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Hospital Management Systems



Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Scope of the project ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Limitations of the project .......................................................................................................................... 6 System objectives...................................................................................................................................... 6 Deliverables of the project ........................................................................................................................ 6 Previous Study Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 7 System Specification................................................................................................................................. 7 Minimum Hardware requirement.......................................................................................................... 7 Software Requirement........................................................................................................................... 7 Database Implementation.......................................................................................................................... 7 Domain Knowledge ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Process flow of activities in a hospital .................................................................................................. 9 Definition of Basic Terms ......................................................................................................................... 9 Process design and description ................................................................................................................... 11 Details of Tables: .................................................................................................................................... 11 Doctors Table ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Patients Table ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Nurses Table ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Medicine Table: .................................................................................................................................. 13 OPD Patients Detail ............................................................................................................................ 13 Bill Payment Detail ............................................................................................................................. 14 Payroll Department ............................................................................................................................. 14 Inhouse Patients: ................................................................................................................................. 15 Relationship Between tables: .................................................................................................................. 15 Primary Key-Foreign key Relations: ...................................................................................................... 16 Framework, Approaches and Tools of Project and description .............................................................. 17 Interface mechanism .................................................................................................................................. 18 2|Page

Queries of Doctors Table ........................................................................................................................ 18 Queries of Patients Table ........................................................................................................................ 23 Queries for Bill Payment Detail Table ..................................................................................................... 32 Queries for Payroll Dept. Table ............................................................................................................... 37 Queries for OPD Patients table ............................................................................................................... 43 Queries for Inhouse Patients table ......................................................................................................... 48 Queries for Nurses table ......................................................................................................................... 53 Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................................. 64 References .................................................................................................................................................. 64


Design idea for this project has been sourced from an SAP ERP module for hospital management. In this project we have tried to replicate some of the functionalities of an ERP module, data mining experience etc. using Microsoft Access Software. It is designed to automate the key information areas of hospital like clinical, financial, operational and management processes. This will is an Information management solution with end-to-end features for simplifying hospital management all at a minimalistic cost compared to human resource needed for manual recordkeeping which provides the faster ROI as compared to an expensive ERP module. Access to the right information and the automation of complex tasks & workflow is the key focus of this software, enabling freeing the staff to spend more time on caring for patients and extending the reach of services.

In the present era of globalization and advanced technology efficient record keeping cannot be overemphasized. Imagine the scenario when the manual processes and manual modes of instruction get replaced with electronic systems. One of such replacement can be done in the area of Hospitals database management system. Developing patient, Doctor and staff database management system software would benefit the hospital management who can have effortless access to the data securely and more easily. Libraries keeps information on how many books are in the library, how many are been loaned out and to whom they are loaned and also the date and time this books were loaned or given out. School also keeps students information or records. These records of students could include students personal data such as name, sex, date of birth, level etc. Hospitals are not excluded in record keeping. The records kept include patient, Doctors and staff data, which help to maintain medical records. The medical records must have correctly all of the patient medical history, Doctors and their specialty, Nursing staff and their details including payrolls and medicine data. Physicians must maintain flawless records, because this document serves a number of purposes. It serves as a communication tool. As an important source of patient information, the medical record facilitates the transfer of data to other physician involved in an ongoing treatment of patient or the transfer of patient to another physician outside the

office of the attending physician. It also facilitates the transfer of data to health care establishment or to any other organization or individual such as insurance company or employer. Well kept records usually reflect the level of care given to a patient by the physician. Therefore medical records can be used as an evaluation tool. The more complete the record, the better they will serve the physician and the patient in the event of any action. Every patients medical record must include the following specific information like Patients identity which includes the patients first name, last name, sex, age, address, etc.

Scope of the project

The scope of the project revolves around the different modules in Hospital Management system. The basic purpose of the Hospital Management system is to create a system which will coordinate between the different modules in a hospital. The different modules of a hospital will comprise of Doctors, patients, in-house patient, OPD patients, nurse, medical dept, bill payment and payroll dept. All the different points of data generation have been put under a single Hospital Management system. We are using MS-Access to develop the entire management system (input as well as output). Each of the modules is a separate table to store the corresponding data for e.g. the different doctors with their specialization are stored in the Doctors table. Same is the case with the patients getting admitted to the hospital or the nurses working in the hospital. A bill payment module has been created to issue the final bill to the patient. Similarly the payroll module maintains the salary of all the employees in the hospital. It also keeps a record of the absenteeism of the employees or the loan that they have issued on their salary.


