Jordan Katz Response

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Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire! We ask candidates to return their responses to info@commonsensecalgary.

com by Oct 16, 2013. Candidate Name: Jordan Katz What ward or position you are running in/for: Councillor Ward 9

1. Given that 77% of trips (Statistics Canada, Commuting to Work

2013) are currently made by car in Calgary, do you believe it is City Halls job to [Please circle]: To support the choice of Calgarians to use their automobiles while also improving accessibility to other methods of transportation.

2. The recent Tom Tom Index found that in Calgary, congestion adds

27 minutes of additional travel time in a 30 minute commute. What are you going to do to help decrease this lost personal time for Calgarians? My Trafc proposals have several key components to help Calgarians move around our city.

Build the SE leg of the LRT. This will take thousands of cars off the roads on a daily basis. Fix major roads like Deerfoot so that they can handle the volume of traffic on them. Hire a traffic congestion specialist that will help us address our poorly designed traffic interchanges.

Insure that lights are timed throughout the city so that major roads like MacLeod Trail can move traffic more effectively.
These measures should reduce trafc congestion dramatically.

1. According to the Fraser Institute, property taxes have increased by

31% over the past 3 years.

Do you agree with this gure? Yes

2. If No, what do you believe this increase to be?

3. Over the next four years, what is your personal objective in terms of

tax increases? Specify a percentage amount.

I believe tax increases can be limited to the rate of ination. I will not support a budget that increases taxes by more than 1.5%.

4. What regulations and red tape will you eliminate to reduce the

regulatory burden on Calgarys residents and businesses?

I believe the problem is greater than the amount of regulation. I have heard over and over from business owners that the culture at city hall simply is not business friendly. Be it taxes or red tape or a willingness to try to accommodate city administration seems to make the process longer, expensive and as frustrating as possible.

I would like to propose a couple of solutions. First we change the way staff at city hall think, so that they are more accommodating to the true job creators in our city. Secondly I would like to see a one for one on new regulations, simply put I would like to see us eliminate a regulation before we pass a new one.

5. The 2013 $52 million surplus was directed for ood reconstruction

efforts. Many Calgarians have different views on how to use this. What do you believe is the best use for the 2014 $52 million surplus? Give the money back to taxpayers.

1. Do you believe that the $470,000 spent on the blue ring artwork

called travelling light could have been better spent on improving light and security on public transit? I would have preferred to see that money spent elsewhere, it simply does not make sense to spend $470,000 on a blue circle. The 1% public art policy that we currently use is a horribly awed system in that the focus switches from the art to the cost. It forces

us to spend a certain amount when in many cases better art can be procured at a much lower cost.

2. What specic measures would you introduce to improve personal

safety on public transit after dark? I would like to see safe zones created at all LRT stations. A safe zone is an area that has emergency call buttons, video surveillance and better lighting. These safe zones have proven to be very effective at increasing safety in other cities.

3. What measures would you implement to make Calgarians safer?

I would like to look at some of the best practices other cities have used to improve safety. I believe there are great lessons out there for Calgarians to pick up on.

Thank you for your response. Please note your answers will be posted online at our website, for public viewing. Happy campaigning!

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