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to feature and inspire the contribution of social enterprises in solving urban problems and fostering creativity, innovation and a better quality of life in the urban environment, and to encourage engagement of social enterprises with decision-makers, especially at the municipal level.


Arts and culture as a tool to build communities and social capital The role of social enterprises in creating better infrastructure in cities (food-chains, environment, city development) Social enterprises as key drivers for addressing social issues

Cities are growing at a tremendous pace in Europe over 70% of the population live in urban areas (in Latvia 68%, Estonia 69.5%, Lithuania 67%). Cities also cause social, economic and environmental problems, but, at the same time, possess significant resources for addressing them. How to foster creativity, innovation, and collaboration in urban areas and nurture social entrepreneurship? What are the best practices in the Baltic and Nordic countries? How can decision-makers and city councils engage with society in solving societal problems? Which are the most pressing societal problems in urban areas in the Baltic and Nordic countries that social entrepreneurship and social innovation hold the potential to solve? The two-day Social Entrepreneurship Forum in Riga will address the big picture and latest developments in the field of social entrepreneurship and feature inspiring cases and the potential of social enterprises in the urban environment. The tradition of gathering for two inspirational days in a forum on social entrepreneurship in Riga is a continuation of a tradition started in 2009 at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. The theme of the Forum changes every year to reflect topical issues in the Baltic region and beyond. The Forum is a co-effort of a group of committed enthusiasts coming from various institutions in Latvia under the lead of three institutions: the Soros Foundation Latvia, British Council Riga and Stockholm School of Economics in Riga.

Thursday, November 7
11:00 11:30 Opening and welcoming remarks Andris Aukmanis, Executive Director of the Soros Foundation Latvia Prof. Anders Paalzow, Rector of the Stockholm School of Economics Riga 11:30-13:15 Plenary Social entrepreneurship a new framework for addressing urban challenges Lise Bisballe, Roskilde University, Denmark Jnis Rozenbergs, Mayor of Csis, Latvia Teele Pehk, head of Linnalabor, Urban Idea initiative, Estonia Rta Dimanta, executive director, Foundation Ziedot, Latvia TBC Moderator: Ieva Morica, Soros Foundation Latvia 13:15-14:30 14:30-16:00 Lunch Break Plenary Defining a social enterprise - challenges and a way forward

The traditions of social economy and seedbeds of social entrepreneurship vary throughout Europe, as do the scale, legal forms and sizes of social enterprises. In some countries social enterprises are part of a well-established social economy. In others, especially in the Baltic States, it is merely a novel concept that has been brought to life by some young, dynamic and motivated people who pioneered the first social enterprises six or seven years ago. More recently, attempts to define frameworks for social enterprises in the national context have moved to the chambers of EU-Member-state ministries as part of the larger EU Social business initiative. Searches for clarity embed risks of defining social entrepreneurship too narrowly. Too inclusive an approach on the other hand risks diluting the very essence of a social enterprise. Also, the increased body of knowledge about social entrepreneurship and accumulation of experiences from various countries bring new issues and challenges to the table in attempts to create a favourable eco-system for social enterprises. This plenary session will address various approaches in defining social enterprises and discuss the pros and cons of models that several countries around the Baltic Sea are designing to promote social entrepreneurship. Prof. Carlo Borzaga, University of Trento, Italy, founding member of EMES network, Italy Ariane Rodert, Vice-President Group III EESC, EU Policy Adviser Forum/Famna, Sweden Jaan Aps, Chairman of the Management Board, Estonian Social Enterprise Network Daina Fromholde, Ministry of Welfare, Latvia, member of EC GECES group Lithuanian government representative Moderator: Andris Aukmanis, Executive Director of Soros Foundation Latvia 16:00 16:30 16:30 18:00 Networking Break Parallel break-out sessions

Session 1: Social entrepreneurship and sustainable food chains Food and waste chains are an essential part of what comprises a liveable city and its quality of life. Riga is a comparatively small city of more than 600,000 people, all of whom have to eat three times a day. This requires around 2,000,000 meals a day, which produces a substantial amount of waste. On a different scale the same challenge applies to all cities. Does social entrepreneurship have a role in addressing some of the challenges in creating sustainable urban food provisioning?

