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CHAPTER 1 MATERIALS Micrometer Screw Gauge Spindle Lock Anvil Vernier scale


Ratchet screw

Main scale on the sleeve

Functions of every part of the apparatus Istilah dalam Bahasa melayu rahang bidal kekunci Skru racet Skala utama Skala bidal / Skala vernier Terminology in English Anvil, spindle thimble lock Ratchet screw Main scale on the sleeve Thimble scale / Vernier scale Functions To place the object to be measured To open or tighten the spindle to anvil To stop the spindle from moving To find out the suitable tighten point The scale where the accuracy / sensitivity is only up to 0.5 mm. The scale where the accuracy / sensitivity is up to 0.01 mm

Functions of the apparatus Micrometer Screw Gauge is a measuring instrument to measure the length or thickness of the small object. Measuring Procedures

1. Turn the thimble to open the jaw ( spindle ) 2. Place the object in between the anvil and spindle 3. Turn the thimble again on the opposite direction to hold the object between the anvil and spindle.. 4. When the object is tightened, turn the ratchet screw until you hear the first tic sound. 5. Read the main scale by referring to the side position of the thimble scale. 6. Read the thimble scale by referring to the reference line on the main scale. 7. The final reading is obtained by adding the two readings above from both scales. Questions 1. What is the range of this Micrometer Screw Gauge? 2. What are the steps to be taken in order to increase the accuracy of our measurement? 3. Can we use the Micrometer Screw Gauge to measure the length of the physics laboratory? Or the height of a tree? If yes, why? If no, why?

C h a p te r 1 I n t r o d u c t io n T o P h y s ic s P h y s ic s C o n c e p t s N a tu ra l P henom enon E v e ry d a y O b je c t s P h y s ic s Q u a n t it ie s M e a s u re m e n ts U s in g A p p r o p r ia t e In s tru m e n ts to M e a s u re P h y s ic a l I n s t r u m e n t s M e a s u r in g In s tru m e n ts C o n s is te n c y S c ie n t ific N o ta tio n A c c u ra c y P r e fix e s S e n s it iv it y R andom E rro r S y s t e m a tic E rro r E rro r S c ie n t ific I n v e s t ig a t io n s I d e n t ify Q u e s t io n s

B ase Q u a n t it ie s

D e r iv e d Q u a n t it ie s

S c a la r Q u a n t it ie s

V e c to r Q u a n t it ie s

F ie ld s o f S t u d y I n P h y s ic s

S y m b o ls & U n it s

M a g n itu d e O n ly

M a g n itu d e & D ir e c t io n

I d e n t ify V a r ia b le s F o rm H y p o t h e s is E x p e r im e n t s

T e c h n iq u e s to R e d u c e E rro rs

S e le c t A p p a ra tu s

W o rk P ro c e d u re s T a b u la t e D a t a P re s e n t D a ta In te rp re t D a ta D ra w C o n c lu s io n s W r it e R e p o r t

ETeMs Course Physics

SMK Tun Aminah
Group 1 ( Clock ) 1. Mr. Lui Fwee Sing 2. Mr. Mohd. Zaki bin Md. Suhadi 3. Mr. Goh Boon Cheng Designing an experiment EXPERIMENT Learning area : Learning objective Objective Apparatus : : : 1. Introduction to Physics 1.5) Analysing scientific investigations To study the relationship between the length of the pendulum and the period of oscillation. Pendulum bob, string, retort stand, metre ruler, stopwatch, wooden pieces, clamp, protractor.

