the sum of the weights. The result is an estimateof the truepopulationcorrelation(p). Note thatthis estimate is necessarily flawed by all artefactsnot correctedfor here: all artefactsbesides measurementerrorand sampling error.Reliability coefficients were averaged analogously, with sample sizes as weights. Anotherpopulationparameterof interest was the variance of the true populationcorrelations.The estimate recommended by Hunter and Schmidt (1990, p. 150) was employed here, that is, the Copyright ? 2002 JohnWiley& Sons,Ltd. Behav.23, 257-266 (2002) J. Organiz.



difference between the variance of the corrected correlation coefficients and their average squared standarderror.The latter term is an estimate of the variance attributableto the corrected artefacts. The statistical significance of the estimated variance of the population correlationwas computed with Hunterand Schmidt's (1990, p. 151) Q test. A significantresult points to the existence of moderators.The statisticalsignificanceof specific moderator effects was tested with Hunterand Schmidt's (1990, pp. 437-438) z test. This test reveals the significance of the difference in observed mean correlation coefficients (correctedonly for sampling error)between two subsamplesin a meta-analysis (here: between two subsamplesrepresentingdifferentlevels of the respective moderator).A prerequisite for the z test is that the comparedsamples are independent.Therefore,from each sample contributing correlationsto more than one level of the moderator(e.g., correlationsfor both in-role and extra-role behavior), only one correlationwas included in the moderatoranalysis. This was always the correlationat the moderatorlevel for which fewer samples were available. All mean correlations(r) reportedin the following are correctedfor samplingerrorand attenuation. All ps reported in the following are two-tailed, with a significance level of p < 0.05. Effects with p < 0.10 are considered marginallysignificant.

Table 1 shows the results of the meta-analysis. The mean corrected correlationbetween AOC and performancewas 0.20 (k = 111). The 95 per cent confidence interval did not include zero; so the correlationwas statistically significant. correlationswere not attriMoreover,62 per cent of the varianceof the observedAOC-performance butable to the controlled artefacts.Hunterand Schmidt (1990) assume that if this proportionexceeds 25 per cent, the existence of moderatorsis likely. The Q test for significance of unexplainedobserved variancepoints to the same direction-Q = 2(112) = 300.17, p < 0.001. These resultswere prerequisite for the moderatoranalyses. From the methodological variables, only source of performancedata had a marginallysignificant effect: the correlationwas strongerfor self-ratingsof performance(r = 0.24) than for supervisorratings (r= 0.19) and objective indicators (r = 0.13) (ps = 0.09 and 0.10, respectively). However, the AOC-performancecorrelationdid not depend on the commitmentmeasure used. Although the ACS yielded a slightly strongercorrelation(r = 0.23) than the OCQ in general (r = 0.18) and its two most pervasive versions (the 9-item and 15-item version, rs = 0.19 and 0.18), none of these differences reached significance (ps > 0.18). From the substantiveassumed moderators,only job type and worker type had at least marginally significant effects. Both effects were in line with the predictions. First, AOC related signifcantly more strongly to extra-roleperformance(r = 0.25) than to in-role performance(r = 0.18), p = 0.03. Second, the AOC-performancecorrelation was significantly stronger among white-collar workers (r = 0.20) thanamong blue-collarworkers(r = 0.10) (p = 0.01). A problemwith the workertype analysis is that there were only four samples in the blue-collar category. Nonetheless, the category was analysed here to allow for a tentativetest of the relevanthypothesis. The differences for job level, age, and tenure were non-significant (p = 0.43, ps >0.13, and to the predictions,the AOC-performance correlationeven decreased ps > 0.16, respectively).Contrary as age and tenure increased. Copyright ? 2002 JohnWiley& Sons,Ltd. J. Organiz. Behav. 23, 257-266 (2002)



of the meta-analysis Table1. Results

Moderator k n r re SD p CI z

1. Up to 29 years 2. 30-39 years 3. 40+ years Tenure 1. Up to 2 years 2. 3-8 years 3. 9+ years Job level 1. Supervisor 2. Non-supervisor Performancetype 1. In-role 2. Extra-role Workertype 1. Blue-collar 2. White-collar

Total 111 26344 Commitment measure 21 5072 1. ACS 2. OCQ(all versions) 65 15511 21 4322 3. OCQ-9 4. OCQ-15 28 7099 data Sourceof performance 18 5801 1. Objective indicators 2. Self-ratings 32 8060 3. Supervisor 59 14906 ratings Age
10 34 18 1385 8282 4879

