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I. INTRODUCTION Around the world, Filipinos are known to be one of the happiest and warmest people on the planet and the Department of Tourisms Its More Fun in the Philippines campaign is a fitting brand to showcase what the country truly has to offer. DOT Secretary Ramon R. Jimenez, Jr.s rationale for this campaign strategy is simple. He said that, while other countries invite you to observe, Filipinos can promise a more heartfelt and interesting experience. Wherever you go, whatever you do in the country, its the Filipinos that will complete your vacation and will make your holiday unforgettable.1 Since the campaigns launch in January 2012, the Department has been actively involving the general public in the campaign. One proof of the involvement of the general public in the campaign is through exhibiting the Culture of Tourism. It is basically an attitude and a set of values that Filipinos must develop and inculcate in themselves to voluntarily do the following for the tourism industry a. Respect and assist the tourists both foreign and local while they are in the destinations being visited; b. Protect the environment and maintain regular cleanliness of the surroundings all the time; c. Preserve Philippine cultural and historical heritage to keep a colourful and unique image of the country both here and abroad; and d. Help promote the tourism industry. The DOT Tourism STAR shall serve as the recognition program for the following: a. Tourism Frontliners and individuals with direct contact with tourists people who go the extra mile in giving the tourist a delightful experience, exemplifying the true Filipino hospitality in their work place; b. Local Government Units under the leadership of a Local Chief Executive (Mayor or Governor) whose projects have created and are creating positive impacts to tourism through the projects undertaken by his office. Ultimately, with or without an award, the Culture of Tourism should be instilled in the hearts and minds of the Filipinos, simple countrymen and executives alike, for a greener and a more fun tourism sector.


OBJECTIVES 1. To instil in every Filipino the culture of tourism, and motivate them to extend an efficient and thoughtful service to tourists. 2. To help raise competitiveness of the Philippines as a tourist destination by establishing a Filipino brand of service that is professionally extended with genuine warmth and hospitality. 3. To engage the participation of the Filipino people and the tourists in the Its More Fun campaign thru distinct stories that bear testament to the Filipino hospitality. 4. To encourage Local Government Units and Local Chief Executives to take part in the countrys tourism boosting efforts by actively participating or leading tourism geared projects and endeavours

Quoted from Secretary Ramon Jimenez, Jr. ppines.aspx

Office of Tourism Standards and Regulation

III. MECHANICS A. For Individuals: 1. What is the DOT Tourism STAR Award? The DOT Tourism STAR Award is a recognition given to an individual who has demonstrated excellent customer service and has helped in enriching the experience of a tourist who may belong to one of the following sectors: a. Travel Agencies and Tour Operators b. Tour Guides c. Tourist Transport d. Accommodations e. Individual Service Providers Note: This shall include entrepreneurs, government employees, policemen,etc. who do not fall under any of the sectors. 2. Who qualifies for the Tourism Star? The award shall be open to all Filipinos who have direct or indirect contact with tourists. They may be hotel workers, policemen, tour guides, local transport (taxi, kalesa, tricycle) drivers, porter, waiters, among others, working in a tourist destination and who provide service to visitors. 3. How do I nominate? A potential Tourism STAR may be nominated online via the Tourism Star Website or through submission of the nomination form with a testimonial narrative, a letter/story to DOT Manila or DOT Regional Offices putting into words the PERSONAL2 experience the nominator had with the potential Tourism Star.

4. What is the Selection Process? All submitted entries shall be acknowledged, evaluated and validated by the STAR Program Team from DOT. A point system shall be used in evaluating the score of each testimonial. The following criteria depicting FILIPINO QUALITY VALUES must be exhibited by the Tourism STAR in the story: HOSPITALITY Maximum five (5) points Filipinos are very hospitable displaying genuine care and respect; they make sure to give the best of everything to their guests sometimes even sacrificing their own comfort. The best services that they are willing to give are those which cannot be remunerated in any way. They give out their best efforts by serving with thoughtful care and attention without expecting anything in return. FLEXIBILITY, ADAPTABILITY, CREATIVITY Maximum five (5) points The sense of joy and humour of the Filipino people is evident in their optimistic approach to life. They laugh at themselves to cope up with struggles, adjust to difficult circumstances and prevailing physical and social environments; and improvise and make productive and innovative use of whatever is available. HONESTY Maximum five (5) points More than telling the truth, being trustworthy and fair, it is having integrity the consistency of actions, values, principles that are translated into how every Filipino lives their life.

Self nominations and second hand stories are not allowed.

Office of Tourism Standards and Regulation

PROFESSIONALISM Maximum five (5) points Looking groomed and attentive at work are just two of the many examples of how to look professional. We are certain that every Filipino exemplify professionalism in their work place. PROMPTNESS Maximum five (5) points If the act was done without delay and hesitation and if it does not necessarily entail any part of his/her usual job description. Additional Points shall be awarded given the following conditions: RECURRENCE Maximum five (5) points If there had been previous incidents where the nominee demonstrated the same regard to tourists NOMINATION3 One (1) Point if the nomination was submitted by a colleague or a supervisor. Three (3) Points if the nomination was submitted by a domestic tourist. Five (5) Points if the nomination was submitted by a foreign tourist. Accumulated scores from the above-mentioned criteria will be added and used in ranking the stories. A minimum of twenty (20) points is required to qualify for the monthly Tourism STAR Award. The members of the DOT STAR Team shall investigate on the stories submitted and add a maximum of five (5) points for the story behind the act which makes the story more sensational and heart-felt. It is recommended that the Regional Offices conduct an interview with the nominee so that they may have first hand information that shall lead them to choose which amongst the nominees deserve to become an awardee. 5. What will the Tourism STAR Awardees receive? Tourism STARs will receive the following: Plaque from the DOT Secretary Tourism STAR pin Jacket Gift Certificate Cash prize/ Gift package equivalent to cash prize B. For Local Government Units 1. What is the DOT Tourism Star for LGU? The DOT Tourism STAR Award for LGUs is a recognition given to a Local Government Unit under the leadership of a Local Chief Executive (LCE/Mayors or Governors) who has taken part in the countrys tourism development efforts by leading and engaging his/her local community in boosting a tourist destination. The award is open to LCEs who are holding positions at the time of nomination, and whose accomplishments were carried out within the last two years immediately preceding the nomination.

