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Hotwells summer shows its sunny side

Green Days Out launch on Cumberland Piazza in July sent our project to promote local walking and cycling routes off to a flying start. Here Matti Hemmings demonstrates the finer points of professional bmx riding. By the way those umbrellas are not to keep the rain off. It was actually too hot!


Giant fairy attacks Hotwells. The balloon fiesta came a bit too close to home in August, nearly bringing traffic to a halt in Hotwell Road while the special shapes launch passed low overhead. The Fiesta only missed one launch during a weekend of almost perfect weather.

Cliftonwood Open Air Cinema organisers shrewdly expoited this summers gromitmania with a sell-out showing of Aardmans The Curse of the Were Rabbit. This annual community event in September is always a joy to experience but only just escaped rain.

Published by Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association, 3,Charles Place,

Blaise Nursery plant sale in June is always a good place to stock up with materials to refresh the displays on Cumberland Piazza. This year the lack of rain was a real problem because all water has to be carried on to the site. Anyone like to design a solution for harvesting rainwater and storing it in time for next year?

Hotwells, Bristol, BS8 4QW

Cliftonwood town green has been awarded a Gold Medal for Community participation and a Silver-Gilt medal for 'Your Street' in Bristol in Bloom's garden competition. There have been two very popular (and rain free) barbecues this summer. The next will be held on Halloween at 6:00 PM. It will soon be time for the Autumn planting; look out for details of the working party. (thanks to Chris Ford for info. & picture)



Community News
Boost for shopping in Hotwells
The precarious state of retail business on Hotwell Road is at last showing signs of improvement with a new shop opening and another at the planning stage. Hotwells Fabrics is a new face on the Hotwells retail scene. The shop looks ready to open its doors, though at time of writing a sign in the window says: Opening Soon: but please feel free to come in and browse (just excuse the pickle). The shop sells fabric for upholstering, as well as offering made-toThis proposal has gathered a grand total of 2 votes as we go to press. It seems likely that Hotwell Road was so named because until the 1860s it led to the Hot Well with its pump room sited next to the Colonnade on what is now the Portway. In fact the problem is, how did the Hotwell become Hotwells. Should we not be petitioning for our district to be renamed Hotwell in line with the name of the principal thoroughfare? -discuss.
Ray Smith

Advertising Pays!
You may recall an advertisement that ran in this newspaper over a few editions last year for, Gary Marshall Electrical Services - if you dont remember, theres no chance of seeing it again as Gary; the man behind the ad, had to give up advertising here as it was too successful! Thats right, he got too much work off the back of the ad and had to stop. Gary said: Its the first time Ive advertised in 40 years of trading and although I would have liked to continue supporting Hotwells News, the truth is I just couldnt cope with the demand! Apart from being the only source of revenue that pays to put the latest neighbourhood news through your letterbox on a regular basis, advertising here works and can cost as little as 30 which includes an online entry on our website as well. So if you have a local product or service to offer, give it a try! Contact: admin@hotwellscliftonwood. to find out more.

Join the Piazza Skate park campaign

Some skate enthusiasts (or parents of!) have come together to move forward the planning and fundraising for the Wheels Park as part of the Hotwells Piazza. The ultimate aim is to create a wheels park section in the Piazza as per the plans - catering for older kids who have grown out of the play park but who still need a local play area. Currently there is nothing for this age group in the Hotwells / Cliftonwood area. This is in very early stages, and if anyone is interested in getting involved please get in touch. A Facebook page has been initiated to show interest so please search for Hotwells Skate Park and 'like' and 'share' the page. The Piazza is an ideal space for some sort of wheels park and with a bit of work we're sure the community can come together to make this happen!
Rachel Drummond-Hay

Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association c/o Southernhay House, Southernhay, Bristol BS8 4TL tel: 0117 9291883

measure services for curtains, covers, blinds and other soft furnishings. Hotwells Deli. A licensing application has surfaced for a new convenience store and deli at 257 Hotwell Road, next door to Hotwells Fabrics. The building has been empty for many years before which it was a pharmacy. The application relates to the sale of alcohol between 08:00 and 23:00 seven days a week and, although the area welcomes new retail business, this aspect of the operation has raised concerns among some local residents. The deadline for objections to the application was September 2nd.
Jayne Marshall