0.146 0.174 0.132 0.126 0.142 0.111 0.183 0.131

0.241 0.162 0.145 0.209 0.169 0.138 0.167 0.128 0.130 0.185 0.067 0.150

0.198 0.233 0.181 0.178 0.191 0.125 0.235 0.194

0.300 0.231 0.198 0.297 0.238 0.203 0.200 0.178 0.178 0.252 0.098 0.201


0.032,0.363 1.36 1.21a 0.73,b0.20c

0.086 0.071,0.395 0.093 0.014,0.348 0.047 -0.002, 0.358 0.116 0.032, 0.351 0.123 -0.001, 0.259 0.138 0.085,0.385 0.041 0.015,0.374
0.138 0.103 0.121 0.027 0.141 0.046 0.107 0.089 0.096 0.093 0 0.124 0.104, 0.496 0.061, 0.400 0.042, 0.355 0.077, 0.515 0.064, 0.412 0.039, 0.367 0.034, 0.366 0.016, 0.339 0.011, 0.344 0.093, 0.412 -0.085, 0.281 0.026, 0.375

1.65,t0.64, 1.72td

1.27, 1.46, 0.42d

8 24 16

1213 5183 4654

0.68, 1.37, 0.70d 0.78 2.20* 2.55*

1774 9 44 11 272 87 20973 42 10747 4 1024 84 17554

Notes: k-number of averagedcorrelations; n-number of individuals;r-mean correlationcorrectedfor sampling error;r,mean correlation corrected for sampling error and attenuation; SD p-estimated standard deviation of the population correlations;CI-95 per cent confidence intervalfor re;z-result of the significance test on the difference in r between two moderatorlevels (levels 1 and 2 except where stated otherwise). *p < 0.05;tp < 0.10. aModerator levels 1 versus3. bModerator levels 1 versus2, 1 versus 3, levels 1 versus4. cModerator levels 3 versus4. dModerator and 2 versus 3, respectively.

When interpretingthe results, the readershould keep in mind three limitations of this meta-analysis. First, only publishedstudies were considered.Exclusion of null findingsfrom publication(file-drawer bias) may have inflatedthe estimatedtrue correlation.However,file-drawerbias may be less of a problem here because in the analysed studies the AOC-performancecorrelationwas often reportedonly as an ancillary result. In this case, the non-significanceof this correlationmay not have affected the publicationchances of the respective study. Results reportedby Allen and Meyer (1996, Table 5) are conclusive in this context. These authors reported six AOC-in-role performance correlations and five AOC-extra-roleperformancecorrelationsfrom four and three unpublishedstudies, respectively, all of which used the ACS (sample sizes and reliabilitieswere not reported).The unweightedmeans of these correlationswere 0.188 and 0.248, respectively, and thus even larger than the corresponding unweighted mean correlationsfor the published ACS studies analysed herein (0.157 and 0.183).
Copyright ? 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Organiz.Behav. 23, 257-266 (2002)



