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Workout Program
Cardio acceleration is critical to Shortcut to Shred. It wlll nr up
your fat-burning furnace like nothing else. Cardio acceleration
is a technique that combines high-intensity cardio and
rslstanc tralnlng lnto on ast-pacd workout. |nstad
of resting between your lifts, you will do cardio between
vry slngl st. Slmply put, you`ll llt on st o a prscrlbd
xrcls, such as bnch prss, and thn lmmdlatly ollow lt
with one minute of cardio.
Cardlo nctlvly rplacs your rst prlods. Now, | don`t
mean you have to rack the barbell, run across the gym, and
jump on a tradmlll or statlonary blk. Your cardlo acclratlon
xrclss can b as slmpl as runnlng ln plac nxt to th
bnch. You can also jump rop, prorm dumbbll clans,
stp-ups, or any comblnatlon o ull-body xrclss. Whatvr
you do, th polnt ls to mov or an ntlr mlnut.
Btwn ach st, you`ll do on mlnut o a cardlo acclratlon
xrcls. | you`r nw to ntnss and nnd that on mlnut ls
too long, you can reduce the time to 30 seconds, or go at a
slowr pac. 1h goal ls to gradually lncras th tlm you
spnd dolng hlgh-lntnslty cardlo. You want to kp ach
cardio acceleration minute as intense and demanding as
Cardio aCCeleration oPtions
KB Swing
Goblet Squat
Squat Jump
Box Jump
LB Stp-up
BB Stp-up
Running in Place
Medicine Ball Slam
Dumbbell Lunge
Lung Jumps
Sld-to-Sld Box Shum
Sledgehammer Swing
Battllng Rops
Rockt Jump
Lateral Bound
Latral Box Jump
Sld Standlng Long Jump
Mountain Climber
Jump Rop
Kn 1uck Jump
Diagonal Bound
1lr |llp
Sklpplng (ln plac}
DB Clean
Smith Machine Clean
Stp-up wlth Kn Rals
sHortCut to sHred
Workout Program
PHase 1: Week 1
W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Bench Press 4 9-11
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 9-11
Decline Smith Machine Press 3 9-11
Llps 4 9-JJ
Clos-Grlp Bnch Prss 4 9-JJ
Cable Crunch 3 9-11
Smlth Machln Hlp 1hrust 3 9-JJ
W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbell Shoulder Press 4 9-11
Alternating Dumbbell
Shouldr Prss (Standlng} 3 9-JJ
Smith Machine One-Arm
prlght Row 3 9-JJ
Squat 4 9-11
Deadlift 3 9-11
Walklng Lung 3 9-JJ
Standing Calf Raise 3 9-11
Seated Calf Raise 3 9-11
W0kK00I 3: 8fK, Ik|!, 8|f||! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbell Bent Over Row 4 9-11
Dumbbell Bent-Over Row 3 9-11
Seated Cable Row 3 9-11
Barbell Shrug 4 9-11
Barbell Curl 3 9-11
Barbell or EZ-Bar Preacher Curl 3 9-11
Rvrs-Grlp Barbll Curl 3 9-JJ
Barbll Wrlst Curl 3 9-JJ
W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (!|N0|| J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
|nclln Lumbbll |ly 3 J2-J5
Lumbbll |ly 3 J2-J5
Cabl Crossovr 3 J2-J5
1rlcps Prssdown 3 J2-J5
Ovrhad Lumbbll Lxtnslon 3 J2-J5
Cabl Lylng 1rlcps Lxtnslon 3 J2-J5
Crunch 3 J2-J5
Standlng Obllqu Cabl Crunch 3 J2-J5
W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|!
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Lumbbll Latral Rals 3 J2-J5
Barbll |ront Rals 3 J2-J5
Lumbbll Bnt-Ovr Latral Rals 3 J2-J5
Lg Lxtnslon 4 J2-J5
Lg Curl 4 J2-J5
Satd Cal Rals 3 J2-J5
Lonky or Lg Prss Cal Rals 3 J2-J5
Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Lat Pulldown 3 J2-J5
Rvrs-Grlp Pulldown 3 J2-J5
Stralght-Arm Pulldown 3 J2-J5
Smith Machine
Bhlnd-th-Back Shrug 4 J2-J5
|nclln Lumbbll Curl 3 J2-J5
Hlgh Cabl Curl 3 J2-J5
Rop Cabl Curl 3 J2-J5
Lumbbll Rvrs Wrlst Curl 3 J2-J5
PHase 1: Week 2
W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Bench Press 4 6-8
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 6-8
Decline Smith Machine Press 3 6-8
Llps 4 6-8
Clos-Grlp Bnch Prss 4 6-8
Cable Crunch 3 7-8
Smlth Machln Hlp 1hrust 3 7-8
W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|!