Wooden Pieces Protractor String Retort Stand L

String Pendulum Bob

Pendulum Bob



1. Tie one end of the string to the pendulum bob. 2. Clamp another end of the string between 2 wooden pieces which are placed on a retort stand as shown in the diagram. 3. Measure the length of the pendulum bob, L =20.0 cm, by using a metre ruler. 4. Displace the pendulum bob at an angle approximately 10o. 5. Record the time for 20 complete oscillations of the pendulum, t1. 6. Repeat the procedures 4-5 to record another 20 complete oscillation time of the pendulum, t2. 7. Calculate the mean of both oscillation times and determine the period, T = tmean / 20. 8. Repeat the procedures 3 to 7 with 5 different lengths of the pendulum, L=30.0 cm, 40.0cm, 50.0cm, 60.0 cm and 70.0cm. 9. Tabulate the data. 10. Plot a graph of period, T , against the length of the pendulum, L and a graph of T2` against L. Data Table L/cm 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Time for 20 oscillations / s t1 t2 Tmean T/s T2 / s2


Graph T against L



Graph T2 against L


W2D10S3G1 GROUP 1 : 1. Mr. Lui Fwee Sing 2. Mr. Mohd. Zaki Bin Suhadi 3. Mr. Goh Boon Cheng Learning Area : 1. Introduction To Physics Multiple Choice Questions : 6

1. A physical quantity of measurement is said to be more precise if A. the zero error is small B. the average value is small C. the relative deviation is small D. the physical quantity of measurement is small 2. Which of the following shows the same relationship of a unit ? A. 1 N = 1 kg m s-1 B. 1 J = 1 kg m2 s-2 C. 1 Pa = 1 kg m-1s-1 D. 1 W = 1 kg m2 s-1 3. Which of the following step must not be done when using a micrometer screw gauge ? A. Determine the zero error of the micrometer screw gauge B. Measure the object by tighten the spindle to anvil C. Add up the measuring reading with the zero error 4. 30 milliseconds is equivalent to A. 3 x 10-6 seconds B. 3 x 10-5 seconds C. 3 x 10-4 seconds D. 3 x 10-3 seconds E. 3 x 10-2 seconds 5. Which of the following prefix is not correct in representing its corresponding symbol ? Prefix Symbol A. Mega m B. centi c C. micro D. pico p Structured Questions : 1. Reading 1 2 3 4 5 Measurement 165.5 cm 0.513 cm 0.357 cm 6.53 cm 95.2 cm Table 1 Quantity Diameter of a copper wire Diameter of a 250 ml beaker Reading / cm Measuring instrument

Height of Abdullah Length of a table Thickness of 100 sheets of paper Table 2 Three measuring instruments : metre rule , vernier calipers , and micrometer screw gauge , had been used by a student to measure a few quantities . Table 1 shows a few readings of the measurement . (a) Complete Table 2 by matching the most possible reading and name the most possible measuring instrument which is used in the measurement . (b) Suggest two methods to increase the accuracy in the measurement of the diameter of a copper wire . (c) An aeroplane flight in a constant speed of 720 km per hour . (i) State the speed of flight of the aeroplane in m s-1 . (ii) How far did the aeroplane fly after 10 s . 2. A driver wished to know how many volumes of petrol had been used in each km . He placed a measuring instrument to the petrol tank to measure the volume of the petrol used in 50 km , 100 km , 150 km , 200 km , 250 km , and 300 km . He tabulated the reading in Table 3 . Distance , s / km Volume of the petrol , V / liter 50 100 40 34 Table 3 150 28 200 22 250 16 300 10

(a) Plot graph V against s in a sheet of graph paper . (b) The driver didnt record the volume of the petrol at the beginning of the motion . Find out the value of V when s = 0 km from the graph . (c) Calculate the gradient of the graph . (d) State the volume of petrol that had been used in each km . Essay Questions : 1. Lord , W/N 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Time taken for 10 oscillations , t / s 6.9 10.0 12.4 14.4 Period of oscillation , T / s 0.7 1.0 1.2 1.4 T2 / s2 W T 2 / N s-2

Table 4 Table 4 shows the experiment data obtained investigating the system of oscillations by a weighted spring . The load used is assumed to be accurate . The time taken for one oscillation is timed using a stop clock with scale divisions of 0.1 second and the zero error is 0.5 seconds . (a) What is understood by zero error ? (b) Explain the suitability of the data recorded in Table 4 . Then tabulate again the data that is corrected and give reasons for the corrections of the data . (c) Draw a graph to show the change of the period of oscillation with load . Then state a relationship between the load and the period of swing of the weighted spring . (d) Explain why accurate and precise measurement are necessary in the study of Physics .

