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Student Government of Seattle University Representative Assembly Meeting Meeting Minutes October 8, 2013 STCN 130 at 6:00 p.m.

I. II. Call to Order Mallory calls the meeting to order at 6:01 PM Roll Call (initial on the line) Eric Chalmers, President _________ Mallory Barnes, Executive Vice President _________ Bharat Bhojwani, Vice President of Finance _________ Brady Carlson, Vice President of University Affairs _________ Dominic Ortiz, Senior Representative - ABSENT Raquel Davalos, Junior Representative _________ Samantha Marshall, Sophomore Representative_________ Austin Kawano, At-Large Representative _________ Clark Huey, Multicultural Representative _________ Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative _________ Kristen James, Athletic Representative _________ Nicole Robison, Advisor _________ III. IV. V. Approval of the Minutes Motion passes with abstention of Dominic Public Comment - None Guest Speakers Kelly Benkert at 6:30 PM Mallory seeks a motion to add Kelly Benkert to the speakers list Austin motions Kristen seconds The motion passes unanimously with Dominic abstaining Kelly Benkert

One of the things we are doing this year is trying to improve our assessment of our programs. And one of the ways we need to do that is to have some groups of comparison. You all are the student government and you will respond in a certain way, but I would appreciate you filling out this survey (fall/spring survey). SGSU members present filled out this service survey Center for service: connecting learning to service through service learning, leadership development programs, organizing projects like Labor of Love, week long immersions that are local and within the state of Washington 70 or 80 partner organizations and lots of students expanding that number and lots of students taking the initiatives to stay on with the organization ~ 25% of employees at our community organizations are SU grads, we are graduating students that are ready to be plugged it

Eric: We heard about the changes in boundaries this year. What is going on with that? Kelly: There is a boundary change going on in the Seattle Public Schools without public comment and not following the guidelines and not just talking to the rich white families we dont have all the information on this yet Kelly: Also! We are asking students to commit to an organization for the whole year because it is better for the people in those organizations and for the students, you can print out a pledge form and you get a t-shirt that says Serve Local Kristen: Where are you located? Kelly: 13th and Cherry on the ground floor of the Douglas VI. Old Business

REPA 20130508 Elections Code (Mallory Barnes) -- Action Mallory seeks a motion to table this issue until Mackenzie is ready to talk Clark moves Raquel seconds The motion passes unanimously with Dominic abstaining VII. New Business

REPA 20131009: Tobacco Free Campus Exploration Committee Update (Austin Kawano) Discussion The motion presented last year at the last representative assembly: Motion that the Student Government of Seattle University as the official governing body of the undergrad population continues to explore the possibility of transitioning to a tobacco free campus. Motion on February 20, 2013, motion by Katie Smith (sophomore representative), seconded by Brady Carlson (freshmen representative), passes unanimously.


5/29/2013 SGSU will support the creation of the ad-hoc committee for the Tobacco Free Campus Exploration and to ensure all voices are heard and represented on this committee. Nicole Gaddie sent out application to the whole undergrad population and the committee was selected of all different views. GSC and Student Bar Association are also working on the committee and would like to work with SGSU Members: Austin Kawano, Nicole Gaddie, Eliza Jordan, Joesph Schmitt from SBA and Anna Thiel, Michael (Kaleb) Greissl from GSC Tentative members: Alex Riss, Kris Zucconi, Rochelle Nelson, Katie Myers-Wiesen Dedicated to explore the possibility of tobacco free campus Seattle University Values (that correlate with the committees mission statement): Care, Justice and the competence to promote it, Leadership and developing leadership Purpose: explore all possibilities of tobacco free campus, educate SU community members on the implications of the possibility, draft a model of a transition plan The model for the transition should be in place by the end of the year Difference between this and HAWC: transparency of process, affects on campus, focus more on FAQs, alternative reasons to going tobacco free NEXT STEPS: Research! Low at other Institutions models (Seattle Central Community College and Seattle Pacific University) and potential partnerships NEXT MEETING 10/22 at 4-5 PM in Lemx 270 or email Austin Unveiling new logo

