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Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire! We ask candidates to return their responses to info@commonsensecalgary.

com by Oct 16, 2013. Candidate Name: Terry Wong What ward or position you are running in/for: Ward 2 City Councillor

Mobility: 1. Given that 77% of trips (Statistics Canada, Commuting to Work 2013) are currently made by car in Calgary, do you believe it is City Halls job to [Please circle]:

To support the choice of Calgarians to use their automobiles while also improving accessibility to other methods of transportation.

2. The recent Tom Tom Index found that in Calgary, congestion adds

27 minutes of additional travel time in a 30 minute commute. What are you going to do to help decrease this lost personal time for Calgarians?
Expand Crowchild Trail Corridor; - Install Rush Hour Lane Reversal on 10 St NW, - Establish a Truck Exit west of 85 St NW to Country Hills Blvd to alleviate traffic at 112 Ave and Royal Birch; - Amend Truck Bylaw to move all gravel trucks onto Shagannappi, not Symons Valley Blvd / Beddington Trail; - open 14St / Stoney Trail for access to/from Evanston; - implement dual right turn to exit both of Kincora's exit points; - synchronize traffic signals for appropriate rush hour volumes.

Affordability: 1. According to the Fraser Institute, property taxes have increased by 31% over the past 3 years.

Do you agree with this gure? Yes

2. If No, what do you believe this increase to be?

Yes; the combined tax take in the last 3 years by City Hall is 31% given that we have taken the education property portion vacated by the Province, this should not have been done but Council Policy enacted in 2011 allows this; - No; as your question states, "property tax has increased by 31% over 3 years", the combined property tax for both municipal and education has increased less than 20% which was planned, budgeted and communicated to and accepted by Calgary taxpayers.

3. Over the next four years, what is your personal objective in terms of tax increases? Specify a percentage amount.
Combined 9.0% - 2014 - 1.5% (half of CPI); - 2015 - 1.5% (haf of CPI) - 2016 - 3% (or CPI) - 2017 - 3% (or CPI)

The first two years must be used to demonstrate efficiencies through wage and salary and improved procurement; the third and fourth year must demonstrate the use of efficiency to address operating growth and increases to municipal price index.

4. What regulations and red tape will you eliminate to reduce the regulatory burden on Calgarys residents and businesses?
I would seek customer facing response time targets in the areas of planning and 3-1-1 which Calgarians interact with the most. These would need downstream process improvements including policy adjustments; specifically, - I would seek both qualitatitve (i.e. customer satisfaction) and quantitative (i.e. efficiency gains) service improvements in the development and building permit circulation process through the Transform Planning initiative. I would demand that annual improvement targets over three years be established. - I would seek 3-1-1 inquiry response time - turnaround targets - I would seek 3-1-1 service response time; first contact targets I would seek improvements in the FOIP service request times; openess and transparency is paramount;

5. The 2013 $52 million surplus was directed for ood reconstruction efforts. Many Calgarians have different views on how to use this. What do you believe is the best use for the 2014 $52 million surplus? Other (please write your response):
I would put forward a motion at the first City Council meeting that defers the decision on the $52M until tax rate finalization in March 2014. This would allow the 2014 budget adjustment process to remain consistent with the 2012-2014 business plan. Council must learn to live within its means, even with a flood. In

March 2014, I would advocate not to take the $52M unless there is a real compellng reason; if there is none, then B-give the money back.

Safety: 1. Do you believe that the $470,000 spent on the blue ring artwork called travelling light could have been better spent on improving light and security on public transit?
yes, of course

2. What specic measures would you introduce to improve personal safety on public transit after dark?
iPhone, Android and Window mobile phone app that allows people to 'discreetly' send an alert to Calgary Transit security including current location, transit route, type of incidence, etc.. Also better lighting in LRT / BRT parking lots

3. What measures would you implement to make Calgarians safer?

increase Calgary Police Services frontline budget and resource levels.

Thank you for your response. Please note your answers will be posted online at our website, for public viewing. Happy campaigning!

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