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The traditional Zi Wei Dou Shu chart is calculated using the Chinese lunar calendar and the four

pillars, which shows the placement of the King/Emperor star. This star, called Zi Wei, is the most powerful ming energy and the pivotal point around which the entire chart is built. In Taoist spiritual cultivation, the Zi Wei star has great significance and is considered the pathway to the highest spiritual realms. Take special note of where this star energy is located in your chart.

Before beginning, it will be helpful to familiarize yourself with the placement of the main star energies in your life chart. Depending on your birth data, stars will be placed in one of 12 life palaces in your birth chart. The star(s) placed in your destiny palace is referred to as your Ming Gong Zhu Xin ("main life star") and specifies your personal characteristics and general luck in life. Following is an overview of the main star energies and a general description of each one. An ancient Chinese star chart. The four major imperial (ruling) energies are the "leaders": 1. Zi Wei, the emperor/purple pole king star. 2. Tian Fu, the vault (palace treasury) star.

3. Wu Qu, the commander (armor, dance, music, finance) star. 4. Tian Xiang, the prime minister (involvement, mirroring) star. The four major martial (aggressive) energies are the "fighters": 1. Sha Qi, the seven swords (general, power) star. 2. Po Jun, the demolisher (pioneer, ruinous) star. 3. Lian Zhen, the crimson passion (virtue/vice, virgin/villain) star. 4. Tan Lang, the Aphrodite (flirting, opportunity) star. The six major psycho-social/literary (humanitarian) energies are the "supporters" and the "adapters." The supporters: 1. T'ai Yang, the sun (male yang energy, reputation, the crowd). 2. Ju Men, the messenger (giant gate, gloomy) star. 3. Tian Ji, the chief advisor (intelligence, motor, heavenly machine) star. The adapters: 1. T'ai Yin, the moon (female yin energy, emotion, intuition). 2. Tian Tong, the contentment (lucky waif, unity) star. 3. Tian Lang the scholar (honest, blessings) star. The four lucky "royal jewels": 1. Zuo Fu, the left assistant (aid, deputy I) star. 2. You Bi, the right assistant (support, deputy II) star. 3. Tian Kui, the status (laureate, stardust, angel I) star. 4. Tian Yue, the reputation (medal, delight, angel II) star. The two major indicators of intelligence and talent: 1. Wen Qu, the eloquence (dissertation, arts minister) star. 2. Wen Chang, the literacy (discourse, literary minister) star.

The four life milestones, or "signposts": 1. Hong Luan, the lover (wedding, romance) star. 2. Tian Yao, the encounter (romance, socializing) star. 3. Tien Xi, the happiness (joy, birth) star. 4. Tian Xing, the opposition (punishment, sternness) star. The main energy of travel, change, and movement is Tian Ma, the steed (pegasus, winged horse) star. The main energy of money is Lu Cun, the treasure (completion and abundance) star. The six dark stars (Sha Yao) are the harmful or difficult energies: 1. Huo Xing, the fire (turmoil) star. 2. Ling Xing, the turbulence (siren, thunder) star. 3. Qing Yang, the destruction (trouble, lance) star. 4. Tuo Luo, the obstruction (worry, armor) star. 5. Di Kong, the void (nullity, misfortune, abrupt interference) star. 6. Di Jie, the interference (calamity, fate, constant interference) star. Following is an explanation of the major star energies we will use in Zi Wei Dou Shu. The significance of the 14 major stars will be explained further in subsequent chapters. The Rulers: The Four Leading Imperial Energies Zi Wei is the leading energy of Chinese astrology, and the focal point of the Zi Wei Dou Shu astrological system. Where it falls in your chart will be the most powerful, favored palace and decade of your life, so take special note of where it is placed. Zi Wei is authoritative, pioneering, conquering, farsighted, and hot tempered. The emperor star brings luck, wealth, authority, prestige, protection and rescue to the life palace in which it is placed. It displays all the qualities of a strong, wise, courageous monarch and a natural pioneering leader who looks at the big picture. This energy is ambitious, demanding and royal. When placed in the destiny palace, its imperial status is ambitious. With favorable stars accompanying it, it produces virtue, leadership, and strong character. When it is found alone or accompanied by bad stars, it can become an irrational, hotheaded, extreme energy. It is very lucky to find the Zi Wei star placed in your career palace, as you may achieve greatness in your line of work. Tian Fu symbolizes guarding the treasury of the King and represents great wealth. It is often found in the destiny of great leaders and entrepreneurs. This major prosperity energy quietly

builds fortunes. When found in a woman's chart, Tian Fu reveals a sophisticated and powerful woman who may also feel isolated at times. Prosperity, possessions, preservation, caution, and integrity are the cornerstones of this energy. Found in the destiny palace, it produces a careful and detail-oriented person whose parents and elders played an important role in forming his or her character and personality. Where this star is placed is where you will amass substantial possessions and assets. It suggests inheritance and benefactors. If poorly aspected, however, it can represent the white collar criminal or embezzler. Wu Qu is a powerful leadership energy of the imperial or royal group. It represents authority, and is responsible for entrepreneurial skills. This star indicates good luck with wealth, but also solitude, firmness, stubbornness, independence, and impatience. This star represents a strong and decisive leader who figuratively leads his or her army into battle. It symbolizes wealth, leadership, entrepreneurial skills, handicrafts, and metals. Wu Qu is an independent and impatient energy, sometimes bringing activity prematurely in the life palace where it falls. It reveals a strong personality when found in the destiny palace. Tian Xiang is the emperor's minister, or general. It is a more passive energy than the other three imperial stars, and prefers to stay in the background rather than be in the spotlight. It is a loyal and hardworking energy of support and assistance. Bearing the seal of the emperor, Tian Xiang endorses verdicts that are passed down; therefore, its outstanding features are responsibility and accountability. This star also indicates the presence of a "right-hand man." With Tian Xiang, things tend to occur in twos. It represents repetition, helpfulness, responsibility, influence, and embroilment. Whether it is influencing for good or becoming embroiled in the bad, when placed in the destiny palace, it reveals an individual who gets involved. The Fighters: The Four Major Martial Energies Sha Qi is the leading energy in the martial group of stars. Its key features are aggression, force, severity, strategy, independence, and aloofness. It is an ambitious, reckless, hasty energy, with organizing and ordering abilities. When found in the destiny palace, this conquering star presages disquiet and chaos. It reveals clashes, power struggles, and turmoil in the family of origin. It also expresses an iron will, eager and conquering, and a cool-headed strategist, the power behind the scenes that must be reckoned with. Sha Qi commands respect in any life palace; however, it brings obstinacy, chaos, and rashness. This most powerful of the martial energies reveals much turbulence, adventure, excitement, and even danger wherever it is placed. Its specific location indicates an area of our lives where we tend to see things in black and white and where we will not compromise. Po Jun is an ambitious, intense, and authoritative force. A mover by nature, this star embraces new things and discards the old and the obsolete. Po Jun is a strong and aggressive star that shatters and builds back up; it breaks down the old and makes way for the new. If it is found in someone's destiny palace, it can make that person pretty tough to get along with. Guided properly, however, he or she can learn to create good things from bad situations. This star is all about "out with the old and in with the new." It is also hope and fiery passion. This star energy is constantly in the thick of battle; it charges forward, uproots, tears down, and rebuilds. The life palace where this star is placed experiences upheavals and a lot of reorganization, so if you f

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