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Representative Assembly MEMORANDUM TO: The Coalition for Students with Disabilities (attn: Shandra Benito) Jerry Huffman,

Vice President of Human Resources and University Services Michele Murray, Interim Vice President for Student Development Theresa Earenfight, Theiline Pigott McCone Chair in Humanities Bernie Liang, Director of Student Activities Richard Okamoto, Director, Disabilities Services The Student Government of Seattle University Sponsor: Eric Chalmers, SGSU President & Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative Wednesday, October 9th, 2013



SUBJECT: CREATION OF THE STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES REPRESENTATIVE Today the Student Government of Seattle University created the position of the Students with Disabilities Representative (SDR). This memorandum is sent with the intention of informing you of the positions functions and responsibilities. The SDR is an appointed, volunteer position functioning as a full member of the representative assembly and entitled to all resources available to an SGSU representative, but with the exception of voting rights1. The SDR will represent the interests of all students identifying as having a disability on campus, in the spectrum of all disabilities visible, invisible, or not specified. This representation includes but is not limited to: increasing accessibility of the physical campus, increasing inclusivity in campus and community events, fostering awareness of disabilities and disability rights, and advocating for a more efficient and supportive Disabilities Services office. The SDR will work as a member of SGSU and the Coalition for Students with Disabilities and work with the Disabilities Services office and all other relevant University departments and officials when advocating and working on the issues of their specified constituency. This memorandum of information was approved by the Student Government of Seattle University Representative Assembly on Wednesday, October 9th, 2013.

As the SDR was not elected, voting rights are not afforded to the position. However the purpose of the appointment is to give the position a trial run this year and at the end of the winter quarter the position will be reviewed whereupon a determination will be made as to whether the position should continue as an appointed position or as a voting member (therefore requiring a SGSU Constitutional Amendment and an election).

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