Subject Year Topic Learning Outcomes

: Physics : Form Four : Introduction To Physics : Student should be able to: 1.Explain what base quantities and derived quantities are. 2.List base quantities and their units. 3.List some derived quantities and their units.

Duration Subject Content Activities

: 2 Periods ( 80 Minutes ) : Understanding Base Quantities and Derived Quantities : 1. Students will be given several situations regarding base quantities which are related to their daily activities. 2. Questions will be put forward for student to answer. 3. Students will then watch several animations regarding base quantities and derived quantities. 4. Teacher will give explanation on base quantities and derived quantities using animation. 5. Students will write notes themselves.

Moral Values

: Rising Awareness

Creative & Critical Thinking Skills : Analysing, inter-relating and problem solving. Teaching Aids : Laptop, LCD Projector, Text Book



Procedure / Activities


Introduction (10 minutes)

Pupils shall be able to relate base quantities with daily activities.

Pupils to discuss the use of a ruler or measuring tape, balance, watch and compose what are the units used by these instrument that help us in our daily activities. Questions for students.

PowerPoint Animation

Development One (20 minutes)

Refer to Appendix A

The teacher will access the PowerPoint slide to demonstrate five important base quantities.

Activity Sheet (Refer to Appendix A)

Development Two (15 minutes)

Refer to Appendix B

With the help of the computer, the teacher will be able to display prefixes uses in physics quantities that follow the SI unit. Teacher gives examples to help the pupils to have a better idea of SI unit. The teacher will encourage the pupils to find out more on base quantities. And to have a short discussion as to why SI units are preferred over other units.

Computer Animation Computer, LCD Projector

Development Three (15 minutes)

Derived quantities can be derived from base quantities.

With the help of the computer, the teacher states a few examples to help the pupils to a have a better understanding of the units of derived quantities. Teacher gives examples to help the pupils to have a better idea of derived quantities.

PowerPoint Animation Refer To Appendix B

Velocity =

Displacement Length Metre = = Time Time Second




Procedure / Activities


Development Four (10 minutes)

Volume = Length x Width x Height

PowerPoint Animation

Density =

Mass Volume

Acceleration =

Change _ of _ Velocity Time

Force = Mass x Acceleration Work = Force x Displacement

Closure (10 minutes)

Teacher consolidates the concept learnt. The teacher will ask the pupils to do extra exercise as an enriching activity.

PowerPoint Animation

Appendix A
Base Quantities Length Mass Time

l m t Metre Kilogram Second Amphere T Kelvin

SI Unit

m kg s A K


Based quantities are physics quantities, which cannot be, defined in any other physics quantities anymore.

Appendix B
Physic quantities with large value or extreme small value can be written following SI unit with a prefix added in front of the based quantities.


Value 11


Tera Giga Mega Kilo Desi Centi Mili Micro Nano Piko

1012 109 106


10-1 10-2 10-3 10-6 10-9 10-12

d c m

n p

Subject Year Topic Learning Outcomes Duration Subject Content Activities

: Physics : Form Four : Introduction To Physics : Student should be able to: Measure physical quantities using appropriate instruments. : 1 Period ( 40 Minutes ) : Understanding Measurements : 1. Students will be given several situations regarding measurements related to their daily activities. 2. Questions will be put forward for student to answer. 3. Students will then watch several animations regarding measuring quantities. 4. Teacher will give explanation on measuring physical quantities.

Moral Values Teaching Aids

: Being thankful and rising awareness : Laptop and LCD Projector

Creative & Critical Thinking Skills : Analysing, inter-relating and problem solving.



