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By Max Quayle

“Dad, do you have any The man stares at his disheveled

eyeliner?” Two wide, half made eyes and assaulted bag. Moment s later,
of a new teenager peer down from the both girls appear at the top landing
top stair at an innocent man – and they stairs, and jostle down chatting and
know… smiling. They rarely ask how they look
“I, uh, as a matter of fact I do” he anymore – one comment on ‘too
replies, “in my back pack, over there” much’ this or ‘too little’ that have
he looks up, clearly unsure, “I have reaped the presumption of tacit
been lugging it around for months – approval – the result of having
always grabbing it thinking it’s a disapproved, but still allowed them to
pencil…” leave in the past. An awkward but
“It’s not the one I need.” Poof, predictable discussion is consciously
the young lady disappears back to her avoided in one efficient teenaged
room. stroke.
Her sister, bounds, suddenly Jockeying for position in the hall
down the stair and begins to rummage mirror, they both unanimously
through her father’s pack, until she approve.
finds the jewel. She carefully Ten minutes at the bus stop, and
scrutinizes it under poor light – she is the large yellow ‘peer wagon’ collects
the twin who needs – and owns them, shakes them up and delivers
eyeglasses – but will not wear them. It them to the place where they matter
is easier for her to believe things are less but thrive more on a reduced
the way she thinks if she cannot measure of attention than that which is
actually see them. their portion in the home – the eighth
“Ugh, it’s the wrong kind”, her grade – and are gone.
face drops a note; she turns, knowing it
is hers, that it was found on a clean ________________________
sweep through the families SUV. Finds
now ay to express the blame she is Trisha and Tonie cannot be the
sure belongs elsewhere and leaps back exception. They well represent the
upstairs. high tech rising ‘gen text’, with cell

phones pointing out of tiny pockets – The New Years Eve party was
which are mysteriously forgotten when the talk of the town – though there was
plans change or a ride no shows, no ball dropped, nor did fireworks ring
profiting them with more time with in the encroaching year. Cars had come
friend and perfectly ‘scapegoating’ an and gone discharging passengers in
adult by association. They believe twos and singly, to attend a gathering
themselves equipped to handle of eligible (meaning not grounded) 13
anything the world hands out – with and 14 year old eight-graders. The
their hands out. Faces layered with hostesses, a brand new pair of twins,
eyeliner and hair growing prematurely recently moved to town, were
brittle from back to back to back color showered with approval and votes for
experiments, and brows patchy and red another event, and soon. Nothing
from the fresh harvest of ‘uni-brow’ stunning, or fantastic had occurred, no
hairs, they intuit that they are part of a drinking – ergo no drinking related
rising tide, that the world has great foolishness ensued. A modest bonfire
things for them – yet, can’t figure why had burned down to a rippling orange
their ship is delayed in coming in. bed of coals, perhaps pre-maturely, due
to a constant whipping wind that was
Following events are real; names ever-present. In fact, the sledding,
have been changed to protect which was to be one of the activities,
identities. The subjects have been was all but impossible with the chill in
interviewed and events re-constructed the wind. No, what made this party
with attention to capturing the scenes stand out in the conversations and
as they happened. The story is themes of the following days and
presented as an oddity in our culture, weeks was not ridiculous antics, wild
and is hoped to leave the reader women and roaring song – but a
thoughtful and motivated to be more of comfortable venue where in a bunch of
an influence in the lives of young teens were able to hang out together
people: and talk, or in many cases even text
with each other under relative little
☼ ☼ supervision (two adults present) and
☼ for long enough to let the
conversations rise and fall on own
strength rather than being subject to

