Tender Submission Outline Method Statement For Henley College - Coventry

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Contents list 1.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 Introduction Methods and notes Tender Activity Procurement and Design Period Hoardings & Signage Existing Services Site Preparation Maintaining Safe Access Management of Deliveries Construction Activities Site Establishment Work Sequence Segregation of the Works Entrance Extension and Low Level Courtyard Infill Scaffold over existing CLASP Structure Existing 4 Storey Block Cladding to existing 4 Storey Block General Procedures H&S Plan Planning Communications Environmental & Site Waste Management Plan Documentation & Design Approvals Traffic Management and Deliveries to Compound Separation of Work Areas Permits to Work Site Hours Programme Management and Reporting


Introduction The purpose of the following notes is to outline the management processes and methodologies which will be employed during this project. This is intended as an overview and as with the build, shows the necessary flexibility required to build a project of this nature. Our programme for the works is included in this submission showing the activities and processes required to complete by the planned date. This method statement is to be read in conjunction with the attached Tender Programme, Logistics Plan and Management of Deliveries statement.

2.0 2.1

Methods and notes Tender Activity During the Tender process, a visit to site has been made and every effort has been expended with the intention of providing as accurate a cost as possible with the project constructed to the same high quality standard as with previous projects in partnership with Bowmer & Kirkland Ltd. Procurement & Design Period Award of the contract will also trigger the procurement and design processes which will involve progression of programme, design, dilapidation survey, further services survey, finalising H&S plan submission, placing of orders starting immediately with critical lead items such as piling, structural steelwork, cladding and services. Arrangements will be made to identify and locate the existing services and produce the traffic management plan with all relevant parties, organize the provision of protected access, egress and fire escape routes. The importance of Health and Safety is paramount and our rigorous, quality assured health and safety procedures will be adopted on this site. The philosophy will at all times embrace the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations and address the health and safety hazards and risks that do inevitably arise by construction works within such an environment. These risks will be managed effectively as part of our on going risk management.



Signage Signage appropriate and pertinent to use will be used throughout the works.


Existing Services The position and existence of existing services will be established either before or during activities by given plan expectation, employment of scanning equipment. All services will be marked during construction works to highlight their existence. Site Preparation Any items required for retention by the College should be removed prior to commencement of the Contract or identified in the schedule of works and agreed with the site manager.



Maintaining Safe Access Working sensitively and considerately adjacent to existing occupied buildings and in close proximity with the general public has always been an area that Bowmer & Kirkland has been particularly proud of. Minimising the impact of construction activities within these surroundings has always been a challenge that we have been successful in achieving.

The key aspects we will implement are: The safe passage of both workers from work areas also staff and general public from adjoining areas in the event of an emergency incident will be paramount. All fire escapes and safe access routes will be maintained, well signed and kept clear at all times. These will be checked on a daily basis and fire safety plans kept regularly updated in advance of works where routes alter to suit progression of the works. Safe passage and maintaining safe emergency access from the main entrance doors opening adjacent to the site area ensuring that all fire escapes are well lit and kept clear at all times. Clearly identifying and signposting directions. Ensuring that all internal temporary screens/ redundant openings to adjacent buildings are sufficiently robust and fit for purpose in their temporary state. Ensuring that all access gates to construction areas are well maintained and kept secure at all times. Ensuring that access points existing and temporary are well lit and are kept clear at all times. 2.7 Management of Deliveries Working sensitively and considerately adjacent to existing occupied buildings, and in particular dealing with the effect of construction traffic, has always been an area that Bowmer & Kirkland has been particularly proud of. Minimising the impact of construction traffic activities within these surroundings has always been a challenge that we have been successful in meeting. As with any restricted site, and in particular along Henley Road, as this is a busy place for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic at all times. We are also conscious that the surrounding footpaths act as thoroughfares for pedestrian traffic both College and general public. Consequently we are therefore acutely aware and appreciative of the need for a sensitive and considerate approach to minimising the impact of construction work and the traffic it brings. Well planned and executed traffic management along with the safe segregation of pedestrians from the works will be a key element to the success of the project.

