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East Avenue Medical Center

Laboratory Information System


What the system does as a whole?

The East Avenue Medical Center Laboratory Information system refers to the software and hardware used in performing the laboratory process. The combination receives data on specific Doctors and Patient. It then creates reports and records results made to patients accounts. The laboratory process involves receiving laboratory records from various patient, determining the reports associated with the laboratory results, and aggregating these results periodically to generate reports.

The Laboratory Information should provide service to the user, collect user records, and generate reports about the laboratory test and result of a patient.
The Laboratory Information system is connected to Hospital Information system wherein they can transfer data by using the middleware that transmit information time to time. After all the transaction from the laboratory apparatus the result will be placed on the Laboratory Information System and store it on its database.

Transactions covered, queries, reports, and special technologies.

The Laboratory Information System of East Avenue Medical Center Covered all the transactions especially on laboratory process itself. Before and after the laboratory of a patient is been made the EAMC-LIS is existing from the request of the doctor to the health care personnel until the laboratory test process. The queries of the patient health records regarding on their laboratory test is stored in the database of the Hospital Information System that been process by the Laboratory information system after the transaction of the patient and laboratory occurred. All the reports regarding to the result of the test on the laboratory will be generated by the Laboratory Information System automatically after the test of the patient.

The Special Technologies involved in the Laboratory Information System is the Laboratory Apparatus that serves as a middle transaction of the patient and the laboratory information system . Specially the Assay Machine that they use to measure all the test of the patient including the glucose of the patient and number of platelets and other test that may done on the Assay Machine.

Major difference from other similar systems.

The middleware or the networking connection of the laboratory information system to hospital information system. The outpatient doctor and the inpatient doctor can message the administrator of laboratory to the laboratory request of the patient. The test result of the patient can get the result immediately after the laboratory test has been done. The data is secured. The laboratory test process automatically save in the database of the laboratory information system.

Integration with other systems presented via diagram

Solution architecture

System layout


The patient is the one who will ask for a request to a doctor and when the transaction is process the LIS will record all the information of the patient on its database . Then the test on the laboratory will start . After the test it will automatically transfer the result of the test to the Laboratory Information system in order to create the reports that needed. Also the Laboratory information system will send the result and information to the other module in the hospital information system including General Ledger, Inpatient ward, Outpatient and also to Billing and collection

Week 18(Judgement Week) 100% Week 17(Focused on studying the Laboratory Information System Week 17(Preparation for final defense) 90% Week 15(Integration to other system) Week 14(Implementation of the system) Week 13(Testing of the System)



Week 12(Debugging) Week 11(End of coding and start of debugging of the system) Week 10(Coding will continue)



Week 9(Coding will be start)

Week 8(User Interface Designing)

Timeline from November onwards


Week 7(Making of Interaction Diagram Week 6(Making the Description of Components especially on the Database Week 5(Creation of Architectural Diagram)



Week 4(Architectural and Component level Designing Week 3(Designing of the Laboratory Information System Week 2(Software Design Specification Start



Week 1(PS 1 Project Review)

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