Procedure / Activities


Introduction (5 minutes)

Choosing the appropriate

1. Teacher will discuss contextual example related to the daily activities of a student.

PowerPoint Animation



Content instruments.

Procedure / Activities 2. Teacher will display 3 packet of sugar with different mass. Student will be asked to estimate the mass based on the diagram. Questions for students.


Development One (10 minutes)

Different types of objects and conditions use different tools to measure its quantities.

Activity sheets will be distributed to all students. Students are given 10 minutes to complete the activity. Student will learn how to use appropriate measuring tools to do different types of measurements.

Activity Sheet (Refer to Appendix A)

Development Two (10 minutes)

Length Metre rule Mass Balance Time Stop Watch Electricity Voltmeter Ammeter

Then teacher will gives explanations to the students after listening to their answers and then introduces them to the concept of measuring physical quantities and how to measure them.

Computer Animation Computer, LCD Projector

Development Three (10 minutes)

Concept Map of Chapter 1: Introduction To Physics

Teacher will discuss with the students and draw a concept map regarding quantities and measuring tools.

PowerPoint Animation Refer To Appendix B




Procedure / Activities


Closure (5 minutes)

Measuring Instruments: Metre rule, Balance, Stop Watch, Voltmeter, Ammeter

Teacher consolidates the concept learnt.

PowerPoint Animation

Subject Year Topic Learning Outcomes Duration Subject Content Activities

: Physics : Form Four : Introduction To Physics : Student should be able to: Measure physical quantities using appropriate instruments. : 1 Period ( 40 Minutes ) : Understanding Measurements : 1. Students will be given several situations regarding measurements related to their daily activities. 2. Questions will be put forward for student to answer. 3. Students will then watch several animations regarding measuring quantities. 4. Teacher will give explanation on measuring physical quantities.

Moral Values Teaching Aids

: Being thankful and rising awareness : Laptop and LCD Projector

Creative & Critical Thinking Skills : Analysing, inter-relating and problem solving.

Steps Introduction (5 minutes)

Content Choosing the appropriate instruments.

Procedure / Activities 1. Teacher will discuss contextual example related to the daily activities of a student. 2. Teacher will display 3 packet of sugar with

Teachers Classroom Language Good morning. Are you all ready for today lesson? Let review what we have learn in the previous class.

Notes PowerPoint Animation




Procedure / Activities different mass.

Teachers Classroom Language Now let have a look at the


Student will be asked to estimate the mass based on the diagram. Questions for students.

slide shown on the screen. 1. Which packet of sugar is heavier? 2. In your opinion, what is the appropriate measuring instrument to measure the packet sugar? I will distribute an activity to be completed. You have ten minutes to complete the activities. You may discuss the activity with your friend.

Development One (10 minutes)

Different types of object and condition use different tools to measure its quantities.

Activity sheet will be distributed to all students. Students are given 10 minutes to complete the activity. Student will learn how to use appropriate measuring tools to do different types of measurement. Then teacher will gives explanations to the students after listening to their answers and then introduces them to the concept of measuring physical quantities and how to measure them.

Activity Sheet (Refer to Appendix A)

Development Two (10 minutes)

Length Metre rule Mass Balance Time Stop Watch Electricity Voltmeter

Lets discuss the result of your activity. Now, lets watch some animations related to measurements.

Computer Animation Computer, LCD Projector

Development Three (10 minutes)

Ammeter Concept Map of Chapter 1: Introduction To Physics

Teacher will discuss together with the students and draw concept map regarding quantities and measuring tools. Teacher consolidate the

Now we will see how much we have learn in this topic and what are we going to learn in the coming lesson. Can any of you tell me what

PowerPoint Animation Refer To Appendix B




Steps (5 minutes)

Content Instruments: Metre rule, Balance, Stop Watch, Voltmeter, Ammeter

Procedure / Activities concept learn.