Management Committee
Dennis Gornall (Chair) Brenda McLennan (Treasurer) Rosemary Stibbon Administrator Ray Smith Communications Mike Timmins Open spaces Helena Kowalski Anna Wilson

Hotwell(s) name challenge

Currently languishing at the bottom of the league table for online petitions to Bristol City Council is the following: We, the undersigned, feel that the name of Hotwell road should be officially changed to Hotwells Road, in line with what most people call it
creative use of space under a flyover -a skatepark under Westway in London

to contact the skate park campaign group you can email or phone 9291883 and leave a message

Community News
Trinity Care Services
Leanne Parkes has taken over as Coordinator of Trinity Care Service Day Centre, working out of Holy Trinity Church, Hotwells.

green light
from Transition Hotwells & Cliftonwood

Crisis in primary school provision

This is a city-wide problem but has had a particular impact in Cliftonwood where some parents have not been able to secure reception places at any of the three nearest schools and are having to travel nearly 2 miles to Luckwell Primary in Bedminster or St. Johns in Worrall Rd. With none of our local schools having any space for expansion and the proposed new Harbourside Primary now deferred until after 2015, it seems this problem will not be resolved any time soon. No site has yet been identified for Harbourside. The City has the problem that they are always outbid by developers for any new school sites not already in Council ownership. Meanwhile, parents have to cope with horrendous commuting to distant schools. Our public transport links to South Bristol are non-existent and Cliftonwood is separated from Bedminster by two waterways so even a car journey requires a long detour. The fear is that families with young children will be forced to leave the area and prospective residents will be reluctant to move in, unless adequate school provision can be made available soon.

It's been a great summer. A brilliant Big Green Week, Bristol winning the European Green Capital title, and plenty of sunshine to make green days out from Hotwells particularly enjoyable, and provide free hot water and electricity to households with solar thermal or pv. Looking forward there's plenty to do as the temperature drops. Bristol Green Doors open homes weekend - 28th/29th September will give the opportunity to see local examples of energy saving at home: Opportunities to use Bristol Pounds to support the local economy have continued to expand. Places where you can Text2Pay now include Reg the Veg (Boyce Avenue), Create canteen, Watershed cafe, Folk House Cafe, 20th Century Flicks, Bristol Ticket Shop. Also gets you a 10% discount at Clifton Thali! Open your account at: Bristol Freedom To Ride campaign launched in May sets out a vision and the plan to get there, including dedicated cycle lanes and network of freeways, quietways and neighbourhood links. You can support via e-petition at http:// and see more at: freedom_to_ride_the_bristol_cycling_ manifesto/ Finally, new Bristol community bike cafe now open - Roll for the Soul, 2 Quay Street - between Centre and Nelson Street..Bike workshop and seating area upstairs vegetarian wraps and salads downstairs. Delicious!

Leanne Parkes

Since the beginning of July, TCS has downsized to a one-day operation. Miriam Jones, TCS Chair, said We are just delighted that we have managed to keep operating. It was touch and go early in the year as Bristol City Council funding fell dramatically as Health & Social Care client referrals fell to minimal levels. We took the decision to withdraw from our contract with BCC and to reduce to a Thursday only operation. We have received tremendous support from local charities-The Grateful Society, Saint Monicas, the Merchant Venturers and of course The Hotwells Pantomime and we are now funded well into 2014. All service users who previously attended on other days have been found places at other local Day Centres which operate on Mondays and Wednesdays. Our own Thursday numbers are increasing and close to capacity. We are still in business and providing the same home-cooked meal, transport and friendly, lively service for older people in our area. If you have a bit of spare time on a Thursday, we always welcome volunteers or, if you know any older person who is lonely or isolated and would like to join us -just give Leanne a call on 0117 9838878.
Andrew Murray

Hotwells Panto 2014 call for writers

As well as being the social event of the Hotwells year, this years panto made a profit of nearly 2,000, half of which was given to HCCA. Trinity Daycare has been given a grant of 1,500. Next years panto dates are 5th-8th March and there will be a Scriptwriters meeting on Friday 18th October at 6.30pm at 17 York Gardens BS8 4LN. Any potential new writers would be very welcome (please email in advance. ) Bear in mind that new writers : a. need to have seen at least one Hotwells panto b. will be paired with an old hand c. mustnt be too upset if their carefully honed script is re-hashed by the editorial committee!

