Email To Ombudsman (Modified 2 Protect)

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From: To: robert.howard2@forces.gc.

ca Subject: Nasty-Gram Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 18:07:20 -0400 Rob In case you were not aware, the BOI submits its findings to DCSM2, who has been delegated the authority to make the final decision on behalf of the CDS. The DCSM2 is LCol Chute - the DCSM is Col Blais - enough said. Moving on to another issue, I recently visited IPSC Kingston - there is now a ratio of one Platoon Commander to 82 Posted-In personnel - you'd think it a mad-house but it was like a tomb - that my friend in NOT GOOD. Today I stopped into IPSC Ottawa and found one of my former Regions best Sergeants' desk crammed with reports, an email in-box in the hundreds of emails, dozens of pictures of family on the walls (because that's where most of the time is spent) requests for reports far above the pay-grade stacked high, this person stood exhausted but still with the sprit to go forward and it made me proud as hell. But this should not be the position anyone should be in - and I thought you guys were the ones who were to sort this out - and this is why I contacted you so long ago. The stories relayed to me were frightening; there are no more sections, just a morass, but the brochures are wonderful (kind of reminds me of the ones to entice people to Jonestown); "help who you can", and "whoever's section they may be from just grab one" which sort of matches IPSC Petawawa's situation (sent earlier). There are 45 souls in this soldiers section - SECTION - many of whom are complicated or RED cases requiring enormous amounts of effort - as for what goes by the sidelines, well this person hasn't had a PER since arrival at the JPSU - and Rob that is my fault. The former staff member (an excellent soldier) I came to you earlier about who had been browbeaten by by a SAV report, then he redressed it - then he was ignored, delayed - has now fled for somewhat safer employment. The civilian Manager has been given a posh job at VAC as a temp fill in, the Officer who crusaded through the IPSC making allegations against the military staff as part of a SAV has been installed as the A/Svc's Manager to work with the Pl Comd - beautiful. Rob - I've given you scads of facts on whats going on in Eastern Ontario Region but despite this my people are still suffering and worsening - not my subordinates any longer- but my people, my fellow Canadians and I cannot stand-by (again) and watch them suffer for lack of action from a system that is suppose to protect them. There are some great soldiers out there pulling for their injured and ill troops, and some equally evil bastards grinding them all into the ground - but worse still, are those that watch on the sidelines and do SFA. Please pass this email up your chain to get something moving Rob - I'm available on request. Barry

Subject: JPSU/IPSC Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 13:39:37 -0400 From: To: Barry, I have reviewed your email of July 22, 2013, which I forwarded to and discussed with my Director. Firstly, I sincerely appreciate your concern for the well-being of ill and injured CF members and for those superbly dedicated staff who have responsibility to administer and support them. The well being of the CF community, particularly the well being of those who have become ill or injured while serving, has been and continues to be a preoccupation of this office and, I dare say, for me and my colleagues personally. Your complaint and the insights you shared have been taken seriously. Yours is the sole complaint received concerning the JPSU function and it prompted specific surveillance of this issue. This has included ongoing monitoring of our case management system plus a protocol to flag any complaints to this office that raise concerns about JPSU elements across the country. This, of course, is in addition to the direct assistance provided to members of the CF community who contact this office for assistance, whereby the vast majority of complaints from injured or ill members are assigned as a priority. The Ombudsman has raised concerns about the capacity of the JPSU while examining Operational Stress Injuries (OSIs) in the CF. The JPSU has also been included during ongoing investigations in to the unique challenges OSIs present to the Reserve Force and during an ongoing major investigation examining CF families. I am also mindful of the Auditor General's Fall 2012 findings and recommendations relating to transition of CF members to civilian life, which made several recommendations concerning the services and standards of the JPSU's IPSC detachments. I have met with DCSM and senior Chief Military Personnel authority to record their response to the concerns you had raised. I have also contacted the Chief of Review Services (CRS) leadership to ascertain when the JPSU may be scheduled for evaluation/audit under CRS auspices. I also noted that in CRS' 2009 Evaluation of Support to Injured CF members and their Families, the JPSU was touted as a new program that would provide integrated support to ill and injured CF members. It would seem sufficient time has passed for this function to undergo an evaluation of service delivery. I respect your concern for injured or ill CF members and for those staff within the IPSCs that administer, support, and co-ordinate services for these members. I also appreciate that these concerns are not diminished upon your moving on from your position within this community. You do not, however, maintain sufficient personal interest as a complainant in this matter and while your representations have prompted specific activities to monitor these issues and to inform whether formal investigation is undertaken in the future, your complaint file will be closed at this time. Thank you for bringing this concern forward. While your file will be closed, I am available should you wish to discuss this further. Should you have any questions or concerns, you may also contact my Director, Ms. Melanie Chapman at 613-992-0787 or toll free at 1-888828-3626.

Yours truly,

Robert Howard Senior Investigator / Enquteur Principal Office of the Ombudsman DND/CF / Bureau de l'Ombudsman MDN/FC 100 Metcalfe Street, 12th floor / 100 rue Metcalfe, 12 tage, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5M1 Phone / Tlphone: (613) 996-8189 Toll Free-Sans frais 1-888-828-3626 Unclassified Fax / Tlcopieur non-classifi 613-992-3167 NOTICE: If you have received this message in error, please delete it and notify me. AVIS : Si vous avez reu ce courriel par erreur, veuillez le supprimer et m'en aviser. From: To: Subject: RE: JPSU/IPSC Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 19:29:05 -0400 Rob I just wonder at what point does an organization such as yours become accountable for inaction - and with that accountability, what punitive measures will be afforded those who simply close files. Barry

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