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A roleplaying universe created by yoyo2000 and chief1337

The History1 The Mainframe.2 Runners..3 Cyber Ninja4 The Twisted...5 Clans6 Cyber Troopers..7 Class & Religion...9 Races.10 The AMC..11 The 2029 Incident..12 Elements..13 The Second Impact.14 Genesis.15 Characters16

NOVA is an exploration/military group, about 800 years ago they left earth and went into space. Earth lacked a military, so they made Bloodskull. With their funds from the government, Bloodskull made super soldiers, called the Twisted, to fight their battles. In space, NOVA found plenty of aliens. Back on earth, the government, called Light Vortex, built the island city which the game takes place in. They began to realize that the city takes too long for the Bloodskull troops to navigate, so they begin constructing the mainframe. The mainframe is a pocket dimension which allows for quick travel between one point and another. However, a forgotten menace thought to be defeated long ago slips in (Tenebris). The Tenebris Materia, right hand man to the now deceased Tenebris Shadorax, takes control of the government. He renames it "Dark Vortex", and begins performing routine abductions to transform others into Tenebris. (During this time, a private company working for the government begins making elemental injections, allowing people to harness the elements.) However, Bloodskull Twisted also got mutated creating the Trugidarians. Bloodskull, being loyal to the government, obeyed their every word, slowly developing a harsh rule on citizens. Eventually, Bloodskull got tired of doing that, and told the government that they need to start fighting other factions and not their own people. So Bloodskull, still highly aggressive, began fighting wars outside the city. Dark Vortex then made Cyber Troopers as a replacement for the Bloodskull. Cyber troopers only handled "crimes" within the city. The citizens caught up with what the government was doing, and two groups formed. The resistance, a group of rebelling citizens, and the Runners (or cyborg ninjas), who steal confidential Dark Vortex information from the mainframe. A group of law abiding citizens then made dark cyborg ninjas to counter this Then, NOVA returned with three alien races. Sagaxians, squid like creatures that have physic powers. Vellusians, deer like humanoids covered in fur. Lastly, Jalosians, which are humans with wolf legs. NOVA realized that the government was corrupt, and begins plotting against them. However, the Tenebris were suspicious and started spying on them. The government cut funding to NOVA and made Regifizz, a mind control drink. Then, they started producing law enforcement robots based off of the two models made by the Automaton Manufacturing Company. Dark Vortex began alerting Bloodskull to the rising threat of NOVA, who were now producing robots similar to theirs. Bloodskull, knowing that NOVA worked for what is right, refused to attack them. This was the final straw for Bloodskull, who soon split from the government. They refused to listen to anyone but themselves, sometimes getting them into conflicts with NOVA. Around this time, the Tenebris began launching the ultimate assault. More and more Tenebris began flooding in from Mainframe gates, chairs that link one's body into the pocket dimension. This resulted with more and more of these gates being destroyed. And now, here we are, modern day. The Island City had all of its connections to the mainland destroyed, in fear of a Tenebris attack. NOVA has begun stock piling soldiers for when the revolution comes. The Runners began having to somewhat work together to combat government made assassins. AMC started to manufacture arm modules, now one of the main weapons of the resistance. The alien races discovered by NOVA have been peaceful for the most part, but some say they too plan for an uprising. Bloodskull, once powerful and famous, have died down, taking on a different purpose. They now plan to exploit another pocket dimension they found. With all this tension from every side, who knows when the ultimate battle will begin?

Maybe it's already begun?

The Mainframe
Despite the Crash of the meteor, which caused much data corruption, technology advanced at a tremendous rate. Cyberware, technical implants, and Bioware, genetically engineered implants which enhance a person's abilities, emerged.

Originally, direct neural interface technology enabled humans and metahumans (Superhumans) to directly access computers and the Mainframe, the global computer network restructured after the 2029 incident. Access to the Mainframe was accomplished by "cyphers": individuals that have cyberdecks which are futuristic equivalent to modern day laptop computers. These interface machines are connected to the brain through a Datajack generally located at the temple or behind the ear. The "deck" would then be plugged into a port that is connected to the Mainframe at large. The Mainframe was originally based on ideas by William Gibson and the cyberpunk literary genre.

In 3067, the Mainframe's rules have changed, thanks to the setting's constant evolution and a drive to match real world technological developments. After the second Mainframe crash in 3064, Mainframe technology was moved away from the wired network and led into a wireless technology. This technology was originally proposed in the early 3060s by arSec Neuronet and Erika, now part of Bloodskull.

The most noticeable difference between the Mainframe in the 3070s and the earlier editions is the widespread use of wireless technology. Communications and Mainframe access is done through a Personal Area Network (PAN), managed through an individual's Commlink, a combination personal computer/cell phone/PDA/wireless device that hooks into the Mainframe through wi-fi nodes placed in every city's infrastructure.

