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Anugraha Devan,Abeno Odyuo

FID6952ANU , FID6959ABE III B.E CSE,GOVERNMENT COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY , Abstract-Cloud computing is fast becoming popular in all fields of life. This paper gives information about cloud computing can help improve the use of satellites in space and also discuss various advantages and usages of cloud in improving information sharing and information security in space. KEYWORDS I. INTRODUCTION

Lets about the various ways in which cloud computing can help in storing and processing information which we get from various satellites.

Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. These services are broadly divided into three categories: Infrastructure-as-a Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The name cloud computing was inspired by the cloud symbol that's often used to represent the Internet in flowcharts and diagrams. A cloud service has three distinct characteristics that differentiate it from traditional hosting. It is sold on demand, typically by the minute or the hour; it is elastic -- a user can have as much or as little of a service as they want at any given time; and the service is fully managed by the provider (the consumer needs nothing but a personal computer and Internet access). Significant innovations in virtualization and distributed computing, as well as improved access to high-speed Internet and a weak economy, have accelerated interest in cloud computing.

Fig. 1 cloud computing architecture


With advancements in cloud computing,we no longer need large hard disks to store data in satellites.Instead these data can be stored in clouds whose back ends exist on the earth.In this way the data remains safe even if something goes wrong with the satellites.Also with space ships working on data stored in clouds,it is easy for both scientists in space ang earth to do some research together and simultaneously.

Now-a-days,satellites are used for various purposes and in many cases,the satellite catches images or some other forms of energy using

sensors and processes it.All these processing is more effecient and cost effective if it is done on Earth rather than on the satellite.using clouds,we can store all the captured information on the cloud and these information can be processed in the cloud itself and result can be sent back to the satellite .In this way power used in satellite for proc essing can be reduced. By doing the processing on the ground, we cannot only do more processing, but we can also evolve it over time.

Any software we develop is useful only till our need from it remains . Everyday,as we develop some new technology or some new idea, we will want to incoporate it into the software to specialize it or improve it.But if the softwares are stored on the satellite,it is practically infeasible to launch a new satellite each time some change is to be made on the software.Instead if satellite work on softwares stored in cloud,then changes can easily be made on the software and so a satellite which was first sent to do some basic work can then be improvised and used for specialised works. For example, 1) GPS (Global Positioning System) satellite signals reflecting off the sea have been found to contain information on wave and wind conditions. This development opens up the possibility of a low-cost method for continual, global sea-state monitoring of great interest to weather forecasters and the shipping industry, as well as the research community. 2) A new technique using GPS and large radio telescopes can detect clandestine underground nuclear tests using waves that travel from the blast into the upper atmosphere, or ionosphere.

In addition to using satellites for communication,weather forecasting,disaster management,they can also be used to collect information about location of ships,aeroplanes,etc. The VHF radio signals, provide information about a vessel's course,speed, position, size, destination and identification to nearby ships and monitoring and navigation stations.with the right detectors, satellites in space can scan a wide area as they orbit and detect signals that have relatively short ranges on Earth.These information can then be stored in cloud and processed. The data can be used for a wide variety of applications, such as: Identifying and tracking ship traffic through specific areas, such as the Arctic routes that are opening up as the sea ice melts Monitoring whether ships are following maritime traffic laws or straying into protected areas Detecting illegal fishing and piracy, or coordinating search-and-rescue operations during natural disasters.

The major problem which hinders development of cloud computing is the fear that information stored in cloud is not safe.But slowly this issue is also being addressed.Authorized access using facial recognition ,retina recognition softwares,passwords,etc. can be used to ensure that only authorized personnels access data on the cloud. A recent study has found that using photons for data transmission is very safe as the data cannot be intercepted easily.But photons are easily absorbed by earths atmosphere.So it can

mainly be used for inter satellite communication through space.


Astronauts in spaceships have access to all the data and softwares stored on the cloud.So they no longer have to spend their free time reading the same novels or watching the same movie.They can also exchange photos and videos with their families and friends usinga private cloud.

Cloud computing has not only improved the ease of data and software portability on earth,but it has also increased the scope of usabilty and reusability of softwares on the satellites and has paved a new road for data sharing not just at the ground level but also universally.

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