Teachers Classroom Language have we learn in todays lesson? We have learnt about measure physical quantities using appropriate instruments. They are: Length Metre rule Mass Balance Time Stop Watch Electricity Voltmeter Ammeter





Choose the appropriate tools to match with the picture given. Stop Watch Ammeter Micrometer Screw Gauge Vernier Callipers Metre Rule Waist Watch Balance Measuring Tape

Object Building Width

Measuring Tools

Running Time

Book Thickness

Bulb Mass

Mug Diameter

Length of Key


Appendix A 1. What are the five base quantities of physics? a. ............................................................................... b. ............................................................................... c. ............................................................................... d. ............................................................................... e. ............................................................................... 2. Which of the below are not physics quantities? a. Heat b. Temperature c. Degree of Heat d. Energy 3. What is measurement? ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... 4. The mass of a piece of hair are best written in: a. gram b. miligram c. microgram d. nanogram 5. Which is not true about measuring instruments? a. Measuring Instruments can give measurements close to the actual value. b. Measuring Instruments uses less of physics quantities. c. Measuring Instruments can give 100% measuring accuracy.

6. A micrometer screw gauge is used to measure the thickness of a piece of metal. Which of the following measurements represent the accuracy obtained through the measurement?
a. 3 mm b. 2.6 mm c. 2.63 mm d. 2.632 mm

7. A wood block measuring 2.0 cm x 1.5 cm x 1.4 cm. The volume of the wood block is:
a. 4.2 b. 4.2 x 10-2


c. 4.2 x 10-3 d. 4.2 x 10-6 e. 4.2 x 10-5

Introduction To Physics Quantity & Measuring Instruments

Measuring Quantity

Measuring Equipment






System Error

Measuring Technique

Problem Solving

LESSON PLAN OUTLINE Subject Year : Physics : Form Four 19

Topic Learning Outcomes

: Introduction to physics : Students should be able to : 1. Explain what is physics 2. Recognize the physics in everyday objects and natural phenomena

Duration Subject Content Activities

: 2 periods ( 80 minutes ) : Understanding Physics : 1. Students will carry out 2 short experiments 2. Students will watch an animation of the inertia 3. Questions will be put forward for students to answer 4. Students will discuss some application of the inertia in a real live. : Being thankful

Moral Values

Creative and Critical Thinking Skills : Inter-relating and problem solving Teaching Aids : Laptop and LCD projector


Set induction ( 10 minutes) Developement Step 1 (15 minutes)

The ideas of physics

Teacher shows some object into the class and the students give their opinion in a group discussion. (a) How to measure the length of table? (b) What is the diameter of a pencil? Teacher shows some of the famous physicsian scientist and the students find the biodata from text book or reference books. (a) Find their famous discovery (b) Find their famous equation Teacher shows a video of natural phenomena . Students will give their opinion in a gropu discussion activity. (ii) The teacher explain to the students after listening to their answers and introduces them to the terminology in physics. Teacher tell the students a certain physics field in their life. Also teacher shows an example of apparatus and related them in a concept of physics Teacher shows the physics scientist and their discovery which is gave a lot of advantage for our life. Teacher explain to the students why they should proud and thankful to the physics scientist. (i)


The physicsian scientist

Photo from text book

Step 2 (15 minutes)

The nature phenomena

Step 3 (20 minutes) Step 4 (10 minutes) Closure (10 minutes)

Examples of physics field Name some of physiciant and their discovery Be thankful

Downloaded from internet



LESSON PLAN 2 SUBJECT YEAR TOPIC : Physics : Form Four : Quantities of Physics

LEARNING OUTCOMES : Students should be able to 1. Explain what base quantities and derived quantities are. 2. List base quantities and their units. 3. List some derived quantities and their units. 4. Express quantities using prefixes. DURATION SUBJECT CONTENT ACTIVITIES : Two periods (80 minutes) : Base and derived quantities.

: 1. Students will be given some of the physical quantities. 2. Teacher will given an explanation what base quantities and derived quantities are. 3. Students will then to identify physical quantities and classify them into base quantities and derived quantities. 4. Students will solve the problems involling base and derived quantities.