Given the tight constraints and limited amount of on-site space for vehicles, and therefore in order to minimise the potential for congestion, deliveries will be scheduled taking peak traffic and pedestrian times into consideration. Upon commencement we will construct access gates at the entrance to the site which will also incorporate a pedestrian gate, and ensure that all deliveries will be planned at least 48 hours in advance into the unloading area within the site. Any unexpected deliveries will be turned away. As well as providing a location map showing the sites position with each order, sufficient and suitable directional signage would also be posted along this route to direct all delivery vehicle drivers to site. All vehicles would be instructed to telephone site when approaching it to ensure that the site is clear. If it is not clear then they would be directed to a convenient holding or waiting area ideally somewhere within the vicinity of the site and at a previously agreed and convenient location. Until being called into site once it is clear. As with any construction project the problem of traffic congestion may well, at times, be unavoidable. However Bowmer & Kirkland will always look to minimise, if not eliminate, the possibility of this happening through regular liaison and dialogue with the police and highways authority through regular monitoring and reviewing our Traffic Management Plans and by managing all deliveries in accordance with the measures laid down above. Account will be taken of the existing roads and footpaths and fire exits to and from the college and other occupied buildings to ensure that full and safe vehicle and pedestrian access is provided at all times. Bowmer & Kirkland will also ensure that all vehicles arriving and leaving site adhere to all of the requirements of our Traffic Management Plan.

By carefully managing the arrival and departure of delivery vehicles using this method, and taking due cognizance of pedestrian movements at key and peak times, we believe we can effectively and efficiently minimise the potential for traffic congestion caused by construction and delivery traffic. The above together with the site logistics plans outline our proposals with regards logistics and site set up. It is inevitable that during the course of time this will develop and change to reflect each phase of the project. However, it is important that we emphasise the theme running through our approach to logistics is one of careful planning, attention to detail and the discipline to apply our plans on site. The disciplined application of our strategy is as important as the strategy itself. 3.0 Construction Activities The works are to be carried out in a sequence and manner so as to minimise disruption to the College operations, adjacent roads, staff and general public wherever possible and practical, whilst achieving the project goals. Detailed method statements will be prepared by all of our partnering subcontractors and will be agreed prior to any works commencing on site. Obviously the notes below are initial plans and as with all high level commentary, this is subject to judicious scrutiny and thorough planning prior to any actions taking place. As circumstances change, the spirit of this will prevail and an attitude of adapt, improvise and overcome will be the motto in the unlikely event of any unplanned situations. 3.1 Site Establishment Site offices, messroom and toilet facilities will be established in the area between the entrance extension and Henley Road. Work Sequence Entrance extension - It is essential that the demolition of the existing entrance and the construction of the extension are pursued from day one as the critical path follows this section of the project. New Engineering Block The construction of the engineering block is of great importance as once this is complete the equipment in the existing facility can be decanted and the redundant building demolished which will give greater access to the site of the entrance extension and enable the external works and landscaping to be progressed. Recladding of the Existing Tower Block These works will commence as soon as the rooms can be vacated in June however some enabling works such as erection of the access scaffolding and construction of the roof parapet will be commenced prior to this date by agreement with the College. Segregation of the Works Temporary Screens will be erected across corridors and within the Library to segregate the construction works from the areas retained by the college, these screens will consist of stud partitions clad with plywood to the college face and painted white. New Entrance Extension & Low Level Courtyard Infill. To enable delivery of large and bulky materials such as the cladding panels and the structural steelwork following negotiations with the college we would dismantle a 6 metre section of the existing engineering block and construct a temporary weathered end to the building. Due to restricted access the low level building infilling the courtyard will take priority over the new 4 storey block until the structural steelwork is erected. The superstructure will be erected using mobile cranes working back towards the access road. Cladding to the North, East and West elevations will be installed off MEWPs with the South elevation and the Stair Link to the existing building being served off scaffolds. Scaffolds over the Existing Clasp Structure. Prior to any scaffold being constructed over the existing CLASP structures a detailed survey will be conducted and the structural engineer will be consulted. Assuming the worst case scenario that the roof will not support the loads, cores will be cut though the existing roof decking at agreed locations





and the main vertical supports for the scaffold will be passed through and supported of the ground floor slab with ladder beams used if necessary above the roof level to support the scaffolding / platform above.