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbell Shoulder Press 4 6-8
Alternating Dumbbell
Shouldr Prss (Standlng} 3 6-8
Smith Machine
On-Arm prlght Row 3 6-8
Squat 4 6-8
Deadlift 3 6-8
Walklng Lung 3 6-8
Standing Calf Raise 3 7-8
Seated Calf Raise 3 7-8
Workout 3: Back, traps, Biceps
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbell Bent Over Row 4 6-8
Dumbbell Bent-Over Row 3 6-8
by 20-30 prcnt and llt untll you rach muscl allur agaln.
You ar now don wlth th st and rady to mov to th nxt
W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Bench Press 4* 9-11
Incline Bench Press 3* 9-11
Decline Dumbbell Press 3* 9-11
Llps 4' 9-JJ
Clos-Grlp Bnch Prss 4' 9-JJ
Smith Machine Crunch 3* 9-11
Hanging Leg Raise 3* 9-11
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbell Shoulder Press 4* 9-11
Lumbbll Shouldr Prss (Satd} 3' 9-JJ
Lumbbll prlght Row 3' 9-JJ
Squat 4* 9-11
Deadlift 3* 9-11
Leg Press 3* 9-11
Standing Calf Raise 3* 9-11
Seated Calf Raise 3* 9-11
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
W0kK00I 3: 8fK, Ik|!, 8|f||! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbell Bent Over Row 4* 9-11
Incline Dumbbell Row 3* 9-11
Seated Cable Row 3* 9-11
Barbell Shrug 4* 9-11
Barbell Curl 3* 9-11
Seated Barbell Curl 3* 9-11
Rvrs-Grlp Barbll or LZ-Bar Curl 3' 9-JJ
Bhlnd-1h-Back Wrlst Curl 3' 9-JJ
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
Lumbbll |ly 3 2J-30
Cable Crossover 3 21-30
1rlcps Prssdown 3 2J-30
Overhead Dumbbell Extension 3 21-30
Cabl Lylng 1rlcps Lxtnslon 3 2J-30
Crunch 3 21-30
Standing Oblique Cable Crunch 3 21-30
W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|!
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 21-30
Barbll |ront Rals 3 2J-30
Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise 3 21-30
Leg Extension 4 21-30
Leg Curl 4 21-30
Seated Calf Raise 3 21-30
Donkey or Leg Press Calf Raise 3 21-30
Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Lat Pulldown 3 21-30
Rvrs-Grlp Pulldown 3 2J-30
Straight-Arm Pulldown 3 21-30
Smith Machine
Behind-the-Back Shrug 4 21-30
Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 21-30
High Cable Curl 3 21-30
Rop Cabl Curl 3 2J-30
Lumbbll Rvrs Wrlst Curl 3 2J-30
PHase 2: Week 4
| you`r llng rally good and want to mak th Shortcut to
Shrd ssslons vn mor lntns, start prormlng a cardlo
acclratd rst-paus dropst" on th last st o ach major
xrcls. 1h tchnlqu ls as brutal as lt sounds, bllv m.
cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset: 1ak th last st o
ach xrcls to muscl allur. 1hn, rack th wlght and
prorm cardlo acclratlon by runnlng ln plac or J5-20
sconds. Plck up th wlght and contlnu dolng rps untll you
reach muscle failure again. Immediately decrease the weight
PHase 1: Week 3
W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Bnch Prss 4 2-5
|nclln Lumbbll Prss 3 2-5
Lclln Smlth Machln Prss 3 2-5
Llps 4 2-5
Clos-Grlp Bnch Prss 4 2-5
Cabl Crunch 3 5-6
Smlth Machln Hlp 1hrust 3 5-6
W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|!
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbll Shouldr Prss 4 2-5
Alternating Dumbbell
Shouldr Prss (Standlng} 3 2-5
Smith Machine
On-Arm prlght Row 3 4-5
Squat 4 2-5
Ladllt 3 2-5
Walklng Lung 3 4-5
Standlng Cal Rals 3 5-6
Satd Cal Rals 3 5-6
Workout 3: Back, traps, Biceps
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbll Bnt Ovr Row 4 2-5
Lumbbll Bnt-Ovr Row 3 2-5
Satd Cabl Row 3 2-5
Barbll Shrug 4 2-5
Barbll Curl 3 2-5
Barbll or LZ-Bar Prachr Curl 3 4-5
Rvrs-Grlp Barbll Curl 3 4-5
Barbll Wrlst Curl 3 4-5
W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (!|N0|| J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
|nclln Lumbbll |ly 3 2J-30
Seated Cable Row 3 6-8
Barbell Shrug 4 6-8
Barbell Curl 3 6-8
Barbell or EZ-Bar Preacher Curl 3 6-8
Rvrs-Grlp Barbll Curl 3 6-8
Barbll Wrlst Curl 3 6-8
W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (!|N0|| J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
|nclln Lumbbll |ly 3 J6-20
Lumbbll |ly 3 J6-20
Cable Crossover 3 16-20
1rlcps Prssdown 3 J6-20
Overhead Dumbbell Extension 3 16-20
Cabl Lylng 1rlcps Lxtnslon 3 J6-20
Crunch 3 16-20
Standing Oblique Cable Crunch 3 16-20
W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|!
