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Genres in Primary School

Slide 2: Purpose of this session

To gain a deeper understanding of the purposes, structures and language features of different written texts which students are expected to comprehend and compose, as identified in the Australian Curriculum To more expertly; - support students to comprehend and deconstruct texts - design tasks and scaffold students to write a variety of genres - make explicit to learners the criteria for successful completion of these writing tasks - analyse the writing that learners produce and provide feedback to students

Slide 3: What are school genres?

Genre: any staged, purposeful social activity which is accomplished through language The Australian Curriculum identifies key genres to be taught in the different learning areas Each learning area has genres with specific language features and schematic structures Primary school texts are multimodal, that is, they include aspects of visual communication as well as being spoken or written. Students need to know how to read and compose all aspects of texts.

Slide 4: Why explicitly teach genres?

When students understand how language works in different contexts they can: be more confident that they understand the purpose and structure of the texts they are expected to read and write understand the language choices authors make, and make more informed language choices themselves, as writers

Slide 5: Why explicitly teach genres?

To apprentice students into the ways of constructing knowledge in different learning areas/disciplines To explicitly move students along the continuum from informal everyday spoken language formal technical written language

Slide 6: Genres in assessment

Teachers choose genres for assessment depending on the: Curriculum: learning area specific content descriptors, elaborations, achievement standards and the Literacy continuum (explicit or implied) The task and its purpose

Slide 7: Genres
procedure instructions practical report
Maths, Science, HPE, Design & Tech Science, Maths



(auto)biography, historical personal, factual, procedural, historical short story, fable, historical narrative descriptive

History, English Maths, History, English



English, History

describing & organising

Maths, Science, History, English Maths, Science, History, English 7

report comparative

Slide 8: Genres (cont.)

temporal causal sequential non-temporal factorial theoretical
Maths, Science, HPE, Tech Science, History, HPE, Tech Science, English Science, English History, English, Science, HPE, Arts




analytical, hortatory

discussion personal response
Science, History, English, HPE History, English, Arts

book, film,

Slide 9: Activity 1
Handout: Activity 1A: Genre Purpose Activity 1B: Genre Purpose Participant Sheet Activity: In pairs, match the purpose to the genres that students should develop understanding of as they move towards secondary school 9

Slide 10: Activity 1 answers

Recount Narrative Procedure Report Explanation Argument Discussion Review

To recount significant events To entertain and perhaps instruct about cultural values To instruct how a task is to be accomplished To describe and/or classify our living and non-living world To account for why things are as they are or how/why something occurs To put forward a point of view or justify a position being taken by the author To present the case for more than one point of view about an issue To assess the appeal and value of a work/performance and make a recommendation

Slide 11: Activity 2

Handouts: Activity 2A: Excerpts from genres (reuse Activity 1: Genre Purpose Participant Sheet) Activity: In pairs, classify the excerpts from texts according to the written genres they have been taken from.

Slide 12: Activity 2 answers

Genres Genres Recount Purpose
On May 11, 1813 together with four servants, five dogs and four horses, Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth set out. Their progress was slow at first, covering a mere 5km a day. This was because they had to spend a great deal of time hacking their way through the dense vegetation to find a way for the horses. They had to travel up and down steep, rocky ridges as well as occasionally negotiating swamps. A lion roared in the darkness, so near at hand it could reach out, great thrilling and moaning roars that made Nzoumi shiver. No matter how often she heard the sound, it always had that effect - the savage voice of death in Africa. And then she made out the massive shadow in the bush at the edge of her vision, down by the river's edge. It had a stately arrogance in its walk and it tossed its mane and claimed its place to drink. Place the lemon peel in a saucepan with sugar and cover with boiling water. Simmer for 15 minutes. Then strain and allow to cool on a wire rack. When the mixture is cool, mix briskly with the other ingredients before pouring over the prepared dessert. To assist in studying fruits, biologists group or classify fruits as follows: 1. Succulent or juicy fruits are fruits where part of the ovary becomes juicy or fleshy. Some examples are apricot, plum, tomato, banana, melons and cucumber. 2. Dry fruits are those that ripen without pulp or flesh. They are usually hard and brown. Three main parts of the ear are the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. Sound is formed by a vibration from the air which goes to the outer ear. The noise then goes 12 to your auditory canal and keeps travelling to your eardrum.


Procedure Information Report Explanation

Slide 13: Activity 2 answers p.2

Genres Genres Argument
There are many compelling reasons why sporting heroes should not promote alcohol and tobacco products. Young people should not be encouraged to use these products by sporting personalities they admire. Also, these ads make it appear that athletes are not showing respect for their own bodies.



While trail bikes are tremendous fun for those who use them, it has to be accepted that they cause tremendous damage to bush trails. Is the only option to ban this activity within our national parks? This discussion will explore a range of potential solutions to this conflict situation and recommend some courses of action that may prove acceptable to both sides. The actor who played Harry was very good at portraying his grumpy personality and the way he disagrees with everyone elses opinion. His clothes helped give the idea that he doesnt care about appearances or what people think. Overall, the character was very believable.


Slide 14: Activity 3A

Each type of text is defined by its purpose, schematic structure and language features Handout: Overview of Genre structure and features Activity: Read the details of one or more genres and discuss with your partner and then the whole group. Consider the questions on Slide 14

Slide 15: Activity 3A questions

In what learning areas would you teach this type of text and in what leaning contexts? Is the structure similar to what you already teach? Identify which language features you are already familiar with and what additional features would you add to this list? What are some of the teaching/learning strategies you use to scaffold student learning in this type of text?

Slide 16: Activity 3B

Handout: Example of a type of text Activity: name the type of text identify the schematic structure identify some of the language features discuss classroom applications e.g. how you might teach the language features

Slide 17: Activity 3C

Handout : Genres in the Australian Curriculum In pairs, examine the Maths, Science, and History and: compare similarities and differences in genres between the 3 learning areas identify some learning area specific genres

Slide 18: Where to from here?

What are the next steps to developing explicit and systematic teaching of genres across the school? Note: the professional learning module Genre Mapping is available to support literacy planning across the whole school through the development of a school genre map



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