MORAL VALUES : 1. Being systematic 2. Having an interest and curiosity towards and invironment. CREATIVE AND CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS : 1. Grouping and classifying TEACHER AID : Laptop and LCD projector

STEPS Set induction (10 minutes)

CONTENT Quantities of physics

PROCEDURES / ACTIVITIES 1. Students are introduced to the topic. They are asked what the quantities of of physics are. 2. Teacher asks some of the students, what the apparatus could be used to measure the distance, time, current, mass and temperature. 3. Teacher asks some of the students, what apparatus could be used to measure force , acceleration and velocity. 23


Development (20 minutes) STEP 1: Base quantities and derived quantities Physical quantities other than the base quantities are known as derived quantities. A derived quantities is combination of different base quantities. Physical quantities are base quantities and derived quantities. Teacher gives explanations to the students after listening to their answers and than introduces them the differents of the base quantities and the derived quantities of physics. The students list down all the base quantities of physics. The students list down all the derived quantities of physics.



Teacher gives the examples how to represent the derived quantities by combination of base quantities.


Closure (10 minutes)

1.Teacher notes down all the five physical quantities are chosen a base quantities. 2. Teacher notes down the example of the derived quantities. 3. Teacher gives the example how to represent a derived quantities by combination of different base quantities. 4. The students do the exercises shown on courseware the screen.

WORK SHEET MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Which is not a base quantities of physics? A. Distance B. Mass C. Kelvin D. Time

2. Which of the following shows the formula of force using the base quantities? A. mass C. mass X length 24

length X mass B. mass X length time X time 3. 24 J is equal to A. 24 N B. 24Nm

mass D. mass X time length X length

C. 24 kgms-1 D. 24 kgms-2

4. Which of the following can state in the unit Pascal. A. Pressure B. Surface tension C. Upthrust

5. Momentum is represented by base quantities as follows : A. mass and length B. mass and time C. length and time D. mass, length and time

STRUCTURED QUESTION Write down five of the base quantities and its symbol in the table below: Base quantities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Symbol

(5 marks)


ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. Derived the given quantities as base quantities: a. Momentum b. Acceleration c. Density (3 marks) 2. Derived the unit of the following quantities using the base quantities unit. a. Velocity b. Force c. Volume d. Work (4 marks)

ASSIGNMENT 2 Lesson Plan Outline Subject Year Topic : : : Physics Form Four INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS

Learning Outcomes : Students should be able to : 1. explain what base quantities and derived quantities are. 2. list base quantities and their units. 3. list some derived quantities and their units. 4. express quantities using prefixes 5. express quantities using scientific notation. 6. express derived quantities as well as their units in terms of base quantities and base units. 7. solve problems involving conversion of units. Duration : Two periods ( 80 minutes ) 1.2 Understanding base quantities and derived quantities

Subject Content : Activities :

1. Teacher will gave an explanation on how important scientific measurements and examples are in daily life. 2. Teacher will give an explanation on the difference between base and derived quantities with their units. 3. Teacher describes how to use prefix. 4. Questions will be put forward for students to answer. 5. Students will then solve the problems involving base and derived quantities, prefix and conversion units. Being thankful and raising awareness. 26

Moral Values ;

Creative and critical Thinking skills : Teaching Aids :

understanding, analyzing, inter-relating and problem solving.

Laptop and LCD Projector, software.