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 16-20
Barbll |ront Rals 3 J6-20
Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise 3 16-20
Leg Extension 4 16-20
Leg Curl 4 16-20
Seated Calf Raise 3 16-20
Donkey or Leg Press Calf Raise 3 16-20
Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Lat Pulldown 3 16-20
Rvrs-Grlp Pulldown 3 J6-20
Straight-Arm Pulldown 3 16-20
Smith Machine
Behind-the-Back Shrug 4 16-20
Incline Dumbbell Curl 3 16-20
High Cable Curl 3 16-20
Rop Cabl Curl 3 J6-20
Lumbbll Rvrs Wrlst Curl 3 J6-20
PHase 2: Week 6
W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Bnch Prss 4' 2-5
|nclln Bnch Prss 3' 2-5
Lclln Lumbbll Prss 3' 2-5
Llps 4' 2-5
Clos-Grlp Bnch Prss 4' 2-5
Smlth Machln Crunch 3' 4-5
Hanglng Lg Rals 3' 4-5
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
^Use ankle weights or hold dumbbell between feet if needed
W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbll Shouldr Prss 4' 2-5
Lumbbll Shouldr Prss (Satd} 3' 2-5
Lumbbll prlght Row 3' 2-5
Squat 4' 2-5
Ladllt 3' 2-5
Lg Prss 3' 2-5
Standlng Cal Rals 3' 4-5
Satd Cal Rals 3' 4-5
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
W0kK00I 3: 8fK, Ik|!, 8|f||! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbll Bnt Ovr Row 4' 2-5
|nclln Lumbbll Row 3' 2-5
Satd Cabl Row 3' 2-5
Barbll Shrug 4' 2-5
Barbll Curl 3' 2-5
Satd Barbll Curl 3' 2-5
Rvrs-Grlp Barbll or LZ-Bar Curl 3' 4-5
Bhlnd-1h-Back Wrlst Curl 3' 4-5
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (!|N0|| J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Cable Crossover from Low Pulley 4* 16-20
Cable Crossover 3* 16-20
Lumbbll |ly 3' J6-20
Ovrhad Cabl 1rlcps Lxtnslon 3' J6-20
Lylng 1rlcps Lxtnslon 3' J6-20
Rop 1rlcps Prssdown 3' J6-20
Crossover Crunch 3* 16-20
Cabl Woodchoppr 3' J6-20
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|!
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4* 16-20
Cabl |ront Rals 3' J6-20
Lylng Cabl Rar Llt |ly 3' J6-20
Leg Extension 4* 16-20
Leg Curl 4* 16-20
Seated Calf Raise 3* 16-20
Donkey or Leg Press Calf Raise 3* 16-20
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Lat Pulldown 4* 16-20
Bhlnd-th-Nck Pulldown 3' J6-20
Rop Stralght-Arm Pulldown 3' J6-20
Dumbbell Shrug 4* 16-20
EZ-Bar Cable Curl 3* 16-20
Incline Dumbbell Curl 3* 16-20
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3* 16-20
Lumbbll Rvrs Wrlst Curl 3' J6-20
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
PHase 2: Week 5
W0kK00I 1: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Bench Press 4* 6-8
Incline Bench Press 3* 6-8
Decline Dumbbell Press 3* 6-8
Llps 4' 6-8
Clos-Grlp Bnch Prss 4' 6-8
Smith Machine Crunch 3* 7-8
Hanging Leg Raise^ 3* 7-8
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
^Use ankle weights or hold dumbbell between feet if needed
W0kK00I 2: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbell Shoulder Press 4* 6-8
Lumbbll Shouldr Prss (Satd} 3' 6-8
Lumbbll prlght Row 3' 6-8
Squat 4* 6-8
Deadlift 3* 6-8
Leg Press 3* 6-8
Standing Calf Raise 3* 7-8
Seated Calf Raise 3* 7-8
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
W0kK00I 3: 8fK, Ik|!, 8|f||! (M0|I|J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Barbell Bent Over Row 4* 6-8
Incline Dumbbell Row 3* 6-8
Seated Cable Row 3* 6-8
Barbell Shrug 4* 6-8
Barbell Curl 3* 6-8
Seated Barbell Curl 3* 6-8
Rvrs-Grlp Barbll or LZ-Bar Curl 3' 6-8
Bhlnd-1h-Back Wrlst Curl 3' 6-8
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (!|N0|| J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Cabl Crossovr rom Low Pully 4' J2-J5
Cabl Crossovr 3' J2-J5
Lumbbll |ly 3' J2-J5
Ovrhad Cabl 1rlcps Lxtnslon 3' J2-J5
Lylng 1rlcps Lxtnslon 3' J2-J5
Rop 1rlcps Prssdown 3' J2-J5
Crossovr Crunch 3' J2-J5
Cabl Woodchoppr 3' J2-J5
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|!
