Members Emasculated, Says Former Landscape Institute Archivist in Call For Elections Overhaul - Horticulture Week

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Landscape Institute members "emasculated", says former archivist in cal...

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Home News Landscape Institute members "emasculated", says former archivist in call for elections overhaul

Landscape Institute members "emasculated", says former archivist in call for elections overhaul
By Magda Ibrahim Tuesday, 26 May 2009
14 Comments A group of Landscape Institute members are calling for a second Extraordinary General Meeting to overthrow elections to the body's new Board of Trustees and Advisory Council. Landscape Institute members including Land Use Consultants principal Dominic Cole, Society of Garden Designers chair Annabel Downs and past president Brian Clouston have called for the resignation of four members of a new Board of Trustees. The Landscape Institute is now preparing for elections to the new Board and an Advisory Council, which will be formed from July. The EGM requisition calls for four members who are being elected unopposed to the Board to stand down. They include Landscape Institute Board of Trustees president elect Jo Watkins, honorary secretary Keith Rowe, honorary treasurer Colin Goodrum and vice-president Brodie McAllister. Annabel Downs - who was archivist at the Landscape Institute before being made redundant earlier this year said the call was to try to allow new members to gain control of the body. "The membership is emasculated," said Annabel Downs. "This is an attempt to gain some control back." The Landscape Institute held a first EGM in January, when its financial woes - including 750,000 of budget cuts - were discussed. Landscape Institute president Neil Williamson said the EGM requisition was now being considered by Council. He added that voting turnout for elections had often been low but said: "The more members use their votes, the more confidence we can have that the candidates elected reflect the choice of the organisation as a whole." For the full story see Horticulture Week magazine on 29 May.

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08/08/2013 12:23

Landscape Institute members "emasculated", says former archivist in cal...

Gabino Carballo 4 years ago To add to this ongoing "farce" the LI has now turned its Forum into a private one. So now I am both permanently banned and unable to check what statements are being made by whom. A nifty move on the grounds of "privacy". There was an MP complaining that publishing his ridiculous expenses was a violation of his "privacy". Equally, my forceful exposing the parasitic behaviour of a few may be misconstrued, as a violation of privacy. Ironic: it is my money too, after all! Report this post

Gabino Carballo 4 years ago I will correct myself: they will publish any messages that shows them in a good light! Report this post

Gabino Carballo 4 years ago Just to stock this fire a little bit further, I find amazing that the LI will not enter into correspondence with, supply any documents requested or even mention my name in its communications intended \(possibly) for me: http://www.talkinglandscape.or... Report this post

Gabino Carballo 4 years ago Jaquelin, Like everybody else that dares to support me in public, you are risking your reputation, so I have to commend your courage as much as Amanda's. It may be a bit too late for all of us but it should not be too late for our Institute. The sad truth is that I have gone through FIVE years of accounts and the facts are daunting. People in charge at the LI and those closely associated with them, must resign to restore Members confidence. The we should launch a wide ranging enquiry, looking into patterns of expenditure and decission making. The we allocate responsibilities and discuss other issues, supported always by facts that we can all share and scrutinize. This is the begining of the process. Report this post

Jaquelin Fisher 4 years ago Gabino,

I write in support. While your language is a bit spicy, I think banning you from the LI forum was wrong. The financial situation of the Insititute is such that it is right that Council members who participated in those decisions should be subject to recall. It may mean that some Council members that were less culpable are affected, but that is the nature of democracy. I was on Council (as Treasurer) for 4 years and was exhausted

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08/08/2013 12:23

Landscape Institute members "emasculated", says former archivist in cal...

by fighting those that had little understanding of finance, and I can see that the seeds of the present crisis were being sown then, by some Council members who suffered an excess of vanity. We are where we are now, and change must come, including an EGM, which I also support. Jackie Report this post