Trinity Care Service is looking for a new cook as Heidi will be leaving us soon. This is a paid post for about 4 hours on a Thursday. If you are interested give Leanne a call on 0117 983 8878.

40....30....20.... stop!
Cars dominate our neighbourhood and, this Summer, they have been dominating our time as well with two major City Council consultations. The first, which fits well with the Community Associations Traffic Strategy, is the proposed introduction of 20mph over much of the city. We were surprised to find that Hotwell and Merchants Roads had been left at 30 mph. Other main arterial routes like Cheltenham/Gloucester and Whiteladies roads are identified as 20mph, we could not understand why the limited stretch of Hotwell Rd, along with a bit of Anchor Road, and Merchants Road had been left at 30 and have therefore made representations that our main roads should be reduced to 20mph. We have also suggested that the 40mph limit along the Portway should drop to 30mph before the Colonnade where the houses of our community begin. We have also had consultations on the Residents Parking Zone for this area. We know that not everyone is in favour of an RPZ, but given the Mayors decision to implement schemes, at least in the central areas, we are happy that there has been plenty of opportunity for people to try and make the scheme fit the circumstances of our area. It is good that there is a built-in arrangement for review after six months when we will have had the opportunity to experience the realities of the scheme. We shall again be trying to facilitate that review when it comes. The next stage will be a formal consultation this autumn regarding all the Traffic Orders that must be introduced to mark the roads and put up signs relating to the scheme. The scheme should then be introduced early in the new year.
Dennis Gornall

Reducing speed limitsa residents view

As a resident of Oldfield Road, Hotwells, I welcome the decision to enforce a 20mph restriction on traffic in the central area. However, the proposal to retain the existing speed limits of 30mph along Hotwell Road and Merchants Road in Hotwells, together with a 40mph limit on the whole of the Cumberland Basin flyover system, completely ignores the long-standing concerns of the residents of the area locally known as 'The Island' in Hotwells and pays little heed to the race-track mentality behind the driving that causes so many accidents on the flyovers. The existing speed-limits, inadequate pedestrian access to 'the mainland' (across Merchants Road to The Pump House and Harbourside, and across Hotwells Road to Dowry Square) and the accelerated phasing of the trafficlights funneling traffic into Merchants Road near The Merchants Arms make the entire zone extremely dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists, including parents who are encouraged to walk their children to Hotwells Primary School. Councillors and traffic officers have long been made aware of this at meetings, by correspondence, by protests and by publicity in the press. Essentially, the speed of traffic around the one-way system severs this area from the rest of the neighbourhood. This is the major danger to the community, to the increasing number of visitors to the area because of events at this end of Harbourside and to road-users themselves. In addition, simple eyewitness experience indicates that the number of accidents on the Cumberland Basin flyover complex continues unabated. There have been several severe incidents on Humphrey Davey Way in recent months as well as on other access points such as that from Bower Ashton. Before the decision to maintain the 40mph speed limit over the Cumberland Basin system is taken, a full report of accidents should be undertaken.
Bob Walton

Spycams patrol Hotwell Road bus lane!

Getting booked by men (or women) in peaked caps and big satchels seems an almost nostalgic experience now. Have you noticed this camera near the Spar store? It seems to pick up any car stopping between 16:00-18:30, silently, covertly and automatically. Anyone not checking the signs very carefully could be easily caught out by the beguiling single yellow lines. Someone was recently prosecuted for parking here for 3 minutes!

Tree Planting at Cumberland Piazza

This the third time of trying but but we understand that planting trees in the paved North side of Cumberland Piazza is definitely in the TreeBristol programme for this coming winter season. In 2010-11, we were assured that money for this would come from the Bus network improvement grant that was paying for new bus stops everywhere. The money ran out before they got round to our project. In 2011-12. We had pledges of financial support from the Neighbourhood partnership and individual donors but TreeBristol felt we hadnt given them enough time to carry out the work. 2013-14 looks like our best chance yet. Treeplanting here is complex and expensive because of the hard paving and the sub-surface conditions (mainly rubble from the houses demolished to build the flyover). Large tree pits have to be excavated and retaining borders constructed around the margins to give the new trees the best chance to thrive. However, all our research suggests that most people want this to be a greener space and we think that trees with the potential to grow higher than the flyover ramps will create a major impact on this desolate space. As well as creating a more park-like feel, they will eventually contribute to visually masking the overhead roads, reducing the traffic noise and kick-starting the process of transforming Hotwells biggest open space. This year the cost has escalated. We already have pledges for nearly 10,000 but we need to raise another 5,000 as the Council starts a consultation with residents living near to the site. Ray Smith