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Lumbbll Latral Rals 4' J2-J5
Cabl |ront Rals 3' J2-J5
Lylng Cabl Rar Llt |ly 3' J2-J5
Lg Lxtnslon 4' J2-J5
Lg Curl 4' J2-J5
Satd Cal Rals 3' J2-J5
Lonky or Lg Prss Cal Rals 3' J2-J5
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Lat Pulldown 4' J2-J5
Bhlnd-th-Nck Pulldown 3' J2-J5
Rop Stralght-Arm Pulldown 3' J2-J5
Lumbbll Shrug 4' J2-J5
LZ-Bar Cabl Curl 3' J2-J5
|nclln Lumbbll Curl 3' J2-J5
Lumbbll Hammr Curl 3' J2-J5
Lumbbll Rvrs Wrlst Curl 3' J2-J5
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
|0!IW0kK00I M||
Within 30 minutes after workout
J scoop why
J scoop casln
J4 small Wonka Plxy Stlx or J Glant Plxy Stlx
5 g BCAAs
J.5-5 g cratln
J.5-2 g bta-alanln
2 g carnitine
8 oz top slrloln stak
J larg swt potato
2 cups mlxd grn salad
J tbsp ollv oll
J tbsp vlngar
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
N|08II|M| !NfK
8 oz low-fat cottage cheese
J cup sllcd plnappl
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
N0Ik|I|0N| |N|0
calories: 3,000
protein: 285 g
carbs: 270 g
Fat: 90 g
5ll -Wk522
protein: J.5 grams pr pound o body wlght
Fats: 0.5 grams pr pound
carbs: J gram pr pound
Llk ln Phas J, on th on day o th wk that you don`t traln,
ths numbrs wlll b sllghtly lowr slnc you sklp th pr-
and post-workout mals. |l r to hav your pr-workout
shake as an extra snack on that rest day if you get hungry.
1h sampl mals ar slmllar to Phas J, but thls dos not
mean you need to eat these exact foods and only these foods
or all 3 wks o th nrst 2 phass o thls program. 1h oods
are similar so you can see what I removed and changed to
30-60 min after wake-up supplements
3 whole eggs
3 egg whites
J cup cookd oatmal
J tbsp hony
J/2 larg graprult
|I|M0kN|N0 !NfK
8 oz. reduced-fat Greek yogurt
J tbsp hony
J/2 oz. walnuts (7 halvs} crushd
|I|M0kN|N0 !0||||M|NI!
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
5 oz. can tuna
2 slices whole-wheat bread
J tbsp llght mayonnals
J/2 larg graprult
M|001 !NfK
3 sticks light mozzarella string cheese
J mdlum appl
1 oz mixed nuts
|k|W0kK00I !0||||M|NI!
30-60 minutes before workout
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
W0kK00I M||
Sip throughout workout
J/2 scoop why
J/2 scoop casln
J.5-5 g cratln
J.5-2 g bta-alanln
Shortcut to Shred is built on three distinct nutrition phass.
Lach phas calls or dlnrnt amounts o carbohydrats
and calorls. Your protln and at lntak rmalns th sam
throughout Shortcut to Shred, but your carb intake gradually
drops, whlch also drops your ovrall calorls.
sHortCut to sHred
nutrition Plan
Phas J-3. J.5 g pr pound o bodywlght
Phas J-3. 0.5 g pr pound o bodywlght
Phas J, Wk J. J.5 g pr pound o bodywlght
Phas 2, Wks 2-3. J g pr pound o bodywlght
Phas 3, Wks 3-6. 0.5 g pr pound o bodywlght
|n Phass J and 2, your calorlc lntak ls dlnrnt on workout
days and rest days, because on rest days you will not ingest a
pr- or post-workout mal.
In Phase 3, you will have more calories on your rest days than
on workout days. Why? Whn you drop your carb lntak down
to 0.5 grams pr pound o bodywlght, your lptln lvls may
drop l you don`t hav nough calorls. Lptln ls a crltlcal
hormon or malntalnlng your mtabollc rat. | lptln lvls
drop too low, your mtabollc rat drops, too.
