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1. Central office:-


2. 8 Zonal offices:- Bhopal, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Patna. 3. Foreign offices:- United Kingdom, Mauritius, Fiji. 4. 105 Divisional offices. 5. 2048 branches offices. 6. Satellite offices.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY INTRODUCTION Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. The advanced learners dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of research as a careful investigation of enquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. The systematic approach concerning generalization and the formulation of a theory is also research. The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. JOHN.W.BEST Research may be defined as any organized inquiry designed and carried out to provide information for solving a problem. - EMORY Research is essentially an investigation, a recording and an analysis of evidence for the purpose of gaining knowledge. - ROBERT ROSS DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN Descriptive research design studies are those studies, which are concerned with describing the character of a group. The researcher makes a plan of the study his research work. That will enable the researcher to save and resources such a plan of study or blue print or study is called a research design.

DATA COLLECTION The study was based on questionnaire method. The study was about the Recruitment and Selection System. There are two types of data collection: PRIMARY DATA The primary data are those, which are collected a fresh and for the first time happen to be original in character. It has been collected through a Questionnaire and personal interview SECONDARY DATA Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the stratified process. It has collected through the books, journals & Internet. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT Questionnaire containing both closed and open ended questions. SAMPLE DESIGN: POPULATION It covers the 30 employees working in RSA Insurance Company Ltd, Chennai. SAMPLE UNIT Sample unit is 30 RSA Insurance Company Ltd, Chennai. Total Employee strength of the particular branch is above eighty. SAMPLE PROCEDURES In this study convenient sampling method was adopted. First the each organization was divided into different departments like Operations, Customer Primary data Secondary data

Services, Human Resources, Internet Marketing and under writing departments. From this department, the respondents were selected on the basis of convenience. CONTACT METHOD Respondents were contacted personally. INTERVEIW SCHEDULE The interview schedule has been used to collect the data. Information can be gathered even when the respondents happen to be literate or illiterate. TABULATION It is the arrangement of classified data in an orderly manner. This involves creating table for recording the filled in interview schedule. These tables are of immense help to analysis by using the statistics tools help to analysis by using the statistical tools. SCALING TECHNIQUES Questionnaire was framed on attitude scale having 5-point scales and two point scale. PERIOD OF STUDY The study was conducted for period of 60 days. TOOLS USED FOR ANALYSIS Simple percentage analysis It is simple analysis tool. In this method, based on the opinions of the respondents, percentage and bar chart is calculated for the respective scales of each factor. Formula: Simple percentage = No of Respondents Total No of Sample Size

CHI- SQUARE TEST: As a non parametric test chi-square can be used be to determine if categorical data shows dependency or the two classifications are independent. It is generally used to test the significance of association between two variables. In chi-square test first a null hypothesis is formed that there is no significance relation between the two given attributes. The calculated chi-square value is less than the theoretical value. We accept the null hypothesis as valid. Otherwise reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. Ho: Null Hypothesis Ha: Alternative Hypothesis Chi- square is a measure for comparing variance studies.


Where, O = is the observed frequency, and E = is the expected frequency Expected frequency (E) = Row Total *Column Total/Grand Total. Degree of freedom = (R 1)*(c -1) Where, R = Number of Rows C = Number of Columns



Fig: Distribution of age groups in the sample Explanation :The above pie chart shows that the sample of 153 is predominantly consists of respondents of the age groups of 18-30 years and 31-40 years. This reveals that most of the investors are them who are started their carrer recently or working for 10-15 years. This also shows that the age group of greater than 50 years are very less interested in invetment.

Fig : Distribution of occupation through out the sample Explanation :This graph shows that the respondents are mostly from the service class (61%) and business person consists of only 37% of respondents.Self employed are very less in numbers. Form the Standard Chartered point of view it is quite useful as the service people are regular investors. Where as the business class invest large amount in a single time.

Fig : Distribution of sample annual income wise Explanation :In the sample the income group of 2,50,000 to 5,00,000 Rs is dominating. It reveals that this income group were the major respondent in the survey. The second major income group is the 7,50,000 to 10,00,000. Most investors are from the income group of 2,50,000 tp 5,00,000 Rsand 7,50,000 to 10,00,000 which is enthusiastic for the companies as the potential customers are from the medium investor and the bid investors. Combining the two income group company can have a mixed bag of good investor in the near future.

Fig : Distribution of disposible income Explanation :Disposible income is the strong piller of investment, more the disposible income for the investors more they invest in the investment instrument. The pie shows that the major repondents have a dispposible income of 5,000 to 10,000 Rs per month which is good enough money for an investor who is investing regularly for the longer term. It also depicts that investors who has a disposible income of more then 20,000 Rs is 1/5th of the sample. This reveals company got a fair enough data base of high amount investors.

Fig : First priority of investment in the sample Explanation :Tax saving is the major concern now in india. The above pie alsoshow that 40% of people want to invest for the taxsavings, but that is for only 1.5 lakh. It is expeacted that before the investment investors focus would be the main criteria where he wants to invest in. depending up on the reponse I have found out that 18% people invest to secure for Future Uncertainties and 19% fight against inflation and do invest for only Capital Preservation. Only 9% people focus on their retirement time and invest for vesting period.

Fig : Withdraw from investment

Explantion :It shows that how investors want to stay remain invested in.42% of investors want to stay in the market for the 3-5 years, it has been said that 3 years is a market cycle so, investor usually want stay in for the two cycle. This is the very normal period for remain invested due to primary BULL and BEAR turn period go through 5-6 years. 23% investors are the short term investor as they want to get out of market with in 3 years. But it is healthy for the investment market thst 18% investors want to stay invested for 69 years and 17% more than 10 years. These long term investors are keeping the market more stable than the short term investors.

Fig : Risk tolerence ability Explanation :The research showed that the most investors are risk averse and goo for the moderate risk. 42% investors are in this category. This is good news for the market that only 22% of insvestors are with low risk apetite. The low risk apetite investor mostly invested in the fixed return instruments. 7% investors have very high and 29% investors have high risk profile, they useally invest in the stocks and mutual fund, where the ris is high and the returns are also high in proportion.

Fig :Risk bear acceptablilty Explanation :Investors negative return acceptablity shows how he/she can aceept the market updowns positively. If they really take it to the account then the can sustain in the market for the longer time. In the above pie chart Never accept return shows the group with low risk appetite where as once in 3 years & once in 5 years represents the group with moderate risk appetite. once in 7 years & can fluctuate in long run represents the group with high or very high risk appetite. Though this is not applied to all, as risk assumption is different for every other person. Here, 36% investors need always positive returns or assured return, where as 30% of investors can have a moderate risk bearing appetite. And rest 34% investors can bear the high risk.

Fig : Disposible income according to age groups Explanation :It clearly shows that the age group of 18-30 years has the most disposible income per month because most of them are single. More the age grows the disposible income reduced may be because the family expance and the living expance increased. So from the companys point of view 18-30 years age group is the most potential investors and usually this age group is investing for more profit. It has to make a point that investors with 5,000 to 10,000 Rs per month are most in the 18-30 years age group.

Fig : Investment instrument used by age groups Explanation :Most of the investors are invested in the insurance sector. The age group of 18-30 years are highly invested in the mutual funds and share market. This group also invested equally in the FDs and RBI bonds. The 31-40 years age group is also invested in all the instrument but they are quite heavily invested in the real estate sectors. But the number of respondent in this group is less than the 1830 years sge group. The more than 50 years age group are most invested in the FD & RBI bonds. They are less invested in the shares and the mutual funds.


Chi-square test

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