Brady: Are you filled up on the committee or are you still looking for people. Austin: At first I was thinking that it would be a good balance of people, but the committee is already formed and we are already at work. Kristen: Whats the difference between tobacco free and smoke free Austin: Tobacco free means all tobacco including chewing tobacco has to be removed from campus but smoke free is only smoke. Brandon: This is an exploration committee, but you are drafting a resolution. What does this mean? Austin: We are only exploring the possibility and most importantly the concerns and issues like how will this impact faculty? We are processing all of these before we make a decision Mallory: I know that Father Steve had come up with several statements in support of this committee. Are there any memos going to Father Steve on this? Austin: The hope is that the committee will give this to SGSU and they will pass a resolution. I have heard that there is maybe a task force. Eric: There is no task force. Samantha: When are we going to make a statement on it? Austin: The hope is that SGSU will make a statement before the end of fall quarter.

Eric (POC): This issue is going from this past year into this year. Not only does this have ramifications for this year but SGSU as a whole. By the end of the year we mean by the end of this quarter. Brandon: Do you have a set assembly you want to have that discussion on? Austin/Mallory: Yes, we have the dates in the next couple of weeks. REPA 20131009: Students with Disabilities Representative (Eric Chalmers) - Action Eric refers to the description of the Students with Disabilities Representative (written by Eric and Brandon) There are no voting rights This is a trial run year with the footnote that after winter quarter there will be a review of the position and if it should go on the ballot Advocating for: more support for students with disabilities especially the Students with Disabilities Office

Brady: Why at the end of winter quarter and not in spring? Eric: We would have to rush through it but now it can blend into spring. Mallory: I would ask that we specify winter quarter 2014. Eric: It maintains the existence of the position. Brandon: The only concern I have is that we are advocating for a more efficient office, but we dont want it to seem like we are attacking them in any way. Brady: Perhaps adequately resourced? Brandon: That would be good. Mallory: So for the first sentence, I would say that the disabilities rep is a volunteer functioning as a member of the Representative Assembly. Eric points to the memo. A memo is a unified, informative statement from SGSU. Eric seeks a motion to (1) approve the creation of the Students with Disabilities Position and (2) approve the dissemination of the memo with the clarification that he will add in full names later. Austin moves Raquel seconds The motion passes unanimously with Dominic abstaining REPA 20131009: SGSU and Student Activities Finance (Eric Chalmers) Discussion, see handout 1 - A fee is a dedicated stream of tuition that, at Seattle U, is somewhat earmarked, the precedent being the recreation fee and technology fee - Eric refers to the Game Plan for the Activities Fee

A fee is a response to a clarified need The earmark means that the money goes into a student activities pot and then out of that the student government gets part of the fee Peer Review: Gonzaga, Creighton, LMU, Loyola Maryland all have activities fees Reasons: raise accountability because it is like a tax, solidifies Student Activities financial footing, everyone else does it, Has the potential to increase Representative scholarships opening up the potential to create more positions, clubs can receive more funding and it would also empower SGSUs position to regulate scheduling. SGSUs budget has been trending down Reasons not: should this fee pass it could be used as an excuse to cut our budget from the school further, be wary of tuition increases, handling student requests for exemption, why doesnt this money go towards a multi-cultural fee? We could have a base-budget number, but that is subject to a cut unlike a student activities fee

The discussion is open. Brady: Where does Santa Clara fall on that spectrum? Eric: I dont know right now. Brady: Do you know what percentage has a divided student activities like we do? Eric: Gonzaga are joint. The general structure I have seen is that they are combined. Austin: When will this go into effect? Next year? Eric: Yes next year Austin: Would it go over $50? Eric: The current proposal the max is $25 and the bottom is $10. Mallory: Do you know how many fees at other schools were implemented by voting? Eric: No, but I will ask. Our fees (recreation and tech fees) were not given to the student body for a vote and we voted down an expansion of that fee. Brady: Maybe we should have a clearer comparison between based-budget and activities fee. Kristen: We were saying that SEAC and GSA at Gonzaga are combined? Nikki: But we are separate. The money current comes out of a pool of money already. From that pool of money the various groups disseminate it. That wouldnt change. Austin: Do you have a real answer to the issue of exemptions? The responses to the recreation fee have been pretty offensive, it doesnt seem like they have a set answer to that. Set up talking points for SGSU if the SA fee occurs. Samantha: What kind of events can we do that we are missing out on? Eric: To start off, the basic fact that the clubs have lost funding (150 potential), the EPF (education program fund) that we have referred to but that is no longer in existence either.

