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AQUINAS and the Philippines under Spanish Colonial Rule


*authors are students of Political Philosophy under Ms. Shivanee Dolo Ph.D. TTS 6:00-7:00 P403

When the first Spaniards arrived in 16th century, they were surprised to see the early Filipinos having a civilization of their own and living in a well-organized independent village called barangays. The name barangays originated from the name balangay, a Malay word meaning sailboat. Evidently, our seafaring ancestors name their villages after their sailboats. According to Aquinas, it is natural/automatic for people to be part of the state, associating this statement from Aquinas through the Spanish occupation, Filipinos are automatically citizens of the Spanish colonial government. Spains aim in colonizing overseas lands may be keynoted by three Gs Glory, Gold, God. Colonization arose out of Spains ambition to be the greatest empire in the world, by acquiring colonies around the world. The second aim of Spanish colonization was the desire for gold or economic wealth. This aim sprang from the struggle among European power to monopolize the spice trade of the Orient and to acquire riches. But the chief aim of her colonization was the propagation of the Catholic Christianity. This is the reason why every exploration, discovery, expedition and conquest was accompanied by missionaries.

I.STATE Natural / Automatic for people to be When the Spanish colonization started part of the state, Filipinos are automatically part of the state. The state cannot provide all the needs of man; The Spanish government cannot provide all * Temporal needs provided by the the needs of its people thus, they use the State Cross and the Church to addresses the needs * Supernatural needs provided by the of the people. Church

When the Spanish colonial government started, they cannot provide all the needs of the people, they can only provide temporal needs, for example, the encomienda system, wherein encomenderos in exchange to the inhabitant, was obliged by the law to promote the welfare of the inhabitants. His duties were (1) to protect the inhabitants from enemies, (2) to promote education of the people, and (3) to assist the missionaries in Christianizing them, thus here enters the church providing the supernatural needs of the people.

II. LAWS It induce or restrain you from acting It is a product of reason that directed towards the common good Human Law RAs, Statutes, PDs, EOs. 1. Promulgated by a competent authority 2. Does not exceed the competent authority 3. Must give reasonable burdens to people 4. Consistent with the Principle of Subsidiarity 5. It must not oppose the eternal law The Leyes de Indias (Laws of Indies) was the basic law implemented but gradually modified by royal decrees, it regulates the social, political and economic life in the colony. Other laws were the following: Actos Acordados, and Siete Partidas.

Upon the colonization of the Spaniards in the Philippines, they impose laws that will induce or restrain the people, to regulate their social, political and economic life. Some of these were: The Leyes de Indias (Laws of Indies) body of laws issued by the Spanish crown for its american and Philippine possessions of its empire. They regulated social, political and economic life in these areas, but gradually modified by the royal decrees. Actos acordados this are laws that were enacted upon the agreement between members of the royal audience and the governor general. Siete Partidas (7 part codes) - statutory codes.

If the case had been tried and judgment given under the Civil Code, a way was found to convert it into criminal case: and which, apparently settles under the Criminal Code. WHO SHOULD RULE? Magnanimous Ruler with the rule of Who is the ruler? King of Spain REASON and FAITH (Divine Right Theory) SUPREMACY OF THE FRIARS In the local government, the parish priest was the real power, his approval was necessary on almost all acts of the local affairs. NATIONAL GOVERNMENT - The King governed the country through the Ministry of Colonies, with the Governor-General as the head of the Spanish colonial government, he represented the crown in all governmental matters.

In the Thomasian context, asking now who should be the ruler, he would say that the ruler should be a Magnanimous Ruler, ruled with Reason and Faith. Associated with that is the Divine right theory it is believe that the authority of the king (e.g. the King of Spain) over his subject is given directly by God, and the rulers; the idea that the ruler was Gods appointed agent on earth. Since the Philippines was governed by the King of Spain, he governed the country through the Ministerio de Ultramar or the Ministry of Colonies. The government was unitary as policies implemented by the colonial administration from Luzon to Mindanao emanated from the Imperial Manila, the seat of the central government. The National Government. The Governor-General, appointed as the head of the Spanish colonial government in the country. As such he represented the crown in all governmental affairs. He was an ex-officio president of the Audience Real or the Royal Audience, the Supreme Court during those times. The Local Government. Below the national government were the local government units, namely, provinces which was headed by an alcalde mayor, cities/towns - gobernadorcillos, and barrios/barangay cabeza the barangay. But the friars are real power, they are the superiors, the key figure in the local government. The friar was the supervising representative of the Spanish government for all local affairs. Thus, his approval was necessary on almost all acts of the local official. He was practically the ruler of the LGU as he was the inspectors of, schools, health, prison, accounts of the gobernadorcillos and the cabezas de barangay. Eventually, the friars became so powerful and influential that even civil authorities feared them.

VALIDITY OF OVERTHROWING THE TYRANT LEADER/S The Spanish colonial officers especially the Friars, being the supervisors of the king for local affairs, exhibit the three (3) qualification of a tyrannical ruler. 1. Move more than his fair share, in the pursuit of honor, power and prestige? - YES, based on the above statement that friar, are the real power over the local government that even the civil authorities feared them. Instead of addressing solely to the supernatural needs of the people they became superior than the authorities. 2. Neglected God in the pursuit of honor, power and prestige? - YES, they have neglected God and their obligations. They had children, acquired a lot of lands, and imposed unreasonably taxes to people especially indulgences. Especially that Spain is a Catholic country. 3. Disregarded others in the pursuit of honor, power and prestige? - They have imposed too much taxes and task to the Filipinos, they dont care for the Filipinos, they treated Filipinos as slaves imposing forced labor to all Filipino males from 16 60 years old. - Racial discrimination to the Filipinos, calling them INDIOS. - Racial prejudice against native Filipinos existed in government offices, universities, in courts and high society.

EXCESSIVE IN THE PURSUIT OF HPP? YES, The Spanish colonial government especially the Friars, imposed: Polo y Servicio Little participation of Filipinos in their government Human rights is denied to Filipinos Corrupt Spanish officialdom in the Philippines Abuses and immoralities of bad Friars Racial discrimination Spanish maladministration of justice Persecution of Filipino patriots

IS IT FOR THE COMMON GOOD? - YES, The revolution of Filipinos against the Spaniards was a national struggle, a clamor for Filipino freedom, freedom from the oppressive hands of the Spaniards. Propaganda Movement and its objectives Equality of Filipinos and Spaniards before the law; Assimilation of the Philippines as a regular province of Spain; Restoration of the Philippine representation in the Spanish Cortes; Individual liberties for Filipinos, such as freedom of speech, press and redress of grievances DID IT RESULTED TO SOCIAL FACTIONALISM? NO, why? 1. Because the PUBLIC BODY ARE DETERMINED, to stand up and fight against the Spaniards, through the series of revolution. 2. Remember that the Propaganda Movement is a peaceful campaign for reforms geared towards changing the political and social order in the country under Spanish rule. With the failure of the peaceful crusade for reforms, a radical society emerged that work for a total separation of the Philippines from Spain, the Katipunan, whose discovery led to the outbreak of the Philippine Revolution.

FRAILOCRACY RULE OF THE FRIARS As a whole, Spanish colonial administration there was a widespread selling of lower positions to the highest bidders. This situation give rise to misadministration of the governmental affairs, bribery, as well as graft and corruption.

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