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A) READ THE TEXT AND WRITE TRUE(T) OR FALSE(F).(5.3=15 points) Computers are usully quiker than human beings.they can answer a question or do a job in a very short time.But,are they always better than human beings?Of course,they arent.people program them.Computers need people to make programs fort hem.People are the masters of computers Some factories can do their jobs easily with the help of computers. Thats why they need fewer workers.But who will use the computers?The answer is this:People. 1) ( 2) ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) ( ) Computers are slower than human beings. ) People can program them. ) People are the masters of computers. ) In some factories there are more workers. ) Computers need people in order to be used.

D- Choose the best answer (20.3=60 points)


a)turn right b)turn left c)go straight ahead d)go along the street

A B 2. A is ___________ than B. a) More happy b) Happiest c) the most happy d) happier

B) Complete the sentences with but / and / because (5.2=10 points) 1- I have a computer I cant use it . 2- She drinks tea without sugar . She suffers from diabetic. 3- Next summer we will visit Alanya .. Kuadas. 4- He goes to supermarket on foot it isnt far. 5- We want to buy a new car we havent got any money.

3- I go to school ________ foot.

a) on b) by c) in d) on-by

4- Doktor Ahmete hangi tavsiyede bulunmutur?

C- Compare the following pictures (3.5=15 points)

Im very fat
1__________________________ Jason Tim ______________________________________________


________________________ Erzurum zmir

a) You should drink coffee. b) You had better do your homework. c) You ought to eat less. d) Why dont you watch TV?




400 km/h 60 km/h ______________________________________________

5-) a)He is dynamic. b) He is shy c) He is talkative.

d) He is romantic. 6- a) He is funny. b) He is gentle c) He is jealous. d) He is realistic. 7- They go to Bursa .. bus. A) of B) on C) by D) to 8- Mr. Taylor is .. a) b) c) d) stingy shy rude helpful seeneklerden

______ it.
a) live a) customs b) preserve b) save c)preserve c) keep d) generation d) pass

14. . is all the people about the same age. 15. ..... is a very big problem for the earth. It means climate change.
a) rainforests c) buildings b) global warming d) environment

16. We put old papers in the waste paper bins at school. Because we .. old papers. a) use b) save c) make d) recycle 17 ve 18. sorular aadaki krokiye gre cevaplandrn

9- Resme gre doru olan iaretleyiniz . A) He is lazy B) He is shy C) He is hardworking D) He is generous 10-Resme gre doru olan seenei iaretleyiniz. A) Sam is shorter and thinner than Jack B) Jack is younger and fatter than Jack C) Sam is fatter and shorter than Jack D) Jack is taller and older than Sam 11-

17- Go straight on. Turn right into Gazi street. Then , walk along the street. It is opposite the hotel. Tarife gre bu yer neresidir? a-)cinema b-) hospital c-) bus station d-)cafe 18-) Walk along the street.Turn left into Gazi Street. Go straight on. It is on the right next to the cafe. Tarife gre bu yer neresidir? a-) supermarket b-) bank c-) post Office d-)zoo

1. 12. _______ passes from one generation to the other generation.
a) Heritage b) Environment c) Natural d) People c. d.

A: _____________? B: Yes,she likes reading. Shall we buy a CD player for Esra? Shall we buy a book for Esra? Shall we buy flowers for Esra? Shall we buy a nice dress for Esra?

13. Our environment is our heritage and we must


You ________ stop when you see the

b) cant c) must d) mustnt

red light.
a) can

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