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ANS: photodiodes

9. The human eye does not respond to visible light equally; it peaks at ANS: yellow-green


The wavelength of light is measured in ANS: nanometers

1. Which of the following camera/camcorder pickup devices is used most often? Ans. CCD


Video special effects and production switching are done by the ANS: SEG

2. The three primary signals used in color television are. ANS: red, green, blue 12.

The gamma of a picture tube is ANS: 2.2

3. The standard composite-video output signal is ANS: 1 Vp- p with negative sync 13.

The luminance signal is also known as the ANS: Y signal

4. Standard composite video output impedance is ANS: 75 ohms 14.

Which of the following values of focal length would be best for a telephoto lens? ANS: 200mm

5. A typical diagonal measurement for a CCD pickup is ANS: 1/3 inch 15.

A cyan filter will pass ANS: blue and green

6. Which of the following is not an advantage of the CCD pickup device? ANS: requires high voltage with low current

A combination of a video camera, a videotape recorder, and a viewfinder is known as a ANS: Camcorder

7. Video, signal, blanking, and sync pulses together are known as ANS: composite video

A Macro position of a lens allows for taking ANS: close up shots

140 IRE units are equal to ANS: 1 Vp-p 8. CCD pickups use

The resolution of a monitor is its In the sawtooth waveform for linear scanning ANS: the complete cycle includes trace and retrace ANS: ratio of horizontal pixels to vertical pixels

Given a 635us vertical retrace time, the number of complete horizontal lines scanned during vertical flyback is ANS: 10

Close-spacing of the color dots in the CRT, progressive scanning, and higher sweep rates results in ANS: more resolution of the monitor

Most computer monitors use ANS: Progressive scanning

One-half line spacing between the start positions for scanning even and odd fields produces ANS: Exact interlacing

Most computer monitors do not require ANS: tuned RF stages

In the frame for which interlaced scanning is used, alternate lines are skipped during vertical scanning because ANS: vertical scanning frequency is doubled from 30 to 60 Hz.

Brightness variations of the picture information are in which signal? ANS: Y

The hue 180 degrees out of phase with red is If the horizontal flyback is 10 percent, this time equals ANS: 6.4us ANS: Cyan

Greater p-p amplitude of the 3.58Mhz chrominance signal indicates more ANS: saturation

Which of the following is not true? ANS: the keystone effect produces a square raster.

The interfering beat frequency of 920 Khz is between the 3.58Mhz color subcarrier and the ANS: 4.5Mhz intercarrier sound

The width of a vertical sync pulse with its serrations includes the time of ANS: six half lines, or three lines;

The hue color sync phase is ANS: yellowgreen Sawtooth generator circuits produce the scanning raster, but the sync pulses are needed for ANS: Timing Which of the following frequencies is wrong? ANS: 31, 500 Hz for the vertical scanning frequency

The hue color sync pulse is ANS: yellowgreen

Which signal has color information for the 1.3Mhz bandwidth


ANS: .30R + .59G + .11B

Which of the following is false? ANS: a fully saturated color is mostly white The color with the most luminance is ANS: yellow

How many octaves is the frequency range of 1 to 8Mhz ANS: 3

Which system can be used for both recording and playback? What is the hue of a color 90 degrees leading sync burst phase? ANS: Cyan ANS: VHS

The average voltage value of the 3.58Mhz modulated chrominance signal is ANS: the brightness of the color

How many TV fields are recorded on one slant track tape? ANS: 1

The video heads rotate at high velocity to increase the The second IF value for color in receivers for any station is ANS: 3.58MHz ANS: writing speed A typical frequency for the FM luminance signal in VCR recording is ANS: 3.58Mhz If the 3.58MHz C amplifier in the receiver does not operate, the results will be ANS: no color Which of the following applies to the colorunder technique? ANS: Chroma frequency are reduced S-video separates the video signals into ANS: Y and C signals What oscillator frequency is needed to heterodyne 629 kHz up to 3.58Mhz ANS: 3 Mhz

A color matrix adder combines Y with ANS: R Y

A comb filter is used to A high quality filter that produces better separation of the Y and C signals is a ANS: COMB filter ANS: cancel chroma crosstalk

Switching for each field is required for the ANS: video heads

The 3.58Mhz color subcarrier is ANS: a double sideband suppressed carrier signal Servocontrol of speed and phase is used for the ANS: video head scanner The luminance signal for white is composed of

The part that rotates to meter out the tape at constant speed is the ANS: Capstan

Much of the information from one frame to the next remains the same. Digital video systems take advantage of this fact by using a data-reduction system known as ANS: compression

To make the tape speed the same in playback as in recording, the tape speed is regulated by the ANS: control track pulse A DVD videodisk can store up to Tilting the video head gaps is necessary with the ANS: zero guard bands ANS: 4.7 Gb on a single layer

DVDs use 6 or 8 channel sound audio systems, known as ANS: AC3 or MPEG-2

Which system uses a laser light beam for playback? ANS: DVD

Letter-box aspect ratio is ANS: 16:9

Which digital videodisk uses a 120 mm (approximately 5 in.) disk? ANS: DVD

The modulated picture carrier wave includes the composite video signal as the ANS: symmetric envelope of amplitude variations

Composite video and audio jacks on the back of a VCR or videodisk player are of which type? ANS: RCA

Which of the following statements is true? ANS: Negative transmission means that the carrier amplitude decreases for white

Component video output jacks separate the C signal into ANS: R Y , B Y

With a 2 MHz video signal modulating the picture carrier signal for channel 4 (66 to 72 MHz), which of the following frequencies are transmitted? ANS: 67.25MHz carrier frequency and 69.25 MHz upper side frequency.

