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PH : 040-27152868 Dear Readers Kindly see the natal chart appended below and the fructifications of few events, etc. for your benefit in learning the KP astrology method.
Name Place Date Time Longitude Latitude Zone Settings Sid.Time Latitude Cusp System System Ayanamsa Software Archie, female Hyderabad 02-05-1979 Wednesday 00-30-00 78-28-00 East 17-23-00 North IST 5.5 Universal Time 14 50' 18" Geocentric Placidus KP 23 28' 00" Astraura Sun Rise/Set Upper Ray Sun Rise/Set Lower Ray Lagna Birth Rasi (Moon Sign) Birth Star (Nakshatra) Lunar Half (Paksha) Lunar Day (Thithi) Yoga Karana Dasa at DOB / DOQ Dasa Balance Bhukti at DOB / DOQ Bhukti Balance Current Date Current Dasa running 5 - 50 - 15 | 6 - 36 - 18 5 - 53 - 53 | 6 - 32 - 40 Makara Shravana 1 Mithuna Punarvasu 1 Sukla Paksha Purva Sashti Dhriti Koulavam Jupiter 14 Y:10 M:23 D Jupiter 1 Y:0 M:6 D 5/28/2007 Sat-Mar-Mer

Ma Me III Ve For

25-37 Me-Ra 22-22 Me-Mo 20-49 Me-Ve 16-55 Me-Me 14-08 Sa-Ra

Su 17-20 Ve-Ma IV 21-34 Ve-Ju

V 18-12 Mo-Me

VI 13-22 Ra-Me Mo 20-55 Ju-Ju

Ke 21-21 Ju-Ju II 15-50 Ra-Ve

10-33 Mo-Mo

Archie, Female, born on 02 May 1979 at 00-30 hours, Wed Hyderabad, India. Long: 78 E 28 Lat : 17 N 23 Capricorn Asc, Gemini Moon Sign. Star Punarvasu. Lunar day: Purva Sashti KP Ayanamsa: 23 28' 00"

Ju 07-34 Sa-Ke VII 10-33 Sa-Su

Sa 13-39 Ve-Ve VIII 15-50 Ve-Su Ra 21-21 Ve-Ju

XII 13-22 Ve-Ve

XI 18-12 Me-Me

21-34 Ju-Ju


20-49 Mo-Ve

Planet Sun Mer Ven Mon Mar Jup Sat (R) Ura (R) Nep(R) Plu (R) Rah Ket

Longitude 17 Ar 20' 22 Pi 22' 16 Pi 55' 20 Ge 55' 25 Pi 37' 7 Cn 34' 13 Le 39' 25 Li 52' 26 Sc 37 23 Vi 44' 21 Le 21' 21 Aq 21

Star Bharani Revati Revati Punarv Revati Pushya P Phalgu Vishakha Jyeshta Chitra P Phalgu P Bhadra

KP Pointer Ma-Ve-Ma-Ma Ju-Me-Mo-Ra Ju-Me-Me-Me Me-Ju-Ju-Ve Ju-Me-Ra-Ve Mo-Sa-Ke-Mo Su-Ve-Ve-Ve Ve-Ju-Ke-Ve Ma-Me-Ju-Sa Me-Ma-Ma-Me Su-Ve-Ju-Su Sa-Ju-Ju-Mo


Longitude 10 Cp 33' 15 Aq 50' 20 Pi 49' 21 Ar 34' 18 Ta 12' 13 Ge 22' 10 Cn 33' 15 Le 50' 20 Vi 49' 21 Li 34' 18 Sc 12' 13 Sa 22' 14 Pi 8'

Star Shravan Sahabhi Revati Bharani Rohini Ardhra Pushya P Phalgu Hastha Vishakha Jyeshta P Ashada U Bhadr

KP Pointer Sa-Mo-Mo-Sa Sa-Ra-Ve-Mo Ju-Me-Ve-Sa Ma-Ve-Ju-Ma Ve-Mo-Me-Ve Me-Ra-Me-Mo Mo-Sa-Su-Ra Su-Ve-Su-Ju Me-Mo-Ve-Su Ve-Ju-Ju-Ra Ma-Me-Me-Ju Ju-Ve-Ve-Ve Ju-Sa-Ra-Ke