This session will discuss the outcomes of the study Supurbfood: towards sustainable modes of urban and peri -urban food provisioning and highlight the work and challenges of social enterprise Tagurpidi Lavka (Estonia), which is engaged in shifting people's eating habits in cities towards locally grown, healthy food. Riinu Lepa, founder of Tagurpidi Lavka, Estonia Dr. Mielis Grvi, co-author of the study Supurbfood, Latvia Moderator: Liene Brizga, co-owner of organic food company Dabas dobe, food writer Session 2: Role of artistic/cultural social enterprises in solving social issues Andris Rubns, co-founder of Mammu, a fashion company that closely cooperates with young Latvian mothers in need, Latvia TBC Charles Bourrier, social designer, co-founder of JuHu, a social enterprise to change our attitude towards people with disabilities Zane Bojre, co-founder of LuDe, a social enterprise engaging senior women in producing of textile rugs Gundega Laivia, arts curator, director of Latvijas Jaun tetra institts TBC Ruta Klimkne, Head of Employment Division, Department of Welfare, Riga City council Moderator: Aija Karlsberga, program director, Soros Foundation Latvia Session 3: Community engagement and social entrepreneurship Jnis nasts, initiative +371, initiative Vietrade, co-working space Darba telpa, Latvia Toms Kokins, Miera Street initiative, Aleka Square project, Latvia Dvis Kaepe, Kaepe Cultural Centre, Latvia Teele Pehk, head of Linnalabor, Urban Idea initiative, Estonia Jekaterina Lavrinec, co-founder "", Lithuania Moderator: Jonas Buechel, Urban Institute Riga, Latvia Session 4: Role of education in promoting social entrepreneurship Session designed by students of BA School of Business and Finance, Riga The field of social entrepreneurship is rapidly growing, and social entrepreneurs are emerging in every sphere and nearly every market. Increasingly, this is attracting the attention of various sectors, including education. Many individuals seeking to pursue this form of business are wondering how they can develop or improve their skill sets and prepare themselves for such a career route. The expectation is that with access to the same business, management, and strategy skills driving private-sector success, these individuals will apply advanced management thinking to initiate social action and tackle a local social need. The aim of this session is to use the experience of management faculty, students, and practitioners to identify the principles and key content of needs-based education programmes for social entrepreneurs. Students of BA School of Business and Finance Madara Makare, co-founder of HOPP social enterprise, Latvia Representative of Activewheels TBC Moderator: Greg Pirie, international community economic development consultant 18:30-21:30 Evening social event in cooperation with New Theatre Institute / Imagine 2020 @Dirty Deal Teatro

Friday, November 8
9:30-10:30 Lecture: James Meadway, senior economist at New Economics Foundation, London In cooperation with the New Economics Foundation/ Imagine 2020 10:30-12:00 Urban initiatives and sustainable future benefits from partnerships

As in any other sector, in the field of social entrepreneurship, relationships among stakeholders play a crucial role in the development of the sector itself, as well as in ensuring the sustainability of an individual social enterprise. Taking into account that social enterprises address complex societal problems, they must form various partnerships in order to be successful. Proper attention thus needs to be paid to the gains and losses of each side. Which partners to involve? What are the expectations of each side? What constitutes success for each side, and how are the outcomes being shared? The goal of this session is to map several important stakeholders in the field of urban social entrepreneurship and to identify their ties to each other and to other players. The focus of mapping urban stakeholders will be analysis of the resources each organization can and is willing to share, and also the benefits it expects to gain from collaboration. This session will aim to reveal the win-win partnership potential in social entrepreneurship as well as create new collaboration models in providing solutions to urban challenges. Phil Tulba, UK Jolanta Borite, Head of Culture department, Sigulda municipality, Latvia Raimonds Elbakjans, founder of Ghetto family, Latvia Brigita Balaa, BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia Moderator: Kristiina Tonnisson, University of Tartu, Estonia 12:00 13:15 13:15 14:45 Lunch Break Access to funding/ social investors/ social investment / EU policies and national frameworks

Despite an increased recognition of social enterprises as agents for change, in addition to the lack of a legal framework, they also face significant difficulties in obtaining access to finance. The few social entrepreneurs present in the Baltic States are launching and developing their businesses by juggling whatever scarce means are at their disposal. Some social enterprises seek to take the path of traditional businesses by means of business incubators; others have been supported by grant competitions from a few private foundations. In the majority of cases social businesses address market failures and work with disadvantaged groups. As such, issues arise regarding additional challenges for balancing the business model with its social impact. What financial opportunities are or will be available for those who want to launch or expand a social business in the Baltic States? Are widespread expectations legitimate that some EU funds in the pipeline will eventually support social businesses? Is there potential for the emergence of private social investors in the Baltic States, and what are prerequisites for this happening? The aim of this session is to explore and discuss various seed-beds for social enterprise financing; unpacking the future flow of mysterious EU funds; and examining the experiences, opportunities and expectations of private investors and the potential role of public funds in contributing towards the growth of social entrepreneurship. Also, the challenges of balancing social returns with financial returns on investment will be discussed. Jonathan Bland, managing director, Social Business International Harijs varcs, Director at Swedbank Investment Management Latvia TBC Representative of Ministry of Finance, Latvia TBC Juris Cebulis, Latvian Mortgage bank Moderator: Mr. Janis Balevics, University of Latvia 14:45-15:15 15:15-16:45 Networking Break Social entrepreneurship stories A lively, moderated discussion with social entrepreneurs from the Baltic States Moderator: Ilze Saleniece, British Council Latvia

16:45-17:10 17:10 17:30 17:30 18:30

A brief report from NEF Masterclass Closing remarks Joint networking reception for Forum guests and NEF Masterclass representatives

Soros foundation Latvia, British Council Latvia, Stockholm School of Economics Riga

Ieva Morica, Soros Foundation Latvia Ilze Saleniece, British Council Latvia Ruta Klimkne, Riga City Council Guntars Ruskuls, Riga City Council Agnese Leinska, Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS Daina Fromholde, Ministry of Welfare Brigita Baltaa, BA School of Business and Finance PARTNERS Zane Kreicberga, Jaun Tetra Institts Raivis Kalni, Toms Rusovs creators of CONTACTS Ieva Morica SEF 2013 coordinator Program director Soros Foundation Latvia E-mail: Tel.: +371 29477791

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