The other major difference in the Mainframe of the 3070s is the use of Augmented Reality, where a person hooked to the Mainframe through their Commlink has their vision imprinted (through direct neural implants or special glasses) with the same files and images that one would see on a computer desktop. This allows many users to stay on the Mainframe constantly while walking around in normal space (though the traditional full-immersion Virtual Reality is still accessible).

Runners or couriers, smuggle information from the mainframe. They are mostly used by NOVA and gangs. There are two groups of runners, Dark Runners and Light runners. Runners are specialized in speed, finesse, and stealth.

Light Runners Light Runners work with NOVA, but arent really friends. They are usually fast and get the job done fast. These runners are equipped with the DV-FRM-XXX model suit, built for running long distances. The suit has received minor adjustments, such as locating modules, slight strength enhancements, and gliding. The light runners choose to run away than fight, so they rarely have weapons on them. Most light runners use their fists in combat, along with any environmental advantages they can find. Light runners do not have meetings, do not have a leader, and do not have a rank system. Light runners are always off on their own, those who keep together are stronger but more open to attacks.

Dark Runners Dark Runners work with the bad guys. Gangs, Bloodskull, clans, etc They are usually powerful, but not as fast as Light Runners. Dark Runners function as assassins more than carriers. They mostly wield silenced pistols, sniper rifles, mines, and grenades The Dark Runners model of DV-FRM-XXX suit is equipped with targeting, stealth, and stun modules. They try to expose things that NOVA has done to the people. The people believe that Dark Vortex is always right. So when they speak of nova opposing the government, they believe NOVA is bad. However, they do not work for Dark Vortex in any way or connection. Numerous Dark Runners have stolen info from the Mainframe. The only people who Dark Runners really oppose are the light runners.

Cyber Ninjas
Cyber-Ninjas are much like the Runners, except they work for Dark Vortex. Each Cyber-Ninja belongs in one of the five clans. The C.N. (Cyber-ninjas), scavenge the Runners, killing and returning their stolen information back to its original place. Cyber-Ninjas are the Runners sworn enemy. There are three squads of Cyber-Ninjas.

Shadow Predators The Shadow Predators are the stealthiest squad of the Cyber-Ninjas. They mostly kill any runner seen on-sight. Shadow Predators are always in the mainframe, and is almost impossible to find.

Mainframe Marauders The Mainframe Marauders assassinate anyone who hacks, or is a Cypher. The Marauders specialize in keeping technologically information saved. They mostly guard the mainframe, along with Killer Bots. Outside the mainframe, the Marauders guard Dark Vortex documents.

Truth Keepers The Truth Keepers were the first squad of Cyber Ninja. They were specially handpicked by the Advisors (Tenebris). The Truth Keepers were made or formed even before the Cyber Troopers. The Truth Keepers would kill anyone who would attempt to leak Dark Vortex information to the public. The squad would usually be seen patrolling the vault and mainframe.

The Twisted
After Dark Vortex formed, the government demanded a much stronger army. In result, they took several of the best Bloodskull generals and exposed them to Tenebris. Every test failed, except for General Maverick Panzer. He was only partially mutated, resulting in him still being over half human. His genetix code was ripped straight from him and implanted into developing humans, creating the Twisted.

The Twisted are much different from both humans and Tenebris. They are mostly reinforced bone, with thin layers of Tenebris modified skin covering most of their body. Despite lacking muscle, they are still very strong, capable of lifting up to 3 tons. Due to their morbid mutations, Twisted usually wear black cloaks to hide their bony forms from people.

Blooskull still use regular soldiers, but much less. When the Cyber Ninjas began to tempt the Bloodskull into attacking NOVA, Twisted were beginning to be mass produced again. Twisted have no rankings, all are on the same level as one another. However, certain Twisted are rewarded with custom weaponry for their actions. An example of such is the CB-GPC-150, a large cannon capable of taking down buildings, awarded to General Panzer for creating the Twisted.

Over the years, there have been many clans in the city. There have also been lots of clan wars and deaths.

Nitchi Clan
The Nitchi have been a clan for over a thousand years. The clan was formed in 1992. The Nitchi have been known for their fighting.

The Yakuza have been known for their crimes and code of honor. Most of the time, you can tell someone is a Yakuza from their dragon tattoos.

The Triads and Yakuza have been enemies for a while now. The Triads may be large, but are not nearly as skilled and professional as the Yakuza.

Wai Fei
The Wai Fei were once with the Triads, until one of them betrayed the Triads. They have been known for specialty in assassinations.

The Shinmen were once a powerful clan, but was destroyed because of the clan war of 2891. There have been rumours that there are still few Shinmen members alive.

