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A “Focus on the Americas” May 22, 2002

Global Affairs Commentary

Sharing the Waters

by Mary Kelly and Karen Chapman

Editor’s Note: This commentary comes to FPIF courtesy of the Americas Program at the
Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC). For more commentary and analysis on inter-American
affairs, visit the IRC’s Americas Program at or FPIF’s own Americas
section at

“A phenomenon noticeable throughout his- Mexico to rapidly repay its current deficit of
tory regardless of place or period is the pur- about 1.4 million acre-feet under the Treaty, as
suit by governments of policies contrary to many in Texas are demanding.
their own interests.” —Barbara Tuchman,
Those Texas politicians leading the charge
The March of Folly, 1984
against Mexico seem to agree with farmers in
The Rio Grande/Río Bravo no longer reaches the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas who
the Gulf of Mexico—it’s blocked by a sandbar maintain that Mexico is purposefully managing
that is the result of several years of low flow in its part of the Rio Grande/Río Bravo basin in
the river. This development is symbolic of the order to deliberately withhold water and put
dire state of the entire transboundary river Texas farmers out of business. They have
basin. The river’s troubles are now manifesting mounted a sustained campaign to convince
themselves in an increasingly acrimonious dis- U.S. federal officials that Mexico should be
pute between the United States and Mexico. transferring all its Río Bravo water through to
Charges and countercharges are flying over the Rio Grande instead of using some of it for
water allocation in the Rio Grande/Río Bravo irrigation in Chihuahua.
basin. Some Texas politicians are threatening To date, most federal officials in Washington,
“retaliation” over what they deem Mexico’s fail- DC have maintained a low profile with regard
ure to live up to its obligations under the 1944 to negotiations on the issue. Nevertheless, the
binational treaty that governs how the waters of constant pressure from Texas, widespread media
this vitally important river basin are to be coverage and the lack of perceived progress in
shared. resolving the dispute, may begin to make that
However, northern Mexico is suffering from a approach more difficult to sustain. The pressure
severe and persistent drought that has reduced certainly is mounting, and President Bush—
who discussed the water issue with his Mexican
capacity in its reservoirs to dangerously low lev-
counterpart in a special phone call—and
els. One of the largest reservoirs in the Mexican
President Fox—who responded with a public
portion of the basin, La Boquilla on the Río
statement promising Mexico will be establish-
Conchos in Chihuahua, is at about 20% of nor-
ing a plan for paying its water debt—are feeling
mal capacity. Further down the Conchos, the
the heat.
Luís León reservoir is at less than 20% of its
normal storage. Mexico’s reserves in the joint The fact that Mexico does bear some responsi-
Amistad/Falcon Reservoir currently amount to bility for the current situation cannot be
less than 10% of that system’s capacity. Under ignored. A clear-eyed look at the past decade of
these conditions, short of cutting off all irriga- water management, particularly in the Río
tion south of the border, it is not practical for Conchos basin—which feeds into the Río
A T h i n k Ta n k W i t h o u t W a l l s online at h t t p : / / w w w. f p i f. o r g /
page 2
Bravo—indicates that during 1996 Combs) to President Bush asking that Texas Governor Rick Perry has asked
and 1997, at least, water managers the U.S. not support Mexico’s pro- that the United States not support
did not cut back irrigation in posed projects, which might be par- this project either, in a letter to
response to drought. They may have tially funded with monies from the Environmental Protection Agency
thought that the relatively good rains joint U.S.-Mexico North American administrator Christine Todd
in those years meant the drought was Development Bank (NADB), created Whitman and U.S. Interior Secretary
over. Or they may have been count- in a side agreement to the North Gale Norton.
ing on a good hurricane or two to fill American Free Trade Agreement
Where should the governments of
up the dams and wipe the deficit (NAFTA).
Mexico and the United States go
from the books. Whatever the reason, Unfortunately, misconceptions about from here?
reserves were drawn down to very low where the money is coming from for
levels—and the rains never came. A standoff over interpretation of the
the proposed water infrastructure
1944 Treaty isn’t going to solve any
Mexico also faces some difficult inter- improvements in north Mexico are
problems, and neither will repeated
nal challenges in managing its share clouding understanding about this
demands for impractical actions—for
of the Río Bravo basin. For example, issue, and merit some clarification.
example, that Mexico divert all its
there is no formal agreement among Only $40 million of the $420 million water supplies in the Río Bravo basin
Mexico’s border states about how the total price tag that Mexico’s National toward debt repayment.
Mexican portion of the waters will be Water Commission (CNA) estimates
divided. Thus, Tamaulipas—as the Further escalation of this dispute can
as the total cost of the irrigation and
