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M.AHSAN KHAN (E/ M – SUM 09 – 16)

Q1 : Suggest ways to add value to Govt. organizations

for enhancing speed, efficiency and quality?

I think a great effort and determination is required to bring

revolutionary changes to Govt. sector organizations.
 There is need to revise salary packages of Govt. servants.
This will reduce the corruption level and shall also motivate
the employees to perform their duties more efficiently.
 Extensive training of Govt. officials is required so that their
thinking process can be modified. Once their mind set will
come out of traditional paradigms they will be in a better
position to lead their organizations and motivate their
 Successful candidates in civil service exams should be
trained in such pattern that they consider themselves as true
civil servants rather than “lords” once they join their
administrative positions.
 Example should be set from top levels of hierarchy. Top
Govt. officials should set high standards of discipline
responsibility and punctuality in their areas of
 In order to curb corruption there should be transparent
accountability process. There should be rule of law, a free
media and judiciary. No matter how influential one is
perpetrators should be brought to justice and example should
be set for others.
 The status quo paradigm should be broken. Govt. officials
should be encouraged to take unpopular decisions to improve
the performance of their departments.
 Nepotism should be discouraged at levels of hierarchy.
 There is need of Govt. structural reorganization. I think we
have surplus ministries and departments created just to offer
political favors. This not only increases administrative
overhead tremendously, but also reduces coordination level,
speed and efficiency. In order to achieve these goals there is
need to reduce management layers as much as possible by
merging related ministries and departments.
 Selection criteria for Govt. officials should be more
standardized, so that we can have more efficient, self
disciplined, honest and innovative officials who can run their
departments on more modern lines with great efficiency.
 Modern technology should be introduced where possible in
Govt. sector to enhance the efficiency and speed of
 Govt. officials should realize that people coming to them
with their problems are their customers and they should seek
customer delight by addressing their problems in most
efficient manner.
 Govt. officials should promote ethical values in their
departments. The ultimate goal should be to serve the clients
with highest efficiency and ethical standards to achieve
customer delight.
 There is necessity to carry out periodic organizational audits
to monitor the departmental performance. Public feed back
and criticism should me welcomed and corrective measures
should be taken accordingly.
Q2 :Suggest new set of values in a proposed travel
company scheduled to start business from Lahore to

 Before starting business travel company must decide what

customer segments it wants to target, and what values it will
add to each segment service accordingly. Let us suppose that
the company decides to address three major segments,
economy, air conditioned and luxury classes.
 There are some issues that must be addressed irrespective of
customer segment:

 Field staff should be hired strictly on merit. Drivers and

conductors and maintenance staff should be educated,
well trained and well mannered.
 Managerial staff should have strong interpersonal,
management and EQ skills. They must have vision,
strategy and character to deliver.
 All staff members should be uniformed, and all buses
should have same appearance.
 Bus terminals should be located at prime locations in
Lahore and Islamabad, where travelers have easy
approach at any time.
 Water dispensers should be installed at bus terminals to
provide cold drinking water to customers.
 There should be proper sitting arrangement for each
customer segment in the waiting rooms. Waiting rooms
should contain television sets.
 There should be proper parking facility at bus
 There should be a branch of some popular food chain
and children play areas at bus terminals.
 After each arrival, the buses should be handed over to
maintenance staff who will make sure their cleaning
and maintenance.
 There should be disciplined arrangement at ticket
booths so that customers have to wait for their turns in
queues to buy ticket.
 Online services should be provided for schedule
inquiries and bookings.
 Employees should be instructed to be polite and helpful
to the customers and to respect women. The goal is to
achieve customer delight, which is key to success for
any business.
 Bus departure schedules should be strictly observed
irrespective of the number of travelers.
 For frequent travelers there should be incentives like
subsidized ticket packages.
 For A/C and Luxury class customer segments