Cyber Troopers
Cyber Troopers were created in 3078, after Bloodskull left Dark Vortex. Cyber Troopers are police members, who stop citizens from protesting. They replaced NOVA as a law enforcement agency. There are three types of Cyber Troopers. Mechs, Killer Bots, and Cyborgs. They perform routine inspections of Civilian Housing, and are incredibly strict. Any stolen information they find with civilians ends up with them being taken. Cyber Troopers are mostly Meta-Humans. The suit that a Cyber Trooper uses is the DV-UCP-316. The suit is mostly built around protecting the user from punches, thrown objects, and weaker firearms. Cyber Troopers also work with Mech Bots, large, sometimes piloted robots capable of tearing apart crowds. Rarely though, a Cyber Trooper is able to work with a Killer Bot, a 8 foot tall mechanical monster equipped to take out armored opponents. The Cyber Trooper's weapon of choice is an AMC-LBW-076, one of the most massively produced weapons within the city. Killer Bots also can be used as a reinforced mechanical suit, but doing so is not advised. The Killer Bots are designed to work at high speeds, so a human would be unable to use it to the best of its potential. Cyber Trooper's ranks are in 6 categories. First being Inspection Officer, then being Investigator, next is Crowd Control, then General, Assault Leader, And main guards. Inspection officers are assigned to check civilian housing for illegal action or smuggled information. Investigators are hired to monitor a case, usually with the Resistance. Crowd Control handles riots. Generals are in charge of keeping humans calm, and protecting Government Officials. Assault leaders are the ones who go in and take down resistance hideouts, and Main Guards protect the Dark Vortex building.

3rd Class Line Walkers The Line Walkers are the people of the slums. They are the poorest and most important. Line Walkers will believe and buy anything. The government pays them, a very small amount mind you, to keep the electrical grid running. They live off of food that falls in the cracks above. Most Line Walkers live off of food that comes down the cracks, or some eat the corpses of dead animals. A majority of Line Walkers are Vellusians. Few Line Walkers have joined the resistance. 2nd Class Middle Class Middle class fall into the catagory of Natrurizons, Meteorons, and Resistance. They live within large apartment blocks, assembled by Carrier Ships. Some have their own homes, not many. 1st Class Upper Class High Class fall under Resistance and Cybonists. Most Sagaxians are High Class. Most of the people who live in High Class reside in top floor apartments.

Meterons Meteorons, while they do not approve of human modifications by cybernetics they DO encourage mutation via the elements. Baptism, for them, often involves choosing an element. Cybonists Cybonists are mostly wealthy civilians. They wear cyber suits, clothing able to resist all forms of wear and tear. They are the most loyal to the government, and often become cyber troopers The Resistance They are the ones who are in full knowledge of what controls the government. The Resistance is led by Jalosians, for they have much greater socializing and persuasion skill than a human. The resistance has banned Regifizz, for they are within full knowledge of its effects.

Humans are the most common race. They possess no power, unless exposed to the meteor at Vault 30. The Humans have not evolved much over the years, but have developed a much stronger immune system. Cures for malaria and cancer have been developed. Meta-Humans Meta-Humans, or sometimes called Element Mutants, are able to control the elements of the world around them. They sometimes gain the ability to fly. The power of Meta-Humans havent been fully been studied yet. Some say, that the power inside can keep growing. Trugidarians Trugidarians are the result of infecting Meta-humans with Tenebris. It is uncertain why so many happen to exist; it is certain the government must know that a Trugidarian is not loyal. The reson why Trugidarians are not Tenebris is because the small amount of energy within Meta-humans throws off the infection entirely, leaving the result mostly human. Vellusians Vellusians are mostly primal, with little sapience. For this reason, they are kept out of the city. They do now know this, but are the Vellusians are highly discriminated in Human society. They form small camps along the water, gathering fish from the ocean. Jalosians Jalosians managed to create a great empire before they were conquered by NOVA. Jalosians are able to live within the city because the only separating factor from them and humans is their canine legs. The Jalosians have enhanced abilities involving socializing. Some of these are things like the ability to tell if someone is lying. It has been stated that they make excellent hunters.

The Automaton Manufacturing Company was established in 2678, 117 years before the founding of the Mainframe and the invasion of the Tenebris. AMC's first mass produced products were mostly of the Appendage Module Class. Today, AMC still makes these devices, though much more advanced then they were years ago. The most purchased are the Attacking Cyber Materializer, Protecting Cyber Materializer, and the Guarding Cyber Materializer. AMC products follow a simple naming pattern. For example, take the NOVA Light Based Pistol Version 237. This would be written as NV-LBP-237. The first part of the name comes from the user of the product. The middle part is the name of the weapon. The three numbers at the end are the version or mark of the product. AMC's most upgraded item the DV-CCS-315. This is the Dark Vortex Civilian Cyber Suit. After Dark Vortex was taken over by Tenebris, AMC began producing the Tenebris ElemTech. ElemTech involves the manipulation of the elements to create technology. The most commons AMC technology used by Tenebris is the TB-ASE-004. This product is mostly unknown, but Tenebris bodies usually have some sort of Optical Enhancer.

