Online Examination System

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Online Examination System

Online Examination System is a software application which allows a particular company or institute to arrange, conduct and manage any objective examination via online. This project assesses students by conducting online objective tests. The tests would be highly customizable. This project will enable education institutes to conduct tests and have automated checking of answers. This project allows faculties to create their own tests. It would enable educational institutes to perform tests, quiz and create feedback forms. It enables the faculty to create his/her set of questions. Faculty, then create groups and add related students to the groups. Further the tests are associated with specific groups so that only associated students can appear for the test. The result of the response would be available to the faculty of the question set. Further the result would always be mailed to the students. This project would be helpful for creating practice tests for educational institutes and as a feedback form.

The purpose of this application is to conduct and process various types of certificate/noncertificate exams at different centers across any country via online.

Online Examination System is designed for Educational Institutes like Schools, Colleges, and Private Institutes to conduct logic tests of their students on a regular basis. The system handles all the operations and generates reports as soon as the test is completed which saves the precious time of faculties spent on reviewing answer sheets. The existing system is weak when it comes to surprise test organizations whereas this system can make it possible very easily.

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1) Any institute or company can register their various types of certificate/non-certificate programs and conduct an online examination for the same. 2) Just register the programs, their fees (if paid) and the centers (where the exam will be conducted) in order to start the examination process. 3) Questions and answers would be objective type and the format would be as per the companys choice. 4) User can select the company, its program, exam schedule and pay fees online in order to give his exam at the selected center.

There are three main components.

1. Student- user mostly a student who will appear for the examination.

2. Faculty- another user mostly faculty members, lectures or examiner who posts a set of questions, the available options and correct answers.

3. Administrator- super user, adds faculty and manages system.

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In the existing system, on-line examination is conducted through an intranet (if within an organization) or using paper work to test a candidate. In this, the candidates are given time to answer the questions and after the time expiry the answer paper is are sent to the examiner which would be examined manually, obviously which is a time taking and errorprone process. The examiner will evaluate the answer paper either manually or through automated process and the results will be sent to the candidate through e-mail or made available in the web-site. There are certain limitations in the existing system which I tried to overcome in my Project. These are:-

1) Less user interaction:User has less interaction with the system. In the existing System, user can only give the examination and view the results. 2) User cannot view the history of result:Sometimes student needs to know about his previous history record of result. But there is not such facility is provided by existing examination system. 3) Overall ranking of Student is not displayed:Because the student cannot keep track of his history result record, so he is not able to know about his current ranking of test. Overall student cannot have a knowledge about his position in the test. 4) No track of test attendance is maintained:In the existing system, attendance of students is not maintained. That is, there is no such information available to the administrator about how many students have attended the test.
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The project being developed by me is a web based application. The system suits the need of Educational Institutes, Primary and Secondary Schools, Colleges, Professional and Vocational Institutes, Universities or Training Academies. The product aims at reducing costs associated with conducting exams over a period of time and achieving total automation of examination system-related tasks like registration, publications of results, which leads to a very high degree of system efficiency.


All the drawbacks of the existing system are resolved in the proposed system-

Student Enhancement:
1) Reduces Time and Money Spent:Online examination can be conducted at any time and does not incur higher cost as traditional exam scenario as there is no paper work involved.

2) In advance display of test schedule:In advance test schedules are displayed on the web site. So the students have enough time to prepare the test.

3) View the History of Result:In the proposed system user can view the history of previous results records. The students have also the facility to create user id which contains his previous result records also.

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4) Increase the overall Performance:All the above features increase the overall performance of the examination system. Fast and accurate result reports are provided to the student on the spot. This results in time saving.

5) Current Ranking of Student:The student can keep track of his overall ranking in the test. The student will get up to date information about his id.

Administrator Enhancement:

1) Anywhere test creation, updating of questions and scheduling of test:Only Administrator has the rights to create, insert, delete and update data stored on the system. He is the only person to schedule and unschedule the tests.

2) Keeping the track of students:Administrator divides the student into certain groups. The administrator also keeps track of which student belongs to which group and according to this test is scheduled for him.

3) Keeping track of test attendance:Administrator will also maintained the test attendance of student and keep track of which students have given the test.

The language and Database used in my Project. Language: As Front-end: ASP.NET Database: As Back-end: SQL Server 2005

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Microsoft .NET, which I refer to as just .NET, is a platform for developing managed software. The word managed is key here-a concept setting the .NET platform apart from many other development environments. Ill explain what the word managed means and why it is an integral capability of the .NET platform. When referring to other development environments, as in the preceding paragraph, Im focusing on the traditional practice of compiling to an executable file that contains machine code and how that file is loaded and executed by the operating system.

The Common Language Runtime (CLR)

As introduced in the preceding section, C# applications are compiled to IL, which is executed by the CLR. This section highlights several features of the CLR. Youll also see how the CLR manages your application during execution.

The Common Type System (CTS):

To support multiple programming languages on a single CLR and have the ability to reuse the FCL, the types of each programming language must be compatible. This binary compatibility between language types is called the Common Type System (CTS).

The Common Language Specification (CLS):

Although the CLR understands all types in the CTS, each language targeting the CLR will not implement all types. Languages must often be true to their origins and will not lose their features or add new features that arent compatible with how they are used.

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However, one of the benefits of having a CLR with a CTS that understands IL, and an FCL that supports all languages, is the ability to write code in one language that is consumable by other languages. Imagine you are a third-party component vendor and your language of choice is C#. It would be desirable that programmers in any .NET language (for example, Iron Ruby or Delphi) would be able to purchase and use your components.