 Waiting rooms should be air conditioned, with

newspapers and popular magazines.
 There should be bus hostess and light refreshments in
the buses. Cold drinks for A/C class and cold drinks
plus snacks for luxury class.
 Luxury class buses should have entertainment facilities
like TV and popular magazines for travelers.
Q3 :Review the current budget and suggest ways for
value addition?
 On 14th of this month 2009-10 federal budget of 2.897trillion
rupees was presented by the finance minister with a deficit of
4.9%. Budget was focused on short term relief for inflation
and conflict hit people.
 1.5% of deficit is planned to be met from external sources ,
while rest will be met from additional taxation and internal
resources. In this sense it is highly risky budget with no
guaranty of pledged money will be provided by friends of
Pakistan. Govt. will have to borrow from internal resources
that will put upward pressure on interest rates resulting in
adverse effects on investment and growth.
 Budget is neither growth oriented nor people friendly. As a
commitment with IMF drastic cuts have been made in
subsidy on electricity. Excise duty on petroleum products has
been levied in the shape of carbon surcharge, that would add
to the difficulties of already overburdened people of the
 15% ad hoc relief allowance has been announced for Govt.
servants and pensioners, which is trivial compared to the
inflation, and by no means would help Govt. servants to
address even their basic needs.
 Textile sector which has 55% share in export proceeds has
been totally ignored. No relief has been announced for the
revival of ailing industry. In fact a rise in electricity tariff will
add to the difficulties of the sector.
 In order to protect local industry, 5 % federal excise duty on
motor cars has been withdrawn. Import duty on raw materials
for poultry feeds, pharmaceuticals & manufacturing of pre-
fabricated steel buildings has been reduced. FED on cement
has been reduced. Additional duty has been imposed on
imported motorcycles. Exemption on the import of potatoes
and onions has been exempted.
 Duty exemption on import of agriculture tractors has been
continued. Duty on four stroke rickshaw import has been
 Debt servicing, and defense and public service are among the
major expenditures again, in fact 68.43% of total
expenditure. 62% of total expenditure is allocated to massive
public debt and maintaining huge military establishment. And
with lack of tax culture public revenue lags behind increase
in Govt. expenditure and GDP growth.
 Development constitutes only 31.57% of total expenditure.
 Only 2% of total expenditure has been allocated for health
and education sectors., which is far below the desired level.
Poverty alleviation & employment generation require
substantial investment in human capital development, that
depends upon education & health sectors.
 In my opinion it is a status quo budget , that will bring no
change in society, in fact decisions like carbon tax will add to
the miseries of common man. The budget is clever
manipulation of statistics and based on many assumptions.
 I suggest following value additions to the budget:
 There should be reduction in defense budget, so that
scarce resources can be allocated to other key sectors
like health, education. Civilian Govt. will have to take
the initiative to control the powerful military
 Unpopular decisions like carbon tax, and with drawl of
electricity subsidy should be reversed to provide relief
to common man and local industry.
 Tax culture should be promoted. There should be
justified taxation that will be paid with ease by the stake
holders resulting in a broader tax base. There is need for
massive restructuring of Excise & taxation departments
to ensure transparency and efficiency.
 Example should be set by the highest echelons of
regime. Govt. expenditures should be reduced. What is
the need for such a large cabinet in a poor country like
Pakistan? The remaining MPs are either heads or
members of so called ‘Standing Committees’ which
have never been productive. Related ministries should
be merged to reduce administrative overhead.
Simplicity should be promoted at all levels. There is no
need to take large contingents at useless foreign tours ,
which should be reduced in frequency.
 More resources should be allocated to education and
health sectors, so that we can have basis for producing
efficient human resources. Tax payer’s money should
be used for their welfare.
 Concrete action is required to curb corruption at all
levels of Govt. machinery. There should be transparent
accountability process through independent judiciary.
We should stop blaming past Govt. for failures, and
bring revolutionary changes in Govt. functionality.
 More effort and resources are required to restore law
and order situation in the country. A better law and
order situation along with effective economic policies
draw massive investments, the key factor for national
 Relief should be provided to industrial sector
particularly textile sector. Measures should be taken to
reduce the production cost in local industry. More
industrial zones need to be established, with special tax
incentives and electricity tariffs.
 To support local industry more taxes should be levied
on imported products. But the tax on imported raw
material should be reduced.
 Instead of asking for monetary assistance to the friends
of Pakistan , Govt. should seek trade quotas in these
 Concrete measures should be taken to restore peace in
conflict zone, so that IDPs can be sent back homes, and
their burden on national economy can be reduced.
 Tax base needs to be broadened. Agriculture tax should
be imposed, despite the fact that it will be opposed by
powerful feudal setup. Tax should be imposed on stock
market earnings and services.
Thus by reducing expenditures and by increasing revenues the
budget deficit can be minimized. This will reduce our dependence
on internal and external debts.

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