The 2029 Incident

After its landing around 2200-2400, the meteor was mostly undisturbed. The small town in rural England where it landed was evacuated due to complaints of noises at night and strange visions. The meteor was taken into custody and tested by the AMH Department and then sent to the United States of America for testing. Along its journey, the meteorite had gained some popularity among conspiracy theorists as some sort of alien vessel. Test results were shocking, to say the least. Humans coming in contact with the meteor gained increased strength, but survived only a week after testing. Said humans did have a purpose, though. Research into the blood and other bodily fluids of test subjects showed high concentrations of a powerful electrical conductor that was worked into a perpetual motion device. Powers received from the meteor ended up having a purpose. A way to live for more than one week was developed, leading to select people being mutated for an advantage in combat. They became known as the Meteorons, and could control the elements the strongest. The Electrical Conductor became known as Energy, the currency of the modern world.

The energy that was taken from the blood of the first test subjects was later able to be created by mixing particles emitted by the meteor and mostly clean water. Energy was so valuable, that it became the world currency. However, several other uses were discovered for it. Most of them small, such as it making a good lubricant, the elements are able to act as a lightning director, and somehow possessing the ability to be eaten without any adverse effects (for the most part). The greatest ability, however, is what happens to Energy when kept in certain environments for long enough. Energy buried deep beneath the ground emerges with a dark coloring. The energy, when injected into a living creature, gives it the ability to control elements, though much weaker than those who have direct contact. The most common powers are Light, darkness, water, fire, earth, wind, and ice. To test Energy and its newly discovered applications, the United Nations of Earth created Megacity T-18, a live testing ground for studying the effects of an Energy driven society. The project was completed in 2351. All contact to the outside world was severed, and only the government, known at the time as Vortex Inc, was able to contact the United Nations of Earth.

The Second Impact

In the year 2763, another meteor similar to the first one that crashed in England. This meteor was headed nowhere near Earth, but it was significantly larger and emitted more radiation, making it easier to detect. Vortex Inc, as it was called at the time, was planning a large project, now known as the mainframe, and it would need its own private meteor as a power source. This newly found meteor needed to land on Earth, but the problem was getting it there. Many great minds within the city banded together to create a large tractor beam capable of pulling the meteor so that it landed somewhere in Greenland. The beam worked, and it did in fact crash somewhere in northern Greenland. Soon, a new problem arose. No one had left the city in about 400 years, so no one quite knew what the outside world was like. Three scientists, ten troopers, and five pilots were sent on a long journey to recover the meteor. The ship they drove was equipped with a crane, which they used to carry the meteor back to the city, then to be hidden in Vault-30. After which, it was cubed and then placed within the developing mainframe. However, the scientists who went on the journey noticed that the world was [DATA REDACTED, SEE HIGHER LEVEL PERSONNEL FOR CLEARANCE.] It has been theorized that something great must have caused this. The event has been nicknamed The Greatest, Most Life Threatening Event in Human History.

After the destruction of the Dark Vortex Tower, a high amount of dark energy was released from the now destroyed Tenebris Tech Reactor Core. The energy could not manifest itself in the normal world. Instead, it went into the void, where all souls come from. The denizens of the void, also called the Genesis, became corrupted by the dark energy. They managed to escape from their eternal watch over the void and left to attack the normal world. Genesis are the counterparts to the Tenebris, but they lost their jobs after the Tenebris gave up attacking the void and left after the creation of the mainframe. A Genesis has all the powers that a Tenebris has, only in Light form. Pendulum and Prometheus were able to destroy the Dark Vortex Tower with light energy. When this happened, all known Tenebris evaporated into nothingness and their essence entered the void. The void, a world between worlds, became corrupt and the Genesis, guardians of the void, now infused with Tenebris, began to attack the normal world. After the tower's destruction, NOVA began to fall back, eventually finding the now [DATA EXPUNGED] continent of North America. There, they began setting up operations to take back Mega City-03. On the Mega City, times were harsh. Most humans had died, but the aliens discovered by NOVA years ago began to take control. Sagaxians and Vellusians formed the military while Jalosians made up the government. Humans had become peasants, now having less rights than ever in this society. The city's meteor power reserve soon ran low, and then the power went out. That was when the first large scale Genesis attack happened.


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