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A $4.4 trillion global industry is waiting for disruption.

Little has changed in education in the last 100 years and the way the world works has come on leaps and bounds. The result? A system which fails to deliver value - in the form of relevant, quality pedagogy which prepares learners for participation in the modern economy - at high personal and public cost. At Emerge Education we believe that every learner can be enlightened through direct access to the highest quality content created and curated by the leading minds in each field of study. We believe that every learner can be empowered by content delivery suited to their individual capabilities and aptitudes, regardless of age, means or social status. We believe that every society can be freed of the burden of outdated and inefficient educational institutions. Affordable, intuitive hardware and the falling cost of scaling tech products are turning these high aspirations into unprecedented opportunities to disrupt the global education industry for good. Emerge Education is backing a new class of startups to realise these opportunities. ing a uniquely complex value matrix; gaining meaningful traction in institutions; monetising traction in a highly cost-sensitive market... The list goes on. To a founder looking to establish a successful education startup and attain significant scale, all these obstacles can seem overwhelming.

Emerge Education gives you what you need most: access to customers.
Emerge Education is built to blast these obstacles away. We are customerfocused in everything we do. We have an army of beta testers ready to tear apart your product on a regular build, measure, learn cycle recruited from a deep network of first class primary, secondary and higher education institutions. On top of this, we put our founders through intensive startup coaching with experts in the field and foster a community of best-in-class educators, entrepreneurs, investors and professionals ready to invest their cash, time and invaluable intellectual capital in our startups. We guarantee that you will leave our programme with at least these three things: Cyclical product testing with real potential customers. Supercharging with all relevant expertise. Intensive interaction with interested investors.

Education presents unique challenges which generic accelerators do not address.

Exciting as these opportunities are, they will not fulfil themselves. Expert, innovative pioneers will make the change happen. Starting a business in the education industry is tough in the extreme. In addition to the enormous difficulties every startup faces, education presents some especially nasty problems which generic accelerator programmes arent equipped to address. These include: building and measuring quality pedagogy alongside your tech; understanding and navigat-


Designing Emerge Education

In this document you can find an overview of our programme and detailed information on each of its principal elements. At Emerge, we believe that an accelerator programme is about accelerating the growth of startups. This is the super simple, founding principle on which we design and build our programme. For us, growth is about increasing the demonstrable value of a business, project or product. Its not about multiplying users 100,000 fold, recruiting an Olympian C-level team or getting a 1m Series A round on Demo Day. These things can be great contributors to growth but they dont necessarily work for every startup and they dont necessarily evidence an increase in demonstrable value.


There is endless information available telling you how to take a startup from idea generation to IPO. You could spend 12 hours a day for three months trying to take it all in and you would barely make a dent. To be productive, you need to cut your information intake right down to what is relevant. Our accelerator programme is designed to provide everything our startups need and no more.


Customer focused

What we are looking to drive is an increase in the value our startups demonstrate to their customers. These are the people who provide the resources which sustain a business. Without these, a business can only fail. For this reason, our focus is always centred on the customer.

We understand that we do not know our startups as well as our startups do. Our startups arent run by children, they are run by people who have taken a lot of risk and personal responsibility to make the change they want to see in the world. We respect the discretion of each of our startups. We make available all of our assets and let our startups try everything, take as much as they like and leave what they dont.


Our accelerator programme has four principal elements The On Ramp, Build Measure Learn, the Pitch Ramp and Demo Day. These elements differ in their substance, time allocation and intensity but we assign equal importance to each. You can find out more about each these elements below and in the pages that follow.

The On Ramp


DAY 15-69

The On Ramp is the first ten days at Emerge Venture Lab. In this time we take you from zero to a hundred and more. We give you everything weve got. Detailed coaching in lean startup methodology and productivity. Access to our army of beta testers, practice-leading educators, on-the-money industry experts and battle-hardened entrepreneur mentors.

DAY 1-14

Build Measure Learn

Come off the On Ramp and youre into the Build Measure Learn phase. We encourage our startups to go through as many Build Measure Learn iterations as they can pack into this eight week stretch. With input from all our intellectual assets, this phase will make sure your product is powerful, tight and customer relevant.

The Pitch Ramp

This is the time to take the rough power of your product and polish it up for presentation to potential investors. Three weeks packed with pitch coaching and practice, practice, practice.

DAY 70-89 DAY 90

Demo Day

The day where all the detailed thinking, relentless creation and long nights come together. We put you in front of a packed crowd of the most sought-after angel and VC investors around. Get it right and take your startup to the next level.





