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Issue: The approved 12 wide Kitsilano Beach bike route cuts through the iconic park green space. This is contrary to the mandate of preserving park green space. Alternative bike routes exist that are safer, more economical, do not displace current park users and can be agreed upon by all key stakeholders. We are not political activists, we simply care about our beach and community and support a proper democratic process. We represent thousands of Kits Beach users, neighbours and community members and cannot sit idle on this contentious issue. The citys increased risk and liability in their APPROVED bike route is a vital point. The current project harbors numerous hazards that require further thought, inclusive consultation, mitigation of risks and needs to provide the opportunity, where none was previously given,for an alternative solution to be agreed upon. We are asking our elected civic officials to respect our in-depth knowledge and intimate attachment to this Beach/public park and to help us and our community understand why the City has approved this plan with such little to no public engagement that is fraught with danger and lacks practicality. Our alternative recommendation incorporates a more practical and economical solution that all key stakeholders agree will be a more viable bike path. Our key messages: 1. Unconscionable and totally unnecessary destruction of green space for the wannabe greenest city on earth. 2. Failure to address the extremely concerning safety issues and instead creating glaring new hazards for park users and pedestrians, leading to increased legal liability for the city. 3. An improper due process total lack of engagement, advisement, consultation, public signage, public meetings, with all key stakeholders. Their 370 person survey was skewed and not reflective of our community or the will of the citizens. There has been an unparalleled rush to construction. 4. The overwhelming majority of our community are in complete opposition to this plan and are prepared to take firm measures (with respect: Rosa Parks simply refused to move). 5. The BC Cycling Association leader agrees with and supports an alternative adjacent nearby road route in principle. 6. One additional issue of contention: There exists an official Covenant on Hadden Park. The City has already destroyed so much of the Hadden family donation and this paved bike route would further contravene the charter of their donation, adding insult to injury. 7. Please see the annexed list of representatives and iconic Kits Beach organizations that are unified in protecting the Kits Beach green space, picnic and recreational family areas that stand firm with these tenets. Thank you. Like us on Facebook at Save Kits Beach & show your support on Twitter @SaveKitsBeach

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