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TUNED POTENTIAL AMPLIFIERS ‘Tuned potontial amplifiers are used in those cases in which it is desired to amplify a relatively narrow band of frequencies centered about some designated mean or carrier frequency. Potentials whore freauencies lie ge are undosirable ant are to he rejected. ‘The se of funed networks accomplishes this, as i is possible to adjust the tuned netorork wo that the impedance fells steeply to low values outside of the Flo. 1:1. The three bavi tuned ampli srs: ()sngl-tned, direct counling (0) sngetined, unnafrmercouging; 6) dashed Lesited frequency band, with the consequent reduction in amplifier gain to negligibly tow valves. ‘The resulting nonlineer distortion that i produced in these amplifiers is very small, hoth because the stage it ‘operated under class A conditions and becatine the tuned plate-cireuit impedance may be very low for any harmonic frequencies that might be enerated within the tube, ‘There are three basic amplifier circuits, and these are illustrated in ig U1-1. Pentodes are ordinarily weed in such amplifiers, and the circuits are drawn shoving such tubes. In two of these types, a single resonant cireuit is used, which may be included directly in the ate circuit (direct-coupled) or which may he inductively eoupled to the ple circuit (transformer-coupled). In the third type, a double-tuned band: fat arrangement sa oth the primary and secndacy ria bn Srnet""An analy f the norton of eee hse cine shea silt eve [WAL Single-tuned Dicet~oupied Amplifer, The equivalent cet 8 apie siesonad sie oul sage in en Pig nde nth ar the utp abe capac ce Ha and the input and wir ita fe : ae = ‘a, 1.2 Tho equivalent crest of « sngletuned dier-coupled clas A ampli In accordance with the disci can be written directly 06 of Bec. 3-7, the gain of the amplifier K = mpd ana hero Z is the total load impedance. Thi form given by impedance has the complex ana) bere Zin the impedance of the antieewnnant eiteuit and comprises the Inductance Land the sum of the various eapacitaneesC, = Cyt C, 4 C hare Cy in defined as in En, (23). . ‘The impedance Z, has the form (is) (tay By writing 1 — nf-1 ans) eee eee 0 ee et” the impedance function becomes na(1-74%) ae ra(e na [res mo Teer IG a Atrennanees = on and # =. ‘Tho z= mar(i 33) con eel foul poroxinaton Bom Rs Rat as ‘This result shows that the shunt impedance I of the antiresonant circuit for circuits with Q > 10 in eesentially resistive at the resonant frequeney. 'By combining Eq, (11-8) with Eq. (11-2), the gain at resonance becomes =n atau ur) eld, lO eR Kee = ‘Thi expression may be written in the form Kom = — paul Qe 1109) here Q,, the effective @ of the amplifier, i @ ns ren) F whi, ¥ woh QR nd ‘This isthe equivalent @ ofthe resonance eurve ofthe tuned amplifier in the @ of the actual resonant cireuit ae modified by the shunting ress ances Ry and rp, To find the gain of the amplifier when the input frequoney and the resonant frequency of the tied cireuit are slightly different froin each 7 eas wo Steet pt fk ion ent es, es 0 te, binned whee Bimal, Fem Be. (1-4, follows that ee phase of teontpatof sogle-taned odie Bngiecing” Bd ed, Mera JOD) Re Tease * OPI Je gain, given by Ba. (119), is t= Ri aia) The corresponding value of th any fom which the ample ati ia Ko 4 Ka” VEE OOS Alot of thin routs given in Fig 1-3. Thin enenily the “one ‘a rnoncs™ ere Note rom Ba (11) she oes 25, <1 (ts) then jk Ken a vi Bat since the bandwidth of the circuit is the frequency width between the 3b power points, then for a symmetrical gain characteristic 20am — fo) = Mine Sole B B= Danfe= Fe (1-16) mn order that the potential gain at resonance be large, the resonnt pesiance of the tuned circuit, and the grid resiator 1, must be Wt might appear from Bi. (11-10) that higher gains are accomplished by choosing large values of L/C. Note, however, from Faqs. (11-8) and (11-8) that an increase of Z, at resonance by inereasing the L/C ratio nccompenied by « decreased Q,, with a corresponding increase of bandwidth or decreased frequency selectivity. This is an undesirable condition if a narrow bandwidth is desired, but it iv an important con- sideration in wide-band tuned amplifiers. ‘Note alao that if the cireuit Q of the tuned circuit is increased at fixed values of we and £/C ratio, then the effective Q. of the amplifier is increased, with a eorresponding increase of frequency aelectivity or decreased bandwidth. 11-2. Single-tuned Transformer-coupled Amplifier. ‘The general be- hhavior of the single-tuned transrormer-coupled amplifier ie quite similar to that ofthe diect-coupled cixeut. KOM MIE K fe ialnalatavontnetqntaenc ‘ tui thin amplier “An apes ¥ trate expression for the potential un, 1-4, The cant cheat ofthe gain of the amplifier i rey ob sePsieagl Usetirmescnsted potee- hind, Tie in noted thal " ‘ususlly large compared with Ry and Jue inthe secondary ofthe transformer given ‘il, then the potential by Bos * jul (9nB,) = joM (GWE) ain) since in this circuit By = Ey. ‘The output potential, whichis the poten- tial across the eapacitor Cy ia then aM (QB) 1 BO Ree Hala— 1) FONT OC, —— Y 2°M"/rp ia the rellected impedance of the primary into the aecond- ary circuit. The expression for the gain then becomes By ase, RoR AiFidh— eco r our 119) ‘The corresponding expression for the potential gain at resonance is M/C, Ke (1-20) ren) h may be written a Kua = gaselQ, (129) where the efetive valve Qe OTe, G29) A comparison of this expression with Bq. (11-10) shows that trane- former coupling modifies the amplifieation by the ratio M/L. ‘This provides & means for controlling the gain of the stage and sill retaining Ae high @ required for arlectivity. It might appear that there aro no limits on the gain and that it continues to increase with increasing values 8, This i not 20, owing to the apperrance of Af in the denominator ot Eq. (11-20). An optimum value of gain exists, and this occure when Af has the value required to make @Xv4/0M = 0. ‘This yields, for the ‘optimum value of Mf, Kou aM (11-29) quation (11-21) becomes Kino = ge VEO = ua Ted hand hamper, cnet repre betbgu pen by Ea yo ae

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