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Program One: The Classics

St. Patrick (c. 387c. 460) Greene, David; O'Connor, Frank. A Golden Treasury of Irish Poetry, A.D. 6001200, Macmillan, London, 1967 Stokes, Whitley; Strachan, John. Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus: A Collection of Old-Irish Glosses, Scholia, Prose and Verse, Cambridge University Press, 1901-03

Jonathan Swift (16671745) Downie, J.A. Jonathan Swift Political Writer, Routledge & K Paul, London, 1984 Fabricant, Carole. Swifts Landscape, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1982

Oliver Goldsmith (17281774) Hopkins, Robert H. The True Genius of Oliver Goldsmith, John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1969 Paulson, Ronald. Satire and the Novel in 18th Century England, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. 1967

Oscar Wilde (18541900) Ellmann, Richard. Oscar Wilde, Knopf: Distributed by Random House, New York, 1988 Holland, Merlin. The Wilde Album, Henry Holt, New York, 1998

Bram Stoker (18471912) Carter, Margaret. Dracula: The Vampire and the Critics, UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor, MI 1988 Ludlam, Harry. A Biography of Dracula: A Life of Bram Stoker, W. Foulsham, London, 1962

Program Two: Early 20th Century Authors

George Bernard Shaw (18561950)
Bloom, Harold, ed. George Bernard Shaw, Chelsea House Publishers, Broomall, PA, 2000 Evans, Judith, The Politics and Plays of Bernard Shaw, McFarland & Co., Jefferson, NC, 2003

W.B. Yeats (18651939) Donoghue, Denis. William Butler Yeats, Viking Press, New York, 1971 Foster, R.F. W.B. Yeats: A Life, The Arch Poet, 1915-1939, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003

James Joyce (18821941) Kenner, Hugh. Dublins Joyce, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1956. Valente, Joseph, ed. Quare Joyce, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor MI, 1998

Sean O'Casey (18801964) Ayling, Ronald, ed. The Dublin Trilogy: A Casebook, Macmillan, London, 1987 Kilroy, Thomas, ed. Sean OCasey: A Collection of Critical Essays, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1974

Liam O'Flaherty (18961984) Costello, Peter. Liam OFlahertys Ireland, Wolfhound Press, Dublin, 1996

Program 3: The New Wave

Brian ONolan (19111966) Asbee, Sue. Flann OBrien, Twayne Publishers, Boston, 1991 Clissman, Anne. Flann OBrien: A Critical Introduction to his Writings: The Storytellers Book-web, Gill and Macmillan, New York, 1975 Samuel Beckett (19061989) Cohn, Ruby. Just Play: Becketts Theater, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1980 Kenner, Hugh. Samuel Beckett: A Critical Study, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1968

Iris Murdoch (19191999) Byatt, A.S. Degrees of Freedom; The Novels of Iris Murdoch, Chatto and Windus, 1970 Conradi, Peter J. Iris Murdoch: A Life, Norton, New York, 2001 C.S. Lewis (18981963) Ford, Paul F.; Cauley, Lorinda Bryan. A Companion to Narnia, Harper and Row, San Francisco, CA, 1980 Kort, Wesley. C.S. Lewis Then and Now, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001 Brendan Behan (19231964) Kearney, Colbert. The Writings of Brendan Behan, St. Martins Press, New York, 1977 OConnor, Ulick. Brendan Behan, Hamilton, London, 1970 Edna OBrien (1930) Eckley, Grace. Edna OBrien, Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg, PA, 1974 Schrank, Bernice. Edna OBrien, New York, 1999 Frank McCourt (19302009) Hagan, Edward A. Really an Alley Cat? Angela's Ashes and Critical Orthodoxy, New Hibernia Review, Ireland, 2000 Seamus Heaney (1939) Corcoran, Neil. Seamus Heaney, Faber and Faber, London, 1998 Curtis, Tony, ed. The Art of Seamus Heaney, 4th ed. Seren, Bridgend, South Wales, 2001

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