the availability of time in which to import. The house rule is that no boys
have them. are to visit without one or both parents
It was no surprise, when Trisha present – no exceptions.
and Tonie announced they were having When the parents arrived home
a Valentines Day themed party in late at about a quarter past the hour, they
February that the town was abuzz were alarmed – at first – to see a
again. The girls’ parents had set forth shivering young man with snow flaked
distinct guidelines eliminating familiar about his head and shoulders standing
physical contact at the New Years Eve outside the garage with hands thrust as
party, so the idea of a romance theme deeply into his pockets as the style of
was scintillating to the young ladies the day would allow.
and of interest to the eligible boys as He and a newly arrived
well. Invitations were botched by the threesome of girls were ushered in by
girls, who couldn’t seem to capture the the twins father, but not without a
essence of what they were trying to say grateful and knowing exchange of
– no surprise due to their relative glances between he and his daughters:
immaturity to the theme of romance – the line had be toed, the hint of a smile
and word had to be passed by phone that flashed across dad’s week worn
and text. Rumors of a variety of and weary face said all.
themed events had circulated in school Once inside, a strange but
and on the web, leading up to a distinct comprehensible tension settled
air of anticipation so much, so that quickly. As the guys all arrived they
phone calls began to pour in on the migrated to the couch and far side of
party day by hopeful girls, wondering the room, while the attending girls
if any help would be needed in setting chirped loudly and gathered about the
up. kitchen, immersed in preparing chip
By 6:00 p.m., a pitch of bowls and party dips.
eagerness was exemplified by the The event commenced much as
arrival of an excited young man about had the New Years eve party, with
ten minutes early. It was an teens slowly milling about content to
understandable occurrence, but since simple be in a state existing presence
the twin’s parents had been waylaid by among their peers – not needing, not
poor weather on their rounds gathering knowing – just being… Until the twins
party supplies, the scene lent Trisha father rose and asked for the floor.
and Tonie a opportunity of far reaching Though the girls had known this was

coming, there was palpable fear in their averting prowess. Dad’s custom
their eyes as they wondered what party game wandered perilously close
precisely would be the form of their to the brink of utter failure when a boy
father’s intent. of minimal stature but replete with
The parents had agreed prior to a teen self confidence came to his
romance themed party on condition rescue. He selected two hearts from the
that it contained three distinct parts: horn of plenty, and cautiously read
Ice-breaking games designed to get them aloud:
quiet ones talking and loud ones to “Be Mine.” Said he, and then;
think, a ‘discussion’ (lecture, the girls “Don’t tell.”
decided) on the nature of teen romance Suddenly, the group was in
and standards’ (this component held English class. The lad stammered, re-
enough apprehension for the girls, that read his good deed (and likely
it’s inclusion was almost enough to regretted his decision to be first), and
have the party called off), and dance under the disapproving gaze of an
instruction – ballroom, line and Irish if unseen teacher, he drew a breath and
time permit. As their father slowly said:
surveyed the guests, wonderment and “Be mine, but don’t tell.”
uneasiness filled the faces which were The room hung in perfect
turned, in measure, toward him. balance, like the instant before the
He arranged the guests by gender crash of a wave, then all present spoke
and turns were taken extracting little at once, their various approval and
candied hearts from the ‘cornucopia of childlike criticisms lost in the general
romance’ – a wicker decoration that flood of noise – some unseen barrier
had eluded the post holiday sequester. had been breached.
The object was to select two hearts, The absence of a direct recipient
which were stamped with ‘cutish’ semi of this boyish request, added to the
phrases of potentially romantic general understated hilarity of the
implication, and make one coherent moment. While the father and his wife
sentence using the words printed upon laughed and glanced, knowing. The
each. Faces and feet shifted with assembled youth thought it the finest
simultaneous unease as some answer possible – and a hard deed to
whispered and others avoided eye boot. And the young man withdrew,
contact with a deftness that would munching on his reward. The game
have impressed Siegfried and Roy for was simplified to one-heart one-

