BIP Objectives

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Unit 1

What is digital image processing? The origins of the digital image processing Example fields that uses the image processing Fundamental steps in image processing Components of the image processing system

General objectives
At end of the chapter stdent will able to understand fundamentals in digitasl image processing

Specific objectives
Define what digital image processing Student will know history of the DIP List various fields that use the image processing Explain the Fundamental steps in image processing Explain the Components of the image processing system

Media uses
Black board and power pint slides

Test book

Student should write the assignment on specific objectives and submit after 2 days

Topics covered Image formation model Sampling and quantization Basic relationship between the pixels Color image processing fundaments

General objectives
Student will understand the concepts related to digital image processing and notations used in digital image processing

Specific objectives
Explain the mechanism of human visual system Explain the image formation in the eye List the components of the electromagnetic spectrum and their image characteristics Demonstrate the image sensors, how they are used to generate digital image? Explain the uniform image sampling and quantization What is a pixel? Explain the basic relationships between the pixels? Short notes on color image fundamentals

Media uses
Black board and power pint slides

Test book

Student should write the assignment on specific objectives and submit after 2 days



General objectives
At end of the chapter student will able to understand the need for image enhancement and different enhancement methods in spatial domain

Specific objectives
List the different approaches to image enhancement Difference between spatial and frequency domain image enhancement methods List and explain the gray level transformations to image enhancement What is the histogram? Describe the histogram equalization for image enhancement with example What is the histogram specification explain the how it is used to enhance the image Understand the arithmetic and logical operations on image pixels Explain the arithmetic operation for image enhancement Image smoothing and sharpening

Media uses
Black board and power pint slides

Text books

Student should write the assignment on specific objectives and submit after 2 days


General objectives
At end the chapter student able to learn degradation model for image corruption and methods to deal with different noise models On completion of the chapter student able to learn Restoration techniques -inverse filtering -mininmun mean square error filtering -restoration in presence of the periodic noise - constrained least square error filtering

Specific objectives
What is the point spread function How can you estimate the point spread function of an image system Which degradation function model the atmospheric turbulence How can you estimate the noise from the given image What is the advantage of the wiener over the inverse filtering What is the disadvantage of the wiener filtering Under what conditions wiener and inverse filter both become identical What is the difference between the wiener and constrained least square error filtering

Media uses
Black board and power pint slides

Text books

Student should write the assignment on specific objectives and submit after 2 days

Unit -4 Introduction
General objectives
On the completion of the chapter student able to learn What is the morphology Morphological image processing techniques -dilation -erosion -opening -closing Applications of Morphological image processing techniques Boundary extraction Region filling Extraction of the connection components Convex hull Thinning and thickening

Specific objectives
What is the morphology explain the basic morphological techniques for image processing Explain the opening and closing with example What structuring element should use for boundary extraction If you implement the region filling using the structuring element contains the all eight neighbors of the origin what problem will you face Explain the how to extract the connected components from given with suitable example Explain the thinning and thickening with suitable example

Media uses
Black board and power pint slides


Student should write the assignment on specific objectives and submit after 2 days

Unit -5

General objectives

Specific objectives

Media uses References

Student should write the assignment on specific objectives and submit after 2 days


General objectives
On completion of the chapter student will able to learn What is the segmentation? Different approaches for image segmentation Region based segmentation Discontinuity based segmentation Different edge detection operators Linking of the edge points Local processing Global processing (Hough transform)

Specific objectives
What is the image segmentation? What are the basic approaches for segmenting the image? What is the difference between edge and line? Why second ordered derivative not used for edge detection What is the advantage of the sobel operator over the prewitt? What is the LOG operator and what is it using? What is the thresholding? Explain the different thresholding for image segmentation What approach of thresholding should use in the case of non uniform illumination How region growing will be used for image segmentation How region splitting and merging used for image segmentation explain?

Media uses
Black board and power pint slides


Student should write the assignment on specific objectives and submit after 2 days

General objectives Specific objectives

Media uses References

Student should write the assignment on specific objectives and submit after 2 days

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