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urd tlfc Loulre tllaon' by drcd of

tXEREilS, John U. Ullron
ln Boot'1'61t pr6' 556'
tbc l2ttr dey of Fcbrueny, L917' of rccord
' tr'ct of 9'64 lcrc!' '
convoycd to DsvLlson Cowrttrr Tcnnclacc'
ln rhloh
ln bh6 6tb clvll Dlitrlat of Davtdcon cowrtyt lbnnetlcc'
dcacrtbad by actca end bor'urdli
d€cd !81d property wa! orron€oualy
rr follorg, to-tlt:

r A t r . c i o f 2 . 6 8 e-c r c r 1 n t } : . 9 l h c 1 v 1 1 D 1 ! t ! t o t o f - tl-n1a -
Devlds on countv I it"* Dg-kc-i ";; ;;tA- ""r!-cuttrbclland
""" ", rct"tn
cordcd coptr or I ;iil-;;-;i"l,,iar"riiio" urdc bt fn' l' Plttr'
Pitk. not or t"loiil""iia-pit".bclni elro lpta lfo!' I to
gtrrviyor, tttl"h-;i;a iii"o-""a ttect'lr
lvcnuc' clot'd' I P-"r!-
16. both rr,"r,,iril]-t';;;i-;i-otrat lhotn on'
of tro aIleyr, ;;a'a-plrt of P€lry-Av€nuc' clo!'d'
ra-of record
thc Dran or .r. fi'jlult'ti"i"-itig"a'silidiniiton'
paEj ioi sira countv' end
ln B-ook rer, A' ?tttr' er fdllot!3
dceorlbcd eccordlng io cald !urv'!r ii-it'
thr gtitr
-ihs-cunbcrland-ParkPelr orormd
B.glnnlnE .t e polnt ln the llnc-of ?-of sub-
lend, belng -" ;il il;-n;'
Felr oround 9ro-
dlv1!lon: ";;il;
*"ii't'iiti'tfii 1-rn9 "r--aaia Sietc lron fonc' post' aad

:liili*'i'i: gq,liF':i':"i:"i;;fu
porty, couth-8iiltii-l"Ii-cci-
{qt!. [;-;"
or t""", il-"-Iiii"i-ti'r'ot" -ttrencJ
foi' 19 enil g0 of lald
erS3trfr"rSlitrllli ?1".,
6-u"rrana-pirr.-sitii"i" r'11
Pa"k gubdlvtslon nortn rv ev' 'EEU "e
itc CurnUcrtand
ioi"-o" icrr, to thc bcglnnlng' :

o" 3! jl*rFll'!:i:'d8:iii!l to Jobn U. Wllson

of racord ln Book :
i t e 6 l - p " i i - 5 9 - ,":L
reta Roslltcrts offlcc' ,l
18 ec hctelnsftar cct out 1n thlr'
Tho;od d€ccrlptlon
purpca' of corroctlnS ttla seld
daed rhlalr l! Drd€ fotr th. lolc .

dcacrtptiono Thcrcforct

County Board of Frl'|. C@t-
Do11er, cestr ln bancl palcl by thc llrvldson
ls hercby ecknorl€d8cdt Wr'
nlsalonerl, th€ noc€lpt ol'thlch
trevc bergalned and sold' artd
and rt'fc Loulsa lYIIson
John U. tfllson
and convoy unto Devldson Countyt
by thcso pr636nt6 do tranafer

and esalgns' a certaln trect or parcel

Tennesgee, lts 9ucc6!sora
Stat€ of Tennesseo' deecrlbad as follorst
of laid 1n Devldson County,

!n the 6th Clvll Distrlct of'
A tract of 2.68 acres
marked |t36so:rvodln on an unlto-
Dc'vtdson cot,"[],-iu""-""ee-, as Cunbeih.ard
cord6d Ji'e ii;;-;;-iire sutalvriiio"-r."o""
P a r k , n "opy
ot or'i"ioia,'-""r4 l i t u . u e l n g m a d c b y U l : r ' A ' P l tIt ato '
t""ir-""a tract-ls also-Lots Noo'
surv€Jror, t"r;i';;Ia part
16, both r".iiiirii]-t-pt1i of-o€rEt Av€nu" closed' a
o f t r o a r r e y s ] - a n a ' a ' p i r t ogf eP 6r{y-Ay?9"?'.c}o":d'
c o n d ' s u b d i v l i l o n ' - a s - o- sf } rro' cr o
nr d
th€ p l a n i-iag,6
' . ' i . - u o r i o n r s
ln Book 16r, "r iis, ncgrsterta offlce for sald County'
f,o sald auttv€y by lYrn. A. Plttsr ar
arrd descrlb.a'.!.otaitd
f ol.lors:

aigtnnfng at a Polnt ln the line of the Stete Faln-Orowrd- -, e c6rner'of Lot-No. ?,of the,Curnbor:lend-Perk:Sub-
ai"iito"; wlth tho Ilne of seld Stato Falr Oround pro-
porty, s6uth 84" 19r east 525 feet to en tron fence postr-end
iontiirrrln.q wlth th6 1ln€ of .ea!-dStqtq Felr Onound propct5rt
aouth 40 Sgt rcst 250.5 fc€t, south 40 2er rcrt l6D-.8 icctt
mor€ or less, to a corner of l,ots Nos. 19 and 20 of seld.
Cr:mberlend Pirk Subdlvlslon; th€nce alor-I8 tho east l'lns of
f-l ;+':+ qi":::!Fir

the Cturberlsndl park SubdIvl ! lon nor th l-9d-5d-;' t;;i' t e}'.i i" t,
to ttro beglnnlngl belng the. ssm€ plop€rtyt "
Eore of fo!s'
rlth corroctlons ln metes nnd bounds, conveyed to Devidsor,
County by dced of John U'. Wllson end rlfo Loulse Wl1son,
datsd-February l.2, 1947, r'ecordedi'tn Book 1451, pe6o 535,
Rots1Bt6rr.6 Offlce for Davldgon Counby, Tonnesgce.

TO IIAVE AND fO HOLD the sald trect or parcel of 1and, wlth ttre

appurt€naneea, ostate, tltlo end lnterest th€reto belonglng to the

ratd Devtdcon.County, T€nnosso€, lts guecegsors and egsldns, forover.

And re dto covenant wlth the sald Davldson Count:f, Teru:easee, that

rc ara lerfully s€lzod eid possesred of ssld land ln fee slnrple; have

e 6ood rl€ht to convry 1t, ard the sano 1r unenctunb€r€d.

And rs, John U. Wllson Eno rtfe, Loul,sc Wllson, do-ftrrtbor cove-

nrnt end blnd ourselvs!, our hetrg end reproaentetlvea, to tarrent

and forever defend the tltle to th€ sald land to thc sdld Devldson

County, Tenncsgee, lts successora and asdlgns agalnst the larful

cLeln! of all porson! trhomso€ve!.



Peraonally apPeared befors ^., M
a liotary Pubflc ln erxi lor sald Councy and Staie, th€ wlthin nsnEai
John U. Wtlaon snd w1f6, toulss WlJ.son, the bar5alnors, ltth whon
I aD p 6 r s o n a l l y acqualnted, and w h o e c k n o r l e d g e d t h a t t h e y e x e cutod
thc rlth1n lnstrurront for th€ punposos therotn contalned. .

,.o,Wltness nry hand and offlclal seaf at Nashvlll€, Tann€isea' thls

^f qcay of Mey, 1947. tA

lf.v connt ss!.on oxplr€s

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