Cusp CSL PCO OCC 1 Mo --2 Ve Sa Ra Su Ke Ve Ju For Sa 3 Ve Me Ma Ve Ma Me Su Ke Mo Ju Ma Me Ju>Me Ma Ju 4 Ju --5 Me --6 Me Mo Ke Mo Ju Ma Ve Me Me 7 Su Ju Fo Sa 8 Su -Ra 9 Ve --10 Ju -11 Me --12 Ve ---


Ju For Sa


Ra Sa Su Ve



BL Conj Asppl AspBh




Ma Ve Me Me

Ra Sa Su Ve


Ke Mo



Ju>Ve Ju Sa

Ma>Mo Sa Ma Ma Ma Su Sa Ju

ACRONYMS. Asp-bh asp-pl conj BL PCBL OCC PCO = = = = = = = Aspecting bhava, Aspecting planet, Conjunction, Bhava lord. Planets in the constellation of Bhava Lord. Occupant of the cusp Planets in the constellation of occupant of cusp.

HIGHER EDUCATION. The native will get higher education when 4th cusp sub lord signifies 4,9,11. Here 4th CSL is Jupiter, who or a planet posited in his star i.e., Moon in this case, does not signify 4 or 9 or 11 as per the signification chart provided above. Whereas Moon and Jupiter signify 3rd house strongly. 3rd house is negation to 4th (12th from 3rd house). Hence native lacks higher education. MARRIAGE 7th cusp sub lord when signifies 2,7,11, marriage will take place. 7th cusp sub lord is Sun. 02=Saturn Bhava lord in Suns house Leo. 07=Saturn is the occupant of 7th house and is in Venus Star. Sun too is in Venus star. 11=Mars is Bhava lord. Mars is conjoined Sun in 3rd house. Sun is in Mars house and Mar sub. Hence Sun signifies 2,7,11 for marriage. Marriage took place on 07th November 1997 on a Friday during Sat VMD-Mer Bhukti-Ven Antara-Sun Skooshma period.

Body Lag Sun Mon Mar Mer Jupi Ven

Longitude 10 21 12 04 05 19 08 Cp 02' Li 03' Cp 57' Sg 42' Sc 29' Cp 43' Sg 05'

Star Srav Visa Srav Mool Anu Srav Mool

Star lord Moon Jupiter Moon Ketu Saturn Moon Ketu

Star Lord signify Houses: -7 -2 7 -7 2 -2 7 -7 2 --

Sat Rah Ket

21 Pi 01' 22 Le 47' 22 Aq 47'

Reva PPha PBha

Mercury Venus Jupiter

-2 2


11 --

Please see the transit chart. All the planets including Asc at the time of marriage signifies, either 2, 7 or 11 as per the signification chart. JUPITER was in Moon star and Moon signify 7th house. Sun was in Visakha ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter signify 2, and 7 house. Moon was in shravana star ruled moon herself. Moon signify 7th house. Hence marriage took place during d / b / a of significators of 2, 7, 11 and when transitory planetary positions agreed as per the significations of 2, 7, or 11.

TWIN CHILDREN. As regards the children, 5th cusp sub lord when signifies, 2,5, 11 native will beget children. 1st child was disappointment. 2nd child is seen from 7th cusp sub lord. 7th cusp sub lord is Sun. Sun is in Venus star and Mars sub. Both Venus and Mars (co-borns) are conjoined Mercury in Pisces. Pisces is a dual sign. Mercury is also in Pisces (duality). Venus and Mars are in Mercury (duality) star. Venus is also placed in Pisces (duality). Native begot twin female children on 09-June-2004 during Sat-Sun-Rah-Mer period. Please see the signification chart above. All the planets such as Sat, Sun, Rah are significators of 2 and 5, while Mercury is conjoined 11th BL Mars. Without Mercury no duality (twin children). ACCIDENTS. Date of minor accident such as falling from two-wheeler on 24-March-2007 Saturday during Sat-Mar-Sat-Mar period. Date of minor accident such a motor-bike hitting the native while crossing the road on 12June-2007 Tuesday during Sat-Mar-Mer-Sat period. Asc cusp sub lord Moon is placed in 6th cusp signifying cuts and wounds. Mars the planet of accidents and wounds is aspecting Asc cusp sub lord Moon.

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