By glvlng your body a hlgh-carb day, you can kp your lptln
lvls vn, whlch hlps you contlnu burnlng at and gt
through the diet. A high-carb rest day will do wonders for your
protein: J.5 grams pr pound
Fats: 0.5 grams pr pound
carbs: J.5 grams pr pound
WK|0| !0||||M|NI!
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
W0kK00I 4: f8|!I, Ik|f||!, 8! (!|N0|| J0|NI|
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Cable Crossover from Low Pulley 4* 21-30
Cable Crossover 3* 21-30
Lumbbll |ly 3' 2J-30
Ovrhad Cabl 1rlcps Lxtnslon 3' 2J-30
Lylng 1rlcps Lxtnslon 3' 2J-30
Rop 1rlcps Prssdown 3' 2J-30
Crossover Crunch 3* 21-30
Cabl Woodchoppr 3' 2J-30
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
W0kK00I 5: !800|0|k!, ||0!, f|T|!
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4* 21-30
Cabl |ront Rals 3' 2J-30
Lylng Cabl Rar Llt |ly 3' 2J-30
Leg Extension 4* 21-30
Leg Curl 4* 21-30
Seated Calf Raise 3* 21-30
Donkey or Leg Press Calf Raise 3* 21-30
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
Workout 6: Back, traps, Biceps
ExErcisE sEts rEps
Lat Pulldown 4* 21-30
Bhlnd-th-Nck Pulldown 3' 2J-30
Rop Stralght-Arm Pulldown 3' 2J-30
Dumbbell Shrug 4* 21-30
EZ-Bar Cable Curl 3* 21-30
Incline Dumbbell Curl 3* 21-30
Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3* 21-30
Lumbbll Rvrs Wrlst Curl 3' 2J-30
*On the last set do a cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
|I|M0kN|N0 !NfK
1urky, Swlss, and avocado rolls
|I|M0kN|N0 !0||||M|NI!
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
5 oz. can tuna
2 cups mlxd grn salad
J tbsp ollv oll
J tbsp vlngar
M|001 !NfK
3 sticks light mozzarella string cheese
1 oz mixed nuts
|k|W0kK00I !0||||M|NI!
30-60 minutes before workout
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
W0kK00I M||
Sip throughout workout
J/2 scoop why
J/2 scoop casln
J.5-5 g cratln
J.5-2 g bta-alanln
|0!IW0kK00I M||
Within 30 minutes after workout
J scoop why
J scoop casln
J4 small Wonka Plxy Stlx or J Glant Plxy Stlx
5 g BCAAs
J.5-5 g cratln
J.5-2 g bta-alanln
2 g carnitine
5lll -Wk546
protein: J.5 grams pr pound
Fats: 0.5 grams pr pound
carbs: 0.5 grams pr pound
Lropplng calorls and carbs agaln wlll caus your body to
continue burning fat. Unlike in Phases 1 and 2, where you eat
wr calorls and carbs on your rst day, th opposlt holds
tru ln Phas 3. You wlll at more carbs and calories on your
rest days.
On your rest days throughout Phase 3, you get to enjoy a
hlgh-carb, plg-out day. Slnc you go so low ln carbs slx days
o th wk, you wlll nd thls on hlgh-carb day to prvnt
your mtabollsm rom sputtrlng and slowlng down to spar
nrgy rsrvs (body at}. 1h hlgh-carb day wlll hlp klck
start your mtabollsm agaln, kplng you ln a at-burnlng
mod or th nnal phas
8|08fk8, k|!I 01 Mfk0!
protein: J.5 grams o protln pr pound o bodywlght
carbs: At last 2 grams o carbs pr pound o bodyweight
Fat: 0.5 grams pr pound o bodywlght
A hlgh-carb plg-out day does not man you`ll at plzza and
drlnk br all day. Sur, a coupl brs or a glass o wln
won`t drall your progrss, but your hlgh-carb day lsn`t a ull
24-hour chest session.
Shoot for low-fat carb sources. High-glycemic or fast-digesting
carbs ar nn durlng th nrst hal o th day, as ls rult, but
to prvnt any o thos carbs rom blng stord as body at,
focus on slow-digesting or low-glycemic carbs later in the day.
WK|0| !0||||M|NI!
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
30-60 min after wake-up supplements
J scoop why protln (slp whll prpplng brakast}
3 whole eggs
3 egg whites
|k|W0kK00I !0||||M|NI!
