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General Outcome A: Skill Acquisition

Skill Locomotor and Nonlocomotor Grade 4 Perform and rene general locomotor and non-locomotor sequences. Consistently and condently receive, retain and send an object with control Grade 5 Perform ad rene more challenging sequences. Grade 6 Perform, rene challenging sequences. Grade 7 Improve and rene functional quality of skills. Grade 8 Combine and perform specic skills in a variety of activities. Grade 9 Apply and rene skills to a variety of activities with increased control.


Consistently and condently receive, retain and send objects with control in more challenging situations

Demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object with increasing accuracy

Demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object with varying speeds and accuracy

Demonstrate ways to receive, retain and send an object with varying speeds, accuracy and distance. (practice without an object) Select, perform, rene and apply skills in alternative environments Identify and evaluate specic strategies and tactics that coordinate effort with others.

Apply and rene ways to receive, retain and send an object with increased speed, accuracy and distance in skills specic to an activity Select, perform, rene and apply skills in alternative environments Create and plan activities that emphasize specic strategies and tactics that coordinate effort with others.

Alternative environments

Select, perform and rene skills in alternative environments Demonstrate critical thinking and problemsolving to modify games and achieve outcomes. Coordinate effort with others. (Focus on a common activity goal.) Select, perform, rene basic skills e.g. cross country running
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Select, perform and rene skills in alternative environments Apply critical thinking and problem-solving to create competitive and cooperative modied games that involve everyone. Coordinate effort with others. (Lead-up games.) Select, perform, rene e.g. hacky sack

Select, perform and rene skills in alternative environments Demonstrate sport specic skills to create competitive and cooperative modied games that involve everyone. Coordinate effort with others. Moving toward more formal games.) Select, perform, rene activity-specic skills e.g. track and eld/ athletics
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Select, perform, rene and demonstrate skills in alternative environments Demonstrate basic skills in a variety of games and more challenging strategies and tactics that coordinate efforts with others,


Individual Activities

Demonstrate activity specic skills e.g. power walk

Select perform and rene activity specic skills e.g. wrestling

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Apply and rene activity specic skills e.g. tness activities

Alberta Education Curriculum Re-write !

Deirdre Bailey 2013

General Outcome B: Understanding Health Benets

Category Functional Fitness Grade 4 Identify the nutritional needs related to physical activity. Demonstrate and describe ways to achieve personal functional tness through participation in physical activity. Grade 5 Explain the relationship between nutritional habits and physical activity. Demonstrate and select ways to achieve personal functional tness. Explain the components of tness: strength, endurance, cardio-respiratory and relate these to personal tness level Grade 6 Explain the relationship between nutrition and performance in physical activity. Demonstrate and select ways to achieve personal functional tness. Explain the components of tness: strength, endurance, cardiorespiratory and relate these to personal tness level Acknowledge individual differences in body shapes and how different body types contribute to positive involvement in physical activity. (Every athlete looks different) Grade 7 Analyze personal nutritional habits and how they relate to performance. Demonstrate and evaluate ways to achieve personal functional tness. Explain the components of tness: strength, endurance, cardiorespiratory, analyze individual abilities and formulate an individual plan for growth. Identify different body types and how all types participate positively in physical activity. Discuss performance-enhancing substances as a part of the negative effect on physical activity. Identify and explain the effects of exercise on the body systems before, during and after exercise. Interpret tness changes as a result of physical activity. Grade 8 Monitor and analyze a personal nutrition plan. Demonstrate and monitor ways to achieve personal functional tness. Explain tness components and principles of training and formulate individual plans for personal physical tness. Grade 9 Design, monitor and personally analyze nutrition programs. Demonstrate, monitor and analyze ways to achieve personal functional tness. Design and implement a personal tness and activity plan using the principles of training: frequency, intensity, duration.

Body Image

Personally acknowledge individual attributes that contribute to physical activity. (What do you do?) Attributes vs. choices

Acknowledge individual differences in body shapes and how different body types contribute to positive involvement in physical activity. (Every athlete looks different)

Acknowledge the perceptions that occur as a result of media inuence on body types in comparison to physically active images. Discuss performanceenhancing substances as a part of the negative effect on physical activity. Analyze personal effects of exercise on body systems before, during and after exercise. Monitor, analyze and assess tness changes as a result of physical activity.