Pyroll Dept Data Medicine prescribed data Doctors' data

Billing sytem

Hospital Management System

Nurses' data

In-house patient Details

OPD details

Limitations of the project

The limitations with using Ms-Access are lack of sharing it on server or a clouding environment. The GUI is not that user friendly making it difficult to customize. Lack of graphs or charts gives less opportunity to do any activity related to analysis.

System objectives
To study the use of information technology for managing functionalities in Hospital Management System Process design to optimize resources (time and manpower)

Deliverables of the project

In spite of the important function of medical record, it has come under severe threat of errors by the manual system of medical record keeping. In hospitals where at stakes are Patients lives the error tolerance should be near zero. This system involves 1. Removing Manual Error like missing of pieces of information 2. It brings the higher degree of formalization and standardization to data.


3. Reduce Time losses due to manual data management (filing and searching of relevant data) 4. Better Space management in hospitals as space occupied by tangible data files is free to accommodate more patient beds.

Previous Study Analysis

One standard hospital study reveals that on the average, patient records visited, there are pieces of information the doctor could not find in the paper file. Physicians and their office staffs have said that, they spent more time looking for patient information, than the time they have for the patient, as issues related to risk management is security. The first consideration is the Physical safety of the data being stored. Threats exist externally in the form of natural disasters. The most important issue is the security involved in patients privacy.

System Specification
For maximum and effective execution of the task by the system, there are the hardware and software requirement.
Minimum Hardware requirement

Computer System (Laptop/Desktop) CPU 1.4GHz Hard Disk- Minimum of 2 GB hard disk space required for installation RAM - 1 GB Windows XP with service pack 2 or later.

Software Requirement

Microsoft Office Service Pack 1 or 2.

Database Implementation
The database of this application was implemented in Microsoft office Access. MS-Access is database application with which one can create database files using the relational model. With this model you can create tables, store and manipulate data within the tables as required. Relationship can also be established to create communication among them.


Forms for data input can also be created and data input as per requirement can be seen in the form of output report. We chose Microsoft office Access as it is easy to maintain normalized data in a structural format as compared to MS-Excel.

Domain Knowledge
The hospital management software is designed in such a way that it covers all the basic needs and handles the information flow from patient admit to discharge which include in patient department, outpatient department, doctors appointment details, patient information details, Staff payroll and medicine recommended and all other departments. Generally the Hospital management software provides good response in a running hospitals and private healthcare centers. Basic features of Hospital Management Software are,

Patient Information. Online Room Management System Online test report generation Inventory and pharmacy management details (medicine) Staff management System (nurses and doctors) Online patient appointment system (OPD and In-house PD) Online Billing System

When a patient comes to the hospital, its a necessary job of receptionist to take his /her entire information starting from his/her personal details to the history. So taking the details in pen and paper may need a lot of time. So to avoid such tedious exercise hospital management software is used. Receptionist may start with entering patient details like name, sex, age, contact details and as per the ailment will assign the specialist doctor available at the time and assign the patient an ID for future references.


Next process is to diagnose the patient under OPD and if required admit them in hospital. Once admitted patients are under In-house patient category. They receive treatment during their stay in hospital by specialist available. Billing process is continuous and has to be in sync with treatment and tests referred by doctor to patient so that at the discharge time billing is a smooth process. Benefits: Using HMS software are less errors, time saving and quick availability of report to take decision. This HMS gives a single point interface to get Historical data of any staff or patients. It also gives Quick access to pre admitted patients history or any other family medical history if required.
Process flow of activities in a hospital

Patient registration at reception

Patient data entry, given a patient ID

Doctor is allotted to patient as per ailment and availability

Doctor's schedule is prepard as per the patients assigned

As per doctor's advice patient may be discharged as OPD patient or admitted as in-patient

Hospital support care staff(nurses) are assigned to in-house patients as per ward and shift timing

Doctors prescribe medicine to the patients as per their treatment process

Continuous billing is done simultaneously to avoid errors and hassle at the discharge time

At the end of the month payroll details of the doctors and nurses are used to give salary.

Definition of Basic Terms

Data: A collection of fact on which conclusions maybe drawn. Hospital: An institution that provides medical, surgical or psychiatric care and treatment for the sick or the injured.

Patient: Subject receiving treatment from Doctor in Hospital Medical records: Its any data, which is collected by data entry in Ms Access forms and further report is used to diagnose or treat a patients health problem. Database: A collection of data arranged for ease and speedy search and retrieve. OPD: Outpatient department. An outpatient (or out-patient) is a patient who is not hospitalized for 24 hours or more but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment In-patient: An inpatient (or in-patient), on the other hand, is "admitted" to the hospital and stays overnight or for an indeterminate time, usually several days or weeks Billing: Process of charging a patient for treatment

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Process design and description

The project consists of 8 tables used as separate databases based on a particular department or area of specialization. These databases individually contain records of different types as per the user friendly norms to simulate a hospital management system.