Gabino Carballo 4 years ago Please Brodie, take time to read my correspondence and check the facts. You have neither the knowledge nor the legitimacy to talk to us Members in this tone. You are walking into a cesspit of liabilities, blinded by a sense of self-importance. Check the Charitiy COmmission's rules on financial shortfalls and personal Trustees liabilities. How do you fancy being personally liable for your share of 350k or more? I thought so. I am ready to talk, but the LI must comply with my re4quests for information and I must be reinstated to be free to talk to other Members, freely and without prior censorship. I understnad you not liking me saying that you have all been reckless and incompetent. But that is the deal with Democracy, mate: as long as I back my opinion up with facts, you have to listen to me and respect my rights. If you do not like it, just quite and move to Zimbabwe. You will be all happy there. Report this post

brodie mcallister 4 years ago this is not a criticism, but your confusion stems from not keeping apace with information that was and is well publicised on the institute website and followed up by direct emails to members from the President. The current election is for the advisory council. The only reason there is a vote on this is because there are more candidates \(9) that have come forward than positions available \(7). There were elections for other trustee positions including in the excecutive. All of these required multiple nominations. If no other candidates stand in what was a well publicised event then those that do get elected. That is not undemocratic. To claim that I got there only by having extensive connections to the current regime is again a wrong assumption. I was a member of council 6 years ago well before any of the recent troubles and along with dozens and dozens of other members of council then and since. In that respect, I'm the odd one out as I'm coming into the executive from outside it. If you care to read my nomination citation, you will have found infact that historically I never voted in my time for any of the expansionist policies that have now had to be reined in. Other than that, many organisations have had to make very significant cuts because of the recession. Some members are saying the LI should be more communicative and perhaps there are areas for improvement but it's a bit odd that they cite 'talking landscape' as the ideal forum to improve this without acknowledging that it was the LI that set this up. The Royal Charter says that election to the most senior positions within the excecutive must come with some experience within council but sets it widely as within the last decade. If members want change they must contribute \(as I have done) to tasks and duties at Branch or central level rather than carp from the sidelines. You mention politicians..they get paid, trustees of the LI don't. Please don't assume I'm in some self protecting club. My way of thinking and acting is the opposite of what a small minority is accusing the LI of. If you knock people like that what you are left with is those who want to point the finger but not lift it to help constructively for years on end. I think this is a golden opportunity to radically change for the better in our creative outlook, now the steps to end the financial crisis have been made. Please also don't forget that there is a huge slice of the membership at all levels who have been supportive of the institute digging itself out of trouble. Report this post

Amanda Davey 4 years ago

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08/08/2013 12:23

Landscape Institute members "emasculated", says former archivist in cal...

I am a bit confused about how we already have a new Vice President before the elections have been carried out. I think this is why his name is on the requisition for the EGM. The rules for eligibility for standing for any of the major posts in the Landscape Institute preclude all bar those who have extensive connections to the current regime, so Brodie McAllister must have more experience than he is making public here to have been voted in with no opposing candidate. There is little point in making Gabino's courage in standing out from the crowd a focus of attack, he has done what many of us have not done and has fought publicly for an open and democratic future for the LI. Neither Gabino nor Annabel were involved in the preparation of the requisition for the EGM. There are some very major figures in the landscape world who care deeply about our professional credibility. This situation deserves a proper and open discussion. They have done this with that in mind. No-one is casting slurs on the dedication of voluntary officers who have acted with honour. All of us deserve the right to expect that we can vote for officers who have no vested interest in keeping a few things quiet and possibly acting in a protective manner. We rightly expect this of our politicians and we should be able to expect it of our officers. Report this post

Gabino Carballo 4 years ago Brodie, I am not getting too personal. I have been represented as "hysterical", "aggressive", "threatening" and "libellous" from the start by the LI. If the Institutes's representatives use character assassination and censorship as a way to shut its Members up, I am afraid I will pay you all back in kind, and more. By the way, this is a Motion I had nothing to do with drafting up. As for its chances of succeeding, we shall see: I was told that I was going nowhere early on, and look now, I have several past presidents on my side. In any event, your attitude honours you, as you are the first council member to ever even address me as if I was a human being, let alone a Member. I will take you on that beer, I have a soft spot for English pubs. Report this post

brodie mcallister 4 years ago Gabino you are getting too personal. The elections were democratic, by the book, and according to the Royal Charter. Your comments are unrepresentative and have become counterproductive because of their extremeness \(and irrationality in the non-case against me) to what you claim you are fighting for.....I think you can guess your chances of succeeding. I don't want to comment on this any more in this format for fear of falling into the same trap as you. But, if you would like to actually volunteer to contribute to the running of the institute, please come forward and do so...I will buy you a beer, and be happy to discuss issues. Report this post

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08/08/2013 12:23

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