30-60 minutes before workout
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
W0kK00I M||
Sip throughout workout
J/2 scoop why
J/2 scoop casln
J.5-5 g cratln
J.5-2 g bta-alanln
|0!IW0kK00I M||
Within 30 minutes after workout
J scoop why
J scoop casln
J4 small Wonka Plxy Stlx or J Glant Plxy Stlx
5 g BCAAs
J.5-5 g cratln
J.5-2 g bta-alanln
2 g carnitine
8 oz top slrloln stak
J larg swt potato
J cup choppd broccoll
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
N|08II|M| !NfK
J cup low-at cottag chs
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
calories: 2,600
protein: 280 g
carbs: 180 g
Fat: 80 g
brlng th carbs down wlthout anctlng protln and at much.
Refer to the alternative foods list for foods that you can use
to rplac ths sampl cholcs so th dlt dosn`t bcom
boring and bereft of nutrient diversity.
WK|0| !0||||M|NI!
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
30-60 min after wake-up supplements
J scoop why protln (slp whll prpplng brakast}
3 whole eggs
3 egg whites
J cup cookd oatmal
J tbsp hony
J/2 larg graprult
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
|I|M0kN|N0 !NfK
8 oz. reduced-fat Greek yogurt
J tsp hony
J/2 oz walnuts (7 halvs}, crushd
|I|M0kN|N0 !0||||M|NI!
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
5 oz. can tuna
2 cups mlxd grn salad
J tbsp ollv oll
J tbsp vlngar
J/2 larg graprult
M|001 !NfK
3 sticks light mozzarella string cheese
1 oz mixed nuts
|lsh oll supplmnts ar a grat sourc o ssntlal omega-3
ats, spclally LPA and LHA. 1hs supplmnts support
muscl growth and at loss, hlp block at storag, promot
ovrall halth and wllnss, support normal, halthy lmmun
unctlon, and support hart, braln, vlslon, and jolnt halth. |
you`r not alrady taklng a nsh oll supplmnt, rl on ln
f|I1| |fkN|I|N|
Actyl L-carnltln (ALCAR} ls L-carnltln wlth an actyl group
attachd. 1hls attachmnt lncrass carnltln`s uptak by th
body, maklng lt mor nctlv. ALCAR ls abl to ntr th
brain, where it may aid in brain function, boost alertness, and
support posltlv mood.
In other areas of the body, such as muscle cells, carnitine aids
at loss transportlng atty aclds lnto th powr cntrs o clls,
calld mltochondrla. 1hs powr cntrs work to gnrat
nrgy by burnlng up nutrlnts such as at or ul.
|fkN|I|N| |IkIkI|
L-carnltln L-tartrat supports at loss and lncrass energy.
1hls pur orm o carnltln rqulrs lnsulln or absorptlon.
Unlike ALCAR, which is great throughout the day, straight
carnitine is best taken after a tough workout to enhance
rcovry and promot atty acld mtabollsm. Why and
carbohydrats consumd post-workout ar th prct
vehicles for this form of carnitine.
Cratln ls on o th most-rsarchd sports nutrltlon
supplmnts on th markt. |t provlds muscular nrgy or
hlgh-lntnslty xrcls, hlps you bulld muscl, and boosts
strength gains. Research suggests that creatine can boost
muscl galns by as much as J0 pounds and strngth by J0
prcnt ln just a w wks.
|or bst dllvry, put cratln ln your pr- and post-workout
protln shaks. 1hat`s whn you gt a blggr lnsulln rspons,
and lnsulln hlps drlv cratln lnto your muscls.
Research suggests that when trained lifters add beta-alanine
and cratln to thlr supplmnt rglmn, thy galn mor
muscle and lose more body fat than those taking creatine
alone. Beta-alanine can also increase muscle strength and
endurance during workouts.
1h Shortcut to Shrd supplmnt schdul ls practlcd and
prcls. Lvrythlng | do ls rsarchd, tstd ln th lab, and
trld on my own physlqu. My body ls a product o my braln.
| you want th bst rsults rom thls program, you nd to
ollow thls rglmn. Lvry capsul, vry shak, and vry
dos ls lntndd to hlp you achlv your bst physlqu.
W8|1 |k0I||N
Why ls th klng o muscl-bulldlng protlns. |t`s a ast-digesting
mllk protln that can hlp you bulld muscl and lncras
strngth. Why protln nhancs rcovry, boosts prormanc,
and supports at loss by hlplng you l ullr, longr.
On o th major bnnts o why protln ls lts ast rat o
dlgstlon. |t gts to your muscls astr than any othr protln
you can lngst. Why ls also loadd wlth ssntlal branchd
chaln amlno aclds (BCAAs}, lncludlng lucln, consldrd on
of the most critical muscle-making amino acids.
Casln ls a slow-dlgstlng mllk protln that supports muscle
growth and provlds a stady stram o amlno aclds to your
muscls. Bcaus lt rlass slowly, casln ls a grat protln
to tak bor bd. |t can hlp rduc muscl brakdown
whll you slp and d your hungry muscls ovrnlght.