VHS video heads rotate at ANS: 1800 rpm S-video separates the video signal into ANS: Y, C

With a 0.5-MHz video signal modulating the picture carrier Closed systems that maintain correct cylinder speed and capstan speed, and select the proper play speed setting are ANS: servo systems In all standard television broadcast channels, the difference between the picture and sound carrier frequencies is ANS: 4.5MHz ANS: both upper and lower side frequencies are transmitted

Hi-Fi audio recordings use ANS: spinning audio heads

The difference between the sound carrier frequencies in two adjacent channels is ANS: 6 MHz

The cable converter output for the TV receiver is usually on channel ANS: 3

Line of sight transmission is a characteristic of propagation for the ANS: VHF band and higher frequencies

The VSWR for line terminated in its Zo is ANS: 1

In channel 14 (40 to 476 MHz), the 3.58MHz color signal is transmitted at ANS: 474.83MHz

How many dBmV units correspond to 1mV signal level? ANS: 0

A tap for the subscriber drop line has a ANS: high insertion loss

The difference between the sound carrier and color subcarrier frequencies is ANS: 0.92 MHz The most popular plug for 75 ohms coaxial cable is the ANS: F-connector The maximum deviation of the FM sound signal, in kilohertz is ANS: 25 KHz Which of the following is true? ANS: a weak signal causes snow in the picture Television stereo sound is known as ANS: MTS What is the typical value for the IF signal, in megahertz, for up-down cable converters? ANS: 612.75

The color signal is transmitted as ANS: a double sideband, suppressed carrier signal

For in-band descramblers, the decoding pulses are sent on the ANS: sound carrier

UHF television stations are allowed to transmit ANS: more

The refraction value of light in a vacuum is ANS: 1

Which of the followingis a midband TV channel? ANS: A or 14

Which of the following is an MMDS wireless cable TV frequency? ANS: 2.6 GHz

Coaxial cable for distribution system has an impedance of ANS: 75 ohms

Which of the following components is not part of a parabolic satellite dish? ANS: a transponder

An antenna is at resonance when its inductive reactance is equal to its ANS: capacitive reactance

Both the test equipment and the device being serviced must be plugged into the isolation transformer ANS: false

Increased antenna gain is accompanied by a corresponding decrease in ANS: beamwidth

A leakage current sufficient to cause a .75-V drop across a 1,500 ohm resistor is considered ANS: dangerous

Standard television antennas in the United States are polarized ANS: horizontally A half wave dipole antenna is designated so that impedance will be lowest at ANS: its midpoint The driven element in a typical parasitic antenna array is the ANS: dipole Service literature is available from ANS: both a and b (manufacturers and private publishers) The part of a coaxial that carries an RF signal is the ANS: core conductor Effective symptom diagnosis requires the knowledge of the ____ equipment being repaired ANS: block diagram A full wave rectified power supply grounded to the chassis places the chassis at ____ volts above ground ANS: 60 volts

Mismatched impedance will cause a transmission lines standing wave ratio to ANS: increase

The most often found defect is with ANS: mechanical devices

A Balun can be used to ANS: match impedances One type of device (other than a power active device) that is in the most likely to fail list is ANS: small electrolytic capacitors

A transmission line made of coaxial cable should be kept at least four inches from ANS: NONE OF THIS (antenna mast, gutters, aluminum window frames)

Any resistance in parallel with another resistance will___ the total resistance. ANS: lower

A signal amplifier can compensate for ANS: transmission line losses

A leakage test examines ANS: leakage current

The E-B voltage of 0.7V ___ a perfect indicator of whether the transistor is properly conducting or not ANS: IS NOT

To turn on a transistor, in circuit, the base is ANS: tied to the C by 10 K ohms

In a circuit with a resistor in parallel with a capacitor, the voltage drop across the pair is near 0V. Current is going through the circuit. What is most likely wrong? ANS: a shorted C

Most service tests require ANS: both a and b (DVOM , oscilloscope)

Measuring TV high voltage requires ANS: a special HV probe

A delayed sweep scope allows the user to view a very small part of the total screen sweep for specific details ANS: TRUE

Which piece of test equipment will show at a glance if the circuit is working properly? ANS: a logic probe

If an exact replacement part is not used in a repair ANS: both a and b (the same fault may continue, a new fault may be observed)

Incorrect removal of a component with a high lead count may ANS: damage the PC board ____components have no solderable leads with which to attach them to the pc board ANS: Chip components

Final performance tests examine the unit for ANS: both a and b (your and the users safety, your errors)

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