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17th October, 2013 Vol 17 Issue 32 E: Newsletters:

au Phone: 03 5428 7277 Fax 03 5428 6981 69-77 Main Rd Riddells Creek Vic 3431

School Diary

Alice in Wonderland Production 7pm

Hi Everyone,
Oh my gosh what a busy week! The school is jumping! The performance has taken on a life of its own and we are all swept up in it. Yesterday I was walking down the corridor following a student who didnt know I was behind. She was dancing, skipping and singing with such a happy energy. It was just lovely to see. While the students were practising on stage the student audience were totally involved singing and dancing along with the actors. There is no doubt that the production bonds all the students, parents and staff with its creativity and energy. There will be a huge list of thankyous, as everyone has been extraordinary in donating their time, talents and energy to the production. We will acknowledge these people in next weeks big addition newsletter but, in reality the list on the back of the programme is just the tip of the iceberg. On page two of the newsletter is an open letter from Dorothy Guisti in response to her retirement last week. Please take the time to read this letter as it does sum up the qualities of our school so succinctly. I would like to welcome two pre-service teachers to school. Jake is in with MGR and Cameron is in MJF . They hit the ground running with the production and I know the following two weeks will be a rewarding experience for them. I will be handing back the reins to Kim who is returning next week after having a pacemaker implanted. She is now truly the energiser bunny. It was fantastic that she was able to attend our performances, as it was her vision and energy that got this production going in the first place. It will be great to have her back on deck. Thanks again to the staff and parents for their wonderful assistance in the past two very busy weeks.

18th 25th 26th Nov 1st 5th 8th 11th 15th 18th

Assembly 3pm MPD -Parent Club Mtg 2pm -Assembly 3pm BGR Shopping Tour Assembly 3pm BSS Melbourne Cup Day -Assembly 3pm BLC -School Disco Kinder Transition 2pm - 3.30pm Assembly 3pm BAP - Kinder Transition 2pm - 3.30pm - Swimming Melaleuca 18th till 29th Curriculum Day Kinder Transition 2pm - 3.30pm Assembly 3pm BTR Swimming Banskia 2nd till 13th Piano (Melissa)/Violin Concert 6pm Assembly 3pm MCD Grade 6 Transition Day Grade 5 Discovery Day to Gisborne Secondary College Assembly 3pm MGP & BSD Grade 6 Graduation Dinner Term 4 Ends


22nd 25th 29th Dec 2nd 5th 6th 10th 12th

13th 16th

Amelia Desormeaux


Sports News
Softball Congratulations to the 5/6 Girls Softball Team who are now the Western Rangers Division Champions. Western Rangers Athletics Championships What a fantastic day six of our students had at Keilor on Tuesday. A great effort by all. Congratulations to Shannon Horton for coming first in the 12/13 years girls high jump. She will now compete at the State Athletics Championships.

You Can Do It Awards!

BSD BLC BGR BSS BAP MGS MNG MGP MCD Angus Clohesy Mackayla Newton Molly Emmerson Sophie Dorian Morgan Buckler Matthew Rose Kiara Mayall Jasmine Mitrevics Chelsea Taylor Paige Thompson Larkin Jones

Parent Club will be selling Alice brooches for $7 on the nights of the production. Characters such as Alice, White Rabbit, the Queen of Hearts, Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat.

Go Riddell!

