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INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR OCTOBER 17 Message for the World Day for Overcoming Extreme Poverty United Nations

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 17th October 2013

The theme for the Commemoration this year Working together towards a world without discrimination: Building on the experience and knowledge of people in extreme poverty invites us to come together to put an end to the continuing divisions within our societies that are created and perpetuated by discrimination, especially that against people living in poverty.
It raises awareness of the active and passive discrimination that people face on a daily basis because of poverty, their marginalization in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres of their societies, and their lack of voice and representation in the conceptualisation, implementation and evaluation of policies and programmes that affect them directly and indirectly. Discrimination against people living in poverty exacerbates the intensity of poverty. When such discrimination is systemic and pervasive, it stigmatizes, oppresses and socially excludes poor people who b e c o m e t h e u n s e e n , t h e u n h e a rd , a n d t h e disenfranchised. All too often, people living in poverty are described as being irresponsible, uneducated, lazy, undeserving or a threat to public order or public security. Such characterization is not only factually wrong but it is stigmatizing and encourages discriminatory behaviour. It deepens the social divide and creates fear and distrust between poor people and the rest of society. For people living in poverty, their human rights, dignity, participation, personal security, respect and due recognition of their efforts and contribution to society are just as important as their basic human needs such as health, water and sanitation, housing, education and training. As Father Joseph Wresinski wisely observed: "Every man carries within him the chance of Humanity". It is arrogant and wrong to assume that people who lack material wealth, social status and political power also lack any knowledge or understanding of issues that could be useful to other people or to society. Indeed, our current efforts to eradicate poverty have often overlooked or ignored their valuable knowledge based on the experience that people living in the worst conditions have accumulated, in some cases, over several generations. Therefore, it is important that we listen to the views and experiences of everyone, especially those living in extreme poverty, so that policies and programmes meant to eradicate poverty do not end up ill-adapted to the real needs, realities and expectations of the people they are supposed to be helping. As the United Nations prepares its global development agenda for the post-2015 period, it is critical that people living in extreme poverty should be provided sufcient space and attention within the process so that they can elaborate on and add to existing knowledge about poverty, discrimination and human rights violations. This means more than just allowing them to express their own experiences. It requires the creation of conditions that enable and encourage people living in poverty to contribute their individual and collective thoughts and analysis through full and active participation in the whole process of shaping the policies and programmes to eradicate poverty. We must break the silence of extreme poverty. Let us build our post-2015 efforts to eradicate poverty with the contribution of the poorest so that together we can achieve a sustainable world where everyone lives with dignity and in peace with others.

Donald Lee President, International Committee for October 17

12, rue Pasteur F-95480 Pierrelaye, France

INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR OCTOBER 17 World Day for Overcoming Extreme Poverty United Nations International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
The goals of the International Committee for October 17th are: To promote the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, which publicly unites all those who are striving together to end poverty and those who want to join them, whether at global, national or local levels. To promote the observance of this international day in ways that respect the original spirit and meaning of the day, rst marked on October 17,, 1987, with the words of Fr. Joseph Wresinski: Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty. To promote and safeguard spaces where people from very different backgrounds can be together in a unique way, to struggle against extreme poverty and violations of human rights, and to strive towards peace for all. The composition of this committee is unique, with members coming from different backgrounds, including people with rst-hand experience of extreme poverty, all committed together against poverty and exclusion: President: Mr. Donald Lee (Australia) Former High Civil Servant of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations; Members: Ms. Gemma Adaba (Trinidad and Tobago) Ms. Huguette Bossot-Redegeld (France) Ms. Delloula Djamila Bouguessa (France) H.E. Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Egypt) Mme Isabelle Perrin (Belgium) Mr Antoine Corgier (France) H.E. Mr. Jean-Marc de La Sablire (France) Mr Titinga Pacr, Esq. (Burkina Faso) Mr. Jacques Petidor (Haiti) H.E. Mr Jos Ramos Horta (Timor-Leste) Prof. Yozo Yokota (Japan) Ms. Nina Lim Yuson (Philippines) o-o-o In 1992, with resolution 47/196, the General Assembly of the United Nations recognized October 17th, World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. In 2006, the General Assembly welcomed the UN Secretary-Generals Report A/61/308 on the Observance of the International Day. The report says that people living in poverty are the rst defenders of human rights and are agents of change. It identies lessons learned and ways to promote the mobilization of all stakeholders in the ght against poverty. The report emphasizes the importance of a human rights-based approach and the true participation of people living in extreme poverty. It also calls for the active participation of people living in extreme poverty. Each year, a message from the International Committee is launch.
12, rue Pasteur F-95480 Pierrelaye, France

International Consultant International Movement ATD Fourth World ATD-Fourth World 6th Secretary-General of the United Nations Director General, International Movement ATD Fourth World ATD Fourth World Former Ambassador of France Lawyer, writer and poet Educator - Ministry of Education Nobel Prize 1996 Chuo University Faculty of Law Tokyo President, International Movement ATD Fourth World

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