Whn mlxd wlth why around your workouts, casln wlll
nhanc and prolong your body`s anabollc rspons.
1h thr BCAAs ar lucln, lsolucln, and valln. 1hy ar
crltlcal or muscl growth. Whll why protln ls rlch ln BCAAs,
taking additional BCAAs around your workouts can further
nhanc rcovry and provld a qulck sourc o muscular
nrgy. As a rsult, BCAAs can lmprov your workouts and
boost prormanc.
|n act, on study | prormd wlth th Wldr Rsarch
Groupprsntd at th 2009 annual mtlng o th
|ntrnatlonal Soclty o Sports Nutrltlonurthr supports
BCAAs` ablllty to hlp bulld muscl. W dlscovrd that
subjects taking them around workouts gained nearly twice
as much muscl mass on an 8-wk tralnlng program than
subjects taking only whey or Gatorade around workouts.
Spclnc BCAAs onr addltlonal bnnts, such as.
Leucine: 1urns on muscl protln synthsls, lncrass satlty
isoleucine: Supports at loss, provlds nrgy
Valine: Lcrass atlgu, supports at loss, prolongs nrgy
J/4 cup llght mozzarlla
J/4 cup marlnara sauc
J. Sprad sauc on crust and top wlth chs.
2. Plac ln ovn and bak or about J5 mlnuts or
until cheese is melted.
|I|M0kN|N0 !0||||M|NI!
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
6-lnch Subway 1urky and ham (doubl mat}
on wheat
1 oz. bag Baked Lays
1 large diet soda
M|001 !NfK
3 stick slight mozzarella string cheese
6 cups alr-poppd popcorn or J bag low-at mlcrowav
J/2 mdlum cantaloup
8 oz chicken breast
J cup cookd brown rlc
J cup cookd black bans
J cup choppd broccoll
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
N|08II|M| !NfK
J cup rducd-at Grk yogurt
J tbsp hony
J/2 oz. walnuts (7 halvs}, crushd
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
calories: 3,100
protein: 260 g
carbs: 360 g
Fat: 70 g
8 oz top slrloln stak
J cup choppd broccoll
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
N|08II|M| !NfK
8 oz low-fat cottage cheese
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
calories: 2,200
protein: 280 g
carbs: 80 g
Fat: 80 g
WK|0| !0||||M|NI!
200 mg canln
500-J000 mg grn ta xtract
500-2000 mg yohlmb
2 g acetyl-L-carnitine
30-60 min after wake-up supplements
J scoop why protln (slp whll prpplng brakast}
5 g BCAAs
J.5-5 g cratln
J.5-2 g bta-alanln
2 g carnitine
3 whole eggs
3 egg whites
3 our-lnch pancaks
2 tbsp mapl syrup
2-3 g nsh oll
2-3 g CLA
|I|M0kN|N0 !NfK
J scoop why protln (slp whll prpplng plzza}
Stoppanl LZ Plzza
J/4 Boboll whol-what plzza crust
alternative Foods
You wlll notlc that th sampl mals glvn ln ach phas o
Shortcut to Shrd ar vry slmllar. 1hls dos not man that
you should eat these exact foods, and only these foods,
throughout th program. Rr to th altrnatlv oods blow
so you can kp your dlt dlvrs and wll-stockd wlth
myriad nutrients!

1h ollowlng mats can b usd or any mal on Shortcut to
Shrd. You can also rplac any mat wlth roughly 2 srvlngs
o th dalry products llstd blow, or 2 scoops o why or
mlxd protln powdr.

chicken breast
chicken thighs
chicken drumstick
turkey breast
turkey leg
lean ground turkey
lean ground beef
trl-tlp stak
uank stak
pork tndrloln
sol or uoundr
arctic char
lean deli turkey breast
lean deli chicken breast
lean deli ham
lean deli roast beef

You wlll at dalry at svral mals, lncludlng oods llk Grk
yogurt, cottag chs, and low-at strlng chs. |l to
rplac any o ths wlth ach othr, or any o th ollowlng.
4-6 oz of any of the meats above
2 oz beef jerky
3 slices or oz of low-fat cheese
J scoop o why or mlxd protln
J scoop casln or mlxd protln

I highly recommend that you do not rplac ggs du to the
bnnts that thy provld or muscl growth and strngth.
Howvr, | undrstand that som popl cannot stand ggs,
others are allergic, and some of you just get sick of eating
thm. So, l you must, you can rplac ggs wlth th ollowing:

J-2 scoops gg protln
J-2 scoops why protln or a mlxd protln
1 serving of the dairy foods listed
6 oz of any of the meats listed

1hs vgtabls can rplac th salad at dlnnr, and slnc
thy ar low ln carbs, you can add 0.5-J cup to almost any
mal on th plan.