Existing 4 Storey Block Prior to overlaying the roof or recladding the facades a new parapet is to be constructed, this will be accessed from the external scaffold, the method of construction will be; Open up the roofing at the head of each column. Bracket the new parapet stanchions. Fix temporary torch on felt or similar weatherproofing around the stanchions Fix the rails to the stanchions with the bottom rail clear of the existing roof to allow free drainage off the roof Only open up sections of roof which can be resealed the same day. Cladding to Existing 4 Storey Block The existing cladding system will be stripped in vertical bays along each elevation of the building to a sequence / programme previously agreed. Access will be from an external scaffold which will be offset from the face of the building by approximately 450mm. A runway beam will be positioned centrally over this off set to enable the cladding panels to be hoisted into position with the aid of electrically operated chain blocks. Cladding panels will be fixed from the bottom working up the face of the building. A scaffold boarded walkway will be established across the existing low level roofs to enable the panels to be transported across the existing roofs to the position of fixing. Within each room prior to the removal of the existing cladding a temporary screen will be erected clad with flame retardant monaflex sheeting, this will prevent the ingress of the elements and prevent the spread of dust and debris through the building.



General Procedures Statements and plans will be developed to cover aspects under the following headings.


H&S Plan To be provided prior to start and developed and added to as the project progresses. The site safety induction is included as a flip over presentation. In addition and as agreed on other recent projects, a power point presentation will be given by B&K site management. Planning Regular and specific activity planning meetings will be held with College and project management staff. These meetings will establish the actions and responsibilities of all parties well in advance of any major work aspect, to ensure complete coordinated approaches are taken and any potential issues are raised and tackled early on. This is also an opportunity to establish relationships between parties involved so direct contact between those responsible can be ensured and that misunderstandings are avoided.



Communications All primary communications are expected to be between the relevant B&K and Project Management staff to establish the need for, attendees and content of various planning meetings. Environmental & Site Waste Management Plan


A project specific environmental plan and waste management plan will be produced upon award of contract 4.5 Documentation & Design Approvals All legally necessary documentation will be in place prior to commencement on site, including H&S notifications, client H&S information pack issued and assessed, Design Risk Assessments and Method Statements progressed and any environmental, planning, condition surveys and permissions in progress. An agreement similar to previous projects is assumed regarding document controls and approval of drawings and design. 4.6 Traffic Management and Deliveries to Compound Signage to guide people and deliveries to the compound and works will be erected. Further signage and other traffic control measures will be employed to ensure the safety of others passing works traffic routes both on campus roads, in compound areas and around works areas as previously described. Separation of Work Areas As previously stated, all works and College operation areas will be segregated where practicable. Where not practically feasible, measures will be taken to ensure safety, security and operation of College activities are maintained. Permits to Work Where College permits exist, these will take precedence over B&K procedures. Where none exist, appropriate B&K permit systems will be employed. Site Hours Site hours for the purpose of this tender have been taken as stated in the employers requirements, or as agreed with the regulatory authorities and the employers agent. Within these allocated times it is not envisaged that significant deviation from the standard 7.30am to 4.30pm M-F as normal site hours, with weekend work as necessary. Programme Management and Reporting The programmes must be presented in a way to communicate the information to those who have to implement them. The planning team at Bowmer & Kirkland Ltd produce clear understandable Programmes broken down into manageable sections to match the requirements of individual users. The Tender and Contract Programmes will be in sufficient detail to enable accurate monitoring of the critical and non-critical elements of the project. The Construction programme will provide the trades package contractors with further detail which they themselves along with the site team will further develop into short term programmes to meet the overall objectives. The subcontractors will therefore be able to focus and target the programme for their section of works. Similarly we can provide the client with summary programmes which highlight the key milestones and activities that have most bearing on client operations. Each programme and information schedule will be reported on for the project meetings. The report will include information on current progress including marked up programmes with planned and actual performance percentages. Although current performance is an important part of the report it is just as important to look ahead and report on the position of future activities and milestones to assess that all aspects of design and procurement are proceeding as planned. Progress reporting will also be carried out on a weekly basis which will immediately highlight any possible problems so that may be addressed and acted upon.





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