help us make the Piazza greener

Donations to the Piazza Tree Campaign of any amount you can afford will be much appreciated but if you donate at least 50 you can get a years free subscription to the HCCA 500 Club (worth 12) and be included in monthly draws to win prizes of 250 or 4 x 25. If you already have a 500 Club subscription you can double your chance of winning! Donate online by going to:
or Email

Hope Chapeltales from the crypt

Hope Chapel has been an important meeting place for the Hotwells community since it opened in 1787. In the nineteenth century many local people would be at the chapel every night of the week for various religious and social activities. When the building fell into disrepair in the 1960s and 70s it was rescued by the local community. It was transformed into the Hope Centre - a successful community centre and performing arts venue. Then in 2000 the church congregation began to grow again as Hope Community Church was formed. Whilst the main vision of Hope Chapel is now to be a church it will always seek to be a meeting place at the heart of the Hotwells community. The annual Hotwells Pantomime and Hotwells Music Group continue with great strength from their beginnings in the Hope Centre days. A childrens Street Dance club, toddler group (Little Stars), Youth Group, Tango club, youth drama group and the Hotwells Primary School play are more recent regular users of Hope Chapel. Increasing numbers of children on a Sunday, and wider demand for meeting space during the week prompted the development of the crypt underneath Hope Chapel. This work has been progressing steadily in recent years and is now nearing completion. Archaeologists have been recording artefacts and burials throughout the work. Most graves in the chapel grounds were unmarked and those in the crypt had been robbed at some point in history so this has been a good opportunity to record each burial and re-bury the remains in a vault beneath the chapel. Osteoarchaeological analysis of the bones revealed a well-nourished population who werent suffering from any of the diseases associated with poor diet which are commonly found in 18th and 19th century populations. This is perhaps unsurprising given the sites location in one of the wealthier areas of the city. The converted crypt will be able to operate independently from the rest of the building to host various events and gatherings. This additional meeting space, with vaulted ceilings reminiscent of the Cavern Club in Liverpool, will help to keep Hope Chapel at the heart of the Hotwells community for the decades (and centuries!) to come.
Chris Bond

Events & Reviews

West Bristol Art Trail 12-13th Oct.
The 6th West Bristol Art Trail, opens with over one hundred local artists exhibiting in homes and venues across Hotwells, Cliftonwood, Redland and Clifton. Local venues include Footworks at Charles Place, Dowry Parade, The Grain Barge and Holy Trinity Church on Hotwell Road which will be hosting 6 artists and the opportunity to explore this historic building as well as enjoying tea and cakes. The Polygon has no less than 3 open houses exhibiting 5 artists between them. Perhaps the most unusual venue is Cumberland Piazza. Events here will include: Voices of the Pillars, a piece which began in 2011 when local poet Bob Walton ran some community poetry workshops resulting in the site-specific poem Voices of the Pillars, which he then performed at 2011 Art under the Flyover event. The Arts Trail weekend will see extracts from the poem posted around the site and a poetry workshop on the Saturday relating poetry to architecture. No. 1 Rose Street is an installation mapping and remembering the houses that occupied the space before the flyover was built. Over the Arts Trail weekend, the Piazzas old toilet block will become, No.1 Rose St, a re-imagining of one of the former homes, decked out in period 50s and 60s chintz and historical pictures of the lost streets. DeDum, will use the sound the traffic makes going over the road bridge and turn it into a live sound piece. People will be asked to use their smart phones to record the traffic noise from underneath the road at various points on the Piazza, the pieces will then be collated and conducted in the DeDum Smartphone Orchestra. Claire Sharpes colourful translucent banners, produced for the recent Green Days Out launch event will also be on display again. The West Bristol Arts Trail begins on Saturday 12th October and runs until 5pm on Sunday the 13th October. There is a launch event at the RWA on the evening of Friday 11th October to which all are invited. See the Trails website for full info:

Music Workshop
Hotwells Music Workshop is a community organisation based at Hotwells School, that has provided a forum for amateur music-making in chamber groups since 1971.