sentence as the weighty metaphor of fluids between two people, and…” he
making one cohesive thing out of two crescendoed, “…when you kiss –
distinctly different ones as a deeply – there is a good chance you
similitude of making a relationship of are kissing everyone whom the other
two diverse people sailed in a grand person has kissed.”
arc up and over the heads of the teens “Grooosss…eeewe” genial
and crashed into the snow somewhere pointing and laughter quickly isolated
near the fire pit. Having hurdled the the more promiscuous kids in the
first of Dad’s requirements, the twins bunch. And they in turn, flaunted and
put the music back on and a muted writhed, trying appear anything but
clamor ensued; small groups formed absurdly immature – yet were.
almost instantly and the soft glow of “Come on”, Dad continued, “I
about twenty cell phones glanced off am sure at least some of you have
the low paneled ceiling – they had pined away wishing someone knew of
survived round one. your love for them, and would return
The pattern of music and general it? Perhaps there have been ‘special
chatting surfaced and a few of the guys someones’ to whom you have never
began to feel their energy, piling on even spoken – never mind kissed –
one another and mock wrestling as whom your heart has beaten up and
boys are want to do. Soda was down, soundly. Love is like that, and
imbibed, chips chewed and a with young people less is more.”
contentment had settled over the din, His Daughters reddened as he
when the twins observed their Dad, finished the introduction, they waited
posturing into the center of the room, still as stone for the rest. The man
again. drew the young people around him to
“How many of you think there consider the relative comparison of
must be a kiss – to be in love?” sharing body fluids to the idea to being
The question hung briefly, before a ‘clean catch’ for their future brides
nods, and smiles around the room and grooms.
assented. All three of his Daughters’ eyes
“What, then, is a kiss?” He rolled as the girls recognized a concept
paused, seemed to enjoy the awkward that they themselves had introduced to
silence, and began again: their father. It was a song, which in a
“You all know, from health class, simple refrain proclaimed:
that a kiss is an exchange of body

“My wife will wear white, not someones Mom, Dad, or sibling would
beige, on my wedding day” have to drive – and likely pay – and
Dad was moved by this almost that the reason too young teens get into
flagrant rapper espousing the pure ‘trouble’ because they simply don’t
concept of abstinence until marriage. know how to converse and the natural
Retelling the youth this measure of urges end up directing the show.
purity met with some confusion – and The old man glanced up, as he
the father floundered a bit. Finishing finished. He hoped to catch his
with a simpler idea of personal daughters’ eyes – and they were there.
morality as a personal choice – laden They did not avert, and for a moment,
with consequence, he recovered something clean and true was
somewhat, and turned the focus exchanged in silent lucidity.
directly upon his quavering daughters. “Of course, I do look forward to
“Many of you may not know that introducing all of you young men, at
you are here tonight because my the appropriate time, to my gun
daughters don’t go to town or school collection, as you darken our door with
dances… How many of you had fun at your 16 year old shadows and your
the New Year’s Eve party?” A shiny car keys. I will ask a few
majority of hands rose half-way. questions, we will agree on a return
“Since they won’t be going to a dance time and I will let a few of you, take
until they turn 14 or date until 16 my daughters from me for a time and
(sorry fella’s, you’ll just have to wait) entrust them with you. Surely, you will
this party is a way that Trisha and not disappoint me.”
Tonie can still have fun and socialize He took the time to look each
with their friends. Let’s face it, you young man dead in the eye and made
don’t dance at the dances anyway…” a nearly imperceptible nods toward each
quirked and crooked smile was pressed one, and they in turn dipped their
from his suddenly 40 year old face – whiskerless chins,
he was a parent again, and therefore “Right?”
was not to be trusted. The word hung long enough to
He seemed to sense the shift of serve as punctuation, and the father
acceptance and took a few more exited, stage left. As he did, his
minutes to explain his unique view that daughter queued the music, and
kids under 16 could hardly qualify as whatever there had been in the room
an interesting date due to the fact that

began to shift toward other, more
rhythmic themes.


Six months later, Tonie and

Trisha and their older sister Adrian
were no longer virgins – though Trish
would argue that oral sex doesn’t
count. Did these girls openly rebel
against the embarrassment caused by
their proud, hyper moral father? Were
they already heading this direction and
his influence was negligible? We may
never know…but, this rising
generation is definitely tooled in a new
way than any before. Coordination by
multi-media devices has opened the
world, not just the internet to provide
them the most sought after of
adolescent standings: Access. Access
to friends, stilted information and
virtual approval for almost any
behavior, act or reason, and this is
creating the illusion of safety for
youths on the brink of precarious sheer

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