Dear School Council Members and members of Riddells Creek PS community past and present As you are aware I am retiring shortly after 40 years of teaching, the final 27 years of which I have been lucky enough to spend at Riddells Creek PS. These have been especially enjoyable and rewarding years, crowned by the twelve wonderful years when, along with Deb Roberts, I had the opportunity to be involved in cutting edge education in the form of the VFG. I feel I was very fortunate to have the support of two forward thinking principals, school council and those brave families who wanted something different from education for their children. This enabled Deb and I to teach in the manner we strongly feel is the best for the education of confident, active learners and responsible and connected human beings. The relationships I developed over that time with those many VFG families will be forever cherished. It is a big thing to entrust four years of your childs education to two rather crazy individuals with an unorthodox but strongly held philosophy of how to engender a culture of learning. Boy did we have fun! (and we seemed to manage to learn a lot too!) Having been a member of school council for the majority of time I have been at Riddell I have worked closely with many committed parents and community members who have strived unstintingly for the betterment of a very special school. I dont think many realise just how special Riddells Creek is, but ask anyone who travels to a variety schools and they will always tell you that Riddell is different. (In the best way) We are blessed with lovely children, supportive parents and a capable hard working staff who enjoy teaching. A combination that is unfortunately quite rare. It is with mixed feelings that I leave the teaching profession, I think of myself as an educator and still search for the Holy Grail that would enable every child to learn, (I will be keeping my hand in by undertaking some tutoring) but I also wish to have the time to pursue my other interests of art, travel and of course horse riding, while I still have age on my side. I also wish to stop while I still enjoy what I do, so I can look back on a very varied teaching career, in which I have taught every grade level, Reading Recovery, art, drama and surprisingly even music (poor kids) and of course the VFG with only positive memories. Thank you to everyone who has been part of a very special period of my life. I wish you all the very best in the coming years. Hold on to your ideals and remember you are all striving for the same thing, the best of possible outcomes for our next generations. Dorothy Giusti




Community Diary
9am to 1pm at RCPS Ladies Pink Pamper Evening Gisborne Golf Club 7pm-10.30pm An evening of pampering & supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Wear something pink! Tickets $35 . Cathie 0414 505 246 A kids & hassle free shopping experience RCPS Parent Club welcomes the local community to come & enjoy a shopping tour. $70 per ticket (includes morn tea & lunch). Pick up from RCPS. Contact Alison 0418 573 725 Fire N Friends Bonfire Night 6pm late at Kerrie Hall. Featuring local artists preforming live. All ages Welcome. Gold coin entry. MRSC presents Childrens day out Buffalo Stadium 10am - 1pm. A free health expo for children that children will like! Riddells Creek Netball Association AGM 7.30 pm Riddells Creek Rec Centre All Welcome. Contact Annie 0414 413 807 Resilience & Behaviour by Kathy Walker-Early Life Foundations presents a parent information evening at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School 7pm. RSVP email

19th RC farmers Markets.







NOV 3rd 10th

Gisborne All Seasons Market Brookes Charity Fun Day & Zumba Fitness Party. Come to the Primary School to help raise money for Brooke a local mum who has recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Zumba, sausage sizzle, raffle, pony rides & lots more. Any help or donations would be greatly appreciated. Contact Flo 00408 360 128 11th-4.15 - 4.45pm 15th-3.45 - 4.15pm Free Come & Try Day at Riddells Creek Tennis Club. Racquets provided. Paul 0427 420 405

Parent Club
The Scout Raffle conducted during Term 3 raised a magnificent $1498 for RCPS Parent Club. Thank you to Wendy for an amazing contribution to the coffers, and to everyone who supported the raffle by buying tickets. Theres no breather after the production of Alice this week: as if we havent chopped, sizzled and baked enough for one week! On Saturday there is a Farmers Market and it is Parent Clubs last sausage sizzle for the year. Please come down and support the school, either by cooking for an hour or by buying a sausage or burger. In less than 2 weeks we have the shopping tour - (Saturday October 26th). There are a few seats available on the bus for a day of shopping and champagne with NO KIDS! This year the ticket price includes lunch. Its always such a good day out, so why not leave hubby with the kids and come along. T i c k e t s a r e $ 7 0 ; e m a i l Al i s o n (

Dont forget Term 4 9 Day Swimming Program at Sunbury Aquatic Centre

Swimming permission/payment notice will be handed home next Tuesday. Information regarding swimming levels will be sought and students will be grouped accordingly. Dates: Melaleuca is from Nov 18th to Nov 29th (with curriculum day on the 22nd). Banksia is from Dec 2nd to Dec 13th Costs: $95 per student. Payment plans are available from the front office. Being able to swim well is one of the greatest gifts that can be bestowed upon a child, says Swim Australia. They recommend that for young children, basic swimming and water safety skills are an essential part of life. 11th & 15th

Students must have a hat during Term 4.

Visit our wellbeing blog on the new school app or visit the address below .

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