Moreover,the problemof file drawerbias does not challenge the practicalsignificanceof the present moderatoranalyses because file drawerbias is more likely to blur moderatoreffects ratherthan to inflate them. If real moderatorsexist, studies pertainingto the levels with the smaller true effect sizes have less of a chance of yielding significant results than studies pertaining to the other moderator levels. Hence, providedthat significantresults have a better chance to be published than non-significant ones, there are more unpublishednon-significantstudies pertainingto the moderatorlevels with smallertrue effect sizes thanto the othermoderatorlevels. So the publishedeffect sizes for the former moderatorlevels should in total be more stronglyupwardlybiased than the publishedeffects sizes for the othermoderatorlevels. Thus, the fact thatonly publisheddatawere consideredherein likely lead to an underestimationof the true moderator effects. This renders the significant moderator effects obtained herein even more remarkable. A second limitationof this studyis thatthe correlationsfor young employees, low-tenureemployees, supervisors, and blue-collar workers were based on only few (:510) samples. Hence, these correlationsmay be alteredby few additionalstudies or may have been substantivelybiased by single findings. Therefore,the moderatoranalyses for age, tenure,job level, and worker non-representative type are somewhatpreliminary. Finally, in the population of the analysed studies, employees from Anglo-American countries (especially the USA) and white-collar workers (especially salespeople) were clearly overrepresented cautiouswith generalizingthe (see ContextualSidebar).As a consequence, one should be particularly present results to other, especially collectivistic (e.g., Asian), cultures and to blue-collar workers. This having been said, the research and practical implications of the results are outlined in the following. The estimated true AOC-performance correlation obtained herein (0.20) was similarly strong as the correspondingestimates reported in the previous meta-analyses of the commitmentperformancerelationship (Cohen, 1991; Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Randall, 1990; see introductory section). Thus, after one decade of additional research, one has still to conclude that the AOCperformancecorrelationis weak. However, whereas the correlationsreportedin those meta-analyses are based on 14 samples or less, the correlationreportedherein is based on 111 samples. Hence, it is less likely thanit was with the previousmeta-analysesthatadditionalresearchwill alterthe estimateof the true AOC-performancecorrelation. the present study was concerned with moderatorsof the AOC-performancerelationFurthermore, ship. One methodological variable (source of performancedata) and two substantivevariables (job type and worker type) turnedout to be at least marginallysignificantmoderators.One furthermethodological variable(commitmentmeasure)and threefurthersubstantivevariables(age, tenure,andjob level) did not have significantmoderatoreffects, with the tendencies for age and tenurebeing contrary to expectations. Thus, the autonomy-moderatorhypothesis, which was used to predict the effects of the substantivemoderators,recieved only mixed support. A reason for the non-significanceand the partlyunexpecteddirectionsof the effects by age, tenure, of autonomy. andjob level may be that those variablesdo not constituteadequateoperationalizations the moderate that variables of other with a number be confounded AOC-perRather,they may may formancecorrelation(e.g., economic dependencyon the job [Brettet al., 1995], work load, and health status). These variables may have effects that run counter to the effects by autonomy.Hence, future research should test the autonomy-moderatorhypothesis more directly, either by using self-report measures of autonomy (but see Kalleberg & Marsden, 1995, for a null finding obtained with this method) or by experimentalmanipulationsof this variable. It should be mentionedthat originally it was intendedto explore the moderatingimpact of an additional methodological feature-study design (longitudinal versus cross-sectional). Also Randall (1990) included this variable in her meta-analysis and found a non-significantlyweaker correlation for longitudinal studies. However, a replication of this analysis turned out to be problematichere Copyright ? 2002 JohnWiley& Sons,Ltd. Behav.23, 257-266 (2002) J. Organiz.


because the longitudinalstudies includedin the presentmeta-analyseswere extremelyheterogenousin terms of the reportedtime lag between measurementof commitmentand performance(rangingfrom two weeks to four years). Hence, it would have been necessary to divide the longitudinalstudies into subgroupswith different time lags to allow for more meaningful analyses. Yet, this was not possible because the time lag was reportedfor only eight samples in the longitudinalcategory. This suggests thatresearchersstudyingthe AOC-performancelink provide detailedinformationaboutthe time when their measureswere collected so that the moderatingimpact of design can be assessed in futuremetaanalyses. Now that a reliable (though weak) correlationbetween AOC and performancehas been demonstrated,the question of causality arises. Moderatoranalyses are but one way to test causal hypotheses. Other suitable methods are experiments and crucial tests of alternative structuralequation models (see Farkas& Tetrick, 1989, for an example). At a basic level, the researchagendaproposedby Judge et al. (2001) could serve as a guideline and integrativeframeworkfor such research. Provided that AOC does cause performance,the results of this meta-analysishave practicalimplications in two respects. First, the results suggest that AOC is a betterpredictorof performancewhen: (a) performanceis measuredby self-reportsratherthan supervisorreportsor objective indicators;(b) extra-role performancerather than in-role performance is predicted; and (c) white-collar workers ratherthan blue-collar workers are studied. Conclusion (c) is only tentative,given the small number of analysed blue-collar samples. Second, with the same caveat, conditions (b) and (c) point to circumstances under which attemptsto increase productivitythroughAOC may be particularlyeffective.

Author biography
Michael Riketta received diplomas (M.A. equivalent) in economics (University of Augsburg, Germany, 1997) and psychology (Catholic University of Eichstatt, Germany, 1999). In 1999 and 2000, he was research assistant at the Department of Economic and Social Psychology, Catholic University of Eichstitt. Since 2000, he has been research assistant at the Department of Social Psychology, University of Mannheim, Germany.His areas of research are context dependence of the self-concept, organizationalcommitment and identification,and social psychological aspects of European integration.

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Copyright ? 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

J. Organiz.Behav. 23, 257-266 (2002)

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