downriver state—is largely at the only cause damage to our important
municipal infrastructure improve-
mercy of how much water is used in bilateral relationship, affecting our
ments project is proposed to come
Chihuahua. And Tamaulipas farmers countries’ ability to cooperate on
directly from NADB funds.
have suffered enormously over the important water issues in other parts
Moreover, NADB monies are not
past few years, receiving less and less of the border. An escalated dispute
strictly U.S. funds, and require an
Río Bravo water for irrigation. Most could also threaten progress on other
endorsement from both the U.S. and
of these farmers are now growing fronts, such immigration, economic
Mexico in order to be spent. The bal-
only dr yland crops like grain development, infrastructure, or other
ance of the funds still need to be
sorghum. issues
raised, but some may come from the
Earlier this year, Mexico signaled its Mexican federal budget or other mul- There are other approaches to the
intent to tackle problems like these tilateral sources. This is an important problem. For example, in Ciudad
when it announced plans for 11 pro- point—and one which is repeatedly Juárez/El Paso local interests are
jects to modernize irrigation infra- misrepresented in press reports that working hard to develop a joint man-
structure in the north and a series of continue to say that Mexico is asking agement plan for the Hueco Bolson
new water recycling programs as a the United States to give it $420 mil- aquifer, and in the ecologically valu-
way to meet its water debts and lion for the project. able Colorado Delta in the Gulf of
address its own domestic water needs. California restoration proposals are
Another project being conducted by a
generating strong binational support.
There have been numerous reports Canadian consulting firm headed by
The interests of both governments,
circulating over the past few months Abraham Nehmad, (who served in
and those of the people that depend
regarding the Texas/Mexico water Mexico’s environmental ministry
on the Río Bravo, will best be served
deficit, and a lot of tough talk ema- under the previous administration),
by cooperation and negotiation.
nating from Texas officials and irriga- t h e R i o C o n c h o s Wa t e r s h e d
Management Project, has received There are several areas where short-
tors, some of whom are now targeting
$50,000 from NADB and $300,000 term progress is possible. First, the
Mexico’s water infrastructure plan as
from the Canadian International governments must quickly agree on a
Development Agency (CIAD). This formula for allocating what rain does
Recently, there have been several sto- project is primarily an effort to con- fall this year. There will probably be
ries about letters sent from Texas offi- duct studies, and is separate from the objections to any formula:
cials (U.S. Rep. Solomon Ortiz, $420 million infrastructure improve- Chihuahua irrigators may not want
Agriculture Commissioner Susan ment project proposed by Mexico. to give up any of the water and Texas
page 3
farmers may feel that anything less basin during critical low rainfall peri- dispute appears to have stalled action
than full payment of the deficit is ods. on the idea.
insufficient. These objections might Recently, Mexican and U.S. conser-
Third, the U.S. and Mexico need to
be overcome by federal efforts to vation organizations convened a
develop a payment plan for the cur-
compensate farmers’ legitimate, doc- rent deficit. Realistically, it is highly forum in Chihuahua to discuss what
umented losses and to invest in unlikely that Mexico can repay that cooperative actions can be taken to
improving the efficiency of irrigation debt before the current 5-year protect and restore the Río Conchos
systems on both sides of the border. accounting cycle under the treaty basin. This meeting focused not on
the water deficit but on cooperatively
Second, the governments should runs out in October 2002. But, nego-
developing some specific ideas for
come to agreement by the end of this tiating a realistic plan, based on the
making progress. Here’s hoping the
year on a drought management plan actual rainfall that does occur (not
governments recognize their interests
for the Rio Grande/Río Bravo basin. what is predicted) could help defuse in doing the same.
If the current crisis has demonstrated tensions.
anything, it is that we lack a plan for Finally, the governments should con- Mary Kelly is executive director
dealing with drought. The plan vene a binational summit to develop and Karen Chapman is Assistant
should include: criteria for recogniz- an overall sustainable management Director of the Texas Center for
ing when a drought is taking hold; plan for the basin, involving key Policy Studies (TCSP). For more
steps to manage the basin’s most water user groups, conservation orga- information on TCPS, visit
important reservoirs in time of nizations, and state and local govern- A slightly dif-
drought; and provisions for expand- ments. This concept was originally ferent version of this commentary
ed, internet-accessible monitoring of proposed by Mexico and embodied appeared as an op ed in Spanish in
stream flows, so all concerned can in a March 2001 agreement between Mexico’s La Jornada newspaper on
better understand the state of the the countries. However, the current May 4, 2002.

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