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Govt of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Letter No 12 / 11 / 66Pub II dated 26 Dec 1966 vide which directions were passed

to all States and UTs that for ranks below the last article (Major General), the old Warrant of Precedence (1937) would be followed. Govt of India, Ministry of Home Affairs Letter No 12 / 1 / 2007 - Public dated 14 Aug 2007 vide which it has been stated that the above mentioned MHA Letter dated 26 Dec 1966 is still in force and has not been withdrawn, and that no fresh instructions have been issued. Letter No F 12 / 1 / 2007 Public dated 24 Jul 2007 vide para 2 of which it has been specifically stated that there is no other document / order / instruction which determines the seniority / equivalence of Defence Officers vis--vis Civil Officers and that there is no equivalence table of Police officers vis--vis Defence Officers
COMBINED WARRANT OF PRECEDENCE 1 2 3 4 5 5A 6 7 7A President Vice President Prime Minister Governors Former Presidents Deputy Prime Minister Chief Justice of India / Speaker of Lok Sabha Cabinet Ministers of the Union / CMs within their States / Former PMs Holders of Bharat Ratna Decoration

8 Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and HighCommissioners of Commonwealth Countries / CMs outside their States /Governors outside their States. 9 Supreme Court Judges

9A Chief Election Commissioner / Comptroller & Auditor General of India,Hon`ble Chairman UPSC 10 Deputy Chairman Rajya Sabha / Deputy CMs of States / Deputy

Speaker Lok Sabha / Members Planning Commission / Ministers of State of the Union,Member UPSC 11 Attorney General of India / Cabinet Secretary / Lieutenant Governors within their Uts 12. 13 Chief of Army, Air & Naval Staff Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary accredited to India

14 Chairmen and Speakers of State Legislatures within their States / Chief Justices of High Courts within their jurisdictions 15 Cabinet Ministers of States within their States / CMs of UTs within their UTs / Deputy Union Ministers 16 Officiating Chiefs of Army, Air and Naval Staff of the rank of Lt Gen or equivalent. 17 Chairman CAT / Chairman Minorities Commission / Chairman SC & ST Commission / Chairman UPSC / Chief Justices outside their jurisdiction / Puisne Judges of High Court outside their jurisdictions 18 Cabinet Ministers of States outside their States / Ministers of State in States within their States / Chairmen and Speakers of State Legislatures outside their States 19 Chief Commissioners of UTs not having a Council of Ministers within their UTs / Deputy Ministers in States within their States

20 Deputy Chairmen and Deputy Speakers of State Legislatures outside their States / Minister of State in States outside their States / Puisne Judges of High Courts outside their jurisdictions. 21 22 Members of Parliament Deputy Ministers in State outside their States

23 Army Commanders (GsOC-in-C) / VCOAS and equivalent in other services / Chief Secretaries to States within their States / Members of Minority Commission / Secretaries to Govt of India / Secretary to President / Secretary to PM / Secretary Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha / Solicitor General 24 Officers of the rank of Lieutenant General or equivalent 25 Additional Secretaries to Govt of India / Addl Solicitor General / Advocate Generals of States / Chairman Tariff Commission / Chief Secretaries outside their States / Director CBI / DG BSF / DG CRPF / Director IB / Lt Governors outside their UTs / Members UPSC / PSOs of Armed Forces of the rank of Major General and equivalent 26 Officers of the rank of Major General and equivalent / Joint Secretary to Govt of India 27 28 29 Vice Chancellors of Universities Commissioners of Divisions within their respective charges Brigade Commanders within their respective Charges

30 Brigadiers / Inspector General of Forests / Inspectors General of Police 31 32 Commissioners of Divisions outside their charges Secretaries to State Governments

33 Colonels / Accountants General / Chief Conservator of Forests / Chief Engineers / Inspectors General of Prisons / Members of ICS (now

known as IAS) and Indian Political Service (now Indian Foreign Service) with 23 years ` standing 34 Controller Military Accounts and Pensions (now CDA)

35 Commissioners of Income Tax / Deputy Commissioners within their districts 36 37 District and Session Judges within their charges DIG of Police

38 Lieutenant Colonels / Conservators of Forests / IAS and Foreign Service officers with 18 years standing / Superintending Engineers 39 Excise Commissioners / Registrar of Co-operative Societies

40 Deputy Commissioners of Districts / District and Sessions Judges / Superintendents of Police of Districts within their charges (also now known with variable nomenclature as DCP / SSP in certain States) 41 DIG of Prisons / Officers of other Class-I Services and Provincial Services with 20 years standing 42 Majors / IAS and Foreign Service officers with 12 years service / SPs and DCPs with 15 to 20 years service 43 Asst Commissioners of Income Tax / Officers of Class-I and Provincial Services with 10 years standing 44 Divisional Engineers / Divisional Forest Officers / Executive Engineers

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