1.2 Understanding base quantities and derived quantities Procedure Teacher introduces the topic by asking the students to give examples on objects to be measured . Teacher gives an explanation on how important the scientific measurements are. . Teacher differenciates the examples given by students on base quantities and their units in diagram. Teacher gives the explanation on base quantities, their units and symbols. Teacher introduces derived quantities by defining and giving the examples, symbols and units. Teacher gives explanations on the differences between base and derived quantities. Students discuss the list of values of prefixes and their observations from nano to giga. Students are given work sheets and they try to answer the questions on base and derived quantities, using prefixes and scientifis notations. Students are allowed to come in front of the class to participate in problem solving activity. Teacher discusses the answers with the students. The teacher concludes by summarizing the lesson 27 Notes CD / computer animations

Scripting Outline : Steps Content Introduction Introducing physics ( 5 minutes ) quantity

Development One Defining base quantities

( 10 minutes )


Development Two (25 mins )

Defining derived quantities - Express quantities using prefixes.


Development Discuss the use of Three (15 minutes) scientific notation to express large and small numbers. Development Problem solving Four (20 minutes )

Group activities and discussion

Problem solving

( 5 minutes )


Lesson plan outline Subject Year Topic : Physics : Form 4 : Introduction to Physics. : Student should be able to; (1) Measure physical quantities using appropriate instruments. (2) Explain accuracy and consistency. (3) Explain sensitivity.

Learning outcomes


: 2 periods : Understanding measurements : (1) Students will be given several situations on measurement. (2) Question will be put forward for students to answer. (3) Student choose the appropriate instrument for a given measurement. (4) Discuss consistency and accurancy using the the distribution of gunshots on target. (5) Discuss the sensitivity of various instruments. : being systematic and cooperative. : analyzing, inter-relating and problem solving.

Subject content Activities

Moral values

Creative and critical thinking skill Teaching Aids

: Laptop and LCD projector.

LESSON PLAN 3 SUBJECT: PHYSICS YEAR: FORM 4 TOPIC: INTRODUCTION OF PHYSICS LEARNING OUTCOMES: Student should be able to: a) identify variables in a given situation b) form a hypothesis c) design and carry out a simple experiment to test the hypothesis DURATION: 80 Minutes SUBJECT CONTENT: 1.5 Analysing scientific investigations 28

ACTIVITIES: 1) Students will be shown a stimuli of pendulum hanging by a thread of different lengths. 2) Students will then identify all the possible variables 3) Students will then form a hypothesis. 4) Students will then write the frame work of the experiment and investigate the hypothesis. 5) Students will then write a report MORAL VALUES: apply scientific skill CREATIVE & CRITICAL THINKING: analysing, applying TEACHING AIDS: Laptop, LCD and OHP [ Appendix ] Format of Reporting Name: Form: 1. Title: 2. Inference: 3. Hypothesis: 4. Aim: 5. Variables: Manipulative Dependent 6. Constant variable 7. Apparatus 8. Procedure 9. How to fix manipulative variable 10. How to measure dependent variable 11. Repeating procedure 12. Tabulate data 13. Graf and Conclusion 14. Precaution



LESSON PLAN OUTLINE 1.5 Analysing Scientific Investigation STEPS CONTENT PROCEDURES / ACTIVITIES Set Induction Understanding 1. Teacher shows 2 sets of (10 minutes ) the problem pendulum hanging from different lengths and ask the student to compare each periodic time. Development Step 1 (20 minutes) Identify the variables; Manipulative, Dependent and Constant variable. Design a simple experiment to test the hypothesis. Step 3 (15 minutes) Complete the experiment report. 1. Teacher questions the students that guide them to identify the variables. 2. Teacher raises questions so that the students form the hypothesis and the relationship of two variables. 3. Teacher explains how to conduct the experiment and how to measure the variables. 4. Teacher than distributes a format of reporting the experiment to the students and explains how to complete the format. 5. Teacher divides the students into groups and distributes the apparatus. 6. Teacher asks the students to finish the experiment within 20 minutes and display the data for corrections (if any). 7. The teacher then asks the students to complete the reports Closure (5 minutes) Understanding how to analyse scientific investigation The teacher emphasizes the flow in doing scientific investigation and the scientific method of reporting.

RESOURCES / NOTES Used two sets of pendulum hanging with different length.

Step 2 (30 minutes)

Apparatus and diagram shown in text book. See appendix



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