For programming languages to communicate effectively, targeting IL is not enough. There must be a common set of standards to which every .NET language must adhere. This common set of language features is called the Common Language Specification (CLS).


After a long gap in the release of SQL Server databases, Microsoft recently released SQL Server 2005 (formerly code-named Yukon). In this substantial upgrade, they've packed the new database engine full of features. Probably the most significant one that will catch your attention is the price tag its up to 25% higher than SQL Server 2000. A single processor license for SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition will set you back approximately $25,000. Thats not cheap, but Microsoft has made some great advances in functionality that make up the difference. In this first part of our series on this new product, lets take a look at the four different editions of SQL Server 2005 that Microsoft plans to release:

SQL Server 2005 Express replaces the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) as the free version of SQL Server for application development and lightweight use. It remains free and retains the limitations of MSDE with respect to client connections and performance. Its a great tool for developing and testing applications and extremely small implementations, but thats about as far as you can run with it. SQL Server 2005 Workgroup is the new entrant in the product line. Its billed as a small business SQL Server and it offers an impressive array of functionality for a $3,899 price tag per processor. (Its also available under a 5-user license for $739). Workgroup edition maxes out at 2 CPUs with 3GB of RAM and allows for most of the functionality youd expect from a server-based relational database. It offers limited replication capabilities as well. The workhorse SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition remains the staple of the product line serious database applications. It can handle up to 4 CPUs with an unlimited amount of RAM. Standard Edition 2005 introduces database mirroring and integration services. Its priced at $5,999 for a processor or $2,799 for 5 users. The big kid on the block is SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition. With the release of 2005, Enterprise Edition allows unlimited scalability and partitioning. Its truly an enterprise-class database and its hefty price tag ($24,999 per processor or $13,499 for 5 users) reflects its value.
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Feasibility Analysis: Feasibility study is done so that an ill-conceived system is

recognized early in definition phase. During system engineering, however, we concentrate our attention on four primary areas of interest. This phase is really important as before starting with the real work of building the system it was very important to find out whether the idea thought is possible or not. 1) Economic Feasibility: An evaluation of development cost weighted against the ultimate income or benefit derived from the developed system.

2) Technical Feasibility: A study of function, performance may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system.

and constraints that

3) Operational Feasibility: A study about the operational aspects of the system.

1)Economic Analysis-

Among the most important information contained in feasibility study is Cost Benefit Analysis and assessment of the economic justification for a computer based system project. Cost Benefit Analysis delineates costs for the project development and weighs them against tangible and intangible benefits of a system. Cost Benefits Analysis is complicated by the criteria that vary with the characteristics of the system to be developed, the relative size of the project.

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Expected return on investment desired as pa rt of companys strategic plan. In addition, many benefits derived from a computer-based system are intangible (e.g. better design quality through iterative optimization, increased customer satisfaction through

programmable control etc.) As this is an in-house project for the company, to be used for its own convenience and also it is not that big a project. So neither it requires a huge amount of money nor any costly tools or infrastructure need to be set up for it.

2)Technical AnalysisDuring technical analysis, the technical merits of the system are studied and at the same time collecting additional information about performance, reliability, maintainability and predictability. Technical analysis begins with an assessment of the technical viability of the proposed system.

1) What technologies are required to accomplished system function and


2) What new materials, methods, algorithms or processes are required and what is their development risk? 3) How will these obtained from technical analysis form the basis for another? Go/no goes decision on the test system? If the technical risk is severe, if models indicate that the desired function cannot be achieved, if the pieces just wont fit together smoothly its back to the drawing board.

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As the software is very much economically feasible, then it is really important for it to be technically sound. The software will be build among:

3)Operational Feasibility:
The project is operationally feasible. So because of the above stated advantages the users of the system will not be reluctant at all.

REQUIREMENTS: Required software is for conducting on-line objective type examination and providing immediate results. The system should satisfy the following requirements:

Administrator aspect:
1) Taking backup of the database 2) Editing/Deleting/Creating the Database. 3) Adding or expelling faculty. 4) Changing the super password.

Faculty aspect:
1) Logging into the system. 2) Sending invitations to specific student by mail. 3) Accepting registrations of candidates.

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4) Adding candidate to a group. 5) Create/Delete/Edit candidate from a group. 6) Creating a test. 7) Posting questions in the above test. 8) Posting multiple options to respective question. 9) Marking correct answer within the given options. 10) Time limit of the test.

Student aspect:
1) Requesting registration. 2) Logging into the system. 3) Edit user information. 4) Selecting the test. 5) Selecting whether the test to be taken in practice mode where the correct answer is shown immediately after the candidate selects an options. 6) Appearing for the examination. 7) Printing the result at the end of the examination. 8) Reviewing the given responses. 9) Changing the password. 10) Resetting of forgotten password.

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Hardware Specification

It is recommended that the minimum configuration for clients is as appended below:Suggested Configuration of Windows clients:Microprocessor: Pentium 4 2.0 GHz Ram: 1.5 GB of RAM Hard Disk: 5 gigabytes (GB) on installation drive, which Includes 500 MB on system drive. Secondary Drive: DVD ROM Drive

Software Specifications

Operating System: Windows 2000XP/Windows 2000 NT Front End: ASP.NET Framework 4.0 as Front-End Tool - Visual Studio 2010

Back End: SQL Server 2005

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