Databases Inhouse patient Medicine Detail Payroll Detail Bill Payment Detail



OPD Patient

Nurse Detail

Details of Tables:
Doctors Table: This contains details of all doctors that are currently working in the hospital. Primary Key: Doctors ID.

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Patients Table: This contains details of all patients visiting the hospital. Primary Key: Patients ID.

Nurses Table: This table contains details of all the nurses employed in the hospital with their wards and timings etc. Primary Key: Nurse ID.

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Medicine Table: This table contains details the medicine with its price and stock left etc. Primary Key: Drug ID.

OPD Patients Detail: This table gives the details of all those patients who have visited but not admitted to the hospital i.e. outpatient department. Primary Key: OPD ID

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Bill Payment Detail: This table shows the normalized data for Bill payment by the patient and its status with balance and payment mode etc. Primary Key: Bill Number.

Payroll Department: This table is related to the payroll of all the employees in the hospital i.e. doctors and nurses and their attendance and loan amount etc. Primary Key: Staff ID.

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Inhouse Patients: This table is for all those patients who have visited the hospital and also got admitted in the hospital in some ward for special treatment. Primary Key: Inhouse PID.

Relationship Between tables:

The relationship between different tables is based upon the flow of the different updations and data entries at various points in the database once a record is created.

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Primary Key-Foreign key Relations:

OPD Patients Patient ID (Foreign Key)

Patient Table Patient ID (Primary Key)

Doctors table Patient ID (Foreign key)

In-house patient Patient ID (Foreign Key)

OPD Patients OPD Doctor ID (Foreign Key)

DoctorsTable Doctors ID (Primary Key)

Patients table Consulting Doctors ID (Foreign key)

Payroll Department Staff ID (Foreign Key)

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Framework, Approaches and Tools of Project and description

1) Doctors Data Search Data Entry Updation Reports A set of tools for data finding, to add new record to the database, change the existing records and create a report also.

2) Patients

Data Search Data Entry Updation Reports Deletion

Different techniques used for creating new records, changing the existing records, finding a particular data, deletion of non required records and reporting.

3) Nurses

Data Search Data Entry Updation Deletion

Tasks that can be performed are search for particular data, adding data, changing and deleting data from database.

4) Medicine

Data Search Data Entry Updation Deletion

Tasks that can be performed are search for particular data, adding data, changing and deleting data from database.

5) Payroll

Data Search Data Entry Updation

Tools used for searching, entering and changing records from the database.

6) Bill Payment

Data Search Data Entry Reports

Reporting technique with search and new data maintenance are some tasks

performed on the database.

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Interface mechanism
(Snapshot of excel or access) Here we are using eight tables. Below is the description of all query we have incorporated in our Project.

Queries of Doctors Table

1. Doctors Query List down the details of consulting doctor of Patient. Here we can find out the information of doctor who is operating particular patient with the help of patient id. So, we need two table doctor and patient. Design view

Now click on Run and enter consulting Patient id.

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Executed View

2. Update_Query1Update contact and emergency contact number of Doctor. With the help of this query we can update doctors contact information. Design View

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Now update emergency contact number

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Now enter doctor id corresponding to you want to update


Executed View

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3. Doctor FormCreate form to enter data in Doctor Table using form Wizard. Design View

4. DoctorsCreate a report which display details of all doctor.

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Design View

Report View

Queries of Patients Table

1. Patients QueryList down all details of patient including doctors, Inhouse patient record and bill payment details. Design View

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Executed View

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2. Patient Query1List down the details of OPD Patients and Patient details. Design View

Enter the OPD Patient id.

Executed View

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3.Patient_Updated QueryUpdate contact number of Patient. Design View

Enter the Patient id corresponding to you want to update

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Executed View

4. Patients Form Create form to enter data in patient table using form Wizard. Design View

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Form View

5. PatientsCreate a report which display details of all Patient.

Design View

Report View

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6. Delete_QueryDelete the patient record. Design View

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Queries for Bill Payment Detail Table

Here with the help of this table we get to know about the Bill Patient has paid. 1. Bill Payment1List those patients who have made payment through cash or cheque. Design View

Executed View

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2. Bill Payment2List down the patients who has amount pending greater than equal to 10000. Design View

Executed View

3. Bill Payment3List down the details of patient , consulting doctor and total bill amount for a particular bill number. Here with the help of bill number we are finding out all the details about Patient, doctor and bill payment details.