Emerge breakfast Settle into the space over the course of the morning with warm toast and tea.

Welcome address The EVL team welcomes the cohort and sets the tone for the weeks to come.

Get comfortable Settle into the space, grab coffee with the Emerge team and use the time to tick off any last bits of admin to allow your On Ramp to go smoothly.

Cohort mingle A couple of drinks and a few bits to eat back at the lab. Get to know Emerge and the cohort a little better. Wind things up early enough to hit the next day running. Its going to be a long one.

Startup school A rigorous refresher of all the newest thinking in startup methodology. Business modelling Startup road map MVP and Agile Dev


Learn to Listen: Mindfulness Guided instruction in mindfulness. Shorter mindfulness sessions (marked MFN) will be offered every morning.

The Mom Test How to talk to customers and learn if your business is a good idea when everyone in lying to you.


Business Development Brush up on your biz dev and adopt a thorough approach to the generation of growth opportunities

Sales and Marketing to... Universities Schools Parents Learners


Return on Education Adopt robust metrics and a slick reporting system to track the scale and quality of your social impact.

How to run a beta test Work out how to get the most out of high value time when your product is in the hands of your users. We bring you all the latest wisdom from beta testing tech product together with some specific guidance on adopting the right approach in education institutions.

MFN Breakdown breakfast Start the day and the week with a breakdown of the education market identifying the biggest opportunities in education today Mentor day preparation Get ready for two days of intensive mentor interaction. Line up your facts, identify your needs and structure your time to make sure you get all the value you can out of the mentor community. Meet the educators Meet some of the most tech-savvy and innovation hungry educators in the UK. The educators will slice and dice the pedagogy in your product.


Mentor day

Education entrepreneur mingle Take a step back from the intensity of the mentor day, grab a drink and get to know the education entrepreneurs from the community a little better.


Mentor day

Industry expert mingle An opportunity to make human connections with people who know the education industry better than anybody.


Meeting investors How to secure and succeed in meetings with the angel and VC investors who may be the difference between flourishing and failure.

Closing rounds Investment rounds can be a slog. Pick up tips and tricks for making yours as smooth as possible.

Investor mingle Meet with real, live angels and VCs and bounce everything picked up in the first two weeks off their gilded heads

Intern recruitment party Recruit part time help from a body of carefully selected young talent super keen to take their own first steps in the social startup world



Programme OKRs Sit down with your team and work out your Objectives and Key Results for the programme. Set the framework for the next 11 weeks of seriously hard work.

Founder story and cohort party Pack up and sit back as we get in another battle-hardened founder to share their experiences with the cohort. Drinks and takeout on the Lab.


Build, Measure, Learn is startup dogma. It is the core of lean startup methodology. Build a product to roll out to the market, measure how it performs, learn from the results and start building again using the lessons learned. During this period we will use the full strength of our network to blast away the bottlenecks in your business. You will have access to a deep pool of learners, either direct or at institutions from primary through to higher. Our mentor community, filled with expert educators, entrepreneurs, investors and professionals will be on hand to plug gaps as they arise. Every Friday youll get hands-on, intensive advice from our Venture Partners. We even squeeze in regular social time to sit back and share the load with us, your team and your peers.


In the eight week Build Measure Learn stretch we encourage our startups to get through as many Build Measure Learn iterations as possible to ensure the problems they solve are real, all assumptions are validated, and the product is structured to provide an effective, customer ready solution.



On Demo Day we draw in a crowd of Londons most sought-after angel and VC investors. This is a high-pressure opportunity to show that your startup represents a persuasive comprehensive value proposition. If you can make a convincing case that your product can create and capture value, you may get the investment which unlocks the next stage of growth for your startup. Our commitment to our startups doesnt end when Demo Day comes to a close. The EVL team and broader community will be on hand to help our startups with any problems arising in the investment process and we maintain close links with all our alumni.



Following the Build Measure Learn phase, it is time to get ready to present to investors. Pitching to investors is among the toughest challenges a startup can face. Nothing will go unquestioned as investors get comfortable with committing their cash to your startup. Product, team, market thesis, everything will be ripped apart and examined by experienced eyes. The key to performing at the pitch is rigorous preparation. On the Pitch Ramp we provide pitch coaching and practice, practice, practice. We wont stop until every facet of your product is polished to perfection and youre ready to put up a robust defence to the most challenging attacks on the substance and prospects of your startup.



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