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"A h elpful and o rganized t ool t hat c an s hurely aid a ny musician interested i n understanding harmony a s i t relates t o t he c omplex subtleties of j azz i mprovisation." "Having never h ad any i nstitutional training in harmony a nd theory, I h ave often w ondered j ust how J azz H armony came t o be? To develop a nd exist with its s o d eep w ell of knowledge t hat is necessary t o the i mproviser? Where did this come f rom and h ow did it develop? ' THE CHORD SCALE T HEORY A ND JAZZ H ARMONY' e xplains this and a lso goes f arther b y showing just how this knowledge can b e u sed. My only regret i s that Ive just found i t."


Michael B recker
"This comprehensive t extbook is a must f or beginners, i ntermediate o r advanced s tudents. It i s quite logically c onstructed, v ery e asy to comprehend, a nd the a mount o f n ecessary information contained i n this p ages is v ery impressive. Highly r ecommended."

Art F armer
"This book i s a m ust for anyone interested in understanding the language o f Jazz. I t i s laid out in a simple (but n ot simplistic) m anner that guides o ne from the b asic, t o the most challenging c oncepts o f improvisational a ids. The book a lso shows a great r espect f or t he traditions of o ur m usic which I feel i s important for opening minds t o t he f uture. I highly recommend t his book!"

Randy Brecker
"This is a fine b ook, clear, c omprehensive, a nd detailed. I l ike to t hink of it a s t he ' Basics B ible'. It w ould m ake a w onderful addition to t he personal library of a ny jazz s tudent o r t eacher."


Mick G oodrick

Bob B erg


ADVANCE MUSIC / SCHOTT MUSIC D-72108 Rottenburg Bestell-Nr: 11215

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