Not to be disclosed to the general public

Office of Tourism Standards and Regulation

2. How do I nominate? A potential Tourism STAR for LGU may be nominated through the submission of the complete Documentary Requirements to DOT Manila or DOT Regional Offices summarizing the achievements of the nominee by a member of their Local Tourism Council. 3. What are the Documentary Requirements? Nominators need to provide the DOT STAR Team with a summary of accomplishments (preferably two-page summary) which clearly state the impact of the nominees accomplishments to the tourism industry. It is important to use specific terms in the presentation of accomplishments; define/ clarify terms as led, headed, contributed, or facilitated with indications of the following: a. How much tourist movement it stimulated b. How much income it generated c. The number of jobs created Photocopies of tourism training certificates, seminars, pictures of tourism trophies/awards/medals/plaques are NOT among the requirement for submission or inclusion in the nomination folders. A list would suffice. Proof of support to DOT regulatory and development functions, e.g. Local Tourism Office Budget and Work Plan, Local Ordinances on Mandatory Accreditation and Collection of Tourism Statistics, etc. Photos/ Documentation/ Terminal Report of Tourism projects List of all Primary Tourism Establishments in his locality.

4. What is the Selection Process? All submitted entries shall be acknowledged, evaluated and validated by the STAR Program Team from DOT. A point system shall be used in evaluating the score of each testimonial. The following criteria shall help the LCE earn points: Institutional o The nominee shall earn five (5) points for the implementation and execution of each of the following within his jurisdiction: A comprehensive tourism work program Tourism Development Plan or Strategic Plan Established Local Tourism Office with manpower compliment and budget allocation Hoewever, if the LCE has the aforementioned items but are not implemented, it shall only earn him one (1) point. Promotions (Minimum five points) Five (5) points shall be awarded to the LCE for every province/ city initiated activities/ projects done to promote his destination. Planning and Product Development The availability of a Tourism Master Plan shall earn the LCE five (5) points. Additional five (5) points shall be awarded if Tourism Statistics are in place

Office of Tourism Standards and Regulation

Regulatory (Minimum five points) Enactment of each local ordinance (if applicable) supporting DOT regulatory functions shall earn the LCE five (5) points Primary Tourism Establishment Accreditation o At least 80% (5pts) o At least 50% (3 pts) Investments The availability of local incentive packages for investors are worth five (5) points Centrepiece Project (25 points) For each successful project which helped his locality achieve obvious and significant tourism development Additional Points: Support to DOT Advocacies o ChildWise and Barrier-Free Tourism are among the many advocacies of the Department and each project implemented to support them are to gain the LCE five (5) points. Best Practices in Tourism o The following criteria, if duly present in their planning, promotions and operations are to gain the LCE five (5) points each Cultural Environmental Innovations Accumulated scores from the above-mentioned criteria will be added and used in ranking the stories. A minimum of fifty (50) points is required to qualify for a Tourism Star Award. 5. What will the Tourism STAR for LCE Awardees receive? The Tourism STAR for LCE recipient shall receive the following: Tourism Star medal and a trophy to be awarded by President Benigno Aquino III Funding for a community-based tourism project proposed by the awardee, which can be in the form of a training, a livelihood project, or a product development or enhancement initiative. (Maximum amount: P1,000,000) Bronze Marker to be placed somewhere visible in his jurisdiction Free participation/ booth space in a market-matched international travel fair Formal Filipiniana Outfit Tourism STAR pin Sponsors Prizes Display of the DOT Tourism Star logo in the website of the LGU C. Secretarys Award A token and a special recognition chosen by the Secretary of DOT for a specific and valid reason. The award may be in, but not limited to, the following forms: Field of Environment Disaster Preparedness

Office of Tourism Standards and Regulation

IV. RESTRICTIONS The following disqualifications apply: A. Nominees who have relative in the Department up to the 3rd degree of consanguinity B. Self-Nominations C. Nominations from DOT Staff V. DOT TOURISM STAR TEAM A. Chairperson: DOT Secretary B. Assistant Chairperson: COO of DOT-Attached Agency (on rotation) C. Members a. Development Academy of the Philippines b. Distinct Personalities specializing in their own fields i. Education ii. Health iii. Media iv. Sports v. Business c. Concerned DOT Regional Director d. Concerned DILG Regional Director (for LGU category) D. Secretariat: Office of Tourism Standards and Regulation


Office of Tourism Standards and Regulation

VIII. ANNEX A. Website

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B. Posters

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Office of Tourism Standards and Regulation

Office of Tourism Standards and Regulation

C. Nomination Form

Office of Tourism Standards and Regulation

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