green beans
bll ppprs
Brussls sprouts
bok choy (Chlns cabbag}

suPPlement timing
and dosage
Why protln. J scoop
|lsh oll. 2-3 grams
Canln. 200 mllllgrams
Grn ta xtract. 500-J,000 mg
Actyl L-carnltln. J.5-2 g
Yohlmb. 500-2,000 mg
CLA: 2-3 g
|I| M0kN|N0||k|1 |I|kN00N
Canln. 200 mg
Grn ta xtract. 500-J,000 mg
Actyl L-carnltln. J.5-2 g
Yohlmb. 500-2,000 mg
0N| 800k |k|W0kK00I
Canln. 200 mg
Grn ta xtract. 500-J,000 mg
Actyl L-carnltln. J.5-2 g
Yohlmb. 500-2,000 mg
30 M|N0I|! |k|W0kK00I
Why protln. J/2 scoop
Casln protln. J/2 scoop
BCAAs. 5 g
Creatine: 1 serving
Bta-alanln. J.5-3 g
|MM|0|I||1 |0!IW0kK00I
Why protln. J scoop
Casln protln. J scoop
BCAAs. 5 g
Creatine: 1 serving
Bta-alanln. J.5-3 g
L-carnitine: 2 g
|lsh oll. 2-3 g
CLA: 2-3 g
W|I8||N| M||
|lsh oll. 2-3 g
CLA: 2-3 g

8||0k| 8|0
Casln protln. J scoop
1hls potnt cntral nrvous systm stlmulant lncrass
alrtnss, mntal ocus, and your paln thrshold durlng
workouts. |t also unctlons as a powrul at burnr. Slnc lt`s a
stlmulant, canln naturally lncrass th numbr o calorls
your body burns. Canln also attachs to rcptors on at
cells to blunt fat storage and increase fatty acid release.
0k||NI| |KIkfI
Grn ta nhancs at loss and onrs a host o additional
halth and physlqu bnnts, lncludlng jolnt support and
muscle recovery. Green tea aids fat loss by boosting daily
calorl burn. 1h lngrdlnts ln grn ta rsponslbl or thls
nct ar calld catchlns. 1h most lmportant catchln ls
plgallocatchln gallat (LGCG}.
EGCG inhibits an enzyme that normally breaks down
norplnphrln, a nurotransmlttr and hormon that boosts
metabolic rate and fat burning.
Yohlmb coms rom th bark o a Wst Arlcan tr. It
contalns th actlv compounds yohlmbln and rauwolscln,
othrwls known as alpha-yohlmbln. Yohlmb boosts at
loss by increasing the amount of fat that your cells release. It
also hlps block at storag and lncras blood uow.
Research suggests that, when taken before exercise, yohimbe
may more than double the amount of fat released from fat
clls. Also, llk canln, thls mans that yohlmb can lncras
muscle endurance by allowing the body to burn more fat as a
training fuel source.
f0NJ00I|0 ||N0|||f f|0 (f||
Conjugatd llnollc acld (CLA} ls a naturally occurrlng group
o omga-6 ats that alds at loss and supports lan mass. CLA
burns body fat by boosting your metabolic rate and inhibiting
th nzym llpoprotln llpas (LPL}. LPL allows at clls to pull
fat from the bloodstream and store it as body fat. By inhibiting
LPL, CLA encourages the body to burn fat instead of store it.
By hlplng th body us at or ul, CLA also spars your
muscl mass. Whn your body ls ullng ltsl wlth ats, lt
dosn`t nd to brak down muscl tlssu or addltlonal ul.
|n thls way, CLA can hlp you burn unwantd blubbr and
prsrv your hard-arnd muscl.

Fruit rePlaCements
Rplac any o th rult wlth any o ths.
Aslan par

oatmeal rePlaCements
Rplac th mornlng oatmal wlth any o ths altrnatlvs.
whole-grain cold cereal
whol-what wam
Ezekiel bread
whole-wheat bread
whol-what Lngllsh mumn
whol-what plta brad
whole-wheat bagel

W0lWI 8k0 kl0M8I5
Rplac whol-what brad wlth any o ths.
Ezekiel bread
rye bread
sourdough bread
whol-what Lngllsh mumn
whol-what plta brad
whole-wheat bagel
whole-wheat tortilla

sWeet Potato rePlaCements
Whn gt to at a swt potato ln th arly stag o th dlt,
you can rplac lt wlth any o ths.
J cup brown rlc
J cup whol-what pasta (small amount o marlnara sauc}
J cup o bans
J cup qulnoa

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