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Design View

Executed View

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4. Bill Payment4List the details of Inhouse patients, Bill payment details for a particular patient id. Design View

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Executed View

5. Bill Payment5List details of OPD Patients with their names for a particular bill number. Design View

Executed View

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6. Bill Payment details Form Design View

Form View

Queries for Payroll Dept. Table

1. Payroll1List details of payroll dept as per their designation. Design View

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Executed View

2. Payroll2List details of payroll for a particular staff id. 38 | P a g e

3. Payroll3List the payroll details of all the staff with attendance less than 25.

Executed View

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4. Payroll4List the payroll details with salary greater than 50000 and designation as doctor. Design View

Executed View

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5. Payroll5List salary details of nurse with salary between 8000 and 11000 and loan less than 5000. Design View

Executed View

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6. Payroll6 Updates loan amount for a particular staff id.

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Queries for OPD Patients table

1. OPD Patients QuerySelect details of patients who came in with a particular ailment. In this query, we need to display the details of those patients who are having a particular ailment. For this we add the OPD Patients table. Since we need to ask the ailment to the user at run time, we enter Diagnosis in the field and entered the criteria [Enter the ailment] as a criteria for separation. Thus at the time of running the criteria is asked and the patient detail corresponding to it is displayed. Design View

Now click on Run and enter the ailment name

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Executed View

2. OPD Patients Query Determine if there any epidemic or not depending on the diagnosis. In this query, we need to find whether there is an outbreak of an epidemic or not based on the count of the number of the patients of a particular ailment. So we add the OPD Patients table. Now we group the patients according to the ailment they have and then using the count function, we count the number of patients for a particular ailment. If there are more number of patients of an ailment, then there is an outbreak of that disease. Design View

Executed View

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3. OPD Patients Query Details of the patients consulting a particular doctor. In this query, we need to find the list of the patient details consultinga particular doctor. For this, we have added the OPD Patients and the Patients table. So we take the OPD id. For that OPD id we get the patients details from the Patients table. Design View

Now click on Run and enter the OPD id

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Executed View

4. OPD Patients Query Sort patient detail according to date of next visit. In this query, we have added the OPD patients table to access the information about the date of next visit and then we arranged the details in ascending order. Design View

Executed View

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5. OPD Patients QueryCount the OPD patients over a period of time. In this query, we added the OPD Patients table. Using this table we need to see that if the date of visit of the patient lies in the period we provide. If it falls, we increase the counter by 1.

Design View

Now click on Run and enter the beginning and the ending date of the period.

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Executed View

Queries for Inhouse Patients table

1. Inhouse Patients QueryCount the no. of Inhouse patients admitted at a given point of time. In this query, we add the Inhouse patients table. Taking the input date from the user at run time, we match that date with date of admittance in the table. If there is a match then we increase the counter by 1. Design View

Now we click on Run and enter the date forwhich the patient number is required.

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Executed View

2. Inhouse Patients Query No. of Special rooms occupied by the patients. In this query, we add the Inhouse patients table. Then using the count function we count the number of patients who stay in the Special room room type

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Design View

Executed View

3. Inhouse Patients Query Count the Inhouse patients over a period of time. In this query, we add the Inhouse patients table and see if the date of admittance lies in the period we give at the time of Run.

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Design View

Now we click Run and enter the date of the period.

Executed View

4. Inhouse Patients Query Count the Patients for a particular room type.

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In this query, we add the Inhouse patients and Patients tables. Then using the room type details from the Inhouse patients table and then incrementing the counter of the corresponding room by 1. Design View

Executed View

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Queries for Nurses table

1. Nurse 1 Delete the records of particular nurse. Below is design view

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Executed View

Nurse2 Query List down the details of Doctors and Patient for a particular nurse id. Design View-

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Executed View

Nurse3 Query List down the details of Nurse, Doctor and patient for particular Patients.

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Design View-

Executed View-

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Nurse4 Query List down the Nurse Name, Monthly attendance record, Shift timing for Ward number. Design View-

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Executed View-

Queries for table: Medicine details Drug1List the details of medicine whose left stock is less than or equal to 50.

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Design View-

Executed View

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Drug2Delete the record of drug for particular drug id. Design View

Executed View

Drug3Update the price of medicine for particular drug.

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Design View

Executed View

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Drug4List the details of OPD Patients for particular drug. Design View

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Executed View

Drug5List the details of Generic and drug name of medicine, OPD Patients details for particular drug.

Design View

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Executed View

Conclusion: References

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