Clark: Have you consulted Bharat on this issue? Eric: Yes Bharat: We had a long conversation about it yesterday. I brought up a lot of problems with it and we discussed it. Nikki: Can you elaborate on Sams question for SEAC and Redzone and all the other groups? Eric: The ability to make a better Quadstock and better events, a larger capacity. Doug: Last year SEAC came to SGSU because they wanted more funding for Quadstock and if there is more money, SGSU may be able to fund that and SEAC may even be able to do their own. Eric: KSUB may not be able to get their FM status because their equipment is outdated. Eric: We have not seen the levels of funding that other schools have had, there has not been the precedent for a well funded student activities groups. Mallory: We also want to take inventory of all the clubs in an effort to see how many people this could reach. Bharat: Some of the clubs might be concerned that they can just raise this money on their own; this might be one of their concerns. Why not raise their own dues. Brady: When you talk to your friends from other schools you hear about big events that their friends are throwing, they are the things that we can bring, student experience based events to campus, a more expansive student experience. Kristen: It seems like we are trying to promote the Redhawk experience that helps with that whole experience as well. Eric: This will give a student government direct control over their finances. Right now we dont have control over how much money that we receive. It strengthens our position as a political entity on campus. Eric: I would like to take a census. Who wants this conversation to continue? All hands rise. VIII. Officer Reports: A) Eric Chalmers-President: a. Meeting with other student activities Presidents on Monday b. All of the candidates have started campaigning, we are going to table for voting, please sign up to table, during the actual voting time, our office has been set up as a poll center B) Mallory Barnes- Executive Vice President a. Name badges and name tags are finished b. Work on the retreat agenda c. We are sending out a doodle about the events list C) Bharat Bhojwani- Vice President of Finance a. Appropriations is coming up on Oct. 19 b. We will have training before the meeting

c. US Bank seminar is on Oct. 29th d. Appropriations is updated on the website D) Brady Carlson- Vice President of University Affairs a. Club organization helping the clubs figure out how to not schedule the clubs at the same time and get everybody more involved with clubs on campus b. Met with rep from Coca Cola today, possibly doing promotions E) Representatives a. Clark Huey: First one-on-one with advisor, went to the first general meeting of the Korean Student Union, and dropped by the OMA office b. Brandon Moak: Two major things tomorrow is the first meeting of the Coalition of Students with Disabilities, and met with the head of the disabilities services offices and what that person can do to support Brandon and the position, made one-five-ten year plans, talking to clubs about disabilities friendly event planning c. Kristen James: student hygiene supplies drive and brainstorming ideas surrounding that d. Samantha Marshall: Working with the Midnight Madness committee and wrapped up the constituency email e. Raquel Davalos: Got the constituency email out, making a personal goal to meet as many of the juniors as possible, working on the activities fee f. Austin Kawano: Tobacco free campus and planning the agenda for the year g. Logan McDonald: Minutes F) Advisors a. Nikki: Conference and Events Services are looking for representatives to look at calendaring with them IX. Committee Reports A. PAB: Meeting about the Diversity Task Force, climate evaluation, one thing that could happen is that there are questions on SUSS that are followed up on climate evaluation survey. Finally, B. Steering: Doodle! The problem is that it does not allow you to label the date, sending out the doodle soon C. Appropriations: Appropriations are coming up! D. University Affairs: Flyers out to the resident hall, updating the website, applications for committees are in full swing Announcements - Mallory needs everyones contract by next weeks representative assembly - Redout is this Saturday - Shake out! Earth quake drills on Thursday - Club training October 15 Tuesday Adjournment at 7:49 PM



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