Who's it for?
Hotwells Music Workshop welcomes new members. It is suitable for almost any player of an orchestral instrument who wants to play chamber music though it isn't suitable for complete beginners who can't read music. Experience suggests that those who have found Music Workshop most useful and enjoyable are: people who haven't played since their school days and want to get going again Moderate players who welcome a relaxed, non-judgemental and supportive environment to improve and enjoy their music-making Experienced players who enjoy encouraging and supporting those who are less experienced Less experienced players who want to play with others but are not confident about (or interested in) playing in a large orchestra or wind band People with experience of playing in large groups who want to try something different Those whose commitments make it hard for them to join music-groups which make longer-term demands Those who are new to the area and wish to meet other players of all standards

How does it work?

The 'six-week session' is at the heart of the way Music Workshop works. Players sign on for a session of six (occasionally five) consecutive Thursdays. There are six such sessions each year but you only commit to one at a time. There are no meetings during school holidays. Music Workshop has the great merit that you don't have to commit yourself to long-term membership. Each player in a chamber group is indispensable, however, so the expectation is that all players undertake to attend all the Thursdays in any session they've signed up for. For further details see the website:

Events Diary
Sat Sep 28thSun 29th Sun Sep 29th when what Bristol Green Doors weekend See: Make Sundays Special monthly closure of City Centre to traffic. food & drink, fun and games for all ages West Bristol Arts Trail -see: 19:00 for 19:30 19:00 19:00 Hotwells Clifton & Cliftonwood Local History Society (see below) Clifton & Cabot Neighbourhood Partnership Clifton Neighbourhood Forum various where

Venue available for hire

Music gigs, private functions, exhibitions, training days, clubs & classes. Multiple spaces, 2 bars/ stage/sprung floor dance studio/skittle alley/garden area


Corn St and Old City

Sat Oct 12th Sun 13th Wed Oct 16th Tues Oct 22nd Mon Nov 4th


0117 966 5552

Dean Lane, Bristol BS3 1DB

Create Centre, Smeaton Rd. The Pavilion, Hannover Quay Clifton High School, College Rd. BS8 3JD

A harbourside walk


Hotwells History Society

Hotwells, Clifton and Cliftonwood Local History Society meets on WEDNESDAY 16th OCTOBER at 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm at the CREATE CENTRE. To mark the success of Underfall Yard's application for money to ensure its future as a Heritage Site. NIGEL COOMBES will speak about the Channel Steamers. Campbells had an office at the Yard and during the first half of the 20th century they were a major part of local life, employing many people, especially during the summer cruising months. A small exhibition of photographs of those happy days will be on display. The cost is 4 which includes a glass of wine or soft drink

New books by local authors

Two new books of local walks have just been launched by Clifton residents Julia Killingback and Michael Pascoe. Both authors have worked in the community for many years as volunteers helping to improve and promote this much loved part of Bristol. Michaels great knowledge of the areas history proved invaluable. Julia, who has designed for many large companies world wide, devised the visual concept and compiled a myriad of colourful images, some her own illustrations. The varied walks are designed to be enjoyed by people of all ages!

Local Services

provides time for stillness in a busy world Gentle Class Thursdays from Sep 26th, 11.00-12:30 Clifton Library, Princess Victoria Street Call Em Sawday to book a place 0117-9738213 or 07833751235

Dowry Chiropractic Clinic
3 Dowry Place Hotwells, Bristol BS8 4QL come and see one of our BCA & GCC registered Chiropractors, specialising in: Back Pain Muscle and joint pain Neck and shoulder pain Sports injuries Migraines Arthritis support Headaches Hip/knee/ankle/foot problems Treatments include: spinal & extremity manipulation, mobilisation, remedial massage, dry needling and posture & lifestyle advice. Call 0117 9298384 to book your appointment or a free 15 minute consultation

BA (Hons) DO MRO

39 Oldfield Road Hotwells BRISTOL BS8 4QQ Tel: (0117) 927 2100


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