Survey Research in Political Science

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Survey Research in Political Science

Bridging the Gap: Sampling and Survey Research

For our purposes, most of sampling done in political science is done in the area of survey research. And again, having a representative sample is the researcher's first concern; even before the issues associated with survey research arise. Nationally, that's typically 1000+ randomly sampled respondents. Statewide, a sample of around 600 will suffice.

Constructing a Survey
Open Ended Short answer questions Closed Ended Multiple Choice Often the difference means the difference between Recall and Recognition

Constructing a Survey
More Questions Filter questions A way to group respondents Contingency questions The questions that follow filter questions ie: Party ID

Constructing a Survey
Measures Scales ie: Party ID Feeling Thermometers ie: How do you feel about President Obama (1100)? Problems?

Question Wording
What rules apply? Remember our discussion of hypotheses? Clear, concise is the goal. Avoid ambiguity and leading questions. Leading Questions? ie: Push polling McCain in 2000 "Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for John McCain for president if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?"

Leading Questions
Assumptive questions
Do you think gas prices will go up?
Forces on respondent the idea that they'll go up.

Linked statements
John Doe favors killing babies through partial birth abortion. Will you vote for John Doe in next week's election?

Implication questions
If you vote for the Republicans, what will happen if they resume cutting taxes? What happened during the Bush administration concerning taxes?

Question Order
Alright, let's do this! Well, wait a minute. Bias (Again!?!) Saliency bias Bringing up a topic early on may affect later answers. Consistency bias Similar to leading questions; forcing a particular answer eg: Obligation to vote Response set bias Not the same as response bias. A series of questions with the same answer set may trigger the repetition of certain responses. eg: Teaching evaluations

Carrying Out the Survey

Great, now that we've gone through all these steps, we have to figure out how we will actually do the survey. Interviews Face to Face Telephone (E)Mail Out Problems?

Ultimately, conducting a survey is similar to getting a bill through Congress and signed into law. Many obstacles to overcome.

Who Needs to Use Surveys?

Duh, people who need that kind of data. Yes, but do you need to carry out your own survey? Available survey data American National Elections Study General Social Survey Adding questions. Problems?

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