Acknowledge and analyze the media and peer inuences on body image. Discuss the effects of performance-enhancing substances on body type and body image as a part of physical activity. Analyze and explain the effects that nutrition, tness and physical activity have on body systems before, during and after exercise. Monitor, analyze and assess tness changes as a result of physical activity.


Describe positive benets gained from physical activity/l physically, emotionally, socially Demonstrate changes that take place in the body during physical activity

Infer positive benets gained from specic physical activities. Describe how physical activity inuences tness and body systems.

Identify and plan for personal positive benets from specic physical activity. Describe and chart individual tness changes as a result of engaging in physical activity.

Alberta Education Curriculum Re-write !

Deirdre Bailey 2013

General Outcome C: Interact positively with others

Category Communication Grade 4 Articulate and demonstrate respectful communication Grade 5 Identify and demonstrate respectful communication skills appropriate to cooperative participation in PE Grade 6 Identify and demonstrate respectful communication skills that reect feelings, ideas and experiences Grade 7 Communicate thoughts and feelings appropriately and respectfully as they relate to participation in PE Grade 8 Communicate thoughts and feelings appropriately and respectfully as they relate to participation in PE Grade 9 Communicate thoughts and feelings appropriately and respectfully as they relate to participation in PE. Identify positive behaviors demonstrated by actively living role models. Fair Play Identify and demonstrate etiquette and fair play Demonstrate responsibility for assigned roles; accept ideas from others that relate to changing or adapting Participate cooperatively with a group. Demonstrate behavior that shows a respect for self and others. Identify and demonstrate etiquette and fair play Demonstrate responsibility for assigned roles; accept ideas from others that relate to changing or adapting Participate cooperatively with a group. Demonstrate behavior that shows a respect for self and others. Identify and demonstrate etiquette and fair play Identify and take responsibility for various roles in physical activity, including leadership and followership Participate cooperatively with a group. Demonstrate behavior that shows a respect for self and others. Demonstrate etiquette and fair play. Identify and take responsibility for various roles in physical activity, including leadership and followership Select and apply practices that contribute to teamwork. Demonstrate respect for self and others. Demonstrate etiquette and fair play. Describe, apply and practice leadership and followership skills related to physical activity. Recommend practices that contribute to teamwork. Demonstrate respect for self and others. Demonstrate etiquette and fair play. Describe, apply, monitor and practice leadership and followership skills related to physical activity. Develop practices that contribute to teamwork. Demonstrate respect for self and others.



Alberta Education Curriculum Re-write !

Deirdre Bailey 2013

General Outcome D: Assume responsibility for living an active lifestyle

Category Effort Grade 4 Demonstrate a willingness to participate regularly in Phys Ed Grade 5 Participate regularly in physical activity and develop key components of tness Grade 6 Demonstrate extended effort in physical activity. Identify and demonstrate strategies that encourage participation and continued motivation. Follow procedures for safety. Identify the benets of warm-up and cool-down. Describe how to move safely in alternative environments. Grade 7 Participate in, and identify the benets of, regular physical activity. Identify and demonstrate strategies that encourage participation and continued motivation. Identify and follow routines and procedures for safe participation. Explain the benets for warmup and cool-down. Grade 8 Participate in, and identify the benets of, regular physical activity. Develop a personal plan that encourages participation and continued motivation. Select and apply routines and procedures for safe participation. Design and perform the benets warm-up and cool-down activities. Appraise movement experiences for safety. Grade 9 Participate in, and identify the benets of, regular physical activity. Develop a personal plan that encourages participation and continued motivation. Select and apply routines and procedures for safe participation. Design and perform warm-up and cool-down activities. Design safe movement experiences that promote a healthy lifestyle; e.g. studentcreated games


Follow procedures for safety. Identify the benets of warm-up and cool-down. Describe how to move safely in alternative environments.

Follow procedures for safety. Identify the benets of warm-up and cool-down. Describe how to move safely in alternative environments.

Alberta Education Curriculum Re-write !

Deirdre Bailey 2013

Alberta Education Curriculum Re-write !

Deirdre Bailey 2013

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